diff --git a/scripts/configdb_stripsRunkeys.py b/scripts/configdb_stripsRunkeys.py
index 93fb73a09b76bab0f734d1a142593adf157714a9..aea71648a13e1972c7fecedb70ce56f49862dcde 100644
--- a/scripts/configdb_stripsRunkeys.py
+++ b/scripts/configdb_stripsRunkeys.py
@@ -37,6 +37,22 @@ from pprint import pprint
+def node_repr(node, depth=1, indent=0):
+    if 'reuse_id' in node:
+        return f'{" "*indent}reuse_id={node["reuse_id"]}'
+    string = f'{" "*indent}type={node["type"]}\n'
+    string += f'{" "*indent}id={node.get("id")}\n'
+    string += f'{" "*indent}name={node.get("name")}\n'
+    string += f'{" "*indent}payloads={json.dumps(node["payloads"], indent=2, sort_keys=True)}\n'
+    if depth>0:
+        string += f'{" "*indent}children:\n'
+        for ch in node['children']:
+            string += node_repr(ch, depth-1, indent+2)
+    return string
 def get_one(a_list: list, assert_one=True):
     if assert_one and len(a_list) != 1:
         raise AssertionError(f'Got a list of len != 1: {a_list}')
@@ -174,12 +190,10 @@ def get_nested_field(TYPE_W_FIELDS, node, name, default=None):
 def set_nested_field(TYPE_W_FIELDS, node, **data_fields):
     # dict() .get('key'[, defaultvalue or None])
     if len(get_node_payloads(node, TYPE_W_FIELDS)) == 0:
-        payload_data = {}
-        node.add_payload(TYPE_W_FIELDS, payload_data, meta=True)
+        node.add_payload(TYPE_W_FIELDS, {}, meta=True)
-    else:
-        payload_data = get_node_payload_data(node, TYPE_W_FIELDS)
-        assert isinstance(payload_data, dict), f"Something is wrong: '{TYPE_W_FIELDS}' payload must be meta i.e. dict"
+    payload_data = get_node_payload_data(node, TYPE_W_FIELDS)
+    assert isinstance(payload_data, dict), f"Something is wrong: '{TYPE_W_FIELDS}' payload must be meta i.e. dict"
     #payload[name] = value
@@ -277,8 +291,17 @@ class Payload(dict):
                     raise AssertionError(f"Meta payloads can only be json dictionaries/objects or strings with dictionaries")
-            # here the payload must be a dictionary/json object
             assert isinstance(payload_data, dict), f"Meta payloads can only be dictionaries, got: {type(payload_data)} {payload_data}"
+            # it must be a dictionary
+            # but!
+            # since we also get it from the jsons from configdb
+            # it must be compatible to json
+            # i.e. no tuples, only lists
+            # let's just convert it back and forth
+            inp_data = payload_data
+            payload_data = json.loads(json.dumps(inp_data))
+            # here the payload must be a dictionary/json object
             self['meta'] = True
@@ -585,7 +608,8 @@ class RunkeyHCC(RunkeyNode):
             'config': config,
-        all_payloads = [Payload("config", payload_dict, name="HCC"+str(itsdaq_number), meta=True)]
+        self['name'] = "HCC"+str(itsdaq_number)
+        all_payloads = [Payload("config", payload_dict, name=self['name'], meta=True)]
         # Transitioning to using only 1 meta payload for all the data ^^^
@@ -621,9 +645,9 @@ class RunkeyHCC(RunkeyNode):
         >>> hcc = RunkeyHCC(str(1), str(0), "Y", ["0", "14"], "5", enable="True", locked="False")
         >>> hcc
