From 8cf5e7211fe70f8090bc9138391b44eba63744e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marco Clemencic <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 18:16:35 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Wrap SpreadEstimator in a namespace to avoid clash with the
 copy in LHCb

 .../src/FutureClusterSpreadTool.cpp           |   2 +-
 .../CaloFutureReco/src/SpreadEstimator.cpp    | 393 +++++++++---------
 .../CaloFutureReco/src/SpreadEstimator.h      | 126 +++---
 3 files changed, 263 insertions(+), 258 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/FutureClusterSpreadTool.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/FutureClusterSpreadTool.cpp
index 12a6fbc3ce2..87b673570b2 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/FutureClusterSpreadTool.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/FutureClusterSpreadTool.cpp
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public:
   // ==========================================================================
   // ==========================================================================
-  SpreadEstimator              m_estimator;
+  LHCb::Calo::SpreadEstimator  m_estimator;
   Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_detData{this, "Detector", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::DeCaloFutureLocation( name() )};
   const DeCalorimeter*         m_det = nullptr;
   // ==========================================================================
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SpreadEstimator.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SpreadEstimator.cpp
index 9e7aaf652ad..ca6469a1be3 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SpreadEstimator.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SpreadEstimator.cpp
@@ -35,209 +35,212 @@ namespace {
   // ==========================================================================
 } // namespace
-// ============================================================================
-/*  standard/default constructor
- *  @param Det pointer to calorimeter detector
- */
-// ============================================================================
-SpreadEstimator::SpreadEstimator( const DeCalorimeter* Det ) : m_detector( Det ) {}
-// ============================================================================
-/*  set new value for calorimeter
- *  @param Det pointer to calorimeter detector
- */
-// ============================================================================
-void SpreadEstimator::setDetector( const DeCalorimeter* Det ) { m_detector = Det; }
-// ============================================================================
-/*  calculation of cluster spread
- *
- *  Error codes:
- *
- *   - 221 - invalid source of detector information
- *   - 222 - the seed cell was not found
- *   - 223 - strange combination
- *   - 224 - energy is not positive
- *
- *  @param pointer to cluster object
- *  @return status code
- */
-// ============================================================================
-StatusCode SpreadEstimator::operator()( LHCb::CaloCluster* cluster ) const {
-  // ignore trivial cases
-  if ( !cluster ) { return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
-  if ( cluster->entries().empty() ) { return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
-  /// detector?
-  if ( !m_detector ) { return StatusCode( 221 ); }
-  auto et = LHCb::CaloDataFunctor::EnergyTransverse{m_detector};
-  const double x_prec  = 0.2 * Gaudi::Units::mm;
-  const double x_prec2 = x_prec * x_prec;
-  const double e_prec  = 0.2 * Gaudi::Units::MeV;
-  ///
-  double covxx = 0;
-  double covyx = 0;
-  double covyy = 0;
-  double xmean = 0;
-  double ymean = 0;
-  double etot  = 0;
-  double x0 = 0;
-  double y0 = 0;
-  unsigned int ncells = 0;
-  double       eall   = 0;
-  double cellsize = -10;
-  bool   first    = true;
-  for ( const auto& entry : cluster->entries() ) {
-    const LHCb::CaloDigit* digit = entry.digit();
-    if ( !digit ) { continue; }
-    ///
-    const double fraction = entry.fraction();
-    ///
-    const double energy = digit->e() * fraction;
-    ///
-    const Gaudi::XYZPoint& pos = m_detector->cellCenter( digit->cellID() );
-    ///
-    if ( entry.status() & LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::SeedCell ) cellsize = m_detector->cellSize( digit->cellID() );
-    ///
-    eall += energy;
-    ///
-    if ( energy <= 0 ) { continue; } //  CONTINUE!
-    //
-    const double weight = energy;    // ATTENTION!
-    if ( weight <= 0 ) { continue; } //  CONTINUE!
