diff --git a/FONLL/src/FONLL_wrap.f b/FONLL/src/FONLL_wrap.f
index 5bf4a084c244668c53a3d8a3eb7fabf84490e994..a476a61c97bda953d8d7e20eb43ef6445a22c032 100644
--- a/FONLL/src/FONLL_wrap.f
+++ b/FONLL/src/FONLL_wrap.f
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
       subroutine FONLL_Set_Input(MassScheme,runm,Mcharm,MBottom,MTop,
-     1                           Q_ref,Alphas_ref,PtOrder,Scheme)
+     1                           Q_ref,Alphas_ref,PtOrder,Scheme,Smallx)
       implicit none
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
       double precision Q_ref,Alphas_ref
       character*7 Scheme
       character*5 MassScheme
-      logical runm
+      logical runm,Smallx
       double precision Q2save
       common / PreviousQ2 / Q2save
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
       call SetMassScheme(scheme)
       call SetNumberOfGrids(3)
 c      call EnableDampingFONLL(.false.)
+c      call SetDampingPowerFONLL(-1,2,2)
       call SetGridParameters(1,50,3,9.8d-7)
       call SetGridParameters(2,40,3,1d-2)
       call SetGridParameters(3,40,3,7d-1)
@@ -77,6 +78,13 @@ c      call EnableDampingFONLL(.false.)
+*     Small-x resummation
+      if(Smallx)then
+         call SetSmallxResummation(.true.,"NLL")
+         call SetQLimits(1.6d0,4550d0)
+      endif
 *     Initialize the APFEL DIS module
       call InitializeAPFEL_DIS()
diff --git a/input_steering/ewparam.txt.SmallxResummation b/input_steering/ewparam.txt.SmallxResummation
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a3b3ac841e979a4b7ca5ca1b9262714c46ae0524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input_steering/ewparam.txt.SmallxResummation
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+*  Electroweak parameters
+* Note: DIS uses on-shell electroweak scheme, 
+* DY uses GFermi scheme
+  ! Choice of EW scheme: 0 - alpha(0), 1 - G_mu, 2 - running alpha_EM
+  ! EWSchemeFlag		= 0
+  ! 1/137.035999074(44) = 7.29735d-3
+  alphaem		= 7.29735d-3
+  gf			= 1.16638d-5
+  sin2thw		= 0.23127d0
+  ! alphas		= 0.1176d0
+  convfac		= 0.389379338d9
+  ! boson masses
+  mw			= 80.385d0
+  mz			= 91.1876d0
+  mh			= 125.9d0
+  ! widths
+  wz			= 2.4952d0
+  ww			= 2.085d0
+  wh			= 1d-3
+  wtp			= 2.0d0
+  ! charges
+  ! euq			= 0.6666666666667d0
+  ! edq			= -0.3333333333333d0
+  ! CKM ( todo: add Vub & Vcb to DY)
+  Vud                   = 0.97427d0
+  Vus                   = 0.2254d0
+  Vub                   = 0.00358d0
+  Vcd                   = 0.22520d0
+  Vcs                   = 0.97344d0
+  Vcb                   = 0.04156d0
+  Vtd                   = 0.00872d0
+  Vts                   = 0.04076d0
+  Vtb                   = 0.999133d0
+  !*** fermion masses
+  ! lepton masses
+  men			= 1d-10
+  mel			= 0.510998928d-3
+  mmn			= 1d-10
+  mmo			= 0.1056583715d0
+  mtn			= 1d-10
+  mta			= 1.77682d0
+ ! Light quark masses:
+  mup			= 0.06983d0
+  mdn			= 0.06983d0
+  mst			= 0.150d0
+ ! Heavy quark masses:
+  mch			= 1.46d0    ! Synchronize with QCDNUM,RT
+  mtp			= 173d0    ! Synchronize with QCDNUM
+  mbt			= 4.5d0   ! Synchronize with QCDNUM,RT
diff --git a/input_steering/minuit.in.txt.SmallxResummation b/input_steering/minuit.in.txt.SmallxResummation
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dfa7eda84c68baa9b6eeedeb08eed0d211e00201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input_steering/minuit.in.txt.SmallxResummation
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+set title
+new  14p HERAPDF
+    2   'Bg'   -0.089607    0.017340
+    3   'Cg'    6.181438    0.561598
+    7   'Aprig'   -0.000253    0.000162
+    8   'Bprig'   -0.963059    0.058750
+    9   'Cprig'   25.000000    0.000000
+   12   'Buv'    0.754313    0.025895
+   13   'Cuv'    4.944407    0.081892
+   15   'Euv'   11.487581    1.410932
+   22   'Bdv'    0.938383    0.084895
+   23   'Cdv'    4.689317    0.389127
+   33   'CUbar'    7.469599    1.312034
+   34   'DUbar'    3.542548    2.187603
+   41   'ADbar'    0.250268    0.008368
+   42   'BDbar'   -0.165150    0.004035
+   43   'CDbar'    9.424084    1.829824
+*call fcn 3
+*migrad 200000
+set print 3
diff --git a/input_steering/steering.txt.SmallxResummation b/input_steering/steering.txt.SmallxResummation
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..892bcd7caba30033be021c2b0f2ed7462342f848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input_steering/steering.txt.SmallxResummation
