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WIP: Update Run 1 Stripping cache

Carlos Vazquez Sierra requested to merge updateS21cache into stripping21-patches

Follow up discussion from !345 (closed).

  • Update StrippingCache for future Run 1 incremental re-strippings.
  • Add LokiAddParticleHeader as a post-config option to include additional needed headers for some CorePhysics functors cache, !346 (merged).

Quoting @lsestini :

The error posted by Carlos is generated by the StdJets reconstruction. The merge request for HLTJets jet energy correction shouldn't affect StdJets.

I checked the last version of ParamFiles and the JEC root files for StdJets are there: $PARAMFILESROOT/data/JetEnergyCorrections_R05_v3.root/JECSYS_PV1_ETA0_CPF0_PHI0

It is simply looking in the wrong path 'JEC14R05/JECSYS_PV1_ETA0_CPF0_PHI0'

In JEC14R05 is an alias for the path:

if self.JetEnergyCorrection:
           algo.ApplyJEC = True
           if self.R == 0.5:
           algo.HistoPath = 'JEC14R05/'

But then it is correctly interpreted with

hsvc = HistogramSvc ( 'HistogramDataSvc' );
        alreadySet = False
        if self.R == 0.5:
            for file in hsvc.Input:
                if file == "JEC14R05 DATAFILE='$PARAMFILESROOT/data/JetEnergyCorrections_R05_v3.root' TYP='ROOT'": alreadySet = True
            if not alreadySet: hsvc.Input += [ "JEC14R05 DATAFILE='$PARAMFILESROOT/data/JetEnergyCorrections_R05_v3.root' TYP='ROOT'" ]

Is it possible that this syntax does not work anymore in this patch? Because locally it still works for me.

Edited by Nicole Skidmore

Merge request reports