diff --git a/Kernel/PartProp/include/Kernel/ParticleID.h b/Kernel/PartProp/include/Kernel/ParticleID.h
index 97d03e1186c402ee888852537a18e9209425e5b3..c15c56d8d6070fa7c5f77239bdd249f80ec89b04 100644
--- a/Kernel/PartProp/include/Kernel/ParticleID.h
+++ b/Kernel/PartProp/include/Kernel/ParticleID.h
@@ -64,80 +64,83 @@ namespace LHCb {
   public: // Constructors and destructors.
     // ========================================================================
     /// Constructor with PDG code.
-    explicit ParticleID( const int pid = 0 ) { setPid( pid ); }
+    constexpr explicit ParticleID( const int pid = 0 ) { setPid( pid ); }
     // ========================================================================
   public: // Access the raw PID.
     // ========================================================================
     /// Retrieve the PDG ID.
-    int pid() const { return m_pid; }
+    [[nodiscard]] constexpr int pid() const { return m_pid; }
     /// Absolute value of the PDG ID.
-    unsigned int abspid() const { return 0 > m_pid ? -m_pid : m_pid; }
+    [[nodiscard]] constexpr unsigned int abspid() const { return 0 > m_pid ? -m_pid : m_pid; }
     /// Update the PDG ID.
-    void setPid( const int pid ) { m_pid = pid; }
+    constexpr ParticleID& setPid( const int pid ) {
+      m_pid = pid;
+      return *this;
+    }
     // ========================================================================
   public: // Methods to return particle type properties.
     // ========================================================================
     /// Return if the PID is valid.
-    bool isValid() const;
+    [[nodiscard]] bool isValid() const;
     /// Return if the PID is from the standard model.
-    bool isSM() const;
+    [[nodiscard]] bool isSM() const;
     /// Return if the PID is for a meson.
-    bool isMeson() const;
+    [[nodiscard]] bool isMeson() const;
     /// Return if the PID is for a baryon.
-    bool isBaryon() const;
+    [[nodiscard]] bool isBaryon() const;
     /// Return if the PID is for a di-quark.
-    bool isDiQuark() const;
+    [[nodiscard]] bool isDiQuark() const;
     /// Return if the PID is for a hadron.
-    bool isHadron() const;
+    [[nodiscard]] bool isHadron() const;
     /// Return if the PID is for a lepton.
-    bool isLepton() const;
+    [[nodiscard]] bool isLepton() const;
     /// Return if the PID is for a nucleus.
-    bool isNucleus() const;
+    [[nodiscard]] bool isNucleus() const;
     /// Return if the PID is for a bare quark.
-    bool isQuark() const;
+    [[nodiscard]] bool isQuark() const;
     // ========================================================================
   public: // quark content
     // ========================================================================
     /// Return if the PID is a particle with quarks, but not a nucleus.
-    bool hasQuarks() const;
+    [[nodiscard]] bool hasQuarks() const;
     /// Return if the PID is a particle containing a specified quark flavor.
-    bool hasQuark( const Quark& q ) const;
+    [[nodiscard]] bool hasQuark( const Quark& q ) const;
     /// Return if the PID is a particle with a down quark.
-    bool hasDown() const { return hasQuark( down ); }
+    [[nodiscard]] bool hasDown() const { return hasQuark( down ); }
     /// Return if the PID is a particle with an up quark.
-    bool hasUp() const { return hasQuark( up ); }
+    [[nodiscard]] bool hasUp() const { return hasQuark( up ); }
     /// Return if the PID is a particle with a down quark.
-    bool hasStrange() const { return hasQuark( strange ); }
+    [[nodiscard]] bool hasStrange() const { return hasQuark( strange ); }
     /// Return if the PID is a particle with a charm quark.
-    bool hasCharm() const { return hasQuark( charm ); }
+    [[nodiscard]] bool hasCharm() const { return hasQuark( charm ); }
     /// Return if the PID is a particle with a bottom quark.
-    bool hasBottom() const { return hasQuark( bottom ); }
+    [[nodiscard]] bool hasBottom() const { return hasQuark( bottom ); }
     /// Return if the PID is a particle with a top quark.
-    bool hasTop() const { return hasQuark( top ); }
+    [[nodiscard]] bool hasTop() const { return hasQuark( top ); }
     /// Return if the PID is a particle with a bottom' quark.
