From 0958e8edd0fedf9f8ad25cf8acae0a36f2dda501 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Charles Leggett <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2016 06:22:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] updates for Property modernization (TrigMuonHypo-00-03-00)

	* Property modernization. see gaudi/!Gaudi182
	* endreq -> endmsg
	* tag TrigMuonHypo-00-03-00

M       TrigMuonHypo/MuisoHypo.h
M       TrigMuonHypo/TrigMuonEFCaloIsolationHypo.h
M       src/MucombStauHypo.cxx
M       src/MufastCALHypo.cxx
M       src/TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo.cxx
M       src/TrigMuGirlStauHypo.cxx
M       src/TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorHypo.cxx
M       src/MufastOTRHypo.cxx
M       src/TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypo.cxx
M       src/TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo.cxx
M       src/MufastPEBHypo.cxx
M       src/TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo.cxx
M       src/TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo.cxx
M       src/MufastHypo.cxx
M       src/TileMuHypo.cxx
M       src/TrigL2DimuonMassHypo.cxx
(Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)

Former-commit-id: 6fbe0996146fb34c82a0a5f3ad4eb118dd13c18c
 .../TrigMuonHypo/TrigMuonHypo/MuisoHypo.h     |   2 +-
 .../TrigMuonEFCaloIsolationHypo.h             |   2 +-
 .../TrigMuonHypo/python/ |   2 +-
 .../TrigMuonHypo/src/MucombHypo.cxx           |  42 +--
 .../TrigMuonHypo/src/MucombStauHypo.cxx       |  40 +--
 .../TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastCALHypo.cxx        |  24 +-
 .../TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastHypo.cxx           |  38 +--
 .../TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastNSWHypo.cxx        |  34 +--
 .../TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastOTRHypo.cxx        |  42 +--
 .../TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastPEBHypo.cxx        |  30 +-
 .../TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastStauHypo.cxx       |  30 +-
 .../TrigMuonHypo/src/MuisoHypo.cxx            |  26 +-
 .../TrigMuonHypo/src/MuonRoiFex.cxx           |  40 +--
 .../TrigMuonHypo/src/StauHypo.cxx             |  24 +-
 .../TrigMuonHypo/src/TileMuHypo.cxx           |  38 +--
 .../src/TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover.cxx          | 178 ++++++------
 .../TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigL2DimuonMassHypo.cxx |  42 +--
 .../src/TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover.cxx          | 274 +++++++++---------
 .../TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMooreHypo.cxx        |  36 +--
 .../TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuGirlHypo.cxx       |  28 +-
 .../TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuGirlStauHypo.cxx   |  24 +-
 .../TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuTagIMOHypo.cxx     |  32 +-
 .../src/TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassHypo.cxx  |  56 ++--
 ...gMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo.cxx | 140 ++++-----
 .../src/TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo.cxx            |  24 +-
 .../src/TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo.cxx       |  46 +--
 .../src/TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorHypo.cxx        |  32 +-
 .../src/TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo.cxx   |  44 +--
 .../src/TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorNSWHypo.cxx     |  70 ++---
 .../src/TrigMuonEFSegmentFinderHypo.cxx       |  22 +-
 .../src/TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderHypo.cxx        |  32 +-
 .../src/TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo.cxx   |  44 +--
 .../src/TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypo.cxx      |  28 +-
 .../src/TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo.cxx          | 138 ++++-----
 34 files changed, 852 insertions(+), 852 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/TrigMuonHypo/MuisoHypo.h b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/TrigMuonHypo/MuisoHypo.h
index 6a46625e2c4..a70f9ed7266 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/TrigMuonHypo/MuisoHypo.h
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/TrigMuonHypo/MuisoHypo.h
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class MuisoHypo: public HLT::HypoAlgo {
     FloatProperty   m_EtaRegion_3;
     /** Isolation cone sizes (1: DR=0.1, 2: DR=0.2, 3: DR=0.3: 4: DR=0.4)  */
-    IntegerProperty m_IDConeSize;
+    Gaudi::CheckedProperty<int> m_IDConeSize;
     // Other members:   
     StoreGateSvc*   m_storeGate;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/TrigMuonHypo/TrigMuonEFCaloIsolationHypo.h b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/TrigMuonHypo/TrigMuonEFCaloIsolationHypo.h
index 1ca7ae10c5b..db738fb5cb5 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/TrigMuonHypo/TrigMuonEFCaloIsolationHypo.h
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/TrigMuonHypo/TrigMuonEFCaloIsolationHypo.h
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ private:
     BooleanProperty m_acceptAll; // Accept all events if true
-    FloatProperty m_CaloConeSize; // Calorimetric cone size (1: DR=0.1, 2: DR=0.2, 3: DR=0.3: 4: DR=0.4)
+    Gaudi::CheckedProperty<float> m_CaloConeSize; // Calorimetric cone size (1: DR=0.1, 2: DR=0.2, 3: DR=0.3: 4: DR=0.4)
     // Max Et within calo Eta
     FloatProperty m_MaxCaloIso_1;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/python/ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/python/
index 86bbb465c50..13f7a632d16 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/python/
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/python/
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ class MuisoHypoConfig(MuisoHypo):
                 self.AcceptAll = True
                 print 'MuisoHypoConfig configured in pasthrough mode'
-        if "FTK" in MuisoHypo: # allows us to use different working points in FTK mode
+        if "FTK" in name: # allows us to use different working points in FTK mode
             self.IDConeSize   = 2;
             self.MaxIDIso_1   = 0.12
             self.MaxIDIso_2   = 0.12
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MucombHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MucombHypo.cxx
index 896ac9a15bb..ae805695173 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MucombHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MucombHypo.cxx
@@ -70,16 +70,16 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MucombHypo::hltInitialize()
    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initializing " << name() << " - package version "
-         << PACKAGE_VERSION << endreq;
+         << PACKAGE_VERSION << endmsg;
    if (m_acceptAll) {
       msg() << MSG::INFO
             << "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-            << endreq;
+            << endmsg;
    } else {
       m_bins = m_ptBins.size() - 1;
       if (m_bins != m_ptThresholds.size()) {
-         msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+         msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
          return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::ABORT_JOB, HLT::Reason::BAD_JOB_SETUP);
@@ -88,14 +88,14 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MucombHypo::hltInitialize()
          msg() << MSG::INFO
                << "bin " << m_ptBins[i] << " - " <<  m_ptBins[i + 1]
                << " with Pt Threshold of " << (m_ptThresholds[i]) / CLHEP::GeV
-               << " GeV" << endreq;
+               << " GeV" << endmsg;
    msg() << MSG::INFO
          << "Initialization completed successfully"
-         << endreq;
+         << endmsg;
    return HLT::OK;
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MucombHypo::hltInitialize()
 HLT::ErrorCode MucombHypo::hltFinalize()
-   msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+   msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
    return HLT::OK;
@@ -113,44 +113,44 @@ HLT::ErrorCode  MucombHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool
    m_storeGate = store();
-   if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+   if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
    if(m_acceptAll) {
      pass = true;
      if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
-       msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property is set: taking all the events" << endreq;
+       msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property is set: taking all the events" << endmsg;
      return HLT::OK;
    if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property not set: applying selection!" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property not set: applying selection!" << endmsg;
    bool result = false;
    // Some debug output:
    if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
    //Retrieve combined muon
    const xAOD::L2CombinedMuonContainer* vectorOfMuons;
    HLT::ErrorCode status = getFeature(outputTE, vectorOfMuons);
    if (status != HLT::OK) {
-      msg() << MSG::ERROR << " getFeature fails to get the L2CombinedMuonContainer " << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::ERROR << " getFeature fails to get the L2CombinedMuonContainer " << endmsg;
       return status;
    // Check that there is only one L2CombinedMuon
    if (vectorOfMuons->size() != 1) {
-      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Size of vector is " << vectorOfMuons->size() << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Size of vector is " << vectorOfMuons->size() << endmsg;
       return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE, HLT::Reason::NAV_ERROR);
    // Get first (and only) L2CombinedMuon
    const xAOD::L2CombinedMuon* pMuon = vectorOfMuons->front();
    if (!pMuon) {
-      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of xAOD::L2CombinedMuon from vector failed" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of xAOD::L2CombinedMuon from vector failed" << endmsg;
       return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE, HLT::Reason::NAV_ERROR);
@@ -163,12 +163,12 @@ HLT::ErrorCode  MucombHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool
    m_Strategy  = usealgo;
    if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " combined muon pt (GeV)/ sigma_pt (GeV)/ eta / phi / usedalgo: " << m_fex_pt << " / " << ptres_comb << " / " << m_id_eta << " / " << m_id_phi << " / " << usealgo << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " combined muon pt (GeV)/ sigma_pt (GeV)/ eta / phi / usedalgo: " << m_fex_pt << " / " << ptres_comb << " / " << m_id_eta << " / " << m_id_phi << " / " << usealgo << endmsg;
    if (pMuon->pt() == 0) {
       if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
-         msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " L2CombinedMuon pt == 0, empty container -> rejected" << endreq;
+         msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " L2CombinedMuon pt == 0, empty container -> rejected" << endmsg;
       pass = false;
       return HLT::OK;
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode  MucombHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool
    // check the pointers to the L2StandAloneMuon
    if (!pMuon->muSATrack()) {
       if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
-         msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " L2CombinedMuon has no valid xaOD::L2StandaloneMuon -> rejected" << endreq;
+         msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " L2CombinedMuon has no valid xaOD::L2StandaloneMuon -> rejected" << endmsg;
       pass = false;
       return HLT::OK;
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode  MucombHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool
    // check the pointer to the ID track
    if (!pMuon->idTrack()) {
       if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
-         msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " L2CombinedMuon has no valid xAOD:TrackParticle IDtrack -> rejected" << endreq;
+         msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " L2CombinedMuon has no valid xAOD:TrackParticle IDtrack -> rejected" << endmsg;
       pass = false;
       return HLT::OK;
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode  MucombHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool
    if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST muon pt is " << m_fex_pt
             << " GeV and threshold cut is " << threshold / CLHEP::GeV
-            << " GeV and pik_cut is " << (pik_cut ? "true" : "false") << endreq;
+            << " GeV and pik_cut is " << (pik_cut ? "true" : "false") << endmsg;
    //Strategy dependent Pt cuts
@@ -226,11 +226,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode  MucombHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool
          if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
             msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST muon pt is " << m_fex_pt << " GeV"
                   << " and threshold for strategy dependent cut is " << tmpcut
-                  << " GeV and strategy dependent / std cuts are " << (sdp_cut ? "true" : "false") << " / " << (std_cut ? "true" : "false") << endreq;
+                  << " GeV and strategy dependent / std cuts are " << (sdp_cut ? "true" : "false") << " / " << (std_cut ? "true" : "false") << endmsg;
       } else {
          if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
-            msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "usealgo out of range, is: " << usealgo << " while should be in [1, 4]" << endreq;
+            msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "usealgo out of range, is: " << usealgo << " while should be in [1, 4]" << endmsg;
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode  MucombHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST muon passed pt threshold: " << (std_cut ? "true" : "false")
             << " and pik_cut is " << (pik_cut ? "true" : "false")
             << " and strategy dependent cuts is " << (sdp_cut ? "true" : "false")
-            << " so hypothesis is " << (result ? "true" : "false") << endreq;
+            << " so hypothesis is " << (result ? "true" : "false") << endmsg;
    //store the result
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MucombStauHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MucombStauHypo.cxx
index b084c51eff5..ce42f987ec2 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MucombStauHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MucombStauHypo.cxx
@@ -50,27 +50,27 @@ MucombStauHypo::~MucombStauHypo(){
 HLT::ErrorCode MucombStauHypo::hltInitialize(){
   msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initializing " << name() << " - package version " 
-	<< PACKAGE_VERSION << endreq;
+	<< PACKAGE_VERSION << endmsg;
   // ===================== GET THE BACK EXTRAPOLATOR =========================
   StatusCode sc = m_backExtrapolator.retrieve();
   if ( sc.isFailure() )
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Could not retrieve "<<m_backExtrapolator<< endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Could not retrieve "<<m_backExtrapolator<< endmsg;
     return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;;
   } else
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Retrieved tool " << m_backExtrapolator << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Retrieved tool " << m_backExtrapolator << endmsg;
   if(m_acceptAll) {
       msg() << MSG::INFO
             << "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-	    << endreq;
+	    << endmsg;
   } else {      
       m_bins = m_ptBins.size() - 1;
       if (m_bins != m_ptThresholds.size()) {
-          msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+          msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
           return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;
@@ -79,20 +79,20 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MucombStauHypo::hltInitialize(){
           msg() << MSG::INFO
                 << "bin " << m_ptBins[i] << " - " <<  m_ptBins[i+1]
 		<< " with Pt Threshold of " << (m_ptThresholds[i])/CLHEP::GeV 
-		<< " CLHEP::GeV" << endreq;
+		<< " CLHEP::GeV" << endmsg;
   msg() << MSG::INFO 
         << "Initialization completed successfully" 
-        << endreq;
+        << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
 HLT::ErrorCode MucombStauHypo::hltFinalize(){
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -103,21 +103,21 @@ HLT::ErrorCode  MucombStauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   m_storeGate = store();
-  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
   if(m_acceptAll) {
       pass = true;
       if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
           msg() << MSG::DEBUG 
 	        << "Accept property is set: taking all the events"
-		<< endreq;
+		<< endmsg;
       return HLT::OK;
   if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property not set: applying selection!"
-             << endreq;
+             << endmsg;
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode  MucombStauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   // Some debug output: 
   if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId()
-            << endreq;
+            << endmsg;
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode  MucombStauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
                     CombinedMuonFeature>(outputTE, CombinedMuonFeatureEL) )            
     msg() << MSG::ERROR 
-          << " getFeatureLink fails to get the CombinedMuonFeature " << endreq;                                      
+          << " getFeatureLink fails to get the CombinedMuonFeature " << endmsg;                                      
   //  return HLT::ERROR;                                                  
@@ -144,13 +144,13 @@ HLT::ErrorCode  MucombStauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   std::vector<const CombinedMuonFeature*> vectorOfCombinedMuons; 
   HLT::ErrorCode status = getFeatures(outputTE,vectorOfCombinedMuons);
   if( status!=HLT::OK ) {
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no CombinedMuonFeatures found" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no CombinedMuonFeatures found" << endmsg;
       return status;
   // Check that there is only one MuonFeature
   if (vectorOfCombinedMuons.size() != 1){
     msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Size of vector is " << vectorOfCombinedMuons.size()
-          << endreq;
+          << endmsg;
     return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode  MucombStauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
     msg() << MSG::ERROR
           << " getFeatureLink finds no CombinedMuonFeature (EL invalid)"
-	  << endreq;
+	  << endmsg;
     return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode  MucombStauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   const CombinedMuonFeature* pMuon = *CombinedMuonFeatureEL; 
     msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Retrieval of CombinedMuonFeature from vector failed"
-          << endreq;
+          << endmsg;
     return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode  MucombStauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
     msg() << MSG::DEBUG 
           << " CombinedMuonFeature has no valid MuonFeature (EL invalid)" 
-	  << endreq;
+	  << endmsg;
     const MuonFeature* none = 0;
     pMuonFeature = none;
   } else {
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode  MucombStauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
     msg() << MSG::DEBUG 
           << " CombinedMuonFeature has no valid IDtracks (EL invalid)" 
-	  << endreq;
+	  << endmsg;
     track = 0;
     hasTrack= false;
   } else {
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode  MucombStauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   //if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
   msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST muon pt is " << pMuon->ptq()/1000. 
 	<< " CLHEP::GeV and threshold cut is "<<m_ptThresholds[0]<<" CLHEP::GeV" 
-	<< " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endreq;
+	<< " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endmsg;
   //store the result
   pass = result;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastCALHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastCALHypo.cxx
index 7407829c4cf..aa20f58969b 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastCALHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastCALHypo.cxx
@@ -32,24 +32,24 @@ MufastCALHypo::~MufastCALHypo(){
 HLT::ErrorCode MufastCALHypo::hltInitialize(){
   msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initializing " << name() << " - package version " 
-	<< PACKAGE_VERSION << endreq;
+	<< PACKAGE_VERSION << endmsg;
   if(m_acceptAll) {
       msg() << MSG::INFO
             << "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-	    << endreq;
+	    << endmsg;
   msg() << MSG::INFO 
         << "Initialization completed successfully" 
-        << endreq;
+        << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
 HLT::ErrorCode MufastCALHypo::hltFinalize(){
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -58,21 +58,21 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastCALHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   m_storeGate = store();
-  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
   if(m_acceptAll) {
       pass = true;
       if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
           msg() << MSG::DEBUG 
 	        << "Accept property is set: taking all the events"
-		<< endreq;
+		<< endmsg;
       return HLT::OK;
   if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property not set: applying selection!"
-             << endreq;
+             << endmsg;
@@ -81,27 +81,27 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastCALHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   // Some debug output:
   if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
    // Get vector of pointers to L2StandAloneMuon linked to the outputTE 
    const xAOD::L2StandAloneMuonContainer* vectorOfMuons(0);
    HLT::ErrorCode status = getFeature(outputTE, vectorOfMuons);
    if (status!=HLT::OK) {
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no L2StandAloneMuon found" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no L2StandAloneMuon found" << endmsg;
       return status;
    // Check that there is only one L2StandAloneMuon
    if (vectorOfMuons->size() != 1){
-      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Size of vector is " << vectorOfMuons->size() << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Size of vector is " << vectorOfMuons->size() << endmsg;
       return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE,HLT::Reason::NAV_ERROR);
    // Get first (and only) RoI:
    const xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon* pMuon = vectorOfMuons->front();
-      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of L2StandAloneMuon from vector failed" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of L2StandAloneMuon from vector failed" << endmsg;
       return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastCALHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   /* warning in coverity report: result is always false
   if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Result of L2 Muon Calibration Hypothesis is " 
-            << (result?"true":"false") << endreq;
+            << (result?"true":"false") << endmsg;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastHypo.cxx
index 31b1e52dfe4..c484f674148 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastHypo.cxx
@@ -60,15 +60,15 @@ MufastHypo::~MufastHypo(){
 HLT::ErrorCode MufastHypo::hltInitialize()
    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initializing " << name() << " - package version " 
-	 << PACKAGE_VERSION << endreq;
+	 << PACKAGE_VERSION << endmsg;
   if(m_acceptAll) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "Accepting all the events with not cut!" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "Accepting all the events with not cut!" << endmsg;
   else {
      m_bins = m_ptBins.size() - 1;
      if (m_bins != m_ptThresholds.size()) {
-	msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+	msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
 	return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;
@@ -79,14 +79,14 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastHypo::hltInitialize()
 	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "EtaBin " << buf1 << " - " <<  buf2
 	       << ": with Pt Threshold of " << (m_ptThresholds[i])/CLHEP::GeV 
-	       << " GeV" << endreq;
+	       << " GeV" << endmsg;
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "Endcap WeakBField A: pT threshold of " << m_ptThresholdForECWeakBRegionA / CLHEP::GeV << " GeV" << endreq;
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "Endcap WeakBField B: pT threshold of " << m_ptThresholdForECWeakBRegionB / CLHEP::GeV << " GeV" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "Endcap WeakBField A: pT threshold of " << m_ptThresholdForECWeakBRegionA / CLHEP::GeV << " GeV" << endmsg;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "Endcap WeakBField B: pT threshold of " << m_ptThresholdForECWeakBRegionB / CLHEP::GeV << " GeV" << endmsg;
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initialization completed successfully" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initialization completed successfully" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastHypo::hltInitialize()
 HLT::ErrorCode MufastHypo::hltFinalize()
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -109,40 +109,40 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool&
    bool doDebug =  msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG;
-   if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in hltExecute : " << name() << endreq;
+   if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in hltExecute : " << name() << endmsg;
    // if accept All flag is on, just pass it
    if(m_acceptAll) {
       pass = true;
-      if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property is set: taking all the events" << endreq;
+      if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property is set: taking all the events" << endmsg;
       return HLT::OK;
-   if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property not set: applying selection!" << endreq;
+   if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property not set: applying selection!" << endmsg;
    bool result = false;
    // Some debug output:
-   if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endreq;
+   if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
    // Get vector of pointers to L2StandAloneMuon linked to the outputTE 
    const xAOD::L2StandAloneMuonContainer* vectorOfMuons(0);
    HLT::ErrorCode status = getFeature(outputTE, vectorOfMuons);
    if (status!=HLT::OK) {
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no L2StandAloneMuon found" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no L2StandAloneMuon found" << endmsg;
       return status;
    // Check that there is only one L2StandAloneMuon
    if (vectorOfMuons->size() != 1){
-      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Size of vector is " << vectorOfMuons->size() << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Size of vector is " << vectorOfMuons->size() << endmsg;
       return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE,HLT::Reason::NAV_ERROR);
    // Get first (and only) RoI:
    const xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon* pMuon = vectorOfMuons->front();
-      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of L2StandAloneMuon from vector failed" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of L2StandAloneMuon from vector failed" << endmsg;
       return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE,HLT::Reason::NAV_ERROR);
@@ -181,15 +181,15 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool&
    // if in the weak Bfield regions at endcap, set special threshold
    MufastHypoConsts::ECRegions ecRegion = whichECRegion( m_fex_eta, m_fex_phi );
    if( ecRegion == MufastHypoConsts::WeakBFieldA ) {
-      if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "threshold is set for EC WeakBField A" << endreq;
+      if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "threshold is set for EC WeakBField A" << endmsg;
       threshold = m_ptThresholdForECWeakBRegionA;
    if( ecRegion == MufastHypoConsts::WeakBFieldB ) {
-      if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "threshold is set for EC WeakBField B" << endreq;
+      if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "threshold is set for EC WeakBField B" << endmsg;
       threshold = m_ptThresholdForECWeakBRegionB;
-   if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "threshold value is set as:" << threshold/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV" << endreq;
+   if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "threshold value is set as:" << threshold/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV" << endmsg;
    // Check pt threshold for hypothesis, 
    // convert units since Muonfeature is in GeV
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool&
    if (doDebug) {
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST muon pt is " << pMuon->pt() << " GeV" 
             << " and threshold cut is " << threshold/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV" 
-            << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endreq;
+            << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endmsg;
    //store the result
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastNSWHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastNSWHypo.cxx
index 8b46b102915..e365caaac58 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastNSWHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastNSWHypo.cxx
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ MufastNSWHypo::~MufastNSWHypo(){
 HLT::ErrorCode MufastNSWHypo::hltInitialize()
    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initializing " << name() << " - package version " 
-	 << PACKAGE_VERSION << endreq;
+	 << PACKAGE_VERSION << endmsg;
    if(m_acceptAll) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "Accepting all the events with not cut!" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "Accepting all the events with not cut!" << endmsg;
-   msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initialization completed successfully" << endreq;
+   msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initialization completed successfully" << endmsg;
    return HLT::OK;
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastNSWHypo::hltInitialize()
 HLT::ErrorCode MufastNSWHypo::hltFinalize()
-   msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+   msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
    return HLT::OK;
@@ -81,38 +81,38 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastNSWHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bo
    bool doDebug =  msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG;
-   if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in hltExecute : " << name() << endreq;
+   if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in hltExecute : " << name() << endmsg;
    // if accept All flag is on, just pass it
    if(m_acceptAll) {
       pass = true;
-      if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property is set: taking all the events" << endreq;
+      if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property is set: taking all the events" << endmsg;
       return HLT::OK;
-   if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property not set: applying selection!" << endreq;
+   if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property not set: applying selection!" << endmsg;
    // Some debug output:
-   if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endreq;
+   if(doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
    // Get L2StandAloneMuon
    const xAOD::L2StandAloneMuonContainer* vectorOfMuons(0);
    HLT::ErrorCode status = getFeature(outputTE, vectorOfMuons);
    if (status!=HLT::OK) {
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no L2StandAloneMuon found" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no L2StandAloneMuon found" << endmsg;
       return status;
    // Check that there is only one L2StandAloneMuon
    if (vectorOfMuons->size() != 1){
-      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Size of vector is " << vectorOfMuons->size() << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Size of vector is " << vectorOfMuons->size() << endmsg;
       return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE,HLT::Reason::NAV_ERROR);
    // Get first (and only) RoI:
    const xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon* pMuon = vectorOfMuons->front();
-     msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of L2StandAloneMuon from vector failed" << endreq;
+     msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of L2StandAloneMuon from vector failed" << endmsg;
      return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE,HLT::Reason::NAV_ERROR);
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastNSWHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bo
    if( fabs(eta_switch) < ETA_NSW || fabs(eta_switch) > ETA_MDT_INN ) {
       pass = true;
       if (doDebug)
-	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST outside NSW: eta=" << eta_switch << " -> hypo=" << (pass?"true":"false") << endreq;
+	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST outside NSW: eta=" << eta_switch << " -> hypo=" << (pass?"true":"false") << endmsg;
       return HLT::OK;
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastNSWHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bo
    if( fabs(pt_mf) < PT_ZERO_LIMIT ) {
       pass = false;
       if (doDebug)
-	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST reconstruction failed: pt=" << pMuon->pt() << " -> hypo=" << (pass?"true":"false") << endreq;
+	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST reconstruction failed: pt=" << pMuon->pt() << " -> hypo=" << (pass?"true":"false") << endmsg;
       return HLT::OK;
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastNSWHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bo
    if( ! hasInner && ! hasTgcInner ) {
       pass = false;
       if (doDebug)
-	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST no Inner hit: pt/eta/sp_z[0/1]=" << pt_mf << "/" << eta_mf << "/" << sp_z[0] << "/" << sp_z[1] << " -> hypo=" << (pass?"true":"false") << endreq;
+	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST no Inner hit: pt/eta/sp_z[0/1]=" << pt_mf << "/" << eta_mf << "/" << sp_z[0] << "/" << sp_z[1] << " -> hypo=" << (pass?"true":"false") << endmsg;
       return HLT::OK;
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastNSWHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bo
    if( ! dThetaCut(pMuon->etaMS(),dTheta) ) {
       pass = false;
       if (doDebug)
-	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST failed dTheta cut: dTheta=" << dTheta << " -> hypo=" << (pass?"true":"false") << endreq;
+	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST failed dTheta cut: dTheta=" << dTheta << " -> hypo=" << (pass?"true":"false") << endmsg;
       return HLT::OK;
@@ -233,13 +233,13 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastNSWHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bo
    if( ! dLCut(pMuon->etaMS(),dLeta, dLphi) ) {
       pass = false;
       if (doDebug)
-	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST failed dL cut: dLeta/phi=" << dLeta << "/" << dLphi << " -> hypo=" << (pass?"true":"false") << endreq;
+	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST failed dL cut: dLeta/phi=" << dLeta << "/" << dLphi << " -> hypo=" << (pass?"true":"false") << endmsg;
       return HLT::OK;
    // passed all
    pass = true;
-   if (doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST passed all NSW cuts" << endreq;
+   if (doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST passed all NSW cuts" << endmsg;
    return HLT::OK;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastOTRHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastOTRHypo.cxx
index 6b3e08c932b..ac2d22ae923 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastOTRHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastOTRHypo.cxx
@@ -61,34 +61,34 @@ MufastOTRHypo::~MufastOTRHypo(){
 HLT::ErrorCode MufastOTRHypo::hltInitialize(){
   msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initializing " << name() << " - package version " 
-	<< PACKAGE_VERSION << endreq;
+	<< PACKAGE_VERSION << endmsg;
   if(m_acceptAll) {
       msg() << MSG::INFO
             << "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-	    << endreq;
+	    << endmsg;
   // Retrieve the MuonRoITool
   StatusCode sc = m_trigMuonRoITool.retrieve();
   if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Could not retrieve " << m_trigMuonRoITool 
-           << endreq;
+           << endmsg;
      return HLT::ERROR;
   } else {
-     msg() << MSG::INFO << "Retrieved tool " << m_trigMuonRoITool << endreq;
+     msg() << MSG::INFO << "Retrieved tool " << m_trigMuonRoITool << endmsg;
   msg() << MSG::INFO 
         << "Initialization completed successfully" 
-        << endreq;
+        << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
 HLT::ErrorCode MufastOTRHypo::hltFinalize(){
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -120,25 +120,25 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastOTRHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   m_storeGate = store();
-  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
   std::vector<const TrigRoiDescriptor*> vectorOfRoIs; 
   HLT::ErrorCode status = getFeatures(outputTE, vectorOfRoIs,"secondaryRoI_L2");
   if(status!=HLT::OK) {
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no TrigRoI descriptor found" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no TrigRoI descriptor found" << endmsg;
       return status;
   // Check that there is at least 1 RoI descriptor 
   if (vectorOfRoIs.size() == 0){
       msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't find any Trig RoI descriptor"
-            << endreq;
+            << endmsg;
       return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
   msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Found n. " << vectorOfRoIs.size()
-                      << " TrigRoI descriptors" << endreq;
+                      << " TrigRoI descriptors" << endmsg;
   unsigned int sysID=0;
   int          BCID_diff=0;
@@ -158,18 +158,18 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastOTRHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
    const xAOD::L2StandAloneMuonContainer* vectorOfMuons(0);
    status = getFeature(outputTE, vectorOfMuons);
    if (status!=HLT::OK) {
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no L2StandAloneMuon found" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no L2StandAloneMuon found" << endmsg;
       return status;
   // Check that there at least one L2StandAloneMuon
   if (vectorOfMuons->size() == 0){
-      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't find any L2StandAloneMuon" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't find any L2StandAloneMuon" << endmsg;
       return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
   msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Found n. " << vectorOfMuons->size()
-                      << " L2StandAloneMuon" << endreq;
+                      << " L2StandAloneMuon" << endmsg;
   bool result = false;
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastOTRHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
           } else {
 	      msg() << MSG::ERROR << 
 	      "Couldn't find connection among RoI Descriptor and Muon Feature"
-	      << endreq;
+	      << endmsg;
 	      return HLT::NAV_ERROR; 
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastOTRHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
           if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
               msg() << MSG::DEBUG 
 	            << "Accept property is set: taking all the events"
-	    	    << endreq;
+	    	    << endmsg;
           return HLT::OK;
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastOTRHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
       if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
           msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property not set: applying selection!"
