From c01a556b0678d19a9fe2c1c7a5b3e9cc85bfda30 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christoph Hasse <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 13:00:07 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] handle the fact that a ref build could be required to
 reply to multiple -mr builds

 handlers/ | 229 +++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 114 insertions(+), 115 deletions(-)

diff --git a/handlers/ b/handlers/
index 7dabdb15..87cdc833 100644
--- a/handlers/
+++ b/handlers/
@@ -202,70 +202,126 @@ class ThroughputProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
                     for l in lines:
                         tmp =
                         if tmp:
+                  "Got throughput of {} Evts/s for {}/{}".format(float(,version,options))
                             return float(, test['lhcbpr_url']
                 raise Exception("Could not find a throughput number in run_log, thus aborting!")
-            try:
-                # let's post a reply to gitlab about the throughput test result
-                # workaround ssl cert problems
-                # this environment variable is respected by the requests lirbary
-                os.environ['REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE'] = "/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem"
-                os.environ['SSL_CERT_FILE'] = "/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem"
-                # We start out knowing which slot we are currently in, eg. lhcb-master-ref or lhcb-master-mr
-                # But we don't know if the other slot executed before us or will execute after
-                # since we need both results for the reply we need to handle both cases.
-                # We do so by checking couchdb for the other slot, if it's not there it means
-                # we are running first so we abort as the reply will be generated by the other slot
-                # if one of the two slots failed for whatever reason, no reply will be generated.
-                if ("lhcb-master-mr" in version or "lhcb-master-ref" in version) and options in ["Moore_hlt1_pp_default", "Moore_hlt2_reco_baseline"]:
-                    from datetime import datetime
-                    from LbNightlyTools.Utils import Dashboard
-          "will try to create GitLab reply")
-                    # ask couchdb for some info on our currently used build slot
-                    config = requests.get(""+version)
-                    if config.status_code != 200:
-                        raise Exception("Could not get build slot information from couchDB for:" + version )
-                    # who actually triggered the slot we are running the test for?
-                    trigger_source = config.json()['config']['metadata']['ci_test']['trigger']
-                    if "lhcb-master-ref" in version:
-                        # this is the path that's a bit more cumbersome
-                        #first we need to find the lhcb-master-mr slot lauched from the same gitlab ci-test command
-                        # connect to couchdb
-                        dash = Dashboard()
-                        today ='%Y-%m-%d')
-                        # get build_id and trigger source for all slots from today
-                        slots = [ (row.doc['config']['build_id'], row.doc['config']['metadata']['ci_test']['trigger'])
-                                for row in dash.db.iterview('summaries/byDay', batch=100, key=today, include_docs=True)
-                                if "lhcb-master-mr" in row.doc['config']['slot']]
-                        # check if any of those slots have the same trigger as our slot
-                        buildID = [s[0] for s in slots if trigger_source == s[1]][0]
-                        # that should be the slot we are looking for
-                        test_version = "lhcb-master-mr.{}".format(buildID)
-              "Determined test build to be {}".format(test_version))
-                        # if we are a ref build, our throughput is the reference
-                        ref_throughput = throughput
+            def send_gitlab_reply(new_throughput, ref_throughput, options, web_link, trigger_source):
+                throughput_change = (new_throughput-ref_throughput)/ref_throughput
+                if "hlt1" in options:
+                    tol = 0.005
+                    prefix= "hlt1"
+                else:
+                    tol = 0.01
+                    prefix= "hlt2"
+                label = None
+                thumb = ""
+                if throughput_change > tol:
+                    label = prefix + "-throughput-increased"
+                    thumb = ":thumbsup:"
+                elif throughput_change < -tol :
+                    label = prefix + "-throughput-decreased"
+                    thumb = ":thumbsdown:"
+                # ok we made it this far, we are ready to talk to GitLab :)
+                message = ("Throughput Test [{opt}]({link}): {throughput}"
+                           "Events/s -- change: {change:.2%} {thumb}").format(opt=options,
+                                                                              throughput=new_throughput,
+                                                                              change=throughput_change,
+                                                                              link=web_link,
+                                                                              thumb=thumb)
+      "Sending GitLab Reply:\n{}".format(message))
+                if os.environ.get('GITLAB_TOKEN'):
+                    try:
+                        gitlab_server = _gitlabServer()
+                        project = gitlab_server.projects.get(trigger_source['project_id'])
+                        mr = project.mergerequests.get(trigger_source['merge_request_iid'])
+                        discussion = mr.discussions.get(trigger_source['discussion_id'])
+                        # reply to discussion
+                        discussion.notes.create({'body': message})
+                        # add a label to MR (creates a project label if not existing,
+                        # noop if already labeled)
+                        if label:
+                            mr.labels.append(label)
+                    except gitlab.GitlabError as e:
+                        # never fail when feedback can't be posted
+                        logging.error('Could not post feedback to gitlab: ' + e.message)
+                        pass
+                else:
+                    raise Exception("Can't get GITLAB_TOKEN from environment, thus not posting to GitLab")
+            # let's post a reply to gitlab about the throughput test result
+            # workaround ssl cert problems
+            # this environment variable is respected by the requests lirbary
+            os.environ['REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE'] = "/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem"
+            os.environ['SSL_CERT_FILE'] = "/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem"
+            # We start out knowing which slot we are currently in, eg. lhcb-master-ref or lhcb-master-mr
+            # But we don't know if the other slot executed before us or will execute after
+            # since we need both results for the reply we need to handle both cases.
