diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5bce461031f5bdb24003009de6093da6fb889d84..4d2a6802ad92db30511892a0aa2f6c8585a0834e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ cores are (re)created using Vivado Tcl scripts. After cloning this
 repo, please run the following to generate all IP cores on Linux,
 or use the corresponding .bat file on Windows.
+### On Linux
 The simplest way is to simply call the IP core creation script from
 inside the cloned repository:
@@ -18,13 +19,13 @@ pushd tclink
-For the impatient, the above can be sped up (albeit at the cost of
-some loss of efficiency) when GNU parallel is available:
+### On Windows
+Open a ```cmd``` window in the ```tclink``` repository
+directory, and then enter the following command.
-pushd tclink
-parallel ./scripts/vivado_create_ips.sh ::: $(find . -iname '*vivado_create_ip_*.tcl' | sed -s 's/.*vivado_create_ip_\(.*\)\.tcl/\1/g')
+call <path-to-vivado-installation>\bin\vivado.bat -notrace -mode batch -source .\scripts\vivado_create_ips.tcl
 ## TClink concept
diff --git a/scripts/pkgIndex.tcl b/scripts/pkgIndex.tcl
index 0848997aa2c75a1c4dea0e868a4334cc45046115..2874e76530675b2a46a9699fe3b62c70cc0cfb29 100644
--- a/scripts/pkgIndex.tcl
+++ b/scripts/pkgIndex.tcl
@@ -8,4 +8,6 @@
 # script is sourced, the variable $dir must contain the
 # full path name of this file's directory.
+package ifneeded repo_utils 0.1 [list source [file join $dir repo_utils.tcl]]
+package ifneeded tcl_utils 0.1 [list source [file join $dir tcl_utils.tcl]]
 package ifneeded vivado_utils 0.1 [list source [file join $dir vivado_utils.tcl]]
diff --git a/scripts/tcl_utils.tcl b/scripts/tcl_utils.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..abe87438e06e624debdb64580e09dfd026474af6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/tcl_utils.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+package require Tcl 8.5
+namespace eval tcl_utils {
+    set version 0.1
+package provide tcl_utils $tcl_utils::version
+proc tcl_utils::map {lambda list} {
+    variable result {}
+    foreach item $list {
+        lappend result [apply $lambda $item]
+    }
+    return $result
+# Crude, but seems to be sufficient.
+proc tcl_utils::get_os {} {
+    variable os [lindex $::tcl_platform(platform) 0]
+    return $os
+proc tcl_utils::os_is_windows {} {
+    set is_win [expr {[get_os] == "windows"}]
+    return $is_win
+proc tcl_utils::source_with_args {file_name {source_args {}} {cmd_line_args {}}} {
+    variable argv $::argv
+    variable argc $::argc
+    set ::argv $cmd_line_args
+    set ::argc [llength $cmd_line_args]
+    variable code [catch {uplevel [list source $source_args $file_name]} return]
+    set ::argv $argv
+    set ::argc $argc
+    return -code $code $return
diff --git a/scripts/vivado_create_ips.sh b/scripts/vivado_create_ips.sh
index c55046d98ede799088b903033cc0966f8c1f244a..dad61c214804a8a1019d3d84154f3461be129496 100755
--- a/scripts/vivado_create_ips.sh
+++ b/scripts/vivado_create_ips.sh
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Disable wildcard expansion because of the possibility of a '.*' as
-# ip-name-pattern.
+# IP include/exclude patterns.
