diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/python/TrigGeneralMonitorAlgorithm.py b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/python/TrigGeneralMonitorAlgorithm.py
index ed93bbc43eacbb79d6155aad14720a7f5963d6d9..9eb28bb61ac3e3c043192b42b02b435071e6a448 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/python/TrigGeneralMonitorAlgorithm.py
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/python/TrigGeneralMonitorAlgorithm.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#  Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#  Copyright (C) 2002-2021 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 '''@file TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm.py
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ def TrigGeneralMonConfig(inputFlags):
     log_trighlt = logging.getLogger( 'TrigGeneralMonitorAlgorithm' )
     # HLT general monitoring
@@ -38,15 +39,62 @@ def TrigGeneralMonConfig(inputFlags):
     # Edit properties of a algorithm
-    # Placeholder
-    # Add a generic monitoring tool (a "group" in old language). 
+    # 
+    ####### Signature names 
+    signature_names = []
+    signature_names.append("AllChains") #0
+    signature_names.append("Electrons") #1
+    signature_names.append("Gamma") #2
+    signature_names.append("Muons") #3
+    signature_names.append("MissingET") #4
+    signature_names.append("Taus") #5
+    signature_names.append("Jets") #6
+    signature_names.append("MinBias") #7
+    # Add a monitoring tool per signature (a "group" in old language). 
     hltGroup = helper.addGroup(
+    hltAllGroup = helper.addGroup(
+        trigHLTMonAlg,
+        'TrigHLTAllMonitor',
+        'HLT/ResultMon/AllChains'
+    )
+    hltEleGroup = helper.addGroup(
+        trigHLTMonAlg,
+        'TrigHLTEleMonitor',
+        'HLT/ResultMon/Electrons'
+    )
+    hltGamGroup = helper.addGroup(
+        trigHLTMonAlg,
+        'TrigHLTGamMonitor',
+        'HLT/ResultMon/Gamma'
+    )
+    hltMuoGroup = helper.addGroup(
+        trigHLTMonAlg,
+        'TrigHLTMuoMonitor',
+        'HLT/ResultMon/Muons'
+    )
+    hltMETGroup = helper.addGroup(
+        trigHLTMonAlg,
+        'TrigHLTMETMonitor',
+        'HLT/ResultMon/MissingET'
+    )
+    hltTauGroup = helper.addGroup(
+        trigHLTMonAlg,
+        'TrigHLTTauMonitor',
+        'HLT/ResultMon/Taus'
+    )
+    hltJetGroup = helper.addGroup(
+        trigHLTMonAlg,
+        'TrigHLTJetMonitor',
+        'HLT/ResultMon/Jets'
+    )
+    #No RoI map for minbias
     # Configure histograms
@@ -68,42 +116,90 @@ def TrigGeneralMonConfig(inputFlags):
     from AthenaConfiguration.AutoConfigFlags import GetFileMD
-    #The HLT chains
+    ### Set up counters ########################################
+    ## The HLT chains
     counter_i = 1
     for chain_name in GetFileMD(inputFlags.Input.Files)['TriggerMenu']['HLTChains']:
         counter_i = counter_i+1
         log_trighlt.debug('HLT chain_name = %s',chain_name)
     max_hlt_chains = counter_i-1
-    log_trighlt.info('max_hlt_chains = %i', max_hlt_chains)
+    log_trighlt.debug('max_hlt_chains = %i', max_hlt_chains)
-    #The L1 items
+    ## The L1 items
     counter_L1 = 1
     for item_name in GetFileMD(inputFlags.Input.Files)['TriggerMenu']['L1Items']:
         counter_L1 = counter_L1+1
         log_trighlt.debug('L1 item_name = %s',item_name)
     max_L1_items = counter_L1-1 
-    log_trighlt.info('max_L1_items = %i', max_L1_items)
+    log_trighlt.debug('max_L1_items = %i', max_L1_items)
     ##### L1 summary histogram ################################
     hltGroup.defineHistogram('L1Events',title='Events per Item at L1;;Events',
-    #### HLT summary histograms #########################
-    hltGroup.defineHistogram('HLT_AllChainsRAW',title='AllChains;;Events',
-                             path='AllChains',xbins=max_hlt_chains,
-                             xmin=1,xmax=max_hlt_chains+1)
+    #### HLT summary histograms for the signatures #############
-    hltGroup.defineHistogram('eta,phi;HLT_AllChainsRoIs',type='TH2F',title='AllChains;#eta;#phi',
-                             path='AllChains',xbins=64,xmin=-3.2,xmax=3.2,
-                             ybins=64,ymin=-3.2,ymax=3.2)
+    triggerstatus = ['RAW','PS'] #all chains or prescaled chains
+    for sig in signature_names: #loop over signatures
+        log_trighlt.debug("Signature %s",sig)
+        ### Events
+        titlename = sig+";;"+"Events" 
+        for trigstatus in triggerstatus: #loop over RAW/PS
+            histname = "HLT_"+sig+trigstatus
+            log_trighlt.debug('Histname = %s', histname)
+            hltGroup.defineHistogram(histname,title=titlename,
+                                     path=sig,xbins=max_hlt_chains+1,
+                                     xmin=1,xmax=max_hlt_chains+1)
