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  • Oleg Kuprash's avatar
    implement Run1<->Run2 dictionary for Run-1 BS conversion to xAOD (TriggerJobOpts-00-05-28) · c5065408
    Oleg Kuprash authored
    2016-08-04 Oleg Kuprash <>
    	* python/ implement Run1<->Run2 dictionary for Run-1 BS conversion to xAOD
    	* should go in a bundle with TrigEDMConfig >= 00-02-83 and TrigBSExtraction >= 00-00-53
    	* TriggerJobOpts-00-05-28
    2016-08-01  Werner Wiedenmann  <>
    	* python/ Add for L1TopoValDataCvnAlg always CTP_RDO to ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc (ATR-14683)
    	* TriggerJobOpts-00-05-27
    2016-08-27 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@>
    	* python/ Apply navigation slimming based on ESD list also
    	  in RAW->AOD (aka RAWtoALL). AOD-thinning list not used at this point (ATR-14427)
    	* TriggerJobOpts-00-05-26
    2016-07-20  Martin Rybar  <>
    	* Added HI_v4 to TriggerFlags (ATR-14212)
    	* TriggerJobOpts-00-05-25
    2016-06-14  Frank Winklmeier  <fwinkl@cern>
    	* python/ Cleanup of allowed values in L1/HLTPrescaleSet. Apart from resetting
    (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    Former-commit-id: ceae3051