-        {'type': 'HCC', 'payloads': [{'type': 'config', 'meta': True, 'data': {'itsdaq_number': '1', 'module_number': '0', 'hybrid_name': 'Y', 'rx_elink': ['0', '14'], 'tx_elink': '5', 'config': '', 'enable': 'True', 'locked': 'False'}, 'name': 'HCC1'}, {'type': 'enable', 'data': 'True'}, {'type': 'locked', 'data': 'False'}], 'children': [], 'id': '...'}
+        {'name': 'HCC1', 'type': 'HCC', 'payloads': [{'type': 'config', 'meta': True, 'data': {'itsdaq_number': '1', 'module_number': '0', 'hybrid_name': 'Y', 'rx_elink': ['0', '14'], 'tx_elink': '5', 'config': '', 'enable': 'True', 'locked': 'False'}, 'name': 'HCC1'}, {'type': 'enable', 'data': 'True'}, {'type': 'locked', 'data': 'False'}], 'children': [], 'id': '...'}
         >>> hcc.copy()
-        {'type': 'HCC', 'payloads': [{'type': 'enable', 'data': 'True'}, {'type': 'locked', 'data': 'False'}, {'reuse_id': '...'}], 'children': [], 'id': '...'}
+        {'type': 'HCC', 'payloads': [{'type': 'enable', 'data': 'True'}, {'type': 'locked', 'data': 'False'}, {'reuse_id': '...'}], 'children': [], 'id': '...', 'name': 'HCC1'}
         pls = self['payloads']
@@ -636,6 +660,9 @@ class RunkeyHCC(RunkeyNode):
         #new_node['payloads'].append({'id': cfg_payload['id']})
+        if 'name' in self:
+            new_node['name'] = self['name']
         return new_node
diff --git a/scripts/test_upload_a_stave.py b/scripts/test_upload_a_stave.py
index 5416e223f67b50c86e250bb45c5181cbc37eee34..824cabc6b4db42d44223a7ef7a5e3ed99a04449d 100644
--- a/scripts/test_upload_a_stave.py
+++ b/scripts/test_upload_a_stave.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import pyconfigdb
 import functions_configDB as fxt
 import logging
 import datetime
-from configdb_stripsRunkeys import get_subnode_of_type, get_node_payloads_data
+from configdb_stripsRunkeys import get_subnode_of_type, get_node_with_payload, get_node_payload, node_repr, RunkeyNode
 from configdb_operations import upload_stave
@@ -57,13 +57,133 @@ assert any(ch['type'] == "Staves" for ch in tagTree['objects'][0]['children'])
 runkey_root = tagTree['objects'][0]
 staves_subtree = get_subnode_of_type(runkey_root, "Staves")
-stave_names = []
-for ch in staves_subtree['children']:
-    assert ch['type'] == "Stave"
-    st_names = get_node_payloads_data(ch, 'staveName')
-    assert len(st_names) == 1
-    stave_names.append(st_names[0])
+downloaded_stave = get_node_with_payload(staves_subtree['children'], 'staveName', stave_name)
+logging.info(f'Found our stave {stave_name} in the downloaded runkey: {downloaded_stave}')
+assert downloaded_stave is not None
-logging.info(f'Found the following staves in the {runkey_ref} runkey: {stave_names}')
-logging.info(f'And our stave {stave_name} is there: {stave_name in stave_names}')
-assert stave_name in stave_names
\ No newline at end of file
+downloaded_stave = RunkeyNode(downloaded_stave['type'], downloaded_stave['payloads'], downloaded_stave['children'])
+# confirm that the downloaded stave is the same as the original node
+def eq_types_payloads(node_a, node_b, dont_log=False):
+    if dont_log:
+        log_info = logging.debug
+    else:
+        log_info = logging.info
+    if 'reuse_id' in node_a:
+        # TODO: the IDs change on upload to the database
+        # so, you cannot compare them
+        # no idea how to handle this nicely.
+        # Maybe RunkeyNode should contain a dictionary of node IDs?
