From 5e81fced1b80625ffd4be6d833920318f823a447 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nacho Barrientos <>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2025 11:32:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Use only helm-docs, using values.yaml as the only source of

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 values.yaml      |  99 ++++++++++++++++++-------------
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-# CERN IT Monitoring Kubernetes Helm Chart
+# cern-it-monitoring-kubernetes
+Helm Chart provided by IT Monitoring Service to install and configure required components to gather and send monitoring data from kubernetes clusters to central service.
 ## Overview
-The **CERN IT Monitoring Kubernetes Helm Chart** provides a solution for monitoring Kubernetes clusters at CERN. It enables the collection of **metrics**, **logs**, and future support for **traces**, which are forwarded to the central CERN monitoring infrastructure. From there users can consume them using the day-to-day tools that they already user like [Grafana]( or [OpenSearch](
+The **CERN IT Monitoring Kubernetes Helm Chart** provides a solution
+for monitoring Kubernetes clusters at CERN. It enables the collection
+of **metrics**, **logs**, and future support for **traces**, which are
+forwarded to the central CERN monitoring infrastructure. From there
+users can consume them using the day-to-day tools that they already
+user like [Grafana]( or
-This Helm chart simplifies the deployment and configuration of necessary components for observability, making it easier to manage monitoring across various Kubernetes clusters and their applications.
+This Helm chart simplifies the deployment and configuration of
+necessary components for observability, making it easier to manage
+monitoring across various Kubernetes clusters and their applications.
 ## Quick Start
 See [getting started](docs/
+## Values
+| Key | Type | Default | Description |
+| crds.enabled | bool | `true` | whether to install Prometheus operator's CRDs |
+| fluentbit.image.imagePullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | image pull policy applied to all Fluent Bit instances |
+| fluentbit.image.repository | string | `""` | image repository applied to all Fluent Bit instances |
+| fluentbit.image.tag | string | `"3.2.6"` | image tag applied to all Fluent Bit instances |
+| kubernetes.clusterName | string | `""` | name of the kubernetes cluster to monitor. This value will be appended to very metric and log via k8s_cluster_name label. This bit is required if fluentbit is enabled (default) |
+| logs.enabled | bool | `false` | indicates if logs metrics components should be enabled or not. If set to false no logs component will be installed nor configured |
+| logs.fluentbit.customParsers | string | `""` |  |
+| logs.fluentbit.enabled | bool | `false` | indicates if fluentbit logs component should be installed or not |
+| logs.fluentbit.extraVolumeMounts | list | `[]` |  |
+| logs.fluentbit.extraVolumes | list | `[]` |  |
+| logs.fluentbit.filters | string | partly autogenerated -- see values.yaml | fluentbit filters as a yaml list in a multiline string |
+| logs.fluentbit.image.imagePullPolicy | string | `""` | image pull policy for Fluent Bit (logs) |
+| logs.fluentbit.image.repository | string | `""` | repository to use for Fluent Bit (logs) |
+| logs.fluentbit.image.tag | string | `""` | tag to use for Fluent Bit (logs) |
+| logs.fluentbit.inputs | string | partly autogenerated -- see values.yaml | fluentbit inputs as a yaml list in a multiline string |
+| logs.fluentbit.luaScripts | object | `{}` | extra Lua scripts for user-provided transformations |
+| logs.fluentbit.outputs | string | partly autogenerated -- see values.yaml | fluentbit outputs as a yaml list in a multiline string |
+| logs.fluentbit.resources.limits.cpu | string | `"20m"` |  |
+| logs.fluentbit.resources.limits.memory | string | `"25Mi"` |  |
+| logs.fluentbit.resources.requests.cpu | string | `"5m"` |  |
+| logs.fluentbit.resources.requests.memory | string | `"15Mi"` |  |
+| logs.fluentbit.service | string | partly autogenerated -- see values.yaml | fluentbit service configuration options in a multiline string |
+| metrics.alertmanager.enabled | bool | `false` | if true alertmanager will be installed and prometheus reconfigured to use it as the alerting endpoint |
+| metrics.alertmanager.image | string | `""` | alertmanager image to use by the local cluster alertmanager |
+| metrics.alertmanager.ingress.className | string | `""` | class name to be used by the alertmanager ingress |
