diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 8176c83afd331cb3c71e928a43fe2f4ce4f3b491..c0a1318040df51b2ce68a33565fcb7bb70eb18d3 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ lhcb_add_subdirectories(
-    Phys/Particle2MCTruth
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-# (c) Copyright 2000-2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
-#                                                                             #
-# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
-# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
-#                                                                             #
-# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
-# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
-# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-        src/Lib/P2MCPBase.cpp
-    LINK
-        PUBLIC
-            Gaudi::GaudiAlgLib
-            Gaudi::GaudiKernel
-            LHCb::LoKiMCLib
-            LHCb::MCAssociators
-            LHCb::MCEvent
-            LHCb::PhysEvent
-            LHCb::RelationsLib
-            Rec::DaVinciMCKernelLib
-        src/MCMatchObjP2MCRelator.cpp
-        src/P2MCRelatorAlg.cpp
-    LINK
-        Analysis::LoKiPhysMCLib
-        Boost::headers
-        Gaudi::GaudiAlgLib
-        Gaudi::GaudiKernel
-        LHCb::LoKiCoreLib
-        LHCb::LoKiMCLib
-        Particle2MCTruthLib
-        Rec::DaVinciMCKernelLib
-    HEADERFILES dict/Particle2MCTruthDict.h
-    SELECTION dict/Particle2MCTruthDict.xml
-    LINK Particle2MCTruthLib
diff --git a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/dict/Particle2MCTruthDict.h b/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/dict/Particle2MCTruthDict.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a829fe0c2011ebeec7ce8b8dbbdc06156dd7904b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/dict/Particle2MCTruthDict.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      *
-*                                                                             *
-* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      *
-* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   *
-*                                                                             *
-* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
-* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  *
-* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       *
-// Include files
-/** @file dict/Particle2MCTruthDict.h
- *
- *
- *  @author Juan PALACIOS
- *  @date   2009-03-10
- */
-#  include "P2MCP/IP2MCP.h"
-#  include "P2MCP/P2MCPTypes.h"
-namespace {
-  std::vector<LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVector> __stdvector_mcpVC;
diff --git a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/dict/Particle2MCTruthDict.xml b/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/dict/Particle2MCTruthDict.xml
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index 6465e094e64d71da06b07a729057509701dbb3f1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/dict/Particle2MCTruthDict.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-    (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration
-    This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
-    Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
-    In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
-    granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
-    or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
-<!--- Author  : Juan PALACIOS -->
-<!--- Created : 2009-03-10 -->
-<!-- P2MCP -->
-  <class name = "IP2MCP"/>
-  <class name = "P2MCP::DecayLines"/>
diff --git a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/doc/release.notes b/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/doc/release.notes
deleted file mode 100644
index ad716b067f1b4db45c091bfcd806439b405d5eb5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/doc/release.notes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-! Package     : Phys/Particle2MCTruth
-! Responsible : DaVinci coordinator
-! Purpose     : Collection of implementations of IP2MCP and
-!               P2MCPBase for Particle -> MCTruth matching
-!===================== Particle2MCTruth v2r7 2015-06-13 ======================
-! 2016-06-03 - Stefano Perazzini
- - Added location to match MC particles for Turbo 
-!===================== Particle2MCTruth v2r6 2015-12-03 ======================
-! 2015-11-09 - Gerhard Raven
- - replace LoKi::Select with std::copy_if
-!========================= Particle2MCTruth v2r5p1 2013-12-18 =========================
-! 2013-11-15 - Marco Clemencic
- - Fixed genreflex XML selection file.
-!========================= Particle2MCTruth v2r5 2012-11-30 =========================
-! 2012-11-29 - Marco Clemencic
- - Added CMake configuration file.
-! 2012-11-08 - Chris Jones
- - Improvements to the MC association tools to better support uDSTs
-!========================= Particle2MCTruth v2r4p1 2012-02-09 =========================
-! 2012-02-09 - Chris Jones
- - Remove obsolete dll.cpp file
-!========================= Particle2MCTruth v2r4 2011-12-15 =========================
-! 2011-12-12 - Chris Jones
- - Tidy up
-! 2011-11-11 - Chris Jones
- - Update MCMatchObjP2MCRelator to make it more inteligent in where it
-   looks for the relations tables. Will now try to look in the same place in
-   the TES location as the input Particle container, which helps when running
-   on uDSTs.
-! ======================== Particle2MCTruth v2r3p6 2010-04-29 ===============
-! 2011-04-08 - Juan Palacios
- - src/MCMatchObjP2MCRelator.cpp
-  . Check matcher poitner before dereferencing.
- - cmt/requirements
-  . Increase to v2r3p6
-! ======================== Particle2MCTruth v2r3p5 2010-05-28 ===============
-! 2010-05-28 - Juan Palacios
- - src/P2MCRelatorAlg.cpp
-  . Protect against Particle::Range not being found.
- - cmt/requirements
-  . Increase to v2r3p5
-! ======================== Particle2MCTruth v2r3p4 2010-05-18 ===============
-! 2010-05-18 - Juan Palacios
- - src/P2MCRelatorAlg.cpp
-  . Suppress warnings until end of job.
-  . Fix trivial but crucial bug.
- - cmt/requirements
-  . Increase to v2r3p4
-! ======================== Particle2MCTruth v2r3p3 2010-04-30 ===============
-! 2010-04-15 - Juan Palacios
- - src/P2MCRelatorAlg.cpp
-  . Use Particle::Range for input particles.
- - cmt/requirements
-  . Increase version to v2r3p3
-! ======================== Particle2MCTruth v2r3p2 2009-10-28 ===============
-! 2009-10-27 - Vanya Belyaev
- - MCMatchObjP2MCRelator
-    change a bit the initialization logic:
-    postpone the loading of the relation tables 
-    to the first actual usage of them..