+        #return node_a['reuse_id'] in (node_b.get('reuse_id'), node_b.get('id'))
+        # let's just skip it and return true
+        return True
+    if 'type' not in node_a:
+        logging.warning(f'got a node without type: {node_a}')
+        return False
+    if 'type' not in node_b:
+        logging.warning(f'got a node without type: {node_b}')
+        return False
+    #if node_a['type'] == node_b['type'] == 'HCC':
+    if node_a['type'] == 'HCC':
+        log_info == logging.info
+    # compare types
+    if node_a['type'] != node_b['type']:
+        log_info(f'node types are different: {node_a["type"]} vs {node_b["type"]}')
+        return False
+    # compare payloads
+    for pload in node_a['payloads']:
+        if pload['type'] == 'id':
+            continue
+        node_b_pload = get_node_payload(node_b, pload['type'])
+        atyp, btyp = pload['type'], node_b_pload['type']
+        adata, bdata = pload['data'], node_b_pload['data']
+        eq_payload = (atyp==btyp) and (adata==bdata)
+        if isinstance(adata, dict) and isinstance(bdata, dict):
+            log_info(f'adata and bdata sizes: {len(adata.items())} {len(bdata.items())}')
+            for key, val in adata.items():
+                if key not in bdata:
+                    log_info(f'key {key} not found in bdata')
+                elif val != bdata[key]:
+                    log_info(f'key {key} values are different:\n{val}\nvs\n{bdata[key]}')
+        if not eq_payload:
+            log_info(f'node payloads are different: {atyp == btyp} and {adata == bdata}, {type(adata)} and {type(bdata)}')
+            log_info(f'node payloads are different:\n{atyp}:\n{json.dumps(adata, sort_keys=True, indent=2)}')
+            log_info(f'vs:\n{btyp}:\n{json.dumps(bdata, sort_keys=True, indent=2)}')
+            return False
+    return True
+def eq_nodes(node_a, node_b):
+    eq_node_data = eq_types_payloads(node_a, node_b, dont_log=False)
+    if not eq_node_data:
+        logging.info(f'nodes are different on data')
+        return False
+    if 'reuse_id' in node_a:
+        # again, match all
+        return True
+    # compare children?
+    if len(node_a['children']) != len(node_b['children']):
+        logging.info(f'nodes are different in number of children: {len(node_a['children'])} != {len(node_b['children'])}')
+        return False
+    #logging.info(f'node type {node_a["type"]} has {[ch['type'] for ch in node_a["children"]]} child nodes')
+    #logging.info(f'comparing it to type {node_b["type"]} has {[ch['type'] for ch in node_b["children"]]} child nodes')
+    eq_children = []
+    for ch in node_a['children']:
+        # matched child node in b:
+        equal_ch_b = None
+        # try to match by name
+        ch_match = [n for n in node_b['children'] if 'name' in ch and n.get('name') == ch['name']]
+        if ch_match:
+            assert len(ch_match) == 1
+            logging.info(f'found a match by name: {ch["name"]}')
+            if eq_types_payloads(ch, ch_match[0], dont_log=False):
+                equal_ch_b = ch_match[0]
+        else:
+            logging.warning(f'did not match by name: {ch.get("name")}')
+            for ch_b in node_b['children']:
+                matched = False
+                if ch.get('type') == 'HCC':
+                    logging.warning('node_a is HCC type')
+                    matched = eq_types_payloads(ch, ch_b, dont_log=False)
+                else:
+                    logging.warning(f'node_a is not HCC type: {ch.get("type")} reuse_id: {"reuse_id" in ch}')
+                    matched = eq_types_payloads(ch, ch_b, dont_log=True)
+                if matched:
+                    equal_ch_b = ch_b
+                    break
+        eq_children.append((equal_ch_b is not None, (ch, equal_ch_b)))
+    not_matched = [(ch_a, ch_b) for match, (ch_a, ch_b) in eq_children if not match]
+    if not all(match for match, _ in eq_children):
+        logging.info(f'nodes:\n{node_repr(node_a)}\nvs\n{node_repr(node_b)}')
+        logging.info(f'did not match by types and payloads')
+        logging.info(f'nodes number of children: {len(node_a["children"])} vs {len(node_b["children"])}')
+        logging.info(f'nodes are different in children: {[match for match, _ in eq_children]}')
+        for ch_a, ch_b in not_matched:
+            logging.info(f'did not match child:\n{ch_a}\nvs\n{ch_b}')
+        return False
+    return all(eq_nodes(ch_a, ch_b) for _, (ch_a, ch_b) in eq_children)
+assert eq_nodes(stave_node, downloaded_stave)