Remove Calo LED signal from the physics trigger and add it to calibration/monitoring
ECAL (and HCAL) have an LED system that is flashing at specific BXIDs defined by the ODIN Calib commands (Calib A, B and C specifically). This data is needed for calibration and monitoring but we do not want to trigger on it for physics. The CaloActivity
line currently being used at the pit is mainly seeing this signal now.
The proposed solution is as follows:
- filter out the Calib A, B and C signals before running physics selections. This information can be accessed through the ODIN banks.
- add a dedicated calibration line selecting the Calib A, B and C signals and sending this data to the monitoring farm, where the LED calibration then runs.
Some work is needed before this can be directly addressed:
Routing bits in Allen -
Alignment of the ECAL LEDs such that they only give signal in 1 BXID (we currently see a spread)
FYI @dovombru @raaij @dcampora @mfontana @rmatev @jmarchan @gligorov