diff --git a/LbConfiguration/scripts/generateLogin b/LbConfiguration/scripts/generateLogin
index c02002825f4ad69f7eae2d110e65d07a440986f1..8903d0406073980e4ab5b351a1c6bf9ab7ec2e41 100755
--- a/LbConfiguration/scripts/generateLogin
+++ b/LbConfiguration/scripts/generateLogin
@@ -959,42 +959,6 @@ def updateLHCbProjectPath(mysiteroot):
     os.environ["LHCBPROJECTPATH"] = os.pathsep.join(finalcmtlist)
-def generateEnvXML():
-    '''
-    Generate the Manifest.xml and xenv file for LbScripts
-    '''
-    # Checking the environment
-    log = logging.getLogger()
-    # Building the paths for the input and output files
-    jsonMetadataDir = os.path.join(_lbconf_dir , "cmt")
-    mxmlFullname = os.path.join(_prj_dir, "manifest.xml")
-    xenvFullname = os.path.join(_prj_dir, "LbScripts.xenv")
-    # Now import the code to generate the XML files
-    from LbUtils.LbRunConfigTools import prettify, loadConfig
-    from LbUtils.LbRunConfigTools import ManifestGenerator, XEnvGenerator
-    log.info("Loading projectConfig.json from %s" % jsonMetadataDir)
-    config = loadConfig(jsonMetadataDir)
-    config['cmtconfig'] = os.environ['CMTCONFIG']
-    # the manifest.xml
-    log.info("Generating %s" % mxmlFullname)
-    mg = ManifestGenerator(config)
-    manifest = mg.getDocument()
-    with open(mxmlFullname, "w") as f:
-        f.write(prettify(manifest))
-    # Now the xenv file
-    log.info("Generating %s" % xenvFullname)
-    xg = XEnvGenerator(config)
-    xe = xg.getDocument()
-    with open(xenvFullname, "w") as f:
-        f.write(prettify(xe))
-    return 0
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     targetlocation = None
@@ -1066,11 +1030,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                    opts.withoutpython, opts.withoutcache,
                    opts.withoutgroupwrapper, opts.withoutmainwrapper)
-    try:
-        generateEnvXML()
-    except Exception, e:
-        print e
-        thelog.error("Problem generating the xenv and manifest files")
     thelog.info(" End of generateLogin ".center(120))