UT tracks in 2024-expected MC samples
Running hlt1_pp_default
on the 2024-expected MC samples (by instance some MDFs here which are used for the bandwidth division /eos/lhcb/user/t/tevans/public/HLT1/minbias_nov2023/) does not find any VeloUT tracks.
Velo tracks are extrapolated to the UT but none of them find enough hits in the UT to be extended, so in conclusion we have no VeloUT tracks and no long tracks (with the forward algorithm). The matching algorithm works as we do Velo+SciFi and the forward_then_matching algorithm also works as the forward find 0 tracks then the matching is run and finds long tracks as velo+scifi.
Also running Allen through Moore using directly digi samples has the same issue. However HLT2 seems to find long tracks.
This could point to an issue in the UT decoding in Allen but needs to be investigated.