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+*  Namelist to control input data
+  ! Number of intput files
+    NInputFiles = 8
+  ! Input files:
+    InputFileNames(1) = 'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_NCep_920.dat'
+    InputFileNames(2) = 'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_NCep_820.dat'
+    InputFileNames(3) = 'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_NCep_575.dat'
+    InputFileNames(4) = 'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_NCep_460.dat'
+    InputFileNames(5) = 'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_NCem.dat'
+    InputFileNames(6) = 'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_CCep.dat'
+    InputFileNames(7) = 'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_CCem.dat'
+    InputFileNames(8) = 'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/charmProduction/1211.1182/H1ZEUS_Charm_combined.dat'
+  ! Number of correlation (statistical, systematical or full) files
+    NCorrFiles = 0
+  ! Correlation files:
+  !  CorrFileNames(1) = 'datafiles/hera/h1/jets/0904.3870/H1_NormInclJets_HighQ2_99-07___H1_NormInclJets_HighQ2_99-07.corr'
+   ! Global switch for using nuisance param representation for covariance mat.
+  LConvertCovToNui = .false.
+   ! Tolerance -- zero means exact transformation
+  Tolerance = 0.0
+   ! (Optional) -- try to subtract diagonal stat. uncertainties from total covariance when determining uncorrelated uncertainites
+  LSubtractStat = .false.
+   ! The following lines allow to adjust error scaling properties (default: :M)
+  DataName     = 'CMS electon Asymmetry rapidity', 'CMS W muon asymmetry'
+  DataSystType = ':A', ':A'
+   ! do not re-compute QCDNUM tables if they are present and match grid definition
+  Read_QCDNUM_Tables = .true.
+  kmuc = 1.12
+  kmub = 1.0
+  kmut = 1.0
+  ! Name of the directory where output will be stored (max 255 characters)
+    OutDirName = 'FONLLC_NoGreenArea_FIT.NEW.2'								
+* (Optional) Modify renormalisation/factorisation scales, dataset
+* dependently. The numbering follows sequential numbering of input files
+    DataSetMuR  = 10*1.0     ! Set muR scale to 1 for all 4 datasets
+    DataSetMuF  = 10*1.0     ! Set muF scale to 1 for all 4 datasets
+    DataSetTheoryOrder = 8*'NNLO',"NLO","NLO","NLO"
+ !   DataSetMaxNF(2) = 4    ! Enable the H-VFNS (requires APFEL)
+ !   DataSetMaxNF = 9*5
+    !DataSetTheoryOrder = 'NNLO'
+    !DataSetTheoryOrder = 2*'NLO'	
+* (Optional) List systematic sources, modify their scaling properties:
+ !C      List sources, Results.txt file would list them first. Use the usual :A, :P, 
+ !C      qualifiers to change the scalling properties
+ !  ListOfSources = 'ATLAS_lumi2010', 'ATL_WZ2010_Source_13:A'
+ !C      Modify the prior in chi2 definition (1.0 is default):
+ !  PriorScaleName = 'ATLAS_lumi2010', 'ATL_WZ2010_Source_13'
+ !  PriorScaleFactor = 0.0, 0.0 
+* Main steering cards
+  RunningMode = 'Fit'  
+                ! 'Fit'             -- standard MINUIT-minimization of PDF and other parameters
+                ! 'LHAPDF Analysis' -- Evalutate input LHAPDF set uncertaitnies, chi2, profiling or reweighting
+                !                      Requires &LHAPDF namelist to specify the set name. If PDFSTYLE is not
+                !                      set to LHAPDFQ0, LHAPDF or LHAPDFNATIVE, sets it to LHAPDF
+                ! 'PDF Rotate'      -- performs PDF re-diagonalization. Requires theo.in files to operate properly  
+  TheoryType = 'DGLAP_APFEL' ! 'DGLAP'  -- colinear evolution
+                       ! 'DGLAP_APFEL'      -- collinear evolution with APFEL
+                       ! 'DGLAP_QEDEVOL'    -- collinear evolution with QEDEVOL
+                       ! 'DGLAP_APFEL_QED'  -- collinear evolution with APFEL with QED corrections
+                       ! 'DIPOLE' -- dipole model 
+                       ! 'uPDF'   -- un-integrated PDFs
+                                !uPDF1 fit with kernel ccfm-grid.dat file
+                                !uPDF2 fit evolved uPDF, fit just normalisation
+                                !uPDF3 fit using precalculated grid of sigma_hat
+                                !uPDF4 fit calculating kernel on fly, grid of sigma_hat
+  Order  = 'NNLO'       ! 'LO', 'NLO' or 'NNLO', used for DGLAP evolution.
