From 78f91a3f18a3a5b4a49b3f76cc63dd76b18c9354 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jianqiao Wang <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 15:29:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/6] AP practice for exotic analyses

 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/         | 366 ++++++++++++++++++++
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ |  72 ++++
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/info.yaml            |  43 +++
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/     | 331 ++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 812 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
 create mode 100644 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
 create mode 100644 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/info.yaml
 create mode 100644 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/

diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44b4fc11cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+from DaVinci import make_config, Options
+from DaVinci.algorithms import create_lines_filter
+from PyConf.reading import get_rec_summary, get_pvs
+from PyConf.reading import get_particles
+import FunTuple.functorcollections as FC
+import Functors as F
+from FunTuple import FunctorCollection
+from FunTuple import FunTuple_Event
+from FunTuple import FunTuple_Particles
+from Hlt2Conf.standard_particles import make_long_kaons, make_long_protons, make_long_pions
+#from PyConf.reading import (get_particles, get_charged_protoparticles, get_pvs, get_rec_summary, _get_unpacked)
+from Functors.math import in_range
+from Hlt2Conf.algorithms_thor import ParticleCombiner, ParticleFilter
+from RecoConf.event_filters import require_pvs
+from Hlt2Conf.standard_particles import get_long_track_selector, standard_protoparticle_filter
+from PyConf.Algorithms import FunctionalParticleMaker
+from PyConf.reading import get_charged_protoparticles as _make_charged_protoparticles 
+from PyConf.reading import get_odin
+from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import MeV, picosecond, mm
+from itertools import combinations
+from .descriptor_writer import decay_branches
+_basic = "basic"
+_composite = "composite"
+_toplevel = "toplevel"
+def all_variables(pvs, mctruth, ptype, candidates=None, ftAlg=None):
+    if ptype not in [_basic, _composite]:
+        Exception(f"I want {_basic} or {_composite}. Got {ptype}")
+    all_vars = FunctorCollection({})
+    comp = _composite == ptype or _toplevel == ptype  # is composite
+    basic = _basic == ptype  # is not composite
+    top = _toplevel == ptype  # the B
+    all_vars += FC.Kinematics()
+    if basic:
+        all_vars += FC.ParticleID(extra_info=True)
+    if comp:
+        all_vars.update({"ALV": F.ALV(Child1=1, Child2=2)})
+    if comp:  # all these require a vertex
+        all_vars.update({"BPVCORRM": F.BPVCORRM(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVCORRMERR": F.BPVCORRMERR(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVDIRA": F.BPVDIRA(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVDLS": F.BPVDLS(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVETA": F.BPVETA(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVFD": F.BPVFD(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVFDCHI2": F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVFDIR": F.BPVFDIR(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVFDVEC": F.BPVFDVEC(pvs)})
+    all_vars.update({"BPVIP": F.BPVIP(pvs)})
+    all_vars.update({"BPVIPCHI2": F.BPVIPCHI2(pvs)})
+    all_vars.update({"BPVX": F.BPVX(pvs)})
+    all_vars.update({"BPVY": F.BPVY(pvs)})
+    all_vars.update({"BPVZ": F.BPVZ(pvs)})
+    all_vars.update({"ALLPVX": F.ALLPVX(pvs)})
+    all_vars.update({"ALLPVY": F.ALLPVY(pvs)})
+    all_vars.update({"ALLPVZ": F.ALLPVZ(pvs)})
+    if comp:  # all these require a vertex
+        all_vars.update({"ALLPV_FD": F.ALLPV_FD(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"ALLPV_IP": F.ALLPV_IP(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVLTIME": F.BPVLTIME(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVVDRHO": F.BPVVDRHO(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVVDX": F.BPVVDX(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVVDY": F.BPVVDY(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVVDZ": F.BPVVDZ(pvs)})
+    all_vars.update({"CHARGE": F.CHARGE})
+    all_vars.update({"CHI2": F.CHI2})
+    all_vars.update({"CHI2DOF": F.CHI2DOF})
+    #if top:  # apply this only to B
+    #    all_vars.update({"CHILD1_PT": F.CHILD(1, F.PT)})  # example of CHILD
+    #    all_vars.update({"Ds_END_VZ": F.CHILD(1, F.END_VZ)})
+    #    all_vars.update({"Delta_END_VZ_DsB0": F.CHILD(1, F.END_VZ) - F.END_VZ})
+    if comp:
+        #all_vars.update({"DOCA": F.SDOCA(Child1=1, Child2=2)})
+        #all_vars.update({"DOCACHI2": F.SDOCACHI2(Child1=1, Child2=2)})
+        all_vars.update({"END_VRHO": F.END_VRHO})
+        all_vars.update({"END_VX": F.END_VX})
+        all_vars.update({"END_VY": F.END_VY})
+        all_vars.update({"END_VZ": F.END_VZ})
+    # duplicated from FC   all_vars.update({"ENERGY" : F.ENERGY})
+    all_vars.update({"ETA": F.ETA})
+    all_vars.update({"FOURMOMENTUM": F.FOURMOMENTUM})
+    all_vars.update({"ISBASIC": F.ISBASICPARTICLE})
+    if basic:
+        all_vars.update({"GHOSTPROB": F.GHOSTPROB})
+        all_vars.update({"ISMUON": F.ISMUON})
+        all_vars.update({"INMUON": F.INMUON})
+        all_vars.update({"INECAL": F.INECAL})
+        all_vars.update({"INHCAL": F.INHCAL})
+        all_vars.update({"HASBREM": F.HASBREM})
+        all_vars.update({"BREMENERGY": F.BREMENERGY})
+        all_vars.update({"BREMBENDCORR": F.BREMBENDCORR})
+        all_vars.update({"BREMPIDE": F.BREMPIDE})
+        all_vars.update({"ECALPIDE": F.ECALPIDE})
+        all_vars.update({"ECALPIDMU": F.ECALPIDMU})
+        all_vars.update({"HCALPIDE": F.HCALPIDE})
+        all_vars.update({"HCALPIDMU": F.HCALPIDMU})
+        all_vars.update({"CLUSTERMATCH": F.CLUSTERMATCH_CHI2})
+        all_vars.update({"ELECTRONMATCH": F.ELECTRONMATCH_CHI2})
+        all_vars.update({"BREMHYPOMATCH": F.BREMHYPOMATCH_CHI2})
+        all_vars.update({"ELECTRONENERGY": F.ELECTRONENERGY})
+        all_vars.update({"BREMHYPOENERGY": F.BREMHYPOENERGY})
+        all_vars.update({"BREMHYPODELTAX": F.BREMHYPODELTAX})
+        all_vars.update({"ELECTRONID": F.ELECTRONID})
+        all_vars.update({"HCALEOP": F.HCALEOP})
+        all_vars.update({"TRACK_MOM_": F.TRACK_MOMVEC})
+        all_vars.update({"IS_ID_pi": F.IS_ID("pi-")})
+        all_vars.update({"PDG_MASS_pi": F.PDG_MASS("pi+")})
+        all_vars.update({"SIGNED_DELTA_MASS_pi": F.SIGNED_DELTA_MASS("pi+")})
+        all_vars.update({"ABS_DELTA_MASS_pi": F.ABS_DELTA_MASS("pi+")})
+        all_vars.update({"IS_NOT_H": F.IS_NOT_H})
+        all_vars.update({"IS_PHOTON": F.IS_PHOTON})
+    if comp:
+        all_vars.update({"MAXPT": F.MAX(F.PT)})
+        all_vars.update({"MAXDOCA": F.MAXSDOCA})
+        all_vars.update({"MAXDOCACHI2": F.MAXSDOCACHI2})
+        #all_vars.update({"MINDOCA": F.MINSDOCA})
+        #all_vars.update({"MINDOCACHI2": F.MINSDOCACHI2})
+        # the above in cut versions.
+    # duplicated from FC    all_vars.update({ 'MC_MOTHER_ID' : F.VALUE_OR(0) @ mctruth(
+    # duplicated from FC        F.MC_MOTHER(1, F.PARTICLE_ID))})
+    if comp:
+        all_vars.update({"MINPT": F.MIN(F.PT)})
+    all_vars.update({"MINIP": F.MINIP(pvs)})
+    all_vars.update({"MINIPCHI2": F.MINIPCHI2(pvs)})
+    if basic:
+        all_vars.update({"TRACKPT": F.TRACK_PT})
+        all_vars.update({"TRACKHISTORY": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.TRACKHISTORY @ F.TRACK})
+        all_vars.update({"QOVERP": F.QOVERP @ F.TRACK})
+        all_vars.update({"NDOF": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NDOF @ F.TRACK})
+        all_vars.update({"NFTHITS": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NFTHITS @ F.TRACK})
+        all_vars.update({"NHITS": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NHITS @ F.TRACK})
+        all_vars.update({"NUTHITS": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NUTHITS @ F.TRACK})
+        all_vars.update({"NVPHITS": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NVPHITS @ F.TRACK})
+        all_vars.update({"TRACKHASVELO": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.TRACKHASVELO @ F.TRACK})
+        all_vars.update({"TRACKHASUT": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.TRACKHASUT @ F.TRACK})
+    all_vars.update({"OBJECT_KEY": F.OBJECT_KEY})
+    all_vars.update({"PHI": F.PHI})
+    all_vars.update({"ABS_PX": F.ABS @ F.PX})
+    all_vars.update({"REFERENCEPOINT_X": F.REFERENCEPOINT_X})
+    all_vars.update({"REFERENCEPOINT_Y": F.REFERENCEPOINT_Y})
+    all_vars.update({"REFERENCEPOINT_Z": F.REFERENCEPOINT_Z})
+    if comp:
+        all_vars.update({"SDOCA12": F.SDOCA(1, 2)})
+        all_vars.update({"SDOCA12_CHI2": F.SDOCACHI2(1, 2)})
+    if basic:
+        all_vars.update({"SHOWER_SHAPE": F.CALO_NEUTRAL_SHOWER_SHAPE})
+    if comp:
+        all_vars.update({"SUBCOMB12_MM": F.SUBCOMB(Functor=F.MASS, Indices=(1, 2))})
+        all_vars.update({"SUMPT": F.SUM(F.PT)})
+    if top:
+        all_vars.update({"SDOCA13": F.SDOCA(1, 3)})
+        all_vars.update({"SDOCA13_CHI2": F.SDOCACHI2(1, 3)})
+        all_vars.update({"SDOCA23": F.SDOCA(2, 3)})
+        all_vars.update({"SDOCA23_CHI2": F.SDOCACHI2(2, 3)})
+        all_vars.update({"SUBCOMB13_MM": F.SUBCOMB(Functor=F.MASS, Indices=(1, 3))})
+        all_vars.update({"SUBCOMB23_MM": F.SUBCOMB(Functor=F.MASS, Indices=(2, 3))})
+    if basic:
+        all_vars.update({"TX": F.TX})
+        all_vars.update({"TY": F.TY})
+    print(f"### For {ptype} returning variables {all_vars.functor_dict.keys()}")
+    return all_vars                                                                                                                      
+def event_variables(PVs, ODIN, decreports, rec_sum, hlt1_lines, sprucing_lines):
+    """
+    event variables
+    """
+    ## Some empty summaries removed
+    evt_vars = FunctorCollection({
+        "nPVs": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nPVs"),
+        "nTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nTracks"),
+        "nLongTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nLongTracks"),
+        "nDownstreamTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nDownstreamTracks"),
+        "nUpstreamTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nUpstreamTracks"),
+        "nVeloTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nVeloTracks"),
+        "nBackTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nBackTracks"),
+        "nGhosts": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nGhosts"),
+        "nRich1Hits": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nRich1Hits"),
+        "nRich2Hits": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nRich2Hits"),
+        #"nVeloClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nVeloClusters"),
+        "nVPClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nVPClusters"),
+        #"nITClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nITClusters"),
+        #"nTTClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nTTClusters"),
+        "nUTClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nUTClusters"),
+        #"nOTClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nOTClusters"),
+        "nFTClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nFTClusters"),
+        #"nSPDhits": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nSPDhits"),
+        "eCalTot": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"eCalTot"),
+        "hCalTot": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"hCalTot"),
+        "nEcalClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nEcalClusters"),
+        #"nMuonCoordsS0": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nMuonCoordsS0"),
+        #"nMuonCoordsS1": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nMuonCoordsS1"),
+        #"nMuonCoordsS2": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nMuonCoordsS2"),
+        #"nMuonCoordsS3": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nMuonCoordsS3"),
+        #"nMuonCoordsS4": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nMuonCoordsS4"),
+        #"nMuonTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nMuonTracks"),