+            # We do so by checking couchdb for resulsts of the other slot, if it's not there it means
+            # we are running first so we abort as the reply will be generated by the other slot
+            # if one of the two slots failed for whatever reason, no reply will be generated.
+            if ("lhcb-master-mr" in version or "lhcb-master-ref" in version) and options in ["Moore_hlt1_pp_default", "Moore_hlt2_reco_baseline"]:
+                from LbNightlyTools.GitlabUtils import _gitlabServer
+                from LbNightlyTools.Utils import Dashboard
+      "will try to create GitLab reply")
+                if "lhcb-master-ref" in version:
+                    # this is the path that's a bit more cumbersome as the ref slot can be
+                    # reused my multiple -mr slots. Thus we need to get all of these connected
+                    # -mr slots and generate replies for them if they have already run.
+                    # connect to couchdb
+                    dash = Dashboard()
+                    # get (build id, gitlab trigger source) for all builds connected to this ref build
+                    slots = [ (row.value[1], row.doc['config']['metadata']['ci_test']['trigger'] )
+                              for row in dash.db.iterview('merge_requests/mr_slots_by_ref_slot',
+                                                          batch=100, include_docs=True,
+                                                          key=["lhcb-master-ref", int(version[16:])])]
+                    if not slots:
+                        logging.warn("GitLab reply aborted! Found no corresponding -mr builds for {}".format(version))
+                    for slot in slots:
+                        # assemble test slot id
+                        test_version = "lhcb-master-mr.{}".format(slot[0])
                         # get the throughtput for the test build
                         # this call might fail, which means the test build doesn't have any results
                         # most likely because it hasn't run yet. So we raise an exception thus skipping the GitLab reply part.
                         # The reply should then be generated from the test build which apparently runs after us
-                        throughput, web_link = get_throughput_via_couchdb(test_version, options)
+                        try:
+                  "Try to get throughput and send reply for test build {}".format(test_version))
+                            mr_slot_throughput, web_link = get_throughput_via_couchdb(test_version, options)
+                            send_gitlab_reply(mr_slot_throughput, throughput, options, web_link, slot[1])
+                        except Exception as ex:
+                            logging.warn("GitLab reply of test build {} failed with: {}".format(test_version, ex))
+                else:
+                    # so this means I'm currently in a lhcb-master-mr build
+                    try:
+                        # ask couchdb for some info on our currently used build slot
+                        config = requests.get(""+version)
+                        if config.status_code != 200:
+                            raise Exception("Could not get build slot information from couchDB for:" + version )
-                    else:
-                        # so this means I'm currently in a lhcb-master-mr build
-                        # so let's do the above dance but opposite
+                        # who actually triggered the slot we are running the test for?