+  Q02     = 2.56 ! Evolution starting scale		
+ ! --- Scheme for heavy flavors 
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'ZMVFNS'           : ZM-VFNS (massless) from QCDNUM,
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'ZMVFNS MELA'      : ZM-VFNS (massless) from MELA (N-space),
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'RT'               : Thorne-Roberts VFNS (massive)
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'RT FAST'          : Fast approximate TR VFNS scheme, usign k-factor
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'RT OPT'           : Thorne-Roberts VFNS (massive)
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'RT OPT FAST'      : Fast approximate TR VFNS scheme, usign k-factor
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'ACOT Full'        : ACOT - F.Olness Version (massive), using k-factors  
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'ACOT Full +N2LO'  : ACOT - F.Olness Version (massive) adding N2LO approx, using k-factors  
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'ACOT Full +N3LO'  : ACOT - F.Olness Version (massive) adding N3LO approx, using k-factors  
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'ACOT Chi'         : ACOT - F.Olness Version (massive), using k-factors  
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'ACOT Chi +N2LO'   : ACOT - F.Olness Version (massive) adding N2LO approx, using k-factors  
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'ACOT Chi +N3LO'   : ACOT - F.Olness Version (massive) adding N3LO approx, using k-factors  
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'ACOT ZM'          : ACOT - F.Olness Version (massless), using k-factors  
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'ACOT ZM +N2LO'    : ACOT - F.Olness Version (massless), using k-factors  
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'ACOT ZM +N3LO'    : ACOT - F.Olness Version (massless), using k-factors  
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'S-ACOT Chi RC'    : S-ACOT-chi scheme - CTEQ-TEA Version, using reduced cross section
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'FF'               : Fixed Flavour Number Scheme (qcdnum)
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'FF ABM'           : Fixed Flavour Number Scheme (ABM)
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'FF ABM RUNM'      : Fixed Flavour Number Scheme (ABM) using run mass def
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'FONLL-A'          : FONLL-A mass scheme provided by APFEL with pole masses (available at NLO)
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'FONLL-A RUNM OFF' : FONLL-A mass scheme provided by APFEL with MSbar masses running OFF (available at NLO)
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'FONLL-A RUNM ON'  : FONLL-A mass scheme provided by APFEL with MSbar masses running ON (available at NLO)
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'FONLL-B'          : FONLL-B mass scheme provided by APFEL with pole masses (available at NLO)
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'FONLL-B RUNM OFF' : FONLL-B mass scheme provided by APFEL with MSbar masses running OFF (available at NLO)
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'FONLL-B RUNM ON'  : FONLL-B mass scheme provided by APFEL with MSbar masses running ON (available at NLO)
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'FONLL-C'          : FONLL-C mass scheme provided by APFEL with pole masses (available only at NNLO)
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'FONLL-C RUNM OFF' : FONLL-C mass scheme provided by APFEL with MSbar masses running OFF (available only at NNLO)
+ ! ---  HF_SCHEME = 'FONLL-C RUNM ON'  : FONLL-C mass scheme provided by APFEL with MSbar masses running ON (available only at NNLO)
+                                       ! (Any of the FONLL schemes at LO is equivalent to the ZM-VFNS)
+ ! PDF type. Possible types are currently available:
+ ! 'proton'  -- default (fitting proton data)
+ ! 'lead'    -- fitting ONLY lead data (can't be used in combination with proton data)
+ PDFType = 'proton'
+ ! PDF parameterisation style. Possible styles are currently available:
+ !  'HERAPDF' -- HERAPDF-like with uval, dval, Ubar, Dbar, glu evolved pdfs
+ !  'CTEQ'        -- CTEQ-like parameterisation
+ !  'CTEQHERA'    -- Hybrid: valence like CTEQ, rest like HERAPDF
+ !  'CHEB'        -- CHEBYSHEV parameterisation based on glu,sea, uval,dval evolved pdfs
+ !  'LHAPDFQ0'    -- use lhapdf library to define pdfs at starting scale and evolve with local qcdnum parameters
+ !  'LHAPDF'      -- use lhapdf library to define pdfs at all scales
+ !  'LHAPDFNATIVE'-- use lhapdf library to access pdfs and alphas
+ !  'DDIS'        -- use Diffractive DIS 
+ !  'BiLog'       -- bi-lognormal parametrisation 
+ PDFStyle = 'HERAPDF'
+ !