-! 2009-10-22 - Chris Jones
- - Add private usage of CLHEP (needed for linking on OSX)
-! 2009-10-15 - Juan PALACIOS
- - P2MCP/IP2MCP.h
-  . Add missing GAUDI_API
- - cmt/requirements
-  . Increase version to v2r3p2
-! ======================== Particle2MCTruth v2r3 2009-08-27 =================
-! 2009-08-25 - Juan PALACIOS
- - src/P2MCRelatorAlg{.h, .cpp}
-  . Allow for list of input locations
- - cmt/requirements
-  . Increase version vo v2r3
-! ======================== Particle2MCTruth v2r2 2009-08-11 =================
-! 2009-07-30 - Juan PALACIOS
- - Use new Gaudi v21 interface mechanism.
- - Remove src/Lib/Particle2MCTruthInterfaces.cpp
- - cmt/requirements
-  . Increase version to v2r2
-! ======================== Particle2MCTruth v2r1 2009-07-15 =================
-! 2009-07-13 - Juan PALACIOS
- - src/MCMatchObjP2MCRelator.h
-  . Make an IIncidentListener
- - src/MCMatchObjP2MCRelator.cpp
-  . IncidentListener now uses to trigger loading of input relations tables and 
-    clearing of LoKi::MCMatchObj data member. Considerably speeds up 
-    associations. Move initialization of MCMatchObj to initialize method.
- - cmt/requirements
-  . Increase version to v2r1
-! ======================== Particle2MCTruth v2r0 2009-07-02 =================
-! 2009-06-30 - Juan PALACIOS
- - Add new class DecayLines (P2MCP/DecayLines.h)
-  . Wrapper around vector of vectors of const LHCb::MCParticle*. It splits and
-    sorts an input single vector on construction. The sorting and splitting is 
-    according to position in decay tree. There is no write access to the 
-    internal data structure, so the particles are guaranteed to be sorted and
-    split on construction of an instance of P2MCP::DecayLines.
- - P2MCP/IP2MCP.h
-  . Return P2MCP::DecayLines instead of P2MCP::Types::FlatTrees.
- - P2MCP/P2MCPBase,h, src/Lib/P2MCPBase.cpp
-  . Adapt to interface changes. 
-  . No sort methods needed any more since DecayLines is self-sorted. Derived 
-    classes only have to implement the isMatched method.
- - src/MCMatchObjP2MCRelator{.cpp, .h}
-  . Remove sort methods. Class now only needs to take care od deciding if an
-    MCParticle is matched to a Particle.
- - dict/Particle2MCTruthDict.xml
-  . Add dict for P2MCP::DecayLines and remove FlatTrees dicts.
- - cmt/requirements
-  . Increase version to v2r0
-! 2009-06-25 - Juan PALACIOS
- - P2MCP/P2MCPBase.h, P2MCP/IP2MCP.h
-  . Fix header location in doxygen
- - cmt/requirements
-  . Increase version to v1r0p1
-! ======================== Particle2MCTruth v1r0 2009-05-11 =================
-! 2009-05-07 - Juan PALACIOS
- - P2MCP/P2MCPBase.h, src/Lib/P2MCPBase.cpp
-  . Add implementation for IParticle2MCAssociator::operator()(const LHCb::Particle*)
-! 2009-04-28 - Juan PALACIOS
- - MCMatchObjP2MCRelator
-  . Input relations tables are now a property, "RelTableLocations". The 
-    tool accepts ProtoParticle->MCP and Particle->MCP (LoKi::Types::TablePP2MC
-    and LoKi::Types::TableP2MC respectively). By default, tool loads 
-    "Relations/" + LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Charged,
-    "Relations/" + LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Upstream and
-    "Relations/" + LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Neutrals using the DataOnDemand
-    service, as before.
-! 2009-04-16 - Juan PALACIOS
- - src/P2MCRelatorAlg.cpp
- - src/P2MCRelatorAlg.h
-  . New GaudiAlgorithm that takes an MCParticle and Particle location, and uses
-    an IP2MCP to create a Particle2MCParticle::Table of associations between
-    Particles and MCParticles that pass IP2MCP::isMatched.
-! 2009-03-31 - Juan PALACIOS
- - P2MCP/IP2MCP.h
-  . Now inherits from IParticle2MCAssociator (DaVinciMCKernel)
- - P2MCP/P2MCPBase.h
-  . restRelatedMCP -> relatedMCP to conform to Particle2MCAssociator interface.
- - src/Lib/P2MCPBase.cpp
-  . Add method relatedMCP(const LHCb::Particle* particle,
-                          const std::string& mcParticleLocation)
-! 2009-03-13 - Juan PALACIOS
- - P2MCP/IP2MCP.h
-  . Clean up. Return P2MCPTypes::FlatTrees
- - P2MCP/P2MCPBase.h, src/Lib/P2MCP/P2MCPBase.cpp
-  . Big changes adapt to IP2MCP.
- - P2MCP/P2MCPTypes.h
-  . Nested P2MCP::Types namespace.
-  . Clean up.
- - Add P2MCP/P2MCPFunctors.h
-  . Useful sorting and other functors in P2MCP::Functors namespace.
- - src/MCMatchObjP2MCRelator.h src/MCMatchObjP2MCRelator.cpp
-  . Use new functors
- - dict/Particle2MCTruthDict{.h, .xml}
-  . Add dicts and instantiations for P2MCP::Types::FlatTree and P2MCP::Types::FlatTree
-! 2009-03-10 - Juan PALACIOS
- - cmt/requirements
-  . Add linker library and export include P2MCP
- - Add:
-  . P2MCP/IP2MCP.h : IParticle2MCAssociator.h clone
-  . P2MCP/P2MCPBase.h : Base implementation of IP2MCP
-  . src/Lib/P2MCPBase.cpp : "      "         "    "
-  . dict/Particle2MCTruthDict{.h, .xml} : dictionaries for IP2MCP
-  . P2MCP/P2MCPTypes.h : typedefs for IP2MCP
- - src/MCMatchObjP2MCRelator{.cpp, .h}
-  . Inherit from IP2MCP and P2MCPBase
-! 2009-03-06 - Juan PALACIOS
- - src/MCMatchObjP2MCRelator.h
-  . Add virtual private sort methods to over-ride those defined in Particle2MCAssociatorBase
- - src/MCMatchObjP2MCRelator.cpp
-  . Implement sort methods and add relations tables for PP->MCP
-! 2009-03-04 - Juan PALACIOS
- - First import. Add MCMatchObjP2MCRelator, uses LoKi stuff.