-    ///
-    ++ncells;
+namespace LHCb::Calo {
+  // ============================================================================
+  /*  standard/default constructor
+   *  @param Det pointer to calorimeter detector
+   */
+  // ============================================================================
+  SpreadEstimator::SpreadEstimator( const DeCalorimeter* Det ) : m_detector( Det ) {}
+  // ============================================================================
+  /*  set new value for calorimeter
+   *  @param Det pointer to calorimeter detector
+   */
+  // ============================================================================
+  void SpreadEstimator::setDetector( const DeCalorimeter* Det ) { m_detector = Det; }
+  // ============================================================================
+  /*  calculation of cluster spread
+   *
+   *  Error codes:
+   *
+   *   - 221 - invalid source of detector information
+   *   - 222 - the seed cell was not found
+   *   - 223 - strange combination
+   *   - 224 - energy is not positive
+   *
+   *  @param pointer to cluster object
+   *  @return status code
+   */
+  // ============================================================================
+  StatusCode SpreadEstimator::operator()( LHCb::CaloCluster* cluster ) const {
+    // ignore trivial cases
+    if ( !cluster ) { return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
+    if ( cluster->entries().empty() ) { return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
+    /// detector?
+    if ( !m_detector ) { return StatusCode( 221 ); }
+    auto et = LHCb::CaloDataFunctor::EnergyTransverse{m_detector};
+    const double x_prec  = 0.2 * Gaudi::Units::mm;
+    const double x_prec2 = x_prec * x_prec;
+    const double e_prec  = 0.2 * Gaudi::Units::MeV;
-    const double x = pos.x();
-    const double y = pos.y();
-    /// accumulate the energy
-    etot += weight;
-    // the first good cell?
-    if ( first ) {
-      x0    = x;     // adjust the bias
-      y0    = y;     // adjust the bias
-      first = false; // can skip since everything propto dx and/or dy
-      continue;      // continue
+    double covxx = 0;
+    double covyx = 0;
+    double covyy = 0;
+    double xmean = 0;
+    double ymean = 0;
+    double etot  = 0;
+    double x0 = 0;
+    double y0 = 0;
+    unsigned int ncells = 0;
+    double       eall   = 0;
+    double cellsize = -10;
+    bool   first    = true;
+    for ( const auto& entry : cluster->entries() ) {
+      const LHCb::CaloDigit* digit = entry.digit();
+      if ( !digit ) { continue; }
+      ///
+      const double fraction = entry.fraction();
+      ///
+      const double energy = digit->e() * fraction;
+      ///
+      const Gaudi::XYZPoint& pos = m_detector->cellCenter( digit->cellID() );
+      ///
+      if ( entry.status() & LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::SeedCell ) cellsize = m_detector->cellSize( digit->cellID() );
+      ///
+      eall += energy;
+      ///
+      if ( energy <= 0 ) { continue; } //  CONTINUE!
+      //
+      const double weight = energy;    // ATTENTION!
+      if ( weight <= 0 ) { continue; } //  CONTINUE!
+      ///
+      ++ncells;
+      ///
+      const double x = pos.x();
+      const double y = pos.y();
+      /// accumulate the energy
+      etot += weight;
+      // the first good cell?
+      if ( first ) {
+        x0    = x;     // adjust the bias
+        y0    = y;     // adjust the bias
+        first = false; // can skip since everything propto dx and/or dy
+        continue;      // continue
+      }
+      const double dx = x - x0; // temporary shift
+      const double dy = y - y0; // temporary shift
+      xmean += dx * weight;
+      ymean += dy * weight;
+      //
+      covxx += dx * dx * weight;
+      covyx += dy * dx * weight;
+      covyy += dy * dy * weight;
+      ///
-    const double dx = x - x0; // temporary shift
-    const double dy = y - y0; // temporary shift
-    xmean += dx * weight;
-    ymean += dy * weight;
-    //
-    covxx += dx * dx * weight;
-    covyx += dy * dx * weight;
-    covyy += dy * dy * weight;
+    // strange combinations
+    if ( ncells <= 0 ) { return StatusCode( 223 ); }
+    // energy is not positive
+    if ( eall <= 1 * Gaudi::Units::MeV ) { return StatusCode( 224 ); }