+ ! Chi2 definition. Following options are supported:
+ !  
+ ! -- Bias corrections for uncertainties --
+ ! 'StatScale'    :  'Poisson',  'NoRescale' ( see also 'ExtraSystRescale' below )
+ ! 'UncorSysScale':  'Poisson',  'Linear',  'NoRescale'
+ ! 'CorSysScale'  :  'Linear',   'NoRescale'
+ ! 
+ ! -- Treatment of systematics in chi2 ---
+ ! 'UncorChi2Type':  'Diagonal'  
+ ! 'CorChi2Type'  :  'Hessian', 'Matrix', 'Offset'
+ !
+ ! -- Extra corrections ---
+ !   are given as comma separated list for Chi2ExtraParam, they are off by default.
+ !  'PoissonCorr'            : extra log correction accounting for changing uncertainties 
+ !  'FirstIterationRescale' : re-scale uncertainties at the first iteration only 
+ !  'ExtraSystRescale'      : additional re-scaling of stat. uncertainty to account for syst. shifts.
+   CHI2SettingsName = 'StatScale', 'UncorSysScale', 'CorSysScale', 'UncorChi2Type', 'CorChi2Type'
+   Chi2Settings     = 'Poisson'  , 'Linear',        'Linear'     , 'Diagonal'     , 'Hessian'
+   !Chi2Settings     = 'Poisson'  , 'Linear',        'Linear'     , 'Diagonal'     , 'Matrix'
+   Chi2ExtraParam = 'PoissonCorr'
+   !Chi2ExtraParam = 'PoissonCorr', 'ExtraSystRescale'
+ ! Flag to define if native APPLgrid CKM values should be kept.
+ LUseAPPLgridCKM = True
+ ! Debug flag
+  LDEBUG     = False
+ ! Quadratic approximation for asymmetric uncertainties
+ ! AsymErrorsIterations = 10
+* Add extra to minuit parameters. These MUST include alpha_S and fs
+   name  = 'alphas',   'fs',   'fcharm'
+   value =  0.118 ,   0.4,      0.
+   step  =  0.0    ,   0.0 ,      0.     ! set to 0 to avoid minimisation 
+* Output steering cards
+  ! -- Error bands on parton distributions
+  DoBands = False        ! asymmetric bands (J. Pumplin)
+  DoBandsSym = False     ! symmetric bands ( HESSE )
+  ! -- Q2 values at which the pdfs & errors are done (up to 20)
+  Q2VAL = 2.56, 2.8, 3.0, 4.0, 5., 10., 100., 6464, 8317 
+  ! How many x points to write (standard = 101)
+  OUTNX = 101
+  ! x-range of output (standard = 1E-4 1.0)
+  OUTXRANGE = 1E-4, 0.9999
+  ! Do not write out LHAPDF6 output
+  ! WriteLHAPDF6 = false
+  ! Write out LHAPDF5 output
+  ! WriteLHAPDF5 = false
+* Process dependent cuts
+  !--------------------- NC ep  --------------------------
+  ! Rule #1: Q2 cuts
+   ProcessName(1)     = 'NC e+-p'
+   Variable(1)        = 'Q2'
+   CutValueMin(1)     = 2.7 
+   CutValueMax(1)     = 1000000.0
+  ! Rule #2: x cuts
+   ProcessName(2)     = 'NC e+-p'
+   Variable(2)        = 'x'
+   CutValueMin(2)     = 0.000001 	  
+   CutValueMax(2)     = 1.0
+  !---------------------  CC ep  ------------------
+   ProcessName(3)     = 'CC e+-p'
+   Variable(3)        = 'Q2'
+   CutValueMin(3)     = 2.7
+   CutValueMax(3)     = 1000000.0
+   ProcessName(4)     = 'CC e+-p'
+   Variable(4)        = 'x'
+   CutValueMin(4)     = 0.000001
+   CutValueMax(4)     = 1.0
+  !-------------------- DY pp  ----------------------
+   ProcessName(5)     = 'CC pp'
+   Variable(5)        = 'eta1'
+   CutValueMin(5)     = -1.