-    bool hasBottomPrime() const { return hasQuark( bottom_prime ); }
+    [[nodiscard]] bool hasBottomPrime() const { return hasQuark( bottom_prime ); }
     /// Return if the PID is a particle with a top' quark.
-    bool hasTopPrime() const { return hasQuark( top_prime ); }
+    [[nodiscard]] bool hasTopPrime() const { return hasQuark( top_prime ); }
     // ========================================================================
   public: // Methods to return particle spin and charge properties.
     // ========================================================================
     /// Return three times the charge, in units of e+, valid for all particles.
-    int threeCharge() const;
+    [[nodiscard]] int threeCharge() const;
     /// Return 2J+1, where J is the total spin, valid for all particles.
-    int jSpin() const;
+    [[nodiscard]] int jSpin() const;
     /// Return 2S+1, where S is the spin, valid only for mesons.
-    int sSpin() const;
+    [[nodiscard]] int sSpin() const;
     /// Return 2L+1, where L is the orbital angular momentum, valid only for mesons.
-    int lSpin() const;
+    [[nodiscard]] int lSpin() const;
     // ========================================================================
   public: // nuclea
     // ========================================================================
     /// Return the atomic number for a nucleus.
-    int Z() const;
+    [[nodiscard]] int Z() const;
     /// Return the nucleon number for a nucleus.
-    int A() const;
+    [[nodiscard]] int A() const;
     /// Return the number of strange quarks for a nucleus.
-    int nLambda() const;
+    [[nodiscard]] int nLambda() const;
     // ========================================================================
   public: // fundamental particle ?
     // ========================================================================
@@ -145,12 +148,12 @@ namespace LHCb {
      *  This is 0 for nuclie, mesons, baryons, and di-quarks.
      *  Otherwise, this is the first two digits of the PDG ID
-    int fundamentalID() const;
+    [[nodiscard]] int fundamentalID() const;
     // ========================================================================
   public: // technical methods
     // ========================================================================
     /// Return everything beyond the 7th PDG ID digit.
-    int extraBits() const;
+    [[nodiscard]] int extraBits() const;
     /// Return the digit for a given PDG ID digit location.
     unsigned short digit( const Location& loc ) const { return Gaudi::Math::digit( abspid(), loc - 1 ); }
     /// Return the digit for a given PDG ID digit location.
@@ -169,11 +172,9 @@ namespace LHCb {
   public: // comparisons (needed e.g. to be used as keys for maps and sets
     // ========================================================================
     /// Equality operator.
-    bool operator==( const ParticleID& o ) const { return m_pid == o.m_pid; }
-    /// Non-equality operator.
-    bool operator!=( const ParticleID& o ) const { return m_pid != o.m_pid; }
+    [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==( const ParticleID& o ) const { return m_pid == o.m_pid; }
     /// Comparison operator.
-    bool operator<( const ParticleID& o ) const {
+    [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator<( const ParticleID& o ) const {
       const unsigned int i1( abspid() ), i2( o.abspid() );
       return std::tie( i1, m_pid ) < std::tie( i2, o.m_pid );
@@ -182,36 +183,33 @@ namespace LHCb {
     // ======================================================================
     /// Fill a stream with the PID.
     std::ostream& fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const;
+    /// Stream operator for the PID.
+    friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& s, const LHCb::ParticleID& o ) { return o.fillStream( s ); }
     /// Return the PID stream representation as a string.
     std::string toString() const;
     /// Fill a stream with the PID digit enumeration.
     static std::ostream& printLocation( const long l, std::ostream& s );
     /// Return the PID digit enumeration stream representation as a string.
     static std::string printLocation( const long l );
+    /// Stream operator for the PDG digit enumeration.
+    friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& s, LHCb::ParticleID::Location l ) {
+      return LHCb::ParticleID::printLocation( l, s );
+    }
     /// Fill a stream with the PID quark enumeration.
     static std::ostream& printQuark( const long q, std::ostream& s );
     /// Return the PID quark enumeration stream representation as a string.
     static std::string printQuark( const long q );
+    /// Stream operator for the PDG quark enumeration.