-                << endreq;
+                << endmsg;
       int num_of_segments = 0;
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastOTRHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
       // Some debug output:
       if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
           msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() 
-	        << endreq;
+	        << endmsg;
@@ -254,11 +254,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastOTRHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
       if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
-          msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Super Point I, z = " << pMuon->superPointZ(inner) <<endreq; 
-          msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Super Point M, z = " << pMuon->superPointZ(middle) <<endreq; 
-          msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Super Point O, z = " << pMuon->superPointZ(outer) <<endreq; 
+          msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Super Point I, z = " << pMuon->superPointZ(inner) <<endmsg; 
+          msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Super Point M, z = " << pMuon->superPointZ(middle) <<endmsg; 
+          msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Super Point O, z = " << pMuon->superPointZ(outer) <<endmsg; 
           msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Result of Out of Time RoI Hypothesis is " 
-                << (result?"true":"false") << endreq;
+                << (result?"true":"false") << endmsg;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastPEBHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastPEBHypo.cxx
index 9476087b460..a9cffeed2fd 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastPEBHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastPEBHypo.cxx
@@ -33,24 +33,24 @@ MufastPEBHypo::~MufastPEBHypo(){
 HLT::ErrorCode MufastPEBHypo::hltInitialize(){
   msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initializing " << name() << " - package version " 
-	<< PACKAGE_VERSION << endreq;
+	<< PACKAGE_VERSION << endmsg;
   if(m_acceptAll) {
       msg() << MSG::INFO
             << "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-	    << endreq;
+	    << endmsg;
   msg() << MSG::INFO 
         << "Initialization completed successfully" 
-        << endreq;
+        << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
 HLT::ErrorCode MufastPEBHypo::hltFinalize(){
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -59,21 +59,21 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastPEBHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   m_storeGate = store();
-  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
   if(m_acceptAll) {
       pass = true;
       if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
           msg() << MSG::DEBUG 
 	        << "Accept property is set: taking all the events"
-		<< endreq;
+		<< endmsg;
       return HLT::OK;
   if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property not set: applying selection!"
-             << endreq;
+             << endmsg;
@@ -82,27 +82,27 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastPEBHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   // Some debug output:
   if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
   // Get vector of pointers to all L2StandAloneMuon linked to the outputTE 
   const xAOD::L2StandAloneMuonContainer* vectorOfMuons(0);
   HLT::ErrorCode status = getFeature(outputTE, vectorOfMuons);
   if (status!=HLT::OK) {
-     msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no L2StandAloneMuon found" << endreq;
+     msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no L2StandAloneMuon found" << endmsg;
      return status;
   // Check that there is only one L2StandAloneMuon
   if (vectorOfMuons->size() != 1){
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Size of vector is " << vectorOfMuons->size() << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Size of vector is " << vectorOfMuons->size() << endmsg;
     return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
    // Get first (and only) RoI:
   const xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon* pMuon = vectorOfMuons->front();
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of L2StandAloneMuon from vector failed" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of L2StandAloneMuon from vector failed" << endmsg;
     return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
@@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastPEBHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Super Point 1, z = " << pMuon->superPointZ(inner) <<endreq; 
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Super Point 2, z = " << pMuon->superPointZ(middle) <<endreq; 
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Super Point 3, z = " << pMuon->superPointZ(outer) <<endreq; 
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Super Point 1, z = " << pMuon->superPointZ(inner) <<endmsg; 
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Super Point 2, z = " << pMuon->superPointZ(middle) <<endmsg; 
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Super Point 3, z = " << pMuon->superPointZ(outer) <<endmsg; 
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Result of Partial Event Build Hypothesis is " 
-            << (result?"true":"false") << endreq;
+            << (result?"true":"false") << endmsg;
   //store the result
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastStauHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastStauHypo.cxx
index eda0ce6f334..25d89676d73 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastStauHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MufastStauHypo.cxx
@@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastStauHypo::hltInitialize(){
   if(m_acceptAll) {
       msg() << MSG::INFO
             << "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-	    << endreq;
+	    << endmsg;
   } else {
      m_bins = m_ptBins.size() - 1;
      if (m_bins != m_ptThresholds.size()) {
-        msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+        msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
         return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;
@@ -64,25 +64,25 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastStauHypo::hltInitialize(){
       msg() << MSG::INFO << "EtaBin " << buf1 << " - " <<  buf2
             << ": with Pt Threshold of " << (m_ptThresholds[i])/CLHEP::GeV
-            << " GeV" << endreq;
+            << " GeV" << endmsg;
       msg() << MSG::INFO
             << "Set BetaMax to " << m_betaMax << " GeV"
             << "Set MMin to " << m_mMin/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV"
-            << endreq;
+            << endmsg;
   msg() << MSG::INFO 
         << "Initialization completed successfully" 
-        << endreq;
+        << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
 HLT::ErrorCode MufastStauHypo::hltFinalize(){
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -91,21 +91,21 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastStauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   m_storeGate = store();
-  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
   if(m_acceptAll) {
       pass = true;
       if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
           msg() << MSG::DEBUG 
 	        << "Accept property is set: taking all the events"
-		<< endreq;
+		<< endmsg;
       return HLT::OK;
   if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property not set: applying selection!"
-             << endreq;
+             << endmsg;
@@ -114,27 +114,27 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastStauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   // Some debug output:
   if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
   // Get vector of pointers to L2StandAloneMuon linked to the outputTE 
   const xAOD::L2StandAloneMuonContainer* vectorOfMuons(0);
   HLT::ErrorCode status = getFeature(outputTE, vectorOfMuons);
   if (status!=HLT::OK) {
-     msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no L2StandAloneMuon found" << endreq;
+     msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no L2StandAloneMuon found" << endmsg;
      return status;
   // Check that there is only one L2StandAloneMuon
   if (vectorOfMuons->size() != 1){
-     msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Size of vector is " << vectorOfMuons->size() << endreq;
+     msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Size of vector is " << vectorOfMuons->size() << endmsg;
      return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
   // Get first (and only) RoI:
   const xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon* pMuon = vectorOfMuons->front();
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of L2StandAloneMuon from vector failed" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of L2StandAloneMuon from vector failed" << endmsg;
     return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastStauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
         //if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
             msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST muon mass is " << mCand/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV" 
                   << " and threshold cut is " << m_mMin/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV" 
-                  << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endreq;
+                  << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endmsg;
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MufastStauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
     msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST muon pt  is " << (fabs(pMuon->pt())) << " GeV" 
           << " and threshold cut is " << threshold/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV" 
-          << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endreq;
+          << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endmsg;
         //store the result
         pass = result;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MuisoHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MuisoHypo.cxx
index 99dc3ecf6e5..1eca9c5f06a 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MuisoHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MuisoHypo.cxx
@@ -51,24 +51,24 @@ MuisoHypo::~MuisoHypo()
 HLT::ErrorCode MuisoHypo::hltInitialize()
-   msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initializing " << name() << " - package version " << PACKAGE_VERSION << endreq;
+   msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initializing " << name() << " - package version " << PACKAGE_VERSION << endmsg;
    if (m_acceptAll) {
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG
             << "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-            << endreq;
+            << endmsg;
    msg() << MSG::DEBUG
          << "Initialization completed successfully"
-         << endreq;
+         << endmsg;
    return HLT::OK;
 HLT::ErrorCode MuisoHypo::hltFinalize()
-   msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+   msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
    return HLT::OK;
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MuisoHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool&
    // Retrieve store.
    m_storeGate = store();
-   if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+   if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
    m_cutCounter = -1;
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MuisoHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool&
       if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
          msg() << MSG::DEBUG
                << "Accept property is set: taking all the events"
-               << endreq;
+               << endmsg;
       return HLT::OK;
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MuisoHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool&
    // Some debug output:
    if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
@@ -104,20 +104,20 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MuisoHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool&
    const xAOD::L2IsoMuonContainer* vectorOfMuons;
    HLT::ErrorCode status = getFeature(outputTE, vectorOfMuons);
    if (status != HLT::OK) {
-      msg() << MSG::ERROR << " getFeature fails to get the L2IsoMuonContainer " << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::ERROR << " getFeature fails to get the L2IsoMuonContainer " << endmsg;
       return status;
    // Check that there is only one L2IsoMuon
    if (vectorOfMuons->size() != 1) {
-      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Size of vector is " << vectorOfMuons->size() << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Size of vector is " << vectorOfMuons->size() << endmsg;
       return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE, HLT::Reason::NAV_ERROR);
    // Get first (and only) L2IsoMuon
    const xAOD::L2IsoMuon* pMuonIso = vectorOfMuons->front();
    if (!pMuonIso) {
-      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of xAOD::L2IsoMuon from vector failed" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of xAOD::L2IsoMuon from vector failed" << endmsg;
       return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE, HLT::Reason::NAV_ERROR);
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MuisoHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool&
    if (ptmu > 0) isoID = ptsum/ptmu;
    if (isoID < 0) {
-      if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " isoID < 0 --> should never happen, set to zero " << endreq;
+      if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " isoID < 0 --> should never happen, set to zero " << endmsg;
       isoID = 0.0;
@@ -160,10 +160,10 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MuisoHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool&
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST pt / eta / SumPtCone / isoID : "
             << " / " << ptmu / CLHEP::GeV
             << " / " << etamu
-            << " / " << m_SumPtCone / CLHEP::GeV
+            << " / " << m_SumPtCone
             << " / " << isoID
             << " / Muon Isolation Hypotesis is " << (result ? "true" : "false")
-            << endreq;
+            << endmsg;
    //store result
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MuonRoiFex.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MuonRoiFex.cxx
index cf39f2935fe..45b385c7596 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MuonRoiFex.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/MuonRoiFex.cxx
@@ -32,16 +32,16 @@ MuonRoiFex::~MuonRoiFex(){
 HLT::ErrorCode MuonRoiFex::hltInitialize()
    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initializing " << name() << " - package version " 
-	 << PACKAGE_VERSION << endreq;
+	 << PACKAGE_VERSION << endmsg;
-   if( m_modeAcceptAll )     msg() << MSG::INFO << "AcceptAll mode"     << endreq;
-   if( m_modeRpcOnly )       msg() << MSG::INFO << "RpcOnly mode"       << endreq;
+   if( m_modeAcceptAll )     msg() << MSG::INFO << "AcceptAll mode"     << endmsg;
+   if( m_modeRpcOnly )       msg() << MSG::INFO << "RpcOnly mode"       << endmsg;
    if( m_modeRpcHorizontal ) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "RpcHorizontal mode" << endreq;
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "...dPhiForRpcHorizontal=" << m_dPhiForRpcHorizontal << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "RpcHorizontal mode" << endmsg;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "...dPhiForRpcHorizontal=" << m_dPhiForRpcHorizontal << endmsg;
-   msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initialization completed successfully"  << endreq; 
+   msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initialization completed successfully"  << endmsg; 
    return HLT::OK;
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MuonRoiFex::hltInitialize()
 HLT::ErrorCode MuonRoiFex::hltFinalize()
-   msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+   msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
    return HLT::OK;
@@ -61,12 +61,12 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MuonRoiFex::hltFinalize()
 HLT::ErrorCode MuonRoiFex::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te_in,
 				      HLT::TriggerElement* te_out)
-   if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+   if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
    // AcceptAll mode
    if( m_modeAcceptAll ) {
       if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
-	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property is set: taking all the events" << endreq;
+	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property is set: taking all the events" << endmsg;
       return HLT::OK;
@@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MuonRoiFex::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te_in,
    std::vector<const LVL1::RecMuonRoI*> vectorOfRecMuonRoI;   
    HLT::ErrorCode sc = getFeatures(te_in, vectorOfRecMuonRoI, "");  
    if( sc == HLT::OK && vectorOfRecMuonRoI.size() == 1 ) {
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "getFeature(RecMuonRoI) - ok" << endreq;      
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "getFeature(RecMuonRoI) - ok" << endmsg;      
       pMuonRoI = vectorOfRecMuonRoI.front();
    else {
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "getFeature(RecMuonRoI) failed" << endreq;      
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "...getFeature status=" << sc << endreq;      
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "...vectorOfRecMuonRoI size=" << vectorOfRecMuonRoI.size() << endreq;      
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "getFeature(RecMuonRoI) failed" << endmsg;      
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "...getFeature status=" << sc << endmsg;      
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "...vectorOfRecMuonRoI size=" << vectorOfRecMuonRoI.size() << endmsg;      
    const unsigned int SYSID_BARREL = 0; // 0:barrel 1:endcap 2:forward
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MuonRoiFex::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te_in,
    if( m_modeRpcOnly ) {
       bool pass = false;
       if( pMuonRoI==0 ) {  
-	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no RecMuonRoI, reject it" << endreq;
+	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no RecMuonRoI, reject it" << endmsg;
       else {
 	 unsigned int sysid = pMuonRoI->sysID();
@@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MuonRoiFex::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te_in,
 	 if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
 	    double eta = pMuonRoI->eta();  
 	    double phi = pMuonRoI->phi();  
-	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "MuonRecRoI sysid/eta/phi=" << sysid << "/" << eta << "/" << phi << endreq;
+	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "MuonRecRoI sysid/eta/phi=" << sysid << "/" << eta << "/" << phi << endmsg;
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "--> pass=" << pass << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "--> pass=" << pass << endmsg;
       if( ! pass ) te_out->setActiveState(false);
       return HLT::OK;
@@ -111,26 +111,26 @@ HLT::ErrorCode MuonRoiFex::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* te_in,
    if( m_modeRpcHorizontal ) {
       bool pass = false; // start from false and enable later
       if( pMuonRoI==0 ) {  
-	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no RecMuonRoI, reject it" << endreq;
+	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no RecMuonRoI, reject it" << endmsg;
       else {
 	 unsigned int sysid = pMuonRoI->sysID();
 	 double eta = pMuonRoI->eta();  
 	 double phi = pMuonRoI->phi();  
-	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "MuonRecRoI sysid/eta/phi=" << sysid << "/" << eta << "/" << phi << endreq;
+	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "MuonRecRoI sysid/eta/phi=" << sysid << "/" << eta << "/" << phi << endmsg;
 	 if( sysid == SYSID_BARREL ) {
 	    if( fabs(phi) < m_dPhiForRpcHorizontal ) pass = true;
 	    if( fabs(phi) >=0 && fabs(M_PI-phi) < m_dPhiForRpcHorizontal/2 ) pass = true;
 	    if( fabs(phi) <=0 && fabs(M_PI+phi) < m_dPhiForRpcHorizontal/2 ) pass = true;
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "--> pass=" << pass << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "--> pass=" << pass << endmsg;
       if( ! pass ) te_out->setActiveState(false);
       return HLT::OK;
    // if no mode --> error
-   msg() << MSG::WARNING << "internal error - mode is strange" << endreq;   
+   msg() << MSG::WARNING << "internal error - mode is strange" << endmsg;   
    return HLT::OK;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/StauHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/StauHypo.cxx
index a486b4fbd70..cef50add6e3 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/StauHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/StauHypo.cxx
@@ -32,25 +32,25 @@ HLT::ErrorCode StauHypo::hltInitialize(){
   if(m_acceptAll) {
       msg() << MSG::INFO
             << "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-	    << endreq;
+	    << endmsg;
   } else {
       msg() << MSG::INFO
             << "Set PtThreshold to " << m_ptThreshold/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV"
             << "Set BetaMax to " << m_betaMax << " GeV"
             << "Set MMin to " << m_mMin/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV"
-            << endreq;
+            << endmsg;
   msg() << MSG::INFO 
         << "Initialization completed successfully" 
-        << endreq;
+        << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
 HLT::ErrorCode StauHypo::hltFinalize(){
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -59,21 +59,21 @@ HLT::ErrorCode StauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   m_storeGate = store();
-  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
   if(m_acceptAll) {
       pass = true;
       if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
           msg() << MSG::DEBUG 
 	        << "Accept property is set: taking all the events"
-		<< endreq;
+		<< endmsg;
       return HLT::OK;
   if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property not set: applying selection!"
-             << endreq;
+             << endmsg;
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode StauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   // Some debug output:
   if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
@@ -91,21 +91,21 @@ HLT::ErrorCode StauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   const xAOD::L2StandAloneMuonContainer* vectorOfMuons(0);
   HLT::ErrorCode status = getFeature(outputTE, vectorOfMuons);
   if (status!=HLT::OK) {
-    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no L2StandAloneMuon found" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no L2StandAloneMuon found" << endmsg;
     return status;
   // Check that there is only one L2StandAloneMuon
   if (vectorOfMuons->size() != 1){
     msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Size of vector is " << vectorOfMuons->size()
-          << endreq;
+          << endmsg;
     return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
   // Get first (and only) RoI:
   const xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon* pMuon = vectorOfMuons->front();
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of L2StandAloneMuon from vector failed" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of L2StandAloneMuon from vector failed" << endmsg;
     return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode StauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST muon mass is " << mCand << " GeV" 
             << " and threshold cut is " << m_mMin/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV" 
-            << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endreq;
+            << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endmsg;
   //store the result
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TileMuHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TileMuHypo.cxx
index deb8f78d9ae..e32a842d1b6 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TileMuHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TileMuHypo.cxx
@@ -58,21 +58,21 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TileMuHypo::hltInitialize(){
   if(m_acceptAll) {
       msg() << MSG::INFO
             << "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-	    << endreq;
+	    << endmsg;
   } else {
       // initialize the selection here
   msg() << MSG::INFO 
         << "Initialization completed successfully!" 