-    #### Summary histograms for the signatures #################
-    hltGroup.defineHistogram('HLT_ElectronsRAW',title='Placeholder;X;Y',
-                             path='Electrons',xbins=1000000,xmin=-0.5,xmax=999999.5)
+    ### RoIs, one per signature
+    histname = "eta,phi;HLT_"+signature_names[0]+"RoIs" #AllChains
+    titlename = signature_names[0]+";#eta;#phi"
+    hltAllGroup.defineHistogram(histname,type='TH2F',title=titlename,
+                             path='',xbins=64,xmin=-3.2,xmax=3.2,
+                             ybins=64,ymin=-3.2,ymax=3.2)
+    histname = "eta,phi;HLT_"+signature_names[1]+"RoIs" #Electrons
+    titlename = signature_names[1]+";#eta;#phi"
+    hltEleGroup.defineHistogram(histname,type='TH2F',title=titlename,
+                                path='',xbins=64,xmin=-3.2,xmax=3.2,
+                                ybins=64,ymin=-3.2,ymax=3.2)
+    histname = "eta,phi;HLT_"+signature_names[2]+"RoIs" #Gamma
+    titlename = signature_names[2]+";#eta;#phi"
+    hltGamGroup.defineHistogram(histname,type='TH2F',title=titlename,
+                                path='',xbins=64,xmin=-3.2,xmax=3.2,
+                                ybins=64,ymin=-3.2,ymax=3.2)
+    histname = "eta,phi;HLT_"+signature_names[3]+"RoIs" #Muons
+    titlename = signature_names[3]+";#eta;#phi"
+    hltMuoGroup.defineHistogram(histname,type='TH2F',title=titlename,
+                                path='',xbins=64,xmin=-3.2,xmax=3.2,
+                                ybins=64,ymin=-3.2,ymax=3.2)
+    histname = "eta,phi;HLT_"+signature_names[4]+"RoIs" #MissingET
+    titlename = signature_names[4]+";#eta;#phi"
+    hltMETGroup.defineHistogram(histname,type='TH2F',title=titlename,
+                                path='',xbins=64,xmin=-3.2,xmax=3.2,
+                                ybins=64,ymin=-3.2,ymax=3.2)
+    histname = "eta,phi;HLT_"+signature_names[5]+"RoIs" #Taus
+    titlename = signature_names[5]+";#eta;#phi"
+    hltTauGroup.defineHistogram(histname,type='TH2F',title=titlename,
+                                path='',xbins=64,xmin=-3.2,xmax=3.2,
+                                ybins=64,ymin=-3.2,ymax=3.2)
+    histname = "eta,phi;HLT_"+signature_names[6]+"RoIs" #Jets
+    titlename = signature_names[6]+";#eta;#phi"
+    hltJetGroup.defineHistogram(histname,type='TH2F',title=titlename,
+                                path='',xbins=64,xmin=-3.2,xmax=3.2,
+                                ybins=64,ymin=-3.2,ymax=3.2)
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/python/TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm.py b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/python/TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm.py
index eae0321b0e6e50870a217bdd2a1d001421154f3e..2298c6c22aa6fa460d40323851c960fc1e332ab4 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/python/TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm.py
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/python/TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#  Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#  Copyright (C) 2002-2021 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 '''@file TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm.py
@@ -85,3 +85,4 @@ def TrigHLTMonTopConfig(inputFlags):
     return result
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/src/TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm.cxx b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/src/TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm.cxx
index 051c8b4cf78034efbd22b0ce5e50cdd9cb2c2b82..00f8878983df6aceb75a4722fd1444702f4cc285 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/src/TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/src/TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm.cxx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2021 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 #include "TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm.h"
@@ -31,14 +31,21 @@ StatusCode TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm::fillHistograms( const EventContext& ctx ) co
   using namespace Monitored;
   StatusCode sc = StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  //Fetch the tools 
   auto tool = getGroup("TrigHLTMonitor");
+  auto toolAll = getGroup("TrigHLTAllMonitor");
+  auto toolEle = getGroup("TrigHLTEleMonitor");
+  auto toolGam = getGroup("TrigHLTGamMonitor");
+  auto toolMuo = getGroup("TrigHLTMuoMonitor");
+  auto toolMET = getGroup("TrigHLTMETMonitor");
+  auto toolTau = getGroup("TrigHLTTauMonitor");
+  auto toolJet = getGroup("TrigHLTJetMonitor");
   // Declare the quantities which should be monitored
   // NB! The variables and histograms defined here must match the ones in the py file exactly!