+| metrics.alertmanager.ingress.enabled | bool | `false` | if set to true an ingress will be created for the alertmanager service |
+| metrics.alertmanager.ingress.hosts | list | `[]` | list of hosts for the alertmanager ingress |
+| metrics.alertmanager.ingress.path | string | `"/"` | entry path for the alertmanager ingress |
+| metrics.alertmanager.ingress.pathType | string | `"ImplementationSpecific"` | path type for the alertmanager ingress |
+| metrics.alertmanager.ingress.tls | object | `{}` | tls configuration for the alertmanager ingress |
+| metrics.alertmanager.nodeSelector | object | `{}` | node selector configuration for the alertmanager |
+| metrics.alertmanager.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | pull policy for the alertmanager image |
+| metrics.alertmanager.replicas | int | `3` | number of replicas for the alertmanager deployment |
+| metrics.alertmanager.tag | string | `"v0.27.0"` | alertmanager image tag to be used when pulling it |
+| metrics.alertmanager.volumeMounts | list | `[]` | list of volumes to be mounted |
+| metrics.alertmanager.volumes | list | `[]` | list of volumes to be declared |
+| metrics.apiServer.serviceMonitor.relabelings | list | `[]` |  |
+| metrics.coredns.serviceMonitor.relabelings | list | `[]` |  |
+| metrics.defaultNodeSelector | object | `{}` | the default node selector will be applied when possible. In to the following components: metrics collectors (prometheus and fluentbit), metrics exporters (kube state). |
+| metrics.enabled | bool | `true` | indicates if all metrics components should be enabled or not. If set to false no metrics component will be installed nor configured |
+| metrics.etcd.serviceMonitor.relabelings | list | `[]` |  |
+| metrics.fluentbit.diskMaxCache | string | `"5G"` | max size for in-disk storage for fluent-bit |
+| metrics.fluentbit.enabled | bool | `true` | if true fluentbit metrics forwarder will be installed |
+| metrics.fluentbit.filters | string | partly autogenerated -- see values.yaml | fluentbit filters as a yaml list in a multiline string |
+| metrics.fluentbit.image.imagePullPolicy | string | `""` | image pull policy for Fluent Bit (metrics) |
+| metrics.fluentbit.image.repository | string | `""` | repository to use for Fluent Bit (metrics) |
+| metrics.fluentbit.image.tag | string | `""` | tag to use for Fluent Bit (metrics) |
+| metrics.fluentbit.inputs | string | partly autogenerated -- see values.yaml | fluentbit inputs as a yaml list in a multiline string |
+| metrics.fluentbit.luaScripts | object | `{}` | extra Lua scripts for user-provided transformations |
+| metrics.fluentbit.nodeSelector | object | `{}` |  |
+| metrics.fluentbit.outputs | string | partly autogenerated -- see values.yaml | fluentbit outputs as a yaml list in a multiline string |
+| metrics.fluentbit.prometheusRemoteWriteInputConfig.bufferChunkSize | string | `"128M"` |  |
+| metrics.fluentbit.prometheusRemoteWriteInputConfig.bufferMaxSize | string | `"2G"` |  |
+| metrics.fluentbit.prometheusRemoteWriteInputConfig.listen | string | `""` |  |
+| metrics.fluentbit.prometheusRemoteWriteInputConfig.port | int | `8080` |  |
+| metrics.fluentbit.prometheusRemoteWriteInputConfig.successfulResponseCode | int | `201` |  |
+| metrics.fluentbit.prometheusRemoteWriteInputConfig.tag | string | `"monit.prom.k8s"` |  |
+| metrics.fluentbit.prometheusRemoteWriteInputConfig.tagFromUri | bool | `false` |  |
+| metrics.fluentbit.prometheusRemoteWriteInputConfig.threaded | bool | `false` |  |
+| metrics.fluentbit.prometheusRemoteWriteInputConfig.uri | string | `"/api/prom/push"` |  |
+| metrics.fluentbit.replicas | int | `2` |  |
+| metrics.fluentbit.resources.limits.cpu | string | `"1"` |  |
+| metrics.fluentbit.resources.limits.memory | string | `"1Gi"` |  |
+| metrics.fluentbit.resources.requests.cpu | string | `"1"` |  |
+| metrics.fluentbit.resources.requests.memory | string | `"512Mi"` |  |
+| metrics.fluentbit.service | string | partly autogenerated -- see values.yaml | fluentbit service configuration options in a multiline string |
+| metrics.ingress.nginx.serviceMonitor.relabelings | list | `[]` |  |
+| metrics.kubeProxy.serviceMonitor.relabelings | list | `[]` |  |
+| metrics.kubeState.enabled | bool | `true` | if true kube state will be installed together with a service monitor |
+| metrics.kubeState.nodeSelector | object | `{}` |  |
+| metrics.kubeState.resources.limits.cpu | string | `"20m"` |  |
+| metrics.kubeState.resources.limits.memory | string | `"25Mi"` |  |
+| metrics.kubeState.resources.requests.cpu | string | `"5m"` |  |
+| metrics.kubeState.resources.requests.memory | string | `"15Mi"` |  |