+    friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& s, LHCb::ParticleID::Quark q ) {
+      return LHCb::ParticleID::printQuark( q, s );
+    }
     // ========================================================================
   private: // Internal data members.
     // ========================================================================
     /// PDG ID.
-    int m_pid{0};
+    int m_pid{ 0 };
     // ========================================================================
-  // ==========================================================================
-  // Inline stream operators.
-  /// Stream operator for the PID.
-  inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& s, const LHCb::ParticleID& o ) { return o.fillStream( s ); }
-  /// Stream operator for the PDG digit enumeration.
-  inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& s, LHCb::ParticleID::Location l ) {
-    return LHCb::ParticleID::printLocation( l, s );
-  }
-  /// Stream operator for the PDG quark enumeration.
-  inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& s, LHCb::ParticleID::Quark q ) {
-    return LHCb::ParticleID::printQuark( q, s );
-  }
-  // ==========================================================================
 } // namespace LHCb
 // ============================================================================
 // Hash functions for maps of ParticleIDs.
diff --git a/Kernel/PartProp/include/Kernel/ParticleIDs.h b/Kernel/PartProp/include/Kernel/ParticleIDs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e0a36727841d1f3203787e47c6f3c1872c51d3a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kernel/PartProp/include/Kernel/ParticleIDs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+* (c) Copyright 2025 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           *
+*                                                                             *
+* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      *
+* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   *
+*                                                                             *
+* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
+* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  *
+* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       *
+// ============================================================================
+#ifndef LHCbKernel_ParticleIDs_H
+#define LHCbKernel_ParticleIDs_H 1
+// ============================================================================
+// Include files
+// ============================================================================
+#include "Kernel/ParticleID.h"
+ * @file ParticleIDs.h
+ * @brief Particle IDs as consexpr values for common particles from PDG
+ *
+ */
+namespace LHCb {
+  namespace ParticleIDs {
+    // Leptons
+    constexpr auto electron              = ParticleID{ 11 };
+    constexpr auto positron              = ParticleID{ -11 };
+    constexpr auto muon_minus            = ParticleID{ 13 };
+    constexpr auto muon_plus             = ParticleID{ -13 };
+    constexpr auto tau_minus             = ParticleID{ 15 };
+    constexpr auto tau_plus              = ParticleID{ -15 };
+    constexpr auto electron_neutrino     = ParticleID{ 12 };
+    constexpr auto electron_antineutrino = ParticleID{ -12 };
+    constexpr auto muon_neutrino         = ParticleID{ 14 };
+    constexpr auto muon_antineutrino     = ParticleID{ -14 };
+    constexpr auto tau_neutrino          = ParticleID{ 16 };
+    constexpr auto tau_antineutrino      = ParticleID{ -16 };
+    // Mesons
+    constexpr auto pion_plus    = ParticleID{ 211 };
+    constexpr auto pion_minus   = ParticleID{ -211 };
+    constexpr auto pion_neutral = ParticleID{ 111 };
+    constexpr auto kaon_plus    = ParticleID{ 321 };
+    constexpr auto kaon_minus   = ParticleID{ -321 };
+    constexpr auto kaon_short   = ParticleID{ 310 };
+    constexpr auto kaon_long    = ParticleID{ 130 };
+    constexpr auto kaon_star    = ParticleID{ 323 };
+    constexpr auto phi          = ParticleID{ 333 };
+    constexpr auto rho          = ParticleID{ 113 };
+    constexpr auto eta          = ParticleID{ 221 };
+    constexpr auto eta_prime    = ParticleID{ 331 };
+    // Charm Mesons
+    constexpr auto d_zero      = ParticleID{ 421 };
+    constexpr auto anti_d_zero = ParticleID{ -421 };
+    constexpr auto d_plus      = ParticleID{ 411 };
+    constexpr auto d_minus     = ParticleID{ -411 };
+    constexpr auto d_s_plus    = ParticleID{ 431 };
+    constexpr auto d_s_minus   = ParticleID{ -431 };
+    // Bottom Mesons
+    constexpr auto b_zero        = ParticleID{ 511 };
+    constexpr auto anti_b_zero   = ParticleID{ -511 };
+    constexpr auto b_plus        = ParticleID{ 521 };
+    constexpr auto b_minus       = ParticleID{ -521 };
+    constexpr auto b_s_zero      = ParticleID{ 531 };