+   CutValueMax(5)     = 100.
+  !------------------- Jets ---------------------------
+   ProcessName(6)     = 'pp jets APPLGRID'
+   Variable(6)        = 'pt1'
+   CutValueMin(6)     = 20.
+   CutValueMax(6)     = 1000000.
+  !--------------------- Fixed target --------------------------
+  ! Rule #7: Whad2 cut
+   ProcessName(7)     = 'muon p'
+   Variable(7)        = 'Whad2'
+   CutValueMin(7)     = 15.   
+  !--------------------- Fastnlo jets ----------------------
+   ProcessName(8)     = 'FastNLO ep jets'
+   Variable(8)        = 'kfac'
+   CutValueMin(8)     = 0.0
+   CutValueMax(8)     = 2.5
+  !--------------------- NC ep charm ----------------
+   ProcessName(9)     = 'NC e+-p charm'
+   Variable(9)        = 'Q2'
+   CutValueMin(9)     =  2.7
+   CutValueMax(9)     = 10000.0
+   ProcessName(10)     = 'NC e+-p charm'
+   Variable(10)        = 'x'
+   CutValueMin(10)     = 0.000001
+   CutValueMax(10)     = 1.0
+   ProcessName(11)     = 'NC e+-p'
+   Variable(11)        = 'y'
+   CutValueMin(11)     = 0.0 
+   CutValueMax(11)     = 1.0
+   ProcessName(12)     = 'CC e+-p'
+   Variable(12)        = 'y'
+   CutValueMin(12)     = 0.0 
+   CutValueMax(12)     = 1.0
+   ProcessName(13)     = 'NC e+-p charm'
+   Variable(13)        = 'y'
+   CutValueMin(13)     = 0.0 
+   CutValueMax(13)     = 1.0
+* (Optional) MC errors steering cards
+  ! Activate MC method for error estimation if lRand = True
+  lRAND   = False
+  ! Use data (true, default) or theory (false) for the central values of the MC replica
+  lRANDDATA = True
+  ! MC method Seed
+  ISeedMC = 123456 
+  ! --- Choose what distribution for the random number generator 
+  ! STATYPE (SYS_TYPE)  =   1  gauss
+  ! STATYPE (SYS_TYPE)  =   2  uniform
+  ! STATYPE (SYS_TYPE)  =   3  lognormal
+  ! STATYPE (SYS_TYPE)  =   4  poisson (only for lRANDDATA = False !)
+  STATYPE =  1
+  SYSTYPE =  1
+* (Optional) Chebyshev study namelist
+  ! Set following > 0 to turn on:
+   NCHEBGLU = 0   ! number of parameters for the gluon (max 15)
+   NCHEBSEA = 0   ! number of parameters for the sea   (max 15)
+  ! Cheb. polynomial type: multiply by (1-x) (1) or not (0)  
+   ichebtypeGlu = 1 
+   ichebtypeSea = 1 
+  ! Starting point in x:
+   chebxmin = 1.E-5
+   ILENPDF  = 0   ! use pdf length constraint
+  ! PDF length constraint strength for different PDFs:
+   PDFLenWeight = 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.     
+  ! Range in W where length constraint is applied:
+   WMNLen =  20.
+   WMXLen = 320.
+* (Optional) pure polynomial parameterisation for valence quarks
+  ! Set to > zero to activate
+  NPolyVal = 0 
+  IZPOPOLY = 1  ! ( times (1-x) for 0 and (1-x)^2 for 1) 
+  IPOLYSQR = 0  ! ( ensure positivity of PDFs by squaring them )
+* (Optional) choose the factorisation scale for HQs
+* tuned via parameters:    mu_f^2 = scalea1 * Q^2 + scaleb1 * 4*m_h^2
+* Available for 'FF', 'FF ABM' options (heavy quarks scale)
+* Also defines scale for 'ZMVFNS'.'ACOT Full' and 'ACOT Chi' options ( for these options scale is being set for heavy quarks and light quarks).  
+   scalea1    =  1. 