-        << " Pt_Cut=" << m_Pt_Cut << endreq;
+        << " Pt_Cut=" << m_Pt_Cut << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
 HLT::ErrorCode TileMuHypo::hltFinalize(){
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -81,21 +81,21 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TileMuHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   m_storeGate = store();
-  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
   if(m_acceptAll) {
       pass = true;
       if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
           msg() << MSG::DEBUG
                 << "Accept property is set: taking all the events"
-                << endreq;
+                << endmsg;
       return HLT::OK;
   if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property not set: applying selection!"
-             << endreq;
+             << endmsg;
   bool result = false;
@@ -124,26 +124,26 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TileMuHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
                                 (outputTE, TileMuFeatureEL) )
       msg() << MSG::ERROR << " getFeatureLink fails to get TileMuFeature "
-                          << endreq;
+                          << endmsg;
       return HLT::ERROR;                                                    
     if ( !TileMuFeatureEL.isValid() )
       msg() << MSG::ERROR            
             <<  " getFeatureLink finds no TileMuFeature (EL invalid)"
-            << endreq;
+            << endmsg;
       return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
     const TileMuFeature* muon = *TileMuFeatureEL;
     if (!muon) {
-      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of TileMuFeature from vector failed"                << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of TileMuFeature from vector failed"                << endmsg;
       return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
     if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST Eta=" << muon->eta()
-            << " Phi=" << muon->phi() << endreq;
+            << " Phi=" << muon->phi() << endmsg;
     here_hypoEta = muon->eta();
     here_hypoPhi = muon->phi();
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TileMuHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
                     TileTrackMuFeature>(outputTE, TileTrackMuFeatureEL) )        
       msg() << MSG::ERROR
-            << " getFeatureLink fails to get the TileTrackMuFeature " <<endreq;
+            << " getFeatureLink fails to get the TileTrackMuFeature " <<endmsg;
       return HLT::ERROR;
@@ -168,14 +168,14 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TileMuHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
       msg() << MSG::ERROR
             << " getFeatureLink finds no TileTrackMuFeature (EL invalid)"
-            << endreq;
+            << endmsg;
       return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
     const TileTrackMuFeature*  TileTrackMu = *TileTrackMuFeatureEL;
     if (!TileTrackMu) {
       msg() << MSG::ERROR <<"Retrieval of TileTrackMuFeature from vector failed"
-            << endreq;
+            << endmsg;
       return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TileMuHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG
             << " TileTrackMuFeature has no valid TileMuFeature (EL invalid)"
-            << endreq;
+            << endmsg;
       TileMu = 0; 
     } else {
       TileMu = *TileMuFeatureEL; 
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TileMuHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG 
             << " TileTrackMuFeature has no valid IDtracks (EL invalid)"
-            << endreq;
+            << endmsg;
       Track = 0;
     } else {
       Track = *IDScanEL;
@@ -276,8 +276,8 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TileMuHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
                 << " Phi="        << Track->param()->phi0() 
                 << " PhiTR="      << TileTrackMu->PhiTR_Trk() 
                 << " Pt="         << Track->param()->pT() 
-                << " Typ_IDTrk="  << TileTrackMu->Typ_IDTrk() << endreq;
-          msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST Pt_Cut=" << m_Pt_Cut << endreq;
+                << " Typ_IDTrk="  << TileTrackMu->Typ_IDTrk() << endmsg;
+          msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST Pt_Cut=" << m_Pt_Cut << endmsg;
         } else {
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TileMuHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
                 << " Phi="        << Track->param()->phi0()
                 << " PhiTR="      << TileTrackMu->PhiTR_Trk()
                 << " Pt="         << Track->param()->pT()
-                << " Typ_IDTrk="  << TileTrackMu->Typ_IDTrk() << endreq;
+                << " Typ_IDTrk="  << TileTrackMu->Typ_IDTrk() << endmsg;
       } else { // No Matched Track
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TileMuHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
                 << " Phi="        << TileMu->phi()
 		<< " Track::Eta=" << Track->param()->eta()
                 << " Phi="        << Track->param()->phi0()
-		<< endreq;
+		<< endmsg;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover.cxx
index 1c23100eca3..793f6e92fa6 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover.cxx
@@ -65,42 +65,42 @@ TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover(const std::string& name, ISvc
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::hltBeginRun()
-   msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltBeginRun : " << name() << endreq;
+   msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltBeginRun : " << name() << endmsg;
    m_doDebug   =  msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG;
-   msg() << MSG::INFO << "m_doDebug=" << m_doDebug << endreq;   
+   msg() << MSG::INFO << "m_doDebug=" << m_doDebug << endmsg;   
    if( m_doMuExtrBasedRemoval ) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "--- muExtr based overlap removal as: ---"     << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "--- muExtr based overlap removal as: ---"     << endmsg;
       if( m_muExtrRequireDR ) {
-	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "+ dR cut:" << endreq;
+	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "+ dR cut:" << endmsg;
 	 if( (m_muExtrEtaBins.size()-1) != m_muExtrDRThres.size() ) {
-	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
 	    return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;
 	 for(unsigned int i=0; i<m_muExtrDRThres.size(); i++) {
 	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "     EtaBin " << m_muExtrEtaBins[i] << " - " << m_muExtrEtaBins[i+1]
-		  << " : dR < " << m_muExtrDRThres[i] << endreq;
+		  << " : dR < " << m_muExtrDRThres[i] << endmsg;
       if( m_muExtrRequireMass ) {
-	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "+ Mass cut:" << endreq;
+	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "+ Mass cut:" << endmsg;
 	 if( (m_muExtrEtaBins.size()-1) != m_muExtrMassThres.size() ) {
-	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
 	    return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;
 	 for(unsigned int i=0; i<m_muExtrMassThres.size(); i++) {
 	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "     EtaBin " << m_muExtrEtaBins[i] << " - " << m_muExtrEtaBins[i+1]
-		  << " : Mass < " << m_muExtrMassThres[i] << endreq;
+		  << " : Mass < " << m_muExtrMassThres[i] << endmsg;
-      if( m_muExtrRequireSameSign ) msg() << MSG::INFO << "+ Same charge sign" << endreq;
+      if( m_muExtrRequireSameSign ) msg() << MSG::INFO << "+ Same charge sign" << endmsg;
-   msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initialization completed successfully"  << endreq; 
+   msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initialization completed successfully"  << endmsg; 
    return HLT::OK;
@@ -117,40 +117,40 @@ bool TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(std::vector<const xAOD::MuonContainer*>
    std::vector<double> eta1; 
    std::vector<double> phi1; 
    std::vector<int> charge1; 
-   if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "+++++++++++++ FIRST TE" << endreq;
+   if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "+++++++++++++ FIRST TE" << endmsg;
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<extrMfLink1.size(); i++){
-     if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Element " << i << " of vector of TrigMuonEFInfo containers" << endreq;
+     if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Element " << i << " of vector of TrigMuonEFInfo containers" << endmsg;
      // Get first (and only) RoI:
      const xAOD::MuonContainer* trigMuon = extrMfLink1[i];
        msg() << MSG::ERROR
              << "Retrieval of TrigMuonEFInfoContainer from vector failed"
-             << endreq;
+             << endmsg;
              return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
      } else {
-       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "TrigMuonEFInfoContainer OK with size " << trigMuon->size() << endreq;
+       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "TrigMuonEFInfoContainer OK with size " << trigMuon->size() << endmsg;
      // loop on the muons within the RoI
      xAOD::MuonContainer::const_iterator MuonItr  = trigMuon->begin();
      xAOD::MuonContainer::const_iterator MuonItrE = trigMuon->end();
      for(int j=0; MuonItr != MuonItrE; ++MuonItr, ++j ) {
-        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Looking at xAOD::Muon " << j << endreq;
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Looking at xAOD::Muon " << j << endmsg;
 	const xAOD::Muon* muon = (*MuonItr);
         if (!muon) {
-          if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No xAOD::Muon found." << endreq;
+          if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No xAOD::Muon found." << endmsg;
 	else {
           if (muon->trackParticle(xAOD::Muon::TrackParticleType::ExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle)) { 
 	      const xAOD::TrackParticle *tr = muon->trackParticle(xAOD::Muon::TrackParticleType::ExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle); 
 	      if (!tr) {
-                if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Extrapolated track not initialized." << endreq;
+                if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Extrapolated track not initialized." << endmsg;
 	      else {
 		if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG
 				     << "Retrieved extrapolated track with abs pt "
-				     << (*tr).pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV " << endreq;
+				     << (*tr).pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV " << endmsg;
@@ -170,40 +170,40 @@ bool TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(std::vector<const xAOD::MuonContainer*>
    std::vector<double> eta2;
    std::vector<double> phi2;
    std::vector<int> charge2; 
-   if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "+++++++++++++ SECOND TE" << endreq;
+   if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "+++++++++++++ SECOND TE" << endmsg;
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<extrMfLink2.size(); i++){
-     if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Element " << i << " of vector of TrigMuonEFInfo containers" << endreq;
+     if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Element " << i << " of vector of TrigMuonEFInfo containers" << endmsg;
      // Get first (and only) RoI:
      const xAOD::MuonContainer* trigMuon = extrMfLink2[i];
        msg() << MSG::ERROR
              << "Retrieval of xAOD::MuonContainer from vector failed"
-             << endreq;
+             << endmsg;
              return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
      } else {
-       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "xAOD::MuonContainer OK with size " << trigMuon->size() << endreq;
+       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "xAOD::MuonContainer OK with size " << trigMuon->size() << endmsg;
      // loop on the muons within the RoI
      xAOD::MuonContainer::const_iterator MuonItr  = trigMuon->begin();
      xAOD::MuonContainer::const_iterator MuonItrE = trigMuon->end();
      for(int j=0; MuonItr != MuonItrE; ++MuonItr, ++j ) {
-        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Looking at xAOD::Muon " << j << endreq;
+        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Looking at xAOD::Muon " << j << endmsg;
 	const xAOD::Muon* muon = (*MuonItr);
         if (!muon) {
-          if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No TrigMuonEFInfo found." << endreq;
+          if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No TrigMuonEFInfo found." << endmsg;
 	else {
           if (muon->trackParticle(xAOD::Muon::TrackParticleType::ExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle)) { // was there a muon in this RoI ?
 	    const xAOD::TrackParticle* tr = muon->trackParticle(xAOD::Muon::TrackParticleType::ExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle);
 	    if (!tr) {
-	      if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No TrigMuonEFTrack found." << endreq;
+	      if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No TrigMuonEFTrack found." << endmsg;
 	    else {
 	      if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG
 				   << "Retrieved extrapolated track with abs pt "
-				   << (*tr).pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV " << endreq;
+				   << (*tr).pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV " << endmsg;
@@ -217,20 +217,20 @@ bool TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(std::vector<const xAOD::MuonContainer*>
    //overlap check... just say that the extrapolated track collections are identical
    bool sametrackcollection = false;
    if(pt1.size()!=pt2.size() || pt1.size()==0 || pt2.size()==0 || pt1.size()>1 || pt2.size()>1) {
-     if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   not same size of extrapolated track collection or not tracks found or size > 1.... cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endreq;
+     if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   not same size of extrapolated track collection or not tracks found or size > 1.... cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endmsg;
    } else {
      for(uint i=0; i<pt1.size(); i++) { //to be closed
-       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...extrM1: pt/eta/phi/charge=" << pt1[i]/CLHEP::GeV << " / " << eta1[i] << " / " << phi1[i] << " / " << charge1[i] << endreq;
-       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...extrM2: pt/eta/phi/charge=" << pt2[i]/CLHEP::GeV << " / " << eta2[i] << " / " << phi2[i] << " / " << charge2[i] << endreq;
+       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...extrM1: pt/eta/phi/charge=" << pt1[i]/CLHEP::GeV << " / " << eta1[i] << " / " << phi1[i] << " / " << charge1[i] << endmsg;
+       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...extrM2: pt/eta/phi/charge=" << pt2[i]/CLHEP::GeV << " / " << eta2[i] << " / " << phi2[i] << " / " << charge2[i] << endmsg;
        // if dR or invMass is necessary but (eta,phi) info is not avaiable
        // (i.e. eta,phi=0,0; rec failed)
        const double ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_ETAPHI = 1e-4;
        if( (fabs(eta1[i]) <ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_ETAPHI && fabs(phi1[i]) < ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_ETAPHI) ||
        (fabs(eta2[i]) <ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_ETAPHI && fabs(phi2[i]) < ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_ETAPHI) ) {
-         if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> (eta,phi) info not available (rec at (eta,phi)=(0,0))" << endreq;
+         if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> (eta,phi) info not available (rec at (eta,phi)=(0,0))" << endmsg;
          if( m_muExtrRequireDR || m_muExtrRequireMass ) {
-	   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> but dR of invMass check is required. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endreq;
+	   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> but dR of invMass check is required. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endmsg;
 	   return false;
@@ -238,17 +238,17 @@ bool TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(std::vector<const xAOD::MuonContainer*>
        // if charge or invMass is necessary but charge(pT) info is not avaiable
        const double ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_PT = 1e-4;
        if( (fabs(pt1[i]) <ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_PT) || (fabs(pt2[i]) < ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_PT) ) {
-         if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> pT info not available (rec at pT=0)" << endreq;
+         if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> pT info not available (rec at pT=0)" << endmsg;
          if( m_muExtrRequireMass ) {
-	   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> but invMass check is required. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endreq;
+	   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> but invMass check is required. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endmsg;
 	   return false;
        const double ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_CHARGE = 1e-4;
        if( std::abs(charge1[i])<ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_CHARGE || std::abs(charge2[i])<ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_CHARGE ) {
-         if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> charge info not available" << endreq;
+         if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> charge info not available" << endmsg;
          if( m_muExtrRequireSameSign ) {
-           if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> but same sign check is required. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endreq;
+           if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> but same sign check is required. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endmsg;
            return false;
@@ -262,16 +262,16 @@ bool TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(std::vector<const xAOD::MuonContainer*>
        double dRThres     = m_muExtrDRThres[iThres];
        double massThres   = m_muExtrMassThres[iThres];
        if(m_doDebug)  {
-         msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...iThres=" << iThres << endreq;
-         if(m_muExtrRequireDR)        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...dR       threshold=" << dRThres     << endreq;
-         if(m_muExtrRequireMass)      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...mass     threshold=" << massThres   << endreq;
+         msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...iThres=" << iThres << endmsg;
+         if(m_muExtrRequireDR)        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...dR       threshold=" << dRThres     << endmsg;
+         if(m_muExtrRequireMass)      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...mass     threshold=" << massThres   << endmsg;
         // same sign cut
         bool sameSign = false;
         if( m_muExtrRequireSameSign ) {
           sameSign = ((charge1[i])*(charge2[i]) > 0) ? true : false;
-          if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> sameSign=" << sameSign << endreq;
+          if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> sameSign=" << sameSign << endmsg;
         // dR cut
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ bool TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(std::vector<const xAOD::MuonContainer*>
         if( m_muExtrRequireDR ) {
          if( dr < dRThres ) dRisClose = true;
-         if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> dR=" << dr << " : dRisClose=" << dRisClose << endreq;
+         if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> dR=" << dr << " : dRisClose=" << dRisClose << endmsg;
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ bool TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(std::vector<const xAOD::MuonContainer*>
        if( m_muExtrRequireMass ) {
          if( mass < massThres ) massIsClose = true;
-         if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> mass=" << mass << " : massIsClose=" << massIsClose << endreq;
+         if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> mass=" << mass << " : massIsClose=" << massIsClose << endmsg;
        // total judge on extrapolated track
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ bool TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(std::vector<const xAOD::MuonContainer*>
          sametrackcollection = false; 
-       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...=> same estrapolated track = " << sametrackcollection << endreq;
+       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...=> same estrapolated track = " << sametrackcollection << endmsg;
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ bool TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(std::vector<const xAOD::MuonContainer*>
    bool overlap = false;
    if( sametrackcollection) {
      overlap = true;
-     if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...=> isOverlap=" << overlap << endreq;
+     if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...=> isOverlap=" << overlap << endmsg;
    return overlap;
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ double TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::invMass(double m1, double pt1, double eta1, dou
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT::TriggerElement*> >& tes_in,
 						    unsigned int type_out)
-   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in hltExecute : " << name() << endreq;
+   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in hltExecute : " << name() << endmsg;
    m_doMonitor = (m_monitorChoice==TrigEFMuonOverlapRemoverConsts::monitorChoice_all) ? true : false; 
@@ -398,23 +398,23 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
    unsigned int i_te;
    unsigned int j_te;
-   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "tes_in size=" << tes_in_size << endreq;
+   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "tes_in size=" << tes_in_size << endmsg;
    for(unsigned int i_vec=0; i_vec<tes_in_size; i_vec++) {
       unsigned int n_te = tes_in[i_vec].size();
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "i_vec=" << i_vec << " : n TEs=" << n_te << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "i_vec=" << i_vec << " : n TEs=" << n_te << endmsg;
       for(i_te=0; i_te<n_te; i_te++) {
 	 HLT::TriggerElement* te = tes_in[i_vec][i_te];
 	 if( m_monitorChoice == TrigEFMuonOverlapRemoverConsts::monitorChoice_mu6_only || m_doDebug ) {
 	    std::string label;
 	    TrigConf::HLTTriggerElement::getLabel (te->getId(), label );
 	    if( m_monitorChoice == TrigEFMuonOverlapRemoverConsts::monitorChoice_mu6_only && label.find("mu6") != std::string::npos ) m_doMonitor = true;
-	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "input TE ID(): " << te->getId() << ", Label=" << label << endreq;
+	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "input TE ID(): " << te->getId() << ", Label=" << label << endmsg;
 	 bool alreadyThere = false;
 	 for(unsigned int j_te=0; j_te<vec_allTEs.size(); j_te++) {
 	    if( vec_allTEs[j_te] == te ) {
 	       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "at i_vec=" << i_vec << ", i_te=" << i_te <<
-		  ": same TE already there at j_te=" << j_te << ", so, skip this TE." << endreq;
+		  ": same TE already there at j_te=" << j_te << ", so, skip this TE." << endmsg;
 	       alreadyThere = true;
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
    unsigned int n_allTEs = vec_allTEs.size(); 
-   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "size of vec_allTEs=" << n_allTEs << endreq;
+   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "size of vec_allTEs=" << n_allTEs << endmsg;
    for(i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) {
       HLT::TEVec tes;
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
       if(m_doDebug) {
 	 std::string label;
 	 TrigConf::HLTTriggerElement::getLabel (outputTE->getId(), label);
-	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "creating outputTE ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << ", Label=" << label << endreq;
+	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "creating outputTE ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << ", Label=" << label << endmsg;
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
    // start monitoring
    // ---
-   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "m_doMonitor=" << m_doMonitor << endreq;   
+   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "m_doMonitor=" << m_doMonitor << endmsg;   
    if(m_doMonitor) {
       // reset
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
    // ---
    if( n_allTEs <= 1 ) {
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "nr of TEs <= 1, no overlap removal necessary. exitting with all TEs active" << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "nr of TEs <= 1, no overlap removal necessary. exitting with all TEs active" << endmsg;
       if(m_doMonitor) afterExecMonitors().ignore();
       return HLT::OK;
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
 	 errorWhenGettingELs = true;
 	 if( isMuExtrOK != HLT::OK ) {
 	    if(m_doMonitor) m_mnt_muextrError.push_back(TrigEFMuonOverlapRemoverConsts::errorCode_cannot_get_EL);
-	    msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": fails to find EL for: EFMuon" << endreq;
+	    msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": fails to find EL for: EFMuon" << endmsg;
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
 	 errorWhenGettingELs = true;
 	 if( ! isMuExtrELOK ) {
 	    if(m_doMonitor) m_mnt_muextrError.push_back(TrigEFMuonOverlapRemoverConsts::errorCode_EL_not_valid);
-	    msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": EL not valid for: EFMuon" << endreq;
+	    msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": EL not valid for: EFMuon" << endmsg;
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
    if( errorWhenGettingELs ) {
-      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "error when getting ELs. exitting with all TEs active..." << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "error when getting ELs. exitting with all TEs active..." << endmsg;
       if(m_doMonitor) afterExecMonitors().ignore();
       return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE,HLT::Reason::NAV_ERROR);
@@ -527,18 +527,18 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
    bool errorWhenIdentifyingOverlap = false;
    if( m_doMuExtrBasedRemoval ) {
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "--- muExtr based overlap identification ---" << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "--- muExtr based overlap identification ---" << endmsg;
       for(i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) { muextrResult.push_back(i_te); }
       for(i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs-1; i_te++) {
 	 for(j_te=i_te+1; j_te<n_allTEs; j_te++) {
-	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "++ i_te=" << i_te << " vs j_te=" << j_te << endreq;
+	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "++ i_te=" << i_te << " vs j_te=" << j_te << endmsg;
 	    bool overlapped = isOverlap(EFMuonELvec[i_te],EFMuonELvec[j_te]);
 	    if( ! overlapped ) { // judged as different
-	       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   judged as: different objects" << endreq; 
+	       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   judged as: different objects" << endmsg; 
 	       if( muextrResult[i_te] == muextrResult[j_te] ) { // but marked as same by someone
-		  msg() << MSG::INFO << "inconsistent in muExtr based overlap removal for more than two objects" << endreq;
-		  msg() << MSG::INFO << "judged as different objects but both are already marked as identical by someone else as: " << endreq;
-		  msg() << MSG::INFO << "i_te/j_te/result[i_te]/result[j_te]=" << i_te << " / " << j_te << " / " << muextrResult[i_te] << " / "  << muextrResult[j_te] << endreq;
+		  msg() << MSG::INFO << "inconsistent in muExtr based overlap removal for more than two objects" << endmsg;
+		  msg() << MSG::INFO << "judged as different objects but both are already marked as identical by someone else as: " << endmsg;
+		  msg() << MSG::INFO << "i_te/j_te/result[i_te]/result[j_te]=" << i_te << " / " << j_te << " / " << muextrResult[i_te] << " / "  << muextrResult[j_te] << endmsg;
 		  errorWhenIdentifyingOverlap = true;
 		  if(m_doMonitor) m_mnt_muextrError.push_back(TrigEFMuonOverlapRemoverConsts::errorCode_inconsistent_overlap1);
@@ -546,25 +546,25 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
 	    else { // judged as overlap
 	       if( (muextrResult[j_te] != j_te && muextrResult[i_te] != muextrResult[j_te]) ||
 		   (muextrResult[j_te] == j_te && muextrResult[i_te] != i_te) ) {
-		  msg() << MSG::INFO << "inconsistent in muExtr based overlap removal for more than two objects" << endreq;
-		  msg() << MSG::INFO << "judged as overlap but only either is already marked as overlap to someone else: " << endreq;
-		  msg() << MSG::INFO << "i_te/j_te/result[i_te]/result[j_te]=" << i_te << " / " << j_te << " / " << muextrResult[i_te] << " / "  << muextrResult[j_te] << endreq;
+		  msg() << MSG::INFO << "inconsistent in muExtr based overlap removal for more than two objects" << endmsg;
+		  msg() << MSG::INFO << "judged as overlap but only either is already marked as overlap to someone else: " << endmsg;
+		  msg() << MSG::INFO << "i_te/j_te/result[i_te]/result[j_te]=" << i_te << " / " << j_te << " / " << muextrResult[i_te] << " / "  << muextrResult[j_te] << endmsg;
 		  errorWhenIdentifyingOverlap = true;
 		  if(m_doMonitor) m_mnt_muextrError.push_back(TrigEFMuonOverlapRemoverConsts::errorCode_inconsistent_overlap2);
 	       else {
-		  if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   judged as: overlapped objects" << endreq;
+		  if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   judged as: overlapped objects" << endmsg;
 		  if( muextrResult[i_te] == i_te ) {
 		     if(m_doDebug) {
-			msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   i_te is not yet marked as overlap. so, it is a newly found overlap" << endreq;
-			msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   -> marking muextrResult[j_te] as i_te..." << endreq;
+			msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   i_te is not yet marked as overlap. so, it is a newly found overlap" << endmsg;
+			msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   -> marking muextrResult[j_te] as i_te..." << endmsg;
 		     muextrResult[j_te] = i_te;
 		  else {
 		     if(m_doDebug) {
-			msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   both i_te/j_te already marked as overlap by: muextrResult[i_te]=" << muextrResult[i_te] << endreq;
-			msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   -> do nothing..." << endreq;
+			msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   both i_te/j_te already marked as overlap by: muextrResult[i_te]=" << muextrResult[i_te] << endmsg;
+			msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   -> do nothing..." << endmsg;
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
    if( errorWhenIdentifyingOverlap ) {
-      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "error when resolving overlap. exitting with all TEs active..." << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "error when resolving overlap. exitting with all TEs active..." << endmsg;
       if(m_doMonitor) afterExecMonitors().ignore();
       return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE,HLT::Reason::USERDEF_1);
@@ -589,15 +589,15 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
       unsigned int n_uniqueTEs_muextr = 0;
       for(i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) {
 	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "muExtr based results: i_te=" << i_te << ": ";
-	 if( muextrResult[i_te] != i_te ) { msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "overlap to j_te=" << muextrResult[i_te] << endreq; }
-	 else { n_uniqueTEs_muextr++; msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "unique" << endreq; }
+	 if( muextrResult[i_te] != i_te ) { msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "overlap to j_te=" << muextrResult[i_te] << endmsg; }
+	 else { n_uniqueTEs_muextr++; msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "unique" << endmsg; }
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "nr of unique TEs after muExtr-based removal=" << n_uniqueTEs_muextr << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "nr of unique TEs after muExtr-based removal=" << n_uniqueTEs_muextr << endmsg;
       if( n_allTEs != n_uniqueTEs_muextr ) muextrNoOverlap = false;
    if( muextrNoOverlap ) {
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no overlap identified. exitting with all TEs active" << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no overlap identified. exitting with all TEs active" << endmsg;
       if(m_doMonitor) afterExecMonitors().ignore();
       return HLT::OK;
@@ -609,11 +609,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
    if( m_doMuExtrBasedRemoval ) {
-     if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "--- disable TEs of the identical object (muExtr based) ---" << endreq;
+     if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "--- disable TEs of the identical object (muExtr based) ---" << endmsg;
      for(i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) {
-       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "++ i_te=" << i_te << ": result=" << muextrResult[i_te] << endreq;
+       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "++ i_te=" << i_te << ": result=" << muextrResult[i_te] << endmsg;
        if( muextrResult[i_te] != i_te ) {
-	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   overlap to some one. skip." << endreq;
+	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   overlap to some one. skip." << endmsg;
        std::vector<unsigned int> others;
@@ -621,52 +621,52 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigEFMuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
 	 if( muextrResult[j_te] == muextrResult[i_te] ) others.push_back(j_te);
        if( others.size() == 1 ) {
-	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   unique object. keep it active." << endreq;
+	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   unique object. keep it active." << endmsg;
        } else { // must choose one... the first as they are identical
-	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   overlap objects among: " << others << endreq;
+	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   overlap objects among: " << others << endmsg;
 	 for(unsigned int j=0; j<others.size(); j++) {
 	   if( j_te != i_te ) {
-	     if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      setting activeState=false for j_te=" << j_te << endreq;
+	     if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      setting activeState=false for j_te=" << j_te << endmsg;
              // monitoring
 	     if(m_doMonitor) {
-	       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      monitoring of the deactivated j_te=" << j_te << endreq;
+	       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      monitoring of the deactivated j_te=" << j_te << endmsg;
                for (unsigned int i=0; i<EFMuonELvec[j_te].size(); i++){
-                 if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Element " << i << " of vector of TrigMuonEFInfo containers" << endreq;
+                 if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Element " << i << " of vector of TrigMuonEFInfo containers" << endmsg;
                  // Get first (and only) RoI:
                  const xAOD::MuonContainer* trigMuon = EFMuonELvec[j_te].at(i);
                    msg() << MSG::ERROR
                          << "Retrieval of xAOD::MuonContainer from vector failed"
-                         << endreq;
+                         << endmsg;
                    return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
                  } else {
-                   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "xAOD::MuonContainer OK with size " << trigMuon->size() << endreq;
+                   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "xAOD::MuonContainer OK with size " << trigMuon->size() << endmsg;
                  // loop on the muons within the RoI
 		 xAOD::MuonContainer::const_iterator MuonItr  = trigMuon->begin();
 		 xAOD::MuonContainer::const_iterator MuonItrE = trigMuon->end();
                  for(int j=0; MuonItr != MuonItrE; ++MuonItr, ++j ) {
-                   if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Looking at xAOD::Muon " << j << endreq;
+                   if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Looking at xAOD::Muon " << j << endmsg;
 		   const xAOD::Muon* muon = (*MuonItr);
                    if (!muon) {
-                     if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No xAOD::Muon found." << endreq;
+                     if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No xAOD::Muon found." << endmsg;
 		   else {
                      if (muon->trackParticle(xAOD::Muon::TrackParticleType::ExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle)) { // was there a muon in this RoI ?
