diff --git a/Vis/SoEvent/CMakeLists.txt b/Vis/SoEvent/CMakeLists.txt
index b7da0d622ec2d672f9791efc8480667e1bfda0c9..092782325e25f0605fa6307b5edbd765d89b465b 100644
--- a/Vis/SoEvent/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Vis/SoEvent/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ gaudi_add_module(SoEvent
+                   src/SoUTClusterCnv.cpp
diff --git a/Vis/SoEvent/src/SoSTClusterCnv.cpp b/Vis/SoEvent/src/SoSTClusterCnv.cpp
index 01cca75224760fd63cec5b43f280a58a8c108027..99a11b188da62e41d66e013cd77dcbd859335007 100755
--- a/Vis/SoEvent/src/SoSTClusterCnv.cpp
+++ b/Vis/SoEvent/src/SoSTClusterCnv.cpp
@@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ StatusCode SoSTClusterCnv::createRep(
   DeSTDetector* itracker=0;
   DeSTDetector* ttracker=0;
-  DeSTDetector* utracker=0;
   IToolSvc* toolSvc = 0;
   StatusCode sc = service( "ToolSvc", toolSvc, true );
   if( sc.isFailure() ) {
@@ -135,38 +134,29 @@ StatusCode SoSTClusterCnv::createRep(
   // get position tool
   ISTClusterPosition* ttPositionTool;
   ISTClusterPosition* itPositionTool;
-  ISTClusterPosition* utPositionTool;
-  utracker=SmartDataPtr<DeSTDetector>(fDetectorDataSvc,DeSTDetLocation::location("UT"));
-  if (!utracker){
-   sc = toolSvc->retrieveTool("STOfflinePosition/ITClusterPosition", itPositionTool);
-   if ( !itracker ) {
+  sc = toolSvc->retrieveTool("STOfflinePosition/ITClusterPosition", itPositionTool);
+  if ( !itracker ) {
     log << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to retrieve IT detector element"
         << " from xml." << endmsg;
     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-   }
-   if (sc.isFailure()){
+  }
+  if (sc.isFailure()){
     log << MSG::FATAL << "Unable to retrieve ITPosition Tool " << endmsg;
     return sc;
-   }
-   sc = toolSvc->retrieveTool("STOfflinePosition", ttPositionTool);
-   if ( !ttracker ) {
+  }
+  sc = toolSvc->retrieveTool("STOfflinePosition", ttPositionTool);
+  if ( !ttracker ) {
     log << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to retrieve TT detector element"
         << " from xml." << endmsg;
     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-   }
-   if (sc.isFailure()){
+  }
+  if (sc.isFailure()){
     log << MSG::FATAL << "Unable to retrieve TTPosition Tool " << endmsg;
     return sc;
-   }
-  }else{
-   sc = toolSvc->retrieveTool("STOfflinePosition/UTClusterPosition", utPositionTool);
-   if (sc.isFailure()){
-    log << MSG::FATAL << "Unable to retrieve UTPosition Tool " << endmsg;
-    return sc;
-   }
   // Representation attributes :
@@ -228,15 +218,9 @@ StatusCode SoSTClusterCnv::createRep(
     DeSTDetector* tdet;
     ISTClusterPosition* icluspos;
     const LHCb::STCluster* arg1 = dynamic_cast<const LHCb::STCluster*>(cluster);
-    if  (arg1->isUT() ){
-     tdet = utracker;
-     icluspos = utPositionTool ;
-     log << MSG::INFO << "STCluster : UT" << endmsg;
-    }else{
-     tdet = arg1->isIT()?itracker:ttracker;
-     log << MSG::INFO << "STCluster : "<< arg1->isTT() << endmsg;
-     icluspos = arg1->isIT()?itPositionTool:ttPositionTool ;
-    }
+    tdet = arg1->isIT()?itracker:ttracker;
+    log << MSG::INFO << "STCluster : "<< arg1->isTT() << endmsg;
+    icluspos = arg1->isIT()?itPositionTool:ttPositionTool ;
     log << MSG::INFO << "STCluster clusterposition " << arg1  << "  " << tdet << "  " << icluspos << endmsg;
     LHCb::STMeasurement meas = LHCb::STMeasurement( *arg1, *tdet, *icluspos );
     log << MSG::INFO << "STCluster measurement done " << endmsg;
diff --git a/Vis/SoEvent/src/SoUTClusterCnv.cpp b/Vis/SoEvent/src/SoUTClusterCnv.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8df0bd7abf6d7a1e3e6b3362cba0798fe6744cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Vis/SoEvent/src/SoUTClusterCnv.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+// To fix clashes between Gaudi and Windows :
+#include "OnXSvc/Win32.h"
