diff --git a/checker/perfscans/PerfScan_CompassUT.sh b/checker/perfscans/PerfScan_CompassUT.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..55b10827a7d8deb99fc9ecb3d89086dcd2d20a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/checker/perfscans/PerfScan_CompassUT.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+cd ../..
+cp cuda/UT/common/include/CompassUTDefinitions.cuh bkpfile.bkp
+for par in 'max_considered_before_found' 
+  for val in '1' '3' '6' '9' '12' '15'
+  do
+    echo 'Scanning CompassUT parameters' $par $val
+    sed -i s/$par\ =\ \[^\;\]\*\;/$par\ =\ $val\;/g cuda/UT/common/include/CompassUTDefinitions.cuh 
+    cd build
+    make -j 8 >& /tmp/WTF
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/BsPhiPhi -c 1 -t 1 -r 1 -m 3000 >& $outloc\/CompassUT-$par-$val-scan.stdout
+    cp ../output/PrCheckerPlots.root $outloc\/PrChk-CompassUT-$par-$val-scan.root
+    cp ../output/KalmanIPCheckerOutput.root $outloc\/KFChk-CompassUT-$par-$val-scan.root
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/minbias -c 0 -n 10000 -t 3 -r 1 -m 4000 >& $outloc\/CompassUT-$par-$val-tptscan.stdout    
+    cd ..
+    cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/UT/common/include/CompassUTDefinitions.cuh
+  done
+cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/UT/common/include/CompassUTDefinitions.cuh
+rm bkpfile.bkp
+cp cuda/UT/common/include/UTDefinitions.cuh bkpfile.bkp
+for par in 'minPT' 'minPTFinal'
+  for val in '0.1' '0.2' '0.3' '0.4' '0.5' '0.6'
+  do
+    echo 'Scanning CompassUT parameters' $par $val
+    sed -i s/$par\ =\ \[^f\]\*f/$par\ =\ $val\f/g cuda/UT/common/include/UTDefinitions.cuh 
+    cd build
+    make -j 8 >& /tmp/WTF
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/BsPhiPhi -c 1 -t 1 -r 1 -m 3000 >& $outloc\/CompassUT-$par-$val-scan.stdout
+    cp ../output/PrCheckerPlots.root $outloc\/PrChk-CompassUT-$par-$val-scan.root
+    cp ../output/KalmanIPCheckerOutput.root $outloc\/KFChk-CompassUT-$par-$val-scan.root
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/minbias -c 0 -n 10000 -t 3 -r 1 -m 4000 >& $outloc\/CompassUT-$par-$val-tptscan.stdout 
+    cd ..
+    cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/UT/common/include/UTDefinitions.cuh
+  done
+for par in 'minMomentum' 'minMomentumFinal'
+  for val in '0.5' '1.5' '2.5' '3.5' '4.5' '6.0'
+  do
+    echo 'Scanning CompassUT parameters' $par $val
+    sed -i s/$par\ =\ \[^f\]\*f/$par\ =\ $val\f/g cuda/UT/common/include/UTDefinitions.cuh 
+    cd build
+    make -j 8 >& /tmp/WTF
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/BsPhiPhi -c 1 -t 1 -r 1 -m 3000 >& $outloc\/CompassUT-$par-$val-scan.stdout
+    cp ../output/PrCheckerPlots.root $outloc\/PrChk-CompassUT-$par-$val-scan.root
+    cp ../output/KalmanIPCheckerOutput.root $outloc\/KFChk-CompassUT-$par-$val-scan.root
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/minbias -c 0 -n 10000 -t 3 -r 1 -m 4000 >& $outloc\/CompassUT-$par-$val-tptscan.stdout 
+    cd ..
+    cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/UT/common/include/UTDefinitions.cuh
+  done
+for par in 'yTol' 
+  for val in '0.2' '0.35' '0.5' '0.65' '0.8' 
+  do
+    echo 'Scanning CompassUT parameters' $par $val
+    sed -i s/$par\ =\ \[^f\]\*f/$par\ =\ $val\f/g cuda/UT/common/include/UTDefinitions.cuh 
+    cd build
+    make -j 8 >& /tmp/WTF
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/BsPhiPhi -c 1 -t 1 -r 1 -m 3000 >& $outloc\/CompassUT-$par-$val-scan.stdout
+    cp ../output/PrCheckerPlots.root $outloc\/PrChk-CompassUT-$par-$val-scan.root
+    cp ../output/KalmanIPCheckerOutput.root $outloc\/KFChk-CompassUT-$par-$val-scan.root
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/minbias -c 0 -n 10000 -t 3 -r 1 -m 4000 >& $outloc\/CompassUT-$par-$val-tptscan.stdout 
+    cd ..