+                        trigger = config.json()['config']['metadata']['ci_test']['trigger']
                         # finding the other slot is easier if we are in a test slot
                         # extract the corresponding reference ( build slot and id
@@ -276,66 +332,9 @@ class ThroughputProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
                         # this call might fail, which means the reference build doesn't have any results
                         # most likely because it hasn't run yet. So we raise an exception thus skipping the GitLab reply part.
                         # The reply should then be generated from the ref build which apparently runs after us
-                        ref_throughput, _ = get_throughput_via_couchdb(".".join([ref_slot, str(ref_id)]), options)
-                        web_link = website_url+dirname
-                    ####################
-                    ## Prepare the actual GitLab reply
-                    ####################
-                    throughput_change = (throughput-ref_throughput)/ref_throughput
+                        ref_build_throughput, _ = get_throughput_via_couchdb(".".join([ref_slot, str(ref_id)]), options)
+                        send_gitlab_reply(throughput, ref_build_throughput, options, website_url+dirname, trigger)
-                    if "hlt1" in options:
-                        tol = 0.005
-                        prefix= "hlt1"
-                    else:
-                        tol = 0.01
-                        prefix= "hlt2"
-                    label = None
-                    thumb = ""
-                    if throughput_change > tol:
-                        label = prefix + "-throughput-increased"
-                        thumb = ":thumbsup:"
-                    elif throughput_change < -tol :
-                        label = prefix + "-throughput-decreased"
-                        thumb = ":thumbsdown:"
-                    # ok we made it this far, we are ready to talk to GitLab :)
-                    message = "Throughput Test [{opt}]({link}): {throughput} Events/s -- change: {change:.2%} {thumb}".format(opt=options,
-                                                                                               throughput=throughput,
-                                                                                               change=throughput_change,
-                                                                                               link=web_link,
-                                                                                               thumb=thumb
-                                                                                                )
-          "Sending GitLab Reply:\n{}".format(message))
-                    if os.environ.get('GITLAB_TOKEN'):
-                        try:
-                            from LbNightlyTools.GitlabUtils import _gitlabServer
-                            gitlab_server = _gitlabServer()
-                            project = gitlab_server.projects.get(trigger_source['project_id'])
-                            mr = project.mergerequests.get(trigger_source['merge_request_iid'])
-                            discussion = mr.discussions.get(trigger_source['discussion_id'])
-                            # reply to discussion
-                            discussion.notes.create({'body': message})
-                            # add a label to MR (creates a project label if not existing,
-                            # noop if already labeled)
-                            if label:
-                                mr.labels.append(label)
-                        except gitlab.GitlabError as e:
-                            # never fail when feedback can't be posted
-                            logging.error('Could not post feedback to gitlab: ' + e.message)
-                            pass
-                    else:
-                        raise Exception("Can't get GITLAB_TOKEN from environment, thus not posting to GitLab")
-            except Exception as ex:
-                import traceback
-                logging.error('Creating GitLab reply failed: %s', traceback.format_exc())
+                    except Exception as ex:
+                        logging.warn("Creating GitLab reply failed: {}".format(ex))

From d89e8ee7a6934025c1b979d47acb91e929d1ddd8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christoph Hasse <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 13:45:46 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] run lb-format on

 handlers/ | 221 ++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 134 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)

diff --git a/handlers/ b/handlers/
index 87cdc833..b8698de1 100644
--- a/handlers/
+++ b/handlers/
@@ -10,17 +10,18 @@ from collectRunResults import send_notification_mattermost
 class ThroughputProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
     def __init__(self):
         super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
     def collectResultsExt(self, directory, project, version, platform,
-                            hostname, cpu_info, memoryinfo, startTime, endTime, options):
+                          hostname, cpu_info, memoryinfo, startTime, endTime,
+                          options):
         # grab the correct files to get the throughput
-        files = [os.path.join(directory, f)
-                for f in os.listdir(directory)
-                if 'ThroughputTest' in f]
+        files = [
+            os.path.join(directory, f) for f in os.listdir(directory)
+            if 'ThroughputTest' in f
+        ]
         regex = re.compile("Evts\/s = ([\d.]+)")
         throughput = 0
@@ -34,10 +35,11 @@ class ThroughputProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
         str_tput = '{:.1f}'.format(throughput)
-        self.saveFloat("max_throughput",
-                       throughput,
-                       description="maximum throughput",
-                       group="throughput")
+        self.saveFloat(
+            "max_throughput",
+            throughput,
+            description="maximum throughput",
+            group="throughput")
         website_url = ''
@@ -56,22 +58,16 @@ class ThroughputProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
