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Add breakdown plot from vtune result plus a bit of refactoring and cleanup

Marian Stahl requested to merge mstahl_MooreTP into master
  • the plot will be created by default when running the throughput tests with --profile

  • a new python script that creates the flamegraph and this plot is added. Therefore parts of the scripts have been moved into the new python script (maybe it's worth to think about refactoring the code into one big script)

  • LHCbPR2HD!160 (merged) is now compatible with this MR. The handler has been adapted to pick up the new plot.

  • do(Hlt2) has been deleted and moved into the main python scripts

  • has been deleted in favor of git clean -xdf. Please check if you agree with that (and whether it needs to be put into the scripts that called

Edited by Marian Stahl

Merge request reports