+        "ALLPVX": F.ALLPVX(PVs),
+        "ALLPVY": F.ALLPVY(PVs),
+        "ALLPVZ": F.ALLPVZ(PVs),
+        })
+    evt_vars += FC.EventInfo()
+    evt_vars += FC.SelectionInfo( selection_type="Hlt1", trigger_lines=hlt1_lines)                                               
+    evt_vars += FC.SelectionInfo( selection_type="Hlt2", trigger_lines=sprucing_lines)
+    # duplicated from FC    if ODIN:
+    # duplicated from FC        evt_vars.update({ 'BUNCHCROSSING_ID' : F.BUNCHCROSSING_ID(ODIN)})
+    # duplicated from FC        evt_vars.update({ 'BUNCHCROSSING_TYPE' : F.BUNCHCROSSING_TYPE(ODIN)})
+    if decreports:
+        evt_vars.update(
+            {
+                "DECISIONS": F.DECISIONS(
+                    Lines=[bd2dsk_line + "Decision"], DecReports=decreports
+                )
+            }
+        )
+        evt_vars.update(
+            {
+                    Lines=[bd2dsk_line + "Decision"], DecReports=decreports
+                )
+            }
+        )
+    if ODIN:
+        evt_vars.update({"EVENTTYPE": F.EVENTTYPE(ODIN)})
+    # duplicated from FC        evt_vars.update({ 'GPSTIME' : F.GPSTIME(ODIN)})
+    # duplicated from FC        evt_vars.update({ 'ODINTCK' : F.ODINTCK(ODIN)})
+    evt_vars.update({"PV_SIZE": F.SIZE(PVs)})
+    # duplicated from FC        evt_vars.update({ 'GPSTIME' : F.GPSTIME(ODIN)})
+    # duplicated from FC        evt_vars.update({ 'ODINTCK' : F.ODINTCK(ODIN)})
+    if decreports:
+        evt_vars.update({"TCK": F.TCK(decreports)})
+    print(f"### For event returning variables {evt_vars.functor_dict.keys()}")
+    return evt_vars
+def candidate_variables(pvs, mother, daughters):
+    variables_B = {mother: all_variables(pvs, None, _toplevel)}
+    for daughter in daughters:
+        if ("psi" in daughter) or ("Lambda" in daughter) or ("lambda" in daughter):
+            variables_B.update( {daughter: all_variables(pvs, None, _composite)} )
+        else: 
+            variables_B.update( {daughter: all_variables(pvs, None, _basic)} )
+    return variables_B
+def main(options: Options):
+    sprucing_line = 'SpruceBandQ_JpsiToMuMuDetached'
+    Jpsi2mumu_data = get_particles(f"/Event/Spruce/{sprucing_line}/Particles")
+    rec_sum = get_rec_summary()
+    v2_pvs = get_pvs()
+    pions = make_long_pions() 
+    kaons = make_long_kaons() 
+    protons = make_long_protons() 
+    # create particle containers
+    pid_pions = ParticleFilter( pions, Cut=F.FILTER( F.require_all( F.PID_K < 5 ) ) )
+    pid_kaons = ParticleFilter( kaons, Cut=F.FILTER( F.require_all( F.PID_K > 0 ) ) )
+    pid_protons = ParticleFilter( protons, Cut=F.FILTER( F.require_all( F.PID_P > 0, (F.PID_P-F.PID_K)>0 ) ) )
+    mother = "Lb" 
+    daughters = ["Jpsi", "mup", "mum", "Pp", "Km"]
+    decay = "[Lambda_b0 -> J/psi(1S) p+ K-]cc"
+    Lb2JpsipK = ParticleCombiner(
+        Inputs = [Jpsi2mumu_data, pid_protons, pid_kaons],
+        DecayDescriptor = decay,
+        name="JpsiToMuMu_Detached_line_validation",
+        CombinationCut=F.require_all(in_range(5400, F.MASS, 6600)),
+        CompositeCut=F.require_all(in_range(5400, F.MASS, 6600), F.CHI2DOF < 20, F.BPVLTIME(v2_pvs) > 0.2 * picosecond, F.BPVVDRHO(v2_pvs) > 0. * mm, F.BPVVDZ(v2_pvs) > 0. * mm, F.BPVDIRA(v2_pvs) > 0.),
+    )
+    #FunTuple: define branches.
+    hlt1_trigger_lines = [ 'Hlt1TrackMVADecision',
+                           'Hlt1TwoTrackMVADecision',
+                           'Hlt1D2KKDecision',
+                           'Hlt1D2KPiDecision', 
+                           'Hlt1D2PiPiDecision',
+                           'Hlt1DiMuonHighMassDecision', 
+                           'Hlt1DiMuonLowMassDecision',
+                           'Hlt1DiMuonSoftDecision',
+                           'Hlt1KsToPiPiDecision',
+                           'Hlt1LowPtMuonDecision',
+                           'Hlt1LowPtDiMuonDecision',
+                           'Hlt1SingleHighPtMuonDecision',
+                           'Hlt1TrackMuonMVADecision']
+    #variables_B = {   "Lb": all_variables(v2_pvs, None, _toplevel),
+    #                  "Jpsi": all_variables(v2_pvs, None, _composite),
+    #                  "mup": all_variables(v2_pvs, None, _basic), 
+    #                  "mum": all_variables(v2_pvs, None, _basic), 
+    #                  "Pp": all_variables(v2_pvs, None, _basic), 
+    #                  "Km": all_variables(v2_pvs, None, _basic), 
+    #}
+    odin = get_odin()
+    decreports = None
+    line_prefilter = create_lines_filter(name=f"PreFilter_{sprucing_line}", lines=[sprucing_line])
+    evt_vars = event_variables(v2_pvs, odin, decreports, rec_sum, hlt1_trigger_lines, [sprucing_line])
+    candidate_vars = candidate_variables(v2_pvs, mother, daughters)
+    Lb2JpsipK_branches = decay_branches(mother, daughters, decay)
+    print(Lb2JpsipK_branches)
+    # define tupling algorithms
+    Lb2JpsipK_tuple = FunTuple_Particles(name="Lb2JpsipKTuple",
+                                         inputs=Lb2JpsipK,
+                                         tuple_name="DecayTree",
+                                         fields=Lb2JpsipK_branches,
+                                         variables=candidate_vars,
+                                         store_multiple_cand_info = True,
+                                         event_variables = evt_vars)
+    algs = { "Lb2JpsipK_tuple":[ Lb2JpsipK_tuple, line_prefilter ],}
+    return make_config( options, algs )
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed43f03e41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+def decay_branches(mother, daughters, decay_descriptor):
+    psi_pos = 0
+    Pm_pos = Pp_pos = 0
+    Km_pos = Kp_pos = 0
+    Pim_pos = Pip_pos = 0
+    mum_pos = mup_pos = 0
+    em_pos = ep_pos = 0
+    #if decay_descriptor[0] == "[" or decay_descriptor[-3:] == "]cc":
+    if "cc" in decay_descriptor[-5:]:
+        branch_descriptor = decay_descriptor[:-2] + "CC"
+    else: branch_descriptor = decay_descriptor
+    if "J/psi(1S)" in decay_descriptor: 
+        branch_descriptor = branch_descriptor.replace("J/psi(1S)", "(J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-)")
+    if "psi(2S)" in decay_descriptor: 
+        branch_descriptor = branch_descriptor.replace("psi(2S)", "(psi(2S) -> mu+ mu-)")
+    if "psi(2S)" in decay_descriptor: 
+        branch_descriptor = branch_descriptor.replace("psi(2S)", "(psi(2S) -> mu+ mu-)")
+    branches = {mother: branch_descriptor}
+    for daughter in daughters:
+        if "psi" in daughter:
+            true_pos = branch_descriptor.rfind("(", 0, branch_descriptor.find("psi", psi_pos))
+            branches.update({daughter: branch_descriptor[:true_pos]+"^"+branch_descriptor[true_pos:]})
+            psi_pos = branch_descriptor.find("psi", psi_pos) + len("psi(nS)")
+        if "Pp" in daughter:
+            true_pos = branch_descriptor.find("p+", Pp_pos)
+            branches.update({daughter: branch_descriptor[:true_pos]+"^"+branch_descriptor[true_pos:]})
+            Pp_pos = true_pos + len("p+")
+        if "Pm" in daughter:
+            true_pos = branch_descriptor.find("p~-", Pm_pos)
+            branches.update({daughter: branch_descriptor[:true_pos]+"^"+branch_descriptor[true_pos:]})
+            Pm_pos = true_pos + len("p~-")
+        if "Kp" in daughter:
+            true_pos = branch_descriptor.find("K+", Kp_pos)
+            branches.update({daughter: branch_descriptor[:true_pos]+"^"+branch_descriptor[true_pos:]})
+            Kp_pos = true_pos + len("K+")
+        if "Km" in daughter:
+            true_pos = branch_descriptor.find("K-", Km_pos)
+            branches.update({daughter: branch_descriptor[:true_pos]+"^"+branch_descriptor[true_pos:]})
+            Km_pos = true_pos + len("K-")
+        if "Pip" in daughter or "Hp" in daughter:
+            true_pos = branch_descriptor.find("pi+", Pip_pos)
+            branches.update({daughter: branch_descriptor[:true_pos]+"^"+branch_descriptor[true_pos:]})
+            Pip_pos = true_pos + len("pi+")
+        if "Pim" in daughter or "Hm" in daughter:
+            true_pos = branch_descriptor.find("pi-", Pim_pos)
+            branches.update({daughter: branch_descriptor[:true_pos]+"^"+branch_descriptor[true_pos:]})
+            Pim_pos = true_pos + len("pi-")
+        if "mup" in daughter:
+            true_pos = branch_descriptor.find("mu+", mup_pos)
+            branches.update({daughter: branch_descriptor[:true_pos]+"^"+branch_descriptor[true_pos:]})
+            mup_pos = true_pos + len("mu+")
+        if "mum" in daughter:
+            true_pos = branch_descriptor.find("mu-", mum_pos)
+            branches.update({daughter: branch_descriptor[:true_pos]+"^"+branch_descriptor[true_pos:]})
+            mum_pos = true_pos + len("mu-")
+        if "ep" in daughter:
+            true_pos = branch_descriptor.find("e+", ep_pos)
+            branches.update({daughter: branch_descriptor[:true_pos]+"^"+branch_descriptor[true_pos:]})
+            ep_pos = true_pos + len("e+")
+        if "em" in daughter:
+            true_pos = branch_descriptor.find("e-", em_pos)
+            branches.update({daughter: branch_descriptor[:true_pos]+"^"+branch_descriptor[true_pos:]})
+            em_pos = true_pos + len("e-")
+    return branches
+#branches = decay_branches("Lb", ["Jpsi", "mup", "mum", "mup2", "mum2"], "[Lambda_b0 -> J/psi(1S) psi(2S)]cc")
+#branches = decay_branches("Bs", ["Jpsi", "Pp", "Pm", "mup", "mum"], "[B_s0 -> J/psi(1S) p+ p~-]cc")
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/info.yaml b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/info.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b6ffc4cb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/info.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+    application: DaVinci/v64r5
+    wg: BandQ
+    inform:
+        -
+        -
+        -
+# data configuration
+{%- set datasets = [
+  ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'Lb2JpsipK',  'MagDown', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
+  ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'Lb2JpsipK',  'MagUp', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
+{%- set dv_platform_detdesc = "x86_64_v2-el9-gcc13+detdesc-opt" %}
+{%- for data, Type, wg, decay, polarity, Velo, process, stream in datasets %}
+    application: "DaVinci/v64r5"
+    input:
+      bk_query: "/LHCb/{{data}}/Beam6800GeV-{{Velo}}-{{polarity}}-Excl-UT/Real Data/{{Type}}/{{wg}}.DST"
+      dq_flags:
+        - OK
+        - UNCHECKED
+      keep_running: False 
+      n_test_lfns: 1
+    options:
+      entrypoint: Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark.{{decay}}:main
+      extra_options:
+        input_type: ROOT
+        input_process: "{{process}}"
+        input_stream: "{{stream}}"
+        input_raw_format: 0.5
+        simulation: False
+        data_type: "Upgrade"
+        geometry_version: run3/2024.Q1.2-v00.00
+        conditions_version: master
+    output: Data_{{process}}_{{stream}}_{{decay}}.ROOT
+{%- endfor %}
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7da9acc157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+# (c) Copyright 2021-2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
+#                                                                             #
+# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
+# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
+#                                                                             #
+# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
+# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
+# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+Read an HLT2 file and create an ntuple with the new DaVinci configuration.
+import Functors as F
+import FunTuple.functorcollections as FC
+from FunTuple import FunctorCollection
+from FunTuple import FunTuple_Particles as Funtuple
+from PyConf.reading import get_particles, get_pvs, get_rec_summary
+from DaVinci.algorithms import create_lines_filter
+from DaVinciMCTools import MCTruthAndBkgCat
+from FunTuple.functorcollections import MCHierarchy, MCPrimaries, MCPromptDecay, Kinematics, SelectionInfo, HltTisTos, MCVertexInfo, MCKinematics, ParticleID, EventInfo
+from PyConf.reading import get_odin  # get_decreports,
+from DecayTreeFitter import DecayTreeFitter
+_basic = "basic"
+_composite = "composite"
+_toplevel = "toplevel"
+def all_variables(pvs, mctruth, ptype, candidates=None, ftAlg=None):