+    cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/UT/common/include/UTDefinitions.cuh
+  done
+cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/UT/common/include/UTDefinitions.cuh
+rm bkpfile.bkp
diff --git a/checker/perfscans/PerfScan_PV.sh b/checker/perfscans/PerfScan_PV.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e04d6debe3eaaad1ab5ef923d968367b7d474971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/checker/perfscans/PerfScan_PV.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+cd ../..
+cp cuda/PV/beamlinePV/include/BeamlinePVConstants.cuh bkpfile.bkp
+for par in 'zmin' 
+  for val in '-300' '-275' '-250' '-225' '-200'
+  do
+    echo 'Scanning PV parameters' $par $val
+    sed -i s/$par\ =\ \[^\;\]\*\;/$par\ =\ $val\f\;/g cuda/PV/beamlinePV/include/BeamlinePVConstants.cuh
+    cd build
+    make -j 8 >& /tmp/WTF
+    ./Allen -f ~/Data/BsPhiPhi/ -c 1 -m 3000 >& $outloc\/PV-$par-$val-scan.stdout
+    cp ../output/GPU_PVChecker.root $outloc\/PVChk-PV-$par-$val-scan.root
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/minbias -c 0 -n 10000 -t 3 -r 1 -m 4000 >& $outloc\/PV-$par-$val-tptscan.stdout    
+    cd ..
+    cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/PV/beamlinePV/include/BeamlinePVConstants.cuh
+  done
+for par in 'zmax' 
+  for val in '200' '225' '250' '275' '300'
+  do
+    echo 'Scanning PV parameters' $par $val
+    sed -i s/$par\ =\ \[^\;\]\*\;/$par\ =\ $val\f\;/g cuda/PV/beamlinePV/include/BeamlinePVConstants.cuh
+    cd build
+    make -j 8 >& /tmp/WTF
+    ./Allen -f ~/Data/BsPhiPhi/ -c 1 -m 3000 >& $outloc\/PV-$par-$val-scan.stdout
+    cp ../output/GPU_PVChecker.root $outloc\/PVChk-PV-$par-$val-scan.root
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/minbias -c 0 -n 10000 -t 3 -r 1 -m 4000 >& $outloc\/PV-$par-$val-tptscan.stdout    
+    cd ..
+    cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/PV/beamlinePV/include/BeamlinePVConstants.cuh
+  done
+for par in 'maxChi2' 
+  for val in '7' '8' '9' '10' '11'
+  do
+    echo 'Scanning PV parameters' $par $val
+    sed -i s/$par\ =\ \[^\;\]\*\;/$par\ =\ $val\f\;/g cuda/PV/beamlinePV/include/BeamlinePVConstants.cuh
+    cd build
+    make -j 8 >& /tmp/WTF
+    ./Allen -f ~/Data/BsPhiPhi/ -c 1 -m 3000 >& $outloc\/PV-$par-$val-scan.stdout
+    cp ../output/GPU_PVChecker.root $outloc\/PVChk-PV-$par-$val-scan.root
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/minbias -c 0 -n 10000 -t 3 -r 1 -m 4000 >& $outloc\/PV-$par-$val-tptscan.stdout    
+    cd ..
+    cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/PV/beamlinePV/include/BeamlinePVConstants.cuh
+  done
+for par in 'minTracksInSeed' 
+  for val in '1.5' '2.0' '2.5' '3.0' '3.5'
+  do
+    echo 'Scanning PV parameters' $par $val
+    sed -i s/$par\ =\ \[^\;\]\*\;/$par\ =\ $val\f\;/g cuda/PV/beamlinePV/include/BeamlinePVConstants.cuh
+    cd build
+    make -j 8 >& /tmp/WTF
+    ./Allen -f ~/Data/BsPhiPhi/ -c 1 -m 3000 >& $outloc\/PV-$par-$val-scan.stdout
+    cp ../output/GPU_PVChecker.root $outloc\/PVChk-PV-$par-$val-scan.root
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/minbias -c 0 -n 10000 -t 3 -r 1 -m 4000 >& $outloc\/PV-$par-$val-tptscan.stdout    
+    cd ..
