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SMOG di-muon line

Saverio Mariani requested to merge samarian_SMOGDiMuonLine into master

Porting of the Run2 Hlt1SmogDiMuonHighMassLine to the new framework.

PrForwardFittedTracksWithMuonID are required to satisfy kinematic and quality cuts and then combined requiring opposite charge, high mass, good quality and a resulting track originating from the Smog2 region.

The line efficiency has been measured on a private simulated Jpsi -> mumu sample and the contamination from pp events is excluded thanks to the Z cut (see JPsi_FirstHitZ.pdf with all cuts applied but Z one)

Depends on LHCb!2199 (merged) and Rec!1767 (merged).


Edited by Saverio Mariani

Merge request reports