+    """
+    function that returns dictionary of functors that work.
+    functors are listed in order of
+    """
+    if ptype not in [_basic, _composite]:
+        Exception(f"I want {_basic} or {_composite}. Got {ptype}")
+    all_vars = FunctorCollection({})
+    comp = _composite == ptype or _toplevel == ptype  # is composite
+    basic = _basic == ptype  # is not composite
+    top = _toplevel == ptype  # the B
+    # First import everything that comes in functorcollections
+    all_vars += FC.Kinematics()
+    if basic:
+        all_vars += FC.ParticleID(extra_info=True)
+    if comp:
+        all_vars.update({"ALV": F.ALV(Child1=1, Child2=2)})
+    if comp:  # all these require a vertex
+        all_vars.update({"BPVCORRM": F.BPVCORRM(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVCORRMERR": F.BPVCORRMERR(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVDIRA": F.BPVDIRA(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVDLS": F.BPVDLS(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVETA": F.BPVETA(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVFD": F.BPVFD(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVFDCHI2": F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVFDIR": F.BPVFDIR(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVFDVEC": F.BPVFDVEC(pvs)})
+    all_vars.update({"BPVIP": F.BPVIP(pvs)})
+    all_vars.update({"BPVIPCHI2": F.BPVIPCHI2(pvs)})
+    all_vars.update({"BPVX": F.BPVX(pvs)})
+    all_vars.update({"BPVY": F.BPVY(pvs)})
+    all_vars.update({"BPVZ": F.BPVZ(pvs)})
+    if comp:  # all these require a vertex
+        all_vars.update({"ALLPV_FD": F.ALLPV_FD(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"ALLPV_IP": F.ALLPV_IP(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVLTIME": F.BPVLTIME(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVVDRHO": F.BPVVDRHO(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVVDX": F.BPVVDX(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVVDY": F.BPVVDY(pvs)})
+        all_vars.update({"BPVVDZ": F.BPVVDZ(pvs)})
+    all_vars.update({"CHARGE": F.CHARGE})
+    all_vars.update({"CHI2": F.CHI2})
+    all_vars.update({"CHI2DOF": F.CHI2DOF})
+    if top:  # apply this only to B
+        all_vars.update({"CHILD1_PT": F.CHILD(1, F.PT)})  # example of CHILD
+        all_vars.update({"Ds_END_VZ": F.CHILD(1, F.END_VZ)})
+        all_vars.update({"Delta_END_VZ_DsB0": F.CHILD(1, F.END_VZ) - F.END_VZ})
+    if comp:
+        all_vars.update({"DOCA": F.SDOCA(Child1=1, Child2=2)})
+        all_vars.update({"DOCACHI2": F.SDOCACHI2(Child1=1, Child2=2)})
+        all_vars.update({"END_VRHO": F.END_VRHO})
+        all_vars.update({"END_VX": F.END_VX})
+        all_vars.update({"END_VY": F.END_VY})
+        all_vars.update({"END_VZ": F.END_VZ})
+    all_vars.update({"ETA": F.ETA})
+    all_vars.update({"FOURMOMENTUM": F.FOURMOMENTUM})
+    all_vars.update({"ISBASIC": F.ISBASICPARTICLE})
+    if basic:
+        all_vars.update({"GHOSTPROB": F.GHOSTPROB})
+        all_vars.update({"ISMUON": F.ISMUON})
+        all_vars.update({"INMUON": F.INMUON})
+        all_vars.update({"INECAL": F.INECAL})
+        all_vars.update({"INHCAL": F.INHCAL})
+        all_vars.update({"HASBREM": F.HASBREM})
+        all_vars.update({"BREMENERGY": F.BREMENERGY})
+        all_vars.update({"BREMBENDCORR": F.BREMBENDCORR})
+        all_vars.update({"BREMPIDE": F.BREMPIDE})
+        all_vars.update({"ECALPIDE": F.ECALPIDE})
+        all_vars.update({"ECALPIDMU": F.ECALPIDMU})
+        all_vars.update({"HCALPIDE": F.HCALPIDE})
+        all_vars.update({"HCALPIDMU": F.HCALPIDMU})
+        all_vars.update({"CLUSTERMATCH": F.CLUSTERMATCH_CHI2})
+        all_vars.update({"ELECTRONMATCH": F.ELECTRONMATCH_CHI2})
+        all_vars.update({"BREMHYPOMATCH": F.BREMHYPOMATCH_CHI2})
+        all_vars.update({"ELECTRONENERGY": F.ELECTRONENERGY})
+        all_vars.update({"BREMHYPOENERGY": F.BREMHYPOENERGY})
+        all_vars.update({"BREMHYPODELTAX": F.BREMHYPODELTAX})
+        all_vars.update({"ELECTRONID": F.ELECTRONID})
+        all_vars.update({"HCALEOP": F.HCALEOP})
+        # Note: the observables for the two functors below are (TRACK_MOM_X, TRACK_MOM_Y, TRACK_MOM_Z})
+        # which is why the trailing underscore in the name is added i.e. "TRACK_MOM_" and "TRACK_POS_CLOSEST_TO_BEAM_"
+        all_vars.update({"TRACK_MOM_": F.TRACK_MOMVEC})
+        all_vars.update({"IS_ABS_ID_pi": F.IS_ABS_ID("pi+")})
+        all_vars.update({"IS_ID_pi": F.IS_ID("pi-")})
+        all_vars.update({"PDG_MASS_pi": F.PDG_MASS("pi+")})
+        all_vars.update({"SIGNED_DELTA_MASS_pi": F.SIGNED_DELTA_MASS("pi+")})
+        all_vars.update({"ABS_DELTA_MASS_pi": F.ABS_DELTA_MASS("pi+")})
+        all_vars.update({"IS_NOT_H": F.IS_NOT_H})
+        all_vars.update({"IS_PHOTON": F.IS_PHOTON})
+    all_vars.update({"MASS": F.MASS})
+    if comp:
+        all_vars.update({"MAXPT": F.MAX(F.PT)})
+        all_vars.update({"MAXDOCA": F.MAXSDOCA})
+        all_vars.update({"MAXDOCACHI2": F.MAXSDOCACHI2})
+        # the above in cut versions.
+    if comp:
+        all_vars.update({"MINPT": F.MIN(F.PT)})
+    all_vars.update({"MINIP": F.MINIP(pvs)})
+    all_vars.update({"MINIPCHI2": F.MINIPCHI2(pvs)})
+    if basic:
+        all_vars.update({"TRACKPT": F.TRACK_PT})
+        all_vars.update({"TRACKHISTORY": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.TRACKHISTORY @ F.TRACK})
+        all_vars.update({"QOVERP": F.QOVERP @ F.TRACK})
+        all_vars.update({"NDOF": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NDOF @ F.TRACK})
+        all_vars.update({"NFTHITS": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NFTHITS @ F.TRACK})
+        all_vars.update({"NHITS": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NHITS @ F.TRACK})
+        all_vars.update({"NUTHITS": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NUTHITS @ F.TRACK})
+        all_vars.update({"NVPHITS": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NVPHITS @ F.TRACK})
+        all_vars.update({"TRACKHASVELO": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.TRACKHASVELO @ F.TRACK})
+        all_vars.update({"TRACKHASUT": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.TRACKHASUT @ F.TRACK})
+    all_vars.update({"OBJECT_KEY": F.OBJECT_KEY})
+    all_vars.update({"PHI": F.PHI})
+    all_vars.update({"ABS_PX": F.ABS @ F.PX})
+    all_vars.update({"REFERENCEPOINT_X": F.REFERENCEPOINT_X})
+    all_vars.update({"REFERENCEPOINT_Y": F.REFERENCEPOINT_Y})
+    all_vars.update({"REFERENCEPOINT_Z": F.REFERENCEPOINT_Z})
+    if comp:
+        all_vars.update({"SDOCA": F.SDOCA(1, 2)})
+        all_vars.update({"SDOCACHI2": F.SDOCACHI2(1, 2)})
+    if basic:
+        all_vars.update({"SHOWER_SHAPE": F.CALO_NEUTRAL_SHOWER_SHAPE})
+    if comp:
+        all_vars.update({"SUBCOMB12_MM": F.SUBCOMB(Functor=F.MASS, Indices=(1, 2))})
+        all_vars.update({"SUMPT": F.SUM(F.PT)})
+    if basic:
+        all_vars.update({"TX": F.TX})
+        all_vars.update({"TY": F.TY})
+    print(f"### For {ptype} returning variables {all_vars.functor_dict.keys()}")
+    return all_vars
+def event_variables(PVs, ODIN, decreports, lines):
+    """
+    event variables
+    """
+    evt_vars = FunctorCollection({})
+    evt_vars += FC.EventInfo()
+    evt_vars += FC.SelectionInfo(selection_type="Hlt2", trigger_lines=lines)
+    if decreports:                                                                                                                       
+        evt_vars.update(
+            {
+                "DECISIONS": F.DECISIONS(
+                    Lines=[bd2dsk_line + "Decision"], DecReports=decreports
+                )
+            }
+        )
+        evt_vars.update(
+            {
+                    Lines=[bd2dsk_line + "Decision"], DecReports=decreports
+                )
+            }
+        )
+    if ODIN:
+        evt_vars.update({"EVENTTYPE": F.EVENTTYPE(ODIN)})
+    evt_vars.update({"PV_SIZE": F.SIZE(PVs)})
+    if decreports:
+        evt_vars.update({"TCK": F.TCK(decreports)})
+    print(f"### For event returning variables {evt_vars.functor_dict.keys()}")
+    return evt_vars
+def template(decay_descriptor, line_name, isturbo, Hlt2_decisions):
+    evtpath_prefix = "/Event/Spruce/"
+    if isturbo:
+        evtpath_prefix = "/Event/HLT2/"
+    QQbar2mumu_data = get_particles(evtpath_prefix + f"{line_name}/Particles")
+    pvs = get_pvs()
+    Hlt1_decisions = [ 
+        'Hlt1TrackMVADecision', 'Hlt1TwoTrackMVADecision', 'Hlt1D2KKDecision',
+        'Hlt1D2KPiDecision', 'Hlt1D2PiPiDecision',
+        'Hlt1DiMuonHighMassDecision', 'Hlt1DiMuonLowMassDecision',
+        'Hlt1DiMuonSoftDecision',
+        'Hlt1KsToPiPiDecision', 'Hlt1LowPtMuonDecision',
+        'Hlt1LowPtDiMuonDecision', 'Hlt1SingleHighPtMuonDecision',
+        'Hlt1TrackMuonMVADecision', "Hlt1DiMuonNoIP_SSDecision", 
+        "Hlt1DiMuonDrellYan_VLowMassDecision", 
+        "Hlt1DiMuonDrellYan_VLowMass_SSDecision", 
+        "Hlt1DiMuonDrellYanDecision", 
+        "Hlt1DiMuonDrellYan_SSDecision", 
+        "Hlt1DetJpsiToMuMuPosTagLineDecision", 
+        "Hlt1DetJpsiToMuMuNegTagLineDecision", 
+        "Hlt1TrackElectronMVADecision", 
+        "Hlt1SingleHighPtElectronDecision", 
+        "Hlt1DiElectronDisplacedDecision", 
+        "Hlt1SingleHighEtDecision", 
+        "Hlt1DiPhotonHighMassDecision", 
+        "Hlt1Pi02GammaGammaDecision", 
+        "Hlt1DiElectronHighMass_SSDecision", 
+        "Hlt1DiElectronHighMassDecision",
+        "Hlt1DiMuonNoIPDecision",
+     ]
+    composite_variables = FunctorCollection({
+        "BPVX_ERR": F.SQRT @ F.CALL(0,0) @ F.POS_COV_MATRIX @ F.BPV(pvs),
+        "BPVY_ERR": F.SQRT @ F.CALL(1,1) @ F.POS_COV_MATRIX @ F.BPV(pvs),
+        "BPVZ_ERR": F.SQRT @ F.CALL(2,2) @ F.POS_COV_MATRIX @ F.BPV(pvs),
+        "PERR": F.SQRT @ F.PERR2,
+    })
+    composite_variables += HltTisTos( selection_type="Hlt1", trigger_lines=Hlt1_decisions, data=QQbar2mumu_data)
+    if not isturbo:
+        composite_variables += HltTisTos( selection_type="Hlt2", trigger_lines=Hlt2_decisions, data=QQbar2mumu_data)
+    daughter_variables = FunctorCollection({
+        "PERR": F.SQRT @ F.PERR2,
+    })
+    #define event level variables
+    odin = get_odin()
+    decreports = None
+    rec_sum=get_rec_summary()
+    event_info = event_variables(pvs, odin, decreports, [line_name]) + FunctorCollection({
+        "nPVs": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nPVs"),
+        "nTTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nTTracks"),
+        "nLongTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nLongTracks"),
+        "nDownstreamTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nDownstreamTracks"),
+        "nUpstreamTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nUpstreamTracks"),
+        "nVeloTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nVeloTracks"),
+        "nBackTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nBackTracks"),
+        "nRich1Hits": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nRich1Hits"),
+        "nRich2Hits": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nRich2Hits"),
+        "nVPClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nVPClusters"),
+        "nFTClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nFTClusters"),
+        "eCalTot": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"eCalTot"),
+        "hCalTot": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"hCalTot"),
+        "nEcalClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nEcalClusters"),
+        "ALLPVX": F.ALLPVX(pvs),
+        "ALLPVY": F.ALLPVY(pvs),
+        "ALLPVZ": F.ALLPVZ(pvs),
+    })
+    event_info += FC.SelectionInfo(
+        selection_type="Hlt1", trigger_lines=Hlt1_decisions
+    )
+    variables = {
+        "QQbar": composite_variables + all_variables(pvs, None, _composite),
+        "mup": daughter_variables + all_variables(pvs, None, _basic),
+        "mum": daughter_variables + all_variables(pvs, None, _basic), 
+    }
+    #define FunTuple instance
+    my_tuple = Funtuple(
+        name=line_name,
+        tuple_name="DecayTree",
+        fields=decay_descriptor,
+        variables=variables,
+        event_variables=event_info,
+        store_multiple_cand_info = True,
+        inputs=QQbar2mumu_data)
+    return my_tuple
+def line_prefilter(line_name):
+    return create_lines_filter(name=f"HLT_PASS{line_name}", lines=[line_name])

