Histograms in online mode randomly have // and can't be found by Monet
As discovered by @fbetti (and reported in https://lblogbook.cern.ch/RICH/2117) the histogram paths in the monitoring have random double slashes, which causes issues in online mode in Monet, but they are not visible (or ignored) in history mode.
Example: RICH/RiCKResLong/Rich2Gas/CSide-right/cols//ckResAllCol5
Looking at the code that produces the histograms I don't see these slashes appearing https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Rec/-/blob/master/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichSIMDPhotonCherenkovAngles.cpp?ref_type=heads#L210
So it seems to me it's an Online issue. But I might be mistaken. In any case: is it possible to ignore them?
We had a similar issue last year with these histograms (back then it was necessary to write //RICH/RiCKResLong/Rich2Gas/CSide-right/cols//ckResAllCol5