+   scaleb1    =  0.  
+   MassHQ = 'mc' ! (available: mc, mb), relevant for 'FF', 'ZMVFNS', 'ACOT Full' and  'ACOT chi'
+* (Optional) LHAPDF sttering card
+  !LHAPDFSET  = 'CT10nlo'               ! LHAPDF grid file 
+  !LHAPDFSET  = 'CT14nlo'               ! LHAPDF grid file    
+  !LHAPDFSET  = 'CT10nlo_CMSWc'               ! LHAPDF grid file 
+  !LHAPDFSET  = 'CT14nlo_CMSWc'               ! LHAPDF grid file  
+  !LHAPDFSET  = 'ATLAS-epWZ12-EIG'       ! LHAPDF grid file       
+  !LHAPDFSET  = 'ATLAS-epWZ16-EIG'       ! LHAPDF grid file       
+  !LHAPDFSET  = 'ATLAS-epWZ16-EIG_CMSWc'       ! LHAPDF grid file       
+  !LHAPDFSET  = 'MMHT2014nnlo68cl' ! LHAPDF grid file
+  !LHAPDFSET  = 'MMHT2014nlo68cl' ! LHAPDF grid file	
+  !LHAPDFSET  = 'MMHT2014nlo68cl_CMSWc' ! LHAPDF grid file		
+  !LHAPDFSET  = 'NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118' ! LHAPDF grid file
+  !LHAPDFSET  = 'NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118' ! LHAPDF grid file	
+  !LHAPDFSET  = 'NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118_CMSWc' ! LHAPDF grid file	
+  !LHAPDFSET  = 'NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_CMSWc' ! LHAPDF grid file	
+  LHAPDFSET  = 'NNPDF31sx_nnlonllx_as_0118' ! LHAPDF grid file	
+  !LHAPDFSET  = 'NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118' ! LHAPDF grid file	
+  ILHAPDFSET = 0                       ! Set a PDF member of the PDF set (use together with LHAPDFPROFILE = False)
+  ! LHAPDFVARSET = 'HERAPDF20_NLO_VAR' ! Add a PDF set with model and parametrisation uncertainties
+  ! NPARVAR = 3                        ! Number of parametrisation uncertainties in the LHAPDFVARSET set
+  ! LHAPDFPROFILE = False              ! run only on the set specified by ILHAPDFSET
+  ! LHASCALEPROFILE = True             ! Add QCD scale variations as nuisance parameters
+  !SCALE68 = True                    ! Scale PDF uncertainties by a factor 1/1.645
+  ! WriteAlphaSToMemberPDF = false
+  ! NREMOVEPRIORS = 0                  ! Remove prior from the last n PDF nuisance parameters
+  ! DataToTheo = True                  ! reset data to predictions corresponding to member 0, for sensitivity studies
diff --git a/src/apfel.f b/src/apfel.f
index 5d7f5a67422ead71c2c1b9eac10a752cd5c61fc0..2527633ad33a7cdc798ffa5344c99f4f094783a6 100644
--- a/src/apfel.f
+++ b/src/apfel.f
@@ -23,11 +23,10 @@
          call SetTheory("QUniD")                 ! Set QCD+QED evolution (default)
-         call SetPDFEvolution("exactalpha")      ! Use DGLAP evolution in terms of muF
          call SetTheory("QCD")                   ! Set QCD evolution (default)
-         call SetPDFEvolution("exactalpha")      ! Use DGLAP evolution in terms of alphas (rather than muF => faster for short steps)
+      call SetPDFEvolution("exactalpha")         ! Use DGLAP evolution in terms of alphas (rather than muF => faster for short steps)
       call SetFastEvolution(.true.)              ! Use fast evolution (default)
       call SetAlphaEvolution("exact")            ! Use exact solution on the beta functions (default)
       call SetQLimits(0.5d0,20000d0)             ! Evolution limits
@@ -52,6 +51,13 @@
       call SetMassMatchingScales(kmuc,kmub,kmut)
+*     Small-x resummation
+      if(HF_SCHEME(9:12).eq."NLLx")then
+         call SetSmallxResummation(.true.,"NLL")
+         call SetQLimits(1.6d0,4550d0)
+      endif
 *     Initialize APFEL
       call InitializeAPFEL
diff --git a/src/apfel_dum.f b/src/apfel_dum.f
index e88417df09d321f8a438a0cd4942a601c36e2d5c..66a8c5f691d880fc4cbd36f22c46897b17b218ad 100644
--- a/src/apfel_dum.f
+++ b/src/apfel_dum.f
@@ -184,3 +184,11 @@ c----------------------------------------------------------
       double precision Q,HeavyQuarkMass
       call print_apfel_error_message
+      subroutine SetSmallxResummation
+      call print_apfel_error_message
+      end
+      subroutine SetQLimits
+      call print_apfel_error_message
+      end
diff --git a/src/init_theory.f b/src/init_theory.f
index 6cc466bb348cb50a1e41aab43e5b043bce382dab..a7441454d230c4d1a57c818cb49371e344c2f4d8 100644
--- a/src/init_theory.f
+++ b/src/init_theory.f
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
       subroutine init_theory_modules
 *     ------------------------------------------------
@@ -165,7 +164,14 @@ C Q2 grid weights
       WGT_q2(2) = 1.d0
 C Basic Q2 grid:
       QARR(1) = 1.