+    // energy is not positive
+    if ( etot <= 1 * Gaudi::Units::MeV ) { return StatusCode( 224 ); }
+    // seed cell was not found
+    if ( cellsize <= 0 ) { return StatusCode( 222 ); }
-  }
-  // strange combinations
-  if ( ncells <= 0 ) { return StatusCode( 223 ); }
-  // energy is not positive
-  if ( eall <= 1 * Gaudi::Units::MeV ) { return StatusCode( 224 ); }
-  // energy is not positive
-  if ( etot <= 1 * Gaudi::Units::MeV ) { return StatusCode( 224 ); }
-  // seed cell was not found
-  if ( cellsize <= 0 ) { return StatusCode( 222 ); }
-  ///
-  const double uniform = cellsize * cellsize / 12.;
-  xmean /= etot;
-  ymean /= etot;
-  covxx /= etot;
-  covyx /= etot;
-  covyy /= etot;
-  covxx -= xmean * xmean;
-  covyx -= ymean * xmean;
-  covyy -= ymean * ymean;
-  xmean += x0; // shift back
-  ymean += y0; // shift back
-  LHCb::CaloPosition::Center& center     = cluster->position().center();
-  center( LHCb::CaloPosition::Index::X ) = xmean;
-  center( LHCb::CaloPosition::Index::Y ) = ymean;
-  /// could do nothing else for 1 cell "clusters"
-  if ( 1 == ncells ) {
-    covxx = uniform;
-    covyy = uniform;
-    covyx = 0.0;
-  } else {
-    const double trace = covxx + covyy;
-    const double diff  = covxx - covyy;
-    const double disc  = std::sqrt( diff * diff + 4 * ( covyx * covyx ) );
-    // eigen values:
-    const double lambda1 = 0.5 * ( trace - disc );
-    const double lambda2 = 0.5 * ( trace + disc );
-    // minimal eigenvalue
-    const double lambdaMin = std::min( lambda1, lambda2 ) / uniform;
-    const double covMin    = std::min( covxx, covyy ) / uniform;
-    const double       s_Cut   = 0.5;
-    const unsigned int s_Cells = 4;
-    if ( s_Cells >= ncells ||  // small amout of cells wth e>0
-         s_Cut >= lambdaMin || // small eigenvalue
-         s_Cut >= covMin )     // small eigenvalue
-    {
-      // =======================================================================
-      // the matrix must be modified a bit:
-      const double eT = round( et( cluster ), e_prec );
-      m_ratio += (float)lambdaMin;
-      m_energy += (float)( eT / Gaudi::Units::GeV );
-      m_cells += ncells;
-      // construct the matrix of eigen vectors
-      const double diff1 = covxx - lambda1;
-      const double diff2 = covxx - lambda2;
-      const LHCb::Math::abs_less<double> absLess = LHCb::Math::abs_less<double>();
-      const double phi =
-          // the matrix is numerically diagonal? => trivial eigenvectors
-          absLess( covyx, x_prec2 ) ? 0.0 :
-                                    // find "the best non-zero" eigenvector
-              absLess( diff1, diff2 ) ? std::atan2( covyx, diff2 ) : std::atan2( diff1, -covyx );
-      const double cphi = std::cos( phi );
-      const double sphi = std::sin( phi );
-      const double s2 = sphi * sphi;
-      const double c2 = cphi * cphi;
-      const double cs = cphi * sphi;
-      const double newLambda1 = std::max( lambda1, uniform );
-      const double newLambda2 = std::max( lambda2, uniform );
-      // recalculate the matrix using new eigenvalues
-      covxx = c2 * newLambda1 + s2 * newLambda2;
-      covyx = cs * ( newLambda1 - newLambda2 );
-      covyy = s2 * newLambda1 + c2 * newLambda2;
+    const double uniform = cellsize * cellsize / 12.;
+    xmean /= etot;
+    ymean /= etot;
+    covxx /= etot;
+    covyx /= etot;
+    covyy /= etot;
+    covxx -= xmean * xmean;
+    covyx -= ymean * xmean;
+    covyy -= ymean * ymean;
+    xmean += x0; // shift back
+    ymean += y0; // shift back
+    LHCb::CaloPosition::Center& center     = cluster->position().center();
+    center( LHCb::CaloPosition::Index::X ) = xmean;
+    center( LHCb::CaloPosition::Index::Y ) = ymean;
+    /// could do nothing else for 1 cell "clusters"
+    if ( 1 == ncells ) {
+      covxx = uniform;
+      covyy = uniform;
+      covyx = 0.0;
+    } else {
+      const double trace = covxx + covyy;
+      const double diff  = covxx - covyy;
+      const double disc  = std::sqrt( diff * diff + 4 * ( covyx * covyx ) );
+      // eigen values:
+      const double lambda1 = 0.5 * ( trace - disc );
+      const double lambda2 = 0.5 * ( trace + disc );
+      // minimal eigenvalue
+      const double lambdaMin = std::min( lambda1, lambda2 ) / uniform;