 set -o noglob
@@ -24,12 +24,25 @@ done
+if [ ! -z "${args[0]}" ] && [ ! -z "${ip_include_pattern}" ]; then
+    echo "Cannot specify both -include-ips and a free IP selection argument"
+    exit 1
 if [ ! -z "${args[0]}" ]; then
-    TCL_ARGS="-ip-name-pattern ${args[0]}"
+    TCL_ARGS="-include-ips ${args[0]}"
+if [ ! -z "${include_ips}" ]; then
+    TCL_ARGS="$TCL_ARGS -include-ips ${include_ips}"
+if [ ! -z "${exclude_ips}" ]; then
+    TCL_ARGS="$TCL_ARGS -exclude-ips ${exclude_ips}"
-if [ ! -z "${args[1]}" ]; then
-    TCL_ARGS="$TCL_ARGS -target-part ${args[1]}"
+if [ ! -z "${target_part}" ]; then
+    TCL_ARGS="$TCL_ARGS -target-part ${target_part}"
 if [ ! -z "${user_ip_repo}" ]; then
diff --git a/scripts/vivado_create_ips.tcl b/scripts/vivado_create_ips.tcl
index dfdcc7c873f70a0df389901777dc66778c72e5bc..190d4da0322f335b1bdc598ddf659747d6a391b3 100644
--- a/scripts/vivado_create_ips.tcl
+++ b/scripts/vivado_create_ips.tcl
@@ -16,21 +16,21 @@
 #   vivado -mode batch -notrace -nolog -nojou -quiet -source scripts/vivado_create_ips.tcl -tclargs -target-part xcku15p-ffva1760-2-e
-package require cmdline
+package require Tcl 8.5
-set script_dir [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]]
+variable script_dir [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]]
 set env(TCLLIBPATH) [list $script_dir]
 lappend ::auto_path $script_dir
+package require cmdline
+package require tcl_utils
 # The IP core generation scripts are are found by name using the
 # following pattern.
 set script_name_pattern_base "vivado_create_ip_"
-# This is how we want to call Vivado.
-set vivado_cmd {vivado -mode batch -notrace -nolog -nojou -quiet -source}
 set sep_line [string repeat "-" 60]
@@ -38,8 +38,11 @@ set sep_line [string repeat "-" 60]
 proc glob_recursive {{dir .} {filespec *} {types {b c f l p s}}} {
     set files [glob -nocomplain -types $types -dir $dir -- $filespec]
     foreach x [glob -nocomplain -types {d} -dir $dir -- *] {
-        set files [concat $files \
-                   [glob_recursive [file join [pwd] $x] $filespec $types]]
+        # We don't follow links for directories.
+        if {[file type [file normalize $x]] != "link"} {
+            set files [concat $files \
+                           [glob_recursive [file join [pwd] $x] $filespec $types]]
+        }
     set filelist {}
     foreach x $files {
@@ -50,154 +53,245 @@ proc glob_recursive {{dir .} {filespec *} {types {b c f l p s}}} {
-set parameters {
-    {target-part.arg "" "The FPGA to target"}
-    {target-board.arg "" "The evaluation board to target"}
-    {ip-name-pattern.arg ".*" "Regular expression describing which IP core(s) to generate"}
-    {user-ip-repo.arg "" "Path to an optional user-IP repository to include"}
+# This would work in TCL 8.6. Vivado 2022.2 seems to provide 8.5.
+# proc tempdir {template} {
+#     close [file tempfile path $template]
+#     file delete $path
+#     file mkdir $path
+#     return $path
+# }
+proc tempdir {{template ""}} {
+    set tmp [pwd]
+    if {[file exists /tmp]} {
+        set tmp /tmp
+    }
+    catch {set tmp $::env(TRASH_FOLDER)}
+    catch {set tmp $::env(TMP)}
+    catch {set tmp $::env(TEMP)}
+    set suffix [pid]
+    if [string length $template] {
+        set suffix ${template}_[pid]
+    }
+    set dir_name [file join $tmp $suffix]
-set usage "- A script to (re)generate Xilinx IP cores from stored parameters"
+namespace eval ns {
+    set parameters {
+        {target-part.arg "" "The FPGA to target"}
+        {target-board.arg "" "The evaluation board to target"}
+        {include-ips.arg ".*" "Regular expression describing which IP core(s) to generate"}
+        {exclude-ips.arg "" "Regular expression describing which IP core(s) not to generate"}
+        {user-ip-repo.arg "" "Path to an optional user-IP repository to include"}
+    }
-if { [catch {array set options [cmdline::getoptions ::argv $parameters $usage]}] } {
-    puts [cmdline::usage $parameters $usage]
-    exit 1
+    set usage "- A script to (re)generate Xilinx IP cores from stored parameters"
-# Find all the Vivado IP core creation scripts.