 		       const xAOD::TrackParticle* tr = muon->trackParticle(xAOD::Muon::TrackParticleType::ExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle);
 		       if (!tr) {
-			 if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No TrigMuonEFTrack found." << endreq;
+			 if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No TrigMuonEFTrack found." << endmsg;
 		       else {
 			 if (m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG
 					      << "Retrieved extrapolated track with abs pt "
-					      << (*tr).pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV " << endreq;
+					      << (*tr).pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV " << endmsg;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigL2DimuonMassHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigL2DimuonMassHypo.cxx
index ff6e66ef08c..d32a2fe101c 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigL2DimuonMassHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigL2DimuonMassHypo.cxx
@@ -48,17 +48,17 @@ TrigL2DimuonMassHypo::~TrigL2DimuonMassHypo()
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2DimuonMassHypo::hltInitialize()
   if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
-    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Initialization:" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Initialization:" << endmsg;
   if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
-    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Initialization completed successfully:" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Initialization completed successfully:" << endmsg;
     msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "AcceptAll            = " 
-	  << (m_acceptAll==true ? "True" : "False") << endreq; 
+	  << (m_acceptAll==true ? "True" : "False") << endmsg; 
     msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "OppositeCharge       = " 
-	  << (m_oppositeCharge==true ? "True" : "False") << endreq; 
-    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "LowerMassCut         = " << m_lowerMassCut << endreq;
-    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "UpperMassCut         = " << m_upperMassCut << endreq;
+	  << (m_oppositeCharge==true ? "True" : "False") << endmsg; 
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "LowerMassCut         = " << m_lowerMassCut << endmsg;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "UpperMassCut         = " << m_upperMassCut << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2DimuonMassHypo::hltInitialize()
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2DimuonMassHypo::hltFinalize()
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2DimuonMassHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outpu
   if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
     if (m_acceptAll) {
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "AcceptAll property is set: taking all events" 
-	    << endreq;
+	    << endmsg;
     } else {
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "AcceptAll property not set: applying selection" 
-	    << endreq;
+	    << endmsg;
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2DimuonMassHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outpu
       if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
           msg() << MSG::DEBUG 
 	        << "Accept property is set: taking all the events"
-		<< endreq;
+		<< endmsg;
       return HLT::OK;
@@ -108,13 +108,13 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2DimuonMassHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outpu
   // dump and check number of input TEs
   // it must be fixed to two for the moment - this block of code must be removed when moving to the new steering
   if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
-    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Retrieved " << vectorOfInputTE.size() << " input trigger Elements" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Retrieved " << vectorOfInputTE.size() << " input trigger Elements" << endmsg;
   if(vectorOfInputTE.size()!=2) {
     if(msgLvl() <= MSG::WARNING) {
       msg() << MSG::WARNING << "Retrieved the wrong number of input trigger elements: found "
-	    << vectorOfInputTE.size() << " and expected 2" << endreq;
+	    << vectorOfInputTE.size() << " and expected 2" << endmsg;
     return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
@@ -133,11 +133,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2DimuonMassHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outpu
 	msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "RoI id " << roiDescriptor->roiId()
 	      << " LVL1 id " << roiDescriptor->l1Id()
 	      << " located at   phi = " <<  roiDescriptor->phi()
-	      << ", eta = " << roiDescriptor->eta() << endreq;
+	      << ", eta = " << roiDescriptor->eta() << endmsg;
     } else {
       if(msgLvl() <= MSG::WARNING) {
-	msg() <<  MSG::WARNING << "No RoI for this Trigger Element! " << endreq;
+	msg() <<  MSG::WARNING << "No RoI for this Trigger Element! " << endmsg;
       return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
@@ -147,13 +147,13 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2DimuonMassHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outpu
     status = getFeatures(*inputTE,vectorOfMuons);
     if(status != HLT::OK) {
       if(msgLvl() <= MSG::WARNING) {
-	msg() << MSG::WARNING << "Failed to get CombinedMuonFeature" << endreq;
+	msg() << MSG::WARNING << "Failed to get CombinedMuonFeature" << endmsg;
       return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
     if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Got vector with " << vectorOfMuons.size() 
-	    << " CombinedMuonFeature" << endreq;
+	    << " CombinedMuonFeature" << endmsg;
     // add an entry to the muonCandidates map
@@ -174,15 +174,15 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2DimuonMassHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outpu
 	  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
 	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "1st CombinedMuonFeature: addr=" << (*muon1)
 		  << " pt=" << 1/(*muon1)->pt() << " trkAddr=" << (*muon1)->IDTrack() 
-		  << endreq;
+		  << endmsg;
 	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "2nd CombinedMuonFeature: addr=" << (*muon2)
 		  << " pt=" << 1/(*muon2)->pt() << " trkAddr=" << (*muon2)->IDTrack() 
-		  << endreq;
+		  << endmsg;
 	  // check charge
 	  if(m_oppositeCharge && ((*muon1)->pt()*(*muon2)->pt())>0) {
 	    if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
-	      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Combination discarded by opposite charge check" << endreq;
+	      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Combination discarded by opposite charge check" << endmsg;
@@ -192,14 +192,14 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2DimuonMassHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outpu
 	  if(mass<m_lowerMassCut || mass>m_upperMassCut) {
 	    if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
 	      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Combination discarded by mass cut: "
-		    << mass << " MeV" << endreq;
+		    << mass << " MeV" << endmsg;
 	  // save combination
 	  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
 	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Combination retained! Invariant mass value: "
-		  << mass/1000 << " GeV" << endreq;
+		  << mass/1000 << " GeV" << endmsg;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover.cxx
index 9788a3a5c46..c29fd70056e 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover.cxx
@@ -102,87 +102,87 @@ TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover(const std::string& name, ISvc
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltBeginRun()
-   msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltBeginRun : " << name() << endreq;
+   msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltBeginRun : " << name() << endmsg;
    m_doDebug   =  msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG;
-   msg() << MSG::INFO << "m_doDebug=" << m_doDebug << endreq;   
+   msg() << MSG::INFO << "m_doDebug=" << m_doDebug << endmsg;   
    if( m_doMufastBasedRemoval ) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "--- muFast based overlap removal as: ---"     << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "--- muFast based overlap removal as: ---"     << endmsg;
       if( m_muFastRequireDR ) {
-	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "+ dR cut:" << endreq;
+	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "+ dR cut:" << endmsg;
 	 if( (m_muFastEtaBinsEC.size()-1) != m_muFastDRThresEC.size() ) {
-	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
 	    return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;
-	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "     B-B : dR < " << m_muFastDRThresBB << endreq;
-	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "     B-E : dR < " << m_muFastDRThresBE << endreq;
-	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "     E-E : " << endreq; 
+	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "     B-B : dR < " << m_muFastDRThresBB << endmsg;
+	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "     B-E : dR < " << m_muFastDRThresBE << endmsg;
+	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "     E-E : " << endmsg; 
 	 for(unsigned int i=0; i<m_muFastDRThresEC.size(); i++) {
 	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "        EtaBin " << m_muFastEtaBinsEC[i] << " - " << m_muFastEtaBinsEC[i+1]
-		  << " : dR < " << m_muFastDRThresEC[i] << endreq;
+		  << " : dR < " << m_muFastDRThresEC[i] << endmsg;
       if( m_muFastRequireMass ) {
-	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "+ Mass cut:" << endreq;
+	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "+ Mass cut:" << endmsg;
 	 if( (m_muFastEtaBinsEC.size()-1) != m_muFastMassThresEC.size() ) {
-	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
 	    return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;
-	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "     B-B : Mass < " << m_muFastMassThresBB << endreq;
-	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "     B-E : Mass < " << m_muFastMassThresBE << endreq;
-	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "     E-E : " << endreq; 
+	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "     B-B : Mass < " << m_muFastMassThresBB << endmsg;
+	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "     B-E : Mass < " << m_muFastMassThresBE << endmsg;
+	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "     E-E : " << endmsg; 
 	 for(unsigned int i=0; i<m_muFastMassThresEC.size(); i++) {
 	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "        EtaBin " << m_muFastEtaBinsEC[i] << " - " << m_muFastEtaBinsEC[i+1]
-		  << " : Mass < " << m_muFastMassThresEC[i] << endreq;
+		  << " : Mass < " << m_muFastMassThresEC[i] << endmsg;
-      if( m_muFastRequireSameSign ) msg() << MSG::INFO << "+ Same charge sign" << endreq;
+      if( m_muFastRequireSameSign ) msg() << MSG::INFO << "+ Same charge sign" << endmsg;
    if( m_doMucombBasedRemoval ) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "--- muComb based overlap removal as: ---"     << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "--- muComb based overlap removal as: ---"     << endmsg;
       if( m_muCombRequireDR ) {
-	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "+ dR cut:" << endreq;
+	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "+ dR cut:" << endmsg;
 	 if( (m_muCombEtaBins.size()-1) != m_muCombDRThres.size() ) {
-	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
 	    return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;
 	 for(unsigned int i=0; i<m_muCombDRThres.size(); i++) {
 	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "     EtaBin " << m_muCombEtaBins[i] << " - " << m_muCombEtaBins[i+1]
-		  << " : dR < " << m_muCombDRThres[i] << endreq;
+		  << " : dR < " << m_muCombDRThres[i] << endmsg;
       if( m_muCombRequireMufastDR ) {
-	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "+ dr(by mF) cut:" << endreq;
+	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "+ dr(by mF) cut:" << endmsg;
 	 if( (m_muCombEtaBins.size()-1) != m_muCombMufastDRThres.size() ) {
-	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
 	    return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;
 	 for(unsigned int i=0; i<m_muCombMufastDRThres.size(); i++) {
 	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "     EtaBin " << m_muCombEtaBins[i] << " - " << m_muCombEtaBins[i+1]
-		  << " : dR(mF) < " << m_muCombMufastDRThres[i] << endreq;
+		  << " : dR(mF) < " << m_muCombMufastDRThres[i] << endmsg;
       if( m_muCombRequireMass ) {
-	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "+ Mass cut:" << endreq;
+	 msg() << MSG::INFO << "+ Mass cut:" << endmsg;
 	 if( (m_muCombEtaBins.size()-1) != m_muCombMassThres.size() ) {
-	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
 	    return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;
 	 for(unsigned int i=0; i<m_muCombMassThres.size(); i++) {
 	    msg() << MSG::INFO << "     EtaBin " << m_muCombEtaBins[i] << " - " << m_muCombEtaBins[i+1]
-		  << " : Mass < " << m_muCombMassThres[i] << endreq;
+		  << " : Mass < " << m_muCombMassThres[i] << endmsg;
-      if( m_muCombRequireSameSign ) msg() << MSG::INFO << "+ Same charge sign" << endreq;
+      if( m_muCombRequireSameSign ) msg() << MSG::INFO << "+ Same charge sign" << endmsg;
-   msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initialization completed successfully"  << endreq; 
+   msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initialization completed successfully"  << endmsg; 
    return HLT::OK;
@@ -195,14 +195,14 @@ bool TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(const ElementLink<xAOD::L2StandAloneMuo
    if( ! mfLink1.isValid() ) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "L2StandAloneMuonContainer does not contain object (#1)" << endreq;
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> mF link (#1) broken. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "L2StandAloneMuonContainer does not contain object (#1)" << endmsg;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> mF link (#1) broken. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endmsg;
       if(m_doMonitor) m_mnt_mufastError.push_back(TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverConsts::errorCode_EL_not_valid);
       return false;
    if( ! mfLink2.isValid() ) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "L2StandAloneMuonContainer does not contain object (#2)" << endreq;
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> mF link (#2) broken. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "L2StandAloneMuonContainer does not contain object (#2)" << endmsg;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> mF link (#2) broken. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endmsg;
       if(m_doMonitor) m_mnt_mufastError.push_back(TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverConsts::errorCode_EL_not_valid);
       return false;
@@ -210,17 +210,17 @@ bool TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(const ElementLink<xAOD::L2StandAloneMuo
    const xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon *mf1 = *mfLink1;
    const xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon *mf2 = *mfLink2;
-   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...mF1: pt/eta/phi=" << mf1->pt() << " / " << mf1->etaMS() << " / " << mf1->phiMS() << endreq;
-   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...mF2: pt/eta/phi=" << mf2->pt() << " / " << mf2->etaMS() << " / " << mf2->phiMS() << endreq;
+   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...mF1: pt/eta/phi=" << mf1->pt() << " / " << mf1->etaMS() << " / " << mf1->phiMS() << endmsg;
+   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...mF2: pt/eta/phi=" << mf2->pt() << " / " << mf2->etaMS() << " / " << mf2->phiMS() << endmsg;
    // if dR or invMass is necessary but (eta,phi) info is not avaiable
    // (i.e. eta,phi=0,0; rec failed)
    const double ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_ETAPHI = 1e-4;
    if( (fabs(mf1->etaMS()) <ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_ETAPHI && fabs(mf1->phiMS()) < ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_ETAPHI) ||
        (fabs(mf2->etaMS()) <ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_ETAPHI && fabs(mf2->phiMS()) < ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_ETAPHI) ) {
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> (eta,phi) info not available (rec at (eta,phi)=(0,0))" << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> (eta,phi) info not available (rec at (eta,phi)=(0,0))" << endmsg;
       if( m_muFastRequireDR || m_muFastRequireMass ) {
-	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> but dR of invMass check is required. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endreq;
+	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> but dR of invMass check is required. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endmsg;
 	 return false;
@@ -228,9 +228,9 @@ bool TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(const ElementLink<xAOD::L2StandAloneMuo
    // if charge or invMass is necessary but charge(=pT) info is not avaiable
    const double ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_PT = 1e-4;
    if( (fabs(mf1->pt()) <ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_PT) || (fabs(mf2->pt()) < ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_PT) ) {
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> pT info not available (rec at pT=0)" << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> pT info not available (rec at pT=0)" << endmsg;
       if( m_muFastRequireSameSign || m_muFastRequireMass ) {
-	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> but same sign or invMass check is required. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endreq;
+	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> but same sign or invMass check is required. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endmsg;
 	 return false;
@@ -244,35 +244,35 @@ bool TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(const ElementLink<xAOD::L2StandAloneMuo
       bool isBarrel1 = (mf1->sAddress() != SADDRESS_EC ) ? true : false;
       bool isBarrel2 = (mf2->sAddress() != SADDRESS_EC ) ? true : false;
       if(  isBarrel1 && isBarrel2 ) { // BB
-	 if(m_doDebug)  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...B-B" << endreq;
+	 if(m_doDebug)  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...B-B" << endmsg;
 	 dRThres  =m_muFastDRThresBB; 
       else if( (isBarrel1 && ! isBarrel2) || (!isBarrel1 && isBarrel2) ) { // BE
-	 if(m_doDebug)  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...B-E" << endreq;
+	 if(m_doDebug)  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...B-E" << endmsg;
 	 dRThres  =m_muFastDRThresBE;
       else { // EE
-	 if(m_doDebug)  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...E-E" << endreq;
+	 if(m_doDebug)  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...E-E" << endmsg;
 	 double absEta = (fabs(mf1->pt()) > fabs(mf2->pt())) ? fabs(mf1->etaMS()) : fabs(mf2->etaMS());
 	 unsigned int iThres=0;
 	 for(unsigned int i=0; i<(m_muFastEtaBinsEC.size()-1); i++) {
 	    if ( m_muFastEtaBinsEC[i] <= absEta && absEta < m_muFastEtaBinsEC[i+1] ) iThres = i;
-	 if(m_doDebug)  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...iThres=" << iThres << endreq;
+	 if(m_doDebug)  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...iThres=" << iThres << endmsg;
 	 dRThres   = m_muFastDRThresEC[iThres];
 	 massThres = m_muFastMassThresEC[iThres];
-      if(m_doDebug && m_muFastRequireDR)   msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...dR   threshold=" << dRThres << endreq;
-      if(m_doDebug && m_muFastRequireMass) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...mass threshold=" << massThres << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug && m_muFastRequireDR)   msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...dR   threshold=" << dRThres << endmsg;
+      if(m_doDebug && m_muFastRequireMass) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...mass threshold=" << massThres << endmsg;
    // same sign cut
    bool sameSign = false;
    if( m_muFastRequireSameSign ) {
       sameSign = ((mf1->pt()*mf2->pt()) > 0) ? true : false;
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> sameSign=" << sameSign << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> sameSign=" << sameSign << endmsg;
    // dR cut
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ bool TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(const ElementLink<xAOD::L2StandAloneMuo
    if( m_muFastRequireDR ) {
       if( dr < dRThres ) dRisClose = true;
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> dR=" << dr << " : dRisClose=" << dRisClose << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> dR=" << dr << " : dRisClose=" << dRisClose << endmsg;
    // mass cut
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ bool TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(const ElementLink<xAOD::L2StandAloneMuo
    if( m_muFastRequireMass ) {
       if( mass < massThres ) massIsClose = true;
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> mass=" << mass << " : massIsClose=" << massIsClose << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> mass=" << mass << " : massIsClose=" << massIsClose << endmsg;
    // total judge
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ bool TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(const ElementLink<xAOD::L2StandAloneMuo
       overlap = true;
-   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...=> isOverlap=" << overlap << endreq;
+   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...=> isOverlap=" << overlap << endmsg;
    return overlap;
@@ -324,14 +324,14 @@ bool TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(const ElementLink<xAOD::L2CombinedMuonC
 					 const ElementLink<xAOD::L2CombinedMuonContainer>& combMfLink2)
    if( combMfLink1.isValid() == 0) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "L2SConminedMuonContainer does not contain object (#1)" << endreq;
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> mF link (#1) broken. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "L2SConminedMuonContainer does not contain object (#1)" << endmsg;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> mF link (#1) broken. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endmsg;
       if(m_doMonitor) m_mnt_mufastError.push_back(TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverConsts::errorCode_EL_not_valid);
       return false;
    if( combMfLink2.isValid() == 0) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "L2CombinedMuonContainer does not contain object (#2)" << endreq;
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> mF link (#2) broken. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "L2CombinedMuonContainer does not contain object (#2)" << endmsg;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> mF link (#2) broken. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endmsg;
       if(m_doMonitor) m_mnt_mufastError.push_back(TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverConsts::errorCode_EL_not_valid);
       return false;
@@ -339,17 +339,17 @@ bool TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(const ElementLink<xAOD::L2CombinedMuonC
    const xAOD::L2CombinedMuon *combMf1 = *combMfLink1;
    const xAOD::L2CombinedMuon *combMf2 = *combMfLink2;
-   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...combMF1: pt/eta/phi=" << combMf1->pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " / " << combMf1->eta() << " / " << combMf1->phi() << endreq;
-   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...combMF2: pt/eta/phi=" << combMf2->pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " / " << combMf2->eta() << " / " << combMf2->phi() << endreq;
+   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...combMF1: pt/eta/phi=" << combMf1->pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " / " << combMf1->eta() << " / " << combMf1->phi() << endmsg;
+   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...combMF2: pt/eta/phi=" << combMf2->pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " / " << combMf2->eta() << " / " << combMf2->phi() << endmsg;
    // if dR or invMass is necessary but (eta,phi) info is not avaiable
    // (i.e. eta,phi=0,0; rec failed)
    const double ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_ETAPHI = 1e-4;
    if( (fabs(combMf1->eta()) <ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_ETAPHI && fabs(combMf1->phi()) < ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_ETAPHI) ||
        (fabs(combMf2->eta()) <ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_ETAPHI && fabs(combMf2->phi()) < ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_ETAPHI) ) {
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> (eta,phi) info not available (rec at (eta,phi)=(0,0))" << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> (eta,phi) info not available (rec at (eta,phi)=(0,0))" << endmsg;
       if( m_muCombRequireDR || m_muCombRequireMass ) {
-	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> but dR of invMass check is required. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endreq;
+	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> but dR of invMass check is required. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endmsg;
 	 return false;
@@ -357,9 +357,9 @@ bool TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(const ElementLink<xAOD::L2CombinedMuonC
    // if charge or invMass is necessary but charge(=pT) info is not avaiable
    const double ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_PT = 1e-4;
    if( (fabs(combMf1->pt()) <ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_PT) || (fabs(combMf2->pt()) < ZERO_LIMIT_FOR_PT) ) {
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> pT info not available (rec at pT=0)" << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> pT info not available (rec at pT=0)" << endmsg;
       if( m_muCombRequireSameSign || m_muCombRequireMass ) {
-	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> but same sign or invMass check is required. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endreq;
+	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> but same sign or invMass check is required. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endmsg;
 	 return false;
@@ -374,17 +374,17 @@ bool TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(const ElementLink<xAOD::L2CombinedMuonC
    double dRbyMFThres = m_muCombMufastDRThres[iThres];
    double massThres   = m_muCombMassThres[iThres];
    if(m_doDebug)  {
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...iThres=" << iThres << endreq;
-      if(m_muCombRequireDR)        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...dR       threshold=" << dRThres     << endreq;
-      if(m_muCombRequireMufastDR)  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...dR(byMF) threshold=" << dRbyMFThres << endreq;
-      if(m_muCombRequireMass)      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...mass     threshold=" << massThres   << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...iThres=" << iThres << endmsg;
+      if(m_muCombRequireDR)        msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...dR       threshold=" << dRThres     << endmsg;
+      if(m_muCombRequireMufastDR)  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...dR(byMF) threshold=" << dRbyMFThres << endmsg;
+      if(m_muCombRequireMass)      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...mass     threshold=" << massThres   << endmsg;
    // same sign cut
    bool sameSign = false;
    if( m_muCombRequireSameSign ) {
       sameSign = ((combMf1->pt()*combMf2->pt()) > 0) ? true : false;
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> sameSign=" << sameSign << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> sameSign=" << sameSign << endmsg;
    // dR cut
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ bool TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(const ElementLink<xAOD::L2CombinedMuonC
    if( m_muCombRequireDR ) {
       if( dr < dRThres ) dRisClose = true;
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> dR=" << dr << " : dRisClose=" << dRisClose << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> dR=" << dr << " : dRisClose=" << dRisClose << endmsg;
    // dR(by MF) cut
@@ -407,8 +407,8 @@ bool TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(const ElementLink<xAOD::L2CombinedMuonC
      const xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon* mf1 = combMf1->muSATrack();