-      QARR(2) = 2.05D8 ! needed for lhapdf grid  
+      QARR(2) = 2.05D8 ! needed for lhapdf grid
+C Reduce the Q2 interval if small-x resummation through APFEL is included.
+      if(HFSCHEME.eq.3005.or.
+     1   HFSCHEME.eq.3055.or.
+     2   HFSCHEME.eq.3555)then
+         QARR(1) = starting_scale
+         QARR(2) = 2.025D7      ! needed for lhapdf grid  
+      endif
 c      QARR(2) =  64000000.      ! enough for 8 TeV LHC.
 C Default sizes
@@ -1428,7 +1434,7 @@ c#include "steering.inc"
       double precision Q_ref,Alphas_ref
       character*7 Scheme
       character*5 MassScheme
-      logical runm
+      logical runm,Smallx
       MCharm  = mch
       MBottom = mbt
@@ -1444,6 +1450,7 @@ c#include "steering.inc"
       MassScheme = "Pole"
       runm       = .false.
+      Smallx     = .false.
       if (I_FIT_order.eq.1) then
          write(6,*) 'You have selected the FONLL scheme at LO'
          write(6,*) '*****************************************'
@@ -1466,6 +1473,11 @@ c#include "steering.inc"
             Scheme     = "FONLL-A"
             MassScheme = "MSbar"
             runm       = .true.
+         elseif(HFSCHEME.eq.3005)then
+            write(6,*) "You have selected the FONLL-A scheme",
+     1                 " with small-x resummation at NLL"
+            Scheme     = "FONLL-A"
+            Smallx     = .true.
             write(6,*) "You have selected the FONLL-B scheme",
      1                 " with poles masses"
@@ -1481,6 +1493,11 @@ c#include "steering.inc"
             Scheme     = "FONLL-B"
             MassScheme = "MSbar"
             runm       = .true.
+         elseif(HFSCHEME.eq.3055)then
+            write(6,*) "You have selected the FONLL-B scheme",
+     1                 " with small-x resummation at NLL"
+            Scheme     = "FONLL-B"
+            Smallx     = .true.
             call HF_errlog(310320151, 'F: '//
      1                    'At NLO only the FONLL-A and FONLL-B '//
@@ -1502,6 +1519,11 @@ c#include "steering.inc"
             Scheme     = "FONLL-C"
             MassScheme = "MSbar"
             runm       = .true.
+         elseif(HFSCHEME.eq.3555)then
+            write(6,*) "You have selected the FONLL-C scheme",
+     1                 " with small-x resummation at NLL"
+            Scheme     = "FONLL-C"
+            Smallx     = .true.
             call HF_errlog(310320152, 'F: '//
      1                    'At NNLO only the FONLL-C scheme '//
@@ -1521,9 +1543,23 @@ c#include "steering.inc"
      4                'steering.txt card.')
+*     If the small-x resummation is included check that APFEL is used also
+*     for the evolution.
+      if(Smallx)then
+         if(iTheory.ne.10.and.iTheory.ne.35)then
+            call HF_errlog(20102017, 'F: '//
+     1                'When using the FONLL scheme with small-x '//
+     2                'resummation, APFEL must be used for the '//
+     3                'evolution. '//
+     4                'Please set TheoryType = "DGLAP_APFEL" in the '//
+     5                'steering.txt card.')
