diff --git a/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuidCaloEnergyTools/MuidCaloEnergyTools/MuidCaloEnergyMeas.h b/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuidCaloEnergyTools/MuidCaloEnergyTools/MuidCaloEnergyMeas.h
index 70420ae31177469eb50c0e494db0a3ef80d1808c..e4806513800fd34531e11ed7ae99c1cda4efec81 100755
--- a/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuidCaloEnergyTools/MuidCaloEnergyTools/MuidCaloEnergyMeas.h
+++ b/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuidCaloEnergyTools/MuidCaloEnergyTools/MuidCaloEnergyMeas.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
  AlgTool to access the energy deposited by a muon in the
  calorimeters. The energy deposit is estimated according to
  the active measurements in the traversed calorimeter cells.
   @author Konstantinos.Nikolopoulos@cern.ch, Alan.Poppleton@cern.ch
  (c) ATLAS Combined Muon software
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
 //<<<<<< INCLUDES                                                       >>>>>>
+#include <atomic>
 #include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
+#include "CaloConditions/CaloNoise.h"
+#include "CaloEvent/CaloCellContainer.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
 #include "MuidInterfaces/IMuidCaloEnergyMeas.h"
 #include "StoreGate/ReadHandleKey.h"
-#include "CaloEvent/CaloCellContainer.h"
-#include "CaloConditions/CaloNoise.h"
-#include <atomic>
 //<<<<<< CLASS DECLARATIONS                                             >>>>>>
@@ -35,91 +35,76 @@ class LArEM_ID;
 class LArHEC_ID;
 class TileID;
-namespace Rec
+namespace Rec {
-    class caloMeas;
-    class IMuidCaloEnergyParam;
+class caloMeas;
+class IMuidCaloEnergyParam;
-class MuidCaloEnergyMeas: public AthAlgTool,
-			  virtual public IMuidCaloEnergyMeas
-    MuidCaloEnergyMeas(const std::string& type, 
-		       const std::string& name,
-		       const IInterface* parent);
-    ~MuidCaloEnergyMeas(void); // destructor
+class MuidCaloEnergyMeas : public AthAlgTool, virtual public IMuidCaloEnergyMeas {
+  public:
+    MuidCaloEnergyMeas(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent);
+    ~MuidCaloEnergyMeas(void);  // destructor
+    StatusCode initialize();
+    StatusCode finalize();
-    StatusCode		initialize();
-    StatusCode		finalize();
     /**IMuidCaloEnergyMeas interface:
        get the muon energy loss measurement from the calorimeter,
        knowing the track intersection at the em and had cals*/
-    CaloMeas*		energyMeasurement(double etaEM,
-					  double phiEM,
-					  double etaHad,
-					  double phiHad) const;
+    CaloMeas* energyMeasurement(double etaEM, double phiEM, double etaHad, double phiHad) const;
+  private:
     // private methods
-    void				energyInCalo(CaloMeas&			caloMeas,
-						     const CaloCellContainer*	cellContainer,
-						     double			eta,
-						     double			phi,
-						     int			iSubCalo) const;
-    void				isolationEnergy(CaloMeas&		caloMeas,
-							const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer,
-							double			eta,
-							double			phi,
-							int			iSubCalo) const;
-    double				energyInTile(const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer,
-						     double eta,
-						     double phi,
-						     int,
-						     int) const;
-    double				energyInLArHEC(const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer,
-						       double eta,
-						       double phi,
-						       int,
-						       int) const;
-    double				energyInLArEM(const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer,
-						      double eta,
-						      double phi,
-						      int,
-						      int) const;
-    int                                 cellCounting(const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer,
-						     double eta,
-						     double phi) const;
+    void   energyInCalo(CaloMeas& caloMeas, const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer, double eta, double phi,
+                        int iSubCalo) const;
+    void   isolationEnergy(CaloMeas& caloMeas, const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer, double eta, double phi,
+                           int iSubCalo) const;
+    double energyInTile(const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer, double eta, double phi, int, int) const;
+    double energyInLArHEC(const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer, double eta, double phi, int, int) const;
+    double energyInLArEM(const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer, double eta, double phi, int, int) const;
+    int    cellCounting(const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer, double eta, double phi) const;
     // helpers, managers, tools
-    SG::ReadCondHandleKey<CaloNoise> m_noiseCDOKey{this,"CaloNoiseKey","totalNoise","SG Key of CaloNoise data object"};
-    ToolHandle<IMuidCaloEnergyParam>		m_caloParamTool;
-    const TileID*				m_tileID;
-    const LArEM_ID*				m_emID;
-    const LArHEC_ID*				m_hecID;
-    SG::ReadHandleKey<CaloCellContainer>	m_cellContainerLocation{this,"CellContainerLocation","AllCalo","calo cell container location"};
-    double 					m_measurementConeTile;
-    double					m_measurementConeLArHEC;
-    double					m_measurementConeLArEM;
-    double					m_isolationConeTile;
-    double					m_isolationConeLArHEC;
-    double					m_isolationConeLArEM;
-    double			m_sigmasAboveNoise;	// The minimum sigmas above the noise tool rms
-    double			m_sigmasAboveNoiseCore;	// The minimum sigmas above the noise tool rms
-    mutable std::atomic_int	m_totalCoreCellsEM;
-    mutable std::atomic_int	m_totalCoreCellsHEC;
-    mutable std::atomic_int	m_totalCoreCellsTile;
-    mutable std::atomic_int	m_totalSelectedEM;
-    mutable std::atomic_int	m_totalSelectedHEC;
-    mutable std::atomic_int	m_totalSelectedTile;
+    SG::ReadCondHandleKey<CaloNoise> m_noiseCDOKey{
+        this,
+        "CaloNoiseKey",
+        "totalNoise",
+        "SG Key of CaloNoise data object",
+    };
+    ToolHandle<IMuidCaloEnergyParam> m_caloParamTool{
+        this,
+        "CaloParamTool",
+        "",
+    };
+    const TileID*                        m_tileID;
+    const LArEM_ID*                      m_emID;
+    const LArHEC_ID*                     m_hecID;
+    SG::ReadHandleKey<CaloCellContainer> m_cellContainerLocation{
+        this,
+        "CellContainerLocation",
+        "AllCalo",
+        "calo cell container location",
+    };
+    double m_measurementConeTile;
+    double m_measurementConeLArHEC;
+    double m_measurementConeLArEM;
+    double m_isolationConeTile;
+    double m_isolationConeLArHEC;
+    double m_isolationConeLArEM;
+    double m_sigmasAboveNoise;      // The minimum sigmas above the noise tool rms
+    double m_sigmasAboveNoiseCore;  // The minimum sigmas above the noise tool rms
+    mutable std::atomic_int m_totalCoreCellsEM;
+    mutable std::atomic_int m_totalCoreCellsHEC;
+    mutable std::atomic_int m_totalCoreCellsTile;
+    mutable std::atomic_int m_totalSelectedEM;
+    mutable std::atomic_int m_totalSelectedHEC;
+    mutable std::atomic_int m_totalSelectedTile;
-}	// end of namespace
+}  // namespace Rec
diff --git a/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuidCaloEnergyTools/MuidCaloEnergyTools/MuidCaloEnergyTool.h b/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuidCaloEnergyTools/MuidCaloEnergyTools/MuidCaloEnergyTool.h
index 16b83ab5884ef9ff28ee4a9eeef229f8f3f91e07..a4ea560f9deeb0bc7978960e25da8db926f354dd 100755
--- a/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuidCaloEnergyTools/MuidCaloEnergyTools/MuidCaloEnergyTool.h
+++ b/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuidCaloEnergyTools/MuidCaloEnergyTools/MuidCaloEnergyTool.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
  K. Nikolopoulos, D. Fassouliotis, C. Kourkoumelis, and A. Poppleton,
  "Event-by-Event Estimate of Muon Energy Loss in ATLAS",
  IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 54, no. 5, pt. 2, pp. 1792-1796, Oct. 2007.
   @author Konstantinos.Nikolopoulos@cern.ch, Alan.Poppleton@cern.ch
  (c) ATLAS Combined Muon software
@@ -24,95 +24,89 @@
 //<<<<<< INCLUDES                                                       >>>>>>
+#include <atomic>
 #include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
 #include "MuidInterfaces/IMuidCaloEnergy.h"
-#include <atomic>
+#include "MuidInterfaces/IMuidCaloEnergyParam.h"
+#include "MuidInterfaces/IMuidTrackIsolation.h"
 //<<<<<< CLASS DECLARATIONS                                             >>>>>>
-namespace Rec
+namespace Rec {
 class CaloMeas;
 class IMuidCaloEnergyMeas;
 class IMuidCaloEnergyParam;
 class IMuidTrackIsolation;
-class MuidCaloEnergyTool: public AthAlgTool,
-			  virtual public IMuidCaloEnergy
+class MuidCaloEnergyTool : public AthAlgTool, virtual public IMuidCaloEnergy {
+  public:
+    MuidCaloEnergyTool(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent);
+    ~MuidCaloEnergyTool(void);  // destructor
-    MuidCaloEnergyTool(const std::string& type, 
-		       const std::string& name,
-		       const IInterface* parent);
-    ~MuidCaloEnergyTool(void); // destructor
     StatusCode initialize();
     StatusCode finalize();
     /**IMuidCaloEnergy interface:
        to get the total energyLoss in the calorimeters */
-    CaloEnergy*				energyLoss(double trackMomentum,
-						                      double eta,
-						                      double phi) const;
+    CaloEnergy* energyLoss(double trackMomentum, double eta, double phi) const;
     /**IMuidCaloEnergy interface:
        TrackStateOnSurface for parameters and energyLoss at the calorimeter mid-surface */
-    const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface*	trackStateOnSurface(
-	    const Trk::TrackParameters& middleParameters,
-	    const Trk::TrackParameters* innerParameters,
-	    const Trk::TrackParameters* outerParameters) const;
+    const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface* trackStateOnSurface(const Trk::TrackParameters& middleParameters,
+                                                        const Trk::TrackParameters* innerParameters,
+                                                        const Trk::TrackParameters* outerParameters) const;
+  private:
     // private methods
-    CaloEnergy*				measurement(double	trackMomentum,
-						    double	eta,
-						    double	phi,
-						    CaloMeas*	caloMeas) const;
-    double                              muSpecResolParam(double trackMomentum,
-							 double eta) const;
-    double                              paramCorrection(double trackMomentum,
-							double eta,
-							double MopLoss,
-							double MopSigma) const;
-    double                              landau(double x,
-					       double mpv, 
-					       double sigma, 
-					       bool   norm) const;
+    CaloEnergy* measurement(double trackMomentum, double eta, double phi, CaloMeas* caloMeas) const;
+    double      muSpecResolParam(double trackMomentum, double eta) const;
+    double      paramCorrection(double trackMomentum, double eta, double MopLoss, double MopSigma) const;
+    double      landau(double x, double mpv, double sigma, bool norm) const;
     // helpers, managers, tools
-    ToolHandle<IMuidCaloEnergyMeas>		m_caloMeasTool;
-    ToolHandle<IMuidCaloEnergyParam>		m_caloParamTool;
-    ToolHandle<IMuidTrackIsolation>		m_trackIsolationTool;
+    ToolHandle<IMuidCaloEnergyMeas> m_caloMeasTool{
+        this,
+        "CaloMeasTool",
+        "Rec::MuidCaloEnergyMeas/MuidCaloEnergyMeas",
+    };
+    ToolHandle<IMuidCaloEnergyParam> m_caloParamTool{
+        this,
+        "CaloParamTool",
+        "Rec::MuidCaloEnergyParam/MuidCaloEnergyParam",
+    };
+    ToolHandle<IMuidTrackIsolation> m_trackIsolationTool{
+        this,
+        "TrackIsolationTool",
+        "Rec::MuidTrackIsolation/MuidTrackIsolation",
+    };
     // configurable options
-    bool					m_cosmics;
-    bool					m_energyLossMeasurement;
-    bool					m_forceIsolationFailure;
-    bool					m_FSRtreatment;
-    bool					m_MOPparametrization;
-    bool					m_trackIsolation;
+    bool m_cosmics;
+    bool m_energyLossMeasurement;
+    bool m_forceIsolationFailure;
+    bool m_FSRtreatment;
+    bool m_MOPparametrization;
+    bool m_trackIsolation;
     // thresholds for use of energy measurement
-    double					m_emEtCut;	  // minimum Et in em for FSR treatment
-    double					m_emF1Cut;	  // minimum F1 in em for FSR treatment
-    double 					m_emMinEnergy;    // mininum energy in the EM 
-    double					m_hecMinEnergy;   // minimum energy in the HEC
-    int						  m_maxNTracksIso;  // max #tracks in the isolation cone
-    double					m_minFinalEnergy; // minimum measured final energy
-    double					m_minMuonPt;      // minimum pt of the muon
+    double m_emEtCut;         // minimum Et in em for FSR treatment
+    double m_emF1Cut;         // minimum F1 in em for FSR treatment
+    double m_emMinEnergy;     // mininum energy in the EM
+    double m_hecMinEnergy;    // minimum energy in the HEC
+    int    m_maxNTracksIso;   // max #tracks in the isolation cone
+    double m_minFinalEnergy;  // minimum measured final energy
+    double m_minMuonPt;       // minimum pt of the muon
     // counters (for finalize)
-    mutable std::atomic_int			m_countMean;        //number of tracks using mean
-    mutable std::atomic_int			m_countMeasurement; //number of tracks using measurement
-    mutable std::atomic_int 		m_countMop;         //number of tracks using mop
+    mutable std::atomic_int m_countMean;         // number of tracks using mean
+    mutable std::atomic_int m_countMeasurement;  // number of tracks using measurement
+    mutable std::atomic_int m_countMop;          // number of tracks using mop
-}	// end of namespace
+}  // namespace Rec
diff --git a/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuidCaloEnergyTools/src/MuidCaloEnergyMeas.cxx b/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuidCaloEnergyTools/src/MuidCaloEnergyMeas.cxx
index ccc58ff0315acacddd10ff9daec40f58e1275d31..e1798e456c84eb5f9c4cf597e0e27fe9c33ae111 100755
--- a/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuidCaloEnergyTools/src/MuidCaloEnergyMeas.cxx
+++ b/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuidCaloEnergyTools/src/MuidCaloEnergyMeas.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@@ -13,58 +13,53 @@
 //<<<<<< INCLUDES                                                       >>>>>>
+#include "MuidCaloEnergyTools/MuidCaloEnergyMeas.h"
+#include "AthenaKernel/Units.h"
 #include "CLHEP/Geometry/Vector3D.h"
 #include "CaloEvent/CaloCell.h"
 #include "CaloIdentifier/CaloCell_ID.h"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/TileID.h"
+#include "CaloIdentifier/CaloID.h"
 #include "CaloIdentifier/LArEM_ID.h"
 #include "CaloIdentifier/LArHEC_ID.h"
-#include "CaloIdentifier/CaloID.h"
+#include "CaloIdentifier/TileID.h"
 #include "CaloUtils/CaloCellList.h"
-#include "MuidCaloEnergyTools/MuidCaloEnergyMeas.h"
 #include "MuidEvent/CaloMeas.h"
 #include "MuidInterfaces/IMuidCaloEnergyParam.h"
-#include "AthenaKernel/Units.h"
 //<<<<<< CLASS STRUCTURE INITIALIZATION                                 >>>>>>
 namespace Units = Athena::Units;
-namespace Rec
-MuidCaloEnergyMeas::MuidCaloEnergyMeas (const std::string&	type,
-					const std::string&	name,
-					const IInterface*	parent)
-    :	AthAlgTool		(type, name, parent),
-	m_caloParamTool		("", this),
-	m_tileID                (0),
-	m_emID                  (0),
-	m_hecID                 (0),
-	m_sigmasAboveNoise	(4.),
-	m_sigmasAboveNoiseCore	(1.5),
-	m_totalCoreCellsEM	(0),
-	m_totalCoreCellsHEC	(0),
-	m_totalCoreCellsTile	(0),
-	m_totalSelectedEM	(0),
-	m_totalSelectedHEC	(0),
-	m_totalSelectedTile	(0)
+namespace Rec {
+MuidCaloEnergyMeas::MuidCaloEnergyMeas(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent)
+    : AthAlgTool(type, name, parent),
+      m_tileID(0),
+      m_emID(0),
+      m_hecID(0),
+      m_sigmasAboveNoise(4.),
+      m_sigmasAboveNoiseCore(1.5),
+      m_totalCoreCellsEM(0),
+      m_totalCoreCellsHEC(0),
+      m_totalCoreCellsTile(0),
