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  • Nils Krumnack's avatar
    fix all compiler warnings for AnalysisBase on latest MacOS · 602b780a
    Nils Krumnack authored
    New compiler, new set of warnings...
    The main theme here is that clang now checks for range-based for loops
    whether it introduces unneeded temporaries, i.e. if the user asks for
    a reference for the loop variable, but the iterator doesn't return a
    reference or a reference of a different type, or conversely if the
    user asked for `const auto`, but could have been `const auto&`.
    In practice that usually hits us as:
    for (const auto& jet : jetContainer)
    which should be:
    for (const auto *jet : jetContainer)
    Also a couple of places like this (which miss the `const` qualifier on
    the first template parameter):
    std::map<std::string,std::string> stringMap;
    for (const std::pair<std::string,std::string>& stringPair : stringMap)
    For the most part I just replaced the loop variable type with what
    seemed correct.  In a few places I put explicit comments as to why I
    chose the type.
    Also a fair number of warnings for unused member variabl...