+    cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/PV/beamlinePV/include/BeamlinePVConstants.cuh
+  done
+cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/PV/beamlinePV/include/BeamlinePVConstants.cuh
+rm bkpfile.bkp
diff --git a/checker/perfscans/PerfScan_SciFi.sh b/checker/perfscans/PerfScan_SciFi.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ab6b56ba964b872e83277f4aeec2d84241e6753c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/checker/perfscans/PerfScan_SciFi.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+cd ../..
+cp cuda/SciFi/PrForward/include/PrForwardConstants.cuh bkpfile.bkp
+for par in 'minPt' 
+  for val in '200' '300' '400' '500' '600'
+  do
+    echo 'Scanning SciFi parameters' $par $val
+    sed -i s/$par\ =\ \[^\;\]\*\;/$par\ =\ $val\;/g cuda/SciFi/PrForward/include/PrForwardConstants.cuh
+    cd build
+    make -j 8 >& /tmp/WTF
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/BsPhiPhi -c 1 -t 1 -r 1 -m 3000 >& $outloc\/SciFi-$par-$val-scan.stdout
+    cp ../output/PrCheckerPlots.root $outloc\/PrChk-SciFi-$par-$val-scan.root
+    cp ../output/KalmanIPCheckerOutput.root $outloc\/KFChk-SciFi-$par-$val-scan.root
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/minbias -c 0 -n 10000 -t 3 -r 1 -m 4000 >& $outloc\/SciFi-$par-$val-tptscan.stdout    
+    cd ..
+    cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/SciFi/PrForward/include/PrForwardConstants.cuh
+  done
+for par in 'tolYCollectX' 
+  for val in '1.5' '2.5' '3.5' '4.5' '5.5'
+  do
+    echo 'Scanning SciFi parameters' $par $val
+    sed -i s/$par\ =\ \[^\;\]\*\;/$par\ =\ $val\;/g cuda/SciFi/PrForward/include/PrForwardConstants.cuh
+    cd build
+    make -j 8 >& /tmp/WTF
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/BsPhiPhi -c 1 -t 1 -r 1 -m 3000 >& $outloc\/SciFi-$par-$val-scan.stdout
+    cp ../output/PrCheckerPlots.root $outloc\/PrChk-SciFi-$par-$val-scan.root
+    cp ../output/KalmanIPCheckerOutput.root $outloc\/KFChk-SciFi-$par-$val-scan.root
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/minbias -c 0 -n 10000 -t 3 -r 1 -m 4000 >& $outloc\/SciFi-$par-$val-tptscan.stdout    
+    cd ..
+    cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/SciFi/PrForward/include/PrForwardConstants.cuh
+  done
+cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/SciFi/PrForward/include/PrForwardConstants.cuh 
+rm bkpfile.bkp
+cp cuda/SciFi/looking_forward/common/include/LookingForwardConstants.cuh bkpfile.bkp
+for par in 'maximum_number_of_candidates_per_ut_track' 
+  for val in '32' '48' '64' '80' '96' '112' '128'
+  do
+    echo 'Scanning SciFi parameters' $par $val
+    sed -i s/$par\ =\ \[^\;\]\*\;/$par\ =\ $val\;/g cuda/SciFi/looking_forward/common/include/LookingForwardConstants.cuh
+    cd build
+    make -j 8 >& /tmp/WTF
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/BsPhiPhi -c 1 -t 1 -r 1 -m 3000 >& $outloc\/SciFi-$par-$val-scan.stdout
+    cp ../output/PrCheckerPlots.root $outloc\/PrChk-SciFi-$par-$val-scan.root
+    cp ../output/KalmanIPCheckerOutput.root $outloc\/KFChk-SciFi-$par-$val-scan.root
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/minbias -c 0 -n 10000 -t 3 -r 1 -m 4000 >& $outloc\/SciFi-$par-$val-tptscan.stdout    
+    cd ..
