F.BPVIP in F.MAP_INPUT from DTF leads to functor compilation error (using FunTuple, probably also Moore)
After #359 (comment 5697132), I added an extra line in my functor list and run into the following problem with the functor compilation:
F.MAP_INPUT(bpvip_fun, DTF_jpsi.OutputRelations),
bpvip_fun = F.BPVIP(v2_pvs) DTF_jpsi = DTFAlg(MassConstraints=[], Input=input_data)
leads to a compilation error. I think that it's related to slopes
not being on that Particle, but the error message is hard to understand. I have put the error log at /afs/cern.ch/work/l/ldufour/public/crash_from_functorlib_2
In principle, the exact same minimal options as the other issue apply here, but with this functor above added to the FunctorCollection.