From f7c4721d91587e1492b3479fbcd8c336c08e7d6d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jianqiao Wang <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 08:46:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/6] All channels implemented

 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/           |   6 +
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/         |   6 +
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/   |   6 +
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/           | 366 +-----------------
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/     |   6 +
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/info.yaml              |   9 +-
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/            |  88 +++++
 .../{ => tools}/          |  56 ++-
 .../{ => tools}/              | 313 +++++++--------
 9 files changed, 316 insertions(+), 540 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
 create mode 100644 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
 create mode 100644 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
 create mode 100644 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
 create mode 100644 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
 rename Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/{ => tools}/ (61%)
 rename Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/{ => tools}/ (54%)

diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8fe4bf611a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+from .template import *
+def main(options: Options):
+    algs = template(["B0", "J/psi(1S)", "K+", "pi-"], True, "B2JpsiKpi")
+    return make_config( options, algs ) 
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd125179c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+from .template import *
+def main(options: Options):
+    algs = template(["B_s0", "J/psi(1S)", "p+", "p~-"], False, "B2Jpsippbar")
+    return make_config( options, algs ) 
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a694aff783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+from .template import *
+def main(options: Options):
+    algs = template(["B+", "J/psi(1S)", "p+", "Lambda~0"], True, "Bp2JpsipLambdabar")
+    return make_config( options, algs ) 
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
index 44b4fc11cc..208ffa2f16 100644
--- a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
@@ -1,366 +1,6 @@
-from DaVinci import make_config, Options
-from DaVinci.algorithms import create_lines_filter
-from PyConf.reading import get_rec_summary, get_pvs
-from PyConf.reading import get_particles
-import FunTuple.functorcollections as FC
-import Functors as F
-from FunTuple import FunctorCollection
-from FunTuple import FunTuple_Event
-from FunTuple import FunTuple_Particles
-from Hlt2Conf.standard_particles import make_long_kaons, make_long_protons, make_long_pions
-#from PyConf.reading import (get_particles, get_charged_protoparticles, get_pvs, get_rec_summary, _get_unpacked)
-from Functors.math import in_range
-from Hlt2Conf.algorithms_thor import ParticleCombiner, ParticleFilter
-from RecoConf.event_filters import require_pvs
-from Hlt2Conf.standard_particles import get_long_track_selector, standard_protoparticle_filter
-from PyConf.Algorithms import FunctionalParticleMaker
-from PyConf.reading import get_charged_protoparticles as _make_charged_protoparticles 
-from PyConf.reading import get_odin
-from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import MeV, picosecond, mm
-from itertools import combinations
-from .descriptor_writer import decay_branches
-_basic = "basic"
-_composite = "composite"
-_toplevel = "toplevel"
-def all_variables(pvs, mctruth, ptype, candidates=None, ftAlg=None):
-    if ptype not in [_basic, _composite]:
-        Exception(f"I want {_basic} or {_composite}. Got {ptype}")
-    all_vars = FunctorCollection({})
-    comp = _composite == ptype or _toplevel == ptype  # is composite
-    basic = _basic == ptype  # is not composite
-    top = _toplevel == ptype  # the B
-    all_vars += FC.Kinematics()
-    if basic:
-        all_vars += FC.ParticleID(extra_info=True)
-    if comp:
-        all_vars.update({"ALV": F.ALV(Child1=1, Child2=2)})
-    if comp:  # all these require a vertex
-        all_vars.update({"BPVCORRM": F.BPVCORRM(pvs)})
-        all_vars.update({"BPVCORRMERR": F.BPVCORRMERR(pvs)})
-        all_vars.update({"BPVDIRA": F.BPVDIRA(pvs)})
-        all_vars.update({"BPVDLS": F.BPVDLS(pvs)})
-        all_vars.update({"BPVETA": F.BPVETA(pvs)})
-        all_vars.update({"BPVFD": F.BPVFD(pvs)})
-        all_vars.update({"BPVFDCHI2": F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs)})
-        all_vars.update({"BPVFDIR": F.BPVFDIR(pvs)})
-        all_vars.update({"BPVFDVEC": F.BPVFDVEC(pvs)})
-    all_vars.update({"BPVIP": F.BPVIP(pvs)})
-    all_vars.update({"BPVIPCHI2": F.BPVIPCHI2(pvs)})
-    all_vars.update({"BPVX": F.BPVX(pvs)})
-    all_vars.update({"BPVY": F.BPVY(pvs)})
-    all_vars.update({"BPVZ": F.BPVZ(pvs)})
-    all_vars.update({"ALLPVX": F.ALLPVX(pvs)})
-    all_vars.update({"ALLPVY": F.ALLPVY(pvs)})
-    all_vars.update({"ALLPVZ": F.ALLPVZ(pvs)})
-    if comp:  # all these require a vertex
-        all_vars.update({"ALLPV_FD": F.ALLPV_FD(pvs)})
-        all_vars.update({"ALLPV_IP": F.ALLPV_IP(pvs)})
-        all_vars.update({"BPVLTIME": F.BPVLTIME(pvs)})
-        all_vars.update({"BPVVDRHO": F.BPVVDRHO(pvs)})
-        all_vars.update({"BPVVDX": F.BPVVDX(pvs)})
-        all_vars.update({"BPVVDY": F.BPVVDY(pvs)})
-        all_vars.update({"BPVVDZ": F.BPVVDZ(pvs)})
-    all_vars.update({"CHARGE": F.CHARGE})
-    all_vars.update({"CHI2": F.CHI2})
-    all_vars.update({"CHI2DOF": F.CHI2DOF})
-    #if top:  # apply this only to B
-    #    all_vars.update({"CHILD1_PT": F.CHILD(1, F.PT)})  # example of CHILD
-    #    all_vars.update({"Ds_END_VZ": F.CHILD(1, F.END_VZ)})
-    #    all_vars.update({"Delta_END_VZ_DsB0": F.CHILD(1, F.END_VZ) - F.END_VZ})
-    if comp:
-        #all_vars.update({"DOCA": F.SDOCA(Child1=1, Child2=2)})
-        #all_vars.update({"DOCACHI2": F.SDOCACHI2(Child1=1, Child2=2)})
-        all_vars.update({"END_VRHO": F.END_VRHO})
-        all_vars.update({"END_VX": F.END_VX})
-        all_vars.update({"END_VY": F.END_VY})
-        all_vars.update({"END_VZ": F.END_VZ})
-    # duplicated from FC   all_vars.update({"ENERGY" : F.ENERGY})
-    all_vars.update({"ETA": F.ETA})
-    all_vars.update({"FOURMOMENTUM": F.FOURMOMENTUM})
-    all_vars.update({"ISBASIC": F.ISBASICPARTICLE})
-    if basic:
-        all_vars.update({"GHOSTPROB": F.GHOSTPROB})
-        all_vars.update({"ISMUON": F.ISMUON})
-        all_vars.update({"INMUON": F.INMUON})
-        all_vars.update({"INECAL": F.INECAL})
-        all_vars.update({"INHCAL": F.INHCAL})
-        all_vars.update({"HASBREM": F.HASBREM})
-        all_vars.update({"BREMENERGY": F.BREMENERGY})
-        all_vars.update({"BREMBENDCORR": F.BREMBENDCORR})
-        all_vars.update({"BREMPIDE": F.BREMPIDE})
-        all_vars.update({"ECALPIDE": F.ECALPIDE})
-        all_vars.update({"ECALPIDMU": F.ECALPIDMU})
-        all_vars.update({"HCALPIDE": F.HCALPIDE})
-        all_vars.update({"HCALPIDMU": F.HCALPIDMU})
-        all_vars.update({"CLUSTERMATCH": F.CLUSTERMATCH_CHI2})
-        all_vars.update({"ELECTRONMATCH": F.ELECTRONMATCH_CHI2})
-        all_vars.update({"BREMHYPOMATCH": F.BREMHYPOMATCH_CHI2})
-        all_vars.update({"ELECTRONENERGY": F.ELECTRONENERGY})
-        all_vars.update({"BREMHYPOENERGY": F.BREMHYPOENERGY})
-        all_vars.update({"BREMHYPODELTAX": F.BREMHYPODELTAX})
-        all_vars.update({"ELECTRONID": F.ELECTRONID})
-        all_vars.update({"HCALEOP": F.HCALEOP})
-        all_vars.update({"TRACK_MOM_": F.TRACK_MOMVEC})
-        all_vars.update({"IS_ID_pi": F.IS_ID("pi-")})
-        all_vars.update({"PDG_MASS_pi": F.PDG_MASS("pi+")})
-        all_vars.update({"SIGNED_DELTA_MASS_pi": F.SIGNED_DELTA_MASS("pi+")})
-        all_vars.update({"ABS_DELTA_MASS_pi": F.ABS_DELTA_MASS("pi+")})
-        all_vars.update({"IS_NOT_H": F.IS_NOT_H})
-        all_vars.update({"IS_PHOTON": F.IS_PHOTON})
-    if comp:
-        all_vars.update({"MAXPT": F.MAX(F.PT)})
-        all_vars.update({"MAXDOCA": F.MAXSDOCA})
-        all_vars.update({"MAXDOCACHI2": F.MAXSDOCACHI2})
-        #all_vars.update({"MINDOCA": F.MINSDOCA})
-        #all_vars.update({"MINDOCACHI2": F.MINSDOCACHI2})
-        # the above in cut versions.
-    # duplicated from FC    all_vars.update({ 'MC_MOTHER_ID' : F.VALUE_OR(0) @ mctruth(
-    # duplicated from FC        F.MC_MOTHER(1, F.PARTICLE_ID))})
-    if comp:
-        all_vars.update({"MINPT": F.MIN(F.PT)})
-    all_vars.update({"MINIP": F.MINIP(pvs)})
-    all_vars.update({"MINIPCHI2": F.MINIPCHI2(pvs)})
-    if basic:
-        all_vars.update({"TRACKPT": F.TRACK_PT})
-        all_vars.update({"TRACKHISTORY": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.TRACKHISTORY @ F.TRACK})
-        all_vars.update({"QOVERP": F.QOVERP @ F.TRACK})
-        all_vars.update({"NDOF": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NDOF @ F.TRACK})
-        all_vars.update({"NFTHITS": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NFTHITS @ F.TRACK})
-        all_vars.update({"NHITS": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NHITS @ F.TRACK})
-        all_vars.update({"NUTHITS": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NUTHITS @ F.TRACK})
-        all_vars.update({"NVPHITS": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NVPHITS @ F.TRACK})
-        all_vars.update({"TRACKHASVELO": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.TRACKHASVELO @ F.TRACK})
-        all_vars.update({"TRACKHASUT": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.TRACKHASUT @ F.TRACK})
-    all_vars.update({"OBJECT_KEY": F.OBJECT_KEY})
-    all_vars.update({"PHI": F.PHI})
-    all_vars.update({"ABS_PX": F.ABS @ F.PX})
-    all_vars.update({"REFERENCEPOINT_X": F.REFERENCEPOINT_X})
-    all_vars.update({"REFERENCEPOINT_Y": F.REFERENCEPOINT_Y})
-    all_vars.update({"REFERENCEPOINT_Z": F.REFERENCEPOINT_Z})
-    if comp:
-        all_vars.update({"SDOCA12": F.SDOCA(1, 2)})
-        all_vars.update({"SDOCA12_CHI2": F.SDOCACHI2(1, 2)})
-    if basic:
-        all_vars.update({"SHOWER_SHAPE": F.CALO_NEUTRAL_SHOWER_SHAPE})
-    if comp:
-        all_vars.update({"SUBCOMB12_MM": F.SUBCOMB(Functor=F.MASS, Indices=(1, 2))})
-        all_vars.update({"SUMPT": F.SUM(F.PT)})
-    if top:
-        all_vars.update({"SDOCA13": F.SDOCA(1, 3)})
-        all_vars.update({"SDOCA13_CHI2": F.SDOCACHI2(1, 3)})
-        all_vars.update({"SDOCA23": F.SDOCA(2, 3)})
-        all_vars.update({"SDOCA23_CHI2": F.SDOCACHI2(2, 3)})
-        all_vars.update({"SUBCOMB13_MM": F.SUBCOMB(Functor=F.MASS, Indices=(1, 3))})
-        all_vars.update({"SUBCOMB23_MM": F.SUBCOMB(Functor=F.MASS, Indices=(2, 3))})
-    if basic:
-        all_vars.update({"TX": F.TX})
-        all_vars.update({"TY": F.TY})
-    print(f"### For {ptype} returning variables {all_vars.functor_dict.keys()}")
-    return all_vars                                                                                                                      
-def event_variables(PVs, ODIN, decreports, rec_sum, hlt1_lines, sprucing_lines):
-    """
-    event variables
-    """
-    ## Some empty summaries removed
-    evt_vars = FunctorCollection({
-        "nPVs": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nPVs"),
-        "nTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nTracks"),
-        "nLongTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nLongTracks"),
-        "nDownstreamTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nDownstreamTracks"),
-        "nUpstreamTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nUpstreamTracks"),
-        "nVeloTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nVeloTracks"),
-        "nBackTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nBackTracks"),
-        "nGhosts": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nGhosts"),
-        "nRich1Hits": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nRich1Hits"),
-        "nRich2Hits": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nRich2Hits"),
-        #"nVeloClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nVeloClusters"),
-        "nVPClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nVPClusters"),
-        #"nITClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nITClusters"),
-        #"nTTClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nTTClusters"),
-        "nUTClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nUTClusters"),
-        #"nOTClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nOTClusters"),
-        "nFTClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nFTClusters"),
-        #"nSPDhits": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nSPDhits"),
-        "eCalTot": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"eCalTot"),
-        "hCalTot": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"hCalTot"),
-        "nEcalClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nEcalClusters"),
-        #"nMuonCoordsS0": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nMuonCoordsS0"),
-        #"nMuonCoordsS1": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nMuonCoordsS1"),
-        #"nMuonCoordsS2": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nMuonCoordsS2"),
-        #"nMuonCoordsS3": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nMuonCoordsS3"),
-        #"nMuonCoordsS4": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nMuonCoordsS4"),
-        #"nMuonTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nMuonTracks"),
-        "ALLPVX": F.ALLPVX(PVs),
-        "ALLPVY": F.ALLPVY(PVs),
-        "ALLPVZ": F.ALLPVZ(PVs),
-        })
-    evt_vars += FC.EventInfo()
-    evt_vars += FC.SelectionInfo( selection_type="Hlt1", trigger_lines=hlt1_lines)                                               
-    evt_vars += FC.SelectionInfo( selection_type="Hlt2", trigger_lines=sprucing_lines)
-    # duplicated from FC    if ODIN:
-    # duplicated from FC        evt_vars.update({ 'BUNCHCROSSING_ID' : F.BUNCHCROSSING_ID(ODIN)})
-    # duplicated from FC        evt_vars.update({ 'BUNCHCROSSING_TYPE' : F.BUNCHCROSSING_TYPE(ODIN)})
-    if decreports:
-        evt_vars.update(
-            {
-                "DECISIONS": F.DECISIONS(
-                    Lines=[bd2dsk_line + "Decision"], DecReports=decreports
-                )
-            }
-        )
-        evt_vars.update(
-            {
-                    Lines=[bd2dsk_line + "Decision"], DecReports=decreports
-                )
-            }
-        )
-    if ODIN:
-        evt_vars.update({"EVENTTYPE": F.EVENTTYPE(ODIN)})
-    # duplicated from FC        evt_vars.update({ 'GPSTIME' : F.GPSTIME(ODIN)})
-    # duplicated from FC        evt_vars.update({ 'ODINTCK' : F.ODINTCK(ODIN)})
-    evt_vars.update({"PV_SIZE": F.SIZE(PVs)})
-    # duplicated from FC        evt_vars.update({ 'GPSTIME' : F.GPSTIME(ODIN)})
-    # duplicated from FC        evt_vars.update({ 'ODINTCK' : F.ODINTCK(ODIN)})
-    if decreports:
-        evt_vars.update({"TCK": F.TCK(decreports)})
-    print(f"### For event returning variables {evt_vars.functor_dict.keys()}")
-    return evt_vars
-def candidate_variables(pvs, mother, daughters):
-    variables_B = {mother: all_variables(pvs, None, _toplevel)}
-    for daughter in daughters:
-        if ("psi" in daughter) or ("Lambda" in daughter) or ("lambda" in daughter):
-            variables_B.update( {daughter: all_variables(pvs, None, _composite)} )
-        else: 
-            variables_B.update( {daughter: all_variables(pvs, None, _basic)} )
-    return variables_B
+from .template import *
 def main(options: Options):
-    sprucing_line = 'SpruceBandQ_JpsiToMuMuDetached'
-    Jpsi2mumu_data = get_particles(f"/Event/Spruce/{sprucing_line}/Particles")
-    rec_sum = get_rec_summary()
-    v2_pvs = get_pvs()
-    pions = make_long_pions() 
-    kaons = make_long_kaons() 
-    protons = make_long_protons() 
-    # create particle containers