      const xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon* mf2 = combMf2->muSATrack();
      if( mf1 == 0 || mf2 == 0 ) {
-       msg() << MSG::INFO << "mF link from combinedMF broken" << endreq;
-       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> mF dR is required but mF link broken. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endreq;
+       msg() << MSG::INFO << "mF link from combinedMF broken" << endmsg;
+       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> mF dR is required but mF link broken. cannot judge overlap -> return with false" << endmsg;
        return false;
      else {
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ bool TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(const ElementLink<xAOD::L2CombinedMuonC
        // (i.e. we apply muComb based cut even if muFast rec is failed)
        double dRByMF = dR(mf1->etaMS(),mf1->phiMS(),mf2->etaMS(),mf2->phiMS());
        if( dRByMF < dRbyMFThres ) dRbyMFisClose = true;
-       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> dR(by MF)=" << dRByMF << " : dRbyMFisClose=" << dRbyMFisClose << endreq;
+       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> dR(by MF)=" << dRByMF << " : dRbyMFisClose=" << dRbyMFisClose << endmsg;
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ bool TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(const ElementLink<xAOD::L2CombinedMuonC
    if( m_muCombRequireMass ) {
       if( mass < massThres ) massIsClose = true;
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> mass=" << mass << " : massIsClose=" << massIsClose << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...-> mass=" << mass << " : massIsClose=" << massIsClose << endmsg;
    // total judge
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ bool TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::isOverlap(const ElementLink<xAOD::L2CombinedMuonC
       overlap = true; 
-   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...=> isOverlap=" << overlap << endreq;
+   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ...=> isOverlap=" << overlap << endmsg;
    return overlap;
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ double TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::invMass(double m1, double pt1, double eta1, dou
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT::TriggerElement*> >& tes_in,
 						    unsigned int type_out)
-   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in hltExecute : " << name() << endreq;
+   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in hltExecute : " << name() << endmsg;
    m_doMonitor = (m_monitorChoice==TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverConsts::monitorChoice_all) ? true : false; 
@@ -519,23 +519,23 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
    unsigned int i_te;
    unsigned int j_te;
-   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "tes_in size=" << tes_in_size << endreq;
+   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "tes_in size=" << tes_in_size << endmsg;
    for(unsigned int i_vec=0; i_vec<tes_in_size; i_vec++) {
       unsigned int n_te = tes_in[i_vec].size();
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "i_vec=" << i_vec << " : n TEs=" << n_te << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "i_vec=" << i_vec << " : n TEs=" << n_te << endmsg;
       for(i_te=0; i_te<n_te; i_te++) {
 	 HLT::TriggerElement* te = tes_in[i_vec][i_te];
 	 if( m_monitorChoice == TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverConsts::monitorChoice_mu10_only || m_doDebug ) {
 	    std::string label;
 	    TrigConf::HLTTriggerElement::getLabel (te->getId(), label );
 	    if( m_monitorChoice == TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverConsts::monitorChoice_mu10_only && label.find("mu10") != std::string::npos ) m_doMonitor = true;
-	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "input TE ID(): " << te->getId() << ", Label=" << label << endreq;
+	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "input TE ID(): " << te->getId() << ", Label=" << label << endmsg;
 	 bool alreadyThere = false;
 	 for(unsigned int j_te=0; j_te<vec_allTEs.size(); j_te++) {
 	    if( vec_allTEs[j_te] == te ) {
 	       if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "at i_vec=" << i_vec << ", i_te=" << i_te <<
-		  ": same TE already there at j_te=" << j_te << ", so, skip this TE." << endreq;
+		  ": same TE already there at j_te=" << j_te << ", so, skip this TE." << endmsg;
 	       alreadyThere = true;
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
    unsigned int n_allTEs = vec_allTEs.size(); 
-   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "size of vec_allTEs=" << n_allTEs << endreq;
+   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "size of vec_allTEs=" << n_allTEs << endmsg;
    for(i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) {
       HLT::TEVec tes;
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
       if(m_doDebug) {
 	 std::string label;
 	 TrigConf::HLTTriggerElement::getLabel (outputTE->getId(), label);
-	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "creating outputTE ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << ", Label=" << label << endreq;
+	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "creating outputTE ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << ", Label=" << label << endmsg;
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
    // start monitoring
    // ---
-   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "m_doMonitor=" << m_doMonitor << endreq;   
+   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "m_doMonitor=" << m_doMonitor << endmsg;   
    if(m_doMonitor) {
       // reset
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
    // ---
    if( n_allTEs <= 1 ) {
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "nr of TEs <= 1, no overlap removal necessary. exitting with all TEs active" << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "nr of TEs <= 1, no overlap removal necessary. exitting with all TEs active" << endmsg;
       if(m_doMonitor) afterExecMonitors().ignore();
       return HLT::OK;
@@ -646,11 +646,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
 	 errorWhenGettingELs = true;
 	 if( isMufastOK != HLT::OK ) {
 	    if(m_doMonitor) m_mnt_mufastError.push_back(TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverConsts::errorCode_cannot_get_EL);
-	    msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": fails to find EL for: L2StandAloneMuon" << endreq;
+	    msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": fails to find EL for: L2StandAloneMuon" << endmsg;
 	 if( isMucombOK != HLT::OK ) {
 	    if(m_doMonitor) m_mnt_mucombError.push_back(TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverConsts::errorCode_cannot_get_EL);
-	    msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": fails to find EL for: L2CombinedMuon" << endreq;
+	    msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": fails to find EL for: L2CombinedMuon" << endmsg;
@@ -660,11 +660,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
 	errorWhenGettingELs = true;
 	if( ! isMufastELOK ) {
 	  if(m_doMonitor) m_mnt_mufastError.push_back(TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverConsts::errorCode_EL_not_valid);
-	  msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": EL not valid for: L2StandAloneMuon" << endreq;
+	  msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": EL not valid for: L2StandAloneMuon" << endmsg;
 	if( ! isMucombELOK ) {
 	  if(m_doMonitor) m_mnt_mucombError.push_back(TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverConsts::errorCode_EL_not_valid);
-	  msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": EL not valid for: L2CombinedMuon" << endreq;
+	  msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": EL not valid for: L2CombinedMuon" << endmsg;
@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
    if( errorWhenGettingELs ) {
-      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "error when getting ELs. exitting with all TEs active..." << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "error when getting ELs. exitting with all TEs active..." << endmsg;
       if(m_doMonitor) afterExecMonitors().ignore();
       return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE,HLT::Reason::NAV_ERROR);
@@ -688,19 +688,19 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
    bool errorWhenIdentifyingOverlap = false;
    if( m_doMufastBasedRemoval ) {
-     if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "--- muFast based overlap identification ---" << endreq;
+     if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "--- muFast based overlap identification ---" << endmsg;
      for(i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) { mufastResult.push_back(i_te); }
      for(i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs-1; i_te++) {
        for(j_te=i_te+1; j_te<n_allTEs; j_te++) {
-	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "++ i_te=" << i_te << " vs j_te=" << j_te << endreq;
+	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "++ i_te=" << i_te << " vs j_te=" << j_te << endmsg;
 	 bool overlapped = (standaloneMuonELVvec[i_te].size() > 0 && standaloneMuonELVvec[j_te].size() > 0) ?
 	   isOverlap((standaloneMuonELVvec[i_te])[0], (standaloneMuonELVvec[j_te])[0]) : false;
 	 if( ! overlapped ) { // judged as different
-	   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   judged as: different objects" << endreq; 
+	   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   judged as: different objects" << endmsg; 
 	   if( mufastResult[i_te] == mufastResult[j_te] ) { // but marked as same by someone
-	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "inconsistentency in muFast based overlap removal for more than two objects" << endreq;
-	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "two objects are judged as different but both were already marked as identical by someone else as: " << endreq;
-	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "i_te/j_te/result[i_te]/result[j_te]=" << i_te << " / " << j_te << " / " << mufastResult[i_te] << " / "  << mufastResult[j_te] << endreq;
+	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "inconsistentency in muFast based overlap removal for more than two objects" << endmsg;
+	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "two objects are judged as different but both were already marked as identical by someone else as: " << endmsg;
+	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "i_te/j_te/result[i_te]/result[j_te]=" << i_te << " / " << j_te << " / " << mufastResult[i_te] << " / "  << mufastResult[j_te] << endmsg;
 	     errorWhenIdentifyingOverlap = true;
 	     if(m_doMonitor) m_mnt_mufastError.push_back(TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverConsts::errorCode_inconsistent_overlap1);
@@ -708,25 +708,25 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
 	 else { // judged as overlap
 	   if( (mufastResult[j_te] != j_te && mufastResult[i_te] != mufastResult[j_te]) ||
 	       (mufastResult[j_te] == j_te && mufastResult[i_te] != i_te) ) {
-	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "inconsistentency in muFast based overlap removal for more than two objects" << endreq;
-	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "two objects are judged as overlap but only either was already marked as overlap to someone else: " << endreq;
-	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "i_te/j_te/result[i_te]/result[j_te]=" << i_te << " / " << j_te << " / " << mufastResult[i_te] << " / "  << mufastResult[j_te] << endreq;
+	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "inconsistentency in muFast based overlap removal for more than two objects" << endmsg;
+	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "two objects are judged as overlap but only either was already marked as overlap to someone else: " << endmsg;
+	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "i_te/j_te/result[i_te]/result[j_te]=" << i_te << " / " << j_te << " / " << mufastResult[i_te] << " / "  << mufastResult[j_te] << endmsg;
 	     errorWhenIdentifyingOverlap = true;
 	     if(m_doMonitor) m_mnt_mufastError.push_back(TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverConsts::errorCode_inconsistent_overlap2);
 	   else {
-	     if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   judged as: overlapped objects" << endreq;
+	     if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   judged as: overlapped objects" << endmsg;
 	     if( mufastResult[i_te] == i_te ) {
 	       if(m_doDebug) {
-		 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   i_te is not yet marked as overlap. so, it is a newly found overlap" << endreq;
-		 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   -> marking mufastResult[j_te] as i_te..." << endreq;
+		 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   i_te is not yet marked as overlap. so, it is a newly found overlap" << endmsg;
+		 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   -> marking mufastResult[j_te] as i_te..." << endmsg;
 	       mufastResult[j_te] = i_te;
 	     else {
 	       if(m_doDebug) {
-		 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   both i_te/j_te already marked as overlap by: mufastResult[i_te]=" << mufastResult[i_te] << endreq;
-		 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   -> do nothing..." << endreq;
+		 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   both i_te/j_te already marked as overlap by: mufastResult[i_te]=" << mufastResult[i_te] << endmsg;
+		 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   -> do nothing..." << endmsg;
@@ -736,19 +736,19 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
    if( m_doMucombBasedRemoval ) {
-     if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "--- muComb based overlap identification ---" << endreq;
+     if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "--- muComb based overlap identification ---" << endmsg;
      for(i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) { mucombResult.push_back(i_te); }
      for(i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs-1; i_te++) {
        for(j_te=i_te+1; j_te<n_allTEs; j_te++) {
-	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "++ i_te=" << i_te << " vs j_te=" << j_te << endreq;
+	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "++ i_te=" << i_te << " vs j_te=" << j_te << endmsg;
 	 bool overlapped = (combinedMuonELVvec[i_te].size() > 0 && combinedMuonELVvec[j_te].size() > 0) ?
 	   isOverlap((combinedMuonELVvec[i_te])[0], (combinedMuonELVvec[j_te])[0]) : false;
 	 if( ! overlapped ) { // judged as different
-	   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   judged as: different objects" << endreq; 
+	   if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   judged as: different objects" << endmsg; 
 	   if( mucombResult[i_te] == mucombResult[j_te] ) { // but marked as same by someone
-	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "inconsistent in muComb based overlap removal for more than two objects" << endreq;
-	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "judged as different objects but both are already marked as identical by someone else as: " << endreq;
-	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "i_te/j_te/result[i_te]/result[j_te]=" << i_te << " / " << j_te << " / " << mucombResult[i_te] << " / "  << mucombResult[j_te] << endreq;
+	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "inconsistent in muComb based overlap removal for more than two objects" << endmsg;
+	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "judged as different objects but both are already marked as identical by someone else as: " << endmsg;
+	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "i_te/j_te/result[i_te]/result[j_te]=" << i_te << " / " << j_te << " / " << mucombResult[i_te] << " / "  << mucombResult[j_te] << endmsg;
 	     errorWhenIdentifyingOverlap = true;
 	     if(m_doMonitor) m_mnt_mucombError.push_back(TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverConsts::errorCode_inconsistent_overlap1);
@@ -756,25 +756,25 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
 	 else { // judged as overlap
 	   if( (mucombResult[j_te] != j_te && mucombResult[i_te] != mucombResult[j_te]) ||
 	       (mucombResult[j_te] == j_te && mucombResult[i_te] != i_te) ) {
-	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "inconsistent in muComb based overlap removal for more than two objects" << endreq;
-	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "judged as overlap but only either is already marked as overlap to someone else: " << endreq;
-	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "i_te/j_te/result[i_te]/result[j_te]=" << i_te << " / " << j_te << " / " << mucombResult[i_te] << " / "  << mucombResult[j_te] << endreq;
+	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "inconsistent in muComb based overlap removal for more than two objects" << endmsg;
+	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "judged as overlap but only either is already marked as overlap to someone else: " << endmsg;
+	     msg() << MSG::INFO << "i_te/j_te/result[i_te]/result[j_te]=" << i_te << " / " << j_te << " / " << mucombResult[i_te] << " / "  << mucombResult[j_te] << endmsg;
 	     errorWhenIdentifyingOverlap = true;
 	     if(m_doMonitor) m_mnt_mucombError.push_back(TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverConsts::errorCode_inconsistent_overlap2);
 	   else {
-	     if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   judged as: overlapped objects" << endreq;
+	     if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   judged as: overlapped objects" << endmsg;
 	     if( mucombResult[i_te] == i_te ) {
 	       if(m_doDebug) {
-		 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   i_te is not yet marked as overlap. so, it is a newly found overlap" << endreq;
-		 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   -> marking mucombResult[j_te] as i_te..." << endreq;
+		 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   i_te is not yet marked as overlap. so, it is a newly found overlap" << endmsg;
+		 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   -> marking mucombResult[j_te] as i_te..." << endmsg;
 	       mucombResult[j_te] = i_te;
 	     else {
 	       if(m_doDebug) {
-		 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   both i_te/j_te already marked as overlap by: mucombResult[i_te]=" << mucombResult[i_te] << endreq;
-		 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   -> do nothing..." << endreq;
+		 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   both i_te/j_te already marked as overlap by: mucombResult[i_te]=" << mucombResult[i_te] << endmsg;
+		 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   -> do nothing..." << endmsg;
@@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
    if( errorWhenIdentifyingOverlap ) {
-      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "error when resolving overlap. exitting with all TEs active..." << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "error when resolving overlap. exitting with all TEs active..." << endmsg;
       if(m_doMonitor) afterExecMonitors().ignore();
       return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE,HLT::Reason::USERDEF_1);
@@ -800,10 +800,10 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
       unsigned int n_uniqueTEs_mufast = 0;
       for(i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) {
 	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "muFast based results: i_te=" << i_te << ": ";
-	 if( mufastResult[i_te] != i_te ) { msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "overlap to j_te=" << mufastResult[i_te] << endreq; }
-	 else { n_uniqueTEs_mufast++; msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "unique" << endreq; }
+	 if( mufastResult[i_te] != i_te ) { msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "overlap to j_te=" << mufastResult[i_te] << endmsg; }
+	 else { n_uniqueTEs_mufast++; msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "unique" << endmsg; }
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "nr of unique TEs after muFast-based removal=" << n_uniqueTEs_mufast << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "nr of unique TEs after muFast-based removal=" << n_uniqueTEs_mufast << endmsg;
       if( n_allTEs != n_uniqueTEs_mufast ) mufastNoOverlap = false;
@@ -811,15 +811,15 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
       unsigned int n_uniqueTEs_mucomb = 0;
       for(i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) {
 	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "muComb based results: i_te=" << i_te << ": ";
-	 if( mucombResult[i_te] != i_te ) { msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "overlap to j_te=" << mucombResult[i_te] << endreq; }
-	 else { n_uniqueTEs_mucomb++; msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "unique" << endreq; }
+	 if( mucombResult[i_te] != i_te ) { msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "overlap to j_te=" << mucombResult[i_te] << endmsg; }
+	 else { n_uniqueTEs_mucomb++; msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "unique" << endmsg; }
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "nr of unique TEs after muComb-based removal=" << n_uniqueTEs_mucomb << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "nr of unique TEs after muComb-based removal=" << n_uniqueTEs_mucomb << endmsg;
       if( n_allTEs != n_uniqueTEs_mucomb ) mucombNoOverlap = false;
    if( mufastNoOverlap && mucombNoOverlap ) {
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no overlap identified. exitting with all TEs active" << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no overlap identified. exitting with all TEs active" << endmsg;
       if(m_doMonitor) afterExecMonitors().ignore();
       return HLT::OK;
@@ -831,11 +831,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
    bool errorWhenGettingRoI = false;
    if( m_doMufastBasedRemoval ) {
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "--- choose best among overlaps & disable TEs (muFast based) ---" << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "--- choose best among overlaps & disable TEs (muFast based) ---" << endmsg;
       for(i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) {
-	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "++ i_te=" << i_te << ": result=" << mufastResult[i_te] << endreq;
+	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "++ i_te=" << i_te << ": result=" << mufastResult[i_te] << endmsg;
 	 if( mufastResult[i_te] != i_te ) {
-	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   overlap to some one. skip." << endreq;
+	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   overlap to some one. skip." << endmsg;
 	 std::vector<unsigned int> others;
@@ -843,11 +843,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
 	    if( mufastResult[j_te] == mufastResult[i_te] ) others.push_back(j_te);
 	 if( others.size() == 1 ) {
-	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   unique object. keep it active." << endreq;
+	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   unique object. keep it active." << endmsg;
 	 else { // must choose one best
-	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   overlapped objects among: " << others << endreq;
+	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   overlapped objects among: " << others << endmsg;
 	    unsigned int best_te = 0;
 	    float maxPtMf  = 0;
 	    float maxPtRoI = 0;
@@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
 	       const LVL1::RecMuonRoI* muonRoI = 0;
 	       if ( HLT::OK != getFeature(vec_allTEs[j_te], muonRoI, "") ) {
-		  msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << j_te << ": fails to find RecMuonRoI." << endreq;
+		  msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << j_te << ": fails to find RecMuonRoI." << endmsg;
 		  errorWhenGettingRoI = true;
 		  if(m_doMonitor) m_mnt_mufastError.push_back(TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverConsts::errorCode_cannot_get_RoI);
@@ -879,11 +879,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
-	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      best is: best_te/maxPtRoI/maxPtMf=" << best_te << " / " << maxPtRoI << " / " << maxPtMf << endreq;
+	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      best is: best_te/maxPtRoI/maxPtMf=" << best_te << " / " << maxPtRoI << " / " << maxPtMf << endmsg;
 	    for(unsigned int j=0; j<others.size(); j++) {
 	       if( j_te != best_te ) {
-		  if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      setting activeState=false for j_te=" << j_te << endreq;
+		  if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      setting activeState=false for j_te=" << j_te << endmsg;
 		  // monitoring
 		  if(m_doMonitor) {
@@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
    if(m_doMonitor) m_mnt_mufastNrActiveTEs = n_allTEs - m_mnt_mufastNrOverlapped;
    if( errorWhenGettingRoI ) {
-      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "error when getting muonRoI (muFast based). exitting with all TEs active..." << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "error when getting muonRoI (muFast based). exitting with all TEs active..." << endmsg;
       for(i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) { vec_outputTEs[i_te]->setActiveState(true); }
       if(m_doMonitor) afterExecMonitors().ignore();
       return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE,HLT::Reason::USERDEF_2);
@@ -912,11 +912,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
    if( m_doMucombBasedRemoval ) {
-      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "--- choose best among overlaps & disable TEs (muComb based) ---" << endreq;
+      if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "--- choose best among overlaps & disable TEs (muComb based) ---" << endmsg;
       for(i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) {
-	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "++ i_te=" << i_te << ": result=" << mucombResult[i_te] << endreq;
+	 if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "++ i_te=" << i_te << ": result=" << mucombResult[i_te] << endmsg;
 	 if( mucombResult[i_te] != i_te ) {
-	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   overlap to some one. skip." << endreq;
+	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   overlap to some one. skip." << endmsg;
 	 std::vector<unsigned int> others;
@@ -924,11 +924,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
 	    if( mucombResult[j_te] == mucombResult[i_te] ) others.push_back(j_te);
 	 if( others.size() == 1 ) {
-	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   unique object. keep it active." << endreq;
+	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   unique object. keep it active." << endmsg;
 	 else { // must choose one best
-	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   overlap objects among: " << others << endreq;
+	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   overlap objects among: " << others << endmsg;
 	    unsigned int best_te = 0;
 	    float maxPtCombMf = 0;
 	    float maxPtRoI    = 0;
@@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
 	       const LVL1::RecMuonRoI* muonRoI = 0;
 	       if ( HLT::OK != getFeature(vec_allTEs[j_te], muonRoI, "") ) {
-		  msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << j_te << ": fails to find RecMuonRoI." << endreq;
+		  msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << j_te << ": fails to find RecMuonRoI." << endmsg;
 		  errorWhenGettingRoI = true;
 		  if(m_doMonitor) m_mnt_mucombError.push_back(TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverConsts::errorCode_cannot_get_RoI);
@@ -960,11 +960,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
-	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      best is: best_te/maxPtRoI/maxPtCombMf=" << best_te << " / " << maxPtRoI << " / " << maxPtCombMf << endreq;
+	    if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      best is: best_te/maxPtRoI/maxPtCombMf=" << best_te << " / " << maxPtRoI << " / " << maxPtCombMf << endmsg;
 	    for(unsigned int j=0; j<others.size(); j++) {
 	       if( j_te != best_te ) {
-		  if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      setting activeState=false for j_te=" << j_te << endreq;
+		  if(m_doDebug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      setting activeState=false for j_te=" << j_te << endmsg;
 		  // monitoring
 		  if(m_doMonitor) {
@@ -985,7 +985,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
    if(m_doMonitor) m_mnt_mucombNrActiveTEs = n_allTEs - m_mnt_mucombNrOverlapped;
    if( errorWhenGettingRoI ) {
-      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "error when getting muonRoI (muComb based). exitting with all TEs active..." << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "error when getting muonRoI (muComb based). exitting with all TEs active..." << endmsg;