+      m_totalSelectedEM(0),
+      m_totalSelectedHEC(0),
+      m_totalSelectedTile(0)
-    declareProperty ("CaloParamTool",		m_caloParamTool);
-    declareProperty ("NoiseThresInSigmas",	m_sigmasAboveNoise);
-    declareProperty ("NoiseThresInSigmasCore",	m_sigmasAboveNoiseCore);
-    m_measurementConeTile	= 0.15;
-    m_measurementConeLArHEC	= 0.15;
-    m_measurementConeLArEM	= 0.075;
-    m_isolationConeTile		= 0.3;
-    m_isolationConeLArHEC	= 0.3;
-    m_isolationConeLArEM	= 0.15;
+    declareProperty("NoiseThresInSigmas", m_sigmasAboveNoise);
+    declareProperty("NoiseThresInSigmasCore", m_sigmasAboveNoiseCore);
+    m_measurementConeTile   = 0.15;
+    m_measurementConeLArHEC = 0.15;
+    m_measurementConeLArEM  = 0.075;
+    m_isolationConeTile     = 0.3;
+    m_isolationConeLArHEC   = 0.3;
+    m_isolationConeLArEM    = 0.15;
-MuidCaloEnergyMeas::~MuidCaloEnergyMeas (void) 
+MuidCaloEnergyMeas::~MuidCaloEnergyMeas(void) {}
 //<<<<<< PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                             >>>>>>
@@ -72,34 +67,31 @@ MuidCaloEnergyMeas::~MuidCaloEnergyMeas (void)
-    ATH_MSG_INFO( "Initializing MuidCaloEnergyMeas AlgTool"
-		  << " - package version " << PACKAGE_VERSION );
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("Initializing MuidCaloEnergyMeas AlgTool"
+                 << " - package version " << PACKAGE_VERSION);
     // retrieve TileID helper and TileIfno from det store
-    if (StatusCode::SUCCESS != detStore()->retrieve(m_tileID)) 
-    {
-	ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Unable to retrieve TileID helper from DetectorStore" );
-	return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    if (StatusCode::SUCCESS != detStore()->retrieve(m_tileID)) {
+        ATH_MSG_FATAL("Unable to retrieve TileID helper from DetectorStore");
+        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "Accessed TileID helper" );
-    // retrieve LArEM helper 
-    if (StatusCode::SUCCESS != detStore()->retrieve(m_emID,"LArEM_ID")) 
-    {
-	ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Unable to retrieve LArEM_ID helper from DetectorStore" );
-	return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Accessed TileID helper");
+    // retrieve LArEM helper
+    if (StatusCode::SUCCESS != detStore()->retrieve(m_emID, "LArEM_ID")) {
+        ATH_MSG_FATAL("Unable to retrieve LArEM_ID helper from DetectorStore");
+        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "Accessed LArEM helper" );
+    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Accessed LArEM helper");
     // retrieve LArHEC helper
-    if (StatusCode::SUCCESS != detStore()->retrieve(m_hecID,"LArHEC_ID")) 
-    {
-	ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Unable to retrieve LArHEC_ID helper from DetectorStore" );
-	return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+    if (StatusCode::SUCCESS != detStore()->retrieve(m_hecID, "LArHEC_ID")) {
+        ATH_MSG_FATAL("Unable to retrieve LArHEC_ID helper from DetectorStore");
+        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "Accessed LArHEC helper" );
+    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Accessed LArHEC helper");
+    ATH_CHECK(m_caloParamTool.retrieve());
@@ -109,122 +101,99 @@ MuidCaloEnergyMeas::initialize()
-    ATH_MSG_INFO( "Finalizing MuidCaloEnergyMeas Tool" );
-    ATH_MSG_INFO( " EM:   selected " << m_totalSelectedEM << " from "
-		  << m_totalCoreCellsEM << " cells in core" );
-    ATH_MSG_INFO( " Tile: selected " << m_totalSelectedTile << " from "
-		  << m_totalCoreCellsTile << " cells in core" );
-    ATH_MSG_INFO( " HEC:  selected " << m_totalSelectedHEC  << " from "
-		  << m_totalCoreCellsHEC  << " cells in core" );
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("Finalizing MuidCaloEnergyMeas Tool");
+    ATH_MSG_INFO(" EM:   selected " << m_totalSelectedEM << " from " << m_totalCoreCellsEM << " cells in core");
+    ATH_MSG_INFO(" Tile: selected " << m_totalSelectedTile << " from " << m_totalCoreCellsTile << " cells in core");
+    ATH_MSG_INFO(" HEC:  selected " << m_totalSelectedHEC << " from " << m_totalCoreCellsHEC << " cells in core");
     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-MuidCaloEnergyMeas::energyMeasurement (double etaEM,
-				       double phiEM,
-				       double etaHad,
-				       double phiHad) const
+MuidCaloEnergyMeas::energyMeasurement(double etaEM, double phiEM, double etaHad, double phiHad) const
-  SG::ReadHandle<CaloCellContainer> cellContainer(m_cellContainerLocation);
-  if(!cellContainer.isPresent()){
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("No calo cell container "<<m_cellContainerLocation.key()<<", energy measurement is 0");
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if(!cellContainer.isValid()){
-    ATH_MSG_WARNING("Calo cell container "<<m_cellContainerLocation.key()<<" not valid!");
-    return 0;
-  }
+    SG::ReadHandle<CaloCellContainer> cellContainer(m_cellContainerLocation);
+    if (!cellContainer.isPresent()) {
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("No calo cell container " << m_cellContainerLocation.key() << ", energy measurement is 0");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (!cellContainer.isValid()) {
+        ATH_MSG_WARNING("Calo cell container " << m_cellContainerLocation.key() << " not valid!");
+        return 0;
+    }
     // set measured tile energy, measured sampling fraction and isolation energy into CaloMeas
-    CaloMeas* caloMeas	= new CaloMeas();
-    energyInCalo(*caloMeas,cellContainer.cptr(),etaHad,phiHad,0);
-    isolationEnergy(*caloMeas,cellContainer.cptr(),etaHad,phiHad,0);
+    CaloMeas* caloMeas = new CaloMeas();
+    energyInCalo(*caloMeas, cellContainer.cptr(), etaHad, phiHad, 0);
+    isolationEnergy(*caloMeas, cellContainer.cptr(), etaHad, phiHad, 0);
     // similar for LArHEC
-    energyInCalo(*caloMeas,cellContainer.cptr(),etaHad,phiHad,1);
-    isolationEnergy(*caloMeas,cellContainer.cptr(),etaHad,phiHad,1);
+    energyInCalo(*caloMeas, cellContainer.cptr(), etaHad, phiHad, 1);
+    isolationEnergy(*caloMeas, cellContainer.cptr(), etaHad, phiHad, 1);
     // and for the em calo
-    energyInCalo(*caloMeas,cellContainer.cptr(),etaEM,phiEM,2);
-    isolationEnergy(*caloMeas,cellContainer.cptr(),etaEM,phiEM,2);
-    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG))
-    {	 
-	// int cellsOverThreshold	= 0;
-	// cellsOverThreshold	= cellCounting(cellContainer,etaEM,phiEM);
-	ATH_MSG_DEBUG( std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed)
-		       << " Tile energy (GeV)  :"	<< std::setw(8) << std::setprecision(3)
-		       << caloMeas->Tile_EnergyMeasured()/Units::GeV
-		       << " Material percent:"		<< std::setw(4) << std::setprecision(0)
-		       << 100.*caloMeas->Tile_SamplingFraction()
-		       << " ISO :"			<< std::setw(8) << std::setprecision(3)
-		       << caloMeas->Tile_Isolation()/Units::GeV
-		       << endmsg
-		       << " LArHEC energy (GeV):"	<< std::setw(8) << std::setprecision(3)
-		       << caloMeas->LArHEC_EnergyMeasured()/Units::GeV
-		       << " Material percent:"		<< std::setw(4) << std::setprecision(0)
-		       << 100.*caloMeas->LArHEC_SamplingFraction()
-		       << " ISO :"			<< std::setw(8) << std::setprecision(3)
-		       << caloMeas->LArHEC_Isolation()/Units::GeV
-		       << endmsg
-		       << " EM energy          :"	<< std::setw(8) << std::setprecision(3)
-		       << caloMeas->LArEM_EnergyMeasured()/Units::GeV
-		       << " first compartment:"		<< std::setw(8) << std::setprecision(3)
-		       << caloMeas->LArEM_FirstCompartmentEnergy()/Units::GeV
-		       << " Material percent:"		<< std::setw(4) << std::setprecision(0)
-		       << 100.*caloMeas->LArEM_SamplingFraction()
-		       << " ISO :"			<< std::setw(8) << std::setprecision(3)
-		       << caloMeas->LArEM_Isolation()/Units::GeV);
+    energyInCalo(*caloMeas, cellContainer.cptr(), etaEM, phiEM, 2);
+    isolationEnergy(*caloMeas, cellContainer.cptr(), etaEM, phiEM, 2);
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
+        // int cellsOverThreshold	= 0;
+        // cellsOverThreshold	= cellCounting(cellContainer,etaEM,phiEM);
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG(std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed)
+                      << " Tile energy (GeV)  :" << std::setw(8) << std::setprecision(3)
+                      << caloMeas->Tile_EnergyMeasured() / Units::GeV << " Material percent:" << std::setw(4)
+                      << std::setprecision(0) << 100. * caloMeas->Tile_SamplingFraction() << " ISO :" << std::setw(8)
+                      << std::setprecision(3) << caloMeas->Tile_Isolation() / Units::GeV << endmsg
+                      << " LArHEC energy (GeV):" << std::setw(8) << std::setprecision(3)
+                      << caloMeas->LArHEC_EnergyMeasured() / Units::GeV << " Material percent:" << std::setw(4)
+                      << std::setprecision(0) << 100. * caloMeas->LArHEC_SamplingFraction() << " ISO :" << std::setw(8)
+                      << std::setprecision(3) << caloMeas->LArHEC_Isolation() / Units::GeV << endmsg
+                      << " EM energy          :" << std::setw(8) << std::setprecision(3)
+                      << caloMeas->LArEM_EnergyMeasured() / Units::GeV << " first compartment:" << std::setw(8)
+                      << std::setprecision(3) << caloMeas->LArEM_FirstCompartmentEnergy() / Units::GeV
+                      << " Material percent:" << std::setw(4) << std::setprecision(0)
+                      << 100. * caloMeas->LArEM_SamplingFraction() << " ISO :" << std::setw(8) << std::setprecision(3)
+                      << caloMeas->LArEM_Isolation() / Units::GeV);
     return caloMeas;
 //<<<<<< PRIVATE MEMBER FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                            >>>>>>
-MuidCaloEnergyMeas::cellCounting(const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer,
-				 double mu_eta,
-				 double mu_phi) const
+MuidCaloEnergyMeas::cellCounting(const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer, double mu_eta, double mu_phi) const
-    //int isubcalo = 2;
+    // int isubcalo = 2;
     constexpr double lowest_threshold = 4 * 50.;
     SG::ReadCondHandle<CaloNoise> noiseHdl{m_noiseCDOKey};
-    const CaloNoise* noiseCDO=*noiseHdl;
+    const CaloNoise*              noiseCDO = *noiseHdl;
     CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO iCalo = CaloCell_ID::LAREM;
-    CaloCellList myList(cellContainer,iCalo);  // Construct the list  
-    myList.select(mu_eta,mu_phi,0.2,0.2);
+    CaloCellList         myList(cellContainer, iCalo);  // Construct the list
+    myList.select(mu_eta, mu_phi, 0.2, 0.2);
-    int count		= 0;
+    int                         count      = 0;
     CaloCellList::list_iterator ilistfirst = myList.begin();
     CaloCellList::list_iterator ilistlast  = myList.end();
-    for(;ilistfirst!=ilistlast;ilistfirst++)
-    {
-	const double cellEnergy= (*ilistfirst)->energy();
-	const double noise_rms =noiseCDO->getNoise((*ilistfirst)->ID(),(*ilistfirst)->gain()); 
-	if( cellEnergy > lowest_threshold && cellEnergy > noise_rms * m_sigmasAboveNoise )
-	{
-	    count+=1;
-	}
+    for (; ilistfirst != ilistlast; ilistfirst++) {
+        const double cellEnergy = (*ilistfirst)->energy();
+        const double noise_rms  = noiseCDO->getNoise((*ilistfirst)->ID(), (*ilistfirst)->gain());
+        if (cellEnergy > lowest_threshold && cellEnergy > noise_rms * m_sigmasAboveNoise) {
+            count += 1;
+        }
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " counted "<< count
-		   << " cells over threshold out of a total of " << myList.ncells() << " cells" );
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" counted " << count << " cells over threshold out of a total of " << myList.ncells() << " cells");
     return count;
-MuidCaloEnergyMeas::energyInCalo (CaloMeas&			caloMeas,
-				  const CaloCellContainer*	cellContainer,
-				  double			muEta,
-				  double			muPhi,
-				  int				isubcalo) const
+MuidCaloEnergyMeas::energyInCalo(CaloMeas& caloMeas, const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer, double muEta, double muPhi,
+                                 int isubcalo) const
     /* -------------------------------------------
        Tile Cal
@@ -241,409 +210,288 @@ MuidCaloEnergyMeas::energyInCalo (CaloMeas&			caloMeas,
        2 --> Sampling 3
        3 --> Sampling 4
-       LarEM calorimeter 
-       sample_number 	     
+       LarEM calorimeter
+       sample_number
        0 --> Presampler
        1 --> Sampling 1
        2 --> Sampling 2
        3 --> Sampling 3
        leadingEnergy is contribution from presampler and first compartment
-       -------------------------------------------*/	    
+       -------------------------------------------*/
     SG::ReadCondHandle<CaloNoise> noiseHdl{m_noiseCDOKey};
-    const CaloNoise* noiseCDO=*noiseHdl;
-    double totalEnergy		= 0.;
-    double leadingEnergy	= 0.;
-    CaloCellList* myList 	= 0;
-    if (isubcalo == 0)
-    {
-	CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO iCalo = CaloCell_ID::TILE;
-	myList	= new CaloCellList(cellContainer,iCalo);
-	myList->select(muEta,muPhi,m_measurementConeTile,m_measurementConeTile);
-    }
-    else if (isubcalo == 1)
-    {
-	CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO iCalo = CaloCell_ID::LARHEC;
-	myList	= new CaloCellList(cellContainer,iCalo);
-	myList->select(muEta,muPhi,m_measurementConeLArHEC,m_measurementConeLArHEC);
-    }
-    else if (isubcalo == 2)
-    {
-	CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO iCalo = CaloCell_ID::LAREM;
-	myList	= new CaloCellList(cellContainer,iCalo); 
-	myList->select(muEta,muPhi,m_measurementConeLArEM,m_measurementConeLArEM);
+    const CaloNoise*              noiseCDO = *noiseHdl;
+    double        totalEnergy   = 0.;
+    double        leadingEnergy = 0.;
+    CaloCellList* myList        = 0;
+    if (isubcalo == 0) {
+        CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO iCalo = CaloCell_ID::TILE;
+        myList                     = new CaloCellList(cellContainer, iCalo);
+        myList->select(muEta, muPhi, m_measurementConeTile, m_measurementConeTile);
+    } else if (isubcalo == 1) {
+        CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO iCalo = CaloCell_ID::LARHEC;
+        myList                     = new CaloCellList(cellContainer, iCalo);
+        myList->select(muEta, muPhi, m_measurementConeLArHEC, m_measurementConeLArHEC);
+    } else if (isubcalo == 2) {
+        CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO iCalo = CaloCell_ID::LAREM;
+        myList                     = new CaloCellList(cellContainer, iCalo);
+        myList->select(muEta, muPhi, m_measurementConeLArEM, m_measurementConeLArEM);
-    int countCoreCells		= 0;
-    int countSelected		= 0;
-    bool compartment[4]		= {false,false,false,false};
-    double measuredSamplings	= 0.;
-    if (myList)
-    {
-	// get last cell (as CaloCellList->back() method doesn't work)
-	const CaloCell*	lastCell= 0;
-	CaloCellList::list_iterator cell = myList->begin();
-	for ( ; cell != myList->end(); ++cell) lastCell	= *cell;
-	// flag core in each sampling
-	for (int coreSampling = 0; coreSampling != 4; ++coreSampling)
-	{
-	    const CaloCell*	coreCell	= 0;
-	    double		coreRadius	= 0.;
-	    for (cell = myList->begin(); cell != myList->end(); ++cell)
-	    {
-		int sampling	= -1;
-		if (isubcalo == 0)
-		{
-		    sampling	= m_tileID->sample((**cell).ID());
-		}
-		else if (isubcalo == 1)
-		{
-		    sampling	= m_hecID->sampling((**cell).ID());
-		}
-		else if (isubcalo == 2)
-		{
-		    sampling	= m_emID->sampling((**cell).ID());
-		}
-		if (*cell != lastCell && sampling != coreSampling)	continue;
-		double deltaEta	= (**cell).eta() - muEta;
-		double deltaPhi	= (**cell).phi() - muPhi;
-		double radius	= deltaEta*deltaEta + deltaPhi*deltaPhi;
-		if (sampling == coreSampling)
-		{
-		    if (! coreCell || radius < coreRadius)
-		    {
-			coreCell	= *cell;
-			coreRadius	= radius;
-		    }
-		}