+| metrics.kubeState.scrapeInterval | string | `"30s"` | indicates how often this exporter will be scraped by the local prometheus |
+| metrics.kubeState.serviceMonitor.relabelings | list | `[]` |  |
+| metrics.kubecontroller.serviceMonitor.relabelings | list | `[]` |  |
+| metrics.kubelet.serviceMonitor.relabelings | list | `[]` |  |
+| metrics.nodeExporter.enabled | bool | `true` | if true node exporter will be installed as a daemon set together with a pod monitor |
+| metrics.nodeExporter.resources.limits.cpu | string | `"20m"` |  |
+| metrics.nodeExporter.resources.limits.memory | string | `"25Mi"` |  |
+| metrics.nodeExporter.resources.requests.cpu | string | `"5m"` |  |
+| metrics.nodeExporter.resources.requests.memory | string | `"15Mi"` |  |
+| metrics.nodeExporter.scrapeInterval | string | `""` | indicates how often this exporter will be scraped by the local prometheus |
+| metrics.nodeExporter.serviceMonitor.relabelings | list | `[]` |  |
+| metrics.prometheus.enabled | bool | `true` | if true prometheus operator and a prometheus server will be installed |
+| metrics.prometheus.operator.nodeSelector | object | `{}` |  |
+| metrics.prometheus.operator.resources.limits.cpu | string | `"100m"` |  |
+| metrics.prometheus.operator.resources.limits.memory | string | `"100Mi"` |  |
+| metrics.prometheus.operator.resources.requests.cpu | string | `"5m"` |  |
+| metrics.prometheus.operator.resources.requests.memory | string | `"25Mi"` |  |
+| metrics.prometheus.server.extraLabelsForMetrics | object | `{}` | set of static labels and values to add to all the metrics gathered by the in-cluster prometheus when exported to central monitoring |
+| metrics.prometheus.server.image | string | `""` | prometheus image to use by the local cluster prometheus |
+| metrics.prometheus.server.nodeSelector | object | `{}` | prometheus operator node selectors. If set it will override the metrics.defaultNodeSelector |
+| metrics.prometheus.server.relabelings | list | `[]` | allows to drop / relabel node Exporter metrics. |
+| metrics.prometheus.server.remoteWrite | object | `{}` | remote write prometheus configuration |
+| metrics.prometheus.server.resources.limits.cpu | string | `"500m"` |  |
+| metrics.prometheus.server.resources.limits.memory | string | `"5Gi"` |  |
+| metrics.prometheus.server.resources.requests.cpu | string | `"100m"` |  |
+| metrics.prometheus.server.resources.requests.memory | string | `"2Gi"` |  |
+| metrics.prometheus.server.retention | string | `"24h"` | interval during which local cluster prometheus will store metrics |
+| metrics.prometheus.server.scrapeInterval | string | `"10s"` | interval used to self scrape metrics |
+| metrics.prometheus.server.scrapeTimeout | string | `"5s"` | timeout for self scraped metrics |
+| metrics.prometheus.server.serviceMonitors | list | `[]` | service monitors to be created |
+| metrics.prometheus.server.version | string | `"v2.53.3"` | prometheus version to use by the local cluster prometheus |
+| metrics.pushgateway.enabled | bool | `false` | pushgateway allows you to send metrics to the monitoring infrastructure by pushing them to the local cluster service it-monit-metrics-collector-pushgateway. |
+| metrics.pushgateway.image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` |  |
+| metrics.pushgateway.image.repository | string | `""` |  |
+| metrics.pushgateway.image.tag | string | `"v1.10.0"` |  |
+| metrics.pushgateway.ingress.className | string | `""` |  |
+| metrics.pushgateway.ingress.enabled | bool | `false` | if set to true will install register a new ingress with the given configuration. |
+| metrics.pushgateway.ingress.hosts | list | `[]` |  |
+| metrics.pushgateway.ingress.path | string | `"/"` |  |
+| metrics.pushgateway.ingress.pathType | string | `"ImplementationSpecific"` |  |
+| metrics.pushgateway.ingress.tls | object | `{}` |  |
+| metrics.pushgateway.nodeSelector | object | `{}` | if given will override the defaultNodeSelector and install the component only on the nodes that match the given condition. |
+| metrics.pushgateway.resources.limits.cpu | float | `0.2` |  |
+| metrics.pushgateway.resources.limits.memory | string | `"100Mi"` |  |
+| metrics.pushgateway.resources.requests.cpu | float | `0.2` |  |
+| metrics.pushgateway.resources.requests.memory | string | `"100Mi"` |  |
+| metrics.scheduler.serviceMonitor.relabelings | list | `[]` |  |
+| metrics.scheduler.serviceMonitor.relabelings | list | `[]` |  |
+| otlp.endpoint | string | `""` | otlp endpoint where the otlp receivers are listening |
+| otlp.port | int | `4319` | otlp port where the otlp receivers are listening |
