diff --git a/Control/AthenaConfiguration/python/ComponentAccumulator.py b/Control/AthenaConfiguration/python/ComponentAccumulator.py
index d100edbfac63e9c88f16d2c3e2626862530ec70e..4f67c0f2542119a47b6985bd3cf0c020f1c77e47 100644
--- a/Control/AthenaConfiguration/python/ComponentAccumulator.py
+++ b/Control/AthenaConfiguration/python/ComponentAccumulator.py
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ class ComponentAccumulator(object):
             # if local bootstrap is missing, use one from the release
-            bsfilename = localbs[0]
+            bsfilename = "./"+localbs[0]
@@ -565,8 +565,11 @@ class ComponentAccumulator(object):
                 evtalgseq.append( alg.getFullName() )
-        for seqName, algoList  in flatSequencers( self._sequence ).iteritems():
-            self._jocat[seqName]["Members"]=str( [alg.getFullName() for alg in algoList] )
+        for seqName, algoList  in flatSequencers( self._sequence ).iteritems():            
+            # part of the sequence may come from the bootstrap, we need to retain the content, that is done here
+            mergedSequence = ast.literal_eval(self._jocat[seqName]["Members"]) +  [alg.getFullName() for alg in algoList] 
+            self._jocat[seqName]["Members"] = str( mergedSequence )
         #Conditions Algorithms:
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/newJOtest.py b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/newJOtest.py
index 2ab9062bdeed244bf8972e9ca5cd58d8e187ecb0..7de8533cd38ed12bb0152889b8a7051961c20229 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/newJOtest.py
+++ b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigUpgradeTest/share/newJOtest.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
-from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import ConfigFlags
+from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import ConfigFlags as flags
 from AthenaCommon.CFElements import parOR, seqOR, seqAND, stepSeq
 from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import dumpMasterSequence
 from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from AthenaCommon.Configurable import Configurable
-flags = ConfigFlags
@@ -30,33 +30,9 @@ flags.lock()
 from AthenaCommon.Constants import INFO,DEBUG
 acc = ComponentAccumulator()
-# make sure we run the right scheduler
-# need to move elsewhere
-from StoreGate.StoreGateConf import SG__HiveMgrSvc
-eventDataSvc = SG__HiveMgrSvc("EventDataSvc")
-eventDataSvc.NSlots = nThreads
-eventDataSvc.OutputLevel = DEBUG
-acc.addService( eventDataSvc )
-from SGComps.SGCompsConf import SGInputLoader
-inputLoader = SGInputLoader(DetStore = 'StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore',
-                            EvtStore = 'StoreGateSvc',
-                            ExtraInputs = [],
-                            ExtraOutputs = [],
-                            FailIfNoProxy = False,
-                            Load = [],
-                            NeededResources = [])
-acc.addEventAlgo( inputLoader)
 from ByteStreamCnvSvc.ByteStreamConfig import TrigBSReadCfg
 acc.merge(TrigBSReadCfg(flags ))
-#from AtlasGeoModel.GeoModelConfig import GeoModelCfg
-#acc.merge(GeoModelCfg(flags ))
 from TrigUpgradeTest.TriggerHistSvcConfig import TriggerHistSvcConfig
 acc.merge(TriggerHistSvcConfig(flags ))
@@ -66,22 +42,9 @@ from TriggerMenuMT.HLTMenuConfig.Menu.GenerateMenuMT_newJO import generateMenu
 from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfig import triggerRunCfg
 acc.merge( triggerRunCfg( flags, generateMenu ) )
-from EventInfoMgt.EventInfoMgtConf import TagInfoMgr
-tagInfoMgr = TagInfoMgr()
-tagInfoMgr.ExtraTagValuePairs    = ['AtlasRelease', 'Athena-22.0.1'] # this has to come from somewhere else
-acc.addService( tagInfoMgr )
-acc.getService("EventPersistencySvc").CnvServices += [ tagInfoMgr.getName() ]
-acc.getService("ProxyProviderSvc").ProviderNames  += [ tagInfoMgr.getName() ]
-acc.getService("IOVDbSvc").Folders += ['/TagInfo<metaOnly/>']
-# setup algorithm sequences here, need few additional components
+# TODO take care of merging RegSel, and remove it from here
 from RegionSelector.RegSelConfig import RegSelConfig
-rsc, regSel = RegSelConfig( ConfigFlags )
+rsc, regSel = RegSelConfig( flags )
 regSel.enablePixel = False