-		if (*cell != lastCell || ! coreCell)			continue;
-		for (CaloCellList::list_iterator cell2 = myList->begin();
-		     cell2 != myList->end();
-		     ++cell2)
-		{
-		    if (isubcalo == 0)
-		    {
-			sampling	= m_tileID->sample((**cell2).ID());
-		    }
-		    else if (isubcalo == 1)
-		    {
-			sampling	= m_hecID->sampling((**cell2).ID());
-		    }
-		    else if (isubcalo == 2)
-		    {
-			sampling	= m_emID->sampling((**cell2).ID());
-		    }
-		    if (sampling != coreSampling) continue;
-		    double cellEnergy	= (**cell2).energy();
-		    double noiseRms	= noiseCDO->getNoise((**cell2).ID(),(**cell2).gain());
-		    // looser selection for core cell where at least mip is expected
-		    bool cellSelected	= cellEnergy > m_sigmasAboveNoise * noiseRms;
-		    if (*cell2 == coreCell
-			&& cellEnergy > m_sigmasAboveNoiseCore * noiseRms) cellSelected	= true;
-		    if (cellSelected)
-		    {
-			++countSelected;
-			totalEnergy			+= cellEnergy;
-			compartment[coreSampling]	=  true;
-			if (coreSampling < 2)
-			    leadingEnergy		+= cellEnergy;
-		    }
-		    if (*cell2 == coreCell)
-		    {
-			++countCoreCells;
-			if (isubcalo == 0)
-			{
-			    ++m_totalCoreCellsTile;
-			    if (cellSelected) ++m_totalSelectedTile;
-			}
-			else if (isubcalo == 1)
-			{
-			    ++m_totalCoreCellsHEC;
-			    if (cellSelected) ++m_totalSelectedHEC;
-			}
-			else if (isubcalo == 2)
-			{
-			    ++m_totalCoreCellsEM;
-			    if (cellSelected) ++m_totalSelectedEM;
-			}
-		    }
-		    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG))
-		    {
-			std::string info	= "";
-			std::string type	= "  Tile  ";
-			if (isubcalo == 1)
-			{
-			    type	= "  LArHEC";
-			}
-			else if (isubcalo == 2)
-			{
-			    type	= "  EM    ";
-			}
-			if (cellSelected && *cell2 == coreCell)
-			{
-			    info	= "  selected core cell# ";
-			}
-			else if (cellSelected)
-			{
-			    info	= "  selected cell# ";
-			}
-			else if (*cell2 == coreCell)
-			{
-			    info	= "  cell in core NOT selected";
-			}
-			if (info == "")
-			{
-			    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << type
-					     << " Sampling: "<< std::setw(1)
-					     << coreSampling
-					     << " Radius :"
-					     << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(0)
-					     << (**cell2).caloDDE()->r()
-					     << " Eta : "
-					     << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2)
-					     << (**cell2).eta()
-					     << " Phi : "
-					     << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2)
-					     << (**cell2).phi()
-					     << " Noise level : "
-					     << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(0)
-					     << noiseRms
-					     << " Energy : "
-					     << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(0) 
-					     << (**cell2).energy() << info );
-			}
-			else if (cellSelected)
-			{
-			    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << type
-					   << " Sampling: "<< std::setw(1)
-					   << coreSampling
-					   << " Radius :"
-					   << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(0)
-					   << (**cell2).caloDDE()->r()
-					   << " Eta : "
-					   << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2)
-					   << (**cell2).eta()
-					   << " Phi : "
-					   << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2)
-					   << (**cell2).phi()
-					   << " Noise level : "
-					   << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(0)
-					   << noiseRms
-					   << " Energy : "
-					   << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(0) 
-					   << (**cell2).energy() << info << countSelected);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-			    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << type
-					   << " Sampling: "<< std::setw(1)
-					   << coreSampling
-					   << " Radius :"
-					   << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(0)
-					   << (**cell2).caloDDE()->r()
-					   << " Eta : "
-					   << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2)
-					   << (**cell2).eta()
-					   << " Phi : "
-					   << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2)
-					   << (**cell2).phi()
-					   << " Noise level : "
-					   << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(0)
-					   << noiseRms
-					   << " Energy : "
-					   << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(0) 
-					   << (**cell2).energy() << info );
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG))
-	{
-	    std::string info	= "";
-	    std::string type	= "  Tile  ";
-	    if (isubcalo == 1)
-	    {
-		type	= "  LArHEC";
-	    }
-	    else if (isubcalo == 2)
-	    {
-		type	= "  EM    ";
-	    }
-	    ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( type << " at eta = " << muEta << " : selected "
-			    << countSelected << " from measured cone with "
-			    << countCoreCells << " cells forming core" );
-	}
-	delete myList;
-	for (int i = 0; i < 4 ; ++i)
-	    if (compartment[i]) measuredSamplings += m_caloParamTool->caloCompartmentDepth(isubcalo,i);
-	// store result in caloMeas
-	if (isubcalo == 0)
-	{
-	    caloMeas.Tile_EnergyMeasured(totalEnergy);
-	    caloMeas.Tile_SamplingFraction(measuredSamplings);
-	}
-	else if (isubcalo == 1)
-	{
-	    caloMeas.LArHEC_EnergyMeasured(totalEnergy);
-	    caloMeas.LArHEC_SamplingFraction(measuredSamplings);
-	}
-	else if (isubcalo == 2)
-	{
-	    caloMeas.LArEM_EnergyMeasured(totalEnergy);
-	    caloMeas.LArEM_FirstCompartmentEnergy(leadingEnergy);
-	    caloMeas.LArEM_SamplingFraction(measuredSamplings);
-	}
+    int    countCoreCells    = 0;
+    int    countSelected     = 0;
+    bool   compartment[4]    = {false, false, false, false};
+    double measuredSamplings = 0.;
+    if (myList) {
+        // get last cell (as CaloCellList->back() method doesn't work)
+        const CaloCell*             lastCell = 0;
+        CaloCellList::list_iterator cell     = myList->begin();
+        for (; cell != myList->end(); ++cell) lastCell = *cell;
+        // flag core in each sampling
+        for (int coreSampling = 0; coreSampling != 4; ++coreSampling) {
+            const CaloCell* coreCell   = 0;
+            double          coreRadius = 0.;
+            for (cell = myList->begin(); cell != myList->end(); ++cell) {
+                int sampling = -1;
+                if (isubcalo == 0) {
+                    sampling = m_tileID->sample((**cell).ID());
+                } else if (isubcalo == 1) {
+                    sampling = m_hecID->sampling((**cell).ID());
+                } else if (isubcalo == 2) {
+                    sampling = m_emID->sampling((**cell).ID());
+                }
+                if (*cell != lastCell && sampling != coreSampling) continue;
+                double deltaEta = (**cell).eta() - muEta;
+                double deltaPhi = (**cell).phi() - muPhi;
+                double radius   = deltaEta * deltaEta + deltaPhi * deltaPhi;
+                if (sampling == coreSampling) {
+                    if (!coreCell || radius < coreRadius) {
+                        coreCell   = *cell;
+                        coreRadius = radius;
+                    }
+                }
+                if (*cell != lastCell || !coreCell) continue;
+                for (CaloCellList::list_iterator cell2 = myList->begin(); cell2 != myList->end(); ++cell2) {
+                    if (isubcalo == 0) {
+                        sampling = m_tileID->sample((**cell2).ID());
+                    } else if (isubcalo == 1) {
+                        sampling = m_hecID->sampling((**cell2).ID());
+                    } else if (isubcalo == 2) {
+                        sampling = m_emID->sampling((**cell2).ID());
+                    }
+                    if (sampling != coreSampling) continue;
+                    double cellEnergy = (**cell2).energy();
+                    double noiseRms   = noiseCDO->getNoise((**cell2).ID(), (**cell2).gain());
+                    // looser selection for core cell where at least mip is expected
+                    bool cellSelected = cellEnergy > m_sigmasAboveNoise * noiseRms;
+                    if (*cell2 == coreCell && cellEnergy > m_sigmasAboveNoiseCore * noiseRms) cellSelected = true;
+                    if (cellSelected) {
+                        ++countSelected;
+                        totalEnergy += cellEnergy;
+                        compartment[coreSampling] = true;
+                        if (coreSampling < 2) leadingEnergy += cellEnergy;
+                    }
+                    if (*cell2 == coreCell) {
+                        ++countCoreCells;
+                        if (isubcalo == 0) {
+                            ++m_totalCoreCellsTile;
+                            if (cellSelected) ++m_totalSelectedTile;
+                        } else if (isubcalo == 1) {
+                            ++m_totalCoreCellsHEC;
+                            if (cellSelected) ++m_totalSelectedHEC;
+                        } else if (isubcalo == 2) {
+                            ++m_totalCoreCellsEM;
+                            if (cellSelected) ++m_totalSelectedEM;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
+                        std::string info = "";
+                        std::string type = "  Tile  ";
+                        if (isubcalo == 1) {
+                            type = "  LArHEC";
+                        } else if (isubcalo == 2) {
+                            type = "  EM    ";
+                        }
+                        if (cellSelected && *cell2 == coreCell) {
+                            info = "  selected core cell# ";
+                        } else if (cellSelected) {
+                            info = "  selected cell# ";
+                        } else if (*cell2 == coreCell) {
+                            info = "  cell in core NOT selected";
+                        }
+                        if (info == "") {
+                            ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed)
+                                            << type << " Sampling: " << std::setw(1) << coreSampling << " Radius :"
+                                            << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(0) << (**cell2).caloDDE()->r()
+                                            << " Eta : " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << (**cell2).eta()
+                                            << " Phi : " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << (**cell2).phi()
+                                            << " Noise level : " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(0) << noiseRms
+                                            << " Energy : " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(0)
+                                            << (**cell2).energy() << info);
+                        } else if (cellSelected) {
+                            ATH_MSG_DEBUG(std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed)
+                                          << type << " Sampling: " << std::setw(1) << coreSampling << " Radius :"
+                                          << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(0) << (**cell2).caloDDE()->r()
+                                          << " Eta : " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << (**cell2).eta()
+                                          << " Phi : " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << (**cell2).phi()
+                                          << " Noise level : " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(0) << noiseRms
+                                          << " Energy : " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(0) << (**cell2).energy()
+                                          << info << countSelected);
+                        } else {
+                            ATH_MSG_DEBUG(std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed)
+                                          << type << " Sampling: " << std::setw(1) << coreSampling << " Radius :"
+                                          << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(0) << (**cell2).caloDDE()->r()
+                                          << " Eta : " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << (**cell2).eta()
+                                          << " Phi : " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << (**cell2).phi()
+                                          << " Noise level : " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(0) << noiseRms
+                                          << " Energy : " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(0) << (**cell2).energy()
+                                          << info);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
+            std::string info = "";
+            std::string type = "  Tile  ";
+            if (isubcalo == 1) {
+                type = "  LArHEC";
+            } else if (isubcalo == 2) {
+                type = "  EM    ";
+            }
+            ATH_MSG_DEBUG(type << " at eta = " << muEta << " : selected " << countSelected
+                               << " from measured cone with " << countCoreCells << " cells forming core");
+        }
+        delete myList;
+        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+            if (compartment[i]) measuredSamplings += m_caloParamTool->caloCompartmentDepth(isubcalo, i);
+        // store result in caloMeas
+        if (isubcalo == 0) {
+            caloMeas.Tile_EnergyMeasured(totalEnergy);
+            caloMeas.Tile_SamplingFraction(measuredSamplings);
+        } else if (isubcalo == 1) {
+            caloMeas.LArHEC_EnergyMeasured(totalEnergy);
+            caloMeas.LArHEC_SamplingFraction(measuredSamplings);
+        } else if (isubcalo == 2) {
+            caloMeas.LArEM_EnergyMeasured(totalEnergy);
+            caloMeas.LArEM_FirstCompartmentEnergy(leadingEnergy);
+            caloMeas.LArEM_SamplingFraction(measuredSamplings);
+        }
-MuidCaloEnergyMeas::isolationEnergy (CaloMeas&			caloMeas,
-				     const CaloCellContainer*	cellContainer,
-				     double			muEta,
-				     double			muPhi,
-				     int			isubcalo) const
+MuidCaloEnergyMeas::isolationEnergy(CaloMeas& caloMeas, const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer, double muEta,
+                                    double muPhi, int isubcalo) const
-    double totalEnergy		= 0.;
-    CaloCellList* myList 	= 0;
+    double        totalEnergy = 0.;
+    CaloCellList* myList      = 0;
-     SG::ReadCondHandle<CaloNoise> noiseHdl{m_noiseCDOKey};
-     const CaloNoise* noiseCDO=*noiseHdl;
-    if (isubcalo == 0)
-    {
-	CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO iCalo = CaloCell_ID::TILE;
-	myList = new CaloCellList(cellContainer,iCalo);
-	myList->select(muEta, muPhi, m_isolationConeTile, m_isolationConeTile);
-    }
-    else if (isubcalo == 1)
-    {
-	CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO iCalo = CaloCell_ID::LARHEC;
-	myList	= new CaloCellList(cellContainer,iCalo);
-	myList->select(muEta, muPhi, m_isolationConeLArHEC, m_isolationConeLArHEC);
-    }
-    else if (isubcalo == 2)
-    {
-	CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO iCalo = CaloCell_ID::LAREM;
-	myList = new CaloCellList(cellContainer,iCalo); 
-	myList->select(muEta, muPhi, m_isolationConeLArEM, m_isolationConeLArEM);
+    SG::ReadCondHandle<CaloNoise> noiseHdl{m_noiseCDOKey};
+    const CaloNoise*              noiseCDO = *noiseHdl;
+    if (isubcalo == 0) {
+        CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO iCalo = CaloCell_ID::TILE;
+        myList                     = new CaloCellList(cellContainer, iCalo);
+        myList->select(muEta, muPhi, m_isolationConeTile, m_isolationConeTile);
+    } else if (isubcalo == 1) {
+        CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO iCalo = CaloCell_ID::LARHEC;
+        myList                     = new CaloCellList(cellContainer, iCalo);
+        myList->select(muEta, muPhi, m_isolationConeLArHEC, m_isolationConeLArHEC);
