UserWarning from gitlab Python bindings
I noticed this message in the logs of Jenkins "main" job:
2023-09-27 10:22:27,993:DEBUG : "GET /api/v4/projects/30597/repository/commits?until=2023-09-20T17%3A55%3A49&ref_name=master HTTP/1.1" 200 14716
/cvmfs/ UserWarning: Calling a `list()` method without specifying `get_all=True` or `iterator=True` will return a maximum of 20 items. Your query returned 20 of many items. See for more details. If this was done intentionally, then this warning can be supressed by adding the argument `get_all=False` to the `list()` call. (python-gitlab: /cvmfs/
commit = project.commits.list(until=ref_date, ref_name=branch)[0]