+    constexpr auto anti_b_s_zero = ParticleID{ -531 };
+    // Baryons
+    constexpr auto proton        = ParticleID{ 2212 };
+    constexpr auto antiproton    = ParticleID{ -2212 };
+    constexpr auto neutron       = ParticleID{ 2112 };
+    constexpr auto antineutron   = ParticleID{ -2112 };
+    constexpr auto lambda        = ParticleID{ 3122 };
+    constexpr auto anti_lambda   = ParticleID{ -3122 };
+    constexpr auto lambda_b      = ParticleID{ 5122 };
+    constexpr auto anti_lambda_b = ParticleID{ -5122 };
+    constexpr auto sigma_plus    = ParticleID{ 3222 };
+    constexpr auto sigma_zero    = ParticleID{ 3212 };
+    constexpr auto sigma_minus   = ParticleID{ 3112 };
+    constexpr auto xi_zero       = ParticleID{ 3322 };
+    constexpr auto xi_minus      = ParticleID{ 3312 };
+    constexpr auto omega_minus   = ParticleID{ 3334 };
+    // Photons and Bosons
+    constexpr auto photon      = ParticleID{ 22 };
+    constexpr auto z_boson     = ParticleID{ 23 };
+    constexpr auto w_plus      = ParticleID{ 24 };
+    constexpr auto w_minus     = ParticleID{ -24 };
+    constexpr auto higgs_boson = ParticleID{ 25 };
+    // ==========================================================================
+  } // namespace ParticleIDs
+  // ============================================================================
+  // ==========================================================================
+} // namespace LHCb
+// ============================================================================
+#endif /// LHCbKernel_ParticleIDs_H
diff --git a/Kernel/PartProp/include/Kernel/ParticleProperty.h b/Kernel/PartProp/include/Kernel/ParticleProperty.h
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 73b97d2297e4b8bfa57ec33962735e1ca7af5cc1..c51b44c7226f877aeb936bd2e6c2016a5f6e78a7
--- a/Kernel/PartProp/include/Kernel/ParticleProperty.h
+++ b/Kernel/PartProp/include/Kernel/ParticleProperty.h
@@ -162,11 +162,18 @@ namespace LHCb {
     /// simple method for conversion into the string
     std::string toString() const;
     // ========================================================================
-  private:
-    // ========================================================================
-    /// The default constructor is disabled
-    ParticleProperty(); // no default constructor
-    // ========================================================================
+    // ============================================================================
+    /** standard output operator to the stream
+     *  @param stream the stream
+     *  @param pp    the particle property object
+     *  @return the stream
+     *  @author Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@nikhef.nl
+     *  @date  2008-08-03
+     */
+    friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& stream, const LHCb::ParticleProperty& pp ) {
+      return pp.fillStream( stream );
+    }
   private: // data members
     // ========================================================================
     /// the name for the  particle
@@ -192,15 +199,6 @@ namespace LHCb {
   // ==========================================================================
 } // end of namespace LHCb
 // ============================================================================
-/** standard output operator to the stream
- *  @param stream the stream
- *  @param pp    the particle property object
- *  @return the stream
- *  @author Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@nikhef.nl
- *  @date  2008-08-03
- */
-std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& stream, const LHCb::ParticleProperty& pp );
-// ============================================================================
 /// forward declaration
 // ============================================================================
 class MsgStream; // forward declaration
diff --git a/Kernel/PartProp/src/ParticleProperty.cpp b/Kernel/PartProp/src/ParticleProperty.cpp
index e77728492323aefe4d1c88dcf968308759368a58..0d9d356635cf7626f8c6bdb14960e46c013088cc 100755
--- a/Kernel/PartProp/src/ParticleProperty.cpp
+++ b/Kernel/PartProp/src/ParticleProperty.cpp
@@ -28,14 +28,6 @@
  *  @date 2008-08-03
 // ============================================================================
-/*  standard output operator to the stream
- *  @param stream the stream
- *  @param pp    the particle property object
- *  @return the stream
- */
-// ============================================================================
-std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& stream, const LHCb::ParticleProperty& pp ) { return pp.fillStream( stream ); }
-// ============================================================================
 /*  full constructor, from all data (except the antiparticle )
  *  @param name       the name for the particle
  *  @param pid        the PID for the particle