+    } else if (isubcalo == 2) {
+        CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO iCalo = CaloCell_ID::LAREM;
+        myList                     = new CaloCellList(cellContainer, iCalo);
+        myList->select(muEta, muPhi, m_isolationConeLArEM, m_isolationConeLArEM);
-    if (myList)
-    {
-	// get last cell (as CaloCellList->back() method doesn't work)
-	const CaloCell*	lastCell= 0;
-	CaloCellList::list_iterator cell = myList->begin();
-	for ( ; cell != myList->end(); ++cell) lastCell	= *cell;
-	// flag core in each sampling
-	for (int coreSampling = 0; coreSampling != 4; ++coreSampling)
-	{
-	    const CaloCell*	coreCell	= 0;
-	    double		coreRadius	= 0.;
-	    for (cell = myList->begin(); cell != myList->end(); ++cell)
-	    {
-		int sampling	= -1;
-		if (isubcalo == 0)
-		{
-		    sampling	= m_tileID->sample((**cell).ID());
-		}
-		else if (isubcalo == 1)
-		{
-		    sampling	= m_hecID->sampling((**cell).ID());
-		}
-		else if (isubcalo == 2)
-		{
-		    sampling	= m_emID->sampling((**cell).ID());
-		}
-		if (*cell != lastCell && sampling != coreSampling)	continue;
-		double deltaEta	= (**cell).eta() - muEta;
-		double deltaPhi	= (**cell).phi() - muPhi;
-		double radius	= deltaEta*deltaEta + deltaPhi*deltaPhi;
-		if (sampling == coreSampling)
-		{
-		    if (! coreCell || radius < coreRadius)
-		    {
-			coreCell	= *cell;
-			coreRadius	= radius;
-		    }
-		}
-		if (*cell != lastCell || ! coreCell)			continue;
-		for (CaloCellList::list_iterator cell2 = myList->begin();
-		     cell2 != myList->end();
-		     ++cell2)
-		{
-		    if (isubcalo == 0)
-		    {
-			sampling	= m_tileID->sample((**cell2).ID());
-		    }
-		    else if (isubcalo == 1)
-		    {
-			sampling	= m_hecID->sampling((**cell2).ID());
-		    }
-		    else if (isubcalo == 2)
-		    {
-			sampling	= m_emID->sampling((**cell2).ID());
-		    }
-		    if (sampling != coreSampling) continue;
-		    double cellEnergy	= (**cell2).energy();
-		    double noiseRms	= noiseCDO->getNoise((**cell2).ID(),(**cell2).gain());
-		    // looser selection for core cell where at least mip is expected
-		    bool cellSelected	= cellEnergy > m_sigmasAboveNoise * noiseRms;
-		    if (*cell2 == coreCell
-			&& cellEnergy > m_sigmasAboveNoiseCore * noiseRms) cellSelected	= true;
-		    if (cellSelected) totalEnergy += cellEnergy;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	// store result in caloMeas
-	if (isubcalo == 0)
-	{
-	    caloMeas.Tile_Isolation(totalEnergy);
-	}
-	else if (isubcalo == 1)
-	{
-	    caloMeas.LArHEC_Isolation(totalEnergy);
-	}
-	else if (isubcalo == 2)
-	{
-	    caloMeas.LArEM_Isolation(totalEnergy);
-	}
+    if (myList) {
+        // get last cell (as CaloCellList->back() method doesn't work)
+        const CaloCell*             lastCell = 0;
+        CaloCellList::list_iterator cell     = myList->begin();
+        for (; cell != myList->end(); ++cell) lastCell = *cell;
+        // flag core in each sampling
+        for (int coreSampling = 0; coreSampling != 4; ++coreSampling) {
+            const CaloCell* coreCell   = 0;
+            double          coreRadius = 0.;
+            for (cell = myList->begin(); cell != myList->end(); ++cell) {
+                int sampling = -1;
+                if (isubcalo == 0) {
+                    sampling = m_tileID->sample((**cell).ID());
+                } else if (isubcalo == 1) {
+                    sampling = m_hecID->sampling((**cell).ID());
+                } else if (isubcalo == 2) {
+                    sampling = m_emID->sampling((**cell).ID());
+                }
+                if (*cell != lastCell && sampling != coreSampling) continue;
+                double deltaEta = (**cell).eta() - muEta;
+                double deltaPhi = (**cell).phi() - muPhi;
+                double radius   = deltaEta * deltaEta + deltaPhi * deltaPhi;
+                if (sampling == coreSampling) {
+                    if (!coreCell || radius < coreRadius) {
+                        coreCell   = *cell;
+                        coreRadius = radius;
+                    }
+                }
+                if (*cell != lastCell || !coreCell) continue;
+                for (CaloCellList::list_iterator cell2 = myList->begin(); cell2 != myList->end(); ++cell2) {
+                    if (isubcalo == 0) {
+                        sampling = m_tileID->sample((**cell2).ID());
+                    } else if (isubcalo == 1) {
+                        sampling = m_hecID->sampling((**cell2).ID());
+                    } else if (isubcalo == 2) {
+                        sampling = m_emID->sampling((**cell2).ID());
+                    }
+                    if (sampling != coreSampling) continue;
+                    double cellEnergy = (**cell2).energy();
+                    double noiseRms   = noiseCDO->getNoise((**cell2).ID(), (**cell2).gain());
+                    // looser selection for core cell where at least mip is expected
+                    bool cellSelected = cellEnergy > m_sigmasAboveNoise * noiseRms;
+                    if (*cell2 == coreCell && cellEnergy > m_sigmasAboveNoiseCore * noiseRms) cellSelected = true;
+                    if (cellSelected) totalEnergy += cellEnergy;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // store result in caloMeas
+        if (isubcalo == 0) {
+            caloMeas.Tile_Isolation(totalEnergy);
+        } else if (isubcalo == 1) {
+            caloMeas.LArHEC_Isolation(totalEnergy);
+        } else if (isubcalo == 2) {
+            caloMeas.LArEM_Isolation(totalEnergy);
+        }
     delete myList;
-MuidCaloEnergyMeas::energyInTile(const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer,
-				 double mu_eta,
-				 double mu_phi,
-				 int sample,
-				 int cone) const
+MuidCaloEnergyMeas::energyInTile(const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer, double mu_eta, double mu_phi, int sample,
+                                 int cone) const
     //      Tile Cal
     //      sample_number
@@ -651,72 +499,59 @@ MuidCaloEnergyMeas::energyInTile(const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer,
     // 	     1 --> Sampling 2
     // 	     2 --> Sampling 3
     // 	     3 --> ITC
-    //int i,j,k;
-    SG::ReadCondHandle<CaloNoise> noiseHdl{m_noiseCDOKey};
-    const CaloNoise* noiseCDO=*noiseHdl;
+    // int i,j,k;
-    double tileTotalEnergy=0.;
-    double tileTestEnergy=0.;	
-    CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO iCalo = CaloCell_ID::TILE;	      
-    CaloCellList myList(cellContainer,iCalo);  // Construct the list   
-    if(cone == 1)
-    {
-	myList.select(mu_eta,mu_phi,0.15,0.15);
-    }
-    else if(cone == 2)
-    {
-	myList.select(mu_eta,mu_phi,0.3,0.3); 
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	myList.select(mu_eta,mu_phi,0.,0.);
+    SG::ReadCondHandle<CaloNoise> noiseHdl{m_noiseCDOKey};
+    const CaloNoise*              noiseCDO = *noiseHdl;
+    double tileTotalEnergy = 0.;
+    double tileTestEnergy  = 0.;
+    CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO iCalo = CaloCell_ID::TILE;
+    CaloCellList         myList(cellContainer, iCalo);  // Construct the list
+    if (cone == 1) {
+        myList.select(mu_eta, mu_phi, 0.15, 0.15);
+    } else if (cone == 2) {
+        myList.select(mu_eta, mu_phi, 0.3, 0.3);
+    } else {
+        myList.select(mu_eta, mu_phi, 0., 0.);
     CaloCellList::list_iterator ilistfirst = myList.begin();
     CaloCellList::list_iterator ilistlast  = myList.end();
-    int count=0;
-    double lowest_threshold=0.; 
-    for(;ilistfirst!=ilistlast;ilistfirst++)
-    {
-	double cellEnergy= (*ilistfirst)->energy();
-	double noise_rms=noiseCDO->getNoise((*ilistfirst)->ID(),(*ilistfirst)->gain()); 
-	if( cellEnergy > lowest_threshold && cellEnergy > noise_rms * m_sigmasAboveNoise
-	    && m_tileID->sample((*ilistfirst)->ID()) == sample)
-	{
-	    count+=1;
-	    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Energy : "		<< (*ilistfirst)->energy() 
-			   << "  Sampling: "	<< m_tileID->sample((*ilistfirst)->ID())
-			   << "  Radius :"	<< (*ilistfirst)->caloDDE()->r()
-			   << "  Eta : "	<< (*ilistfirst)->eta()
-			   << "  Phi : "	<< (*ilistfirst)->phi()
-			   << " Noise Level : "	<< noise_rms );
-	    tileTotalEnergy += cellEnergy;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    tileTestEnergy += cellEnergy;
-	}
+    int    count            = 0;
+    double lowest_threshold = 0.;
+    for (; ilistfirst != ilistlast; ilistfirst++) {
+        double cellEnergy = (*ilistfirst)->energy();
+        double noise_rms  = noiseCDO->getNoise((*ilistfirst)->ID(), (*ilistfirst)->gain());
+        if (cellEnergy > lowest_threshold && cellEnergy > noise_rms * m_sigmasAboveNoise
+            && m_tileID->sample((*ilistfirst)->ID()) == sample)
+        {
+            count += 1;
+            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Energy : " << (*ilistfirst)->energy()
+                                      << "  Sampling: " << m_tileID->sample((*ilistfirst)->ID()) << "  Radius :"
+                                      << (*ilistfirst)->caloDDE()->r() << "  Eta : " << (*ilistfirst)->eta()
+                                      << "  Phi : " << (*ilistfirst)->phi() << " Noise Level : " << noise_rms);
+            tileTotalEnergy += cellEnergy;
+        } else {
+            tileTestEnergy += cellEnergy;
+        }
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " counted " << count << " test energy " << tileTestEnergy );
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" counted " << count << " test energy " << tileTestEnergy);
     return tileTotalEnergy;
-MuidCaloEnergyMeas::energyInLArHEC(const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer,
-				   double mu_eta,
-				   double mu_phi,
-				   int sample,
-				   int cone) const
+MuidCaloEnergyMeas::energyInLArHEC(const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer, double mu_eta, double mu_phi, int sample,
+                                   int cone) const
     // Look in the LarHEC calorimeter
     // i.e. loop over its cells
     /* sample_number
@@ -726,134 +561,113 @@ MuidCaloEnergyMeas::energyInLArHEC(const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer,
        3 --> Sampling 4
-    //int i,j,k;
+    // int i,j,k;
     SG::ReadCondHandle<CaloNoise> noiseHdl{m_noiseCDOKey};
-    const CaloNoise* noiseCDO=*noiseHdl;
-    double larhecTotal=0.;
+    const CaloNoise*              noiseCDO    = *noiseHdl;
+    double                        larhecTotal = 0.;
     CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO iCalo = CaloCell_ID::LARHEC;
-    CaloCellList myList(cellContainer,iCalo);  // Construct the list  
-    if(cone == 1)
-    {
-	myList.select(mu_eta,mu_phi,0.15,0.15);
-    }
-    else if(cone == 2)
-    {
-	myList.select(mu_eta,mu_phi,0.3,0.3); 
+    CaloCellList         myList(cellContainer, iCalo);  // Construct the list
+    if (cone == 1) {
+        myList.select(mu_eta, mu_phi, 0.15, 0.15);
+    } else if (cone == 2) {
+        myList.select(mu_eta, mu_phi, 0.3, 0.3);
+    } else {
+        myList.select(mu_eta, mu_phi, 0., 0.);
-    else
-    {
-	myList.select(mu_eta,mu_phi,0.,0.);
-    }
     CaloCellList::list_iterator ilistfirst = myList.begin();
     CaloCellList::list_iterator ilistlast  = myList.end();
-    //std::vector<const CaloCell*> new_cell_list;
-    int count=0;
-    constexpr double lowest_threshold = 4.*150.;
-    for(;ilistfirst!=ilistlast;ilistfirst++)
-    {
-	double cellEnergy= (*ilistfirst)->energy();
-	const double noise_rms =noiseCDO->getNoise((*ilistfirst)->ID(),(*ilistfirst)->gain()); 
-	if (cellEnergy > lowest_threshold
-	    && cellEnergy > noise_rms * m_sigmasAboveNoise
-	    && m_hecID->sampling((*ilistfirst)->ID()) == sample)
-	{
-	    count+=1;
-	    //new_cell_list.push_back(*ilistfirst); 
-	    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Energy : "		<< (*ilistfirst)->energy() 
-			   << "  Sampling: "	<< m_hecID->sampling((*ilistfirst)->ID())
-			   << "  z  :"		<< (*ilistfirst)->caloDDE()->z()
-			   << "  Eta : "	<< (*ilistfirst)->eta()
-			   << "  Phi : "	<< (*ilistfirst)->phi()	
-			   << " Noise Level : "	<< noise_rms);
-	    larhecTotal += (*ilistfirst)->energy();
-	}
+    // std::vector<const CaloCell*> new_cell_list;
+    int              count            = 0;
+    constexpr double lowest_threshold = 4. * 150.;
+    for (; ilistfirst != ilistlast; ilistfirst++) {
+        double       cellEnergy = (*ilistfirst)->energy();
+        const double noise_rms  = noiseCDO->getNoise((*ilistfirst)->ID(), (*ilistfirst)->gain());
+        if (cellEnergy > lowest_threshold && cellEnergy > noise_rms * m_sigmasAboveNoise
+            && m_hecID->sampling((*ilistfirst)->ID()) == sample)
+        {
+            count += 1;
+            // new_cell_list.push_back(*ilistfirst);
+            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Energy : " << (*ilistfirst)->energy()
+                                      << "  Sampling: " << m_hecID->sampling((*ilistfirst)->ID())
+                                      << "  z  :" << (*ilistfirst)->caloDDE()->z() << "  Eta : " << (*ilistfirst)->eta()
+                                      << "  Phi : " << (*ilistfirst)->phi() << " Noise Level : " << noise_rms);
+            larhecTotal += (*ilistfirst)->energy();
+        }
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "larhec  counted " << count );
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("larhec  counted " << count);
     return larhecTotal;
-MuidCaloEnergyMeas::energyInLArEM(const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer,
-				  double mu_eta,
-				  double mu_phi,
-				  int sample,
-				  int cone) const
-    // Look in the LarEM calorimeter 
-    // i.e. loop over its cells 
-    /* 
-       sample_number 	     
+MuidCaloEnergyMeas::energyInLArEM(const CaloCellContainer* cellContainer, double mu_eta, double mu_phi, int sample,
+                                  int cone) const
+    // Look in the LarEM calorimeter
+    // i.e. loop over its cells
+    /*
+       sample_number
        0 --> Presampler
        1 --> Sampling 1
        2 --> Sampling 2
-       3 --> Sampling 3 
+       3 --> Sampling 3
-    //int i,j,k;
+    // int i,j,k;
     SG::ReadCondHandle<CaloNoise> noiseHdl{m_noiseCDOKey};
-    const CaloNoise* noiseCDO=*noiseHdl;
+    const CaloNoise*              noiseCDO = *noiseHdl;
-    double emTotalEnergy=0.;
+    double emTotalEnergy = 0.;
-    CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO iCalo = CaloCell_ID::LAREM;      
-    CaloCellList myList(cellContainer,iCalo);  // Construct the list  
-    if(cone == 1)
-    {
-	myList.select(mu_eta,mu_phi,0.075,0.075); // 0.1 0.1
-    }
-    else if(cone == 2)
-    {
-	myList.select(mu_eta,mu_phi,0.15,0.15); 
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	myList.select(mu_eta,mu_phi,0.,0.);
+    CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO iCalo = CaloCell_ID::LAREM;
+    CaloCellList         myList(cellContainer, iCalo);  // Construct the list
+    if (cone == 1) {
+        myList.select(mu_eta, mu_phi, 0.075, 0.075);  // 0.1 0.1
+    } else if (cone == 2) {
+        myList.select(mu_eta, mu_phi, 0.15, 0.15);
+    } else {
+        myList.select(mu_eta, mu_phi, 0., 0.);
     CaloCellList::list_iterator ilistfirst = myList.begin();
     CaloCellList::list_iterator ilistlast  = myList.end();
-    //std::vector<const CaloCell*> new_cell_list;
-    int count=0;
-    double lowest_threshold = 4.* 50.;
-    for(;ilistfirst!=ilistlast;ilistfirst++)
-    {
-	double cellEnergy= (*ilistfirst)->energy();
-	const double noise_rms =noiseCDO->getNoise((*ilistfirst)->ID(),(*ilistfirst)->gain()); 
-	if( cellEnergy > lowest_threshold && cellEnergy > noise_rms * m_sigmasAboveNoise
-	    && m_emID->sampling((*ilistfirst)->ID()) == sample)
-	{
-	    count+=1;
-	    //new_cell_list.push_back(*ilistfirst);
-	    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Energy : "		<< (*ilistfirst)->energy() 
-			   << "  Sampling: "	<< m_emID->sampling((*ilistfirst)->ID())
-			   << "  Radius :"	<< (*ilistfirst)->caloDDE()->r()
