Make a monitoring Alg to compare HLT1 and HLT2 tracks
As was discussed in the WP2 meeting, we should have comparison plots of the reconstruction variables between HLT1 and HLT2 in Dashboard. This however ideally requires a separate monitoring alg, that will take both Allen and HLT2 input tracks, match them and fill in the histograms we need. Maybe there is a workaround but I couldn't find it yet.
The list of variables to look at (please fill free to change the list):
track multiplicity (number of tracks), both for velo and for long -
stateAtVertex (x,y,tx,ty,qop), covariance matrix elements, both for velo and for long -
PV multiplicity, positions, covariance matrix elements -
IPx, IPy, sigma(IPx), sigma(IPy), and evt. IP3D, and IPChi2 -
qop and pT -
lower level: nHits on the track per subdetector?
Edited by Valeriia Lukashenko