+    cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/SciFi/looking_forward/common/include/LookingForwardConstants.cuh
+  done
+for par in 'maximum_number_of_candidates_per_ut_track_after_x_filter' 
+  for val in '2' '3' '4'
+  do
+    echo 'Scanning SciFi parameters' $par $val
+    sed -i s/$par\ =\ \[^\;\]\*\;/$par\ =\ $val\;/g cuda/SciFi/looking_forward/common/include/LookingForwardConstants.cuh
+    cd build
+    make -j 8 >& /tmp/WTF
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/BsPhiPhi -c 1 -t 1 -r 1 -m 3000 >& $outloc\/SciFi-$par-$val-scan.stdout
+    cp ../output/PrCheckerPlots.root $outloc\/PrChk-SciFi-$par-$val-scan.root
+    cp ../output/KalmanIPCheckerOutput.root $outloc\/KFChk-SciFi-$par-$val-scan.root
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/minbias -c 0 -n 10000 -t 3 -r 1 -m 4000 >& $outloc\/SciFi-$par-$val-tptscan.stdout    
+    cd ..
+    cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/SciFi/looking_forward/common/include/LookingForwardConstants.cuh
+  done
+for par in 'track_min_quality' 
+  for val in '0.05' '0.075' '0.10' '0.125' '0.15'
+  do
+    echo 'Scanning SciFi parameters' $par $val
+    sed -i s/$par\ =\ \[^\;\]\*\;/$par\ =\ $val\f\;/g cuda/SciFi/looking_forward/common/include/LookingForwardConstants.cuh
+    cd build
+    make -j 8 >& /tmp/WTF
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/BsPhiPhi -c 1 -t 1 -r 1 -m 3000 >& $outloc\/SciFi-$par-$val-scan.stdout
+    cp ../output/PrCheckerPlots.root $outloc\/PrChk-SciFi-$par-$val-scan.root
+    cp ../output/KalmanIPCheckerOutput.root $outloc\/KFChk-SciFi-$par-$val-scan.root
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/minbias -c 0 -n 10000 -t 3 -r 1 -m 4000 >& $outloc\/SciFi-$par-$val-tptscan.stdout    
+    cd ..
+    cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/SciFi/looking_forward/common/include/LookingForwardConstants.cuh
+  done
+cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/SciFi/looking_forward/common/include/LookingForwardConstants.cuh
+rm bkpfile.bkp
diff --git a/checker/perfscans/PerfScan_VELO.sh b/checker/perfscans/PerfScan_VELO.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..338759e58f509e7d0386ea44aeab1d3159d61831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/checker/perfscans/PerfScan_VELO.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+cd ../..
+cp cuda/velo/common/include/VeloDefinitions.cuh bkpfile.bkp
+for par in 'max_scatter_seeding' 'max_scatter_forwarding' 
+  for val in '0.05' '0.10' '0.20' '0.40' '0.60' '0.80' '0.90' '1.0'
+  do
+    echo 'Scanning VELO parameters' $par $val
+    sed -i s/$par\ =\ \[^\;\]\*\;/$par\ =\ $val\f\;/g cuda/velo/common/include/VeloDefinitions.cuh
+    cd build
+    make -j 8 >& /tmp/WTF
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/BsPhiPhi -c 1 -t 1 -r 1 -m 3000 >& $outloc\/VELO-$par-$val-scan.stdout
+    cp ../output/PrCheckerPlots.root $outloc\/PrChk-VELO-$par-$val-scan.root
+    cp ../output/KalmanIPCheckerOutput.root $outloc\/KFChk-VELO-$par-$val-scan.root
+    cp ../output/GPU_PVChecker.root $outloc\/PVChk-VELO-$par-$val-scan.root
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/minbias -c 0 -n 10000 -t 3 -r 1 -m 4000 >& $outloc\/VELO-$par-$val-tptscan.stdout    
+    cd ..