-set ip_name_pattern $options(ip-name-pattern)
-set script_name_pattern "${script_name_pattern_base}*\.tcl"
-set ip_scripts_tmp [glob_recursive . $script_name_pattern]
-# NOTE: There is a bit of fiddling here with the IP name pattern. We
-# want to make sure to apply the filtering only to the IP name part of
-# the file names (while still filtering a list of file names). This is
-# not super efficient.
-set ip_scripts {}
-foreach file_name $ip_scripts_tmp {
-    regexp "${script_name_pattern_base}(.*)\.tcl$" $file_name dummy ip_name
-    if {[regexp $ip_name_pattern $ip_name]} {
-        lappend ip_scripts $file_name
+    if {[catch {array set options [cmdline::getoptions ::argv $parameters $usage]}]} {
+        puts [cmdline::usage $parameters $usage]
+        exit 1
-# Sort and remove duplicates (which may arise from symlinks).
-set ip_scripts [lsort -unique $ip_scripts]
+    # Find all the Vivado IP core creation scripts.
+    set ip_include_pattern $options(include-ips)
+    set ip_exclude_pattern $options(exclude-ips)
+    set script_name_pattern "${script_name_pattern_base}*\.tcl"
+    set ip_scripts_tmp [glob_recursive . $script_name_pattern]
+    # NOTE: There is a bit of fiddling here with the IP name
+    # patterns. We want to make sure to apply the filtering only to
+    # the IP name part of the file names (while still filtering a list
+    # of file names). This is not super efficient.
+    set ip_scripts {}
+    set need_exclude_filter [expr {$ip_exclude_pattern eq ""}]
+    foreach file_name $ip_scripts_tmp {
+        regexp "${script_name_pattern_base}(.*)\.tcl$" $file_name dummy ip_name
+        if {[regexp $ip_include_pattern $ip_name]} {
+            if {$need_exclude_filter || ![regexp $ip_exclude_pattern $ip_name]} {
+                lappend ip_scripts $file_name
+            }
+        }
+    }
-# Get the values of all options.
-set target_part $options(target-part)
-set target_board $options(target-board)
-set user_ip_repo [file normalize $options(user-ip-repo)]
+    # Sort and remove duplicates (which may arise from symlinks).
+    set ip_scripts [lsort -unique $ip_scripts]
-# Perform some basic checks on the user-IP repo path.
-if { $user_ip_repo ne "" } {
-    if { ! [file exists $user_ip_repo] } {
-        error "Path '$user_ip_repo' does not exist"
+    # Get the values of all options.
+    set target_part $options(target-part)
+    set target_board $options(target-board)
+    set user_ip_repo [file normalize $options(user-ip-repo)]
+    # Perform some basic checks on the user-IP repo path.
+    if {$user_ip_repo ne ""} {
+        if {! [file exists $user_ip_repo]} {
+            error "Path '$user_ip_repo' does not exist"
+        }
+        if {! [file isdirectory $user_ip_repo]} {
+            error "Path '$user_ip_repo' is not a directory"
+        }
-    if { ! [file isdirectory $user_ip_repo] } {
-        error "Path '$user_ip_repo' is not a directory"
+    puts "$sep_line"
+    if {$user_ip_repo ne ""} {
+        puts "Including user-IP repository '$user_ip_repo'"
+    set s_or_not ""
+    set tmp [llength $ip_scripts]
+    if {$tmp > 1 || $tmp == 0} {
+        set s_or_not "s"
+    }
+    puts "Found [llength $ip_scripts] matching IP core creation script$s_or_not"
+    # foreach item $ip_scripts {
+    #     puts $item
+    # }
+    # puts "$sep_line"
-puts "$sep_line"
-if { $user_ip_repo ne "" } {
-    puts "Including user-IP repository '$user_ip_repo'"
-set s_or_not ""
-set tmp [llength $ip_scripts]
-if { $tmp > 1 || $tmp == 0 } {
-    set s_or_not "s"
-puts "Found [llength $ip_scripts] matching IP core creation script$s_or_not"
-# foreach item $ip_scripts {
-#     puts $item
-# }
-puts "$sep_line"
+    # Suppress some of the cluttering Vivado output.
