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Include speed-up of VeloUT from master in TDR

This branch serves to integrate the VeloUT from Michel on top of TDR, where we do the full HLT1 sequence throughput measurement. I decided to merge this in the PixelTrackingWithPhiHIts, since the latter shows quite a significant speed-up w.r.t the original implementation.

Adapt code from @decianm velo-ut speeds-up in TDR on top of fast pixel tracking, also allowing IP Cuts in the algorithm FYI: @decianm , @gligorov , @graven I think that for the time being, the small output can be factories out in both velo-ut and forward. Do you have any idea how can it be extrapolated? In other words, we start to be dominated by the format of output tracks and states. Is there any guesstimate one can do to take it out from the throughput measurement?

@decianm , can you please check, if you have time that all is fine in this branch? From PrChecker all looks good to me.

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