Remove FilterDesktop and CombineParticles and then obsolete software.
FilterDesktop and CombineParticles is still used in Moore and relies on lots of obsolete software that should be removed and it's not thread safe. Once they are removed, one can remove everything using IDVAlgorithm and eventyally big chunks of LoKi. It's criical to remove obsolete code so that people don't waste time fixing it when there are changes upstream.
Looking at the release I see that FilterDesktop is used in in filter_desktop
, used in ParticleFilter
and ParticleFilterWithPV
. They are used in several lines, in and a huge amount of Hlt2 lines in Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/ . Similarly for CombineParticles.
The steps should be
Clean Hlt2 lines using non-thread safe code -> @mvesteri @poluekt ~"RTA WP3 meeting" -
Remove FilterDesktop -> @pkoppenb DPA-WP3 Moore!2248 (merged) !3392 (merged) -
... and CombineParticles -> @pkoppenb DPA-WP3 !3405 (merged) -
Remove tagging @cprouve Flavour tagging !3433 (closed) -
Remove jets -> @helder Jets !3431 (merged) -
Cleanup MooreAnalysis
MooreAnalysis!133 (merged) -
Clean up IDVAlgorithm and dependencies -> @pkoppenb DPA-WP3 . !3676 (merged) -
Remove getIDVAlgorithm
and everything that uses it
(maybe) Related: #333