-			   << "  z :"		<< (*ilistfirst)->caloDDE()->z()
-			   << "  Eta : "	<< (*ilistfirst)->eta()
-			   << "  Phi : "	<< (*ilistfirst)->phi()
-			   << " Noise Level : "	<< noise_rms);
-	    emTotalEnergy+=(*ilistfirst)->energy();
-	}
+    // std::vector<const CaloCell*> new_cell_list;
+    int count = 0;
+    double lowest_threshold = 4. * 50.;
+    for (; ilistfirst != ilistlast; ilistfirst++) {
+        double       cellEnergy = (*ilistfirst)->energy();
+        const double noise_rms  = noiseCDO->getNoise((*ilistfirst)->ID(), (*ilistfirst)->gain());
+        if (cellEnergy > lowest_threshold && cellEnergy > noise_rms * m_sigmasAboveNoise
+            && m_emID->sampling((*ilistfirst)->ID()) == sample)
+        {
+            count += 1;
+            // new_cell_list.push_back(*ilistfirst);
+            ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Energy : " << (*ilistfirst)->energy()
+                                      << "  Sampling: " << m_emID->sampling((*ilistfirst)->ID())
+                                      << "  Radius :" << (*ilistfirst)->caloDDE()->r()
+                                      << "  z :" << (*ilistfirst)->caloDDE()->z() << "  Eta : " << (*ilistfirst)->eta()
+                                      << "  Phi : " << (*ilistfirst)->phi() << " Noise Level : " << noise_rms);
+            emTotalEnergy += (*ilistfirst)->energy();
+        }
-    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "larem counted " << count );
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("larem counted " << count);
     return emTotalEnergy;
-}	// end of namespace
+}  // namespace Rec
diff --git a/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuidCaloEnergyTools/src/MuidCaloEnergyTool.cxx b/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuidCaloEnergyTools/src/MuidCaloEnergyTool.cxx
index 98bb45031a0d4a6752aa53768e85bbb8b83d3bb3..c146b92a59f7464df60be2ac97c5868f345d95dd 100755
--- a/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuidCaloEnergyTools/src/MuidCaloEnergyTool.cxx
+++ b/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuidCaloEnergyTools/src/MuidCaloEnergyTool.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@@ -19,8 +19,11 @@
 //<<<<<< INCLUDES                                                       >>>>>>
-#include <cmath>
 #include "MuidCaloEnergyTools/MuidCaloEnergyTool.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include "AthenaKernel/Units.h"
 #include "MuidEvent/CaloMeas.h"
 #include "MuidInterfaces/IMuidCaloEnergyMeas.h"
 #include "MuidInterfaces/IMuidCaloEnergyParam.h"
@@ -29,122 +32,81 @@
 #include "TrkMaterialOnTrack/MaterialEffectsOnTrack.h"
 #include "TrkTrack/TrackStateOnSurface.h"
 #include "muonEvent/CaloEnergy.h"
-#include "AthenaKernel/Units.h"
 namespace Units = Athena::Units;
 //<<<<<< CLASS STRUCTURE INITIALIZATION                                 >>>>>>
-namespace Rec
-MuidCaloEnergyTool::MuidCaloEnergyTool (const std::string&type,
-					const std::string&name, 
-					const IInterface*parent)
-    :	AthAlgTool		(type, name, parent),
-	m_caloMeasTool		("Rec::MuidCaloEnergyMeas/MuidCaloEnergyMeas", this),
-	m_caloParamTool		("Rec::MuidCaloEnergyParam/MuidCaloEnergyParam", this),
-	m_trackIsolationTool	("Rec::MuidTrackIsolation/MuidTrackIsolation", this),
-	m_cosmics		(false),
-	m_energyLossMeasurement	(true),
-	m_forceIsolationFailure	(false),
-	m_FSRtreatment		(true),
-	m_MOPparametrization	(true),
-	m_trackIsolation	(false),
-	m_emEtCut		(2.5*Units::GeV),
-	m_emF1Cut		(0.15),
-	m_emMinEnergy		( 2.*Units::GeV),
-	m_hecMinEnergy		(10.*Units::GeV),
-	m_maxNTracksIso		(2),
-	m_minFinalEnergy	( 0.*Units::GeV),
-	m_minMuonPt		(15.*Units::GeV),
-	m_countMean		(0),
-	m_countMeasurement	(0),
-	m_countMop		(0)
+namespace Rec {
+MuidCaloEnergyTool::MuidCaloEnergyTool(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent)
+    : AthAlgTool(type, name, parent),
+      m_cosmics(false),
+      m_energyLossMeasurement(true),
+      m_forceIsolationFailure(false),
+      m_FSRtreatment(true),
+      m_MOPparametrization(true),
+      m_trackIsolation(false),
+      m_emEtCut(2.5 * Units::GeV),
+      m_emF1Cut(0.15),
+      m_emMinEnergy(2. * Units::GeV),
+      m_hecMinEnergy(10. * Units::GeV),
+      m_maxNTracksIso(2),
+      m_minFinalEnergy(0. * Units::GeV),
+      m_minMuonPt(15. * Units::GeV),
+      m_countMean(0),
+      m_countMeasurement(0),
+      m_countMop(0)
-    declareProperty ("CaloMeasTool",		m_caloMeasTool);
-    declareProperty ("CaloParamTool",		m_caloParamTool);
-    declareProperty ("TrackIsolationTool",	m_trackIsolationTool);
-    declareProperty ("Cosmics",			m_cosmics);
-    declareProperty ("EnergyLossMeasurement",	m_energyLossMeasurement);
-    declareProperty ("ForceIsolationFailure",	m_forceIsolationFailure);
-    declareProperty ("FSRtreatment",		m_FSRtreatment);
-    declareProperty ("MopParametrization",	m_MOPparametrization);
-    declareProperty ("TrackIsolation",		m_trackIsolation);
-    declareProperty ("EmEtCut",			m_emEtCut);
-    declareProperty ("EmF1Cut",			m_emF1Cut);
-    declareProperty ("EmMinEnergy",		m_emMinEnergy);
-    declareProperty ("HecMinEnergy",		m_hecMinEnergy);
-    declareProperty ("MaxNTracksIso",		m_maxNTracksIso);
-    declareProperty ("MinFinalEnergy",		m_minFinalEnergy);
-    declareProperty ("MinMuonPt",		m_minMuonPt);
+    declareProperty("Cosmics", m_cosmics);
+    declareProperty("EnergyLossMeasurement", m_energyLossMeasurement);
+    declareProperty("ForceIsolationFailure", m_forceIsolationFailure);
+    declareProperty("FSRtreatment", m_FSRtreatment);
+    declareProperty("MopParametrization", m_MOPparametrization);
+    declareProperty("TrackIsolation", m_trackIsolation);
+    declareProperty("EmEtCut", m_emEtCut);
+    declareProperty("EmF1Cut", m_emF1Cut);
+    declareProperty("EmMinEnergy", m_emMinEnergy);
+    declareProperty("HecMinEnergy", m_hecMinEnergy);
+    declareProperty("MaxNTracksIso", m_maxNTracksIso);
+    declareProperty("MinFinalEnergy", m_minFinalEnergy);
+    declareProperty("MinMuonPt", m_minMuonPt);
-MuidCaloEnergyTool::~MuidCaloEnergyTool (void) 
+MuidCaloEnergyTool::~MuidCaloEnergyTool(void) {}
 //<<<<<< PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                             >>>>>>
-StatusCode MuidCaloEnergyTool::initialize()
-    if (m_energyLossMeasurement)
-    {
-	ATH_MSG_INFO( "Initializing MuidCaloEnergyTool"
-		       << " - package version " << PACKAGE_VERSION
-		       << " - measured calorimeter energy deposition " );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	ATH_MSG_INFO( "Initializing MuidCaloEnergyTool"
-		       << " - package version " << PACKAGE_VERSION
-		       << " - parametrized calorimeter energy deposition " );
+    if (m_energyLossMeasurement) {
+        ATH_MSG_INFO("Initializing MuidCaloEnergyTool"
+                     << " - package version " << PACKAGE_VERSION << " - measured calorimeter energy deposition ");
+    } else {
+        ATH_MSG_INFO("Initializing MuidCaloEnergyTool"
+                     << " - package version " << PACKAGE_VERSION << " - parametrized calorimeter energy deposition ");
     // get the Tools
-    if (m_caloParamTool.retrieve().isFailure())
-    {
-	ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Failed to retrieve tool " << m_caloParamTool );
-        return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	ATH_MSG_INFO( "Retrieved tool " << m_caloParamTool );
-    }
-    if (m_energyLossMeasurement)
-    {
-	if (m_caloMeasTool.retrieve().isFailure())
-	{
-	    ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Failed to retrieve tool " << m_caloMeasTool );
-	    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    ATH_MSG_INFO( "Retrieved tool " << m_caloMeasTool );
-	}
-	if (m_trackIsolation)
-	{
-	    if (m_trackIsolationTool.retrieve().isFailure())
-	    {
-		ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Failed to retrieve tool " << m_trackIsolationTool );
-		return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-	    }
-	    else
-	    {
-		ATH_MSG_INFO( "Retrieved tool " << m_trackIsolationTool );
-	    }
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    ATH_MSG_WARNING( " Using energy measurement without trackIsolation " );
-	    m_trackIsolationTool.disable();
-	}
-    }
-    else{
-      m_trackIsolationTool.disable();
-      m_caloMeasTool.disable();
+    ATH_CHECK(m_caloParamTool.retrieve());
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("Retrieved tool " << m_caloParamTool);
+    if (m_energyLossMeasurement) {
+        ATH_CHECK(m_caloMeasTool.retrieve());
+        ATH_MSG_INFO("Retrieved tool " << m_caloMeasTool);
+        if (m_trackIsolation) {
+            ATH_CHECK(m_trackIsolationTool.retrieve());
+            ATH_MSG_INFO("Retrieved tool " << m_trackIsolationTool);
+        } else {
+            ATH_MSG_WARNING(" Using energy measurement without trackIsolation ");
+            m_trackIsolationTool.disable();
+        }
+    } else {
+        m_trackIsolationTool.disable();
+        m_caloMeasTool.disable();
     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -153,89 +115,73 @@ StatusCode MuidCaloEnergyTool::initialize()
-    ATH_MSG_INFO( "Finalizing MuidCaloEnergyTool." 
-		   << "  Tracks used mean: "		<< m_countMean 
-		   << ",  tracks used mop: "		<< m_countMop 
-		   << ",  tracks used measurement: "	<< m_countMeasurement );
+    ATH_MSG_INFO("Finalizing MuidCaloEnergyTool."
+                 << "  Tracks used mean: " << m_countMean << ",  tracks used mop: " << m_countMop
+                 << ",  tracks used measurement: " << m_countMeasurement);
     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-MuidCaloEnergyTool::energyLoss(double trackMomentum,
-			       double eta,
-			       double phi) const
+MuidCaloEnergyTool::energyLoss(double trackMomentum, double eta, double phi) const
     // debug
-    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "Muon with : p = " << trackMomentum/Units::GeV
-		     << " Phi = " << phi
-		     << " Eta =  " << eta );
+    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Muon with : p = " << trackMomentum / Units::GeV << " Phi = " << phi << " Eta =  " << eta);
     CaloEnergy* caloEnergy = 0;
-    if (m_energyLossMeasurement)
-    {
-	// Energy Dep/Iso from calorimeters (projective assumption)
-	CaloMeas* caloMeas	= m_caloMeasTool->energyMeasurement(eta,phi,eta,phi);
-	if (caloMeas)
-	{
-	    caloEnergy		= measurement(trackMomentum,eta,phi,caloMeas);
-	    delete caloMeas;
-	}
+    if (m_energyLossMeasurement) {
+        // Energy Dep/Iso from calorimeters (projective assumption)
+        CaloMeas* caloMeas = m_caloMeasTool->energyMeasurement(eta, phi, eta, phi);
+        if (caloMeas) {
+            caloEnergy = measurement(trackMomentum, eta, phi, caloMeas);
+            delete caloMeas;
+        }
-    if (! caloEnergy)
-    {
-	if (m_MOPparametrization)
-	{
-	    ++m_countMop;
-	    caloEnergy		= m_caloParamTool->mopParametrizedEnergy(trackMomentum,eta,phi);
-	    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "Selected the Mop Parametrization value! ==> " );
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    ++m_countMean;
-	    caloEnergy		= m_caloParamTool->meanParametrizedEnergy(trackMomentum,eta,phi);
-	    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "Selected the Mean Parametrization value! ==> " );
-	}
+    if (!caloEnergy) {
+        if (m_MOPparametrization) {
+            ++m_countMop;
+            caloEnergy = m_caloParamTool->mopParametrizedEnergy(trackMomentum, eta, phi);
+            ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Selected the Mop Parametrization value! ==> ");
+        } else {
+            ++m_countMean;
+            caloEnergy = m_caloParamTool->meanParametrizedEnergy(trackMomentum, eta, phi);
+            ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Selected the Mean Parametrization value! ==> ");
+        }
-    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG))
-    {
-	std::string eLossType = "  no Calo !!";
-	switch (caloEnergy->energyLossType())
-	{
-	case CaloEnergy::Parametrized:
-	    eLossType = "Parametrized";
-	    break;
-	case CaloEnergy::NotIsolated:
-	    eLossType = "NotIsolated ";
-	    break;
-	case CaloEnergy::MOP:
-	    eLossType = "MOP         ";
-	    break;
-	case CaloEnergy::Tail:   
-	    eLossType = "Tail        ";
-	    break;
-	case CaloEnergy::FSRcandidate:
-	    eLossType = "FSRcandidate";
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    break;
-	};
-	ATH_MSG_DEBUG( std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << " energyLoss with"
-		       << " momentum ="	<< std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(1) << trackMomentum/Units::GeV
-		       << "  phi ="	<< std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(3) << phi
-		       << "  eta ="	<< std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(3) << eta
-		       << ".  CaloEnergy: deltaE = "	<< std::setw(8) << std::setprecision(3)
-		       << caloEnergy->deltaE()/Units::GeV
-		       << "  +"		<< std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(3)
-		       << caloEnergy->sigmaPlusDeltaE()/Units::GeV
-		       << "  -"		<< std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(3)
-		       << caloEnergy->sigmaMinusDeltaE()/Units::GeV
-		       << " ("		<< std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(3)
-		       << caloEnergy->sigmaDeltaE()/Units::GeV
-		       << ") GeV,  CaloEnergy::Type " << eLossType );
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
+        std::string eLossType = "  no Calo !!";
+        switch (caloEnergy->energyLossType()) {
+            case CaloEnergy::Parametrized:
+                eLossType = "Parametrized";
+                break;
+            case CaloEnergy::NotIsolated:
+                eLossType = "NotIsolated ";
+                break;
+            case CaloEnergy::MOP:
+                eLossType = "MOP         ";
+                break;
+            case CaloEnergy::Tail:
+                eLossType = "Tail        ";
+                break;
+            case CaloEnergy::FSRcandidate:
+                eLossType = "FSRcandidate";
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+        };
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG(std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed)
+                      << " energyLoss with"
+                      << " momentum =" << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(1) << trackMomentum / Units::GeV
+                      << "  phi =" << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(3) << phi << "  eta =" << std::setw(6)
+                      << std::setprecision(3) << eta << ".  CaloEnergy: deltaE = " << std::setw(8)
+                      << std::setprecision(3) << caloEnergy->deltaE() / Units::GeV << "  +" << std::setw(5)
+                      << std::setprecision(3) << caloEnergy->sigmaPlusDeltaE() / Units::GeV << "  -" << std::setw(5)
+                      << std::setprecision(3) << caloEnergy->sigmaMinusDeltaE() / Units::GeV << " (" << std::setw(5)
+                      << std::setprecision(3) << caloEnergy->sigmaDeltaE() / Units::GeV << ") GeV,  CaloEnergy::Type "
+                      << eLossType);
     return caloEnergy;
@@ -243,216 +189,182 @@ MuidCaloEnergyTool::energyLoss(double trackMomentum,
 const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface*
 MuidCaloEnergyTool::trackStateOnSurface(const Trk::TrackParameters& middleParameters,
-					const Trk::TrackParameters* innerParameters,
-					const Trk::TrackParameters* outerParameters) const
+                                        const Trk::TrackParameters* innerParameters,
+                                        const Trk::TrackParameters* outerParameters) const
-    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "Muon with : p = " << middleParameters.momentum().mag()/Units::GeV
-		     << " Phi = " << middleParameters.position().phi()
-		     << " Eta =  " << middleParameters.position().eta() );
+    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Muon with : p = " << middleParameters.momentum().mag() / Units::GeV