       for(i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) { vec_outputTEs[i_te]->setActiveState(true); }
       if(m_doMonitor) afterExecMonitors().ignore();
       return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE,HLT::Reason::USERDEF_2);
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMooreHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMooreHypo.cxx
index 5de9ba3a7c1..32c075d61f7 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMooreHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMooreHypo.cxx
@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMooreHypo::hltInitialize(){
   if(m_acceptAll) {
       msg() << MSG::INFO
             << "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-	    << endreq;
+	    << endmsg;
   } else {      
       m_bins = m_ptBins.size() - 1;
       if (m_bins != m_ptThresholds.size()) {
-          msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+          msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
           return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;
@@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMooreHypo::hltInitialize(){
           msg() << MSG::INFO
                 << "bin " << m_ptBins[i] << " - " <<  m_ptBins[i+1]
 		<< " with Pt Threshold of " << (m_ptThresholds[i])/CLHEP::GeV 
-		<< " GeV" << endreq;
+		<< " GeV" << endmsg;
   msg() << MSG::INFO 
         << "Initialization completed successfully" 
-        << endreq;
+        << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMooreHypo::hltInitialize(){
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMooreHypo::hltFinalize()
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMooreHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bo
   m_storeGate = store();
-  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
   HLT::ErrorCode status;
@@ -90,48 +90,48 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMooreHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bo
   m_fex_phi = -1000;
    // Some debug output:
-  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endreq;
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
   // Get vector of pointers to all TrigMuonEF objects linked to the outputTE 
   //   by label "uses":
   std::vector<const TrigMuonEFContainer*> vectorOfTrigMuonEF;
   status = getFeatures(outputTE, vectorOfTrigMuonEF);
   if(status!=HLT::OK) {
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no TrigMoore Feature found" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no TrigMoore Feature found" << endmsg;
       return status;
-  } else msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "TrigMoore Feature found" << endreq;
+  } else msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "TrigMoore Feature found" << endmsg;
   // Check that there is only one MuonFeature
   if (vectorOfTrigMuonEF.size() != 1){
     msg() << MSG::DEBUG
         << "Size of vector is not 1 but "<<vectorOfTrigMuonEF.size() 
-        << endreq;
+        << endmsg;
     if (vectorOfTrigMuonEF.size() == 0) return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
-  }  else msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "One TrigMoore container found" << endreq;
+  }  else msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "One TrigMoore container found" << endmsg;
   float threshold = 0;
   for (unsigned int i=0; i<vectorOfTrigMuonEF.size(); i++){
-    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Element "<<i<<" of vector of TrigMuonEF containers  "<<endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Element "<<i<<" of vector of TrigMuonEF containers  "<<endmsg;
     // Get first (and only) RoI:
     const TrigMuonEFContainer * trackCont = vectorOfTrigMuonEF[i];
       msg() << MSG::ERROR
 	    << "Retrieval of TrigMuonEF  container from vector failed"
-	    << endreq;
+	    << endmsg;
       return  HLT::NAV_ERROR;
-    }  else msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "container OK with size "<<trackCont->size()<< endreq;
+    }  else msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "container OK with size "<<trackCont->size()<< endmsg;
     // Check pt threshold for hypothesis,
     for (TrigMuonEFContainer::const_iterator tr = trackCont->begin();
 	 tr != trackCont->end(); tr++){
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Muon code is <" << (*tr)->MuonCode() <<">"<< endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " Muon code is <" << (*tr)->MuonCode() <<">"<< endmsg;
       if ((*tr)->MuonCode()>100)
-	  msg() << MSG::DEBUG <<" track code is "<<(*tr)->MuonCode() << endreq;
-	  msg() << MSG::DEBUG <<"abs pt of this track is" << (*tr)->pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV" << endreq;
+	  msg() << MSG::DEBUG <<" track code is "<<(*tr)->MuonCode() << endmsg;
+	  msg() << MSG::DEBUG <<"abs pt of this track is" << (*tr)->pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV" << endmsg;
 	  m_fex_pt  = (*tr)->pt()/CLHEP::GeV;
 	  float theta = atan( 1./(*tr)->cotTh() );
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMooreHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bo
 	  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST muon pt is " << (*tr)->pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV "   
 					   << " with Charge " << (*tr)->Charge() 
 					   << " and threshold cut is " << threshold/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV" 
-					   << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endreq;
+					   << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endmsg;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuGirlHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuGirlHypo.cxx
index 45d643e50a0..2a54b9ebd2e 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuGirlHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuGirlHypo.cxx
@@ -38,24 +38,24 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuGirlHypo::hltInitialize(){
   if(m_acceptAll) {
     msg() << MSG::INFO
           << "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-          << endreq;
+          << endmsg;
   } else {
     m_bins = m_ptBins.size() - 1;
     if (m_bins != m_ptThresholds.size()) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
       return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;
     for (std::vector<float>::size_type i=0; i<m_bins;++i) {
       msg() << MSG::INFO
             << "bin " << m_ptBins[i] << " - " <<  m_ptBins[i+1]
             << " with Pt Threshold of " << (m_ptThresholds[i])/CLHEP::GeV
-            << " GeV" << endreq;
+            << " GeV" << endmsg;
   msg() << MSG::INFO 
         << "Initialization completed successfully" 
-        << endreq;
+        << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuGirlHypo::hltInitialize(){
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuGirlHypo::hltFinalize()
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuGirlHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, b
   m_storeGate = store();
-  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
   //resetting the monitoring variables 
   //  m_fex_pt.clear();
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuGirlHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, b
       if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
           msg() << MSG::DEBUG 
                 << "Accept property is set: taking all the events"
-                << endreq;
+                << endmsg;
       return HLT::OK;
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuGirlHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, b
   bool debug = msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG;
   // Some debug output:
-  //  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endreq;
+  //  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
   const TrigMuonEFInfoContainer* trackCont = NULL;
   std::vector<const TrigMuonEFInfoContainer*> vectorOfTrigMuonEF;  
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuGirlHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, b
   status=getFeatures(outputTE, vectorOfTrigMuonEF);
   if (status != HLT::OK || vectorOfTrigMuonEF.size()==0) {
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Could not retieve vector of TrigMuonEFInfoConatiner "<< endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Could not retieve vector of TrigMuonEFInfoConatiner "<< endmsg;
       return HLT::MISSING_FEATURE;
@@ -111,23 +111,23 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuGirlHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, b
   for (unsigned int i=0; i<vectorOfTrigMuonEF.size(); i++)
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Element "<<i<<" of vector of TrigMuonEFInfo containers  "<<endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Element "<<i<<" of vector of TrigMuonEFInfo containers  "<<endmsg;
       // Get first (and only) RoI:
       trackCont = vectorOfTrigMuonEF[i];
 	  msg() << MSG::ERROR
-		<< "Retrieval of TrigMuonEFInfo container from vector failed" << endreq;
+		<< "Retrieval of TrigMuonEFInfo container from vector failed" << endmsg;
 	  return  HLT::NAV_ERROR;
-      else msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "container OK with size "<<trackCont->size()<< endreq;
+      else msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "container OK with size "<<trackCont->size()<< endmsg;
   if(trackCont != NULL){
     for (TrigMuonEFInfoContainer::const_iterator tr = trackCont->begin();tr != trackCont->end(); tr++)
 	const TrigMuonEFInfo* eInfo = (*tr);
 	const TrigMuonEFInfoTrackContainer* trI=eInfo->TrackContainer();
-	msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Track container size: " <<  trI->size() << endreq;
+	msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Track container size: " <<  trI->size() << endmsg;
 	for (TrigMuonEFInfoTrackContainer::const_iterator  Ir= trI->begin();Ir != trI->end(); Ir++)
 	    const TrigMuonEFInfoTrack* muonInfo = (*Ir);
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuGirlHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, b
 	    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST muon pt is " << (trC)->pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV "   
 			    << " with Charge " << (trC)->charge() 
 			    << " and threshold cut is " << threshold/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV" 
-			    << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endreq;
+			    << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endmsg;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuGirlStauHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuGirlStauHypo.cxx
index 659d3b171f5..a96e131f6b1 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuGirlStauHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuGirlStauHypo.cxx
@@ -38,24 +38,24 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuGirlStauHypo::hltInitialize(){
   if(m_acceptAll) {
     msg() << MSG::INFO
           << "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-          << endreq;
+          << endmsg;
   } else {
     m_bins = m_ptBins.size() - 1;
     if (m_bins != m_ptThresholds.size()) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
       return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;
     for (std::vector<float>::size_type i=0; i<m_bins;++i) {
       msg() << MSG::INFO
             << "bin " << m_ptBins[i] << " - " <<  m_ptBins[i+1]
             << " with Pt Threshold of " << (m_ptThresholds[i])/CLHEP::GeV
-            << " CLHEP::GeV" << endreq;
+            << " CLHEP::GeV" << endmsg;
   msg() << MSG::INFO 
         << "Initialization completed successfully" 
-        << endreq;
+        << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuGirlStauHypo::hltInitialize(){
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuGirlStauHypo::hltFinalize()
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuGirlStauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputT
   m_storeGate = store();
-  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
   //resetting the monitoring variables 
   //  m_fex_pt.clear();
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuGirlStauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputT
       if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
           msg() << MSG::DEBUG 
                 << "Accept property is set: taking all the events"
-                << endreq;
+                << endmsg;
       return HLT::OK;
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuGirlStauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputT
   status=getFeatures(outputTE, vectorOfTrigMuonEF);
   if (status != HLT::OK || vectorOfTrigMuonEF.size()==0) {
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Could not retieve vector of TrigMuonEFConatiner "<< endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Could not retieve vector of TrigMuonEFConatiner "<< endmsg;
       return HLT::MISSING_FEATURE;
@@ -108,16 +108,16 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuGirlStauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputT
   for (unsigned int i=0; i<vectorOfTrigMuonEF.size(); i++)
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Element "<<i<<" of vector of TrigMuonEF containers  "<<endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Element "<<i<<" of vector of TrigMuonEF containers  "<<endmsg;
       // Get first (and only) RoI:
       trackCont = vectorOfTrigMuonEF[i];
 	  msg() << MSG::ERROR
-		<< "Retrieval of TrigMuonEF  container from vector failed" << endreq;
+		<< "Retrieval of TrigMuonEF  container from vector failed" << endmsg;
 	  return  HLT::NAV_ERROR;
-      else msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "container OK with size "<<trackCont->size()<< endreq;
+      else msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "container OK with size "<<trackCont->size()<< endmsg;
     for (TrigMuonEFInfoContainer::const_iterator tr = trackCont->begin();tr != trackCont->end(); tr++)
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuGirlStauHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputT
 	      << " with mass "<< mass 
 	      << " and beta "<< beta 
 	      << " and threshold cut is 40  CLHEP::GeV" 
-	      << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endreq;
+	      << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endmsg;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuTagIMOHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuTagIMOHypo.cxx
index 839ab562533..0aa40dc6eb5 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuTagIMOHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuTagIMOHypo.cxx
@@ -63,20 +63,20 @@ TrigMuTagIMOHypo::~TrigMuTagIMOHypo(){}
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuTagIMOHypo::hltInitialize() { 
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Accepting all the events" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Accepting all the events" << endmsg;
   else {
     m_bins = m_ptBins.size() - 1;
     if (m_bins != m_ptThresholds.size()) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
       return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;   
     for (std::vector<float>::size_type i=0; i<m_bins;++i)
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bin " << m_ptBins[i] << " - " <<  m_ptBins[i+1] << " with Pt Threshold of " << (m_ptThresholds[i])/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bin " << m_ptBins[i] << " - " <<  m_ptBins[i+1] << " with Pt Threshold of " << (m_ptThresholds[i])/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV" << endmsg;
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initialization completed successfully" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initialization completed successfully" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuTagIMOHypo::hltInitialize() {
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuTagIMOHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool& pass) {
   if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) 
-    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Executing TrigMuTagIMOHypo" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Executing TrigMuTagIMOHypo" << endmsg;
   //* initialise monitoring variables *//
   m_cutCounter = -1;
@@ -96,12 +96,12 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuTagIMOHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   //* AcceptAll declare property setting *//
   if (m_acceptAll) {
     if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST: AcceptAll property is set: taking all events" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST: AcceptAll property is set: taking all events" << endmsg;
     m_cutCounter = 1;
     pass = true;
     return HLT::OK;
   } else 
-    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST: AcceptAll property not set: applying selection" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST: AcceptAll property not set: applying selection" << endmsg;
  //* Get RoI descriptor *//
   const TrigRoiDescriptor* roiDescriptor = 0;
@@ -112,11 +112,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuTagIMOHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Using outputTE: " 
 	    << "RoI id " << roiDescriptor->roiId()
 	    << ", Phi = " <<  roiDescriptor->phi()
-	    << ", Eta = " << roiDescriptor->eta() << endreq;
+	    << ", Eta = " << roiDescriptor->eta() << endmsg;
   } else {
     if (msgLvl() <= MSG::WARNING) 
-      msg() <<  MSG::WARNING << "No RoI for this Trigger Element " << endreq;
+      msg() <<  MSG::WARNING << "No RoI for this Trigger Element " << endmsg;
     return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE, HLT::Reason::MISSING_FEATURE);
@@ -128,27 +128,27 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuTagIMOHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
   if (getFeature(outputTE, trigMuonEFInfoColl, "MuTagIMO_EF") != HLT::OK) {
     if (msgLvl() <= MSG::WARNING)
-      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "Failed to get TrigMuTagIMO collection" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "Failed to get TrigMuTagIMO collection" << endmsg;
     return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE, HLT::Reason::MISSING_FEATURE); 
   } else if (!trigMuonEFInfoColl) {
     if (msgLvl() <= MSG::WARNING)
-      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "Empty TrigMuTagIMO collection" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "Empty TrigMuTagIMO collection" << endmsg;
     return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE, HLT::Reason::MISSING_FEATURE); 
   } else {
     if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Got collection with " << trigMuonEFInfoColl->size() << " TrigMuonEF" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Got collection with " << trigMuonEFInfoColl->size() << " TrigMuonEF" << endmsg;
   if (!(trigMuonEFInfoColl->size())) {
     if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No TrigMuonEFInfo to analyse" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No TrigMuonEFInfo to analyse" << endmsg;
     return HLT::OK;
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuTagIMOHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
     if (!(trigMuonEFInfoTrackContainer->size())) {
       if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
-	msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No TrigMuonEFInfoTrack to analyse" << endreq;
+	msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No TrigMuonEFInfoTrack to analyse" << endmsg;
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuTagIMOHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
     if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST muon pt is " << combinedTrack->pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV " << " with Charge " << combinedTrack->charge()
-	    << " and threshold cut is " << threshold/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV" << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endreq;
+	    << " and threshold cut is " << threshold/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV" << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endmsg;
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuTagIMOHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE,
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuTagIMOHypo::hltFinalize() {
   if (msgLvl() <= MSG::INFO) 
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Finalizing TrigMuTagIMOHypo" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Finalizing TrigMuTagIMOHypo" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassHypo.cxx
index 764f5150dbb..83e84b533a3 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassHypo.cxx
@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassHypo::~TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassHypo() {
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassHypo::hltInitialize()
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltInitialize : " << name() << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltInitialize : " << name() << endmsg;
   if( m_acceptAll ) {
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Accepting all the events without cut!" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Accepting all the events without cut!" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassHypo::hltInitialize()
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassHypo::hltFinalize()
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltFinalize : " << name() << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltFinalize : " << name() << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassHypo::hltFinalize()
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassHypo::hltBeginRun()
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltBeginRun : " << name() << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltBeginRun : " << name() << endmsg;
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "sign requirement flag : " << m_signRequirement << endreq;
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "mass threshold low    : " << m_massThresLow << endreq;
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "mass threshold high   : " << m_massThresHigh << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "sign requirement flag : " << m_signRequirement << endmsg;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "mass threshold low    : " << m_massThresLow << endmsg;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "mass threshold high   : " << m_massThresHigh << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEl
   bool debug = msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG;
-  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in hltExecute : " << name() << endreq;
+  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in hltExecute : " << name() << endmsg;
   // reset monitoring variables
@@ -99,25 +99,25 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEl
   // if acceptAll
   if( m_acceptAll ) {
     pass = true;
-    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "AcceptAll property is set: taking all the events" << endreq;
+    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "AcceptAll property is set: taking all the events" << endmsg;
     return HLT::OK;
-  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endreq;
+  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
   // get TrigMuonEFInfoContainer
   const xAOD::MuonContainer* muonContainer;
   if(getFeature(outputTE, muonContainer)!=HLT::OK) {
-    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No xAOD::MuonContainer found." << endreq;
+    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No xAOD::MuonContainer found." << endmsg;
     if (!muonContainer) { 
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "null xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endreq; 
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "null xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endmsg; 
       return HLT::MISSING_FEATURE; 
-  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "xAOD::MuonContainer found with size " << muonContainer->size() << endreq;
+  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "xAOD::MuonContainer found with size " << muonContainer->size() << endmsg;
   // collect all CB muon
   std::vector<double> vCBPt;
@@ -129,14 +129,14 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEl
   // loop on the muons within the RoI
   for (unsigned int j=0; j<muonContainer->size(); j++ ) {
-    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "++ Looking at xAOD:Muon" << j << endreq;
+    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "++ Looking at xAOD:Muon" << j << endmsg;
     const xAOD::Muon* muon = muonContainer->at(j);
     if (!muon) {
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No xAOD::Muon found." << endreq;
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No xAOD::Muon found." << endmsg;
     if (! muon->primaryTrackParticle()) {
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No track found." << endreq;
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No track found." << endmsg;
@@ -144,10 +144,10 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEl
     const xAOD::TrackParticle* tr = muon->trackParticle(xAOD::Muon::CombinedTrackParticle);
     if (!tr) {
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No CombinedTrackParticle found." << endreq;
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No CombinedTrackParticle found." << endmsg;
-    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "CB track: pt/Charge/chi2=" << (*tr).pt()/CLHEP::GeV << "/" << tr->charge() << "/" << tr->chiSquared() << endreq;
+    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "CB track: pt/Charge/chi2=" << (*tr).pt()/CLHEP::GeV << "/" << tr->charge() << "/" << tr->chiSquared() << endmsg;
     double pt    = tr->pt()/CLHEP::GeV;
     double eta   = tr->eta();
@@ -166,41 +166,41 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEl
   m_mon_nMuons.push_back(n_cb_muons); // monitoring
   if( n_cb_muons < 2 ) {
     pass = false;
-    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Event rejected as: nr of muons less than two = " << n_cb_muons << endreq;
+    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Event rejected as: nr of muons less than two = " << n_cb_muons << endmsg;
     return HLT::OK;
   // make mass cut
-  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "mass cut on all combinations..." << endreq;
+  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "mass cut on all combinations..." << endmsg;
   int n_pair_passed = 0;
   for(int i=0; i<n_cb_muons-1; i++) {
     double pt1     = vCBPt[i];
     double eta1    = vCBEta[i];
     double phi1    = vCBPhi[i];
     double charge1 = vCBCharge[i];
-    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "pt1/eta1/phi1/charge1=" << pt1 << "/" << eta1 << "/" << phi1 << "/" << charge1 << endreq;
+    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "pt1/eta1/phi1/charge1=" << pt1 << "/" << eta1 << "/" << phi1 << "/" << charge1 << endmsg;
     for(int j=i+1; j<n_cb_muons; j++) {
       double pt2     = vCBPt[j];
       double eta2    = vCBEta[j];
       double phi2    = vCBPhi[j];
       double charge2 = vCBCharge[j];
-      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   pt2/eta2/phi2/charge2=" << pt2 << "/" << eta2 << "/" << phi2 << "/" << charge2 << endreq;
+      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   pt2/eta2/phi2/charge2=" << pt2 << "/" << eta2 << "/" << phi2 << "/" << charge2 << endmsg;
       m_mon_chargeMult.push_back(charge1*charge2); // monitoring
       if( (m_signRequirement== 1) && (charge1*charge2 < 0) ) { // same sign
-	if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ... not same sign" << endreq;
+	if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ... not same sign" << endmsg;
       if( (m_signRequirement==-1) && (charge1*charge2 > 0) ) { // opposite sign
-	if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ... not opposite sign" << endreq;
+	if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "   ... not opposite sign" << endmsg;
       const double MUON_MASS = 0.1057;
       double mass = invMass(MUON_MASS,pt1,eta1,phi1,MUON_MASS,pt2,eta2,phi2);
       m_mon_invMass.push_back(mass); // monitoring
-      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      mass=" << mass << endreq;
+      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      mass=" << mass << endmsg;
       if( m_massThresLow < mass && mass < m_massThresHigh ) {
-	if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> mass cut passed" << endreq;
+	if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> mass cut passed" << endmsg;
 	// monitoring
 	m_mon_muonPt.push_back(pt1);         m_mon_muonPt.push_back(pt2);
 	m_mon_muonEta.push_back(eta1);       m_mon_muonEta.push_back(eta2);
@@ -211,11 +211,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEl
   // decision: is Jpsi there?