+    cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/velo/common/include/VeloDefinitions.cuh    
+  done
+for par in 'phi_extrapolation_base'
+  for val in '0.02' '0.025' '0.030' '0.035' '0.040'
+  do
+    echo 'Scanning VELO parameters' $par $val
+    sed -i s/$par\ =\ \[^\;\]\*\;/$par\ =\ $val\f\;/g cuda/velo/common/include/VeloDefinitions.cuh
+    cd build
+    make -j 8 >& /tmp/WTF
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/BsPhiPhi -c 1 -t 1 -r 1 -m 3000 >& $outloc\/VELO-$par-$val-scan.stdout
+    cp ../output/PrCheckerPlots.root $outloc\/PrChk-VELO-$par-$val-scan.root
+    cp ../output/KalmanIPCheckerOutput.root $outloc\/KFChk-VELO-$par-$val-scan.root
+    cp ../output/GPU_PVChecker.root $outloc\/PVChk-VELO-$par-$val-scan.root
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/minbias -c 0 -n 10000 -t 3 -r 1 -m 4000 >& $outloc\/VELO-$par-$val-tptscan.stdout
+    cd ..
+    cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/velo/common/include/VeloDefinitions.cuh    
+  done
+for par in 'phi_extrapolation_coef'
+  for val in '0.0001' '0.00015' '0.0002' '0.00025' '0.0003'
+  do
+    echo 'Scanning VELO parameters' $par $val
+    sed -i s/$par\ =\ \[^\;\]\*\;/$par\ =\ $val\f\;/g cuda/velo/common/include/VeloDefinitions.cuh
+    cd build
+    make -j 8 >& /tmp/WTF
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/BsPhiPhi -c 1 -t 1 -r 1 -m 3000 >& $outloc\/VELO-$par-$val-scan.stdout
+    cp ../output/PrCheckerPlots.root $outloc\/PrChk-VELO-$par-$val-scan.root
+    cp ../output/KalmanIPCheckerOutput.root $outloc\/KFChk-VELO-$par-$val-scan.root
+    cp ../output/GPU_PVChecker.root $outloc\/PVChk-VELO-$par-$val-scan.root
+    ./Allen -f /data/gligorov/minbias -c 0 -n 10000 -t 3 -r 1 -m 4000 >& $outloc\/VELO-$par-$val-tptscan.stdout
+    cd ..
+    cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/velo/common/include/VeloDefinitions.cuh    
+  done
+cp bkpfile.bkp cuda/velo/common/include/VeloDefinitions.cuh
+rm bkpfile.bkp
diff --git a/checker/perfscans/makePlots.py b/checker/perfscans/makePlots.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..11ad5ccfc72744fcedbefd2b29825e0d4989e1c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/checker/perfscans/makePlots.py
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+import os,sys,fnmatch
+import ROOT
+from ROOT import *
+scans = { "VELO"      : {
+                         "max_scatter_seeding" : [],
+                         "max_scatter_forwarding" : [],
+                         "phi_extrapolation_base" : [],
+                         "phi_extrapolation_coef" : []
+                        },
+          "PV"        : {
+                         "zmin" : [],
+                         "zmax" : [],
+                         "maxChi2" : [],
+                         "minTracksInSeed" : []
+                        },
+          "CompassUT" : {
+                         "max_considered_before_found" : [],
+                         "minPT" : [],
+                         "minPTFinal" : [],
+                         "minMomentum" : [],
+                         "minMomentumFinal" : [],
+                         "yTol" : []
+                        },
+          "SciFi"     : {
+                         "maximum_number_of_candidates_per_ut_track" : [],
+                         "maximum_number_of_candidates_per_ut_track_after_x_filter" : [],
+                         "track_min_quality" : []
+                        }
+        }
+physperfsuffix = "scan.stdout"
+throughputsuffix = "tptscan.stdout"
+resultsdir = "../../output/perfscans/"
+# Get what parameter values we scaned over without having to hardcode it
+files = os.listdir(resultsdir)
+for thisscan in scans :
+  for var in scans[thisscan] : 
+    pattern = thisscan+'-'+var+'-*-'+physperfsuffix
+    for entry in files:  
+      if fnmatch.fnmatch(entry, pattern):
+        scans[thisscan][var].append(entry.lstrip(thisscan).lstrip('-').lstrip(var)[1:].rstrip('-'+physperfsuffix))
+    scans[thisscan][var].sort()
+# What are we actually going to plot?
