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Improved u-v-hit search window calculation for the ForwardTracking

Andre Gunther requested to merge gunther_yCorrection into master

Adds a class which calculates a y shift of the predicted hit position in u-v layers

  • overhead because of extra calculation might be mitigated by vectorisation
  • allows to define smaller search window which speeds up the algorithm
  • window parameters are tuned such that there is no loss of efficiency

Summary of efficiencies and throughput results

  • ForwardFast: default parameters tolYCollectX=3.5 and tolYSlopeCollectX=0.001
  • efficiencies (given in %) tested with Bs->PhiPhi
  • Throughput tested with NoCutNoFit scenario on quanta machine (20 threads)
Branch (TolYCollectX, TolYSlopeCollectX) long_fromB_P>3GeV_Pt>0.5GeV Throughput [Evts/s]
0 Master default 89.32 7671.25
1 yCorr default 89.7 7670.26
2 yCorr (2.1875, 0.000625) 89.71 8129.14
3 yCorr (1.75, 0.0004) 89.39 8351.61
  • ForwardBest: default parameters tolYCollectX=4.1 and tolYSlopeCollectX=0.0018
Branch Parameters 01_long 02_long>5GeV 05_long_B 06_long_B>5Gev Throughput [Evts/s]
0 Master default 80.18 89.04 87.41 92.54 1018.18
1 yCorr default 80.26 89.04 87.38 92.53 993.54
2 yCorr (3.5, 0.001) 80.23 89.13 87.41 92.51 1226.09
3 yCorr (3.0, 0.0009) 80.17 89.19 87.34 92.47 1344.75
Edited by Marco Cattaneo

Merge request reports