+      const double covMin    = std::min( covxx, covyy ) / uniform;
+      const double       s_Cut   = 0.5;
+      const unsigned int s_Cells = 4;
+      if ( s_Cells >= ncells ||  // small amout of cells wth e>0
+           s_Cut >= lambdaMin || // small eigenvalue
+           s_Cut >= covMin )     // small eigenvalue
+      {
+        // =======================================================================
+        // the matrix must be modified a bit:
+        const double eT = round( et( cluster ), e_prec );
+        m_ratio += (float)lambdaMin;
+        m_energy += (float)( eT / Gaudi::Units::GeV );
+        m_cells += ncells;
+        // construct the matrix of eigen vectors
+        const double diff1 = covxx - lambda1;
+        const double diff2 = covxx - lambda2;
+        const LHCb::Math::abs_less<double> absLess = LHCb::Math::abs_less<double>();
+        const double phi =
+            // the matrix is numerically diagonal? => trivial eigenvectors
+            absLess( covyx, x_prec2 ) ? 0.0 :
+                                      // find "the best non-zero" eigenvector
+                absLess( diff1, diff2 ) ? std::atan2( covyx, diff2 ) : std::atan2( diff1, -covyx );
+        const double cphi = std::cos( phi );
+        const double sphi = std::sin( phi );
+        const double s2 = sphi * sphi;
+        const double c2 = cphi * cphi;
+        const double cs = cphi * sphi;
+        const double newLambda1 = std::max( lambda1, uniform );
+        const double newLambda2 = std::max( lambda2, uniform );
+        // recalculate the matrix using new eigenvalues
+        covxx = c2 * newLambda1 + s2 * newLambda2;
+        covyx = cs * ( newLambda1 - newLambda2 );
+        covyy = s2 * newLambda1 + c2 * newLambda2;
+      }
-  }
-  LHCb::CaloPosition::Spread& spread                                   = cluster->position().spread();
-  spread( LHCb::CaloPosition::Index::X, LHCb::CaloPosition::Index::X ) = covxx;
-  spread( LHCb::CaloPosition::Index::Y, LHCb::CaloPosition::Index::X ) = covyx;
-  spread( LHCb::CaloPosition::Index::Y, LHCb::CaloPosition::Index::Y ) = covyy;
+    LHCb::CaloPosition::Spread& spread                                   = cluster->position().spread();
+    spread( LHCb::CaloPosition::Index::X, LHCb::CaloPosition::Index::X ) = covxx;
+    spread( LHCb::CaloPosition::Index::Y, LHCb::CaloPosition::Index::X ) = covyx;
+    spread( LHCb::CaloPosition::Index::Y, LHCb::CaloPosition::Index::Y ) = covyy;
-  ///
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+    ///
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+  }
+} // namespace LHCb::Calo
 // ============================================================================
 // The End
 // ============================================================================
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SpreadEstimator.h b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SpreadEstimator.h
index 55dbf05e36b..2a3018e6383 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SpreadEstimator.h
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SpreadEstimator.h
@@ -26,71 +26,73 @@
 // ============================================================================
 class DeCalorimeter; // from CaloDet package
 // ============================================================================
-/** @class SpreadEstimator SpreadEstimator.h CaloFutureUtils/SpreadEstimator.h
- *
- *  simple helper class for estimation of spread of
- *  CaloCluster object.
- *
- *
- *  @author Vanya Belyaev
- *  @date   22/11/2001
- */
-class SpreadEstimator {
-  // ==========================================================================
-  // ==========================================================================
-  /** standard/default constructor
-   *  @param Det pointer to calorimeter detector
-   */
-  SpreadEstimator( const DeCalorimeter* Det = nullptr );
-  // ==========================================================================
-  /** calculation of cluster spread
+namespace LHCb::Calo {
+  /** @class SpreadEstimator SpreadEstimator.h CaloFutureUtils/SpreadEstimator.h
-   *  Error codes:
-   *   - 221 - invalid source of detector information
+   *  simple helper class for estimation of spread of
+   *  CaloCluster object.
