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add PrCheckerEfficiencyHandler_HLT2

Mengzhen Wang requested to merge mwang-Add-PrCheckerEfficiencyHandler_HLT2 into master

Dear experts,

We would like to add two option files for making the efficiency plots of HLT2 reconstruction: and utils/

The script is written using as a reference, and now it has been used locally to produce the efficiency plots. Our target is to make it run automatically in nightly tests (WIP). takes the output of as input, and we propose to add the script to PRConfig in another MR.

The structure of the handler is written according to, and tested using

We would like to send some plots to EOS area, like the existing file But it seems that under the environment of lb-run ROOT python, the command wwwDirEos = os.environ.get("LHCBPR_WWW_EOS") will return nothing. So currently it's set as: wwwDirEos = "/eos/lhcb/user/m/mengzhen/Electron_Efficiency/", and check whether one can get the png plots in this directory.

The exact procedure to run the local test is:

  1. Copy the file /eos/lhcb/user/m/mengzhen/Electron_Efficiency/PrCheckerPlots_HLT2.root to a directory where you have access to read and write, labelled as My_directory. This root file is produced by another script, which will be merged into PRConfig master branch soon.
  2. Change the eos directory wwwDirEos = "/eos/lhcb/user/m/mengzhen/Electron_Efficiency/" to somewhere you have access to read and write.
  3. Run in the ROOT environment by
lb-run ROOT ./ -r My_directory -l PrCheckerEfficiencyHandler_HLT2 | tee log

Then in the directory where you run the script, you will be able to see:, efficiency_hlt2_plots.root, TTrack_seed_eta25_effpt.png, TTrack_seed_eta25_isDecay_effpt.png, and TTrack_seed_eta25_PairProd_effpt.png. And in My_directory, the log file (collect.log) will be generated. The png files will be renamed and copied to the eos area, and for my case, it's in /eos/lhcb/user/m/mengzhen/Electron_Efficiency/efficiency.

Edited by Maciej Pawel Szymanski

Merge request reports