-    pid_pions = ParticleFilter( pions, Cut=F.FILTER( F.require_all( F.PID_K < 5 ) ) )
-    pid_kaons = ParticleFilter( kaons, Cut=F.FILTER( F.require_all( F.PID_K > 0 ) ) )
-    pid_protons = ParticleFilter( protons, Cut=F.FILTER( F.require_all( F.PID_P > 0, (F.PID_P-F.PID_K)>0 ) ) )
-    mother = "Lb" 
-    daughters = ["Jpsi", "mup", "mum", "Pp", "Km"]
-    decay = "[Lambda_b0 -> J/psi(1S) p+ K-]cc"
-    Lb2JpsipK = ParticleCombiner(
-        Inputs = [Jpsi2mumu_data, pid_protons, pid_kaons],
-        DecayDescriptor = decay,
-        name="JpsiToMuMu_Detached_line_validation",
-        CombinationCut=F.require_all(in_range(5400, F.MASS, 6600)),
-        CompositeCut=F.require_all(in_range(5400, F.MASS, 6600), F.CHI2DOF < 20, F.BPVLTIME(v2_pvs) > 0.2 * picosecond, F.BPVVDRHO(v2_pvs) > 0. * mm, F.BPVVDZ(v2_pvs) > 0. * mm, F.BPVDIRA(v2_pvs) > 0.),
-    )
-    #FunTuple: define branches.
-    hlt1_trigger_lines = [ 'Hlt1TrackMVADecision',
-                           'Hlt1TwoTrackMVADecision',
-                           'Hlt1D2KKDecision',
-                           'Hlt1D2KPiDecision', 
-                           'Hlt1D2PiPiDecision',
-                           'Hlt1DiMuonHighMassDecision', 
-                           'Hlt1DiMuonLowMassDecision',
-                           'Hlt1DiMuonSoftDecision',
-                           'Hlt1KsToPiPiDecision',
-                           'Hlt1LowPtMuonDecision',
-                           'Hlt1LowPtDiMuonDecision',
-                           'Hlt1SingleHighPtMuonDecision',
-                           'Hlt1TrackMuonMVADecision']
-    #variables_B = {   "Lb": all_variables(v2_pvs, None, _toplevel),
-    #                  "Jpsi": all_variables(v2_pvs, None, _composite),
-    #                  "mup": all_variables(v2_pvs, None, _basic), 
-    #                  "mum": all_variables(v2_pvs, None, _basic), 
-    #                  "Pp": all_variables(v2_pvs, None, _basic), 
-    #                  "Km": all_variables(v2_pvs, None, _basic), 
-    #}
-    odin = get_odin()
-    decreports = None
-    line_prefilter = create_lines_filter(name=f"PreFilter_{sprucing_line}", lines=[sprucing_line])
-    evt_vars = event_variables(v2_pvs, odin, decreports, rec_sum, hlt1_trigger_lines, [sprucing_line])
-    candidate_vars = candidate_variables(v2_pvs, mother, daughters)
-    Lb2JpsipK_branches = decay_branches(mother, daughters, decay)
-    print(Lb2JpsipK_branches)
-    # define tupling algorithms
-    Lb2JpsipK_tuple = FunTuple_Particles(name="Lb2JpsipKTuple",
-                                         inputs=Lb2JpsipK,
-                                         tuple_name="DecayTree",
-                                         fields=Lb2JpsipK_branches,
-                                         variables=candidate_vars,
-                                         store_multiple_cand_info = True,
-                                         event_variables = evt_vars)
-    algs = { "Lb2JpsipK_tuple":[ Lb2JpsipK_tuple, line_prefilter ],}
-    return make_config( options, algs )
+    algs = template(["Lambda_b0", "J/psi(1S)", "p+", "K-"], True, "Lb2JpsipK")
+    return make_config( options, algs ) 
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25f9e26e8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+from .template import *
+def main(options: Options):
+    algs = template(["Xi_b-", "J/psi(1S)", "Lambda0", "K-"], True, "Xib2JpsiLambdaK")
+    return make_config( options, algs ) 
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/info.yaml b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/info.yaml
index 8b6ffc4cb0..b3d9352594 100644
--- a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/info.yaml
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/info.yaml
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ defaults:
     application: DaVinci/v64r5
     wg: BandQ
-        -
@@ -10,6 +9,14 @@ defaults:
 {%- set datasets = [
   ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'Lb2JpsipK',  'MagDown', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
   ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'Lb2JpsipK',  'MagUp', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
+  ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'B2JpsiKpi',  'MagDown', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
+  ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'B2JpsiKpi',  'MagUp', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
+  ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'Xib2JpsiLambdaK',  'MagDown', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
+  ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'Xib2JpsiLambdaK',  'MagUp', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
+  ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'B2Jpsippbar',  'MagDown', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
+  ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'B2Jpsippbar',  'MagUp', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
+  ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'Bp2JpsipLambdabar',  'MagDown', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
+  ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'Bp2JpsipLambdabar',  'MagUp', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8bd521e36a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+from .tools.tupling_maker import *
+from .tools.descriptor_writer import *
+from Hlt2Conf.standard_particles import make_long_kaons, make_long_protons, make_long_pions, make_LambdaLL, make_long_muons
+def template(particles, cc, directory):
+    ##### Default inputs
+    sprucing_line = 'SpruceBandQ_JpsiToMuMuDetached'
+    Jpsi = get_particles(f"/Event/Spruce/{sprucing_line}/Particles")
+    rec_sum = get_rec_summary()
+    v2_pvs = get_pvs()
+    odin = get_odin()
+    decreports = None
+    long_pions = make_long_pions()
+    long_kaons = make_long_kaons()
+    long_protons = make_long_protons()
+    DaughterCutp = "(BPVIPCHI2(get_pvs())>9) & (PT>250*MeV) & (P>10*GeV) & (PID_P>5) & (PID_P-PID_K>5) & (GHOSTPROB<0.5)"
+    DaughterCutpi = "(BPVIPCHI2(get_pvs())>9) & (PT>250*MeV) & (PID_K<5) & (GHOSTPROB<0.5)"
+    DaughterCutK = "(BPVIPCHI2(get_pvs())>9) & (PT>250*MeV) & (PID_K>5) & (GHOSTPROB<0.5)"
+    protons = ParticleFilter( long_protons, Cut = F.FILTER( convert_cut(DaughterCutp) ) )
+    kaons = ParticleFilter( long_kaons, Cut = F.FILTER( convert_cut(DaughterCutK) ) )
+    pions = ParticleFilter( long_pions, Cut = F.FILTER( convert_cut(DaughterCutpi) ) )
+    muons = make_long_muons()
+    Lambda = make_LambdaLL()
+    input_dict = {"J/psi(1S)": Jpsi,
+                  "Lambda0":Lambda, "Lambda~0":Lambda,
+                  "pi+": pions, "pi-": pions,
+                  "K+": kaons, "K-": kaons,
+                  "p+": protons, "p~-": protons,
+                  "mu+": muons, "mu~-": muons,
+                 }
+    # create particle containers
+    B2JpsiX = ParticleCombiner(
+            Inputs = [input_dict[particle] for particle in particles[1:]],
+            DecayDescriptor = descriptor(particles, cc),
+            name = "JpsiToMuMu_Detached_line_validation",
+            CombinationCut = convert_cut("in_range(5000, MASS, 7000) & (CHILD(2, PT)+CHILD(3, PT)>900*MeV)"),
+            #CombinationCut = convert_cut("in_range(5200, MASS, 7000)"),
+            CompositeCut = convert_cut("in_range(5000, MASS, 7000) & CHI2DOF<20 & BPVLTIME(get_pvs())>0.2*picosecond & BPVVDZ(get_pvs())>0.*mm")
+    )
+    #FunTuple: define branches.
+    hlt1_trigger_lines = [ 'Hlt1TrackMVADecision',
+                           'Hlt1TwoTrackMVADecision',
+                           'Hlt1D2KKDecision',
+                           'Hlt1D2KPiDecision', 
+                           'Hlt1D2PiPiDecision',
+                           'Hlt1DiMuonHighMassDecision', 
+                           'Hlt1DiMuonLowMassDecision',
+                           'Hlt1DiMuonSoftDecision',
+                           'Hlt1KsToPiPiDecision',
+                           'Hlt1LowPtMuonDecision',
+                           'Hlt1LowPtDiMuonDecision',
+                           'Hlt1SingleHighPtMuonDecision',
+                           'Hlt1TrackMuonMVADecision']
+    mother = default_names(particles)[0]
+    daughters = default_names(particles)[1:]
+    line_prefilter = create_lines_filter(name=f"PreFilter_{sprucing_line}", lines=[sprucing_line])
+    evt_vars = event_variables(v2_pvs, odin, decreports, rec_sum, hlt1_trigger_lines, [sprucing_line])
+    candidate_vars = candidate_variables(v2_pvs, mother, daughters)
+    print(candidate_vars)
+    B2JpsiX_branches = default_branches(particles, cc)
+    # define tupling algorithms
+    B2JpsiX_tuple = FunTuple_Particles( name=directory,
+                                         inputs=B2JpsiX,
+                                         tuple_name="DecayTree",
+                                         fields=B2JpsiX_branches,
+                                         variables=candidate_vars,
+                                         store_multiple_cand_info = True,
+                                         event_variables = evt_vars)
+    algs = { f"{directory}_tuple":[ B2JpsiX_tuple, line_prefilter ],}
+    return algs
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/
similarity index 61%
rename from Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
rename to Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/
index ed43f03e41..71882db092 100644
--- a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
+def descriptor(particles, cc=False):
+    decay_descriptor = f"{particles[0]} ->"
+    for particle in particles[1:]:
+        decay_descriptor += f" {particle}"
+    if cc: decay_descriptor = f"[{decay_descriptor}]cc"
+    return decay_descriptor
 def decay_branches(mother, daughters, decay_descriptor):
     psi_pos = 0
+    Lambda_pos = 0
     Pm_pos = Pp_pos = 0
     Km_pos = Kp_pos = 0
     Pim_pos = Pip_pos = 0
@@ -14,8 +22,10 @@ def decay_branches(mother, daughters, decay_descriptor):
         branch_descriptor = branch_descriptor.replace("J/psi(1S)", "(J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-)")
     if "psi(2S)" in decay_descriptor: 
         branch_descriptor = branch_descriptor.replace("psi(2S)", "(psi(2S) -> mu+ mu-)")
-    if "psi(2S)" in decay_descriptor: 
-        branch_descriptor = branch_descriptor.replace("psi(2S)", "(psi(2S) -> mu+ mu-)")
+    if "Lambda0" in decay_descriptor: 
+        branch_descriptor = branch_descriptor.replace("Lambda0", "(Lambda0 -> p+ pi-)")
+    if "Lambda~0" in decay_descriptor: 
+        branch_descriptor = branch_descriptor.replace("Lambda~0", "(Lambda~0 -> p~- pi+)")
     branches = {mother: branch_descriptor}
@@ -24,6 +34,10 @@ def decay_branches(mother, daughters, decay_descriptor):
             true_pos = branch_descriptor.rfind("(", 0, branch_descriptor.find("psi", psi_pos))
             branches.update({daughter: branch_descriptor[:true_pos]+"^"+branch_descriptor[true_pos:]})
             psi_pos = branch_descriptor.find("psi", psi_pos) + len("psi(nS)")
+        if "Lambda" in daughter:
+            true_pos = branch_descriptor.rfind("(", 0, branch_descriptor.find("Lambda", Lambda_pos))
+            branches.update({daughter: branch_descriptor[:true_pos]+"^"+branch_descriptor[true_pos:]})
+            Lambda_pos = branch_descriptor.find("Lambda", Lambda_pos) + len("Lambda~0")
         if "Pp" in daughter:
             true_pos = branch_descriptor.find("p+", Pp_pos)
             branches.update({daughter: branch_descriptor[:true_pos]+"^"+branch_descriptor[true_pos:]})
@@ -66,7 +80,43 @@ def decay_branches(mother, daughters, decay_descriptor):
             em_pos = true_pos + len("e-")
     return branches
-#branches = decay_branches("Lb", ["Jpsi", "mup", "mum", "mup2", "mum2"], "[Lambda_b0 -> J/psi(1S) psi(2S)]cc")
+def default_names(particles):
+    name_dict = {"Lambda_b0": "Lb", 
+                 "Xi_b-": "Xib",
+                 "Xi_b0": "Xib",
+                 "B0": "B0",
+                 "B+": "Bp",
+                 "B-": "Bm",
+                 "B_s0": "Bs",
+                 "J/psi(1S)": "Jpsi",
+                 "psi(2S)": "psi2S",
+                 "Lambda0": "Lambda", "Lambda~0": "Lambda",
+                 "mu+": "mup", "mu-": "mum",
+                 "e+": "ep", "e-": "em",
+                 "pi+": "Pip", "pi-": "Pim",
+                 "K+": "Kp", "K-": "Km",
+                 "p+": "Pp", "p~-": "Pm",
+            }
+    names = []
+    for particle in particles:
+        names.append( name_dict[ particle ] )
+        if particle == "J/psi(1S)" or particle == "psi(2S)":
+            names += ["mup_psi", "mum_psi"]
+        elif particle == "Lambda0":
+            names += ["Pp_Lambda", "Pim_Lambda"]
+        elif particle == "Lambda~0":
+            names += ["Pm_Lambda", "Pip_Lambda"]
+    return names
+def default_branches(particles, cc=False):
+    names = default_names(particles)
+    return decay_branches(names[0], names[1:], descriptor(particles, cc))
 #branches = decay_branches("Bs", ["Jpsi", "Pp", "Pm", "mup", "mum"], "[B_s0 -> J/psi(1S) p+ p~-]cc")
+#branches = default_name( ["B_s0","J/psi(1S)", "p+", "p~-"])
+#branches = default_branches( ["B_s0","J/psi(1S)", "p+", "p~-"], True)
+#print(descriptor(["Lambda_b0", "J/psi(1S)", "p+", "K-"], True))
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/
similarity index 54%
rename from Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
rename to Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/
index 7da9acc157..840065c958 100644
--- a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-# (c) Copyright 2021-2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
-#                                                                             #
-# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
-# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
-#                                                                             #
-# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
-# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
-# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-Read an HLT2 file and create an ntuple with the new DaVinci configuration.
-import Functors as F
+from DaVinci import make_config, Options
+from DaVinci.algorithms import create_lines_filter
+from PyConf.reading import get_rec_summary, get_pvs
+from PyConf.reading import get_particles
 import FunTuple.functorcollections as FC
+import Functors as F
 from FunTuple import FunctorCollection
-from FunTuple import FunTuple_Particles as Funtuple
-from PyConf.reading import get_particles, get_pvs, get_rec_summary
-from DaVinci.algorithms import create_lines_filter
-from DaVinciMCTools import MCTruthAndBkgCat
-from FunTuple.functorcollections import MCHierarchy, MCPrimaries, MCPromptDecay, Kinematics, SelectionInfo, HltTisTos, MCVertexInfo, MCKinematics, ParticleID, EventInfo
-from PyConf.reading import get_odin  # get_decreports,
-from DecayTreeFitter import DecayTreeFitter
+from FunTuple import FunTuple_Event
+from FunTuple import FunTuple_Particles
+#from PyConf.reading import (get_particles, get_charged_protoparticles, get_pvs, get_rec_summary, _get_unpacked)
+from Functors.math import in_range
+from Hlt2Conf.algorithms_thor import ParticleCombiner, ParticleFilter
+from RecoConf.event_filters import require_pvs
+from Hlt2Conf.standard_particles import get_long_track_selector, standard_protoparticle_filter
+from PyConf.Algorithms import FunctionalParticleMaker
+from PyConf.reading import get_charged_protoparticles as _make_charged_protoparticles 
+from PyConf.reading import get_odin
+from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import MeV, picosecond, mm, GeV
 _basic = "basic"
 _composite = "composite"
 _toplevel = "toplevel"
 def all_variables(pvs, mctruth, ptype, candidates=None, ftAlg=None):
-    """
-    function that returns dictionary of functors that work.
-    functors are listed in order of
-    """
     if ptype not in [_basic, _composite]:
         Exception(f"I want {_basic} or {_composite}. Got {ptype}")
     all_vars = FunctorCollection({})
     comp = _composite == ptype or _toplevel == ptype  # is composite
     basic = _basic == ptype  # is not composite