-  auto HLT_ElectronsRAW = Monitored::Scalar<int>("HLT_ElectronsRAW",0);
-  auto HLT_AllChainsRAW = Monitored::Scalar<std::string>("HLT_AllChainsRAW");
   auto L1Events = Monitored::Scalar<std::string>("L1Events");
@@ -52,11 +59,10 @@ StatusCode TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm::fillHistograms( const EventContext& ctx ) co
   // all others are the variables to be saved.
   // Alternative fill method. Get the group yourself, and pass it to the fill function.
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("Filling L1Events histogram");
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Filling L1Events histogram");
   for(unsigned int it=0; it<nL1Items; ++it) {
     if( L1items[it] != "" ) {
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("L1Item " << it << " " << L1items << m_trigDecTool->isPassed(L1items[it]));
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("L1Item " << it << " " << L1items[it] );
       if(m_trigDecTool->isPassed(L1items[it])) {
 	/// Fill L1 histogram
@@ -70,57 +76,140 @@ StatusCode TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm::fillHistograms( const EventContext& ctx ) co
   // HLT chain monitoring
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "HLT chain monitoring" );
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Setting up the regex map..." );
+  std::map<std::string,std::string> streams;
+  streams.insert(std::make_pair("AllChains", "HLT_.*"));
+  streams.insert(std::make_pair("Electrons", "HLT_e[0-9]+.*"));
+  streams.insert(std::make_pair("Gamma",     "HLT_g[0-9]+.*"));
+  streams.insert(std::make_pair("Muons",     "HLT_[0-9]*mu[0-9]+.*"));
+  streams.insert(std::make_pair("MissingET", "HLT_(t|x)e[0-9]+.*")); 
+  streams.insert(std::make_pair("Taus",      "HLT_(tau[0-9]*|trk.*Tau).*"));
+  streams.insert(std::make_pair("Jets",      "HLT_(FJ|j)[0-9]+.*"));
+  streams.insert(std::make_pair("MinBias",   "HLT_mb.*"));
   //// Set the values of the monitored variables for the event		
-  HLT_ElectronsRAW = GetEventInfo(ctx)->runNumber(); //DUMMY; to be updated.