+| | string | `""` | username used for authenitcating in the MONIT infrastructure |
+| tenant.password | string | `""` | password (plain) used for authenticating in the MONIT infrastructure |
 ## Contributing
 We welcome contributions! If you're interested in helping improve this project, please review our [contribution guidelines]( In brief:
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+{{ template "chart.header" . }}
+{{ template "chart.description" . }}
+## Overview
+The **CERN IT Monitoring Kubernetes Helm Chart** provides a solution
+for monitoring Kubernetes clusters at CERN. It enables the collection
+of **metrics**, **logs**, and future support for **traces**, which are
+forwarded to the central CERN monitoring infrastructure. From there
+users can consume them using the day-to-day tools that they already
+user like [Grafana]( or
+This Helm chart simplifies the deployment and configuration of
+necessary components for observability, making it easier to manage
+monitoring across various Kubernetes clusters and their applications.
+## Quick Start
+See [getting started](docs/
+{{ template "chart.valuesSection" . }}
+## Contributing
+We welcome contributions! If you're interested in helping improve this project, please review our [contribution guidelines]( In brief:
+1. **Fork** the repository.
+2. Create a **feature branch**.
+3. Implement, provide tests and validate your changes.
+4. Submit a **Merge Request (MR)** to the `master` branch.
+For a full contribution workflow, visit the [contribution guide](
+## Documentation
+Complete documentation for this chart, including setup and configuration details, is available:
+- GitLab Repository: [link](docs)
+- Project Documentation: [link](
+## License
+This repository is licensed under the [Apache License 2.0]( See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more information.
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deleted file mode 100644
index e57ef01..0000000
--- a/docs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# CERN IT Monitoring Kubernetes Helm Chart Default Values
-This file contains the markdown version of the default values that this chart takes.
-| Key | Type | Default | Description |
-| crds.enabled | bool | `true` | whether to install Prometheus operator's CRDs |
-| fluentbit.image.imagePullPolicy | string | `IfNotPresent` | image pull policy applied to all Fluent Bit instances |
-| fluentbit.image.repository | string | `` | image repository applied to all Fluent Bit instances |
-| fluentbit.image.tag | string | `3.2.6` | image tag applied to all Fluent Bit instances |
-| kubernetes.clusterName | string | - | name of the kubernetes cluster to monitor. This value will be appended to every metric and log via k8s_cluster_name label |
-| logs.enabled | bool | `false` | indicates if logs components should be enabled or not. If set to false no logs component will be installed nor configured |
-| logs.fluentbit.customParsers | string | `""` |  |
-| logs.fluentbit.enabled | bool | `false` | indicates if fluentbit logs component should be installed or not |
-| logs.fluentbit.extraVolumeMounts | list | `[]` |  |
-| logs.fluentbit.extraVolumes | list | `[]` |  |
-| logs.fluentbit.filters | string | Kubernetes filter. See `values.yaml` file. | fluentbit filters as a yaml list in a multiline string |
-| logs.fluentbit.image.imagePullPolicy | string | `""` | image pull policy applied to Fluent Bit for logs if no global is set |
-| logs.fluentbit.image.repository | string | `""` | image repository applied to Fluent Bit for logs if no global is set |
-| logs.fluentbit.image.tag | string | `""` | image tag applied to Fluent Bit for logs if no global is set |
-| logs.fluentbit.inputs | string | Tail plugin over `/var/log/containers/*.log` files. See `values.yaml` file. |
-| logs.fluentbit.outputs | string | OpenTelemetry plugin using `otlp.endpoint`, `otlp.port`, `tenant.username` and `tenant.password`. See `values.yaml`. | fluentbit outputs as a yaml list in a multiline string |
-| logs.fluentbit.resources.limits.cpu | string | `"20m"` |  |
-| logs.fluentbit.resources.limits.memory | string | `"25Mi"` |  |
-| logs.fluentbit.resources.requests.cpu | string | `"5m"` |  |
-| logs.fluentbit.resources.requests.memory | string | `"15Mi"` |  |
-| logs.fluentbit.scrapeInterval | string | `"15s"` | interval used by the local prometheus (if installed) to scrape metrics from logs fluentbits |
-| logs.fluentbit.service | string | Daemon mode off listening on port 2020. See `values.yaml`. | fluentbit service configuration options in a multiline string |