+                                       << " Phi = " << middleParameters.position().phi()
+                                       << " Eta =  " << middleParameters.position().eta());
     CaloEnergy* caloEnergy = 0;
-    if (m_energyLossMeasurement)
-    {
-	// energy deposition according to the calo measurement
-	double eta	= middleParameters.position().eta();
-	double phi	= middleParameters.position().phi();
-	double etaEM	= eta;
-	double phiEM	= phi;
-	double etaHad	= eta;
-	double phiHad	= phi;
-	if (innerParameters)
-	{
-	    etaEM	= innerParameters->position().eta();
-	    phiEM	= innerParameters->position().phi();
-	}
-	if (outerParameters)
-	{
-	    etaHad	= outerParameters->position().eta();
-	    phiHad	= outerParameters->position().phi();
-	}
-	CaloMeas* caloMeas = m_caloMeasTool->energyMeasurement(etaEM,phiEM,etaHad,phiHad);
-	if (caloMeas)
-	{
-	    caloEnergy = measurement(middleParameters.momentum().mag(),
-				     eta,
-				     phi,
-				     caloMeas);
-	    delete caloMeas;
-	}
+    if (m_energyLossMeasurement) {
+        // energy deposition according to the calo measurement
+        double eta    = middleParameters.position().eta();
+        double phi    = middleParameters.position().phi();
+        double etaEM  = eta;
+        double phiEM  = phi;
+        double etaHad = eta;
+        double phiHad = phi;
+        if (innerParameters) {
+            etaEM = innerParameters->position().eta();
+            phiEM = innerParameters->position().phi();
+        }
+        if (outerParameters) {
+            etaHad = outerParameters->position().eta();
+            phiHad = outerParameters->position().phi();
+        }
+        CaloMeas* caloMeas = m_caloMeasTool->energyMeasurement(etaEM, phiEM, etaHad, phiHad);
+        if (caloMeas) {
+            caloEnergy = measurement(middleParameters.momentum().mag(), eta, phi, caloMeas);
+            delete caloMeas;
+        }
-    if (! caloEnergy)
-    {
-	// parametrized energy deposition
-	caloEnergy = energyLoss(middleParameters.momentum().mag(),
-				middleParameters.position().eta(),
-				middleParameters.position().phi());
-	// WARN in case of anomalously high loss
-	if (caloEnergy->deltaE() > 8.*Units::GeV && middleParameters.momentum().mag() < 500.*Units::GeV)
-	    ATH_MSG_WARNING(" high parametrized energy loss: "
-			    << caloEnergy->deltaE()/Units::GeV << " GeV"
-			    << "   for p " << middleParameters.momentum().mag()/Units::GeV << " GeV"
-			    << "   eta " << middleParameters.position().eta() );
+    if (!caloEnergy) {
+        // parametrized energy deposition
+        caloEnergy = energyLoss(middleParameters.momentum().mag(), middleParameters.position().eta(),
+                                middleParameters.position().phi());
+        // WARN in case of anomalously high loss
+        if (caloEnergy->deltaE() > 8. * Units::GeV && middleParameters.momentum().mag() < 500. * Units::GeV)
+            ATH_MSG_WARNING(" high parametrized energy loss: "
+                            << caloEnergy->deltaE() / Units::GeV << " GeV"
+                            << "   for p " << middleParameters.momentum().mag() / Units::GeV << " GeV"
+                            << "   eta " << middleParameters.position().eta());
     // create MEOT owning CaloEnergy
     std::bitset<Trk::MaterialEffectsBase::NumberOfMaterialEffectsTypes> typePattern(0);
-    const Trk::MaterialEffectsOnTrack*	materialEffects =
-	new const Trk::MaterialEffectsOnTrack(0.,
-					      caloEnergy,
-					      middleParameters.associatedSurface(),
-					      typePattern);
+    const Trk::MaterialEffectsOnTrack* materialEffects =
+        new const Trk::MaterialEffectsOnTrack(0., caloEnergy, middleParameters.associatedSurface(), typePattern);
     // create TSOS
-    const Trk::FitQualityOnSurface*	fitQoS		= 0;
-    const Trk::MeasurementBase*		measurementBase	= 0;
+    const Trk::FitQualityOnSurface*                                         fitQoS          = 0;
+    const Trk::MeasurementBase*                                             measurementBase = 0;
     std::bitset<Trk::TrackStateOnSurface::NumberOfTrackStateOnSurfaceTypes> pattern(0);
     // debugging
-    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG))
-    {
-	std::string eLossType = "  no Calo !!";
-	switch (caloEnergy->energyLossType())
-	{
-	case CaloEnergy::Parametrized:
-	    eLossType = "Parametrized";
-	    break;
-	case CaloEnergy::NotIsolated:
-	    eLossType = "NotIsolated ";
-	    break;
-	case CaloEnergy::MOP:
-	    eLossType = "MOP         ";
-	    break;
-	case CaloEnergy::Tail:   
-	    eLossType = "Tail        ";
-	    break;
-	case CaloEnergy::FSRcandidate:
-	    eLossType = "FSRcandidate";
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    break;
-	};
-	ATH_MSG_DEBUG( std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << " trackStateOnSurface with"
-		       << " momentum ="	<< std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(1)
-		       << middleParameters.momentum().mag()/Units::GeV
-		       << "  phi ="	<< std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(3)
-		       << middleParameters.position().phi()
-		       << "  eta ="	<< std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(3)
-		       << middleParameters.position().eta()
-		       << ".  CaloEnergy: deltaE = "	<< std::setw(8) << std::setprecision(3)
-		       << caloEnergy->deltaE()/Units::GeV
-		       << "  +"		<< std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(3)
-		       << caloEnergy->sigmaPlusDeltaE()/Units::GeV
-		       << "  -"		<< std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(3)
-		       << caloEnergy->sigmaMinusDeltaE()/Units::GeV
-		       << " ("		<< std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(3)
-		       << caloEnergy->sigmaDeltaE()/Units::GeV
-		       << ") GeV,  CaloEnergy::Type " << eLossType );
-    }
-    return new const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface(measurementBase,
-					      &middleParameters,
-					      fitQoS,
-					      materialEffects,
-					      pattern);
+    if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
+        std::string eLossType = "  no Calo !!";
+        switch (caloEnergy->energyLossType()) {
+            case CaloEnergy::Parametrized:
+                eLossType = "Parametrized";
+                break;
+            case CaloEnergy::NotIsolated:
+                eLossType = "NotIsolated ";
+                break;
+            case CaloEnergy::MOP:
+                eLossType = "MOP         ";
+                break;
+            case CaloEnergy::Tail:
+                eLossType = "Tail        ";
+                break;
+            case CaloEnergy::FSRcandidate:
+                eLossType = "FSRcandidate";
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+        };
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG(std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed)
+                      << " trackStateOnSurface with"
+                      << " momentum =" << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(1)
+                      << middleParameters.momentum().mag() / Units::GeV << "  phi =" << std::setw(6)
+                      << std::setprecision(3) << middleParameters.position().phi() << "  eta =" << std::setw(6)
+                      << std::setprecision(3) << middleParameters.position().eta()
+                      << ".  CaloEnergy: deltaE = " << std::setw(8) << std::setprecision(3)
+                      << caloEnergy->deltaE() / Units::GeV << "  +" << std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(3)
+                      << caloEnergy->sigmaPlusDeltaE() / Units::GeV << "  -" << std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(3)
+                      << caloEnergy->sigmaMinusDeltaE() / Units::GeV << " (" << std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(3)
+                      << caloEnergy->sigmaDeltaE() / Units::GeV << ") GeV,  CaloEnergy::Type " << eLossType);
+    }
+    return new const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface(measurementBase, &middleParameters, fitQoS, materialEffects, pattern);
 //<<<<<< PRIVATE MEMBER FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                            >>>>>>
-MuidCaloEnergyTool::measurement(double		trackMomentum,
-				double		eta,
-				double		phi,
-				CaloMeas*	caloMeas) const
+MuidCaloEnergyTool::measurement(double trackMomentum, double eta, double phi, CaloMeas* caloMeas) const
     // Mean Energy Loss parametrization
-    CaloEnergy* caloParamMean		= m_caloParamTool->meanParametrizedEnergy(trackMomentum,eta,phi);
+    CaloEnergy* caloParamMean = m_caloParamTool->meanParametrizedEnergy(trackMomentum, eta, phi);
     // Mop Energy Loss parametrization
-    CaloEnergy* caloParamMop		= m_caloParamTool->mopParametrizedEnergy(trackMomentum,eta,phi);
+    CaloEnergy* caloParamMop = m_caloParamTool->mopParametrizedEnergy(trackMomentum, eta, phi);
     // Mip Energy Loss
-    CaloEnergy* caloParamMip		= m_caloParamTool->meanParametrizedEnergy(10.*Units::GeV,eta,phi);
+    CaloEnergy* caloParamMip = m_caloParamTool->meanParametrizedEnergy(10. * Units::GeV, eta, phi);
     // Mop Energy Loss peak
-    CaloEnergy* mopPeak			= m_caloParamTool->mopPeakEnergy(trackMomentum,eta,phi);
+    CaloEnergy* mopPeak = m_caloParamTool->mopPeakEnergy(trackMomentum, eta, phi);
     // // flag upper hemisphere cosmic
     // bool cosmic			= false;
     // if (caloParamMop->deltaE() < 0.) cosmic = true;
     // mop energy deposition
-    double MopLoss		= fabs(caloParamMop->deltaE());
+    double MopLoss = fabs(caloParamMop->deltaE());
     // mop energy deposition uncertainty
-    double MopError	        = mopPeak->sigmaDeltaE();
+    double MopError = mopPeak->sigmaDeltaE();
     // mop energy deposition corrected
-    double MopLossCorrected	= paramCorrection(trackMomentum,eta,MopLoss,MopError);
+    double MopLossCorrected = paramCorrection(trackMomentum, eta, MopLoss, MopError);
     // percentage of inert material
-    const double InertMaterial		= m_caloParamTool->x0mapInertMaterial(eta);
+    const double InertMaterial = m_caloParamTool->x0mapInertMaterial(eta);
     // percentage of em calorimeter material
-    const double EmMaterial		= m_caloParamTool->x0mapEmMaterial(eta);
+    const double EmMaterial = m_caloParamTool->x0mapEmMaterial(eta);
     // percentage of hec calorimeter material
-    const double HECMaterial		= m_caloParamTool->x0mapHecMaterial(eta);
+    const double HECMaterial = m_caloParamTool->x0mapHecMaterial(eta);
     // correction for the inert material
-    double MaterialCorrection		= InertMaterial * MopLossCorrected;
+    double MaterialCorrection = InertMaterial * MopLossCorrected;
     // scale to get mop loss in em calo
-    double MopLossEm			= MopLoss*m_caloParamTool->emMopFraction(eta);
+    double MopLossEm = MopLoss * m_caloParamTool->emMopFraction(eta);
     // fraction of Tile used for the measurement
-    const double TileMeasurementMaterial	= caloMeas->Tile_SamplingFraction();
+    const double TileMeasurementMaterial = caloMeas->Tile_SamplingFraction();
     // fraction of LArHEC used for the measurement
-    const double LArHECMeasurementMaterial	= caloMeas->LArHEC_SamplingFraction();
+    const double LArHECMeasurementMaterial = caloMeas->LArHEC_SamplingFraction();
     // fraction of LArEM used for the measurement
-    const double LArEmMeasurementMaterial	= caloMeas->LArEM_SamplingFraction();
+    const double LArEmMeasurementMaterial = caloMeas->LArEM_SamplingFraction();
     // Measured energy deposition in Tile
-    const double TileEnergy			= caloMeas->Tile_EnergyMeasured();
+    const double TileEnergy = caloMeas->Tile_EnergyMeasured();
     // Measured energy deposition in E/M
-    const double EmEnergy			= caloMeas->LArEM_EnergyMeasured();
+    const double EmEnergy = caloMeas->LArEM_EnergyMeasured();
     // Correction for forward calorimetry
-    double ForwardHECCorrection	= 0.;
-    if (fabs(eta)>2. && caloMeas->LArHEC_EnergyMeasured()>100.)
-	ForwardHECCorrection	= (1. - LArHECMeasurementMaterial) * HECMaterial * MopLossCorrected;
-    const double LArHECEnergy	= caloMeas->LArHEC_EnergyMeasured() + ForwardHECCorrection;	// Measured energy deposition in LArHEC
-    double TotalMeasuredEnergy	= TileEnergy + EmEnergy + LArHECEnergy;
-    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "Energy Deposition:Tile= " 	<< TileEnergy/Units::GeV
-		     << ",LArHEC= "			<< LArHECEnergy/Units::GeV
-		     << ",EM= "				<< EmEnergy/Units::GeV
-		     << "  ForwardHECCorrection "	<< ForwardHECCorrection/Units::GeV
-		     << "  HECMaterial "		<< HECMaterial
-		     << "  MopLossCorrected "		<< MopLossCorrected/Units::GeV );
-    bool bHEC	= false; // performed HEC measurement?
-    bool bEM	= false; // performed Em measurement?
+    double ForwardHECCorrection = 0.;
+    if (fabs(eta) > 2. && caloMeas->LArHEC_EnergyMeasured() > 100.)
+        ForwardHECCorrection = (1. - LArHECMeasurementMaterial) * HECMaterial * MopLossCorrected;
+    const double LArHECEnergy =
+        caloMeas->LArHEC_EnergyMeasured() + ForwardHECCorrection;  // Measured energy deposition in LArHEC
+    double TotalMeasuredEnergy = TileEnergy + EmEnergy + LArHECEnergy;
+    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Energy Deposition:Tile= " << TileEnergy / Units::GeV << ",LArHEC= " << LArHECEnergy / Units::GeV
+                                               << ",EM= " << EmEnergy / Units::GeV << "  ForwardHECCorrection "
+                                               << ForwardHECCorrection / Units::GeV << "  HECMaterial " << HECMaterial
+                                               << "  MopLossCorrected " << MopLossCorrected / Units::GeV);
+    bool bHEC = false;  // performed HEC measurement?
+    bool bEM  = false;  // performed Em measurement?
     // If muon isolated, and no significant measurement is made then use the mop parameterization, else the mean
-    if (fabs(eta)<1.4)
-    {
-	if (LArHECEnergy + TileEnergy > 0.1 * MopLoss * HECMaterial)	bHEC= true;
-    }	
-    else if (fabs(eta)>1.8)
-    {
-	if (LArHECEnergy + TileEnergy > 0.2 * MopLoss * HECMaterial)	bHEC= true;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	if (LArHECEnergy + TileEnergy > 0.25 * MopLoss * HECMaterial)	bHEC= true;
+    if (fabs(eta) < 1.4) {
+        if (LArHECEnergy + TileEnergy > 0.1 * MopLoss * HECMaterial) bHEC = true;
+    } else if (fabs(eta) > 1.8) {
+        if (LArHECEnergy + TileEnergy > 0.2 * MopLoss * HECMaterial) bHEC = true;
+    } else {
+        if (LArHECEnergy + TileEnergy > 0.25 * MopLoss * HECMaterial) bHEC = true;
-    if (EmEnergy > 0.5 * MopLoss * EmMaterial)				bEM = true;
+    if (EmEnergy > 0.5 * MopLoss * EmMaterial) bEM = true;
-    if (!bHEC)
-    {
-//	TotalMeasuredEnergy -= TileEnergy + LArHECEnergy;
-//	MaterialCorrection  += HECMaterial * MopLossCorrected;
+    if (!bHEC) {
+        //	TotalMeasuredEnergy -= TileEnergy + LArHECEnergy;
+        //	MaterialCorrection  += HECMaterial * MopLossCorrected;
-    if (!bEM)
-    {
-//	TotalMeasuredEnergy -= EmEnergy;
-//	MaterialCorrection  += EmMaterial * MopLossCorrected;
+    if (!bEM) {
+        //	TotalMeasuredEnergy -= EmEnergy;
+        //	MaterialCorrection  += EmMaterial * MopLossCorrected;
     double MeasCorrected = TotalMeasuredEnergy + MaterialCorrection;
@@ -460,221 +372,173 @@ MuidCaloEnergyTool::measurement(double		trackMomentum,
     // Muons of 10 GeV are already in the relativistic rise region
     // in order to obtain the mip deposition from the mean energy deposition of 10 GeV muons
     // should divide by approximately 1.4 (Review of Particle Physics Figure 27.3 p.243)
-    const double IonizationLoss	= (1./1.4) * fabs(caloParamMip->deltaE());
-    double eOverMipCorrectionEm   = 0.;
-    double eOverMipCorrectionHEC  = 0.;	
+    const double IonizationLoss = (1. / 1.4) * fabs(caloParamMip->deltaE());
+    double eOverMipCorrectionEm  = 0.;
+    double eOverMipCorrectionHEC = 0.;
     // Etrue = emip * Emeas
     // -DE = Emeas - Etrue = Etrue ( 1./emip -1.)
