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  • Joerg Stelzer's avatar
    Restructuring config data classes · be71e4ec
    Joerg Stelzer authored and Adam Edward Barton's avatar Adam Edward Barton committed
    Prior all DataStructure-derived classes were holding a copy of the
    ptree that they were constructed from. Now they hold either a
    reference (ptree*) or own the original (shared_ptr<ptree>).
    Basically the objects L1Menu, HLTMenu, and L1-/HLTPrescaleSet will hold
    the ptree created from the json files. All sub structures will only have
    a pointer to the sub-tree which is part of the big ptree.
    This avoids copying ptree's around and inflating the size of the menu.
    One has to be carefull when creating the sub-structure and only pass
    references to sub-trees of the original tree to the constructors.