     top = _toplevel == ptype  # the B
-    # First import everything that comes in functorcollections
     all_vars += FC.Kinematics()
     if basic:
         all_vars += FC.ParticleID(extra_info=True)
     if comp:
         all_vars.update({"ALV": F.ALV(Child1=1, Child2=2)})
     if comp:  # all these require a vertex
         all_vars.update({"BPVCORRM": F.BPVCORRM(pvs)})
         all_vars.update({"BPVCORRMERR": F.BPVCORRMERR(pvs)})
@@ -64,6 +64,9 @@ def all_variables(pvs, mctruth, ptype, candidates=None, ftAlg=None):
     all_vars.update({"BPVX": F.BPVX(pvs)})
     all_vars.update({"BPVY": F.BPVY(pvs)})
     all_vars.update({"BPVZ": F.BPVZ(pvs)})
+    all_vars.update({"ALLPVX": F.ALLPVX(pvs)})
+    all_vars.update({"ALLPVY": F.ALLPVY(pvs)})
+    all_vars.update({"ALLPVZ": F.ALLPVZ(pvs)})
     if comp:  # all these require a vertex
         all_vars.update({"ALLPV_FD": F.ALLPV_FD(pvs)})
@@ -73,24 +76,24 @@ def all_variables(pvs, mctruth, ptype, candidates=None, ftAlg=None):
         all_vars.update({"BPVVDX": F.BPVVDX(pvs)})
         all_vars.update({"BPVVDY": F.BPVVDY(pvs)})
         all_vars.update({"BPVVDZ": F.BPVVDZ(pvs)})
     all_vars.update({"CHARGE": F.CHARGE})
     all_vars.update({"CHI2": F.CHI2})
     all_vars.update({"CHI2DOF": F.CHI2DOF})
+    #if top:  # apply this only to B
+    #    all_vars.update({"CHILD1_PT": F.CHILD(1, F.PT)})  # example of CHILD
+    #    all_vars.update({"Ds_END_VZ": F.CHILD(1, F.END_VZ)})
+    #    all_vars.update({"Delta_END_VZ_DsB0": F.CHILD(1, F.END_VZ) - F.END_VZ})
-    if top:  # apply this only to B
-        all_vars.update({"CHILD1_PT": F.CHILD(1, F.PT)})  # example of CHILD
-        all_vars.update({"Ds_END_VZ": F.CHILD(1, F.END_VZ)})
-        all_vars.update({"Delta_END_VZ_DsB0": F.CHILD(1, F.END_VZ) - F.END_VZ})
     if comp:
-        all_vars.update({"DOCA": F.SDOCA(Child1=1, Child2=2)})
-        all_vars.update({"DOCACHI2": F.SDOCACHI2(Child1=1, Child2=2)})
+        #all_vars.update({"DOCA": F.SDOCA(Child1=1, Child2=2)})
+        #all_vars.update({"DOCACHI2": F.SDOCACHI2(Child1=1, Child2=2)})
         all_vars.update({"END_VRHO": F.END_VRHO})
         all_vars.update({"END_VX": F.END_VX})
         all_vars.update({"END_VY": F.END_VY})
         all_vars.update({"END_VZ": F.END_VZ})
+    # duplicated from FC   all_vars.update({"ENERGY" : F.ENERGY})
     all_vars.update({"ETA": F.ETA})
     all_vars.update({"FOURMOMENTUM": F.FOURMOMENTUM})
     all_vars.update({"ISBASIC": F.ISBASICPARTICLE})
@@ -118,13 +121,8 @@ def all_variables(pvs, mctruth, ptype, candidates=None, ftAlg=None):
         all_vars.update({"BREMHYPODELTAX": F.BREMHYPODELTAX})
         all_vars.update({"ELECTRONID": F.ELECTRONID})
         all_vars.update({"HCALEOP": F.HCALEOP})
-        # Note: the observables for the two functors below are (TRACK_MOM_X, TRACK_MOM_Y, TRACK_MOM_Z})
-        # which is why the trailing underscore in the name is added i.e. "TRACK_MOM_" and "TRACK_POS_CLOSEST_TO_BEAM_"
         all_vars.update({"TRACK_MOM_": F.TRACK_MOMVEC})
-        all_vars.update({"IS_ABS_ID_pi": F.IS_ABS_ID("pi+")})
         all_vars.update({"IS_ID_pi": F.IS_ID("pi-")})
         all_vars.update({"PDG_MASS_pi": F.PDG_MASS("pi+")})
         all_vars.update({"SIGNED_DELTA_MASS_pi": F.SIGNED_DELTA_MASS("pi+")})
@@ -132,19 +130,22 @@ def all_variables(pvs, mctruth, ptype, candidates=None, ftAlg=None):
         all_vars.update({"IS_NOT_H": F.IS_NOT_H})
         all_vars.update({"IS_PHOTON": F.IS_PHOTON})
-    all_vars.update({"MASS": F.MASS})
     if comp:
         all_vars.update({"MAXPT": F.MAX(F.PT)})
         all_vars.update({"MAXDOCA": F.MAXSDOCA})
         all_vars.update({"MAXDOCACHI2": F.MAXSDOCACHI2})
+        #all_vars.update({"MINDOCA": F.MINSDOCA})
+        #all_vars.update({"MINDOCACHI2": F.MINSDOCACHI2})
         # the above in cut versions.
+    # duplicated from FC    all_vars.update({ 'MC_MOTHER_ID' : F.VALUE_OR(0) @ mctruth(
+    # duplicated from FC        F.MC_MOTHER(1, F.PARTICLE_ID))})
     if comp:
         all_vars.update({"MINPT": F.MIN(F.PT)})
     all_vars.update({"MINIP": F.MINIP(pvs)})
     all_vars.update({"MINIPCHI2": F.MINIPCHI2(pvs)})
     if basic:
         all_vars.update({"TRACKPT": F.TRACK_PT})
         all_vars.update({"TRACKHISTORY": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.TRACKHISTORY @ F.TRACK})
@@ -156,46 +157,87 @@ def all_variables(pvs, mctruth, ptype, candidates=None, ftAlg=None):
         all_vars.update({"NVPHITS": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NVPHITS @ F.TRACK})
         all_vars.update({"TRACKHASVELO": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.TRACKHASVELO @ F.TRACK})
         all_vars.update({"TRACKHASUT": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.TRACKHASUT @ F.TRACK})
-    all_vars.update({"OBJECT_KEY": F.OBJECT_KEY})
+    all_vars.update({"OBJECT_KEY": F.OBJECT_KEY})
     all_vars.update({"PHI": F.PHI})
     all_vars.update({"ABS_PX": F.ABS @ F.PX})
     all_vars.update({"REFERENCEPOINT_X": F.REFERENCEPOINT_X})
     all_vars.update({"REFERENCEPOINT_Y": F.REFERENCEPOINT_Y})
     all_vars.update({"REFERENCEPOINT_Z": F.REFERENCEPOINT_Z})
     if comp:
-        all_vars.update({"SDOCA": F.SDOCA(1, 2)})
-        all_vars.update({"SDOCACHI2": F.SDOCACHI2(1, 2)})
+        all_vars.update({"SDOCA12": F.SDOCA(1, 2)})
+        all_vars.update({"SDOCA12_CHI2": F.SDOCACHI2(1, 2)})
     if basic:
         all_vars.update({"SHOWER_SHAPE": F.CALO_NEUTRAL_SHOWER_SHAPE})
     if comp:
         all_vars.update({"SUBCOMB12_MM": F.SUBCOMB(Functor=F.MASS, Indices=(1, 2))})
         all_vars.update({"SUMPT": F.SUM(F.PT)})
+    if top:
+        all_vars.update({"SDOCA13": F.SDOCA(1, 3)})
+        all_vars.update({"SDOCA13_CHI2": F.SDOCACHI2(1, 3)})
+        all_vars.update({"SDOCA23": F.SDOCA(2, 3)})
+        all_vars.update({"SDOCA23_CHI2": F.SDOCACHI2(2, 3)})
+        all_vars.update({"SUBCOMB13_MM": F.SUBCOMB(Functor=F.MASS, Indices=(1, 3))})
+        all_vars.update({"SUBCOMB23_MM": F.SUBCOMB(Functor=F.MASS, Indices=(2, 3))})
     if basic:
         all_vars.update({"TX": F.TX})
         all_vars.update({"TY": F.TY})
-    print(f"### For {ptype} returning variables {all_vars.functor_dict.keys()}")
-    return all_vars
+    print(f"### For {ptype} returning variables {all_vars.functor_dict.keys()}")
+    return all_vars                                                                                                                      
-def event_variables(PVs, ODIN, decreports, lines):
+def event_variables(PVs, ODIN, decreports, rec_sum, hlt1_lines, sprucing_lines):
     event variables
-    evt_vars = FunctorCollection({})
+    ## Some empty summaries removed
+    evt_vars = FunctorCollection({
+        "nPVs": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nPVs"),
+        "nTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nTracks"),
+        "nLongTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nLongTracks"),
+        "nDownstreamTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nDownstreamTracks"),
+        "nUpstreamTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nUpstreamTracks"),
+        "nVeloTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nVeloTracks"),
+        "nBackTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nBackTracks"),
+        "nGhosts": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nGhosts"),
+        "nRich1Hits": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nRich1Hits"),
+        "nRich2Hits": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nRich2Hits"),
+        #"nVeloClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nVeloClusters"),
+        "nVPClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nVPClusters"),
+        #"nITClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nITClusters"),
+        #"nTTClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nTTClusters"),
+        "nUTClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nUTClusters"),
+        #"nOTClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nOTClusters"),
+        "nFTClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nFTClusters"),
+        #"nSPDhits": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nSPDhits"),
+        "eCalTot": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"eCalTot"),
+        "hCalTot": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"hCalTot"),
+        "nEcalClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nEcalClusters"),
+        #"nMuonCoordsS0": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nMuonCoordsS0"),
+        #"nMuonCoordsS1": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nMuonCoordsS1"),
+        #"nMuonCoordsS2": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nMuonCoordsS2"),
+        #"nMuonCoordsS3": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nMuonCoordsS3"),
+        #"nMuonCoordsS4": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nMuonCoordsS4"),
+        #"nMuonTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nMuonTracks"),
+        "ALLPVX": F.ALLPVX(PVs),
+        "ALLPVY": F.ALLPVY(PVs),
+        "ALLPVZ": F.ALLPVZ(PVs),
+        })
     evt_vars += FC.EventInfo()
-    evt_vars += FC.SelectionInfo(selection_type="Hlt2", trigger_lines=lines)
-    if decreports:                                                                                                                       
+    evt_vars += FC.SelectionInfo( selection_type="Hlt1", trigger_lines=hlt1_lines)                                               
+    evt_vars += FC.SelectionInfo( selection_type="Hlt2", trigger_lines=sprucing_lines)
+    # duplicated from FC    if ODIN:
+    # duplicated from FC        evt_vars.update({ 'BUNCHCROSSING_ID' : F.BUNCHCROSSING_ID(ODIN)})
+    # duplicated from FC        evt_vars.update({ 'BUNCHCROSSING_TYPE' : F.BUNCHCROSSING_TYPE(ODIN)})
+    if decreports:
                 "DECISIONS": F.DECISIONS(
@@ -210,122 +252,47 @@ def event_variables(PVs, ODIN, decreports, lines):
     if ODIN:
         evt_vars.update({"EVENTTYPE": F.EVENTTYPE(ODIN)})
+    # duplicated from FC        evt_vars.update({ 'GPSTIME' : F.GPSTIME(ODIN)})
+    # duplicated from FC        evt_vars.update({ 'ODINTCK' : F.ODINTCK(ODIN)})
     evt_vars.update({"PV_SIZE": F.SIZE(PVs)})
+    # duplicated from FC        evt_vars.update({ 'GPSTIME' : F.GPSTIME(ODIN)})
+    # duplicated from FC        evt_vars.update({ 'ODINTCK' : F.ODINTCK(ODIN)})
     if decreports:
         evt_vars.update({"TCK": F.TCK(decreports)})
     print(f"### For event returning variables {evt_vars.functor_dict.keys()}")
     return evt_vars
+def candidate_variables(pvs, mother, daughters):
+    variables_B = {mother: all_variables(pvs, None, _toplevel)}
+    for daughter in daughters:
+        if daughter.startswith("P") or daughter.startswith("K") or daughter.startswith("Pi") or daughter.startswith("e") or daughter.startswith("mu"):
+            variables_B.update( {daughter: all_variables(pvs, None, _basic)} )
+        else: 
+            variables_B.update( {daughter: all_variables(pvs, None, _composite)} )
+    return variables_B
-def template(decay_descriptor, line_name, isturbo, Hlt2_decisions):
-    evtpath_prefix = "/Event/Spruce/"
-    if isturbo:
-        evtpath_prefix = "/Event/HLT2/"
-    QQbar2mumu_data = get_particles(evtpath_prefix + f"{line_name}/Particles")
-    pvs = get_pvs()
-    Hlt1_decisions = [ 
-        'Hlt1TrackMVADecision', 'Hlt1TwoTrackMVADecision', 'Hlt1D2KKDecision',
-        'Hlt1D2KPiDecision', 'Hlt1D2PiPiDecision',
-        'Hlt1DiMuonHighMassDecision', 'Hlt1DiMuonLowMassDecision',
-        'Hlt1DiMuonSoftDecision',
-        'Hlt1KsToPiPiDecision', 'Hlt1LowPtMuonDecision',
-        'Hlt1LowPtDiMuonDecision', 'Hlt1SingleHighPtMuonDecision',
-        'Hlt1TrackMuonMVADecision', "Hlt1DiMuonNoIP_SSDecision", 
-        "Hlt1DiMuonDrellYan_VLowMassDecision", 
-        "Hlt1DiMuonDrellYan_VLowMass_SSDecision", 
-        "Hlt1DiMuonDrellYanDecision", 
-        "Hlt1DiMuonDrellYan_SSDecision", 
-        "Hlt1DetJpsiToMuMuPosTagLineDecision", 
-        "Hlt1DetJpsiToMuMuNegTagLineDecision", 
-        "Hlt1TrackElectronMVADecision", 
-        "Hlt1SingleHighPtElectronDecision", 
-        "Hlt1DiElectronDisplacedDecision", 
-        "Hlt1SingleHighEtDecision", 
-        "Hlt1DiPhotonHighMassDecision", 
-        "Hlt1Pi02GammaGammaDecision", 
-        "Hlt1DiElectronHighMass_SSDecision", 
-        "Hlt1DiElectronHighMassDecision",
-        "Hlt1DiMuonNoIPDecision",
-     ]
-    composite_variables = FunctorCollection({
-        "BPVX_ERR": F.SQRT @ F.CALL(0,0) @ F.POS_COV_MATRIX @ F.BPV(pvs),
-        "BPVY_ERR": F.SQRT @ F.CALL(1,1) @ F.POS_COV_MATRIX @ F.BPV(pvs),
-        "BPVZ_ERR": F.SQRT @ F.CALL(2,2) @ F.POS_COV_MATRIX @ F.BPV(pvs),
-        "PERR": F.SQRT @ F.PERR2,
-    })
-    composite_variables += HltTisTos( selection_type="Hlt1", trigger_lines=Hlt1_decisions, data=QQbar2mumu_data)
-    if not isturbo:
-        composite_variables += HltTisTos( selection_type="Hlt2", trigger_lines=Hlt2_decisions, data=QQbar2mumu_data)
-    daughter_variables = FunctorCollection({
-        "PERR": F.SQRT @ F.PERR2,
-    })
-    #define event level variables
-    odin = get_odin()
-    decreports = None
-    rec_sum=get_rec_summary()
-    event_info = event_variables(pvs, odin, decreports, [line_name]) + FunctorCollection({
-        "nPVs": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nPVs"),
-        "nTTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nTTracks"),
-        "nLongTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nLongTracks"),
-        "nDownstreamTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nDownstreamTracks"),
-        "nUpstreamTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nUpstreamTracks"),
-        "nVeloTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nVeloTracks"),
-        "nBackTracks": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nBackTracks"),
-        "nRich1Hits": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nRich1Hits"),
-        "nRich2Hits": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nRich2Hits"),
-        "nVPClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nVPClusters"),
-        "nFTClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nFTClusters"),
-        "eCalTot": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"eCalTot"),
-        "hCalTot": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"hCalTot"),
-        "nEcalClusters": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @F.RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_sum,"nEcalClusters"),
-        "ALLPVX": F.ALLPVX(pvs),
-        "ALLPVY": F.ALLPVY(pvs),
-        "ALLPVZ": F.ALLPVZ(pvs),
-    })
-    event_info += FC.SelectionInfo(
-        selection_type="Hlt1", trigger_lines=Hlt1_decisions
-    )
-    variables = {
-        "QQbar": composite_variables + all_variables(pvs, None, _composite),
-        "mup": daughter_variables + all_variables(pvs, None, _basic),
-        "mum": daughter_variables + all_variables(pvs, None, _basic), 
-    }
-    #define FunTuple instance
-    my_tuple = Funtuple(
-        name=line_name,
-        tuple_name="DecayTree",
-        fields=decay_descriptor,
-        variables=variables,
-        event_variables=event_info,
-        store_multiple_cand_info = True,
-        inputs=QQbar2mumu_data)
-    return my_tuple
-def line_prefilter(line_name):
-    return create_lines_filter(name=f"HLT_PASS{line_name}", lines=[line_name])
+import re
+def convert_cut(string_cut):
+    cuts = string_cut.split("&")
+    paras = ["BPV", "PID_", "MASS", "CHARGE", "CHI2DOF", "END", "IS_ID", "ABS_", "MAX", "SUM", "GHOSTPROB", "CHILD"]
+    values = []
+    for cut in cuts:
+        value = cut
+        for para in paras:
+            if para in cut:
+                value = value.replace(para, f"F.{para}")
+        value = re.sub(r"\bPT\b", "F.PT", value)
+        value = re.sub(r"\bP\b", "F.P", value)
+        value = re.sub(r"\bCHI2\b", "F.CHI2", value)
+        values.append(value)
+    functor_cut = ",".join(values)
+    return eval(f"F.require_all({functor_cut})")
+    #return f"F.require_all({functor_cut})"