diff --git a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/include/P2MCP/DecayLines.h b/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/include/P2MCP/DecayLines.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 27e0e7c04c303cb9c4d152cf796d2d3aca04397a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/include/P2MCP/DecayLines.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      *
-*                                                                             *
-* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      *
-* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   *
-*                                                                             *
-* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
-* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  *
-* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       *
-// Include files
-#include "P2MCP/P2MCPFunctors.h"
-#include "P2MCP/P2MCPTypes.h"
-/** @class DecayLines DecayLines.h P2MCP/DecayLines.h
- *
- *  Class containing sorted, segmented sequences of LHCb::MCParticles.
- *  Underying data structure is a container of LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVectors.
- *  Each entry contains MCParticles that come from one line in a decay tree.
- *  They are sorted according to position in that line, with the parent in
- *  first position and each generation following.
- *
- *  @author Juan PALACIOS
- *  @date   2009-06-30
- */
-namespace P2MCP {
-  class DecayLines {
-  public:
-    inline explicit DecayLines( const LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVector& mcParticles )
-        : m_treeSorter(), m_lines( m_treeSorter( mcParticles ) ) {}
-    inline explicit DecayLines( const LHCb::MCParticle::Container& mcParticles )
-        : m_treeSorter(), m_lines( m_treeSorter( mcParticles ) ) {}
-    inline DecayLines() : m_lines( 0 ) {}
-    virtual ~DecayLines() {} ///< Destructor
-    inline size_t size() { return m_lines.size(); }
-    inline bool empty() { return m_lines.empty(); }
-    inline LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVector& operator[]( size_t index ) { return m_lines[index]; }
-    inline P2MCP::Types::FlatTrees::const_iterator begin() { return m_lines.begin(); }
-    inline P2MCP::Types::FlatTrees::const_iterator end() { return m_lines.begin(); }
-  private:
-    P2MCP::Functors::SortIntoTrees<P2MCP::Functors::InTree, P2MCP::Functors::SortInTrees> m_treeSorter;
-    P2MCP::Types::FlatTrees m_lines;
-  };
-} // namespace P2MCP
diff --git a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/include/P2MCP/IP2MCP.h b/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/include/P2MCP/IP2MCP.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bbf97f145b6b2261bea9ac8d3bfa0350daaa0ac..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/include/P2MCP/IP2MCP.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      *
-*                                                                             *
-* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      *
-* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   *
-*                                                                             *
-* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
-* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  *
-* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       *
-#ifndef P2MCP_IP2MCP_H
-#define P2MCP_IP2MCP_H 1
-// Include files
-// from STL
-#include <string>
-// from Gaudi
-#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
-// from LHCb
-#include "Event/MCParticle.h"
-// from DaVinciMCKernel
-#include "Kernel/IParticle2MCAssociator.h"
-// from Particle2MCTruth
-#include "P2MCP/DecayLines.h"
-namespace LHCb {
-  class Particle;
-/** @class IP2MCP IP2MCP.h P2MCP/IP2MCP.h
- *
- *  Tool interface to generate weighted associations between one or many
- *  LHCb::Particles and return them to the user in different formats. The
- *  user is in control of the resulting associations and the invoking interface
- *  methods should have no side-effects. TES access should be read-only.
- *  Interface implementations should not populate the TES with their results
- *  directly or indirectly, and should not have any runtime configuration
- *  that alters the result, except for the assumed TES location of the
- *  LHCb::MCParticles for the relevant methods.
- *
- *  @author Juan PALACIOS
- *  @date   2009-01-19
- */
-class GAUDI_API IP2MCP : virtual public IParticle2MCAssociator {
-  DeclareInterfaceID( IP2MCP, 2, 0 );
-  /**
-   * Calculate and return the weighted associations between an
-   * LHCb::Particle and some LHCb::MCParticles from a TES locaiton.
-   * @param particle LHCb::Particle* to be associated
-   * @return P2MCP::Types::FlatTrees  containing
-   * tree-sorted weighted relations between the
-   * LHCb::Particle and the LCHb::MCParticles
-   * @author Juan Palacios juan.palacios@nikhef.nl
-   * @date   2009-02-02
-   *
-   **/
-  virtual P2MCP::DecayLines relatedMCPs( const LHCb::Particle* particle ) const = 0;
-  /**
-   *
-   * Calculate and return the weighted associations between an
-   * LHCb::Particle and some LHCb::MCParticles from a TES locaiton.
-   * @param particle LHCb::Particle* to be associated
-   * @param mcParticleLocation TES location of LHCb::MCParticles to base the
-   * association on.
-   * @return P2MCP::Types::FlatTrees containing tree-sorted
-   * weighted relations between the LHCb::Particle and the LCHb::MCParticles
-   * @author Juan Palacios juan.palacios@nikhef.nl
-   * @date   2009-02-02
-   *
-   **/
-  virtual P2MCP::DecayLines relatedMCPs( const LHCb::Particle* particle,
-                                         const std::string&    mcParticleLocation ) const = 0;
-  /**
-   *
-   * Calculate and return the weighted associations between a container of
-   * LHCb::Particles and a container of LHCb::MCParticles.
-   * @param particles Container of LHCb::Particles to be associated
-   * @param mcParticles Container of LHCb::MCParticles to base the
-   * association on.
-   * @return P2MCP::Types::FlatTrees containing tree-sorted
-   * relations between the LHCb::Particles and the LCHb::MCParticles
-   * @author Juan Palacios juan.palacios@nikhef.nl
-   * @date   2009-02-02
-   *
-   **/
-  virtual P2MCP::DecayLines relatedMCPs( const LHCb::Particle*                particle,
-                                         const LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVector& mcParticles ) const = 0;
-  /**
-   *
-   * Calculate and return the weighted associations between a container of
-   * LHCb::Particles and a container of LHCb::MCParticles.