+// this :
+#include "SoUTClusterCnv.h"
+// Inventor :
+#include "Inventor/nodes/SoSeparator.h"
+#include "Inventor/nodes/SoLightModel.h"
+#include "Inventor/nodes/SoDrawStyle.h"
+#include "Inventor/nodes/SoCoordinate3.h"
+#include "Inventor/nodes/SoTransform.h"
+#include "Inventor/nodes/SoIndexedLineSet.h"
+// HEPVis :
+#include "HEPVis/nodes/SoSceneGraph.h"
+#include "HEPVis/nodes/SoHighlightMaterial.h"
+#include "HEPVis/misc/SoStyleCache.h"
+// Lib :
+#include "Lib/smanip.h"
+#include "Lib/Interfaces/ISession.h"
+// Gaudi :
+#include "GaudiKernel/SmartDataPtr.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
+#include "Kernel/IParticlePropertySvc.h"
+#include "Kernel/ParticleProperty.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IToolSvc.h"
+// LHCb :
+#include "Event/UTCluster.h"
+#include "UTDet/DeUTDetector.h"
+#include "UTDet/DeUTSector.h"
+#include "Kernel/Trajectory.h"
+#include "TrackInterfaces/IUTClusterPosition.h"
+#include "Event/UTMeasurement.h"
+// OnXSvc :
+#include "OnXSvc/Filter.h"
+#include "OnXSvc/IUserInterfaceSvc.h"
+#include "OnXSvc/ClassID.h"
+#include "OnXSvc/Helpers.h"
+ ISvcLocator* aSvcLoc
+StatusCode SoUTClusterCnv::createRep(
+ DataObject* aObject
+,IOpaqueAddress*& aAddr
+  MsgStream log(msgSvc(), "SoUTClusterCnv");
+  log << MSG::INFO << "UTCluster createReps" << endmsg;
+  if(!fUISvc) {
+    log << MSG::INFO << " UI service not found" << endmsg;
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+  }
+  if(!fParticlePropertySvc) {
+    log << MSG::INFO << " ParticleProperty service not found" << endmsg;
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+  }
+  ISession* session = fUISvc->session();
+  if(!session) {
+    log << MSG::INFO << " can't get ISession." << endmsg;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  SoRegion* region = 0;
+  if(aAddr) {
+    // Optimization.
+    // If having a not null aAddr, we expect a SoRegion.
+    // See SoEvent/Type.h/SoEvent::Type<>::beginVisualize.
+    region = (SoRegion*)aAddr;
+  } else {
+    region = fUISvc->currentSoRegion();
+  }
+  if(!region) {
+    log << MSG::INFO << " can't get viewing region." << endmsg;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(!aObject) {
+    log << MSG::INFO << " NULL object." << endmsg;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  LHCb::UTClusters* clusters = dynamic_cast<LHCb::UTClusters*>(aObject);
+  if(!clusters) {
+    log << MSG::INFO << " bad object type." << endmsg;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  bool deleteVector = false;
+  // Filter :
+  Filter<LHCb::UTCluster> filter(*fUISvc,log);
+  const std::string& cuts = fUISvc->cuts();
+  if(cuts!="") {
+    log << MSG::INFO << " cuts \"" << cuts << "\"" << endmsg;
+    clusters = filter.collect(*clusters,"UTCluster",cuts);
+    if(!clusters) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+    //filter.dump(*clusters,"UTCluster");
+    deleteVector = true;;
+  }
+  if(!clusters->size()) {
+    log << MSG::INFO << " collection is empty." << endmsg;
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+  }
+  // get geometry
+  DeUTDetector* tdet = SmartDataPtr<DeUTDetector>(fDetectorDataSvc,DeUTDetLocation::UT);
+  IToolSvc* toolSvc = 0;
+  StatusCode sc = service( "ToolSvc", toolSvc, true );
+  if( sc.isFailure() ) {
+    log << MSG::FATAL << "Unable to retrieve ToolSvc " << endmsg;
+  }
+  // get position tool
+  IUTClusterPosition* icluspos = nullptr;
+  sc = toolSvc->retrieveTool("UTOfflinePosition/UTClusterPosition", icluspos);
+  if (sc.isFailure()){
+    log << MSG::FATAL << "Unable to retrieve UTPosition Tool " << endmsg;
+    return sc;
+  }
+  // Representation attributes :
+  // Get color (default is grey (valid on black or white background) ):
+  double r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0.5;
+  double hr = 1.0, hg = 1.0, hb = 0.0;
+  std::string value;