-| metrics.alertmanager.enabled | bool | `false` | if true alertmanager will be installed and prometheus reconfigured to use it as the alerting endpoint |
-| metrics.alertmanager.image | string | `""` | alertmanager image to use by the local cluster alertmanager |
-| metrics.alertmanager.ingress.className | string | `""` | class name to be used by the alertmanager ingress |
-| metrics.alertmanager.ingress.enabled | bool | `false` | if set to true an ingress will be created for the alertmanager service |
-| metrics.alertmanager.ingress.hosts | Array | `[]` | list of hosts for the alertmanager ingress |
-| metrics.alertmanager.ingress.path | string | `"/"` | entry path for the alertmanager ingress |
-| metrics.alertmanager.ingress.pathType | string | `"ImplementationSpecific"` | path type for the alertmanager ingress |
-| metrics.alertmanager.ingress.tls | Hash | `{}` | tls configuration for the alertmanager ingress |
-| metrics.alertmanager.nodeSelector | Hash | `{}` | node selector configuration for the alertmanager |
-| metrics.alertmanager.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | pull policy for the alertmanager image |
-| metrics.alertmanager.replicas | int | `3` | number of replicas for the alertmanager deployment, defaults 3 for HA |
-| metrics.alertmanager.tag | string | `"v0.27.0"` | alertmanager image tag to be used when pulling it |
-| metrics.alertmanager.volumeMounts | Array | `[]` | list of volumes to be mounted |
-| metrics.alertmanager.volumes | Array | `[]` | list of volumes to be declared |
-| metrics.defaultNodeSelector | map | `{}` | if set will be used as `nodeSelector` for those components that allow one |
-| metrics.enabled | bool | `true` | indicates if all metrics components should be enabled or not. If set to false no metrics component will be installed nor configured |
-| metrics.fluentbit.diskMaxCache | string | `5G` | max size for in-disk storage for fluent-bit |
-| metrics.fluentbit.enabled | bool | `true` | if true fluentbit will be installed |
-| metrics.fluentbit.extraVolumeMounts | list | `[]` |  |
-| metrics.fluentbit.extraVolumes | list | `[]` |  |
-| metrics.fluentbit.filters | string | `"nil"` | fluentbit filters as a yaml list in a multiline string |
-| metrics.fluentbit.image.imagePullPolicy | string | `""` | image pull policy applied to Fluent Bit for metrics if no global is set |
-| metrics.fluentbit.image.repository | string | `""` | image repository applied to Fluent Bit for metrics if no global is set |
-| metrics.fluentbit.image.tag | string | `""` | image tag applied to Fluent Bit for metrics if no global is set |
-| metrics.fluentbit.inputs | string | Configuration to scrape local prometheus. See `values.yaml`. | fluentbit inputs as a yaml list in a multiline string |
-| metrics.fluentbit.matchQuery | string | `"match[]={job!=\"\"}"` | Query parameter to apply to the federate Prometheus URL, use this to filter and send only specific metrics |
-| metrics.fluentbit.nodeSelector | hash | `"nil"` | fluentbit statefulset node selectors |
-| metrics.fluentbit.prometheusScrapeBufferMaxSize | string | `"100M"` | fluentbit buffer size. The more metrics to send the bigger needs to be |
-| metrics.fluentbit.prometheusScrapeInterval | string | `"60s"` | interval used by fluentbit to scrape metrics from prometheus |
-| metrics.fluentbit.resources.limits.cpu | string | `"1"` |  |
-| metrics.fluentbit.resources.limits.memory | string | `"1Gi"` |  |
-| metrics.fluentbit.resources.requests.cpu | string | `"1"` |  |
-| metrics.fluentbit.resources.requests.memory | string | `"150Mi"` |  |
-| metrics.fluentbit.service | string | Daemon mode off listening on port 2020. See `values.yaml`. | fluentbit service configuration options in a multiline string |
-| metrics.kubeState.enabled | bool | `true` | if true kube state will be installed together with a service monitor |
-| metrics.kubeState.nodeSelector | hash | `"nil"` | kubeState deployment node selectors |
-| metrics.kubeState.resources.limits.cpu | string | `"20m"` |  |
-| metrics.kubeState.resources.limits.memory | string | `"25Mi"` |  |
-| metrics.kubeState.resources.requests.cpu | string | `"5m"` |  |
-| metrics.kubeState.resources.requests.memory | string | `"15Mi"` |  |
-| metrics.kubeState.scrapeInterval | string | `"15s"` | indicates how often kube state will be scraped by the local prometheus |
-| metrics.nodeExporter.enabled | bool | `true` | if true node exporter will be installed as a daemon set together with a pod monitor |
-| metrics.nodeExporter.resources.limits.cpu | string | `"20m"` |  |