+    set_msg_config -string "Refreshing IP repositories" -suppress
+    set_msg_config -string "Loaded user IP repository" -suppress
+    set_msg_config -string "Loaded Vivado IP repository" -suppress
+    set_msg_config -string "Using compiled simulation libraries for IPs" -suppress
+    set_msg_config -string "Exporting simulation files" -suppress
+    set_msg_config -string "Script generated" -suppress
+    set_msg_config -string "Pre-compiled simulation library path" -suppress
+    set_msg_config -string "Using boost library" -suppress
+    set_msg_config -regexp -string {.*Generating.*target.*} -suppress
+    if {![tcl_utils::os_is_windows]} {
+        set_msg_config -string "The Windows operating system has path length limitations" -suppress
+    }
-# Now process all found scripts.
-set status 0
-foreach {script_name} $ip_scripts {
+    # Now process all found scripts.
+    set status 0
+    foreach {script_name} $ip_scripts {
-    # Derive the Vivado project name from the script name. (NOTE: This
-    # relies on a naming convention.)
-    set vivado_project_name [file rootname [file tail $script_name]]
+        # Derive the Vivado project name from the script name. (NOTE: This
+        # relies on a naming convention.)
+        set vivado_project_name [file rootname [file tail $script_name]]
-    # Derive the IP core name from the vivado project name.
-    set ip_name [regsub ***=$script_name_pattern_base $vivado_project_name ""]
+        # Derive the IP core name from the vivado project name.
+        set ip_name [regsub ***=$script_name_pattern_base $vivado_project_name ""]
-    # Derive a descriptive 'parent' name. (Useful in case there are
-    # multiple IP creation scripts with the same (IP) name.
-    set grandparent_name [file tail [file dirname [file dirname [file dirname [file dirname $script_name]]]]]
-    set parent_name [file tail [file dirname [file dirname [file dirname $script_name]]]]
-    puts "Processing \"$grandparent_name:$parent_name:$ip_name\""
-    puts "$sep_line"
+        # Derive a more-or-less descriptive name for progress
+        # reporting. (Useful in case there are multiple IP creation
+        # scripts with the same (IP) name.)
+        regsub ***=[pwd] $script_name "" tmp
+        set chunks [file split [file dirname $tmp]]
+        # NOTE: The following is a bit ad hoc. It removes path
+        # separators.
+        set unwanteds [list \\ /]
+        set chunks_clean $chunks
+        foreach unwanted $unwanteds {
+            set chunks_clean [lsearch -all -inline -not -exact $chunks_clean $unwanted]
+        }
+        puts "$sep_line"
+        puts "Processing \"[join $chunks_clean :]:$ip_name\""
-    # Derive the expected Vivado project directory name from the
-    # project name.
-    set dir_name $vivado_project_name
+        # Derive the expected Vivado project (temporary) directory name
+        # from the project name.
+        set tmp_dir_name [tempdir]
+        set dir_name [file join $tmp_dir_name $vivado_project_name]
-    # Remove any possible left-over Vivado project directory.
-    file delete -force -- $dir_name
+        # Remove any possible left-over Vivado project directory.
+        file delete -force -- $dir_name
+        # And create a clean directory.
+        file mkdir $dir_name
-    # Have Vivado run the script and generate the IP core.
-    set args ""
-    if { [string length $target_part] != 0 } {
-        set args [concat $args "-target-part \"$target_part\""]
-    }
-    if { [string length $target_board] != 0 } {
-        set args [concat $args "-target-board \"$target_board\""]
-    }
-    if { [string length $user_ip_repo] != 0 } {
-        set args [concat $args "-user-ip-repo \"$user_ip_repo\""]
-    }
-    set full_args ""
-    if { [string length $args] != 0 } {
-        set full_args "-tclargs $args"
-    }
-    set full_cmd [concat $vivado_cmd $script_name $full_args]
-    set status [catch {exec {*}$full_cmd} err]
-    if { $status != 0 } {
-        puts "A problem occurred:"
-        set tmp {}
-        foreach i [split $err "\n"] {
-            append tmp "  !!! $i\n"
+        # This default case will work on Linux.
+        set dir_name_short $dir_name
+        # For OSs that suffer from path length limitations, however, we
+        # need a trick.
