diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 2efae476eec3c6e48977553e4dbe258efb1e29be..c5befcb96d36326e58342fe71e551bff718ce720 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ find_package(GaudiProject)
 # Declare project name and version
-gaudi_project(DaVinci v51r0
-              USE Analysis v31r0
+gaudi_project(DaVinci v52r0
+              USE Analysis v32r0
               DATA AppConfig VERSION v3r*
                    FieldMap VERSION v5r*
                    ParamFiles VERSION v8r*
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes/v52r0.md b/ReleaseNotes/v52r0.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..feb9b7189a81380229fa6c8780a4f520bf7ad049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ReleaseNotes/v52r0.md
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+2020-08-07 DaVinci v52r0
+This version uses
+Analysis [v32r0](../../../../Analysis/-/tags/v32r0),
+Phys [v31r1](../../../../Phys/-/tags/v31r1),
+Rec [v31r1](../../../../Rec/-/tags/v31r1),
+Lbcom [v31r1](../../../../Lbcom/-/tags/v31r1),
+LHCb [v51r1](../../../../LHCb/-/tags/v51r1),
+Gaudi [v33r2](../../../../Gaudi/-/tags/v33r2) and
+LCG [97a](http://lcginfo.cern.ch/release/97a/) with ROOT 6.20.06.
+This version is released on `master` branch.
+Built relative to DaVinci [v51r0](../-/tags/v51r0), with the following changes:
+### Fixes ~"bug fix" ~workaround
+- ~Configuration ~Tuples | Don't run TupleToolANNPID., !381 (@apearce)
+### Enhancements ~enhancement
+- ~Configuration | Updated configuration to run on Upgrade data types only, !397 (@mamartin)
+- ~Configuration | Add TurboStream and StrippingStream properties, !394 (@malexand)
+- ~"Flavour tagging" | Updated tagging qmtest template to accomodate for removed PID tunings, !380 (@vjevtic)
+### Code cleanups and changes to tests ~modernisation ~cleanup ~testing
+- ~Configuration | Remove L0 to Hlt conversion, !408 (@pkoppenb)
+- ~Configuration | Removed most option files and added some new, !402 (@pkoppenb)
+- ~Calo | Remove test_standardbasic_reco14_init from master, for Moore!403, Rec!1740, Lbcom!438, Brunel!960, !391 (@dovombru)
+- ~Build | First removal of stripping related stuff, !398 (@nskidmor) :star:
+- DV tests update, !405 (@mamartin)
+- Upstream project highlights :star:
+  - ~Monitoring | Remove Phys/DaVinciMonitors, Analysis!648 (@pkoppenb)
+  - ~Tuples | Remove L0 and stripping., Analysis!643 (@pkoppenb)
+  - ~Build | Removal of Ostap dependencies, Analysis!628 (@erodrigu)