From 21176b0e43d139227acabfe9b2341482ef72d2f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrii Verbytskyi <>
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2020 08:36:11 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Assure Hepmc3 compatibility for mcvtxfilter  test

 .../test/McVtxFilterTest_CppUnit.cxx          | 74 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/TruthParticleID/McParticleUtils/test/McVtxFilterTest_CppUnit.cxx b/PhysicsAnalysis/TruthParticleID/McParticleUtils/test/McVtxFilterTest_CppUnit.cxx
index f205bc92ffa..29dfd2d6e5a 100755
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/TruthParticleID/McParticleUtils/test/McVtxFilterTest_CppUnit.cxx
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/TruthParticleID/McParticleUtils/test/McVtxFilterTest_CppUnit.cxx
@@ -81,15 +81,15 @@ public:
     m_evt->set_random_states( rdmStates );
     // Add 2 vertices
-    HepMC::GenVertex * v1 = new HepMC::GenVertex();
+    HepMC::GenVertex * v1 = HepMC::newGenVertexPtr();
     m_evt->add_vertex( v1 );
-    v1->add_particle_in( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t(0,0,
+    v1->add_particle_in( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector(0,0,
 						 2212, 3 ) );
     HepMC::GenVertex* v2 = new HepMC::GenVertex;
     m_evt->add_vertex( v2 );
-    v2->add_particle_in( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t(0,0,
+    v2->add_particle_in( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector(0,0,
 						 2212, 3 ) );
@@ -97,13 +97,13 @@ public:
     // create the outgoing particles of v1 and v2
     HepMC::GenParticle* p3 = 
-      new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t(.750*GeV,
+      HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector(.750*GeV,
 				    32.238*GeV), 1, 3 );
     v1->add_particle_out( p3 );
     HepMC::GenParticle* p4 = 
-      new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( -3.047*GeV,
+      HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( -3.047*GeV,
 				     57.920*GeV), -2, 3 );
@@ -111,16 +111,16 @@ public:
     // create v3
-    HepMC::GenVertex* v3 = new HepMC::GenVertex();
+    HepMC::GenVertex* v3 = HepMC::newGenVertexPtr();
     m_evt->add_vertex( v3 );
     v3->add_particle_in( p3 );
     v3->add_particle_in( p4 );
-	new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t(-3.813,0.113,-1.833,4.233 ), 
+	HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector(-3.813,0.113,-1.833,4.233 ), 
 				22, 1 )
     HepMC::GenParticle* p5 = 
-	new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t(1.517,-20.68,-20.605,85.925), 
+	HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector(1.517,-20.68,-20.605,85.925), 
     v3->add_particle_out( p5 );
@@ -134,39 +134,39 @@ public:
     HepMC::GenVertex * vZgee = new HepMC::GenVertex;
     m_evt->add_vertex( vZgee );
     // Z0
-    vZgee->add_particle_in( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( -4.49e+04,
+    vZgee->add_particle_in( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( -4.49e+04,
 							   +2.89e+05 ),
 						    23, 2 ) );
     // Gammas
-    vZgee->add_particle_out( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( -1.28e+03,
+    vZgee->add_particle_out( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( -1.28e+03,
 							    +5.71e+03 ),
 						     22, 1 ) );
-    vZgee->add_particle_out( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( +3.89e+02,
+    vZgee->add_particle_out( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( +3.89e+02,
 							    +6.70e+03 ),
 						     22, 1 ) );
-    vZgee->add_particle_out( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( +7.34e+00,
+    vZgee->add_particle_out( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( +7.34e+00,
 							    +4.98e+01 ),
 						     22, 1 ) );
-    vZgee->add_particle_out( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( -1.36e+02,
+    vZgee->add_particle_out( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( -1.36e+02,
 							    +5.86e+02 ),
 						     22, 1 ) );
     // Electrons
-    vZgee->add_particle_out( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( +8.01e+03,
+    vZgee->add_particle_out( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( +8.01e+03,
 							    +5.44e+04 ),
 						     -11, 1 ) );
-    vZgee->add_particle_out( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( -5.19e+04,
+    vZgee->add_particle_out( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( -5.19e+04,
 							    +2.22e+05 ),
@@ -178,18 +178,18 @@ public:
     // Add a Z->e+e-
     HepMC::GenVertex * vZee = new HepMC::GenVertex;
     m_evt->add_vertex( vZee );
-    vZee->add_particle_in( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( +7.29e+03,
+    vZee->add_particle_in( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( +7.29e+03,
 							  +2.96e+05 ),
 						   23, 2 ) );
-    vZee->add_particle_out( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( +2.74e+04,
+    vZee->add_particle_out( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( +2.74e+04,