-| metrics.nodeExporter.resources.limits.memory | string | `"25Mi"` |  |
-| metrics.nodeExporter.resources.requests.cpu | string | `"5m"` |  |
-| metrics.nodeExporter.resources.requests.memory | string | `"15Mi"` |  |
-| metrics.nodeExporter.scrapeInterval | string | `"15s"` | indicates how often node exporter will be scraped by the local prometheus |
-| metrics.prometheus.enabled | bool | `true` | if true prometheus operator and a prometheus server will be installed |
-| metrics.prometheus.operator | object | Resources configuration. See `values.yaml`. | specific configuration for the prometheus operator |
-| metrics.prometheus.operator.nodeSelector | hash | `"nil"` | prometheus operator node selectors |
-| metrics.prometheus.server.extraLabelsForMetrics | hash | `{}` | set of static labels and values to add to all the metrics gathered by the in-cluster prometheus when exported to central monitoring |
-| metrics.prometheus.server.image | string | `""` | prometheus image to use by the local cluster prometheus |
-| metrics.prometheus.server.nodeSelector | hash | `"nil"` | prometheus server node selectors |
-| metrics.prometheus.server.remoteWrite | object | `{}` | remote write prometheus configuration |
-| metrics.prometheus.server.resources.limits.cpu | string | `"500m"` |  |
-| metrics.prometheus.server.resources.limits.memory | string | `"5Gi"` |  |
-| metrics.prometheus.server.resources.requests.cpu | string | `"100m"` |  |
-| metrics.prometheus.server.resources.requests.memory | string | `"2Gi"` |  |
-| metrics.prometheus.server.retention | string | `"24h"` | interval during which local cluster prometheus will store metrics |
-| metrics.prometheus.server.scrapeInterval | string | `"10s"` | interval used to self scrape metrics |
-| metrics.prometheus.server.scrapeTimeout | string | `"5s"` | timeout for self scraped metrics |
-| metrics.prometheus.server.version | string | `"v2.50.0"` | prometheus version to use by the local cluster prometheus |
-| otlp.endpoint | string | `""` | otlp endpoint where the otlp receivers are listening |
-| otlp.port | int | `4319` | otlp port where the otlp receivers are listening |
-| | string | - | username used for authenticating with the MONIT infrastructure |
-| tenant.password | string | - | password (plain) used for authenticating with the MONIT infrastructure |
diff --git a/values.yaml b/values.yaml
index 0a7ebcb..423526d 100644
--- a/values.yaml
+++ b/values.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # CRDs
+  # -- whether to install Prometheus operator's CRDs
   enabled: true
 # OTLP default configuration.
@@ -11,25 +12,26 @@ otlp:
 # Tenant configuration. Username and Password are provided via CERN Central IT
 # Monitoring service. This bit is required if fluentbit is enabled (default)
-# tenant:
   # -- username used for authenitcating in the MONIT infrastructure
-  # name: example
+  name: ''
   # -- password (plain) used for authenitcating in the MONIT infrastructure
-  # password: example
+  password: ''
 # Kubernetes configuration.
-# kubernetes:
-  # -- name of the kubernetes cluster to monitor. This value will be appended to very metric and log via k8sClusterName label. This bit is required if fluentbit is enabled (default)
-  # clusterName: nil
+  # -- name of the kubernetes cluster to monitor. This value will be appended to very metric and log via k8s_cluster_name label. This bit is required if fluentbit is enabled (default)
+  clusterName: ''
+# Global Fluent Bit configuration
   # Default image used by all Fluent Bit instances
-    # -- If defined, a repository applied to all Fluent Bit instances
-    repository:
-    # -- If defined, a tag applied to all Fluent Bit instances
+    # -- image repository applied to all Fluent Bit instances
+    repository :
+    # -- image tag applied to all Fluent Bit instances
     tag: 3.2.6
-    # -- If defined, an image pull policy applied to all Fluent Bit instances
+    # -- image pull policy applied to all Fluent Bit instances
     imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
 # The metrics section includes all the components meant to produce, scrape,
@@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ metrics:
     # -- if true prometheus operator and a prometheus server will be installed
     enabled: true
-    # -- specific configuration for the prometheus operator
+    # Specific configuration for the prometheus operator
       # If set it will override the metrics.defaultNodeSelector.
       nodeSelector: {}
@@ -94,10 +96,11 @@ metrics:
           cpu: "100m"
           memory: "100Mi"
-      # If set it will override the metrics.defaultNodeSelector.