+        if {[tcl_utils::os_is_windows]} {
+            set win_virtual_drive Z:
+            set dir_name_short ${win_virtual_drive}/
+            if {[catch {exec subst $win_virtual_drive $dir_name}]} {
+                puts "Virtual drive $win_virtual_drive is not available.\
+            Please unmap that drive\
+            ('subst $win_virtual_drive /d')\
+            for this script to work."
+                break
+            }
-        puts -nonewline $tmp
-        break
-    } else {
-        set target_base_name [file dirname $script_name]
-        set target_sub_name $ip_name
-        set target_dir_name [file join $target_base_name $target_sub_name]
-        file delete -force $target_dir_name
-        file mkdir $target_dir_name
-        # Find the produced IP core name and move the produced IP core
-        # to where it should go. (I.e. to where the original script
-        # lives.)
-        set ip_file_name "$ip_name.xci"
-        set created_ip_file [lindex [glob_recursive $dir_name $ip_file_name] 0]
-        file rename $created_ip_file $target_dir_name
-        # Find the produced example design files (or at least the ones
-        # under 'imports') and copy these as well.
-        set ex_file_name "imports"
-        set created_ex_dir [glob_recursive $dir_name $ex_file_name d]
-        if { [llength $created_ex_dir] > 0 } {
-            file rename $created_ex_dir [file join $target_dir_name "example_imports"]
+        # Have Vivado run the script and generate the IP core.
+        set args "-work-dir \"$dir_name_short\""
+        if {[string length $target_part] != 0} {
+            set args [concat $args "-target-part \"$target_part\""]
+        }
+        if {[string length $target_board] != 0} {
+            set args [concat $args "-target-board \"$target_board\""]
+        }
+        if {[string length $user_ip_repo] != 0} {
+            set args [concat $args "-user-ip-repo \"$user_ip_repo\""]
+        }
+        # NOTE: Calling Vivado here as a separate process is not very
+        # efficient. So we source the script in a separate namespace
+        # instead. This should prevent the script from affecting our
+        # local variables. This is a bit more involved, but it
+        # definitely speeds things up.
+        variable err
+        variable status [catch {
+            namespace eval sub_ns {
+                # NOTE: The '-notrace' flag to the 'source' command is
+                # Vivado-specific.
+                set ::ns::status [tcl_utils::source_with_args $::ns::script_name {-notrace} $::ns::args]
+            }
+        } err]
+        if {$status != 0} {
+            puts "A problem occurred:"
+            set tmp {}
+            foreach i [split $err "\n"] {
+                append tmp "  !!! $i\n"
+            }
+            puts -nonewline $tmp
+        } else {
+            set target_base_name [file dirname $script_name]
+            set target_sub_name $ip_name
+            set target_dir_name [file join $target_base_name $target_sub_name]
+            file delete -force $target_dir_name
+            file mkdir $target_dir_name
+            # Find the produced IP core name and move the produced IP core
+            # to where it should go. (I.e. to where the original script
+            # lives.)
+            set ip_file_name "$ip_name.xci"
+            set created_ip_file [lindex [glob_recursive $dir_name_short $ip_file_name] 0]
+            file rename $created_ip_file $target_dir_name
+            # Find the produced example design files (or at least the ones
+            # under 'imports') and copy these as well.
+            set ex_file_name "imports"
+            set created_ex_dir [glob_recursive $dir_name_short $ex_file_name d]
+            if {[llength $created_ex_dir] > 0} {
+                file rename $created_ex_dir [file join $target_dir_name "example_imports"]
+            }
+        }
+        # Remove the Vivado project directory.
+        file delete -force -- $dir_name_short
+        # Unmap the virtual drive, if we mapped it.
+        if {[tcl_utils::os_is_windows]} {
+            exec subst $win_virtual_drive /d
+        }
+        # If a problem occurred, there is no need to continue with the
+        # other IPs.
+        if {$status != 0} {
+            break
-    # Remove the Vivado project directory.
