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WIP Updated comment and resolutions

Closed Louis Henry requested to merge lohenry-updateClusRes into master
1 unresolved thread
+ 140
* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#include "Event/Track.h"
#include "Event/Track_v2.h"
#include "GaudiAlg/Transformer.h"
#include "LoKi/BasicFunctors.h"
#include "LoKi/ITrackFunctorFactory.h"
#include "LoKi/TrackTypes.h"
#include "LoKi_v2/ITrackFunctorFactory.h"
#include "LoKi_v2/TrackTypes.h"
#include "PrKernel/PrSelection.h"
#include "boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp"
#include <vector>
namespace {
// Just shorthand for below
template <typename T>
using FilterTransform =
Gaudi::Functional::MultiTransformerFilter<std::tuple<Pr::Selection<T>>( Pr::Selection<T> const& )>;
// Helper class used to collect the type names we need to construct LoKi functors for various objects
template <typename T>
struct TypeHelper {};
// LoKi type names for Filter<v1::Track>
template <>
struct TypeHelper<LHCb::Event::v1::Track> {
using Predicate = LoKi::TrackTypes::TrCut;
using FunctorFactory = LoKi::ITrackFunctorFactory;
using BooleanConstant = LoKi::BasicFunctors<LHCb::Event::v1::Track const*>::BooleanConstant;
constexpr static auto DefaultFunctorCode = "~TrALL";
constexpr static auto FunctorFactoryName = "LoKi::Hybrid::TrackFunctorFactory/TrackFunctorFactory:PUBLIC";
// LoKi type names for Filter<v2::Track>
template <>
struct TypeHelper<LHCb::Event::v2::Track> {
using Predicate = LoKi::Pr::TrackTypes::TrCut;
using FunctorFactory = LoKi::Pr::ITrackFunctorFactory;
using BooleanConstant = LoKi::BasicFunctors<LoKi::Pr::TrackType const*>::BooleanConstant;
constexpr static auto DefaultFunctorCode = "~TrALL";
constexpr static auto FunctorFactoryName = "LoKi::Hybrid::Pr::TrackFunctorFactory/PrTrackFunctorFactory:PUBLIC";
} // namespace
namespace Pr {
/** @class Filter PrFilter.cpp
* Filter<T> applies a selection to an input Selection<T> and returns a new Selection<T> object.
* @tparam T The selected object type (e.g. Track, Particle, ...). By contruction this is not copied, as the
* input/output type Selection<T> is just a view of some other underlying storage.
template <typename T>
class LegacyFilter final : public FilterTransform<T> {
using FilterTransform<T>::debug;
using FilterTransform<T>::msgLevel;
LegacyFilter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
: FilterTransform<T>( name, pSvcLocator, {"Input", ""}, {"Output", ""} ) {}
std::tuple<bool, Selection<T>> operator()( Selection<T> const& in ) const override {
auto buffer = m_cutEff.buffer();
auto pred_with_counter = [this, &buffer]( auto const& x ) {
auto dec = this->m_pred( &x );
buffer += dec; // record selection efficiency
return dec;
// Make a new Selection by applying an extra cut to 'in'
auto filtered = pred_with_counter );
// For use in the control flow: did we select anything?
auto filter_pass = !filtered.empty();
return {filter_pass, std::move( filtered )};
StatusCode initialize() override {
auto sc = FilterTransform<T>::initialize();
return sc;
// Counter for recording cut retention statistics
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cutEff{this, "Cut selection efficiency"};
// Boilerplate to load a LoKi filter predicate
// These two flags are used to ensure that the values of both 'Code' and 'Preambulo' have been loaded before we try
// to decode the functor
bool m_code_updated{false};
bool m_preambulo_updated{false};
// This is the functor cut string
Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_code{this, "Code", TypeHelper<T>::DefaultFunctorCode, [this]( auto& ) {
this->m_code_updated = true;
if ( this->FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) return;
if ( !this->m_preambulo_updated ) return;
// Finally we can set a list of preambulo statements
Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_preambulo{this, "Preambulo", {}, [this]( auto& ) {
this->m_preambulo_updated = true;
if ( this->FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED )
if ( !this->m_code_updated ) return;
// Use the TypeHelper template defined above to choose the right types/defaults based on the template parameter T
ToolHandle<typename TypeHelper<T>::FunctorFactory> m_factory{this, "Factory", TypeHelper<T>::FunctorFactoryName};
typename TypeHelper<T>::Predicate m_pred = typename TypeHelper<T>::BooleanConstant( false );
void decode() {
if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) debug() << "decoding " << m_code.value() << endmsg;
StatusCode sc = m_factory->get( m_code.value(), m_pred, boost::algorithm::join( m_preambulo.value(), "\n" ) );
if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
throw GaudiException{"Failure to decode: " + m_code.value(), "Pr::Filter<T>", StatusCode::FAILURE};
m_code_updated = false;
m_preambulo_updated = false;
if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) debug() << "decoded " << m_code.value() << endmsg;
DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( LegacyFilter<LHCb::Event::v1::Track>, "PrFilter__Track_v1" )
} // namespace Pr