Truth information not completely stored when looping to produce several trees
When running with the attached DaVinci options file, the truth information is not always stored. The options file loops over four trigger lines, saving variables for two muons and the j/psi mother in four separate trees. For one of the trees, all information is stored correctly, while for the other three, the truth information for one of the muons as well as the J/psi is missing. The background category is set to 60, the TRUEID and TRUEKEY values are set to the default values. When running over only one line, all information is stored as expected.
The problem occured with DaVinci/v63r3 and was reproduced with the nightlies and the current master build.
A dst-file to test the behaviour is at /eos/lhcb/user/r/rowina/TrackRecoEff/dst_files/bs2jpsiphi.dst
Run over it with
DaVinci/run lbexec Bs2JPsiPhi.yaml
yaml-file and json file are also attached.