Corrupt HltLumiSummary from HLT1
The encoding key in the HltLumiSummary banks out of HLT1 is corrupted when running a TCK made from hlt1_PbPb_PbSMOG_no_ut
on the latest release lhcb-core/lhcbstacks!185 (merged)
Run was taken (without beams) to test the TCK. A problem was observed in the LumiMon task:
An HLT1 output file can be checked with pcie40_mdfreader
and it shows that about 1/4 of the events have a wrong encoding key (we expect only 9F DC 6A 9F
and B9 E6 7A 41
[rmatev@pluscc06 ~]$ pcie40_mdfreader /scratch/rmatev/Run_0000277247_20230925-231853-098_ECEB09_0001.mdf | head -n 1000000 | grep -A2 HltLumiSummary | grep -o '0x0000..............' | sort | uniq -c
6 0x0000 | 9C DC 6A 9F
29 0x0000 | 9D DC 6A 9F
185 0x0000 | 9E DC 6A 9F
632 0x0000 | 9F DC 6A 9F
3 0x0000 | B8 E6 7A 41
25 0x0000 | B9 E6 7A 41
Thanks to @gunther @miolocco @oozcelik for uncovering this issue.
Followed up by @dcraik but help from others is appreciated!