Re-Processing of 2016 pHe data
Take as a model the reco16Smog step:
Likely we may as well just stage all the needed runs to begin with, and then limit testing to 50k events or something. Runs for staging are: [174618, 175302] (6.5 TeV)
The command used for testing was: lb-dirac dirac-production-request-run-local -c x86_64_v2-el9-gcc13-opt test.yaml 'Reco16r1Smog'
Need input on lots of the details below:
start_run: null
end_run: null
concurrent: false
- author: ngrieser
name: Reco16r1Smog # E.g. "Passthrough / Exclusive Sprucing (2023 MagUp / MagDown)"
comment: 2024 re-processing of pHe # E.g. "Test for first 2024 productions"
type: Reconstruction
wg: DPA
inform: # Feel free to add any other relevant person
- ngrieser
- samarian
- chlucare
- ggrazian
priority: 1a
# 94000000 / 90000000 for Exclusive / Passthrough Sprucing
event_type: '90300000'
# Is there a check on consistency e.g. of magnet polarity and name?
conditions_description: Beam6500GeV-VeloClosed-MagDown
configName: LHCb
configVersion: Protonhelium16 #I think it should be Protonhelium16 E.g. "Collision23"
inFileType: RAW
inProPass: Real Data #I think Real Data is sufficient
inDataQualityFlag: OK, UNCHECKED # To be checked if also UNCHECKED is good
inProductionID: ALL
steps: # There are 2 steps
- name: Reprocess_2016pHe # Ensure some relation to "name" given above, e.g. "Passthrough Sprucing"
processing_pass: Reco16r1Smog # E.g. "Sprucing_test_23_01"
visible: true
application: Brunel/v55r4
- AppConfig.v3r434
options_format: Reconstruction
DDDB: dddb-20150724
CondDB: cond-20161011
- type: RAW #It should be RAW
visible: true
output: # IMPORTANT: some types may only be relevant for Exclusive / Passthrough. This needs a careful check!
- type: FULL.DST
visible: true
Prod Metadata
"validations": {},
"last_updated": "2024-09-18T17:56:29.049379+00:00"
Edited by prod-management