 							   +5.74e+04 ),
 						    11, 1 ) );
-    vZee->add_particle_out( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( -2.01e+04,
+    vZee->add_particle_out( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( -2.01e+04,
 							   +2.38e+05 ),
@@ -201,29 +201,29 @@ public:
     HepMC::GenVertex * vtWbgg = new HepMC::GenVertex;
     m_evt->add_vertex( vtWbgg );
     // top
-    vtWbgg->add_particle_in(new HepMC::GenParticle(HLV_t(-2.35e+05,
+    vtWbgg->add_particle_in(HepMC::newGenParticlePtr(HLV_t(-2.35e+05,
 						   6, 3 ) );
     // Wbgg
-    vtWbgg->add_particle_out(new HepMC::GenParticle(HLV_t(-1.09e+05,
+    vtWbgg->add_particle_out(HepMC::newGenParticlePtr(HLV_t(-1.09e+05,
 						    24, 2 ) );
-    vtWbgg->add_particle_out(new HepMC::GenParticle(HLV_t(-9.23e+04,
+    vtWbgg->add_particle_out(HepMC::newGenParticlePtr(HLV_t(-9.23e+04,
 						    5, 2 ) );
-    vtWbgg->add_particle_out(new HepMC::GenParticle(HLV_t(-4.76e+03,
+    vtWbgg->add_particle_out(HepMC::newGenParticlePtr(HLV_t(-4.76e+03,
 						    21, 2 ) );
-    vtWbgg->add_particle_out(new HepMC::GenParticle(HLV_t(-2.93e+04,
+    vtWbgg->add_particle_out(HepMC::newGenParticlePtr(HLV_t(-2.93e+04,
@@ -459,12 +459,12 @@ public:
     HepMC::GenVertex * vtx = new HepMC::GenVertex;
     m_evt->add_vertex( vtx );
-    vtx->add_particle_in( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( -2.45e+04,
+    vtx->add_particle_in( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( -2.45e+04,
 							 +8.65e+05 ),
 						  22, 3 ) );
-    vtx->add_particle_out( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( -2.45e+04,
+    vtx->add_particle_out( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( -2.45e+04,
 							  +8.65e+05 ),
@@ -575,18 +575,18 @@ public:
     HepMC::GenVertex * vtx = new HepMC::GenVertex;
     m_evt->add_vertex( vtx );
-    vtx->add_particle_in( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( -6.76e+04,
+    vtx->add_particle_in( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( -6.76e+04,
 							 +9.51e+04 ),
 						  -24, 2 ) );
-    vtx->add_particle_out( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( -7.14e+04,
+    vtx->add_particle_out( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( -7.14e+04,
 							  +7.36e+04 ),
 						   13, 1 ) );
-    vtx->add_particle_out( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( +3.75e+03,
+    vtx->add_particle_out( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( +3.75e+03,
 							  +2.15e+04 ),
@@ -627,18 +627,18 @@ GenVertex:      -39 ID:    0 (X,cT):0
     // create a b->g+b vertex
     HepMC::GenVertex * vtxgb = new HepMC::GenVertex;
     m_evt->add_vertex( vtxgb );
-    vtxgb->add_particle_in( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( -3.21e+04,
+    vtxgb->add_particle_in( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( -3.21e+04,
 							   +6.38e+04 ),
 						    -5, 2 ) );
-    vtxgb->add_particle_out( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( -1.29e+04,
+    vtxgb->add_particle_out( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( -1.29e+04,
 							    +3.77e+04 ),
 						     -5, 2 ) );
-    vtxgb->add_particle_out( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( -1.92e+04,
+    vtxgb->add_particle_out( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( -1.92e+04,
 							    +2.61e+04 ),
@@ -647,23 +647,23 @@ GenVertex:      -39 ID:    0 (X,cT):0
     // create a gg->b+bbar vertex
     HepMC::GenVertex * vtxbb = new HepMC::GenVertex;
     m_evt->add_vertex( vtxbb );
-    vtxbb->add_particle_in( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( +1.23e+04,
+    vtxbb->add_particle_in( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( +1.23e+04,
 							   +6.65e+04 ),
 						    21, 3 ) );
-    vtxbb->add_particle_in( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( +1.14e+02,
+    vtxbb->add_particle_in( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( +1.14e+02,
 							   +6.56e+04 ),
 						    21, 3 ) );
-    vtxbb->add_particle_out( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( +4.56e+04,
+    vtxbb->add_particle_out( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( +4.56e+04,
 							    +7.01e+04 ),
 						     5, 3 ) );
-    vtxbb->add_particle_out( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( -3.32e+04,
+    vtxbb->add_particle_out( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( -3.32e+04,
 							    +6.20e+04 ),
@@ -705,13 +705,13 @@ GenVertex:      -39 ID:    0 (X,cT):0
     HepMC::GenVertex * vtx = new HepMC::GenVertex;
     m_evt->add_vertex( vtx );
-    vtx->add_particle_in( new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( -2.45e+04,
+    vtx->add_particle_in( HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( -2.45e+04,
 							 +8.65e+05 ),
 						  23, 3 ) );
     HepMC::GenParticle * photon = 0;
-    photon = new HepMC::GenParticle( HLV_t( -2.45e+04,
+    photon = HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector( -2.45e+04,
 					    +8.65e+05 ),