Optional LHCbPR tests with ci-test
Some LHCbPR tests are too expensive to run and/or don't make sense to be run on every ci-test. Therefore, it would be good to be able to define "optional" LHCbPR tests and have a way to run them as needed.
User interface
- An optional test does not run by default.
- Labeling any MR included in a build will enable running an optional test. The label is defined in the test schedule xml.
- Labeling should ideally work for non ci-test builds as well.
- For /ci-test, reference slots (
with/ci-test --build-reference ...
) can not be affected by labels (since a build could be a reference to many lhcb-master-mr builds). If an automatic comparison is necessary, the test schedule should be such that the tests always run for the reference slots.
Declaring optional tests
<schedule type="week" time="13:45">Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun</schedule>
+ <label>PR/hlt2_rate_and_size|PR/rate tests<label>
<test runner="lhcbpr" group="Moore_hlt2_rate_and_size" env="lb-run-force-platform|RateTestHandler"/>
is a tag similar to<slot>
that is regex that should match any MR label. In the example above, having a labelPR/rate tests
would trigger the optional test. - Can the
tag be optional as to avoid adding<label></label>
Collect labels into the CouchDB document
- Example document here
- Somewhere after EnabledSlots.py#L156 we can collect the union of all labels of all MRs for all projects. We probably do not need to distinguish labels from different projects.
- We can put the list of labels into the CouchDB document under
Extend the matching logic when a build completes
Edited by Rosen Matev