WIP: Optional build of Allen as a Gaudi project.
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This MR is to collect feedback on the idea of being able to build Allen as a Gaudi project (that depends on Rec). This would allow:
The only significant modification is to CMakeLists.txt
, where the build as a Gaudi project is auto-detected. To test this branch:
$> source /cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/LbEnv -c x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt
$> cd Allen
$> lb-project-init
$> export PATH=/path/to/cuda/bin:$PATH
$> make install
The Allen
executable is not installed in the InstallArea
and therefore not on the PATH
after an environment has been setup using .build.$CMTCONFIG/run bash --norc
, this can probably be fixed quite easily.
ROOT is always enabled when building as a Gaudi project, because it's always available. If an option to turn it off is desired, that can be done.
No changes between raaij_gaudi_cmake and version 1