-   * @param particles Container of LHCb::Particles to be associated
-   * @param mcParticles Container of LHCb::MCParticles to base the
-   * association on.
-   * @return P2MCP::Types::FlatTrees Relations table containing tree-sorted
-   * relations between the LHCb::Particles and the LCHb::MCParticles
-   * @author Juan Palacios juan.palacios@nikhef.nl
-   * @date   2009-02-02
-   *
-   **/
-  virtual P2MCP::DecayLines relatedMCPs( const LHCb::Particle*              particle,
-                                         const LHCb::MCParticle::Container& mcParticles ) const = 0;
-  /**
-   * Calculate the association between an LHCb::Particle and an
-   * LHCb::MCParticle.
-   *
-   * @author Juan Palacios juan.palacios@nikhef.nl
-   * @date   2009-02-02
-   *
-   **/
-  virtual bool isMatched( const LHCb::Particle* particle, const LHCb::MCParticle* mcParticle ) const = 0;
-  virtual ~IP2MCP() {} ///< virtual and protected destructor
-#endif // P2MCP_IP2MCP_H
diff --git a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/include/P2MCP/P2MCPBase.h b/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/include/P2MCP/P2MCPBase.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 99e78380bdaf6691a4d0f7b056e707cf98b632b2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/include/P2MCP/P2MCPBase.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      *
-*                                                                             *
-* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      *
-* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   *
-*                                                                             *
-* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
-* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  *
-* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       *
-#ifndef P2MCP_P2MCPBASE_H
-#define P2MCP_P2MCPBASE_H 1
-// Include files
-// from Gaudi
-#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiTool.h"
-// local
-#include "P2MCP/IP2MCP.h" // Interface
-/** @class P2MCPBase P2MCPBase.h P2MCP/P2MCPBase.h
- *
- *  Common implementation for descendants of IParticle2MCAssociator.
- *  Mainly inline helper methods for common implementation of host of
- *  similar methods in the interface.
- *  Set of methods is self-consistent. Derived classes only need to implement
- *  method
- *  @code
- *  bool isMatched(const LHCb::Particle*, const LHCb::MCParticle)
- *  @endcode
- *  and
- *
- *  @author Juan PALACIOS
- *  @date   2009-01-30
- */
-class GAUDI_API P2MCPBase : public extends1<GaudiTool, IP2MCP> {
-  /// Standard constructor
-  P2MCPBase( const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent );
-  StatusCode initialize() override;
-  StatusCode finalize() override;
-  virtual ~P2MCPBase();
-  const LHCb::MCParticle* relatedMCP( const LHCb::Particle* particle ) const override;
-  const LHCb::MCParticle* operator()( const LHCb::Particle* particle ) const override;
-  const LHCb::MCParticle* relatedMCP( const LHCb::Particle*, const std::string& mcParticleLocation ) const override;
-  const LHCb::MCParticle* relatedMCP( const LHCb::Particle*                particle,
-                                      const LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVector& mcParticles ) const override;
-  const LHCb::MCParticle* relatedMCP( const LHCb::Particle*              particle,
-                                      const LHCb::MCParticle::Container& mcParticles ) const override;
-  P2MCP::DecayLines relatedMCPs( const LHCb::Particle* particle ) const override;
-  P2MCP::DecayLines relatedMCPs( const LHCb::Particle* particle, const std::string& mcParticleLocation ) const override;
-  P2MCP::DecayLines relatedMCPs( const LHCb::Particle*                particle,
-                                 const LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVector& mcParticles ) const override;
-  P2MCP::DecayLines relatedMCPs( const LHCb::Particle*              particle,
-                                 const LHCb::MCParticle::Container& mcParticles ) const override;
-  bool isMatched( const LHCb::Particle* particle, const LHCb::MCParticle* mcParticle ) const override;
-  inline LHCb::MCParticle::Container* i_MCParticles( const std::string& location ) const {
-    return ( exist<LHCb::MCParticle::Container>( location ) ) ? get<LHCb::MCParticle::Container>( location ) : 0;
-  }
-  template <typename Iter>
-  const LHCb::MCParticle* i_bestMCP( const LHCb::Particle* particle, Iter begin, Iter end ) const {
-    P2MCP::DecayLines trees = i_relatedMCPs( particle, begin, end );
-    return ( trees.empty() ) ? 0 : trees[0].back();
-  }
-  template <typename Iter>
-  P2MCP::DecayLines i_relatedMCPs( const LHCb::Particle* particle, Iter begin, Iter end ) const {
-    if ( 0 != particle ) {
-      LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVector mcps;
-      for ( Iter iMCP = begin; iMCP != end; ++iMCP ) {
-        const bool match = isMatched( particle, *iMCP );
-        if ( match ) mcps.push_back( *iMCP );
-      }
-      return P2MCP::DecayLines( mcps );
-    } else {
-      Warning( "No particle!" ).ignore();
-      return P2MCP::DecayLines();
-    }
-  }
-  std::string m_defMCLoc;
-#endif // P2MCP_P2MCPBASE_H
diff --git a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/include/P2MCP/P2MCPFunctors.h b/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/include/P2MCP/P2MCPFunctors.h
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index 92bb655fc6ecfd4bf94e895a3f5ba312ab0f7670..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/include/P2MCP/P2MCPFunctors.h
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@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      *
-*                                                                             *
-* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      *
-* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   *
-*                                                                             *
-* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
-* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  *
-* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       *
-// Include files
-#include "LoKi/BuildMCTrees.h"
-#include "P2MCP/P2MCPTypes.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <functional>
-/** @namespace P2MCP::Functors P2MCP/P2MCPFunctors.h
- *
- *
- *  @author Juan Palacios