+  if(session->parameterValue("modeling.color",value))
+    Lib::smanip::torgb(value,r,g,b);
+  if(session->parameterValue("modeling.highlightColor",value))
+    Lib::smanip::torgb(value,hr,hg,hb);
+  double lineWidth = 0;
+  if(session->parameterValue("modeling.lineWidth",value))
+    if(!Lib::smanip::todouble(value,lineWidth)) lineWidth = 0;
+  SoStyleCache* styleCache = region->styleCache();
+  SoLightModel* lightModel = styleCache->getLightModelBaseColor();
+  SoDrawStyle* drawStyle =
+    styleCache->getLineStyle(SbLinePattern_solid,float(lineWidth));
+  SoMaterial* highlightMaterial =
+    styleCache->getHighlightMaterial(float(r),float(g),float(b),
+                                     float(hr),float(hg),float(hb),0,TRUE);
+  SoSeparator* separator = new SoSeparator;
+  SoCoordinate3* coordinate3 = new SoCoordinate3;
+  separator->addChild(coordinate3);
+  int icoord = 0;
+  int32_t coordIndex[3];
+  SbBool empty = TRUE;
+  // One scene graph per UTCluster :
+  LHCb::UTClusters::iterator it;
+  for(it = clusters->begin(); it != clusters->end(); it++) {
+    LHCb::UTCluster* cluster  = (*it);
+    LHCb::UTChannelID chan = cluster->channelID();
+    // Build name :
+    char sid[64];
+    ::sprintf(sid,"UTCluster/0x%lx",(unsigned long)cluster);
+    SoSceneGraph* sep = new SoSceneGraph;
+    sep->setString(sid);
+    separator->addChild(sep);
+    sep->addChild(highlightMaterial);
+    sep->addChild(lightModel);
+    sep->addChild(drawStyle);
+    // find the sector
+    // only online info
+    //    DeUTSector* sector = tracker->findSector(chan);
+    //    std::auto_ptr<LHCb::Trajectory> traj_online  = sector->trajectory(chan,cluster->interStripFraction());
+    // another possibility
+    const LHCb::UTCluster* arg1 = dynamic_cast<const LHCb::UTCluster*>(cluster);
+    LHCb::UTMeasurement meas = LHCb::UTMeasurement( *arg1, *tdet, *icluspos );
+    log << MSG::INFO << "UTCluster measurement done " << endmsg;
+    const LHCb::Trajectory<double>& traj  = meas.trajectory();
+    // endpoints of trajectory
+    Gaudi::XYZPoint start = traj.beginPoint();
+    Gaudi::XYZPoint stop = traj.endPoint();
+    int pointn = 2;
+    SbVec3f points[2];
+    points[0].setValue(float(start.x()), float(start.y()), float(start.z()));
+    points[1].setValue(float(stop.x()), float(stop.y()), float(stop.z()));
+    coordIndex[0] = icoord + 0;
+    coordIndex[1] = icoord + 1;
+    coordIndex[2] = SO_END_LINE_INDEX;
+    coordinate3->point.setValues(icoord,pointn,points);
+    icoord += pointn;
+    SoIndexedLineSet* lineSet = new SoIndexedLineSet;
+    lineSet->coordIndex.setValues(0,pointn+1,coordIndex);
+    sep->addChild(lineSet);
+    empty = FALSE;
+  }
+  if(deleteVector) {
+    // We have first to empty the vector :
+    while(clusters->size()) {
+      clusters->remove(*(clusters->begin()));
+    }
+    // Then we can delete it :
+    delete clusters;
+  }
+  if(empty==TRUE) {
+    separator->unref();
+  } else {
+    //  Send scene graph to the viewing region
+    // (in the "dynamic" sub-scene graph) :
+    region_addToDynamicScene(*region,separator);
+  }
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+const CLID& SoUTClusterCnv::classID(
+  return LHCb::UTClusters::classID();
+unsigned char SoUTClusterCnv::storageType(
+  return So_TechnologyType;
diff --git a/Vis/SoEvent/src/SoUTClusterCnv.h b/Vis/SoEvent/src/SoUTClusterCnv.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cb14d5e823c85acbd1863ea6df9c4cba5d4577e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Vis/SoEvent/src/SoUTClusterCnv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#ifndef SoEvent_SoUTClusterCnv_h
+#define SoEvent_SoUTClusterCnv_h
+#include "SoEventConverter.h"
+class SoUTClusterCnv : public SoEventConverter {
+  SoUTClusterCnv(ISvcLocator*);
+  virtual StatusCode createRep(DataObject*,IOpaqueAddress*&);
+  static const CLID& classID();
+  static unsigned char storageType();