PrStoreUTHit - Problems loading dd4hep condition
Look at test
It fails with messages lkike
ConditionsDependencyHandler ERROR Failed to resolve conditon:9C5E629397281372
ConditionDependency ERROR +++ Exception while creating dependent Condition 124D33D0 18BF8915:
ConditionDependency ERROR ConditionsDependencyHandler: Failed to resolve conditon:9C5E629397281372
which are not exactly helpful in determining where the actual issue is.
@bcouturi @sponce @clemenci Can you take a look please ?
Update - Following improvements to debugging info we now have
ConditionsDependencyHandler ERROR Failed to resolve conditon:9C5E629397281372
ConditionDependency ERROR +++ Exception while creating dependent Condition 124D33D0 18BF8915:
ConditionDependency ERROR ConditionsDependencyHandler: Failed to resolve conditon:9C5E629397281372 @../Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrStoreUTHit.cpp:89 (input 0)
Edited by Christopher Rob Jones