-    if (bEM)
-    {
-	const double emipEM    = 0.78; 
-	eOverMipCorrectionEm   = - (1./emipEM-1.) * IonizationLoss * EmMaterial * LArEmMeasurementMaterial;
-	if (EmEnergy + eOverMipCorrectionEm<0.)eOverMipCorrectionEm=0.;
+    if (bEM) {
+        const double emipEM  = 0.78;
+        eOverMipCorrectionEm = -(1. / emipEM - 1.) * IonizationLoss * EmMaterial * LArEmMeasurementMaterial;
+        if (EmEnergy + eOverMipCorrectionEm < 0.) eOverMipCorrectionEm = 0.;
-    if (bHEC)
-    {
-	const double emipTile  = 0.86;
-	const double emipLAr   = 0.94;
-	const double HECEnergy = TileEnergy + LArHECEnergy;
-	const double eOverMipCorrectionTile = - (1./emipTile-1.) * TileEnergy / HECEnergy * IonizationLoss * HECMaterial * TileMeasurementMaterial;
-	const double eOverMipCorrectionLAr  = - (1./emipLAr-1.) * LArHECEnergy / HECEnergy * IonizationLoss * HECMaterial * LArHECMeasurementMaterial;
-	eOverMipCorrectionHEC  = eOverMipCorrectionTile + eOverMipCorrectionLAr;
-	if (LArHECEnergy + TileEnergy + eOverMipCorrectionHEC<0.)eOverMipCorrectionHEC=0.;
+    if (bHEC) {
+        const double emipTile  = 0.86;
+        const double emipLAr   = 0.94;
+        const double HECEnergy = TileEnergy + LArHECEnergy;
+        const double eOverMipCorrectionTile =
+            -(1. / emipTile - 1.) * TileEnergy / HECEnergy * IonizationLoss * HECMaterial * TileMeasurementMaterial;
+        const double eOverMipCorrectionLAr =
+            -(1. / emipLAr - 1.) * LArHECEnergy / HECEnergy * IonizationLoss * HECMaterial * LArHECMeasurementMaterial;
+        eOverMipCorrectionHEC = eOverMipCorrectionTile + eOverMipCorrectionLAr;
+        if (LArHECEnergy + TileEnergy + eOverMipCorrectionHEC < 0.) eOverMipCorrectionHEC = 0.;
-    const double eOverMipCorrection	= eOverMipCorrectionEm + eOverMipCorrectionHEC;
+    const double eOverMipCorrection = eOverMipCorrectionEm + eOverMipCorrectionHEC;
     //  additional offset from high-statistics Z->mumu MC (measured by Peter K 30/11/2011)
-    double fix1FromPeter[26]	= {  0.424104 ,  0.479637 ,  0.483419 ,  0.490242 ,  0.52806  ,
-				     0.573582 ,  0.822098 ,  0.767301 ,  0.809919 ,  0.658745 ,
-				     0.157187 ,  0.413214 ,  0.771074 ,  0.61815  ,  0.350113 ,
-				     0.322785 ,  0.479294 ,  0.806183 ,  0.822161 ,  0.757731 ,
-				    -0.0857186, -0.0992693, -0.0492252,  0.0650174,  0.261538 ,
-				     0.360413 };
+    double fix1FromPeter[26] = {0.424104,   0.479637,   0.483419,  0.490242, 0.52806,  0.573582, 0.822098,
+                                0.767301,   0.809919,   0.658745,  0.157187, 0.413214, 0.771074, 0.61815,
+                                0.350113,   0.322785,   0.479294,  0.806183, 0.822161, 0.757731, -0.0857186,
+                                -0.0992693, -0.0492252, 0.0650174, 0.261538, 0.360413};
     //  (update from Peter K 09/12/2011)
-    double fix2FromPeter[26]	= { -0.647703 , -0.303498 , -0.268645 , -0.261292 , -0.260152 ,
-				    -0.269253 , -0.266212 , -0.240837 , -0.130172 , -0.111638 ,
-				    -0.329423 , -0.321011 , -0.346050 , -0.305592 , -0.313293 ,
-				    -0.317111 , -0.428393 , -0.524839 , -0.599547 , -0.464013 ,
-				    -0.159663 , -0.140879 , -0.0975618,  0.0225352,  0.0701925,
-				    -0.24778 };
-    int ieta			=  static_cast<int> (fabs(eta)/0.10);
-    if (ieta > 25) ieta		=  25;
-    double FinalMeasuredEnergy	= MeasCorrected + eOverMipCorrection +
-				  (fix1FromPeter[ieta] + fix2FromPeter[ieta])*Units::GeV;
-    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "Sum of cells "			<< (TileEnergy + EmEnergy + LArHECEnergy)/Units::GeV
-		     << " Total energy deposition "	<< TotalMeasuredEnergy/Units::GeV
-		     << " corrected energy deposition "	<< MeasCorrected/Units::GeV
-		     << " e/mip corre "			<< FinalMeasuredEnergy/Units::GeV << std::endl
-		     << "\nFinal Energy Measurement  = " << FinalMeasuredEnergy /Units::GeV
-		     //<< "\nMean Energy Deposition    = " << MeanLoss/Units::GeV
-		     //<< " - " << MeanErrorLeft/Units::GeV << " + "<< MeanErrorRight/Units::GeV
-		     << "\nMop Energy Deposition     = " << MopLoss/Units::GeV << " +- " << MopError/Units::GeV
-		     //<< "\nOld parametrization energy= " << m_caloParamOld->deltaE()/Units::GeV
-		     //<< " +- " <<  m_caloParamOld->sigmaDeltaE()/Units::GeV
-		     //<< "\nTrack Momentum            = "  <<  trackMomentum/Units::GeV
-		     //<< " Eta= " << eta << "  Phi= " << phi
-		     << std::endl
-		     << "Final Meas = "			<< FinalMeasuredEnergy / Units::GeV
-		     << " Mop Dep = "			<< MopLoss/Units::GeV << " +- " << MopError/Units::GeV );
-    const double HECIso	= caloMeas->Tile_Isolation() + caloMeas->LArHEC_Isolation();
-    const double EmIso	= caloMeas->LArEM_Isolation();
-    const double Theta	= 2.*atan(exp(-eta));
-    const double pT	= trackMomentum*sin(Theta)*Units::MeV;
-    const double EmCut	= m_emMinEnergy + (3.-2.)/(100.-15.)*(pT/Units::GeV-15.)*Units::GeV;
-    const double HECCut	= m_hecMinEnergy;
-    const double pTCut	= m_minMuonPt;
-    bool PassCut	= true;
-    if (m_forceIsolationFailure
-	|| EmIso > EmCut
-	|| HECIso > HECCut
-	|| pT < pTCut
-	|| FinalMeasuredEnergy < m_minFinalEnergy )	PassCut = false;
-    int nTracks 	= 0;
+    double fix2FromPeter[26] = {-0.647703, -0.303498,  -0.268645, -0.261292, -0.260152, -0.269253, -0.266212,
+                                -0.240837, -0.130172,  -0.111638, -0.329423, -0.321011, -0.346050, -0.305592,
+                                -0.313293, -0.317111,  -0.428393, -0.524839, -0.599547, -0.464013, -0.159663,
+                                -0.140879, -0.0975618, 0.0225352, 0.0701925, -0.24778};
+    int    ieta              = static_cast<int>(fabs(eta) / 0.10);
+    if (ieta > 25) ieta = 25;
+    double FinalMeasuredEnergy =
+        MeasCorrected + eOverMipCorrection + (fix1FromPeter[ieta] + fix2FromPeter[ieta]) * Units::GeV;
+    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Sum of cells " << (TileEnergy + EmEnergy + LArHECEnergy) / Units::GeV
+                                    << " Total energy deposition " << TotalMeasuredEnergy / Units::GeV
+                                    << " corrected energy deposition " << MeasCorrected / Units::GeV << " e/mip corre "
+                                    << FinalMeasuredEnergy / Units::GeV << std::endl
+                                    << "\nFinal Energy Measurement  = "
+                                    << FinalMeasuredEnergy / Units::GeV
+                                    //<< "\nMean Energy Deposition    = " << MeanLoss/Units::GeV
+                                    //<< " - " << MeanErrorLeft/Units::GeV << " + "<< MeanErrorRight/Units::GeV
+                                    << "\nMop Energy Deposition     = " << MopLoss / Units::GeV << " +- "
+                                    << MopError / Units::GeV
+                                    //<< "\nOld parametrization energy= " << m_caloParamOld->deltaE()/Units::GeV
+                                    //<< " +- " <<  m_caloParamOld->sigmaDeltaE()/Units::GeV
+                                    //<< "\nTrack Momentum            = "  <<  trackMomentum/Units::GeV
+                                    //<< " Eta= " << eta << "  Phi= " << phi
+                                    << std::endl
+                                    << "Final Meas = " << FinalMeasuredEnergy / Units::GeV
+                                    << " Mop Dep = " << MopLoss / Units::GeV << " +- " << MopError / Units::GeV);
+    const double HECIso = caloMeas->Tile_Isolation() + caloMeas->LArHEC_Isolation();
+    const double EmIso  = caloMeas->LArEM_Isolation();
+    const double Theta   = 2. * atan(exp(-eta));
+    const double pT      = trackMomentum * sin(Theta) * Units::MeV;
+    const double EmCut   = m_emMinEnergy + (3. - 2.) / (100. - 15.) * (pT / Units::GeV - 15.) * Units::GeV;
+    const double HECCut  = m_hecMinEnergy;
+    const double pTCut   = m_minMuonPt;
+    bool         PassCut = true;
+    if (m_forceIsolationFailure || EmIso > EmCut || HECIso > HECCut || pT < pTCut
+        || FinalMeasuredEnergy < m_minFinalEnergy)
+        PassCut = false;
+    int nTracks = 0;
     // double tracksEnergy = 0.;
-    if (m_trackIsolation)
-    {
-	std::pair<int,double> inner = m_trackIsolationTool->trackIsolation(eta,phi);
-	// double maxP 	= m_trackIsolationTool->maxP();
-	nTracks 	= inner.first;
-	// tracksEnergy	= inner.second - maxP;
-	if (pT < 100.*Units::GeV && nTracks > m_maxNTracksIso)	PassCut = false;
+    if (m_trackIsolation) {
+        std::pair<int, double> inner = m_trackIsolationTool->trackIsolation(eta, phi);
+        // double maxP 	= m_trackIsolationTool->maxP();
+        nTracks = inner.first;
+        // tracksEnergy	= inner.second - maxP;
+        if (pT < 100. * Units::GeV && nTracks > m_maxNTracksIso) PassCut = false;
-    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "pT= " << pT/Units::GeV << ",HECIso= " << HECIso/Units::GeV
-		     << ",EmIso= " <<EmIso/Units::GeV << ", nTracks= "<< nTracks
-		     << ",PassCut= " << PassCut );
+    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("pT= " << pT / Units::GeV << ",HECIso= " << HECIso / Units::GeV << ",EmIso= " << EmIso / Units::GeV
+                           << ", nTracks= " << nTracks << ",PassCut= " << PassCut);
+    CaloEnergy::EnergyLossType lossType   = CaloEnergy::NotIsolated;
+    CaloEnergy*                caloEnergy = 0;
-    CaloEnergy::EnergyLossType lossType = CaloEnergy::NotIsolated;
-    CaloEnergy* caloEnergy		= 0;
     // choose between lossTypes MOP, Tail, FSR and NotIsolated according
     // to measured energy, isolation cut and Et in em
-    if (FinalMeasuredEnergy	< MopLoss + 2. * MopError
-	&& FinalMeasuredEnergy	> m_minFinalEnergy)
-    {
-	++m_countMop;
-	caloEnergy			= mopPeak;
-	mopPeak				= 0;
-    }
-    else if (PassCut) 
-    {
-	//  tail offset from high-statistics Z->mumu MC (measured by Peter K 09/12/2011),
-	//  but next we try to separate any FSR contribution from the Landau tail
-	double F1			= 0.;
-	if (caloMeas->LArEM_EnergyMeasured() > m_emEtCut)
-	    F1		= caloMeas->LArEM_FirstCompartmentEnergy()/caloMeas->LArEM_EnergyMeasured();
-	ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( " start Tail and FSR treatment: Et in e.m. " << EmEnergy*sin(Theta)/Units::GeV
-			 << "  F1 ratio " << F1);
-        if (! m_FSRtreatment
-	    || EmEnergy*sin(Theta)	< m_emEtCut
-	    || F1			< m_emF1Cut)
-	{
-	    ++m_countMeasurement;
-	    double FinalEnergyErrorMinus= 0.50 * sqrt(FinalMeasuredEnergy/Units::GeV) * Units::GeV;
-	    double FinalEnergyErrorPlus	= 0.50 * sqrt(FinalMeasuredEnergy/Units::GeV) * Units::GeV;
-	    // overall also have 50% resolution in EC rather than the 70% naively expected from LArHEC
-	    if (LArHECEnergy > 1.*Units::GeV)
-	    {
-              FinalEnergyErrorMinus	= 0.50 * sqrt(FinalMeasuredEnergy/Units::GeV) * Units::GeV;
-              FinalEnergyErrorPlus	= 0.50 * sqrt(FinalMeasuredEnergy/Units::GeV) * Units::GeV;
-	    }
-	    double FinalEnergyError	= 0.5*(FinalEnergyErrorMinus + FinalEnergyErrorPlus);
-	    lossType			= CaloEnergy::Tail;
-	    caloEnergy			= new CaloEnergy(FinalMeasuredEnergy,
-							 FinalEnergyError,
-							 FinalEnergyErrorMinus,
-							 FinalEnergyErrorPlus,
-							 lossType);
-	    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( " CaloEnergy Tail : " << FinalMeasuredEnergy );
+    if (FinalMeasuredEnergy < MopLoss + 2. * MopError && FinalMeasuredEnergy > m_minFinalEnergy) {
+        ++m_countMop;
+        caloEnergy = mopPeak;
+        mopPeak    = 0;
+    } else if (PassCut) {
+        //  tail offset from high-statistics Z->mumu MC (measured by Peter K 09/12/2011),
+        //  but next we try to separate any FSR contribution from the Landau tail
+        double F1 = 0.;
+        if (caloMeas->LArEM_EnergyMeasured() > m_emEtCut)
+            F1 = caloMeas->LArEM_FirstCompartmentEnergy() / caloMeas->LArEM_EnergyMeasured();
+        ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" start Tail and FSR treatment: Et in e.m. " << EmEnergy * sin(Theta) / Units::GeV
+                                                                     << "  F1 ratio " << F1);
+        if (!m_FSRtreatment || EmEnergy * sin(Theta) < m_emEtCut || F1 < m_emF1Cut) {
+            ++m_countMeasurement;
+            double FinalEnergyErrorMinus = 0.50 * sqrt(FinalMeasuredEnergy / Units::GeV) * Units::GeV;
+            double FinalEnergyErrorPlus  = 0.50 * sqrt(FinalMeasuredEnergy / Units::GeV) * Units::GeV;
+            // overall also have 50% resolution in EC rather than the 70% naively expected from LArHEC
+            if (LArHECEnergy > 1. * Units::GeV) {
+                FinalEnergyErrorMinus = 0.50 * sqrt(FinalMeasuredEnergy / Units::GeV) * Units::GeV;
+                FinalEnergyErrorPlus  = 0.50 * sqrt(FinalMeasuredEnergy / Units::GeV) * Units::GeV;
+            }
+            double FinalEnergyError = 0.5 * (FinalEnergyErrorMinus + FinalEnergyErrorPlus);
+            lossType                = CaloEnergy::Tail;
+            caloEnergy              = new CaloEnergy(FinalMeasuredEnergy, FinalEnergyError, FinalEnergyErrorMinus,
+                                        FinalEnergyErrorPlus, lossType);
+            ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" CaloEnergy Tail : " << FinalMeasuredEnergy);
+        } else {
+            // significant e.m. deposit and high F1
+            double MopErrorEm              = MopError * m_caloParamTool->emMopFraction(eta);
+            double FinalMeasuredEnergyNoEm = FinalMeasuredEnergy - EmEnergy + MopLossEm;
+            // lossType				= CaloEnergy::FSRcandidate;
+            ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" CaloEnergy FSR :  EmEnergy "
+                            << EmEnergy << "  FinalMeasuredEnergy " << FinalMeasuredEnergy << "  MopLossEm "
+                            << MopLossEm << "  MopErrorEm " << MopErrorEm << "  FinalMeasuredEnergyNoEm "
+                            << FinalMeasuredEnergyNoEm);
+            if (FinalMeasuredEnergyNoEm < MopLoss + 2. * MopError) {
+                // small hadronic energy deposit: like NotIsolated (MOP or Mean according to configuration)