                       + "_"\
                       + startTime.replace(' ', '_')
-            cpu_model = cpu_info.split(" @")[0].replace("(R)","").replace(" ","-")
-            trend_url = website_url+"trend_throughput_"+str(options)+"_"+str(version).split(".")[0]+".png"
+            cpu_model = cpu_info.split(" @")[0].replace("(R)", "").replace(
+                " ", "-")
+            trend_url = website_url + "trend_throughput_" + str(
+                options) + "_" + str(version).split(".")[0] + ".png"
             # concatenate log files into one file
             with open('tests.log', 'w') as outfile:
                 for fname in files:
-                    outfile.write(" "*80
-                                    + "\n"
-                                    + "="*80
-                                    + "\n"
-                                    + fname
-                                    + "\n"
-                                    + "="*80
-                                    + "\n"
-                                    + " "*80
-                                    + "\n")
+                    outfile.write(" " * 80 + "\n" + "=" * 80 + "\n" + fname +
+                                  "\n" + "=" * 80 + "\n" + " " * 80 + "\n")
                     with open(fname) as infile:
                         for line in infile:
@@ -131,28 +127,33 @@ class ThroughputProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
             targetRootEosDir = os.path.join(wwwDirEos, dirname)
-      ['xrdcp',
-                                os.path.join(directory, 'flamy.svg'),
-                                targetRootEosDir + "/flamy.svg"])
-      ['xrdcp',
-                                os.path.join(directory, 'FlameBars.pdf'),
-                                targetRootEosDir + "/FlameBars.pdf"])
-      ['xrdcp',
-                                os.path.join(directory, 'FlameBars.png'),
-                                targetRootEosDir + "/FlameBars.png"])
-      ['xrdcp',
-                                'index.html',
-                                targetRootEosDir + "/index.html"])
-      ['xrdcp',
-                                'tests.log',
-                                targetRootEosDir + "/tests.log"])
+      [
+                    'xrdcp',
+                    os.path.join(directory, 'flamy.svg'),
+                    targetRootEosDir + "/flamy.svg"
+                ])
+      [
+                    'xrdcp',
+                    os.path.join(directory, 'FlameBars.pdf'),
+                    targetRootEosDir + "/FlameBars.pdf"
+                ])
+      [
+                    'xrdcp',
+                    os.path.join(directory, 'FlameBars.png'),
+                    targetRootEosDir + "/FlameBars.png"
+                ])
+                    ['xrdcp', 'index.html', targetRootEosDir + "/index.html"])
+                    ['xrdcp', 'tests.log', targetRootEosDir + "/tests.log"])
             except Exception as ex:
                 logging.warning('Error copying html files to eos: %s', ex)
-            self.saveString("algousage",
-                           website_url + dirname + "/flamy.svg",
-                           description="link to algo usage plot",
-                           group="performance")
+            self.saveString(
+                "algousage",
+                website_url + dirname + "/flamy.svg",
+                description="link to algo usage plot",
+                group="performance")
             # send notification on mattermost channel
             if "MATTERMOST_HOOK" in os.environ:
@@ -172,29 +173,37 @@ class ThroughputProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
                     + str_tput\
                     + " Events/s`"
-                                            content)
+                                             content)
                 logging.warning("notifications not sent"
                                 " because MATTERMOST_HOOK not set")
             def get_throughput_via_couchdb(version, options):
                 dash = Dashboard(flavour='periodic')
-                past_tests = [row.doc for row in
-                              dash.db.iterview('nightlies_summaries/by_app_version', batch=10, key=version, include_docs=True)]
+                past_tests = [
+                    row.doc for row in dash.db.iterview(
+                        'nightlies_summaries/by_app_version',
+                        batch=10,
+                        key=version,
+                        include_docs=True)
+                ]
                 if options not in [doc['opt_name'] for doc in past_tests]:
-                    raise Exception("Can't find throughput test: {} for slot: {}".format(options, version))
+                    raise Exception(
+                        "Can't find throughput test: {} for slot: {}".format(
+                            options, version))
                 # get the location of the run_log
-                test = [doc for doc in past_tests if options == doc['opt_name']][0]
+                test = [
+                    doc for doc in past_tests if options == doc['opt_name']
+                ][0]
                     # 28: is to get rid of the https prefix stuff since we have eos mounted
                     run_log = test['run_log'][28:]
                 except KeyError:
-          "run_log path not present in test dict, suggesting that this test didn't finish properly")
+                        "run_log path not present in test dict, suggesting that this test didn't finish properly"
+                    )
                 throughput_rgx = re.compile("Evts\/s = ([\d.]+)")
                 with open(run_log) as log:
@@ -202,48 +211,57 @@ class ThroughputProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
                     for l in lines:
                         tmp =
                         if tmp:
-                  "Got throughput of {} Evts/s for {}/{}".format(float(,version,options))
+                                "Got throughput of {} Evts/s for {}/{}".format(
+                                    float(, version, options))
                             return float(, test['lhcbpr_url']
-                raise Exception("Could not find a throughput number in run_log, thus aborting!")