- *  @date   2009-03-13
- */
-namespace P2MCP {
-  namespace Functors {
-    struct SortInTrees : public std::binary_function<const LHCb::MCParticle*, const LHCb::MCParticle*, bool> {
-      bool operator()( const LHCb::MCParticle* p1, const LHCb::MCParticle* p2 ) const {
-        LoKi::MCParticles::FromMCDecayTree fromDecay( p1 );
-        return fromDecay( p2 );
-      }
-    };
-    struct InTree : public std::unary_function<const LHCb::MCParticle*, bool> {
-      InTree( const LHCb::MCParticle* head ) : m_head( head ) {}
-      bool operator()( const LHCb::MCParticle* mc ) const {
-        P2MCP::Functors::SortInTrees sorter;
-        return sorter( m_head, mc );
-      }
-    private:
-      InTree() {}
-    private:
-      const LHCb::MCParticle* m_head;
-    };
-    template <class Selector, class Sorter>
-    struct SortIntoTrees {
-      template <class InputContainer>
-      P2MCP::Types::FlatTrees operator()( const InputContainer& mcps ) const {
-        LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVector heads = LoKi::MCTrees::buildTrees( mcps );
-        P2MCP::Types::FlatTrees output;
-        LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVector::iterator itHead = heads.begin();
-        for ( ; itHead != heads.end(); ++itHead ) {
-          Selector               selector( *itHead );
-          P2MCP::Types::FlatTree tree;
-          std::copy_if( mcps.begin(), mcps.end(), std::back_inserter( tree ), std::cref( selector ) );
-          std::stable_sort( tree.begin(), tree.end(), Sorter() );
-          output.push_back( tree );
-        }
-        return output;
-      }
-    };
-  } // namespace Functors
-} // namespace P2MCP
diff --git a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/include/P2MCP/P2MCPTypes.h b/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/include/P2MCP/P2MCPTypes.h
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index 42d5ae99d1b377b4819c0ce8ed2a0683b7e4db7f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/include/P2MCP/P2MCPTypes.h
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@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      *
-*                                                                             *
-* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      *
-* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   *
-*                                                                             *
-* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
-* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  *
-* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       *
-#define P2MCP_P2MCPTYPES_H 1
-// Include files
-#include "Event/MCParticle.h"
-#include "Event/Particle.h"
-#include "Kernel/MCAssociation.h"
-#include "Relations/Relation.h"
-#include "Relations/Relation1D.h"
-#include <vector>
-/** @namespace P2MCPTypes P2MCP/P2MCPTypes.h
- *
- *
- *  Namespace containing types corresponding to the Particle -> MCParticle
- *  uni-directional weighted relationship.
- *
- *  @author Juan PALACIOS
- *  @date   2009-03-10
- */
-namespace P2MCP {
-  namespace Types {
-    typedef LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVector FlatTree;
-    typedef std::vector<FlatTree>         FlatTrees;
-    typedef LHCb::Relation1D<LHCb::Particle, LHCb::MCParticle> Table;
-    typedef Relations::Relation<LHCb::Particle, LHCb::MCParticle> LightTable;
-    typedef Table::Range                                          Range;
-    typedef Table::IBase::Entry                                   Relation;
-    typedef Table::IBase::Entries                                 Relations;
-    typedef Table::To                                             To;
-    typedef Table::From                                           From;
-    typedef std::vector<MCAssociation> ToVector;
-  } // namespace Types
-} // namespace P2MCP
-#endif // P2MCP_P2MCPTYPES_H
diff --git a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/src/Lib/P2MCPBase.cpp b/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/src/Lib/P2MCPBase.cpp
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index 70862104a6da6e4c08d67a434b75f90bc8b2ab66..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/src/Lib/P2MCPBase.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      *
-*                                                                             *
-* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      *
-* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   *
-*                                                                             *
-* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
-* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  *
-* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       *
-#include "P2MCP/P2MCPBase.h"
-// Implementation file for class : P2MCPBase
-// 2009-01-30 : Juan PALACIOS
-// Standard constructor, initializes variables
-P2MCPBase::P2MCPBase( const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent )
-    : base_class( type, name, parent ), m_defMCLoc( LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default ) {
-  declareProperty( "MCParticleDefaultLocation", m_defMCLoc );
-const LHCb::MCParticle* P2MCPBase::relatedMCP( const LHCb::Particle* particle ) const {
-  const LHCb::MCParticle::Container* mcParticles = i_MCParticles( m_defMCLoc );
-  return ( 0 == mcParticles ) ? 0 : i_bestMCP( particle, mcParticles->begin(), mcParticles->end() );
-const LHCb::MCParticle* P2MCPBase::operator()( const LHCb::Particle* particle ) const {
-  const LHCb::MCParticle::Container* mcParticles = i_MCParticles( m_defMCLoc );
-  return ( 0 == mcParticles ) ? 0 : i_bestMCP( particle, mcParticles->begin(), mcParticles->end() );
-const LHCb::MCParticle* P2MCPBase::relatedMCP( const LHCb::Particle* particle,
-                                               const std::string&    mcParticleLocation ) const {
-  LHCb::MCParticle::Container* mcps = i_MCParticles( mcParticleLocation );
-  return ( 0 != mcps ) ? i_bestMCP( particle, mcps->begin(), mcps->end() ) : 0;
-const LHCb::MCParticle* P2MCPBase::relatedMCP( const LHCb::Particle*                particle,
-                                               const LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVector& mcParticles ) const {
-  return i_bestMCP( particle, mcParticles.begin(), mcParticles.end() );
-const LHCb::MCParticle* P2MCPBase::relatedMCP( const LHCb::Particle*              particle,