-    file delete -force -- $dir_name
+    puts "$sep_line"
+    if {$status == 0} {
+        puts "Done"
+    } else {
+        puts "Failed"
+    }
+    puts "$sep_line"
-if { $status == 0 } {
-    puts "Done"
-} else {
-    puts "Failed"
+    exit $status
-puts "$sep_line"
-exit $status
diff --git a/scripts/vivado_utils.tcl b/scripts/vivado_utils.tcl
index 230d8b09868f01c34194873afb4cb9a685dd6304..53228801b7c4f04c8f707ac6b0662cf62e0b3e75 100644
--- a/scripts/vivado_utils.tcl
+++ b/scripts/vivado_utils.tcl
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+package require Tcl 8.5
 namespace eval vivado_utils {
     set version 0.1
@@ -20,32 +22,38 @@ proc vivado_utils::run_vivado_create_ip {ip_name \
                                              default_part \
                                              default_board \
                                              argv} {
-    set parameters [list \
-                        [list target-part.arg $default_part "The FPGA to target"] \
-                        [list target-board.arg $default_board "The development board to target"] \
-                        [list user-ip-repo.arg "" "Path to an optional user-IP repository"]
-                   ]
-    if { [catch {array set options [cmdline::getoptions argv $parameters]}] } {
+    variable parameters [list \
+                             [list target-part.arg $default_part "The FPGA to target"] \
+                             [list target-board.arg $default_board "The development board to target"] \
+                             [list user-ip-repo.arg "" "Path to an optional user-IP repository"] \
+                             [list work-dir.arg "" "Path to the (temporary) working directory to use"]
+                        ]
+    variable options
+    if {[catch {array set options [cmdline::getoptions argv $parameters]}]} {
         puts [cmdline::usage $parameters]
         exit 1
     # The part to target.
-    set part $options(target-part)
+    variable part $options(target-part)
     # The board to target.
-    set board $options(target-board)
+    variable board $options(target-board)
     # An optional user IP repository.
-    set user_ip_repo_path $options(user-ip-repo)
+    variable user_ip_repo_path $options(user-ip-repo)
+    # Working directory path.
+    variable work_dir $options(work-dir)
     vivado_utils::vivado_create_ip \
         $ip_name $ip_vendor $ip_library $ip_version \
         $module_name $module_properties \
         $include_example_design \
         $part $board \
-        $user_ip_repo_path
+        $user_ip_repo_path \
+        $work_dir
@@ -59,20 +67,26 @@ proc vivado_utils::vivado_create_ip {ip_name \
                                          {include_example_design false} \
                                          {part ""} \
                                          {board ""} \
-                                         {user_ip_repo_path ""}} {
-    set dir_name_base vivado_create_ip_$module_name
-    set dir_name [file join $dir_name_base ${module_name}_ip]
-    set project_name ${module_name}_ip
+                                         {user_ip_repo_path ""} \
+                                         {work_dir ""}} {
+    variable dir_name_base
+    if {[string length $work_dir]} {
+        set dir_name_base $work_dir
+    } else {
+        set dir_name_base [pwd]
+    }
+    variable dir_name [file join $dir_name_base ${module_name}_ip]
+    variable project_name ${module_name}_ip
     create_project -force $project_name $dir_name
-    if { $part ne "" } {
+    if {$part ne ""} {
         set_property PART $part [current_project]
-    if { $board ne "" } {
+    if {$board ne ""} {
         set_property BOARD_PART $board [current_project]
-    if { $user_ip_repo_path ne "" } {
-        set ip_repo_path_ori [get_property ip_repo_paths [current_fileset]]
+    if {$user_ip_repo_path ne ""} {
+        variable ip_repo_path_ori [get_property ip_repo_paths [current_fileset]]
         set_property ip_repo_paths "$ip_repo_path_ori $user_ip_repo_path" [current_fileset]
         update_ip_catalog -rebuild
@@ -87,11 +101,11 @@ proc vivado_utils::vivado_create_ip {ip_name \
         -module_name $module_name
     # Apply the IP settings.
-    if { [dict size $module_properties] != 0 } {
+    if {[dict size $module_properties] != 0} {
         set_property -dict $module_properties [get_ips $module_name]
-    if { $include_example_design == true } {
+    if {$include_example_design} {
         # Create the corresponding example design/project.
         open_example_project -force -dir $dir_name_base -in_process [get_ips $module_name]