Changes: ALIROOT-5732 Port changes needed for the TPC ion tail & cross talk maker ALIROOT-5766 Porting (was Commit) request ESDAD, ESDADfriend ALIROOT-5769 Porting to Release for 2015 cosmics reconstruction: Problems in TOF data makes Decoding crash ALIROOT-5770 TPC MC dNdx request. For PWGPP-102 TPC preparation for MC production anchored to LHC10 data ALIROOT-5778 Port fix for reco. speadup: cache TRD nTimeBins from DCS instead of calculating for each event ALIROOT-5782 Port fix to revision for AliESDtrack::GetIntegratedTimes ALIROOT-5786 Porting (commit done) for AD geometry ALIROOT-5787 let AliCDBManager::GetAll take into account specific version set via SetSpecificStorage ALIROOT-5788 port to release AliT0QADataMakerRec with subdirctories ALIROOT-5791 Bug fix in AliTRDcalibDB ALIROOT-5794 introduce AliFatal if AliReconstruction::SetCDBSnapshotMode failes ALIROOT-5796 Fix for AMPT reaction plane randomization ALIROOT-5797 Porting of fix for reconstruction loop in chain (collection) mode: event was not reset ALIROOT-5799 Request to port ZDC code to fix a bug in AliZDCHit