-                                               const LHCb::MCParticle::Container& mcParticles ) const {
-  return i_bestMCP( particle, mcParticles.begin(), mcParticles.end() );
-P2MCP::DecayLines P2MCPBase::relatedMCPs( const LHCb::Particle* particle ) const {
-  return relatedMCPs( particle, m_defMCLoc );
-P2MCP::DecayLines P2MCPBase::relatedMCPs( const LHCb::Particle* particle,
-                                          const std::string&    mcParticleLocation ) const {
-  LHCb::MCParticle::Container* mcps = i_MCParticles( mcParticleLocation );
-  if ( 0 != mcps ) {
-    return i_relatedMCPs( particle, mcps->begin(), mcps->end() );
-  } else {
-    return P2MCP::DecayLines();
-  }
-P2MCP::DecayLines P2MCPBase::relatedMCPs( const LHCb::Particle*                particle,
-                                          const LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVector& mcParticles ) const {
-  return i_relatedMCPs( particle, mcParticles.begin(), mcParticles.end() );
-P2MCP::DecayLines P2MCPBase::relatedMCPs( const LHCb::Particle*              particle,
-                                          const LHCb::MCParticle::Container& mcParticles ) const {
-  return i_relatedMCPs( particle, mcParticles.begin(), mcParticles.end() );
-bool P2MCPBase::isMatched( const LHCb::Particle* /*particle */, const LHCb::MCParticle* /* mcParticle */ ) const {
-  return false;
-// initialize
-StatusCode P2MCPBase::initialize() { return base_class::initialize(); }
-// finalize
-StatusCode P2MCPBase::finalize() { return base_class::finalize(); }
-// Destructor
-P2MCPBase::~P2MCPBase() {}
diff --git a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/src/MCMatchObjP2MCRelator.cpp b/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/src/MCMatchObjP2MCRelator.cpp
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index ae946c758c7e2cd898ccdefc2013ba46fe68b1c7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/src/MCMatchObjP2MCRelator.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      *
-*                                                                             *
-* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      *
-* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   *
-*                                                                             *
-* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
-* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  *
-* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       *
-// Include files
-// LoKi
-#include "LoKi/IReporter.h"
-// P2MCP
-#include "P2MCP/P2MCPFunctors.h"
-// local
-#include "MCMatchObjP2MCRelator.h"
-// boost
-#include "boost/algorithm/string.hpp"
-// Implementation file for class : MCMatchObjP2MCRelator
-// 2009-03-04 : Juan PALACIOS
-// Standard constructor, initializes variables
-MCMatchObjP2MCRelator::MCMatchObjP2MCRelator( const std::string& type, const std::string& name,
-                                              const IInterface* parent )
-    : base_class( type, name, parent ), m_reporter( NULL ), m_matcher( NULL ), m_loaded( false ) {
-  m_tables.clear();
-  m_tables.push_back( "Relations/" + LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Charged );
-  m_tables.push_back( "Relations/" + LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Upstream );
-  m_tables.push_back( "Relations/" + LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Neutrals );
-  m_tables.push_back( "Turbo/Relations/Turbo/Protos" );
-  m_tables.push_back( "Turbo/Relations/Rec/ProtoP/Charged" );
-  declareProperty( "RelTableLocations", m_tables );
-  // setProperty( "OutputLevel", 2 );
-StatusCode MCMatchObjP2MCRelator::initialize() {
-  StatusCode sc = base_class::initialize();
-  if ( sc.isFailure() ) return sc;
-  m_reporter = tool<LoKi::IReporter>( "LoKi::Reporter", this );
-  if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) {
-    verbose() << "RelTableLocations: " << endmsg;
-    for ( Addresses::const_iterator iAddr = m_tables.begin(); iAddr != m_tables.end(); ++iAddr ) {
-      verbose() << "\t" << *iAddr << endmsg;
-    }
-  }
-  // Incident service call back
-  incSvc()->addListener( this, IncidentType::EndEvent );
-  // create the new matcher
-  m_matcher = new LoKi::MCMatchObj( "P2MCRelator", m_reporter );
-  // increment the reference counter
-  m_matcher->addRef();
-  m_loaded = false;
-  m_pLocDoneMap.clear();
-  // return
-  return sc;
-StatusCode MCMatchObjP2MCRelator::finalize() {
-  m_matcher->clear();
-  long count = m_matcher->refCount();
-  while ( 0 < count ) { count = m_matcher->release(); }
-  m_matcher = NULL;
-  m_loaded  = false;
-  m_pLocDoneMap.clear();
-  return base_class::finalize();
-bool MCMatchObjP2MCRelator::isMatched( const LHCb::Particle* particle, const LHCb::MCParticle* mcParticle ) const {
-  if ( !particle ) {
-    mcParticle = NULL;
-    return false;
-  }
-  if ( !m_loaded ) {
-    addTables();
-    m_loaded = true;
-  }
-  // First try the DST way, with the default tables
-  bool match = matcher()->match( particle, mcParticle );
-  if ( !match ) {
-    // No match found the 'normal' way. Try the Particle location dependent (uDST) way.
-    addTable( particle );
-    match = matcher()->match( particle, mcParticle );
-  }
-  if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
-    if ( match ) {
-      debug() << " -> Matched Particle PID " << particle->particleID().pid() << " to MCParticle PID "
-              << mcParticle->particleID().pid() << endmsg;
-    } else if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) {
-      verbose() << " -> No match for Particle PID " << particle->particleID().pid() << endmsg;
-    }
-  }
-  return match;
-void MCMatchObjP2MCRelator::addTable( const LHCb::Particle* particle ) const {
-  // Try Particle specific locations for relations tables
-  std::string pLoc = objectLocation( particle->parent() );
-  if ( !m_pLocDoneMap[pLoc] ) {
-    m_pLocDoneMap[pLoc] = true;
-    // Form the relations TES location for this Particles location
-    boost::replace_all( pLoc, "/Particles", "/P2MCPRelations" );
-    // load the table
-    loadTable( pLoc );
-  }
-void MCMatchObjP2MCRelator::addTables() const {
-  for ( Addresses::const_iterator item = m_tables.begin(); item != m_tables.end(); ++item ) { loadTable( *item ); }
-  m_loaded = true;
-void MCMatchObjP2MCRelator::loadTable( const std::string& address ) const {
-  // First try respecting the RootInTES settings.
