Include some additional 3-vector functions
While there is room for confusion in apply 3-vector operations on 4-vectors, it is very common to require dot/cross products (and some more 4-vector ops like boost) when building analyses over MC event vectors.
Is it worth adding some additional functions to FourVector.h that work with the spatial component.
Below is an example of what we're hacking together in NUISANCE, so don't take this as the be-all and end-all, just as an example. All of the 3-vector operations ignore/set the time-like component to 0.
#pragma once
#include "HepMC3/FourVector.h"
#include <numeric>
#include <algorithm>
namespace ps {
namespace vect {
HepMC3::FourVector direction(HepMC3::FourVector v) {
if (v.p3mod() > 0) {
v /= v.p3mod();
return v;
double dot(HepMC3::FourVector const &a, HepMC3::FourVector const &b) {
return a.x() * b.x() + a.y() * b.y() + a.z() * b.z();
HepMC3::FourVector cross(HepMC3::FourVector const &a,
HepMC3::FourVector const &b) {
auto i = a.y() * b.z() - a.z() * b.y();
auto j = a.z() * b.x() - a.x() * b.z();
auto k = a.x() * b.y() - a.y() * b.x();
return HepMC3::FourVector{i, j, k, 0};
double angle(HepMC3::FourVector const &v, HepMC3::FourVector const &refv) {
double ptot2 = v.length2() * refv.length2();
if (ptot2 <= 0) {
return 0.0;
return std::acos(std::clamp(dot(v, refv) / sqrt(ptot2), -1.0, 1.0));
HepMC3::FourVector transverse(HepMC3::FourVector v, HepMC3::FourVector dir) {
dir = direction(dir);
auto long_comp = dir * dot(v, dir);
return v - long_comp;
HepMC3::FourVector rotate(HepMC3::FourVector const &v, HepMC3::FourVector axis,
double theta) {
// from
axis = direction(axis);
return v * std::cos(theta) + cross(axis, v) * std::sin(theta) +
axis * dot(axis, v) * (1.0 - std::cos(theta));
HepMC3::FourVector boost_beta(HepMC3::FourVector const &fv) {
return direction(fv)*(fv.p3mod()/fv.e());
HepMC3::FourVector boost(HepMC3::FourVector const &fv,
HepMC3::FourVector const &boost_beta) {
HepMC3::FourVector vo;
// Boost this Lorentz vector
double bx = boost_beta.x();
double by = boost_beta.y();
double bz = boost_beta.z();
double b2 = bx * bx + by * by + bz * bz;
double gamma = 1.0 / sqrt(1.0 - b2);
double bp = bx * fv.x() + by * fv.y() + bz * fv.z();
double gamma2 = b2 > 0 ? (gamma - 1.0) / b2 : 0.0;
vo.set_x(fv.x() + gamma2 * bp * bx + gamma * bx * fv.e());
vo.set_y(fv.y() + gamma2 * bp * by + gamma * by * fv.e());
vo.set_z(fv.z() + gamma2 * bp * bz + gamma * bz * fv.e());
vo.set_e(gamma * (fv.e() + bp));
return vo;
} // namespace vect
} // namespace ps