+                raise Exception(
+                    "Could not find a throughput number in run_log, thus aborting!"
+                )
+            def send_gitlab_reply(new_throughput, ref_throughput, options,
+                                  web_link, trigger_source):
-            def send_gitlab_reply(new_throughput, ref_throughput, options, web_link, trigger_source):
-                throughput_change = (new_throughput-ref_throughput)/ref_throughput
+                throughput_change = (
+                    new_throughput - ref_throughput) / ref_throughput
                 if "hlt1" in options:
                     tol = 0.005
-                    prefix= "hlt1"
+                    prefix = "hlt1"
                     tol = 0.01
-                    prefix= "hlt2"
+                    prefix = "hlt2"
                 label = None
                 thumb = ""
                 if throughput_change > tol:
                     label = prefix + "-throughput-increased"
                     thumb = ":thumbsup:"
-                elif throughput_change < -tol :
+                elif throughput_change < -tol:
                     label = prefix + "-throughput-decreased"
                     thumb = ":thumbsdown:"
                 # ok we made it this far, we are ready to talk to GitLab :)
                 message = ("Throughput Test [{opt}]({link}): {throughput}"
-                           "Events/s -- change: {change:.2%} {thumb}").format(opt=options,
-                                                                              throughput=new_throughput,
-                                                                              change=throughput_change,
-                                                                              link=web_link,
-                                                                              thumb=thumb)
+                           "Events/s -- change: {change:.2%} {thumb}").format(
+                               opt=options,
+                               throughput=new_throughput,
+                               change=throughput_change,
+                               link=web_link,
+                               thumb=thumb)
       "Sending GitLab Reply:\n{}".format(message))
                 if os.environ.get('GITLAB_TOKEN'):
                         gitlab_server = _gitlabServer()
-                        project = gitlab_server.projects.get(trigger_source['project_id'])
-                        mr = project.mergerequests.get(trigger_source['merge_request_iid'])
-                        discussion = mr.discussions.get(trigger_source['discussion_id'])
+                        project = gitlab_server.projects.get(
+                            trigger_source['project_id'])
+                        mr = project.mergerequests.get(
+                            trigger_source['merge_request_iid'])
+                        discussion = mr.discussions.get(
+                            trigger_source['discussion_id'])
                         # reply to discussion
                         discussion.notes.create({'body': message})
                         # add a label to MR (creates a project label if not existing,
@@ -253,11 +271,13 @@ class ThroughputProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
                     except gitlab.GitlabError as e:
                         # never fail when feedback can't be posted
-                        logging.error('Could not post feedback to gitlab: ' + e.message)
+                        logging.error('Could not post feedback to gitlab: ' +
+                                      e.message)
-                    raise Exception("Can't get GITLAB_TOKEN from environment, thus not posting to GitLab")
+                    raise Exception(
+                        "Can't get GITLAB_TOKEN from environment, thus not posting to GitLab"
+                    )
             # let's post a reply to gitlab about the throughput test result
@@ -273,7 +293,10 @@ class ThroughputProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