+      # -- prometheus operator node selectors. If set it will override the metrics.defaultNodeSelector
       nodeSelector: {}
-      # -- prometheus version to use by the local cluster prometheus. Make sure this version exists in the indicated image repository.
+      # -- prometheus image to use by the local cluster prometheus
+      # -- prometheus version to use by the local cluster prometheus
       version: "v2.53.3"
       # -- interval used to self scrape metrics
       scrapeInterval: "10s"
@@ -120,7 +123,8 @@ metrics:
           cpu: "500m"
           memory: "5Gi"
-      # Service Monitors to be created by the helm chart install / upgrade. Ex:
+      # -- service monitors to be created
+      serviceMonitors: []
       # serviceMonitors:
       # - name: my-nginx-sm
       #   spec:
@@ -135,16 +139,15 @@ metrics:
       #  controller
       #  cern-magnum
       #  ingress-nginx
-      serviceMonitors: []
-      # Allows to drop / relabel node Exporter metrics.
+      # -- allows to drop / relabel node Exporter metrics.
+      relabelings: []
       # More info on:
       # Example:
       # - action: drop
       #  sourceLabels:
       #  - __name__
       #  regex: "my_custom_counter_total|my_custom_counter_sum|my_custom_gauge"
-      relabelings: []
-  # This fluentbit is used to allow scraping and fordwarding metrics from
+  # This fluentbit is used to allow scraping and forwarding metrics from
   # the local prometheus and send them to Open Telemetry Collector.
   # If the local .Values.metrics.prometheus enable=false will not be able
   # to scrape from local prometheus. Provide different inputs then.
@@ -153,14 +156,11 @@ metrics:
     enabled: true
     ## Fluent Bit for metrics image
-      # -- Repository to use for Fluent Bit (metrics)
-      # @default -- `""` (defaults to fluentbit.image.repository)
+      # -- repository to use for Fluent Bit (metrics)
       repository: ""
-      # -- Tag to use for Fluent Bit (metrics)
-      # @default -- `""` (defaults to fluentbit.image.tag)
+      # -- tag to use for Fluent Bit (metrics)
       tag: ""
-      # -- Image pull policy for Fluent Bit (metrics)
-      # @default -- `""` (defaults to fluentbit.image.imagePullPolicy)
+      # -- image pull policy for Fluent Bit (metrics)
       imagePullPolicy: ""
     replicas: 2
     # If set it will override the metrics.defaultNodeSelector.
@@ -183,6 +183,8 @@ metrics:
       uri: /api/prom/push
       threaded: false
+    # -- extra Lua scripts for user-provided transformations
+    luaScripts: {}
     # These scripts are available in the fluentbit /fluent-bit/etc/scripts path.
     # Include your lua scripts in the following format:
     # luaScripts:
@@ -192,12 +194,12 @@ metrics:
     #     return 2, timestamp, record
     #   end
     #  my_other_lua_script.lua: ...
-    luaScripts: {}
     # -- max size for in-disk storage for fluent-bit
     diskMaxCache: "5G"
     # -- fluentbit service configuration options in a multiline string
+    # @default -- partly autogenerated -- see values.yaml
     service: |
       daemon: off
       flush: 1
@@ -215,6 +217,7 @@ metrics:
       storage.max_chunks_up: 507
     # -- fluentbit inputs as a yaml list in a multiline string
+    # @default -- partly autogenerated -- see values.yaml
     inputs: |
       - name: prometheus_remote_write
         tag: {{ .Values.metrics.fluentbit.prometheusRemoteWriteInputConfig.tag }}
@@ -228,9 +231,11 @@ metrics:
         threaded: {{ .Values.metrics.fluentbit.prometheusRemoteWriteInputConfig.threaded }}
     # -- fluentbit filters as a yaml list in a multiline string
+    # @default -- partly autogenerated -- see values.yaml
     filters: |
     # -- fluentbit outputs as a yaml list in a multiline string
+    # @default -- partly autogenerated -- see values.yaml
     outputs: |
       - name: opentelemetry
         match: monit.prom.k8s
@@ -246,9 +251,9 @@ metrics:
         storage.total_limit_size: {{ .Values.metrics.fluentbit.diskMaxCache }}
         header: User-Agent {{ .Chart.Name }}/{{ .Chart.Version }}
-  # Pushgateway allows you to send metrics to the monitoring infrastructure
-  # by pushing them to the local cluster service it-monit-metrics-collector-pushgateway.
