FC.ParticleIsolation behaviour for CMULT=0
Hi all. Some thoughts on using the ParticleIsolation functorcollection. Probably relevant for @tfulghes
While trying to use collection, noticed that when CMULT=0
(i.e. when there are no particles in the cone), the sumcone momentum variables [CP
, ..., CPT
] become NaN
. Feels more physically representative for this to be set to 0.
Something like perhaps
safe_sumcone = lambda func: F.VALUE_OR(0) @ F.SUMCONE(
Functor=func, Relations=mu_isoAlg.OutputRelations
Also, when using the ParticleIsolation variables, was given a new branch called indx
, which as far as I'm aware isn't described anywhere. Thus I think if it has an intended use maybe add some information into the docstring for ParticleIsolation?