GaudiConfig2 does not support pickle output
configurables are not persisted in pickle dumps.
$ GaudiExamples.TestConfig2:main -o opts.pkl -n --all-opts
# setting LC_ALL to "C"
$ python -c 'import pickle; f = open("opts.pkl", "rb"); print(pickle.load(f))'
{'ApplicationMgr': ApplicationMgr('ApplicationMgr')}
This diff recovers some functionality:
diff --git a/Gaudi/python/Gaudi/ b/Gaudi/python/Gaudi/
index 33111ce71..49f0afc6a 100644
--- a/Gaudi/python/Gaudi/
+++ b/Gaudi/python/Gaudi/
@@ -390,6 +390,12 @@ class gaudimain(object):
to_dump = {}
for n in getNeededConfigurables():
to_dump[n] = Configuration.allConfigurables[n]
+ from GaudiConfig2._configurables import Configurable
+ for name, configurable in Configurable.instances.items():
+ # TODO conflict checking
+ # if name in to_dump:
+ # raise Exception()
+ to_dump[name] = configurable
pickle.dump(to_dump, output, -1)
This gives:
$ GaudiExamples.TestConfig2:main -o opts.pkl -n --all-opts
# setting LC_ALL to "C"
$ python -c 'import pickle; f = open("opts.pkl", "rb"); print(pickle.load(f))'
{'ApplicationMgr': ApplicationMgr('ApplicationMgr', MessageSvcType=MessageSvc('MessageSvc', OutputLevel=3), ExtSvc=[MessageSvcSink('Gaudi::Monitoring::MessageSvcSink')], TopAlg=[GaudiHistoAlgorithm('SimpleHistos', HistoPrint=True, OutputLevel=2)], EvtMax=50000, EvtSel='NONE', HistogramPersistency='ROOT'), 'MessageSvc': MessageSvc('MessageSvc', OutputLevel=3), 'SimpleHistos': GaudiHistoAlgorithm('SimpleHistos', HistoPrint=True, OutputLevel=2), 'AuditorSvc': AuditorSvc('AuditorSvc', Auditors=['ChronoAuditor']), 'RootHistSvc': PersSvc('RootHistSvc', OutputFile='histo-c2.root'), 'HistogramDataSvc': HistogramSvc('HistogramDataSvc', OutputLevel=2, Input=["InFile DATAFILE='../data/input.hbook' TYP='HBOOK'"])}
But it doesn't merge or check for conflicts. If the (crude) checks are enabled one runs into #191 (closed).
/cc @clemenci