-   *  @param  cluster  pointer to cluster object
-   *  @return status code
-   */
-  StatusCode operator()( LHCb::CaloCluster* cluster ) const;
-  // ==========================================================================
-  /** calculate spread for cluster
-   *  @param  cluster  pointer to cluster
-   *  @return status code
-   */
-  StatusCode calculateSpread( LHCb::CaloCluster* cluster ) const { return ( *this )( cluster ); }
-  // ==========================================================================
-  // ==========================================================================
-  /** set new value for calorimeter
-   *  @param Det pointer to calorimeter detector
-   */
-  void setDetector( const DeCalorimeter* Det );
-  // ==========================================================================
-  /** simple accessor to DeCalorimeter object
-   *  @return pointer to detector
+   *
+   *  @author Vanya Belyaev
+   *  @date   22/11/2001
-  [[deprecated]] const DeCalorimeter* detector() const { return m_detector; }
-  // ==========================================================================
-  /// get the counter for problematic cases
-  const StatEntity& invalidRatio() const { return m_ratio; }
-  /// get the counter for problematic cases
-  const StatEntity& invalidCells() const { return m_cells; }
-  /// get the counter for problematic cases
-  const StatEntity& invalidEnergy() const { return m_energy; }
-  // ==========================================================================
-  // ==========================================================================
-  /// the detector elemenet
-  const DeCalorimeter* m_detector; // the detector elemenet
-  // ==========================================================================
-  /// counter of invalid cells
-  mutable StatEntity m_cells; // counter for invalid cells
-  /// counter of invalid size ratio
-  mutable StatEntity m_ratio; // counter for invalid size ratio
-  /// counter of invalid energy
-  mutable StatEntity m_energy; // counter for invalid energy
+  class SpreadEstimator {
+    // ==========================================================================
+  public:
+    // ==========================================================================
+    /** standard/default constructor
+     *  @param Det pointer to calorimeter detector
+     */
+    SpreadEstimator( const DeCalorimeter* Det = nullptr );
+    // ==========================================================================
+    /** calculation of cluster spread
+     *
+     *  Error codes:
+     *   - 221 - invalid source of detector information
+     *
+     *  @param  cluster  pointer to cluster object
+     *  @return status code
+     */
+    StatusCode operator()( LHCb::CaloCluster* cluster ) const;
+    // ==========================================================================
+    /** calculate spread for cluster
+     *  @param  cluster  pointer to cluster
+     *  @return status code
+     */
+    StatusCode calculateSpread( LHCb::CaloCluster* cluster ) const { return ( *this )( cluster ); }
+    // ==========================================================================
+  public:
+    // ==========================================================================
+    /** set new value for calorimeter
+     *  @param Det pointer to calorimeter detector
+     */
+    void setDetector( const DeCalorimeter* Det );
+    // ==========================================================================
+    /** simple accessor to DeCalorimeter object
+     *  @return pointer to detector
+     */
+    [[deprecated]] const DeCalorimeter* detector() const { return m_detector; }
+    // ==========================================================================
+    /// get the counter for problematic cases
+    const StatEntity& invalidRatio() const { return m_ratio; }
+    /// get the counter for problematic cases
+    const StatEntity& invalidCells() const { return m_cells; }
+    /// get the counter for problematic cases
+    const StatEntity& invalidEnergy() const { return m_energy; }
+    // ==========================================================================
+  private:
+    // ==========================================================================
+    /// the detector elemenet
+    const DeCalorimeter* m_detector; // the detector elemenet
+    // ==========================================================================
+    /// counter of invalid cells
+    mutable StatEntity m_cells; // counter for invalid cells
+    /// counter of invalid size ratio
+    mutable StatEntity m_ratio; // counter for invalid size ratio
+    /// counter of invalid energy
+    mutable StatEntity m_energy; // counter for invalid energy
+  };
+} // namespace LHCb::Calo
 // ============================================================================
 // The END
 // ============================================================================