From 053861a5916456867c482299132cc1ac9527f10d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jianqiao Wang <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 18:18:54 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/6] TISTOS and DTF implemented

 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/           |   5 -
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/         |   6 -
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/   |   6 -
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/           |   6 -
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/     |   6 -
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/             |  22 +++
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/info.yaml              |   2 +-
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/            |  24 +++-
 .../tools/                |  92 ++++++++-----
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/ | 126 +++++++++++++++---
 10 files changed, 205 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/

diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
index 8fe4bf611a..8b13789179 100644
--- a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
@@ -1,6 +1 @@
-from .template import *
-def main(options: Options):
-    algs = template(["B0", "J/psi(1S)", "K+", "pi-"], True, "B2JpsiKpi")
-    return make_config( options, algs ) 
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
index cd125179c9..e69de29bb2 100644
--- a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-from .template import *
-def main(options: Options):
-    algs = template(["B_s0", "J/psi(1S)", "p+", "p~-"], False, "B2Jpsippbar")
-    return make_config( options, algs ) 
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
index a694aff783..e69de29bb2 100644
--- a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-from .template import *
-def main(options: Options):
-    algs = template(["B+", "J/psi(1S)", "p+", "Lambda~0"], True, "Bp2JpsipLambdabar")
-    return make_config( options, algs ) 
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
index 208ffa2f16..e69de29bb2 100644
--- a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-from .template import *
-def main(options: Options):
-    algs = template(["Lambda_b0", "J/psi(1S)", "p+", "K-"], True, "Lb2JpsipK")
-    return make_config( options, algs ) 
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
index 25f9e26e8c..e69de29bb2 100644
--- a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-from .template import *
-def main(options: Options):
-    algs = template(["Xi_b-", "J/psi(1S)", "Lambda0", "K-"], True, "Xib2JpsiLambdaK")
-    return make_config( options, algs ) 
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2b84fc545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+from .template import *
+def Lb2JpsipK(options: Options):
+    algs = template(["Lambda_b0", "J/psi(1S)", "p+", "K-"], True, "Lb2JpsipK")
+    return make_config( options, algs ) 
+def B2JpsiKpi(options: Options):
+    algs = template(["B0", "J/psi(1S)", "K+", "pi-"], True, "B2JpsiKpi")
+    return make_config( options, algs ) 
+def Xib2JpsiLambdaK(options: Options):
+    algs = template(["Xi_b-", "J/psi(1S)", "Lambda0", "K-"], True, "Xib2JpsiLambdaK")
+    return make_config( options, algs ) 
+def Bp2JpsipLambdabar(options: Options):
+    algs = template(["B+", "J/psi(1S)", "p+", "Lambda~0"], True, "Bp2JpsipLambdabar")
+    return make_config( options, algs ) 
+def B2Jpsippbar(options: Options):
+    algs = template(["B_s0", "J/psi(1S)", "p+", "p~-"], False, "B2Jpsippbar")
+    return make_config( options, algs ) 
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/info.yaml b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/info.yaml
index b3d9352594..e89c53427e 100644
--- a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/info.yaml
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/info.yaml
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ data_{{decay}}_{{wg}}_{{process}}_{{data}}_{{Velo}}_{{polarity}}:
       keep_running: False 
       n_test_lfns: 1
-      entrypoint: Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark.{{decay}}:main
+      entrypoint: Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark.dv_data:{{decay}}
         input_type: ROOT
         input_process: "{{process}}"
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
index 8bd521e36a..b55fa24e69 100644
--- a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ def template(particles, cc, directory):
             Inputs = [input_dict[particle] for particle in particles[1:]],
             DecayDescriptor = descriptor(particles, cc),
             name = "JpsiToMuMu_Detached_line_validation",
-            CombinationCut = convert_cut("in_range(5000, MASS, 7000) & (CHILD(2, PT)+CHILD(3, PT)>900*MeV)"),
+            CombinationCut = convert_cut("in_range(4800, MASS, 7000) & (CHILD(2, PT)+CHILD(3, PT)>900*MeV)"),
             #CombinationCut = convert_cut("in_range(5200, MASS, 7000)"),
-            CompositeCut = convert_cut("in_range(5000, MASS, 7000) & CHI2DOF<20 & BPVLTIME(get_pvs())>0.2*picosecond & BPVVDZ(get_pvs())>0.*mm")
+            CompositeCut = convert_cut("in_range(4800, MASS, 7000) & CHI2DOF<20 & BPVLTIME(get_pvs())>0.2*picosecond & BPVVDZ(get_pvs())>0.*mm")
     #FunTuple: define branches.
@@ -64,13 +64,23 @@ def template(particles, cc, directory):
-    mother = default_names(particles)[0]
-    daughters = default_names(particles)[1:]
     line_prefilter = create_lines_filter(name=f"PreFilter_{sprucing_line}", lines=[sprucing_line])
     evt_vars = event_variables(v2_pvs, odin, decreports, rec_sum, hlt1_trigger_lines, [sprucing_line])
-    candidate_vars = candidate_variables(v2_pvs, mother, daughters)
-    print(candidate_vars)
+    candidate_vars = candidate_variables(v2_pvs, particles)
+    tistos_vars = tistos_variables(hlt1_trigger_lines, [], Jpsi, False)
+    dtf_vars1 = make_dtf_variables(v2_pvs, B2JpsiX, particles, False, [])
+    dtf_vars2 = make_dtf_variables(v2_pvs, B2JpsiX, particles, True, 
+            [particle for particle in particles if particle_df["type"][particle] != "basic" ])
+    for particle in particles:
+        if particle_df["type"][particle] != "basic":
+            candidate_vars[particle_df["abbr"][particle]] += tistos_vars
+    for key in candidate_vars.keys():
+        candidate_vars[key] += dtf_vars1[key]
+        candidate_vars[key] += dtf_vars2[key]
     B2JpsiX_branches = default_branches(particles, cc)
     # define tupling algorithms
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/
index 71882db092..770729694b 100644
--- a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/
@@ -1,3 +1,29 @@
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+particle_dict = {"Lambda_b0": {"abbr": "Lb", "type": "toplevel", "daughters":[]},
+                 "Xi_b-":     {"abbr": "Xibm", "type": "toplevel", "daughters":[]},
+                 "Xi_b0":     {"abbr": "Xib0", "type": "toplevel", "daughters":[]},
+                 "B0":        {"abbr": "B0", "type": "toplevel", "daughters":[]},
+                 "B+":        {"abbr": "Bp", "type": "toplevel", "daughters":[]},
+                 "B-":        {"abbr": "Bm", "type": "toplevel", "daughters":[]},
+                 "B_s0":      {"abbr": "Bs", "type": "toplevel", "daughters":[]},
+                 "J/psi(1S)": {"abbr": "Jpsi", "type": "composite", "daughters": ["mu+", "mu-"]},
+                 "psi(2S)":   {"abbr": "psi2S", "type": "composite", "daughters": ["mu+", "mu-"]},
+                 "Lambda0":   {"abbr": "Lambda", "type": "composite", "daughters": ["p+", "pi-"]},
+                 "Lambda~0":  {"abbr": "Lambda", "type": "composite", "daughters": ["p~-", "pi+"]},
+                 "mu+":       {"abbr": "mup", "type": "basic", "daughters":[]},
+                 "mu-":       {"abbr": "mum", "type": "basic", "daughters":[]},
+                 "e+":        {"abbr": "ep", "type": "basic", "daughters":[]},
+                 "e-":        {"abbr": "em", "type": "basic", "daughters":[]},
+                 "pi+":       {"abbr": "Pip", "type": "basic", "daughters":[]},
+                 "pi-":       {"abbr": "Pim", "type": "basic", "daughters":[]},
+                 "K+":        {"abbr": "Kp", "type": "basic", "daughters":[]},
+                 "K-":        {"abbr": "Km", "type": "basic", "daughters":[]},
+                 "p+":        {"abbr": "Pp", "type": "basic", "daughters":[]},
+                 "p~-":       {"abbr": "Pm", "type": "basic", "daughters":[]},
+            }
+particle_df = pd.DataFrame(particle_dict).T
 def descriptor(particles, cc=False):
     decay_descriptor = f"{particles[0]} ->"
     for particle in particles[1:]:
@@ -18,14 +44,18 @@ def decay_branches(mother, daughters, decay_descriptor):
     if "cc" in decay_descriptor[-5:]:
         branch_descriptor = decay_descriptor[:-2] + "CC"
     else: branch_descriptor = decay_descriptor
-    if "J/psi(1S)" in decay_descriptor: 
-        branch_descriptor = branch_descriptor.replace("J/psi(1S)", "(J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-)")
-    if "psi(2S)" in decay_descriptor: 
-        branch_descriptor = branch_descriptor.replace("psi(2S)", "(psi(2S) -> mu+ mu-)")
-    if "Lambda0" in decay_descriptor: 
-        branch_descriptor = branch_descriptor.replace("Lambda0", "(Lambda0 -> p+ pi-)")
-    if "Lambda~0" in decay_descriptor: 
-        branch_descriptor = branch_descriptor.replace("Lambda~0", "(Lambda~0 -> p~- pi+)")
+    #if "J/psi(1S)" in decay_descriptor: 
+    #    branch_descriptor = branch_descriptor.replace("J/psi(1S)", "(J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-)")
+    #if "psi(2S)" in decay_descriptor: 
+    #    branch_descriptor = branch_descriptor.replace("psi(2S)", "(psi(2S) -> mu+ mu-)")
+    #if "Lambda0" in decay_descriptor: 
+    #    branch_descriptor = branch_descriptor.replace("Lambda0", "(Lambda0 -> p+ pi-)")
+    #if "Lambda~0" in decay_descriptor: 
+    #    branch_descriptor = branch_descriptor.replace("Lambda~0", "(Lambda~0 -> p~- pi+)")
+    for comp_par in particle_df.query("type=='composite'").index:
+        if comp_par in decay_descriptor:
+            #branch_descriptor = branch_descriptor.replace(comp_par, comp_par + "->" + " ".join(particle_df["daughters"][comp_par]))
+            branch_descriptor = branch_descriptor.replace(comp_par, f'({comp_par} -> {" ".join(particle_df["daughters"][comp_par])})')
     branches = {mother: branch_descriptor}
@@ -80,43 +110,37 @@ def decay_branches(mother, daughters, decay_descriptor):
             em_pos = true_pos + len("e-")
     return branches
+def all_particles(particles):
+    all_pars = []
+    for particle in particles:
+        all_pars += ( [ particle ] + particle_df["daughters"][particle])
+    return all_pars
+#print(all_particles(["B_s0","J/psi(1S)", "p+", "p~-"]))
 def default_names(particles):
-    name_dict = {"Lambda_b0": "Lb", 
-                 "Xi_b-": "Xib",
-                 "Xi_b0": "Xib",
-                 "B0": "B0",
-                 "B+": "Bp",
-                 "B-": "Bm",
-                 "B_s0": "Bs",
-                 "J/psi(1S)": "Jpsi",
-                 "psi(2S)": "psi2S",
-                 "Lambda0": "Lambda", "Lambda~0": "Lambda",
-                 "mu+": "mup", "mu-": "mum",
-                 "e+": "ep", "e-": "em",
-                 "pi+": "Pip", "pi-": "Pim",
-                 "K+": "Kp", "K-": "Km",
-                 "p+": "Pp", "p~-": "Pm",
-            }
     names = []
     for particle in particles:
-        names.append( name_dict[ particle ] )
-        if particle == "J/psi(1S)" or particle == "psi(2S)":
-            names += ["mup_psi", "mum_psi"]
-        elif particle == "Lambda0":
-            names += ["Pp_Lambda", "Pim_Lambda"]
-        elif particle == "Lambda~0":
-            names += ["Pm_Lambda", "Pip_Lambda"]
+        abbr = particle_df["abbr"][ particle ]
+        names.append( abbr )
+        names += [f"{daughter_abbr}_{abbr}" for daughter_abbr in particle_df["abbr"][particle_df["daughters"][particle]]]
+        #if particle == "J/psi(1S)" or particle == "psi(2S)":
+        #    names += ["mup_psi", "mum_psi"]
+        #elif particle == "Lambda0":
+        #    names += ["Pp_Lambda", "Pim_Lambda"]
+        #elif particle == "Lambda~0":
+        #    names += ["Pm_Lambda", "Pip_Lambda"]
     return names
 def default_branches(particles, cc=False):
     names = default_names(particles)
     return decay_branches(names[0], names[1:], descriptor(particles, cc))
-#branches = decay_branches("Bs", ["Jpsi", "Pp", "Pm", "mup", "mum"], "[B_s0 -> J/psi(1S) p+ p~-]cc")
+#branches = default_branches( ["B+","J/psi(1S)", "p+", "Lambda~0"], True)
-#branches = default_name( ["B_s0","J/psi(1S)", "p+", "p~-"])
-#branches = default_branches( ["B_s0","J/psi(1S)", "p+", "p~-"], True)
+#branches = decay_branches("Bs", ["Jpsi", "Pp", "Pm", "mup", "mum"], "[B_s0 -> J/psi(1S) p+ p~-]cc")
+#branches = default_names( ["B_s0","J/psi(1S)", "p+", "p~-"])
 #print(descriptor(["Lambda_b0", "J/psi(1S)", "p+", "K-"], True))
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/
index 840065c958..dc81d630a2 100644
--- a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from FunTuple import FunctorCollection
 from FunTuple import FunTuple_Event
 from FunTuple import FunTuple_Particles
+from .descriptor_writer import *
 #from PyConf.reading import (get_particles, get_charged_protoparticles, get_pvs, get_rec_summary, _get_unpacked)
@@ -25,12 +26,12 @@ from PyConf.reading import get_charged_protoparticles as _make_charged_protopart
 from PyConf.reading import get_odin
 from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import MeV, picosecond, mm, GeV
+from DecayTreeFitter import DecayTreeFitter
 _basic = "basic"
 _composite = "composite"
 _toplevel = "toplevel"
 def all_variables(pvs, mctruth, ptype, candidates=None, ftAlg=None):
     if ptype not in [_basic, _composite]:
@@ -191,6 +192,13 @@ def all_variables(pvs, mctruth, ptype, candidates=None, ftAlg=None):
     print(f"### For {ptype} returning variables {all_vars.functor_dict.keys()}")
     return all_vars                                                                                                                      
+def tistos_variables(Hlt1_decisions, Hlt2_decisions, data, isturbo):
+    tistos_vars = FunctorCollection({})
+    tistos_vars += FC.HltTisTos( selection_type="Hlt1", trigger_lines=Hlt1_decisions, data=data)
+    if not isturbo:
+        tistos_vars += FC.HltTisTos( selection_type="Hlt2", trigger_lines=Hlt2_decisions, data=data)
+    return tistos_vars
 def event_variables(PVs, ODIN, decreports, rec_sum, hlt1_lines, sprucing_lines):
     event variables
@@ -239,19 +247,19 @@ def event_variables(PVs, ODIN, decreports, rec_sum, hlt1_lines, sprucing_lines):
     if decreports:
-            {
-                "DECISIONS": F.DECISIONS(
-                    Lines=[bd2dsk_line + "Decision"], DecReports=decreports
+                {
+                    "DECISIONS": F.DECISIONS(
+                        Lines=[bd2dsk_line + "Decision"], DecReports=decreports
+                        )
+                    }
-            }
-        )
-            {
-                    Lines=[bd2dsk_line + "Decision"], DecReports=decreports
+                {
+                        Lines=[bd2dsk_line + "Decision"], DecReports=decreports
+                        )
+                    }
-            }
-        )
     if ODIN:
         evt_vars.update({"EVENTTYPE": F.EVENTTYPE(ODIN)})
@@ -269,15 +277,95 @@ def event_variables(PVs, ODIN, decreports, rec_sum, hlt1_lines, sprucing_lines):
     print(f"### For event returning variables {evt_vars.functor_dict.keys()}")
     return evt_vars
-def candidate_variables(pvs, mother, daughters):
-    variables_B = {mother: all_variables(pvs, None, _toplevel)}
-    for daughter in daughters:
-        if daughter.startswith("P") or daughter.startswith("K") or daughter.startswith("Pi") or daughter.startswith("e") or daughter.startswith("mu"):
-            variables_B.update( {daughter: all_variables(pvs, None, _basic)} )
-        else: 
-            variables_B.update( {daughter: all_variables(pvs, None, _composite)} )
+def candidate_variables(pvs, particles):
+    abbrs = default_names(particles)
+    names = all_particles(particles)
+    variables_B = {abbr: all_variables(pvs, None, particle_df["type"][name]) for abbr, name in zip(abbrs, names)}
     return variables_B
+from DecayTreeFitter import DecayTreeFitter
+def make_dtf_variables(pvs, data, particles, pv_constraint=False, mass_constraints=[]):
+    abbrs = default_names(particles)
+    names = all_particles(particles)
+    if pv_constraint: dtf_name = "DTF_PV_"
+    else: dtf_name = "DTF_"
+    dtf_name += "".join(f"{par}_" for par in particle_df["abbr"][mass_constraints])
+    DTF = DecayTreeFitter(
+            name = f"{dtf_name}_DecayTreeFitter",
+            input_particles = data,
+            input_pvs = (pv_constraint and pvs),
+            mass_constraints = mass_constraints,
+            )
+    dtf_dict = {}
+    shared_variables = FunctorCollection(
+                {   "ETA": F.ETA,
+                    "PHI": F.PHI,
+                    "BPVIPCHI2": F.BPVIPCHI2(pvs),
+                    "BPVIP": F.BPVIP(pvs),
+                    "BPVX": F.BPVX(pvs),
+                    "BPVY": F.BPVY(pvs),
+                    "BPVZ": F.BPVZ(pvs),
+                    }
+                ) + FC.Kinematics()
+    dtf_quality_variables = FunctorCollection( {
+            dtf_name+"_DTFCHI2": DTF.CHI2,
+            dtf_name+"_DTFNDOF": DTF.NDOF,
+            dtf_name+"_CTAU": DTF.CTAU,
+            dtf_name+"_CTAUERR": DTF.CTAUERR,
+            dtf_name+"_MERR": DTF.MASSERR,
+            }
+        )
+    #make branches
+    for abbr, name in zip(abbrs, names):
+        is_basic = particle_df["type"][name]
+        if is_basic:
+            orig_variables = shared_variables + FunctorCollection(
+                    {   "TX"          : F.TX,
+                        "TY"          : F.TY,
+                        "MINIPCHI2"   : F.MINIPCHI2(pvs),
+                        "MINIP"       : F.MINIP(pvs),
+                        "KEY"         : F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.OBJECT_KEY @ F.TRACK,
+                        "TRGHOSTPROB": F.GHOSTPROB,
+                        "TRACKPT": F.TRACK_PT,
+                        "TRACKHISTORY": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.TRACKHISTORY @ F.TRACK,
+                        "QOVERP": F.QOVERP @ F.TRACK,
+                        "TRCHI2DOF": F.CHI2DOF @ F.TRACK,
+                        "NDOF": F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NDOF @ F.TRACK,
+                        }
+                    )
+        else:
+            orig_variables = shared_variables + FunctorCollection(
+                {   "MAXPT": F.MAX(F.PT),
+                    "MINPT": F.MIN(F.PT),
+                    "SUMPT": F.SUM(F.PT),
+                    "MAXP": F.MAX(F.P),
+                    "MINP": F.MIN(F.P),
+                    "BPVDIRA": F.BPVDIRA(pvs),
+                    "CHI2DOF": F.CHI2DOF, #CHI2VXNDOF
+                    "BPVFDCHI2": F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs),
+                    "BPVFD": F.BPVFD(pvs),
+                    "BPVVDRHO": F.BPVVDRHO(pvs),
+                    "BPVVDZ": F.BPVVDZ(pvs),
+                    "BPVLTIME": F.BPVLTIME(pvs),
+                    "END_VX": F.END_VX, #END_
+                    "END_VY": F.END_VY,
+                    "END_VZ": F.END_VZ,
+                    }
+                )
+            orig_variables += dtf_quality_variables
+        dtf_variables = FunctorCollection({ dtf_name + expr: DTF(func) for expr, func in orig_variables.get_thor_functors().items() })
+        dtf_dict.update( {abbr: dtf_variables} )
+    return dtf_dict
 import re
 def convert_cut(string_cut):
     cuts = string_cut.split("&")
@@ -294,5 +382,5 @@ def convert_cut(string_cut):
     functor_cut = ",".join(values)
     return eval(f"F.require_all({functor_cut})")
-    #return f"F.require_all({functor_cut})"
+#return f"F.require_all({functor_cut})"