+         endif
+      endif
       call FONLL_Set_Input(MassScheme,runm,Mcharm,MBottom,MTop,
-     1                     Q_ref,Alphas_ref,PtOrder,Scheme)
+     1                     Q_ref,Alphas_ref,PtOrder,Scheme,Smallx)
diff --git a/src/read_steer.f b/src/read_steer.f
index 5aaa19f5e0f0e9cb2f58e5afcd443045686cc83d..57660fd3f3d4f36f6ed3e3abf9a0dfddc28a5022 100644
--- a/src/read_steer.f
+++ b/src/read_steer.f
@@ -1249,18 +1249,24 @@ C---------------------------------
          HFSCHEME = 1005
       elseif (HF_SCHEME.eq.'FONLL-A RUNM ON') then
          HFSCHEME = 2005
+      elseif (HF_SCHEME.eq.'FONLL-A NLLx') then
+         HFSCHEME = 3005
       elseif (HF_SCHEME.eq.'FONLL-B') then
          HFSCHEME = 55
       elseif (HF_SCHEME.eq.'FONLL-B RUNM OFF') then
          HFSCHEME = 1055
       elseif (HF_SCHEME.eq.'FONLL-B RUNM ON') then
          HFSCHEME = 2055
+      elseif (HF_SCHEME.eq.'FONLL-B NLLx') then
+         HFSCHEME = 3055
       elseif (HF_SCHEME.eq.'FONLL-C') then
          HFSCHEME = 555
       elseif (HF_SCHEME.eq.'FONLL-C RUNM OFF') then
          HFSCHEME = 1555
       elseif (HF_SCHEME.eq.'FONLL-C RUNM ON') then
          HFSCHEME = 2555
+      elseif (HF_SCHEME.eq.'FONLL-C NLLx') then
+         HFSCHEME = 3555
       elseif (HF_SCHEME.eq.'S-ACOT Chi') then
           HFSCHEME = 17
       elseif (HF_SCHEME.eq.'S-ACOT Chi RC') then
diff --git a/steering.txt b/steering.txt
index fcd6a9eca2b5b8bc28f3c55d021b4a4ccefe2b80..ab852d87cee356bf9f12e50e6b8e4762d383ba23 100644
--- a/steering.txt
+++ b/steering.txt
@@ -7,14 +7,24 @@
   ! Input files:
-    InputFileNames(1) = 'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_NCep_920.dat'
-    InputFileNames(2) = 'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_NCep_820.dat'
-    InputFileNames(3) = 'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_NCep_575.dat'
-    InputFileNames(4) = 'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_NCep_460.dat'
-    InputFileNames(5) = 'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_NCem.dat'
-    InputFileNames(6) = 'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_CCep.dat'
-    InputFileNames(7) = 'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_CCem.dat'
+     InputFileNames = 
+     'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_NCep_920-thexp.dat',
+     'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_NCep_820-thexp.dat',
+     'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_NCep_575-thexp.dat',
+     'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_NCep_460-thexp.dat',
+     'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_NCem-thexp.dat',
+     'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_CCep-thexp.dat',
+     'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_CCem-thexp.dat',
+     'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_NCep_920.dat',
+     'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_NCep_820.dat',
+     'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_NCep_575.dat',
+     'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_NCep_460.dat',
+     'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_NCem.dat',
+     'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_CCep.dat',
+     'datafiles/hera/h1zeusCombined/inclusiveDis/1506.06042/HERA1+2_CCem.dat',
+    ! 'Z0_applgrid_nnlo_reaction.dat', 'D0_Wel_pt25_asymmetry.dat'
+    ! 'datafiles/lhc/atlas/wzProduction/1203.4051/Z0_applgrid_nnlo.dat',
@@ -26,9 +36,18 @@
   !  CorrFileNames(1) = 'datafiles/hera/h1/jets/0904.3870/H1_NormInclJets_HighQ2_99-07___H1_NormInclJets_HighQ2_99-07.corr'
+    ! even with tolerance =0 the following flag may speed up calculations
+  do_reduce = .false.  ! turn-on to simplify/speedup chi2 calculation.
+    ! tolerance = 0.0 for exact calculation, > 0.0 for improved speed.
+  tolerance = 0.0
+    ! depending on blas library, toggling the following flag may improve chi2 computation speed:
+  useBlas = .false.
    ! Global switch for using nuisance param representation for covariance mat.
-  LConvertCovToNui = .false.
+  LConvertCovToNui = .False.
    ! Tolerance -- zero means exact transformation
   Tolerance = 0.0
@@ -183,6 +202,7 @@
  ! Debug flag
   LDEBUG     = False
  ! Quadratic approximation for asymmetric uncertainties
  ! AsymErrorsIterations = 10