+scanstoplot = ["VELO","PV","CompassUT","SciFi"]
+tpthistos = {}
+# Throughput plots are one number so do them first
+canvtoploton = TCanvas("tptcanv","tptcanv",1000,800)
+for thisscan in scanstoplot :
+  tpthistos[thisscan] = {}
+  for var in scans[thisscan] :
+    tpthistos[thisscan][var] = TH1F(thisscan+var+"tphist",
+                                    thisscan+var+"tphist",
+                                    100,
+                                    float(scans[thisscan][var][0])/1.1,
+                                    float(scans[thisscan][var][-1])*1.1)
+    tpthistos[thisscan][var].SetMarkerStyle(20)
+    tpthistos[thisscan][var].SetMarkerSize(1.6)
+    tpthistos[thisscan][var].GetYaxis().SetTitle("Throughput on V100 (kHz)")
+    tpthistos[thisscan][var].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.9)
+    tpthistos[thisscan][var].GetXaxis().SetTitle(var)
+    tpthistos[thisscan][var].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
+    tpthistos[thisscan][var].GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1)
+    for scanpoint in scans[thisscan][var] :
+      thistpfile = open(resultsdir+thisscan+'-'+var+'-'+scanpoint+'-'+throughputsuffix)
+      for line in thistpfile :
+        if line.find('events/s') > -1 :
+          tpthistos[thisscan][var].Fill(float(scanpoint),float(line.split()[0])) 
+    for thisbin in range(100):
+      tpthistos[thisscan][var].SetBinError(thisbin,0)
+    canvtoploton.cd()
+    tpthistos[thisscan][var].Draw("P")
+    tpthistos[thisscan][var].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,100000)
+    canvtoploton.SaveAs(resultsdir+thisscan+'-'+var+'-tptscan.pdf')
+physperfhistos = {}
+# The physics performance histos are a bit more complex to define
+physperftoplot = { 
+                   "VELO"       : { "end"   : "Checking GPU beamline PVs",
+                                    "cats"  : ["ghosts",
+                                               "Not electron long eta25 p<5GeV",
+                                               "Not electron long eta25 p>5GeV",
+                                               "Not electron long strange eta25 p<5GeV",
+                                               "Not electron long strange eta25 p>5GeV",
+                                               "Electrons long eta25 p<5GeV",
+                                               "Electrons long eta25 p>5GeV",
+                                               "Electrons long strange eta25 p<5GeV",
+                                               "Electrons long strange eta25 p>5GeV"]
+                                  },
+                   "PV"         : { "end"   : "Checking Velo+UT tracks",
+                                    "cats"  : ["All","Isolated","Close","False"]
+                                  },
+                   "CompassUT"  : { "end"   : "Checking SciFi tracks",
+                                    "cats"  : ["ghosts",
+                                               "Velo+UT, not long, p > 5 GeV",
+                                               "Long, p > 5 GeV",
+                                               "Long from B, p > 5 GeV", 
+                                               "Long from B electrons, p > 5 GeV",
+                                               "Long from B, p > 3 GeV, pt > 0.5 GeV"]
+                                  },
+                   "SciFi"      : { "end"   : "Producing Kalman plots",
+                                    "cats"  : ["ghosts",
+                                               "Long, p > 5 GeV",
+                                               "Long strange, p > 5 GeV",
+                                               "Long from B, p > 5 GeV", 
+                                               "Long electrons from B, p > 5 GeV",
+                                               "Long from B, p > 3 GeV, pt > 0.5 GeV"]
+                                  }
+                 }
+ordertoread = ["VELO","PV","CompassUT","SciFi"]
+# First a loop to set up all the histos
+for thisscan in scanstoplot :
+  physperfhistos[thisscan] = {}