             # we are running first so we abort as the reply will be generated by the other slot
             # if one of the two slots failed for whatever reason, no reply will be generated.
-            if ("lhcb-master-mr" in version or "lhcb-master-ref" in version) and options in ["Moore_hlt1_pp_default", "Moore_hlt2_reco_baseline"]:
+            if ("lhcb-master-mr" in version
+                    or "lhcb-master-ref" in version) and options in [
+                        "Moore_hlt1_pp_default", "Moore_hlt2_reco_baseline"
+                    ]:
                 from LbNightlyTools.GitlabUtils import _gitlabServer
                 from LbNightlyTools.Utils import Dashboard
@@ -288,13 +311,21 @@ class ThroughputProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
                     dash = Dashboard()
                     # get (build id, gitlab trigger source) for all builds connected to this ref build
-                    slots = [ (row.value[1], row.doc['config']['metadata']['ci_test']['trigger'] )
-                              for row in dash.db.iterview('merge_requests/mr_slots_by_ref_slot',
-                                                          batch=100, include_docs=True,
-                                                          key=["lhcb-master-ref", int(version[16:])])]
+                    slots = [
+                        (row.value[1],
+                         row.doc['config']['metadata']['ci_test']['trigger'])
+                        for row in dash.db.iterview(
+                            'merge_requests/mr_slots_by_ref_slot',
+                            batch=100,
+                            include_docs=True,
+                            key=["lhcb-master-ref",
+                                 int(version[16:])])
+                    ]
                     if not slots:
-                        logging.warn("GitLab reply aborted! Found no corresponding -mr builds for {}".format(version))
+                        logging.warn(
+                            "GitLab reply aborted! Found no corresponding -mr builds for {}"
+                            .format(version))
                     for slot in slots:
                         # assemble test slot id
@@ -305,36 +336,52 @@ class ThroughputProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
                         # most likely because it hasn't run yet. So we raise an exception thus skipping the GitLab reply part.
                         # The reply should then be generated from the test build which apparently runs after us
-                  "Try to get throughput and send reply for test build {}".format(test_version))
-                            mr_slot_throughput, web_link = get_throughput_via_couchdb(test_version, options)
-                            send_gitlab_reply(mr_slot_throughput, throughput, options, web_link, slot[1])
+                                "Try to get throughput and send reply for test build {}"
+                                .format(test_version))
+                            mr_slot_throughput, web_link = get_throughput_via_couchdb(
+                                test_version, options)
+                            send_gitlab_reply(mr_slot_throughput, throughput,
+                                              options, web_link, slot[1])
                         except Exception as ex:
-                            logging.warn("GitLab reply of test build {} failed with: {}".format(test_version, ex))
+                            logging.warn(
+                                "GitLab reply of test build {} failed with: {}"
+                                .format(test_version, ex))
                     # so this means I'm currently in a lhcb-master-mr build
                         # ask couchdb for some info on our currently used build slot
-                        config = requests.get(""+version)
+                        config = requests.get(
+                            "" +
+                            version)
                         if config.status_code != 200:
-                            raise Exception("Could not get build slot information from couchDB for:" + version )
+                            raise Exception(
+                                "Could not get build slot information from couchDB for:"
+                                + version)
                         # who actually triggered the slot we are running the test for?
-                        trigger = config.json()['config']['metadata']['ci_test']['trigger']
+                        trigger = config.json(
+                        )['config']['metadata']['ci_test']['trigger']
                         # finding the other slot is easier if we are in a test slot
                         # extract the corresponding reference ( build slot and id
-                        ref_slot, ref_id  = config.json()['config']['metadata']['ci_test']['reference']
-              "Determined ref build to be {}.{}".format(ref_slot,ref_id))
+                        ref_slot, ref_id = config.json(
+                        )['config']['metadata']['ci_test']['reference']
+              "Determined ref build to be {}.{}".format(
+                            ref_slot, ref_id))
                         # get the throughtput for the reference build
                         # this call might fail, which means the reference build doesn't have any results
                         # most likely because it hasn't run yet. So we raise an exception thus skipping the GitLab reply part.
                         # The reply should then be generated from the ref build which apparently runs after us
-                        ref_build_throughput, _ = get_throughput_via_couchdb(".".join([ref_slot, str(ref_id)]), options)
-                        send_gitlab_reply(throughput, ref_build_throughput, options, website_url+dirname, trigger)
+                        ref_build_throughput, _ = get_throughput_via_couchdb(
+                            ".".join([ref_slot, str(ref_id)]), options)
+                        send_gitlab_reply(throughput, ref_build_throughput,
+                                          options, website_url + dirname,
+                                          trigger)
                     except Exception as ex:
-                        logging.warn("Creating GitLab reply failed: {}".format(ex))
+                        logging.warn(
+                            "Creating GitLab reply failed: {}".format(ex))