H7 without OpenLoops libs transform corrected to add .dat files on the DATAPATH (if present in DSID dir or mcjoboptions/common/MadGraphControl/dat) MG patch5 added - now MadGraph v2.5.7p3.atlas5 make HEPMC::GenEvent use Rivet's preferred unit system
Please be advised that registry.cern.ch and registry-tn.cern.ch registries (Registry Service) will be unavailable next Tuesday, Feb 11th starting at 08:00h (Geneva time) for a short period of time. This may cause temporary disruptions to your workflows. Further info: OTG0154380
H7 without OpenLoops libs transform corrected to add .dat files on the DATAPATH (if present in DSID dir or mcjoboptions/common/MadGraphControl/dat) MG patch5 added - now MadGraph v2.5.7p3.atlas5 make HEPMC::GenEvent use Rivet's preferred unit system