+  for var in scans[thisscan] : 
+    physperfhistos[thisscan][var] = {}
+    for ppgroup in ordertoread :
+      for ppcat in physperftoplot[ppgroup]["cats"] :
+        physperfhistos[thisscan][var][ppgroup+ppcat] = TH1F(thisscan+var+ppgroup+ppcat+"pphist",
+                                                            thisscan+var+ppgroup+ppcat+"pphist",
+                                                            100,
+                                                            float(scans[thisscan][var][0])/1.05,
+                                                            float(scans[thisscan][var][-1])*1.05)
+        physperfhistos[thisscan][var][ppgroup+ppcat].SetMarkerStyle(24)
+        physperfhistos[thisscan][var][ppgroup+ppcat].SetMarkerSize(1.6)
+        physperfhistos[thisscan][var][ppgroup+ppcat].GetYaxis().SetTitle("Efficiency (%)")
+        physperfhistos[thisscan][var][ppgroup+ppcat].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.9)
+        physperfhistos[thisscan][var][ppgroup+ppcat].GetXaxis().SetTitle(var)
+        physperfhistos[thisscan][var][ppgroup+ppcat].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
+        physperfhistos[thisscan][var][ppgroup+ppcat].GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1)
+#Now a loop to fill them
+for thisscan in scanstoplot :  
+  for var in scans[thisscan] : 
+    for scanpoint in scans[thisscan][var] :
+      thisppfile = open(resultsdir+thisscan+'-'+var+'-'+scanpoint+'-'+physperfsuffix)
+      for ppgroup in ordertoread :
+        for line in thisppfile :
+          if line.find(physperftoplot[ppgroup]['end']) > -1 : 
+            break
+          for ppcat in physperftoplot[ppgroup]["cats"] :
+            effval = 0.
+            if line.find(ppcat) > -1 :
+              if ppcat == "ghosts" :
+                if line.find('TrackChecker output') == -1 :
+                  continue
+              if ppgroup == "PV" :
+                effval = 100.*float(line.split(":")[1].split('(')[0])
+              else :
+                if ppcat == "ghosts" :
+                  effval = float(line.split(':')[1].split()[2].rstrip('%'))
+                else :
+                  effval = float(line.split(':')[1].split('(')[0].split()[2].rstrip('%'))
+              physperfhistos[thisscan][var][ppgroup+ppcat].Fill(float(scanpoint),effval) 
+# Set errors to 0
+for thisscan in scanstoplot :  
+  for var in scans[thisscan] : 
+    for ppgroup in ordertoread :
+      for ppcat in physperftoplot[ppgroup]["cats"] :
+        for thisbin in range(100):
+          physperfhistos[thisscan][var][ppgroup+ppcat].SetBinError(thisbin,0)
+# Now plot them
+canvtoploton = TCanvas("ppcanv","ppcanv",1000,800)
+legcanv = TCanvas("legcanv","legcanv",1000,800)
+legend = TLegend(0.1,0.1,0.9,0.9)
+legendpv = TLegend(0.35,0.25,0.65,0.75)
+for thisscan in scanstoplot :  
+  for var in scans[thisscan] : 
+    for ppgroup in ordertoread :   
+      legend.Clear()
+      firstcat = True
+      canvtoploton.cd()
+      for col,ppcat in enumerate(physperftoplot[ppgroup]["cats"]) : 
+        physperfhistos[thisscan][var][ppgroup+ppcat].SetLineColor(col+1)
+        physperfhistos[thisscan][var][ppgroup+ppcat].SetMarkerColor(col+1)   
+        physperfhistos[thisscan][var][ppgroup+ppcat].SetMarkerStyle(26-col)     
+        if firstcat :
+          physperfhistos[thisscan][var][ppgroup+ppcat].Draw("P") 
+          physperfhistos[thisscan][var][ppgroup+ppcat].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,100)
+          firstcat = False
+        else :
+          physperfhistos[thisscan][var][ppgroup+ppcat].Draw("PSAME")
+        if ppgroup == "PV" :         
+          legendpv.AddEntry(physperfhistos[thisscan][var][ppgroup+ppcat],ppcat,"p")
+        else :
+          legend.AddEntry(physperfhistos[thisscan][var][ppgroup+ppcat],ppcat,"p")
+      canvtoploton.SaveAs(resultsdir+thisscan+'-'+var+'-'+ppgroup+'-ppscan.pdf')
+      legcanv.cd()
+      if ppgroup == "PV" :
+        legendpv.Draw()
+      else :
+        legend.Draw()
+      legcanv.SaveAs(resultsdir+thisscan+'-'+var+'-'+ppgroup+'-legend.pdf')