+                lossType = CaloEnergy::NotIsolated;
+                if (m_MOPparametrization) {
+                    ++m_countMop;
+                    caloEnergy =
+                        new CaloEnergy(caloParamMop->deltaE(), caloParamMop->sigmaDeltaE(),
+                                       caloParamMop->sigmaMinusDeltaE(), caloParamMop->sigmaPlusDeltaE(), lossType);
+                } else {
+                    ++m_countMean;
+                    caloEnergy =
+                        new CaloEnergy(caloParamMean->deltaE(), caloParamMean->sigmaDeltaE(),
+                                       caloParamMean->sigmaMinusDeltaE(), caloParamMean->sigmaPlusDeltaE(), lossType);
+                }
+                ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" CaloEnergy FSR : Small deposit, FinalMeasuredEnergyNoEm "
+                                << FinalMeasuredEnergyNoEm << " using Eloss " << caloEnergy->deltaE());
+            } else {
+                //  significant hadronic energy deposit
+                ++m_countMeasurement;
+                lossType                    = CaloEnergy::FSRcandidate;
+                double FinalEnergyErrorNoEm = 0.50 * sqrt(FinalMeasuredEnergyNoEm / Units::GeV) * Units::GeV;
+                FinalEnergyErrorNoEm = sqrt(FinalEnergyErrorNoEm * FinalEnergyErrorNoEm + MopErrorEm * MopErrorEm);
+                caloEnergy = new CaloEnergy(FinalMeasuredEnergyNoEm, FinalEnergyErrorNoEm, FinalEnergyErrorNoEm,
+                                            FinalEnergyErrorNoEm, lossType);
+                ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" CaloEnergy FSR : Large deposit, FinalMeasuredEnergyNoEm " << FinalMeasuredEnergyNoEm);
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        // lossType NotIsolated: MOP or Mean according to configuration
+        if (m_MOPparametrization) {
+            ++m_countMop;
+            caloEnergy = new CaloEnergy(caloParamMop->deltaE(), caloParamMop->sigmaDeltaE(),
+                                        caloParamMop->sigmaMinusDeltaE(), caloParamMop->sigmaPlusDeltaE(), lossType);
+        } else {
+            ++m_countMean;
+            caloEnergy = new CaloEnergy(caloParamMean->deltaE(), caloParamMean->sigmaDeltaE(),
+                                        caloParamMean->sigmaMinusDeltaE(), caloParamMean->sigmaPlusDeltaE(), lossType);
-	else
-	{
-	    // significant e.m. deposit and high F1
-	    double MopErrorEm			= MopError*m_caloParamTool->emMopFraction(eta);
-	    double FinalMeasuredEnergyNoEm	= FinalMeasuredEnergy - EmEnergy + MopLossEm;
-	    //lossType				= CaloEnergy::FSRcandidate;
-	    ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( " CaloEnergy FSR :  EmEnergy "	<< EmEnergy
-			     << "  FinalMeasuredEnergy "	<< FinalMeasuredEnergy
-			     << "  MopLossEm "			<< MopLossEm
-			     << "  MopErrorEm "			<< MopErrorEm
-			     << "  FinalMeasuredEnergyNoEm "	<< FinalMeasuredEnergyNoEm );
-	    if (FinalMeasuredEnergyNoEm < MopLoss + 2.*MopError)
-	    {
-		// small hadronic energy deposit: like NotIsolated (MOP or Mean according to configuration)
-		lossType			= CaloEnergy::NotIsolated;
-		if (m_MOPparametrization)
-		{
-		    ++m_countMop;
-		    caloEnergy			= new CaloEnergy(caloParamMop->deltaE(),
-								 caloParamMop->sigmaDeltaE(),
-								 caloParamMop->sigmaMinusDeltaE(),
-								 caloParamMop->sigmaPlusDeltaE(),
-								 lossType);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    ++m_countMean;
-		    caloEnergy			= new CaloEnergy(caloParamMean->deltaE(),
-								 caloParamMean->sigmaDeltaE(),
-								 caloParamMean->sigmaMinusDeltaE(),
-								 caloParamMean->sigmaPlusDeltaE(),
-								 lossType);
-		}
-		ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( " CaloEnergy FSR : Small deposit, FinalMeasuredEnergyNoEm "
-				 << FinalMeasuredEnergyNoEm
-				 << " using Eloss " << caloEnergy->deltaE());
-	    }
-	    else
-	    {
-		//  significant hadronic energy deposit
-		++m_countMeasurement;
-		lossType			= CaloEnergy::FSRcandidate;
-		double FinalEnergyErrorNoEm	= 0.50 * sqrt(FinalMeasuredEnergyNoEm/Units::GeV) * Units::GeV;
-		FinalEnergyErrorNoEm		= sqrt(FinalEnergyErrorNoEm*FinalEnergyErrorNoEm +
-						       MopErrorEm*MopErrorEm);
-		caloEnergy			= new CaloEnergy(FinalMeasuredEnergyNoEm,
-								 FinalEnergyErrorNoEm,
-								 FinalEnergyErrorNoEm,
-								 FinalEnergyErrorNoEm,
-								 lossType);
-		ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( " CaloEnergy FSR : Large deposit, FinalMeasuredEnergyNoEm "
-				 << FinalMeasuredEnergyNoEm );
-	    }
-        } 
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	// lossType NotIsolated: MOP or Mean according to configuration
-	if (m_MOPparametrization)
-	{
-	    ++m_countMop;
-	    caloEnergy			= new CaloEnergy(caloParamMop->deltaE(),
-							 caloParamMop->sigmaDeltaE(),
-							 caloParamMop->sigmaMinusDeltaE(),
-							 caloParamMop->sigmaPlusDeltaE(),
-							 lossType);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    ++m_countMean;
-	    caloEnergy			= new CaloEnergy(caloParamMean->deltaE(),
-							 caloParamMean->sigmaDeltaE(),
-							 caloParamMean->sigmaMinusDeltaE(),
-							 caloParamMean->sigmaPlusDeltaE(),
-							 lossType);
-	}
     // delete the various parametrized CaloEnergy's before return
     delete caloParamMean;
     delete caloParamMop;
@@ -684,57 +548,47 @@ MuidCaloEnergyTool::measurement(double		trackMomentum,
     return caloEnergy;
-MuidCaloEnergyTool::muSpecResolParam(double trackMomentum,
-				     double eta) const
+MuidCaloEnergyTool::muSpecResolParam(double trackMomentum, double eta) const
-    const double Theta    = 2.*atan(exp(-eta));
-    const double pT       = trackMomentum*sin(Theta)/Units::GeV; // pt in GeV
-    double a              = 0.;
-    double b              = 0.;
-    if (fabs(eta)<1.)
-    {
-	a = 0.02255;
-	b = 7.708e-5;
-    }
-    else if (fabs(eta)>1. && fabs(eta)<2.)
-    {
-	a = 0.04198;
-	b = 8.912e-5;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	a = 0.02181;
-	b = 7.282e-5;
-    }
-    return sqrt(a*a+ (b*pT)*(b*pT));
+    const double Theta = 2. * atan(exp(-eta));
+    const double pT    = trackMomentum * sin(Theta) / Units::GeV;  // pt in GeV
+    double       a     = 0.;
+    double       b     = 0.;
+    if (fabs(eta) < 1.) {
+        a = 0.02255;
+        b = 7.708e-5;
+    } else if (fabs(eta) > 1. && fabs(eta) < 2.) {
+        a = 0.04198;
+        b = 8.912e-5;
+    } else {
+        a = 0.02181;
+        b = 7.282e-5;
+    }
+    return sqrt(a * a + (b * pT) * (b * pT));
-MuidCaloEnergyTool::paramCorrection(double trackMomentum,
-				    double eta,
-				    double MopLoss,
-				    double MopLossSigma) const
+MuidCaloEnergyTool::paramCorrection(double trackMomentum, double eta, double MopLoss, double MopLossSigma) const
-    const double Nsigma	= 2.;
-    double MSres	= muSpecResolParam(trackMomentum,eta);
-    double MSsigma	= trackMomentum*MSres;
-    double sigma	= sqrt(MSsigma*MSsigma + MopLossSigma*MopLossSigma);
-    double sum		= 0.;
-    double weight	= 0.;
-    double xlow		= MopLoss - Nsigma * sigma;
-    if (xlow<0.) xlow	= 0.;
-    double xup		= MopLoss + Nsigma * sigma;
-    int Na		= 50;
-    const double inv_Na = 1. / static_cast<double> (Na);
-    for (int j = 0; j < Na; ++j)
-    {
-        double x = xlow + j*(xup-xlow)*inv_Na;
-	double w = landau(x,MopLoss,MopLossSigma,true);
-	sum     += x*w;
-	weight  += w;
-    }
-    double MopStat	= sum/weight;              
+    const double Nsigma  = 2.;
+    double       MSres   = muSpecResolParam(trackMomentum, eta);
+    double       MSsigma = trackMomentum * MSres;
+    double       sigma   = sqrt(MSsigma * MSsigma + MopLossSigma * MopLossSigma);
+    double       sum     = 0.;
+    double       weight  = 0.;
+    double       xlow    = MopLoss - Nsigma * sigma;
+    if (xlow < 0.) xlow = 0.;
+    double       xup    = MopLoss + Nsigma * sigma;
+    int          Na     = 50;
+    const double inv_Na = 1. / static_cast<double>(Na);
+    for (int j = 0; j < Na; ++j) {
+        double x = xlow + j * (xup - xlow) * inv_Na;
+        double w = landau(x, MopLoss, MopLossSigma, true);
+        sum += x * w;
+        weight += w;
+    }
+    double MopStat = sum / weight;
     return MopStat;
@@ -745,81 +599,65 @@ MuidCaloEnergyTool::landau(double x, double mpv, double sigma, bool norm) const
     // This function has been adapted from the CERNLIB routine G110 denlan.
     // If norm=kTRUE (default is kFALSE) the result is divided by sigma
-    double p1[5] = {0.4259894875,-0.1249762550, 0.03984243700, -0.006298287635,   0.001511162253};
-    double q1[5] = {1.0         ,-0.3388260629, 0.09594393323, -0.01608042283,    0.003778942063};
+    double p1[5] = {0.4259894875, -0.1249762550, 0.03984243700, -0.006298287635, 0.001511162253};
+    double q1[5] = {1.0, -0.3388260629, 0.09594393323, -0.01608042283, 0.003778942063};
-    double p2[5] = {0.1788541609, 0.1173957403, 0.01488850518, -0.001394989411,   0.0001283617211};
-    double q2[5] = {1.0         , 0.7428795082, 0.3153932961,   0.06694219548,    0.008790609714};
+    double p2[5] = {0.1788541609, 0.1173957403, 0.01488850518, -0.001394989411, 0.0001283617211};
+    double q2[5] = {1.0, 0.7428795082, 0.3153932961, 0.06694219548, 0.008790609714};
-    double p3[5] = {0.1788544503, 0.09359161662,0.006325387654, 0.00006611667319,-0.000002031049101};
-    double q3[5] = {1.0         , 0.6097809921, 0.2560616665,   0.04746722384,    0.006957301675};
+    double p3[5] = {0.1788544503, 0.09359161662, 0.006325387654, 0.00006611667319, -0.000002031049101};
+    double q3[5] = {1.0, 0.6097809921, 0.2560616665, 0.04746722384, 0.006957301675};
-    double p4[5] = {0.9874054407, 118.6723273,  849.2794360,   -743.7792444,      427.0262186};
-    double q4[5] = {1.0         , 106.8615961,  337.6496214,    2016.712389,      1597.063511};
+    double p4[5] = {0.9874054407, 118.6723273, 849.2794360, -743.7792444, 427.0262186};
+    double q4[5] = {1.0, 106.8615961, 337.6496214, 2016.712389, 1597.063511};
-    double p5[5] = {1.003675074,  167.5702434,  4789.711289,    21217.86767,     -22324.94910};
-    double q5[5] = {1.0         , 156.9424537,  3745.310488,    9834.698876,      66924.28357};
+    double p5[5] = {1.003675074, 167.5702434, 4789.711289, 21217.86767, -22324.94910};
+    double q5[5] = {1.0, 156.9424537, 3745.310488, 9834.698876, 66924.28357};
-    double p6[5] = {1.000827619,  664.9143136,  62972.92665,    475554.6998,     -5743609.109};
-    double q6[5] = {1.0         , 651.4101098,  56974.73333,    165917.4725,     -2815759.939};
+    double p6[5] = {1.000827619, 664.9143136, 62972.92665, 475554.6998, -5743609.109};
+    double q6[5] = {1.0, 651.4101098, 56974.73333, 165917.4725, -2815759.939};
-    double a1[3] = {0.04166666667,-0.01996527778, 0.02709538966};
+    double a1[3] = {0.04166666667, -0.01996527778, 0.02709538966};
-    double a2[2] = {-1.845568670,-4.284640743};
+    double a2[2] = {-1.845568670, -4.284640743};
     if (sigma <= 0) return 0.;
-    double v = (x-mpv)/sigma;
+    double v = (x - mpv) / sigma;
     double u, ue, us, den;
-    if (v < -5.5)
-    {
-	u   = exp(v+1.0);
-	if (u < 1e-10) return 0.0;
-	ue  = exp(-1/u);
-	us  = sqrt(u);
-	den = 0.3989422803*(ue/us)*(1+(a1[0]+(a1[1]+a1[2]*u)*u)*u);
-    }
-    else if (v < -1)
-    {
-	u   = exp(-v-1);
-	den = exp(-u)*sqrt(u)*
-	      (p1[0]+(p1[1]+(p1[2]+(p1[3]+p1[4]*v)*v)*v)*v)/
-	      (q1[0]+(q1[1]+(q1[2]+(q1[3]+q1[4]*v)*v)*v)*v);
-    }
-    else if (v < 1)
-    {
-	den = (p2[0]+(p2[1]+(p2[2]+(p2[3]+p2[4]*v)*v)*v)*v)/
-	      (q2[0]+(q2[1]+(q2[2]+(q2[3]+q2[4]*v)*v)*v)*v);
-    }
-    else if (v < 5)
-    {
-	den = (p3[0]+(p3[1]+(p3[2]+(p3[3]+p3[4]*v)*v)*v)*v)/
-	      (q3[0]+(q3[1]+(q3[2]+(q3[3]+q3[4]*v)*v)*v)*v);
-    }
-    else if (v < 12)
-    {
-	u   = 1/v;
-	den = u*u*(p4[0]+(p4[1]+(p4[2]+(p4[3]+p4[4]*u)*u)*u)*u)/
-	      (q4[0]+(q4[1]+(q4[2]+(q4[3]+q4[4]*u)*u)*u)*u);
-    }
-    else if (v < 50)
-    {
-	u   = 1/v;
-	den = u*u*(p5[0]+(p5[1]+(p5[2]+(p5[3]+p5[4]*u)*u)*u)*u)/
-	      (q5[0]+(q5[1]+(q5[2]+(q5[3]+q5[4]*u)*u)*u)*u);
-    }
-    else if (v < 300)
-    {
-	u   = 1/v;
-	den = u*u*(p6[0]+(p6[1]+(p6[2]+(p6[3]+p6[4]*u)*u)*u)*u)/
-	      (q6[0]+(q6[1]+(q6[2]+(q6[3]+q6[4]*u)*u)*u)*u);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	u   = 1/(v-v*log(v)/(v+1));
-	den = u*u*(1+(a2[0]+a2[1]*u)*u);
+    if (v < -5.5) {
+        u = exp(v + 1.0);
+        if (u < 1e-10) return 0.0;
+        ue  = exp(-1 / u);
+        us  = sqrt(u);
+        den = 0.3989422803 * (ue / us) * (1 + (a1[0] + (a1[1] + a1[2] * u) * u) * u);
+    } else if (v < -1) {
+        u   = exp(-v - 1);
+        den = exp(-u) * sqrt(u) * (p1[0] + (p1[1] + (p1[2] + (p1[3] + p1[4] * v) * v) * v) * v)
+              / (q1[0] + (q1[1] + (q1[2] + (q1[3] + q1[4] * v) * v) * v) * v);
+    } else if (v < 1) {
+        den = (p2[0] + (p2[1] + (p2[2] + (p2[3] + p2[4] * v) * v) * v) * v)
+              / (q2[0] + (q2[1] + (q2[2] + (q2[3] + q2[4] * v) * v) * v) * v);
+    } else if (v < 5) {
+        den = (p3[0] + (p3[1] + (p3[2] + (p3[3] + p3[4] * v) * v) * v) * v)
+              / (q3[0] + (q3[1] + (q3[2] + (q3[3] + q3[4] * v) * v) * v) * v);
+    } else if (v < 12) {
+        u   = 1 / v;
+        den = u * u * (p4[0] + (p4[1] + (p4[2] + (p4[3] + p4[4] * u) * u) * u) * u)
+              / (q4[0] + (q4[1] + (q4[2] + (q4[3] + q4[4] * u) * u) * u) * u);
+    } else if (v < 50) {
+        u   = 1 / v;
+        den = u * u * (p5[0] + (p5[1] + (p5[2] + (p5[3] + p5[4] * u) * u) * u) * u)
+              / (q5[0] + (q5[1] + (q5[2] + (q5[3] + q5[4] * u) * u) * u) * u);
+    } else if (v < 300) {
+        u   = 1 / v;
+        den = u * u * (p6[0] + (p6[1] + (p6[2] + (p6[3] + p6[4] * u) * u) * u) * u)
+              / (q6[0] + (q6[1] + (q6[2] + (q6[3] + q6[4] * u) * u) * u) * u);
+    } else {
+        u   = 1 / (v - v * log(v) / (v + 1));
+        den = u * u * (1 + (a2[0] + a2[1] * u) * u);
     if (!norm) return den;
-    return den/sigma;
+    return den / sigma;
-}	// end of namespace
+}  // namespace Rec