-  ATH_MSG_INFO( "Filling HLT_AllChains and RoI information" );
-  std::vector< std::string > chainNames = m_trigDecTool->getChainGroup("HLT_.*")->getListOfTriggers();
-  unsigned int nHLTChains = chainNames.size();
-  for(unsigned int ith=0; ith<nHLTChains; ++ith) {
-    if( chainNames[ith] != "" ) {
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("HLTChain " << ith << " " << chainNames << m_trigDecTool->isPassed(chainNames[ith]));
-      if(m_trigDecTool->isPassed(chainNames[ith])) {
-	ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "    Chain " << chainNames[ith] << " IS passed");
-	/// Fill plain chains histogram
-	HLT_AllChainsRAW = chainNames[ith];
-	ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Fill HLT_AllChainsRAW" ); // with " << HLT_AllChainsRAW );
-	fill(tool,HLT_AllChainsRAW);
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Iterating over the regex map...");
+  std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator strItr;
+  for (strItr=streams.begin();strItr!=streams.end(); ++strItr){     
+    std::string signaturename = strItr->first;
+    std::string thisregex = strItr->second;
+    std::string histname_raw = "HLT_"+signaturename+"RAW";
+    std::string histname_ps = "HLT_"+signaturename+"PS";
+    auto HLT_RAW = Monitored::Scalar<std::string>(histname_raw);
+    auto HLT_PS  = Monitored::Scalar<std::string>(histname_ps);
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Filling HLT" << signaturename << " and RoI information for " << thisregex );
+    std::vector< std::string > chainNames = m_trigDecTool->getChainGroup(thisregex)->getListOfTriggers();
+    unsigned int nHLTChains = chainNames.size();
+    for(unsigned int ith=0; ith<nHLTChains; ++ith) {
+      if( chainNames[ith] != "" ) {
+	ATH_MSG_DEBUG("HLTChain " << ith << " " << chainNames[ith] );
+	if(m_trigDecTool->isPassed(chainNames[ith])) {
+	  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "    Chain " << chainNames[ith] << " IS passed");
+	  /// Fill plain chains histogram
+	  HLT_RAW = chainNames[ith];
+	  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Fill HLT_RAW for " << signaturename << " and " << chainNames[ith]); 
+	  fill(tool,HLT_RAW);
-	/// Fill RoIs histogram
-	ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Fill RoI histograms for chain " << chainNames[ith] );
-	std::vector<LinkInfo<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>> fvec = m_trigDecTool->features<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>(chainNames[ith], TrigDefs::Physics, "", TrigDefs::lastFeatureOfType, "initialRoI"); //initialRoiString()
-	//Loop over RoIs
-	for (const LinkInfo<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>& li : fvec) {
-	  if( li.isValid() ) {
-	    auto phi = Monitored::Scalar("phi", 0.0);
-	    auto eta = Monitored::Scalar("eta", 0.0);
-	    auto HLT_AllChainsRoIs = Monitored::Group(tool, eta, phi); //filled when going out of scope
-	    const TrigRoiDescriptor* roi = *(li.link).cptr();
-    	    eta = roi->eta();
-	    phi = roi->phi();
-	    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "RoI: eta = " << eta << ", phi = " << phi ); 
-	  }
-	  else {
-	    ATH_MSG_WARNING( "TrigRoiDescriptorCollection for chain " << chainNames[ith] << " is not valid");
+	  //If the chain is prescaled
+	  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Prescale: " << m_trigDecTool->getPrescale(chainNames[ith]) );
+	  if(m_trigDecTool->getPrescale(chainNames[ith])!=1) {
+	    //NB! Right now very few chains are prescaled, so this histogram is seldom filled
+	    HLT_PS = chainNames[ith];
+	    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Fill HLT_PS for " << signaturename << " and " << chainNames[ith]); 
+	    fill(tool,HLT_PS);
-	}//end for (const LinkInfo<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>& li : fvec)
-      }// end if(m_trigDecTool->isPassed(chainNames[ith]))
-    }// end if( chainNames[ith] != "" )
-  }//end for(unsigned int ith=0; ith<nHLTChains; ++ith)
+	  /// Fill RoIs histogram
+	  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Fill RoI histograms for chain " << chainNames[ith] );
+	  std::vector<LinkInfo<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>> fvec = m_trigDecTool->features<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>(chainNames[ith], TrigDefs::Physics, "", TrigDefs::lastFeatureOfType, initialRoIString()); 
+	  //Loop over RoIs
+	  for (const LinkInfo<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>& li : fvec) {
+	    if( li.isValid() ) {
+	      auto phi = Monitored::Scalar("phi",0.0);
+	      auto eta = Monitored::Scalar("eta",0.0);
+	      if(signaturename=="AllChains") {
+		ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "RoI: filling for " << signaturename );
+		auto HLT_RoIs = Monitored::Group(toolAll, eta, phi);
+		const TrigRoiDescriptor* roi = *(li.link).cptr();
+		eta = roi->eta();
+		phi = roi->phi();
+		ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "RoI: eta = " << eta << ", phi = " << phi ); 
+	      }
+	      //Check signatures
+	      if(signaturename=="Electrons") {