From b2c03ab763074b36a3b961d85e9400d06ef8e774 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jianqiao Wang <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 23:16:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 4/6] delete empty files

 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/           | 1 -
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/         | 0
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/   | 0
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/           | 0
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/     | 0
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/            | 7 ++++---
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/ | 2 +-
 7 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
 delete mode 100644 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
 delete mode 100644 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
 delete mode 100644 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
 delete mode 100644 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/

diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b13789179..0000000000
--- a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
index b55fa24e69..68d949d549 100644
--- a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
@@ -69,9 +69,10 @@ def template(particles, cc, directory):
     candidate_vars = candidate_variables(v2_pvs, particles)
     tistos_vars = tistos_variables(hlt1_trigger_lines, [], Jpsi, False)
-    dtf_vars1 = make_dtf_variables(v2_pvs, B2JpsiX, particles, False, [])
-    dtf_vars2 = make_dtf_variables(v2_pvs, B2JpsiX, particles, True, 
-            [particle for particle in particles if particle_df["type"][particle] != "basic" ])
+    composite_particles = [ particle for particle in particles if particle_df["type"][particle] != "basic" ]
+    print(composite_particles)
+    dtf_vars1 = make_dtf_variables(v2_pvs, B2JpsiX, particles, True, composite_particles)
+    dtf_vars2 = make_dtf_variables(v2_pvs, B2JpsiX, particles, True, composite_particles[1:])
     for particle in particles:
         if particle_df["type"][particle] != "basic":
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/
index dc81d630a2..c9feb96573 100644
--- a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ def make_dtf_variables(pvs, data, particles, pv_constraint=False, mass_constrain
     dtf_name += "".join(f"{par}_" for par in particle_df["abbr"][mass_constraints])
     DTF = DecayTreeFitter(
-            name = f"{dtf_name}_DecayTreeFitter",
+            name = f"{dtf_name}DecayTreeFitter",
             input_particles = data,
             input_pvs = (pv_constraint and pvs),
             mass_constraints = mass_constraints,

From c430cb90d500a51d4891e506b3e4407bc2300568 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jianqiao Wang <>
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2024 12:43:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 5/6] add B->Jpsi phi K and Lb->Jpsi p pi

 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/                |  8 ++++++++
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/info.yaml                 |  4 ++++
 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/               | 12 ++++++------
 .../tools/                   | 16 ++++++++--------
 4 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
index c2b84fc545..edca5666d8 100644
--- a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ def Lb2JpsipK(options: Options):
     algs = template(["Lambda_b0", "J/psi(1S)", "p+", "K-"], True, "Lb2JpsipK")
     return make_config( options, algs ) 
+def Lb2Jpsippi(options: Options):
+    algs = template(["Lambda_b0", "J/psi(1S)", "p+", "pi-"], True, "Lb2Jpsippi")
+    return make_config( options, algs ) 
 def B2JpsiKpi(options: Options):
     algs = template(["B0", "J/psi(1S)", "K+", "pi-"], True, "B2JpsiKpi")
     return make_config( options, algs ) 
@@ -16,6 +20,10 @@ def Bp2JpsipLambdabar(options: Options):
     algs = template(["B+", "J/psi(1S)", "p+", "Lambda~0"], True, "Bp2JpsipLambdabar")
     return make_config( options, algs ) 
+def Bp2JpsiphiK(options: Options):
+    algs = template(["B+", "J/psi(1S)", "phi(1020)", "K+"], True, "Bp2JpsiphiK")
+    return make_config( options, algs ) 
 def B2Jpsippbar(options: Options):
     algs = template(["B_s0", "J/psi(1S)", "p+", "p~-"], False, "B2Jpsippbar")
     return make_config( options, algs ) 
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/info.yaml b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/info.yaml
index e89c53427e..cbf93eb226 100644
--- a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/info.yaml
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/info.yaml
@@ -9,12 +9,16 @@ defaults:
 {%- set datasets = [
   ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'Lb2JpsipK',  'MagDown', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
   ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'Lb2JpsipK',  'MagUp', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
+  ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'Lb2Jpsippi',  'MagDown', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
+  ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'Lb2Jpsippi',  'MagUp', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
   ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'B2JpsiKpi',  'MagDown', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
   ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'B2JpsiKpi',  'MagUp', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
   ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'Xib2JpsiLambdaK',  'MagDown', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
   ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'Xib2JpsiLambdaK',  'MagUp', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
   ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'B2Jpsippbar',  'MagDown', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
   ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'B2Jpsippbar',  'MagUp', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
+  ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'Bp2JpsiphiK',  'MagDown', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
+  ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'Bp2JpsiphiK',  'MagUp', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
   ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'Bp2JpsipLambdabar',  'MagDown', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
   ('Collision24', 'Sprucing24c1/90000000', 'BANDQ', 'Bp2JpsipLambdabar',  'MagUp', 'VeloClosed', 'Spruce', 'bandq'),
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
index 68d949d549..48c9254f70 100644
--- a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 from .tools.tupling_maker import *
 from .tools.descriptor_writer import *
-from Hlt2Conf.standard_particles import make_long_kaons, make_long_protons, make_long_pions, make_LambdaLL, make_long_muons
+from Hlt2Conf.standard_particles import make_long_kaons, make_long_protons, make_long_pions, make_LambdaLL, make_long_muons, make_phi2kk
 def template(particles, cc, directory):
@@ -18,17 +18,18 @@ def template(particles, cc, directory):
     long_kaons = make_long_kaons()
     long_protons = make_long_protons()
-    DaughterCutp = "(BPVIPCHI2(get_pvs())>9) & (PT>250*MeV) & (P>10*GeV) & (PID_P>5) & (PID_P-PID_K>5) & (GHOSTPROB<0.5)"
+    DaughterCutp = "(BPVIPCHI2(get_pvs())>9) & (PT>250*MeV) & (P>10*GeV) & (PID_P>0) & (PID_P-PID_K>0) & (GHOSTPROB<0.5)"
     DaughterCutpi = "(BPVIPCHI2(get_pvs())>9) & (PT>250*MeV) & (PID_K<5) & (GHOSTPROB<0.5)"
-    DaughterCutK = "(BPVIPCHI2(get_pvs())>9) & (PT>250*MeV) & (PID_K>5) & (GHOSTPROB<0.5)"
+    DaughterCutK = "(BPVIPCHI2(get_pvs())>9) & (PT>250*MeV) & (PID_K>0) & (GHOSTPROB<0.5)"
     protons = ParticleFilter( long_protons, Cut = F.FILTER( convert_cut(DaughterCutp) ) )
     kaons = ParticleFilter( long_kaons, Cut = F.FILTER( convert_cut(DaughterCutK) ) )
     pions = ParticleFilter( long_pions, Cut = F.FILTER( convert_cut(DaughterCutpi) ) )
     muons = make_long_muons()
     Lambda = make_LambdaLL()
+    phi = make_phi2kk(kaon_pidk_min=0)
-    input_dict = {"J/psi(1S)": Jpsi,
+    input_dict = {"J/psi(1S)": Jpsi, "phi(1020)": phi,
                   "Lambda0":Lambda, "Lambda~0":Lambda,
                   "pi+": pions, "pi-": pions,
                   "K+": kaons, "K-": kaons,
@@ -69,8 +70,7 @@ def template(particles, cc, directory):
     candidate_vars = candidate_variables(v2_pvs, particles)
     tistos_vars = tistos_variables(hlt1_trigger_lines, [], Jpsi, False)
-    composite_particles = [ particle for particle in particles if particle_df["type"][particle] != "basic" ]
-    print(composite_particles)
+    composite_particles = [ particle for particle in particles if (particle_df["type"][particle] != "basic") and (particle != "phi(1020)") ]
     dtf_vars1 = make_dtf_variables(v2_pvs, B2JpsiX, particles, True, composite_particles)
     dtf_vars2 = make_dtf_variables(v2_pvs, B2JpsiX, particles, True, composite_particles[1:])
diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/
index 770729694b..54444acc7a 100644
--- a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/tools/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ particle_dict = {"Lambda_b0": {"abbr": "Lb", "type": "toplevel", "daughters":[]}
                  "B_s0":      {"abbr": "Bs", "type": "toplevel", "daughters":[]},
                  "J/psi(1S)": {"abbr": "Jpsi", "type": "composite", "daughters": ["mu+", "mu-"]},
                  "psi(2S)":   {"abbr": "psi2S", "type": "composite", "daughters": ["mu+", "mu-"]},
+                 "phi(1020)": {"abbr": "phi", "type": "composite", "daughters": ["K+", "K-"]},
                  "Lambda0":   {"abbr": "Lambda", "type": "composite", "daughters": ["p+", "pi-"]},
                  "Lambda~0":  {"abbr": "Lambda", "type": "composite", "daughters": ["p~-", "pi+"]},
                  "mu+":       {"abbr": "mup", "type": "basic", "daughters":[]},
@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ def descriptor(particles, cc=False):
 def decay_branches(mother, daughters, decay_descriptor):
     psi_pos = 0
+    phi_pos = 0
     Lambda_pos = 0
     Pm_pos = Pp_pos = 0
     Km_pos = Kp_pos = 0
@@ -64,6 +66,10 @@ def decay_branches(mother, daughters, decay_descriptor):
             true_pos = branch_descriptor.rfind("(", 0, branch_descriptor.find("psi", psi_pos))
             branches.update({daughter: branch_descriptor[:true_pos]+"^"+branch_descriptor[true_pos:]})
             psi_pos = branch_descriptor.find("psi", psi_pos) + len("psi(nS)")
+        if "phi" in daughter:
+            true_pos = branch_descriptor.rfind("(", 0, branch_descriptor.find("phi", phi_pos))
+            branches.update({daughter: branch_descriptor[:true_pos]+"^"+branch_descriptor[true_pos:]})
+            phi_pos = branch_descriptor.find("phi", phi_pos) + len("phi(1020)")
         if "Lambda" in daughter:
             true_pos = branch_descriptor.rfind("(", 0, branch_descriptor.find("Lambda", Lambda_pos))
             branches.update({daughter: branch_descriptor[:true_pos]+"^"+branch_descriptor[true_pos:]})
@@ -124,20 +130,14 @@ def default_names(particles):
         abbr = particle_df["abbr"][ particle ]
         names.append( abbr )
         names += [f"{daughter_abbr}_{abbr}" for daughter_abbr in particle_df["abbr"][particle_df["daughters"][particle]]]
-        #if particle == "J/psi(1S)" or particle == "psi(2S)":
-        #    names += ["mup_psi", "mum_psi"]
-        #elif particle == "Lambda0":
-        #    names += ["Pp_Lambda", "Pim_Lambda"]
-        #elif particle == "Lambda~0":
-        #    names += ["Pm_Lambda", "Pip_Lambda"]
     return names
 def default_branches(particles, cc=False):
     names = default_names(particles)
     return decay_branches(names[0], names[1:], descriptor(particles, cc))
-#branches = default_branches( ["B+","J/psi(1S)", "p+", "Lambda~0"], True)
+branches = default_branches( ["B+","J/psi(1S)", "phi(1020)", "K+"], True)
 #branches = decay_branches("Bs", ["Jpsi", "Pp", "Pm", "mup", "mum"], "[B_s0 -> J/psi(1S) p+ p~-]cc")

From 7d6da082ce509f443a9f14fb31f6f6aa1adb0855 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fanjie Meng <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 15:14:32 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 6/6] A new branch for Run3 early study of Lb2LcDKpi. Created
 by Fanjie Meng.

 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/README | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/README

diff --git a/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/README b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83c40b8571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Run3_b2psiX_pentaquark/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This is a project about Run3 early study of Lb to Lc D K pi