+    # -- pushgateway allows you to send metrics to the monitoring infrastructure
+    # by pushing them to the local cluster service it-monit-metrics-collector-pushgateway.
     enabled: false
@@ -261,40 +266,52 @@ metrics:
         cpu: 0.2
         memory: 100Mi
-    # If set to true will install register a new ingress with the given
-    # configuration.
+      # -- if set to true will install register a new ingress with the given
+      # configuration.
       enabled: false
       className: "" # If no class set then default.
       path: /
       pathType: ImplementationSpecific
       hosts: []
       tls: {}
-    # If given will override the defaultNodeSelector and install the component
+    # -- if given will override the defaultNodeSelector and install the component
     # only on the nodes that match the given condition.
     nodeSelector: {}
   # Alertmanager configuration. If configured the local prometheus will be
   # automatically configured with this alertmanager as target for alerts.
+    # -- if true alertmanager will be installed and prometheus reconfigured to use it as the alerting endpoint
     enabled: false
+    # -- alertmanager image to use by the local cluster alertmanager
+    # -- alertmanager image tag to be used when pulling it
     tag: v0.27.0
+    # -- pull policy for the alertmanager image
     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+    # -- number of replicas for the alertmanager deployment
     replicas: 3
     # If set to true will install register a new ingress with the given
     # configuration.
+      # -- if set to true an ingress will be created for the alertmanager service
       enabled: false
-      className: "" # If no class set then default.
+      # -- class name to be used by the alertmanager ingress
+      className: ""
+      # -- entry path for the alertmanager ingress
       path: /
+      # -- path type for the alertmanager ingress
       pathType: ImplementationSpecific
+      # -- list of hosts for the alertmanager ingress
       hosts: []
+      # -- tls configuration for the alertmanager ingress
       tls: {}
-    # If given will override the defaultNodeSelector and install the component
-    # only on the nodes that match the given condition.
+    # -- node selector configuration for the alertmanager
     nodeSelector: {}
+    # -- list of volumes to be declared
     volumes: []
+    # -- list of volumes to be mounted
     volumeMounts: []
@@ -338,14 +355,11 @@ logs:
     enabled: false
     ## Fluent Bit for logs image
-      # -- Repository to use for Fluent Bit (logs)
-      # @default -- `""` (defaults to fluentbit.image.repository)
+      # -- repository to use for Fluent Bit (logs)
       repository: ""
-      # -- Tag to use for Fluent Bit (logs)
-      # @default -- `""` (defaults to fluentbit.image.tag)
+      # -- tag to use for Fluent Bit (logs)
       tag: ""
-      # -- Image pull policy for Fluent Bit (logs)
-      # @default -- `""` (defaults to fluentbit.image.imagePullPolicy)
+      # -- image pull policy for Fluent Bit (logs)
       imagePullPolicy: ""
     # -- interval used by the local prometheus (if installed) to scrape metrics from logs fluentbits
     scrapeInterval: "15s"
@@ -358,6 +372,7 @@ logs:
         memory: "25Mi"
     # -- fluentbit service configuration options in a multiline string
+    # @default -- partly autogenerated -- see values.yaml
     service: |
           Daemon Off
@@ -371,6 +386,7 @@ logs:
           Health_Check On
     # -- fluentbit inputs as a yaml list in a multiline string
+    # @default -- partly autogenerated -- see values.yaml
     inputs: |
           Name tail
@@ -381,6 +397,7 @@ logs:
           Skip_Long_Lines Off
     # -- fluentbit filters as a yaml list in a multiline string
+    # @default -- partly autogenerated -- see values.yaml
     filters: |
           Name                kubernetes
@@ -436,6 +453,7 @@ logs:
           call add_timestamp_from_time
     # -- fluentbit outputs as a yaml list in a multiline string
+    # @default -- partly autogenerated -- see values.yaml
     outputs: |
           name opentelemetry
@@ -461,6 +479,8 @@ logs:
     ## -- extra volumes to mount in the fluentbits, can be used to scrape metrics from pvcs
     extraVolumeMounts: []
+    # -- extra Lua scripts for user-provided transformations
+    luaScripts: {}
     # These scripts are available in the fluentbit /fluent-bit/etc/scripts path.
     # Include your lua scripts in the following format:
     # luaScripts:
@@ -470,4 +490,3 @@ logs:
     #     return 2, timestamp, record
     #   end
     #  my_other_lua_script.lua: ...
-    luaScripts: {}