-  if ( exist<LoKi::Types::TablePP2MC>( address ) ) {
-    LoKi::Types::TablePP2MC* table = get<LoKi::Types::TablePP2MC>( address );
-    m_matcher->addMatchInfo( table );
-  } else if ( exist<LoKi::Types::TableP2MC>( address ) ) {
-    LoKi::Types::TableP2MC* table = get<LoKi::Types::TableP2MC>( address );
-    m_matcher->addMatchInfo( table );
-  }
-  // If that fails, try without RootInTES
-  else if ( exist<LoKi::Types::TablePP2MC>( address, false ) ) {
-    LoKi::Types::TablePP2MC* table = get<LoKi::Types::TablePP2MC>( address, false );
-    m_matcher->addMatchInfo( table );
-  } else if ( exist<LoKi::Types::TableP2MC>( address, false ) ) {
-    LoKi::Types::TableP2MC* table = get<LoKi::Types::TableP2MC>( address, false );
-    m_matcher->addMatchInfo( table );
-  }
-void MCMatchObjP2MCRelator::handle( const Incident& ) {
-  m_matcher->clear();
-  m_loaded = false;
-  m_pLocDoneMap.clear();
-// Destructor
-MCMatchObjP2MCRelator::~MCMatchObjP2MCRelator() {}
-// Declaration of the Tool Factory
diff --git a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/src/MCMatchObjP2MCRelator.h b/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/src/MCMatchObjP2MCRelator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 43538398683ebdbd490b0ae4e14f160c8d12a767..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/src/MCMatchObjP2MCRelator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      *
-*                                                                             *
-* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      *
-* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   *
-*                                                                             *
-* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
-* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  *
-* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       *
-// Include files
-#include <functional>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-// from Gaudi
-#include "LoKi/MCMatch.h"
-#include "LoKi/MCMatchObj.h"
-#include "LoKi/MCParticles.h"
-#include "P2MCP/P2MCPBase.h"
-#include <GaudiKernel/IIncidentListener.h>
-#include <GaudiKernel/IIncidentSvc.h>
-// forward declarations
-namespace LoKi {
-  class IReporter;
-/** @class MCMatchObjP2MCRelator MCMatchObjP2MCRelator.h
- *
- *
- *  @author Juan PALACIOS
- *  @date   2009-03-04
- */
-class MCMatchObjP2MCRelator : public extends1<P2MCPBase, IIncidentListener> {
-  /// Standard constructor
-  MCMatchObjP2MCRelator( const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent );
-  virtual ~MCMatchObjP2MCRelator(); ///< Destructor
-  StatusCode initialize() override;
-  StatusCode finalize() override;
-  bool isMatched( const LHCb::Particle* particle, const LHCb::MCParticle* mcParticle ) const override;
-  void handle( const Incident& ) override;
-  inline LoKi::MCMatch matcher() const { return LoKi::MCMatch( m_matcher ); }
-  void addTables() const;
-  void addTable( const LHCb::Particle* particle ) const;
-  void loadTable( const std::string& address ) const;
-  void printMCPIDs( const LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVector& mcps ) const {
-    always() << "==================================" << endmsg;
-    for ( LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVector::const_iterator mcp = mcps.begin(); mcp != mcps.end(); ++mcp ) {
-      always() << "\tMCP PID " << ( *mcp )->particleID().pid() << endmsg;
-    }
-  }
-  /** Returns the full location of the given object in the Data Store
-   *
-   *  @param pObj Data object
-   *
-   *  @return Location of given data object
-   */
-  inline std::string objectLocation( const DataObject* pObj ) const {
-    return ( !pObj ? "Null DataObject !" : ( pObj->registry() ? pObj->registry()->identifier() : "UnRegistered" ) );
-  }
-  LoKi::IReporter*  m_reporter;
-  LoKi::MCMatchObj* m_matcher;
-  typedef std::vector<std::string> Addresses;
-  Addresses                        m_tables;
-  mutable bool                        m_loaded;
-  mutable std::map<std::string, bool> m_pLocDoneMap;
diff --git a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/src/P2MCRelatorAlg.cpp b/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/src/P2MCRelatorAlg.cpp
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index e02bab8ddeca298fb36288282e5c62cb8b370246..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/src/P2MCRelatorAlg.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      *
-*                                                                             *
-* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      *
-* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   *
-*                                                                             *
-* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
-* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  *
-* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       *
-// Include files
-// local
-#include "P2MCRelatorAlg.h"
-// Implementation file for class : P2MCRelatorAlg
-// 2009-04-16 : Juan PALACIOS
-// Standard constructor, initializes variables
-P2MCRelatorAlg::P2MCRelatorAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : GaudiAlgorithm( name, pSvcLocator )
-    , m_mcpLocation( LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default )
-    , m_p2mcp( NULL )
-    , m_p2mcpType( "MCMatchObjP2MCRelator" ) {
-  declareProperty( "ParticleLocations", m_particleLocations );
-  declareProperty( "MCParticleLocation", m_mcpLocation );
-  declareProperty( "IP2MCP", m_p2mcpType );
-  // setProperty( "OutputLevel", 2 );
-// Destructor
-P2MCRelatorAlg::~P2MCRelatorAlg() {}
-// Initialization
-StatusCode P2MCRelatorAlg::initialize() {
-  const StatusCode sc = GaudiAlgorithm::initialize();
-  if ( sc.isFailure() ) return sc;
-  m_p2mcp = tool<IP2MCP>( m_p2mcpType, "MCMatcherForP2MCRelatorAlg" );
-  return sc;
-// Main execution
-StatusCode P2MCRelatorAlg::execute() {
-  if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) debug() << "==> Execute" << endmsg;
-  m_mcParticles = getIfExists<LHCb::MCParticle::Container>( m_mcpLocation, false );
-  if ( !m_mcParticles ) { return Warning( "Found no MCParticles in " + m_mcpLocation, StatusCode::SUCCESS, 0 ); }
-  // Clear the tables
-  m_tables.clear();