   if( n_pair_passed > 0 ) {
     pass = true;
-    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Event passed." << endreq;
+    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Event passed." << endmsg;
   else {
     pass = false;
-    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Event rejected as: no di-muon pair passed mass cut." << endreq;
+    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Event rejected as: no di-muon pair passed mass cut." << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo.cxx
index 311aacdefad..64905cf509b 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo.cxx
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo::~TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpact
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo::hltInitialize()
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltInitialize : " << name() << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltInitialize : " << name() << endmsg;
   if( m_acceptAll ) {
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Accepting all the events without cut!" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Accepting all the events without cut!" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo::hltInitialize()
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo::hltFinalize()
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltFinalize : " << name() << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltFinalize : " << name() << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -82,16 +82,16 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo::hltFinalize()
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo::hltBeginRun()
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltBeginRun : " << name() << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltBeginRun : " << name() << endmsg;
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "AcceptAll : " << m_acceptAll << endreq;
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "mass threshold low(GeV)    : " << m_massThresLow << endreq;
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "mass threshold high(GeV)   : " << m_massThresHigh << endreq;
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "pairpt threshold low(GeV)    : " << m_pairptThresLow << endreq;
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "pairpt threshold high(GeV)   : " << m_pairptThresHigh << endreq;
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "delta Z threshold(mm)   : " << m_deltaZThres << endreq;
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "delta Phi threshold low(Rad)    : " << m_deltaPhiThresLow << endreq;
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "delta Phi threshold high(Rad)   : " << m_deltaPhiThresHigh << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "AcceptAll : " << m_acceptAll << endmsg;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "mass threshold low(GeV)    : " << m_massThresLow << endmsg;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "mass threshold high(GeV)   : " << m_massThresHigh << endmsg;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "pairpt threshold low(GeV)    : " << m_pairptThresLow << endmsg;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "pairpt threshold high(GeV)   : " << m_pairptThresHigh << endmsg;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "delta Z threshold(mm)   : " << m_deltaZThres << endmsg;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "delta Phi threshold low(Rad)    : " << m_deltaPhiThresLow << endmsg;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "delta Phi threshold high(Rad)   : " << m_deltaPhiThresHigh << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo::hltExecute(std::vector
   bool debug = msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG;
-  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in hltExecute : " << name() << endreq;
+  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in hltExecute : " << name() << endmsg;
   // reset monitoring variables
   bool doMonitor = true;
@@ -130,22 +130,22 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo::hltExecute(std::vector
   unsigned int i_te;
   unsigned int j_te;
-  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "tes_in size=" << tes_in_size << endreq;
+  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "tes_in size=" << tes_in_size << endmsg;
   for(unsigned int i_vec=0; i_vec<tes_in_size; i_vec++) {
     unsigned int n_te = tes_in[i_vec].size();
-    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "i_vec=" << i_vec << " : n TEs=" << n_te << endreq;
+    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "i_vec=" << i_vec << " : n TEs=" << n_te << endmsg;
     for(i_te=0; i_te<n_te; i_te++) {
       HLT::TriggerElement* te = tes_in[i_vec][i_te];
       if( debug ) {
 	std::string label;
 	TrigConf::HLTTriggerElement::getLabel (te->getId(), label );
-	if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "input TE ID(): " << te->getId() << ", Label=" << label << endreq;
+	if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "input TE ID(): " << te->getId() << ", Label=" << label << endmsg;
       bool alreadyThere = false;
       for(unsigned int j_te=0; j_te<vec_allTEs.size(); j_te++) {
 	if( vec_allTEs[j_te] == te ) {
 	  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "at i_vec=" << i_vec << ", i_te=" << i_te <<
-		      ": same TE already there at j_te=" << j_te << ", so, skip this TE." << endreq;
+		      ": same TE already there at j_te=" << j_te << ", so, skip this TE." << endmsg;
 	  alreadyThere = true;
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo::hltExecute(std::vector
   unsigned int n_allTEs = vec_allTEs.size(); 
-  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "size of vec_allTEs=" << n_allTEs << endreq;
+  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "size of vec_allTEs=" << n_allTEs << endmsg;
   for(i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) {
     HLT::TEVec tes;
@@ -163,14 +163,14 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo::hltExecute(std::vector
     if(debug) {
       std::string label;
       TrigConf::HLTTriggerElement::getLabel (outputTE->getId(), label);
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "creating outputTE ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << ", Label=" << label << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "creating outputTE ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << ", Label=" << label << endmsg;
   if( n_allTEs <= 1 ) {
-    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "nr of TEs <= 1, exitting with all TEs active" << endreq;
+    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "nr of TEs <= 1, exitting with all TEs active" << endmsg;
     return HLT::OK;
@@ -183,20 +183,20 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo::hltExecute(std::vector
     HLT::ErrorCode isMuExtrOK = getFeatures(vec_allTEs[i_te], EFMuonEL);
     if( isMuExtrOK != HLT::OK ) {
       errorWhenGettingELs = true;
-      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": fails to find EL for: EFMuon" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": fails to find EL for: EFMuon" << endmsg;
     if( EFMuonEL.empty() ) {
       errorWhenGettingELs = true;
-      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": EL not valid for: EFMuon" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": EL not valid for: EFMuon" << endmsg;
-    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "EFMuonEL is OK for i_te=" << i_te << " size of EFMuonEL is " << EFMuonEL.size() << endreq;
+    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "EFMuonEL is OK for i_te=" << i_te << " size of EFMuonEL is " << EFMuonEL.size() << endmsg;
   if( errorWhenGettingELs ) {
-    msg() << MSG::WARNING << "error when getting ELs. exitting with all TEs active..." << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::WARNING << "error when getting ELs. exitting with all TEs active..." << endmsg;
     return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::CONTINUE,HLT::Reason::NAV_ERROR);
@@ -208,26 +208,26 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo::hltExecute(std::vector
   for(i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) {
     std::vector<const xAOD::MuonContainer*> VecMuEFCont1 = EFMuonELvec[i_te];
     for (unsigned int ivmu1=0; ivmu1<VecMuEFCont1.size(); ivmu1++){
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Element1 ivmu1=" << ivmu1 << " of vector of TrigMuonEFInfo containers" << endreq;
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Element1 ivmu1=" << ivmu1 << " of vector of TrigMuonEFInfo containers" << endmsg;
       const xAOD::MuonContainer* trigMuon1 = VecMuEFCont1[ivmu1];
       if( !trigMuon1 ){
-	if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: trigMuon1 is empty" << endreq;
+	if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: trigMuon1 is empty" << endmsg;
       for (unsigned int imu1 = 0 ; imu1 < trigMuon1->size() ; imu1++){
-	if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "muon1 : imu1=" << imu1 << endreq;
+	if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "muon1 : imu1=" << imu1 << endmsg;
 	const xAOD::Muon* muon1 = trigMuon1->at(imu1);
 	if( ! muon1 ){
-	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: muon1 is empty" << endreq;
+	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: muon1 is empty" << endmsg;
 	if( ! muon1->primaryTrackParticle() ){
-	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: muon1->primaryTrackParticle() is empty" << endreq;
+	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: muon1->primaryTrackParticle() is empty" << endmsg;
 	const xAOD::TrackParticle* track1 = muon1->trackParticle(xAOD::Muon::CombinedTrackParticle);
 	if( ! track1 ){
-	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: muon1->trackParticle(xAOD::Muon::CombinedTrackParticle) is empty" << endreq;
+	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: muon1->trackParticle(xAOD::Muon::CombinedTrackParticle) is empty" << endmsg;
 	double trk1_pt = track1->pt() / CLHEP::GeV;
@@ -239,26 +239,26 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo::hltExecute(std::vector
 	  if(i_te == j_te)continue;
 	  std::vector<const xAOD::MuonContainer*> VecMuEFCont2 = EFMuonELvec[j_te];
 	  for (unsigned int ivmu2=0; ivmu2<VecMuEFCont2.size(); ivmu2++){
-	    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Element2 ivmu2=" << ivmu2 << " of vector of TrigMuonEFInfo containers" << endreq;
+	    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Element2 ivmu2=" << ivmu2 << " of vector of TrigMuonEFInfo containers" << endmsg;
 	    const xAOD::MuonContainer* trigMuon2 = VecMuEFCont2[ivmu2];
 	    if( !trigMuon2 ){
-	      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: trigMuon2 is empty" << endreq;
+	      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: trigMuon2 is empty" << endmsg;
 	    for (unsigned int imu2 = 0 ; imu2 < trigMuon2->size() ; imu2++){
-	      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "muon2 : imu2=" << imu2 << endreq;
+	      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "muon2 : imu2=" << imu2 << endmsg;
 	      const xAOD::Muon* muon2 = trigMuon2->at(imu2);
 	      if( ! muon2 ){
-		if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: muon2 is empty" << endreq;
+		if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: muon2 is empty" << endmsg;
 	      if( ! muon2->primaryTrackParticle() ){
-		if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: muon2->primaryTrackParticle() is empty" << endreq;
+		if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: muon2->primaryTrackParticle() is empty" << endmsg;
 	      const xAOD::TrackParticle* track2 = muon2->trackParticle(xAOD::Muon::CombinedTrackParticle);
 	      if( ! track2 ){
-		if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: muon2->trackParticle(xAOD::Muon::CombinedTrackParticle) is empty" << endreq;
+		if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: muon2->trackParticle(xAOD::Muon::CombinedTrackParticle) is empty" << endmsg;
 	      double trk2_pt = track2->pt() / CLHEP::GeV;
@@ -266,11 +266,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo::hltExecute(std::vector
 	      double trk2_phi = track2->phi();
 	      double trk2_z0  = track2->z0();
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Dimuon candidate" << endreq;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "trk1_pt=" << trk1_pt <<   " trk2_pt=" << trk2_pt << endreq;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "trk1_eta=" << trk1_eta << " trk2_eta=" << trk2_eta << endreq;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "trk1_phi=" << trk1_phi << " trk2_phi=" << trk2_phi << endreq;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "trk1_z0=" << trk1_z0 <<   " trk2_z0=" << trk2_z0 << endreq;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Dimuon candidate" << endmsg;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "trk1_pt=" << trk1_pt <<   " trk2_pt=" << trk2_pt << endmsg;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "trk1_eta=" << trk1_eta << " trk2_eta=" << trk2_eta << endmsg;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "trk1_phi=" << trk1_phi << " trk2_phi=" << trk2_phi << endmsg;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "trk1_z0=" << trk1_z0 <<   " trk2_z0=" << trk2_z0 << endmsg;
 	      double deltaPhi = trk1_phi - trk2_phi;
@@ -285,67 +285,67 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo::hltExecute(std::vector
 		  fabs(trk1_eta - trk2_eta)<0.001 &&
 		  deltaPhi<0.001 &&
 		  deltaZ0<0.001 ){
-		if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: muon1 = muon2" << endreq;
+		if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: muon1 = muon2" << endmsg;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      delta z0=" << deltaZ0 << endreq;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      delta phi=" << deltaPhi << endreq;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      dimuon pt=" << ptsum << endreq;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      dimuon mass=" << mass << endreq;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      delta Z threshold(mm)   : " << m_deltaZThres << endreq;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      delta Phi threshold low(Rad)    : " << m_deltaPhiThresLow << endreq;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      delta Phi threshold high(Rad)   : " << m_deltaPhiThresHigh << endreq;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      pairpt threshold low(GeV)    : " << m_pairptThresLow << endreq;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      pairpt threshold high(GeV)   : " << m_pairptThresHigh << endreq;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      mass threshold low(GeV)    : " << m_massThresLow << endreq;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      mass threshold high(GeV)   : " << m_massThresHigh << endreq;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      delta z0=" << deltaZ0 << endmsg;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      delta phi=" << deltaPhi << endmsg;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      dimuon pt=" << ptsum << endmsg;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      dimuon mass=" << mass << endmsg;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      delta Z threshold(mm)   : " << m_deltaZThres << endmsg;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      delta Phi threshold low(Rad)    : " << m_deltaPhiThresLow << endmsg;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      delta Phi threshold high(Rad)   : " << m_deltaPhiThresHigh << endmsg;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      pairpt threshold low(GeV)    : " << m_pairptThresLow << endmsg;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      pairpt threshold high(GeV)   : " << m_pairptThresHigh << endmsg;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      mass threshold low(GeV)    : " << m_massThresLow << endmsg;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      mass threshold high(GeV)   : " << m_massThresHigh << endmsg;
 	      if( m_deltaZThres >= 0 && deltaZ0 > m_deltaZThres ) {
-		if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> delta z0 cut failed" << endreq;
+		if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> delta z0 cut failed" << endmsg;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> delta z0 cut passed" << endreq;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> delta z0 cut passed" << endmsg;
 	      if( m_deltaPhiThresLow >= 0 && deltaPhi < m_deltaPhiThresLow ) {
-		if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> delta phi Low  cut failed" << endreq;
+		if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> delta phi Low  cut failed" << endmsg;
 	      if( m_deltaPhiThresHigh >= 0 && deltaPhi > m_deltaPhiThresHigh ) {
-		if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> delta phi High cut failed" << endreq;
+		if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> delta phi High cut failed" << endmsg;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> delta phi cut passed" << endreq;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> delta phi cut passed" << endmsg;
 	      if( m_pairptThresLow >= 0 && ptsum < m_pairptThresLow ) {
-		if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> pair pt Low cut failed" << endreq;
+		if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> pair pt Low cut failed" << endmsg;
 	      if( m_pairptThresHigh >= 0 && ptsum > m_pairptThresHigh ) {
-		if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> pair pT High cut failed" << endreq;
+		if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> pair pT High cut failed" << endmsg;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> pair pT cut passed" << endreq;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> pair pT cut passed" << endmsg;
 	      if( m_massThresLow >= 0 && mass < m_massThresLow ){
-		if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> dimuon mass Low cut failed" << endreq;
+		if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> dimuon mass Low cut failed" << endmsg;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> dimuon mass Low passed" << endreq;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> dimuon mass Low passed" << endmsg;
 	      if( m_massThresHigh >= 0 && mass > m_massThresHigh ) {
-		if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> dimuon mass High cut failed" << endreq;
+		if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> dimuon mass High cut failed" << endmsg;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> dimuon mass High passed" << endreq;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> dimuon mass High passed" << endmsg;
-	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> passing dimuon selection" << endreq;
+	      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "      -> passing dimuon selection" << endmsg;
@@ -361,15 +361,15 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerDiMuonMassPtImpactsHypo::hltExecute(std::vector
   if( ok_TEs.size() == 1 ) {
-    msg() << MSG::WARNING << "Number of ok_TES = " << ok_TEs.size() << ". Should be 0 or >1" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::WARNING << "Number of ok_TES = " << ok_TEs.size() << ". Should be 0 or >1" << endmsg;
   for(i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) {
     if(ok_TEs.find(i_te) == ok_TEs.end()){
-      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "TE " << i_te << " is deactivated" << endreq;
+      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "TE " << i_te << " is deactivated" << endmsg;
-      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "TE " << i_te << " is accepted" << endreq;
+      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "TE " << i_te << " is accepted" << endmsg;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo.cxx
index 85ad9115cac..a35ff2bd6db 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo.cxx
@@ -35,24 +35,24 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo::hltInitialize(){
 	if(m_acceptAll) {
 		msg() << MSG::INFO
 		<< "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-		<< endreq;
+		<< endmsg;
 	} else {
 		m_bins = m_ptBins.size() - 1;
 		if (m_bins != m_ptThresholds.size()) {
-			msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+			msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
 			return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;
 		for (std::vector<float>::size_type i=0; i<m_bins;++i) {
 			msg() << MSG::INFO
 			<< "bin " << m_ptBins[i] << " - " <<  m_ptBins[i+1]
 			                                               << " with Pt Threshold of " << (m_ptThresholds[i])/CLHEP::GeV
-			                                               << " CLHEP::GeV" << endreq;
+			                                               << " CLHEP::GeV" << endmsg;
 	msg() << MSG::INFO
 	<< "Initialization completed successfully"
-	<< endreq;
+	<< endmsg;
 	return HLT::OK;
@@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo::hltInitialize(){
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo::hltFinalize()
-	msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+	msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
 	return HLT::OK;
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool& pass){
-	if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+	if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
 	//resetting the monitoring variables
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* out
 		if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
 			msg() << MSG::DEBUG
 			<< "Accept property is set: taking all the events"
-			<< endreq;
+			<< endmsg;
 		return HLT::OK;
@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* out
 	bool debug = msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG;
 	if(m_rejectCBmuons) result=true;
 	// Some debug output:
-	if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endreq;
+	if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
 	// Get the muon container from the outputTE
 	const xAOD::MuonContainer* muonContainer(0);
 	if(getFeature(outputTE, muonContainer)!=HLT::OK || muonContainer==0) {
-	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no MuonContainer Feature found" << endreq;
+	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no MuonContainer Feature found" << endmsg;
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* out
 	unsigned int j=0;
 	for(auto muon : *muonContainer) {
-	  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Looking at muon " << j++ << endreq;
+	  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Looking at muon " << j++ << endmsg;
 	  const xAOD::Muon::MuonType muontype = muon->muonType();
 	  if(muontype == xAOD::Muon::MuonType::Combined || muontype == xAOD::Muon::MuonType::SegmentTagged ) { // combined or segment tagged muon
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* out
 	    //muon->parameter(matchchi2, xAOD::Muon::msInnerMatchChi2);
 	    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG
 			     << "Retrieved muon with pt "
-			     << muon->pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV." << endreq; //Match chi2 = " << matchchi2 << endreq;
+			     << muon->pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV." << endmsg; //Match chi2 = " << matchchi2 << endmsg;
 	    const float eta = muon->eta();
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* out
 	    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST muon pt is " << muon->pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " CLHEP::GeV "
 			//<< " with Charge " << muon->Charge()
 			    << " and threshold cut is " << threshold/CLHEP::GeV << " CLHEP::GeV"
-			    << " so hypothesis is " << (hypo_ok?"true":"false") << endreq;
+			    << " so hypothesis is " << (hypo_ok?"true":"false") << endmsg;
 	  }//combined or segment tagged muon
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo.cxx
index e092760b86b..984c0eb9aab 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo.cxx
@@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo::~TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo(){
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo::hltInitialize(){
-  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo::hltInitialize()" << endreq; 
+  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo::hltInitialize()" << endmsg; 
   if(m_acceptAll) {
     msg() << MSG::INFO
 	  << "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-	  << endreq;
+	  << endmsg;
   } else {
     m_mult = m_ptMultiplicity.size();
     m_bins = m_ptBins.size();
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo::hltInitialize(){
       - *min_element(m_ptMultiplicity.begin(), m_ptMultiplicity.end()) + 1;  // determine muon multiplicity  
     // Print pt threshold info
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Pt threshold multiplicity = " << m_Nmult << endreq; 
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Pt threshold multiplicity = " << m_Nmult << endmsg; 
     unsigned int n_offset=0;
     unsigned int mult = m_ptMultiplicity[0];
     m_masks.push_back( 1 << mult );
@@ -74,26 +74,26 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo::hltInitialize(){
       msg() << MSG::INFO
 	    << "bin " << m_ptBins[i+n_offset] << " - " <<  m_ptBins[i+n_offset+1]
 	    << " with Pt Threshold of " << (m_ptThresholds[i])/CLHEP::GeV
-	    << " GeV and multiplity ID : " << m_ptMultiplicity[i] << endreq;
+	    << " GeV and multiplity ID : " << m_ptMultiplicity[i] << endmsg;
     // check threshold vector sizes
     if (m_mult != m_ptThresholds.size() || m_mult != m_bins - m_Nmult ) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
       msg() << MSG::INFO << "m_mult: " << m_mult 
 	    << ", m_bins: " << m_bins 
-	    << ", m_Nmult: " << m_Nmult << endreq;
+	    << ", m_Nmult: " << m_Nmult << endmsg;
       return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << "DoNscan: "<<m_nscan<<endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "DoNscan: "<<m_nscan<<endmsg;
   msg() << MSG::INFO
 	<< "Initialization completed successfully"
-	<< endreq;
+	<< endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo::hltInitialize(){
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo::hltFinalize()
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement
   m_storeGate = store();
-  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
   ATH_MSG_DEBUG("rejectCB muons: "<<m_rejectCBmuons);
   //resetting the monitoring variables
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement
     if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG
 	    << "Accept property is set: taking all the events"
-	    << endreq;
+	    << endmsg;
     return HLT::OK;
@@ -133,19 +133,19 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement
   bool debug = msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG;
   // Some debug output:
-  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endreq;
+  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
   // Get muonContainer linked to the outputTE
   const xAOD::MuonContainer*  muonContainer=0;
   if(getFeature(outputTE, muonContainer)!=HLT::OK) {
-    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endreq;
+    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endmsg;
   } else {
     if (!muonContainer) {
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "null xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endreq;
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "null xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endmsg;
       return HLT::MISSING_FEATURE;
-    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "xAOD::MuonContainer found with size " << muonContainer->size() << endreq;
+    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "xAOD::MuonContainer found with size " << muonContainer->size() << endmsg;
   // init result vector, muon counter
@@ -158,10 +158,10 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement
   for (unsigned int j=0; j<muonContainer->size(); j++ ) {
     unsigned int ismuoncomb=0;
-    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Looking at xAOD::Muon " << j << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Looking at xAOD::Muon " << j << endmsg;
     const xAOD::Muon* muon = muonContainer->at(j);
     if (!muon) {
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No xAOD::Muon found." << endreq;
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No xAOD::Muon found." << endmsg;
     } else {
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement
 	const xAOD::TrackParticle* tr = muon->trackParticle(xAOD::Muon::CombinedTrackParticle);
 	if (!tr) {
-	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No CombinedTrackParticle found." << endreq;
+	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No CombinedTrackParticle found." << endmsg;
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement
 	} else {
 	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG
 			   << "Retrieved combined track with abs pt "
-			   << (*tr).pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV. Charge=" << tr->charge() << " and match chi2 = " << tr->chiSquared() << endreq;
+			   << (*tr).pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV. Charge=" << tr->charge() << " and match chi2 = " << tr->chiSquared() << endmsg;
 	  float eta = tr->eta();
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement
 				<< " passed threshold, mult=" << mult
 				<< ", mask=" << tmp
 				<< ", mu_count=" << mu_count 
-				<< endreq;
+				<< endmsg;
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement
 	  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST muon pt is " << tr->pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV "
 			  << " with Charge " << tr->charge()
 			  << " and threshold cut is " << threshold/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV"
-			  << " so hypothesis mask is " << (tmp) << " for muon #" << mu_count << endreq;
+			  << " so hypothesis mask is " << (tmp) << " for muon #" << mu_count << endmsg;
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement
 	      << ") with hypo_result: " << hypo_results[i]  << ", ";	 
-    msg () << endreq;
+    msg () << endmsg;
   // calculate result, assumption is that different thresholds are inclusive.
