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  • Stephen Greene's avatar
    Ingress: Mount router stats secret as a volume · 7b3f4031
    Stephen Greene authored gave the router
    the ability to use stats credentials contained in separate username
    and password files for security reasons.
    This commit modifies the Ingress deployment so that the router-stats
    secret is mounted into router pods, and the filenames for the username
    and password files are passed to the Router binary via new
    environment variables.
    Add a new volume and volume mount for the router stats secret.
    Replace the STATS_USERNAME and STATS_PASSWORD environment variables with
    the new STATS_USER_NAME_FILE and STATS_PASSWORD_FILE environment
    Update `TestDeploymentConfigChanged` to reflect the new stats-auth
    Update `TestDesiredRouterDeployment` to verify that the expected
    volumes exist with the proper secret references.
    This commit is in support of Bug 1955822.