+		ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "RoI: filling for " << signaturename );
+		auto HLT_RoIs = Monitored::Group(toolEle, eta, phi);
+		const TrigRoiDescriptor* roi = *(li.link).cptr();
+		eta = roi->eta();
+		phi = roi->phi();
+		ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "RoI: eta = " << eta << ", phi = " << phi ); 
+	      }
+	      else if(signaturename=="Gamma") {
+		ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "RoI: filling for " << signaturename );
+		auto HLT_RoIs = Monitored::Group(toolGam, eta, phi);
+		const TrigRoiDescriptor* roi = *(li.link).cptr();
+		eta = roi->eta();
+		phi = roi->phi();
+		ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "RoI: eta = " << eta << ", phi = " << phi ); 
+	      }
+	      else if(signaturename=="Muons") {
+		ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "RoI: filling for " << signaturename );
+		auto HLT_RoIs = Monitored::Group(toolMuo, eta, phi);
+		const TrigRoiDescriptor* roi = *(li.link).cptr();
+		eta = roi->eta();
+		phi = roi->phi();
+		ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "RoI: eta = " << eta << ", phi = " << phi ); 
+	      }
+	      else if(signaturename=="MissingET") {
+		ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "RoI: filling for " << signaturename );
+		auto HLT_RoIs = Monitored::Group(toolMET, eta, phi);
+		const TrigRoiDescriptor* roi = *(li.link).cptr();
+		eta = roi->eta();
+		phi = roi->phi();
+		ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "RoI: eta = " << eta << ", phi = " << phi ); 
+	      }
+	      else if(signaturename=="Taus") {
+		ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "RoI: filling for " << signaturename );
+		auto HLT_RoIs = Monitored::Group(toolTau, eta, phi);
+		const TrigRoiDescriptor* roi = *(li.link).cptr();
+		eta = roi->eta();
+		phi = roi->phi();
+		ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "RoI: eta = " << eta << ", phi = " << phi ); 
+	      }
+	      else if(signaturename=="Jets") {
+		ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "RoI: filling for " << signaturename );
+		auto HLT_RoIs = Monitored::Group(toolJet, eta, phi);
+		const TrigRoiDescriptor* roi = *(li.link).cptr();
+		eta = roi->eta();
+		phi = roi->phi();
+		ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "RoI: eta = " << eta << ", phi = " << phi ); 
+	      }
+	    }//end if(li.isValid())
+	    else {
+	      ATH_MSG_WARNING( "TrigRoiDescriptorCollection for chain " << chainNames[ith] << " is not valid");
+	    }
+	  }//end for (const LinkInfo<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>& li : fvec)
+	}// end if(m_trigDecTool->isPassed(chainNames[ith]))
+      }// end if( chainNames[ith] != "" )
+    }//end for(unsigned int ith=0; ith<nHLTChains; ++ith)
+  }//end loop over streams
-  //Placeholder   
-  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Fill HLT_ElectronsRAW with " << HLT_ElectronsRAW );
-  fill(tool,HLT_ElectronsRAW);
@@ -131,7 +220,7 @@ StatusCode TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm::fillHistograms( const EventContext& ctx ) co
   // End
-  ATH_MSG_INFO( "Finalizing the TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm..." );
+  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Finalizing the TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm..." );
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -168,11 +257,11 @@ StatusCode TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm::fillResultAndConsistencyHistograms( const Ev
     //bskeys_1 = HLTResult->getConfigSuperMasterKey();
     //bskeys_2 = HLTResult->getConfigPrescalesKey();
-    ATH_MSG_INFO("sc_hltResult should not be SUCCESS");
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("sc_hltResult should not be SUCCESS");
   else {
     //For now, this will always happen    
-    ATH_MSG_INFO("No HLTResult monitored (because it has not been implemented yet)");
+    ATH_MSG_DEBUG("====> No HLTResult monitored (because it has not been implemented yet)");
     //FIXME: When the HLTResult IS implemented this should be a WARNING // ebergeas Sept 2020
     //ATH_MSG_WARNING("No HLTResult found"); //Prints a warning message in the log file
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/src/TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm.h b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/src/TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm.h
index 2b5ea0b571d7bdac71e447ff86ed452a5a91b3cb..690e20753e4a4f9190550b60e968b428790f1cc2 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/src/TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm.h
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/src/TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+  Copyright (C) 2002-2021 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@@ -29,5 +29,6 @@ class TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm : public AthMonitorAlgorithm {
    ToolHandle<Trig::TrigDecisionTool> m_trigDecTool; 
    ServiceHandle< TrigConf::ITrigConfigSvc > m_trigConfigSvc{ this, "TrigConfigSvc", "" };
    StatusCode fillResultAndConsistencyHistograms( const EventContext& ctx ) const;