-  // Create and fill the tables
-  typedef std::vector<std::string> StringVector;
-  for ( StringVector::const_iterator iLoc = m_particleLocations.begin(); iLoc != m_particleLocations.end(); ++iLoc ) {
-    const LHCb::Particle::Range particles = getIfExists<LHCb::Particle::Range>( *iLoc );
-    if ( !particles.empty() ) { i_particleLoop( particles.begin(), particles.end() ); }
-  }
-  // Loop over the final saved tables and save them
-  for ( Tables::iterator iT = m_tables.begin(); iT != m_tables.end(); ++iT ) {
-    ( *iT ).second.i_sort();
-    Particle2MCParticle::Table* table = new Particle2MCParticle::Table( ( *iT ).second );
-    put( table, ( *iT ).first );
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-std::string P2MCRelatorAlg::relationsLocation( const DataObject* pObj ) const {
-  // Get the parent container TES location
-  std::string pLoc = objectLocation( pObj );
-  if ( pLoc.empty() ) { return pLoc; }
-  // Form the relations TES location for this location
-  boost::replace_all( pLoc, "/Particles", "/P2MCPRelations" );
-  // return the new location
-  return pLoc;
-// Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/src/P2MCRelatorAlg.h b/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/src/P2MCRelatorAlg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e61fabf7494febb66b8440b73aa4cbd609ed9948..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Phys/Particle2MCTruth/src/P2MCRelatorAlg.h
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@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      *
-*                                                                             *
-* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      *
-* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   *
-*                                                                             *
-* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
-* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  *
-* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       *
-// from Gaudi
-#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiAlgorithm.h"
-// from LHCb
-#include "Kernel/Particle2MCParticle.h"
-// from P2MCP
-#include "P2MCP/IP2MCP.h"
-// boost
-#include "boost/algorithm/string.hpp"
-/** @class P2MCRelatorAlg P2MCRelatorAlg.h
- *
- *  GaudiAlgorithm that takes an MCParticle and Particle location, and uses
- *  an IP2MCP to create a Particle2MCParticle::Table of associations between
- *  Particles and MCParticles that pass IP2MCP::isMatched.
- *  The relations table is written to the parent of ParticleLocation + "P2MCPRelations".
- *
- *  <b> Properties</b>
- *
- *  ParticleLocations: TES location of input LHCb::Particles
- *
- *  MCParticleLocation: TES location of input LHCb::Particles. Default: LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default
- *
- *  IP2MCP: Implementation name of IP2MCP interface. Default: MCMatchObjP2MCRelator
- *
- *  <b>Example</b>: Create relations table for LHCb::MCParticles associated to
- *  LHCb::Particles in "Phys/DC06selBd2Jpsi2MuMu_Kst2KPi/Particles". Table is
- *  written to "Phys/DC06selBd2Jpsi2MuMu_Kst2KPi/P2MCPRelations"
- *
- *  @code
- *  from Configurables import P2MCRelatorAlg
- *  p2mc = P2MCRelatorAlg()
- *  p2mc.ParticleLocations = ["Phys/DC06selBd2Jpsi2MuMu_Kst2KPi/Particles"]
- *  # Add it to a selection sequence
- *  seq = GaudiSequencer('SeqDC06selBd2Jpsi2MuMu_Kst2KPi')
- *  seq.Members += [p2mc]
- *  @endcode
- *
- *
- *  @author Juan PALACIOS
- *  @date   2009-04-16
- */
-class P2MCRelatorAlg : public GaudiAlgorithm {
-  /// Standard constructor
-  P2MCRelatorAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator );
-  virtual ~P2MCRelatorAlg(); ///< Destructor
-  StatusCode initialize() override; ///< Algorithm initialization
-  StatusCode execute() override;    ///< Algorithm execution
-  /** Returns the full location of the given object in the Data Store
-   *
-   *  @param pObj Data object
-   *
-   *  @return Location of given data object
-   */
-  inline std::string objectLocation( const DataObject* pObj ) const {
-    return ( !pObj ? "" : ( pObj->registry() ? pObj->registry()->identifier() : "" ) );
-  }
-  template <class Iter>
-  void i_particleLoop( const Iter begin, const Iter end, const std::string level = "" ) {
-    for ( Iter it = begin; it != end; ++it ) {
-      if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) )
-        debug() << level << "-> " << objectLocation( ( *it )->parent() ) << " : key=" << ( *it )->key()
-                << " PID=" << ( *it )->particleID().pid() << endmsg;
-      for ( LHCb::MCParticle::Container::const_iterator iMCP = m_mcParticles->begin(); iMCP != m_mcParticles->end();
-            ++iMCP ) {
-        if ( m_p2mcp->isMatched( *it, *iMCP ) ) {
-          // Get the TES location for the relations for this Particle
-          const std::string pLoc = relationsLocation( ( *it )->parent() );
-          if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) )
-            debug() << level << " -> Found MCMatch : key=" << ( *iMCP )->key()
-                    << " MCPID=" << ( *iMCP )->particleID().pid() << " : Filling " << pLoc << endmsg;
-          if ( !pLoc.empty() ) {
-            // Fill table for this location
-            m_tables[pLoc].i_push( *it, *iMCP );
-          } else {
-            Warning( "Particle parent not in the TES" ).ignore();
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      // Recursively save the relations for the daughters
-      const SmartRefVector<LHCb::Particle>& daughters = ( *it )->daughters();
-      if ( !daughters.empty() ) { i_particleLoop( daughters.begin(), daughters.end(), level + " " ); }
-    }
-  }
-  std::string relationsLocation( const DataObject* pObj ) const;
-  std::vector<std::string>                                       m_particleLocations;
-  std::string                                                    m_mcpLocation;
-  IP2MCP*                                                        m_p2mcp;
-  std::string                                                    m_p2mcpType;
-  typedef std::map<std::string, Particle2MCParticle::LightTable> Tables;
-  Tables                                                         m_tables;
-  LHCb::MCParticle::Container*                                   m_mcParticles;