   // find matching combination of muons to hypos
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFCombinerMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement
 	    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST ranked comparison of muon " 
 		  << i << ", hypoes satisfied are " <<  *(tmp_mu.end()-i-1) 
 		  << ", required are " << (m_Nmult-i) 
-		  << ", pass = " << pass << endreq  ;
+		  << ", pass = " << pass << endmsg  ;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorHypo.cxx
index 8e47a6a2dcd..1b24a88c052 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorHypo.cxx
@@ -42,34 +42,34 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorHypo::hltInitialize(){
   if(m_acceptAll) {
     msg() << MSG::INFO
 	  << "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-	  << endreq;
+	  << endmsg;
   } else {
     m_bins = m_ptBins.size() - 1;
     if (m_bins != m_ptThresholds.size()) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
       return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;
       //    msg() << MSG::INFO
-      //  << "current hypo implementation is dummy" << endreq;
+      //  << "current hypo implementation is dummy" << endmsg;
     for (std::vector<float>::size_type i=0; i<m_bins;++i) {
       msg() << MSG::INFO
 	    << "bin " << m_ptBins[i] << " - " <<  m_ptBins[i+1]
 	    << " with Pt Threshold of " << (m_ptThresholds[i])/CLHEP::GeV
-	    << " GeV" << endreq;
+	    << " GeV" << endmsg;
   msg() << MSG::INFO
 	<< "Initialization completed successfully"
-	<< endreq;
+	<< endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorHypo::hltFinalize()
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement*
   m_storeGate = store();
-  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
   //resetting the monitoring variables
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement*
     if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG
 	    << "Accept property is set: taking all the events"
-	    << endreq;
+	    << endmsg;
     return HLT::OK;
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement*
   bool debug = msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG;
   // Some debug output:
-  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endreq;
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
   // will do hypo cuts here
@@ -110,14 +110,14 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement*
   const xAOD::MuonContainer*  muonContainer(0);
   if(getFeature(outputTE, muonContainer)!=HLT::OK) {
-    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endreq;
+    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endmsg;
   } else {
     if (!muonContainer) { 
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "null xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endreq; 
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "null xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endmsg; 
       return HLT::MISSING_FEATURE; 
-    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "vector of xAOD::MuonContainer found with size " << muonContainer->size()  << endreq;
+    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "vector of xAOD::MuonContainer found with size " << muonContainer->size()  << endmsg;
   for (unsigned int i=0; i<muonContainer->size(); i++){
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement*
     const xAOD::Muon* muon = muonContainer->at(i); 
     if (!muon) {
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No xAOD::Muon found." << endreq;
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No xAOD::Muon found." << endmsg;
     } else {
@@ -138,12 +138,12 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement*
 	if (!tr) {
-	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No ExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle found." << endreq;
+	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No ExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle found." << endmsg;
 	} else {
 	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG
 			   << "Retrieved ExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrack track with abs pt "
-			   << (*tr).pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV " << endreq;
+			   << (*tr).pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV " << endmsg;
 	  float eta = tr->eta();
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement*
 	  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST muon pt is " << tr->pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV "
 			  << " with Charge " << tr->charge()
 			  << " and threshold cut is " << threshold/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV"
-			  << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endreq;
+			  << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endmsg;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo.cxx
index 8f398465193..1bbd0e50708 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo.cxx
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo::~TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo(){
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo::hltInitialize(){
-  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo::hltInitialize()" << endreq; 
+  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo::hltInitialize()" << endmsg; 
   if(m_acceptAll) {
     msg() << MSG::INFO
 	  << "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-	  << endreq;
+	  << endmsg;
   } else {
     m_mult = m_ptMultiplicity.size();
     m_bins = m_ptBins.size();
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo::hltInitialize(){
       - *min_element(m_ptMultiplicity.begin(), m_ptMultiplicity.end()) + 1;  // determine muon multiplicity  
     // Print pt threshold info
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Pt threshold multiplicity = " << m_Nmult << endreq; 
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Pt threshold multiplicity = " << m_Nmult << endmsg; 
     unsigned int n_offset=0;
     unsigned int mult = m_ptMultiplicity[0];
     m_masks.push_back( 1 << mult );
@@ -73,26 +73,26 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo::hltInitialize(){
       msg() << MSG::INFO
 	    << "bin " << m_ptBins[i+n_offset] << " - " <<  m_ptBins[i+n_offset+1]
 	    << " with Pt Threshold of " << (m_ptThresholds[i])/CLHEP::GeV
-	    << " GeV and multiplity ID : " << m_ptMultiplicity[i] << endreq;
+	    << " GeV and multiplity ID : " << m_ptMultiplicity[i] << endmsg;
     // check threshold vector sizes
     if (m_mult != m_ptThresholds.size() || m_mult != m_bins - m_Nmult ) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
       msg() << MSG::INFO << "m_mult: " << m_mult 
 	    << ", m_bins: " << m_bins 
-	    << ", m_Nmult: " << m_Nmult << endreq;
+	    << ", m_Nmult: " << m_Nmult << endmsg;
       return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << "DoNscan: "<<m_nscan<<endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "DoNscan: "<<m_nscan<<endmsg;
   msg() << MSG::INFO
 	<< "Initialization completed successfully"
-	<< endreq;
+	<< endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo::hltInitialize(){
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo::hltFinalize()
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEle
   m_storeGate = store();
-  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
   //resetting the monitoring variables
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEle
     if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG
 	    << "Accept property is set: taking all the events"
-	    << endreq;
+	    << endmsg;
     return HLT::OK;
@@ -134,19 +134,19 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEle
   bool debug = msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG;
   // Some debug output:
-  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endreq;
+  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
   // Get muonContainer linked to the outputTE
   const xAOD::MuonContainer* muonContainer=0;
   if(getFeature(outputTE, muonContainer)!=HLT::OK) {
-    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endreq;
+    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endmsg;
   } else {
     if (!muonContainer) {
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "null xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endreq;
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "null xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endmsg;
       return HLT::MISSING_FEATURE;
-    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "xAOD::MuonContainer found with size " << muonContainer->size() << endreq;
+    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "xAOD::MuonContainer found with size " << muonContainer->size() << endmsg;
   // init result vector, muon counter
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEle
   for (unsigned int j=0; j< muonContainer->size(); ++j ) {
     const xAOD::Muon* muon = muonContainer->at(j);
     if (!muon) {
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No xAOD::Muon found." << endreq;
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No xAOD::Muon found." << endmsg;
     } else {
@@ -169,12 +169,12 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEle
 	const xAOD::TrackParticle *tr =  muon->trackParticle(xAOD::Muon::TrackParticleType::ExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle);  // get the TrackContainer
 	if (!tr) {
-	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No ExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle found." << endreq;
+	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No ExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle found." << endmsg;
 	} else {
 	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG
 			   << "Retrieved ExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle with abs pt "
-			   << (*tr).pt()/CLHEP::GeV << "GeV. Charge=" << tr->charge() << endreq;
+			   << (*tr).pt()/CLHEP::GeV << "GeV. Charge=" << tr->charge() << endmsg;
 	  float eta = tr->eta();
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEle
 				<< " passed threshold, mult=" << mult
 				<< ", mask=" << tmp
 				<< ", mu_count=" << mu_count 
-				<< endreq;
+				<< endmsg;
 	  } // end loop over eta bins for all multiplicities
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEle
 	  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST muon pt is " << tr->pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV "
 			  << " with Charge " << tr->charge()
 			  << " and threshold cut is " << threshold/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV"
-			  << " so hypothesis mask is " << (tmp) << " for muon #" << mu_count << endreq;
+			  << " so hypothesis mask is " << (tmp) << " for muon #" << mu_count << endmsg;
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEle
 	      << ") with hypo_result: " << hypo_results[i]  << ", ";	 
-    msg () << endreq;
+    msg () << endmsg;
   // calculate result, assumption is that different thresholds are inclusive.
   // find matching combination of muons to hypos
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEle
 	  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST ranked comparison of muon " 
 		<< i << ", hypoes satisfied are " <<  *(tmp_mu.end()-i-1) 
 		<< ", required are " << (m_Nmult-i) 
-		<< ", pass = " << pass << endreq  ;
+		<< ", pass = " << pass << endmsg  ;
     } // if (pass) ...
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorNSWHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorNSWHypo.cxx
index 7ab05e5ac12..99b40ae735b 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorNSWHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorNSWHypo.cxx
@@ -46,26 +46,26 @@ TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorNSWHypo::~TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorNSWHypo(){
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorNSWHypo::hltInitialize()
    if( m_acceptAll ) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "Accepting all the events with not cut!" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "Accepting all the events with not cut!" << endmsg;
    StatusCode sc = m_edmhelperTool.retrieve();
    if ( sc.isSuccess() ) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "Retrieved " << m_edmhelperTool << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "Retrieved " << m_edmhelperTool << endmsg;
    } else {
-      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Could not get " << m_edmhelperTool << endreq; 
+      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Could not get " << m_edmhelperTool << endmsg; 
       return HLT::ERROR;
    sc = m_idhelperTool.retrieve();
    if ( sc.isSuccess() ) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "Retrieved " << m_idhelperTool << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "Retrieved " << m_idhelperTool << endmsg;
    } else {
-      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Could not get " << m_idhelperTool << endreq; 
+      msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Could not get " << m_idhelperTool << endmsg; 
       return HLT::ERROR;
-   msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initialization completed successfully" << endreq;
+   msg() << MSG::INFO << "Initialization completed successfully" << endmsg;
    return HLT::OK;
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorNSWHypo::hltInitialize()
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorNSWHypo::hltFinalize()
-   msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+   msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
    return HLT::OK;
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorNSWHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEleme
    bool debug = msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG;
-   if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+   if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
    //resetting the monitoring variables
    m_fex_n_seg_passed   = -1;
@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorNSWHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEleme
    // if acceptAll
    if( m_acceptAll ) {
       pass = true;
-      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property is set: taking all the events" << endreq;
+      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Accept property is set: taking all the events" << endmsg;
       return HLT::OK;
-   if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endreq;
+   if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
    // get initial RoI info
    double roi_eta = 0;
@@ -118,42 +118,42 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorNSWHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEleme
       roi_phi = vRecMuonRoI[0]->phi();
    else {
-      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Failure in retrieving RecMuonRoI. Trying forMS RoiDescriptor" << endreq;
+      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Failure in retrieving RecMuonRoI. Trying forMS RoiDescriptor" << endmsg;
       const TrigRoiDescriptor* muonRoI = 0;
       hltStatus = getFeature(outputTE, muonRoI, "forMS");
       if (hltStatus != HLT::OK) {
-	 if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Failed to retrieve forMS RoiDescriptor" << endreq;
+	 if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Failed to retrieve forMS RoiDescriptor" << endmsg;
 	 return hltStatus;
       else if (!muonRoI) {
 	 if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG  << "Could not find RoIDescriptor <<forMS>>, "
-			  << "trying to recover the initial one." << endreq;
+			  << "trying to recover the initial one." << endmsg;
 	 hltStatus = getFeature(outputTE, muonRoI, "");
 	 if (hltStatus != HLT::OK) {
-	    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Failed to retrieve muon RoI" << endreq;
+	    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Failed to retrieve muon RoI" << endmsg;
 	    return hltStatus;
 	 } else if (!muonRoI) {
-	    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Initial one not accessible, problem here!" << endreq;
+	    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Initial one not accessible, problem here!" << endmsg;
 	    return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
 	 } else {
-	    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Found RoIDescriptor" << endreq;
+	    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Found RoIDescriptor" << endmsg;
       } else {
-	 if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG  << "Found RoIDescriptor <<forMS>>" << endreq;
+	 if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG  << "Found RoIDescriptor <<forMS>>" << endmsg;
       roi_eta = muonRoI->eta();
       roi_phi = muonRoI->phi();
    if(debug) {
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG  << "RoI: eta/phi=" << roi_eta << "/" << roi_phi << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG  << "RoI: eta/phi=" << roi_eta << "/" << roi_phi << endmsg;
    // if outside NSW no cut at all
    const double ETA_NSW = 1.3;
    if( fabs(roi_eta) < ETA_NSW ) {
       pass = true;
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outside NSW -> pass" << endreq;
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outside NSW -> pass" << endmsg;
       return HLT::OK;
@@ -164,53 +164,53 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorNSWHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEleme
    // get MuonSegmentCombinationCollection
    std::vector<const MuonSegmentCombinationCollection*> vectorOfSegmentCombination;
    if(getFeatures(outputTE, vectorOfSegmentCombination)!=HLT::OK) {
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No MuonSegmentCombinationCollection found" << endreq;
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No MuonSegmentCombinationCollection found" << endmsg;
       return HLT::MISSING_FEATURE;
    else {
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "vector of MuonSegmentCombinationCollection found with size=" << vectorOfSegmentCombination.size() << endreq;
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "vector of MuonSegmentCombinationCollection found with size=" << vectorOfSegmentCombination.size() << endmsg;
    } // this size should be 1.
    // loop on MuonSegmentCombination
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<vectorOfSegmentCombination.size(); i++) {
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "++ Element " << i << " of vector of MuonSegmentCombinationCollection ++" << endreq;
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "++ Element " << i << " of vector of MuonSegmentCombinationCollection ++" << endmsg;
       const MuonSegmentCombinationCollection* segCombiColl = vectorOfSegmentCombination[i];
-	 msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of MuonSegmentCombinationCollection from vector failed" << endreq;
+	 msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Retrieval of MuonSegmentCombinationCollection from vector failed" << endmsg;
 	 return HLT::NAV_ERROR;
       else {
-	 if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "MuonSegmentCombinationCollection OK with size=" << segCombiColl->size() << endreq;
+	 if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "MuonSegmentCombinationCollection OK with size=" << segCombiColl->size() << endmsg;
       MuonSegmentCombinationCollection::const_iterator segCombiItr  = segCombiColl->begin();
       MuonSegmentCombinationCollection::const_iterator segCombiItrE = segCombiColl->end();
       for (int j=0; segCombiItr != segCombiItrE; ++segCombiItr, ++j ) {
-	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "-- MuonSegmentCombination:" << j << " --" << endreq;
+	 msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "-- MuonSegmentCombination:" << j << " --" << endmsg;
 	 const Muon::MuonSegmentCombination* segCombi = (*segCombiItr);
 	 if (!segCombi) {
-	    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No MuonSegmentCombination found." << endreq;
+	    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No MuonSegmentCombination found." << endmsg;
 	 unsigned int nstations = segCombi->numberOfStations();
-	 if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "nr stations=" << nstations << endreq;
+	 if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "nr stations=" << nstations << endmsg;
 	 for(unsigned int i_st=0; i_st<nstations; i_st++) {
 	    const Muon::MuonSegmentCombination::SegmentVec* stationSegs = segCombi->stationSegments(i_st) ;
 	    // check if not empty
 	    if( !stationSegs || stationSegs->empty() ) continue;
-	    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "i_st=" << i_st << " : n segments=" << stationSegs->size() << endreq;
+	    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "i_st=" << i_st << " : n segments=" << stationSegs->size() << endmsg;
 	    // get chamber identifier, chamber index and station index
 	    Identifier chid = m_edmhelperTool->chamberId( *stationSegs->front() );
 	    Muon::MuonStationIndex::ChIndex chIndex = m_idhelperTool->chamberIndex(chid);
-	    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "  chamber index=" << chIndex << endreq;
+	    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "  chamber index=" << chIndex << endmsg;
 	    // only in EI and CSC
 	    if( chIndex!=Muon::MuonStationIndex::EIS && chIndex!=Muon::MuonStationIndex::EIL &&
@@ -224,9 +224,9 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorNSWHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEleme
 	       const Amg::Vector3D& dir = segment->globalDirection();
 	       const Amg::Vector3D& pos = segment->globalPosition();
 	       if (debug) {
-		  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "  i_seg=" << i_seg << endreq;
-		  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "    GlobalDirection eta/phi=" << dir.eta() << "/" << dir.phi() << endreq;
-		  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "    GlobalPosition x/y/z=" << pos.x() << "/" << pos.y() << "/" << pos.z() << endreq;
+		  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "  i_seg=" << i_seg << endmsg;
+		  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "    GlobalDirection eta/phi=" << dir.eta() << "/" << dir.phi() << endmsg;
+		  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "    GlobalPosition x/y/z=" << pos.x() << "/" << pos.y() << "/" << pos.z() << endmsg;
 	       // same side segments only
@@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorNSWHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEleme
 	       if(debug) {
-		  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "  dTheta=" << dTheta << ": isPassed=" << isPassed_dTheta << endreq;
-		  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "  dLeta/phi=" << dLeta << "/" << dLphi << ": isPassed_dL=" << isPassed_dL << endreq;
+		  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "  dTheta=" << dTheta << ": isPassed=" << isPassed_dTheta << endmsg;
+		  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "  dLeta/phi=" << dLeta << "/" << dLphi << ": isPassed_dL=" << isPassed_dL << endmsg;
 	       // this segment passes cut
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFExtrapolatorNSWHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEleme
    // decision
    pass = (n_seg_passed>=1);
-   if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST pass=" << pass << endreq;
+   if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST pass=" << pass << endmsg;
    if( ! pass ) {
       m_fex_failed_eta = roi_eta;
       m_fex_failed_phi = roi_phi;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFSegmentFinderHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFSegmentFinderHypo.cxx
index c6f56ca4b5c..6306d337b94 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFSegmentFinderHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFSegmentFinderHypo.cxx
@@ -29,19 +29,19 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFSegmentFinderHypo::hltInitialize(){
   if(m_acceptAll) {
     msg() << MSG::DEBUG
           << "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-          << endreq;
+          << endmsg;
   msg() << MSG::INFO 
         << "Initialization completed successfully" 
-        << endreq;
+        << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFSegmentFinderHypo::hltFinalize()
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFSegmentFinderHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement
   m_storeGate = store();
-  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
   if(m_acceptAll) {
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFSegmentFinderHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement
     if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG 
             << "Accept property is set: taking all the events"
-            << endreq;
+            << endmsg;
     return HLT::OK;
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFSegmentFinderHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement
   bool debug = msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG;
   // Some debug output:
-  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endreq;
+  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
   //  will do hypo cuts here
@@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFSegmentFinderHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement
   const xAOD::MuonContainer* muonContainer=0;
   if(getFeature(outputTE, muonContainer)!=HLT::OK) {
-    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no xAOD::Muon Feature found" << endreq;
+    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no xAOD::Muon Feature found" << endmsg;
   } else {
     if (!muonContainer) { 
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "null xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endreq; 
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "null xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endmsg; 
       return HLT::MISSING_FEATURE; 
-    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "xAOD::Muon container found with size " << muonContainer->size() << endreq;
+    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "xAOD::Muon container found with size " << muonContainer->size() << endmsg;
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFSegmentFinderHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement
   for (unsigned int j=0; j<muonContainer->size(); j++ ) {
     const xAOD::Muon* muon = muonContainer->at(j);
     if (!muon) {
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No xAOD::Muon found." << endreq;
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No xAOD::Muon found." << endmsg;
     } else {
       if (muon->nMuonSegments() >= m_nseg){
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFSegmentFinderHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement
       if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST the total number of reconstruced segments is " << muon->nMuonSegments()    
 		      << " and threshold cut is " << m_nseg  
-		      << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endreq;
+		      << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endmsg;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderHypo.cxx
index 4fe78c3349e..b8456c8fae5 100755
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderHypo.cxx
@@ -40,24 +40,24 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderHypo::hltInitialize(){
   if(m_acceptAll) {
     msg() << MSG::INFO
 	  << "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-	  << endreq;
+	  << endmsg;
   } else {
     m_bins = m_ptBins.size() - 1;
     if (m_bins != m_ptThresholds.size()) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
       return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;
     for (std::vector<float>::size_type i=0; i<m_bins;++i) {
       msg() << MSG::INFO
 	    << "bin " << m_ptBins[i] << " - " <<  m_ptBins[i+1]
 	    << " with Pt Threshold of " << (m_ptThresholds[i])/CLHEP::GeV
-	    << " GeV" << endreq;
+	    << " GeV" << endmsg;
   msg() << MSG::INFO
 	<< "Initialization completed successfully"
-	<< endreq;
+	<< endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderHypo::hltInitialize(){
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderHypo::hltFinalize()
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement*
   m_storeGate = store();
-  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
   //resetting the monitoring variables
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement*
     if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG
 	    << "Accept property is set: taking all the events"
-	    << endreq;
+	    << endmsg;
     return HLT::OK;
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement*
   bool debug = msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG;
   // Some debug output:
-  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endreq;
+  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
@@ -105,25 +105,25 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement*
   // Get muonContainer linked to the outputTE
   const xAOD::MuonContainer*  muonContainer=0;
   if(getFeature(outputTE, muonContainer)!=HLT::OK) {
-    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endreq;
+    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endmsg;
   } else {
     if (!muonContainer) { 
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "null xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endreq; 
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "null xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endmsg; 
       return HLT::MISSING_FEATURE; 
-    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "xAOD::MuonContainer found with size " << muonContainer->size() << endreq;
+    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "xAOD::MuonContainer found with size " << muonContainer->size() << endmsg;
   // loop on the muons within the RoI
   for (unsigned int j=0; j<muonContainer->size(); j++ ) {
-    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Looking at xAOD::Muon " << j << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Looking at xAOD::Muon " << j << endmsg;
     const xAOD::Muon* muon = muonContainer->at(j);
     if (!muon) {
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No xAOD::Muon found." << endreq;
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No xAOD::Muon found." << endmsg;
     } else {
@@ -131,12 +131,12 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement*
 	const xAOD::TrackParticle* tr = muon->trackParticle(xAOD::Muon::ExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle);
 	if (!tr) {
-	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No TrigMuonEFTrack found." << endreq;
+	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No TrigMuonEFTrack found." << endmsg;
 	} else {
 	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG
 			   << "Retrieved spectrometer track with abs pt "
-			   << (*tr).pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV " << endreq;
+			   << (*tr).pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV " << endmsg;
 	  float eta = tr->eta();
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement*
 	  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST muon pt is " << tr->pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV "
 			  << " with Charge " << tr->charge()
 			  << " and threshold cut is " << threshold/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV"
-			  << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endreq;
+			  << " so hypothesis is " << (result?"true":"false") << endmsg;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo.cxx
index 09a0a481b71..a97845a2745 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo.cxx
@@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo::~TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo(){
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo::hltInitialize(){
-  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo::hltInitialize()" << endreq; 
+  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo::hltInitialize()" << endmsg; 
   if(m_acceptAll) {
     msg() << MSG::INFO
 	  << "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-	  << endreq;
+	  << endmsg;
   } else {
     m_mult = m_ptMultiplicity.size();
     m_bins = m_ptBins.size();
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo::hltInitialize(){
       - *min_element(m_ptMultiplicity.begin(), m_ptMultiplicity.end()) + 1;  // determine muon multiplicity  
     // Print pt threshold info
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Pt threshold multiplicity = " << m_Nmult << endreq; 
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Pt threshold multiplicity = " << m_Nmult << endmsg; 
     unsigned int n_offset=0;
     unsigned int mult = m_ptMultiplicity[0];
     m_masks.push_back( 1 << mult );
@@ -70,15 +70,15 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo::hltInitialize(){
       msg() << MSG::INFO
 	    << "bin " << m_ptBins[i+n_offset] << " - " <<  m_ptBins[i+n_offset+1]
 	    << " with Pt Threshold of " << (m_ptThresholds[i])/CLHEP::GeV
-	    << " GeV and multiplity ID : " << m_ptMultiplicity[i] << endreq;
+	    << " GeV and multiplity ID : " << m_ptMultiplicity[i] << endmsg;
     // check threshold vector sizes
     if (m_mult != m_ptThresholds.size() || m_mult != m_bins - m_Nmult ) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup .... exiting!" << endmsg;
       msg() << MSG::INFO << "m_mult: " << m_mult 
 	    << ", m_bins: " << m_bins 
-	    << ", m_Nmult: " << m_Nmult << endreq;
+	    << ", m_Nmult: " << m_Nmult << endmsg;
       return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo::hltInitialize(){
   msg() << MSG::INFO
 	<< "Initialization completed successfully"
-	<< endreq;
+	<< endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo::hltInitialize(){
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo::hltFinalize()
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEle
   m_storeGate = store();
-  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
   //resetting the monitoring variables
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEle
     if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG
 	    << "Accept property is set: taking all the events"
-	    << endreq;
+	    << endmsg;
     return HLT::OK;
@@ -125,19 +125,19 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEle
   bool debug = msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG;
   // Some debug output:
-  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endreq;
+  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
   // Get muonContainer linked to the outputTE
   const xAOD::MuonContainer* muonContainer=0;
   if(getFeature(outputTE, muonContainer)!=HLT::OK) {
-    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no xAOD::Muon Feature found" << endreq;
+    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no xAOD::Muon Feature found" << endmsg;
   } else {
     if (!muonContainer) { 
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "null xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endreq; 
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "null xAOD::MuonContainer Feature found" << endmsg; 
       return HLT::MISSING_FEATURE; 
-    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "xAOD::Muon container found with size " << muonContainer->size() << endreq;
+    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "xAOD::Muon container found with size " << muonContainer->size() << endmsg;
   // init result vector, muon counter
@@ -148,10 +148,10 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEle
   // loop on the muons within the RoI
   for (unsigned int j=0; j<muonContainer->size(); j++ ) {
-    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Looking at xAOD::Muon " << j << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Looking at xAOD::Muon " << j << endmsg;
     const xAOD::Muon* muon = muonContainer->at(j);
     if (!muon) {
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No xAOD::MuonTrig found." << endreq;
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No xAOD::MuonTrig found." << endmsg;
     } else {
@@ -161,12 +161,12 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEle
 	const xAOD::TrackParticle* tr = muon->trackParticle(xAOD::Muon::ExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle);
 	if (!tr) {
-	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No ExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle found." << endreq;
+	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "No ExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle found." << endmsg;
 	} else {
 	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG
 			   << "Retrieved ExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle track with abs pt "
-			   << (*tr).pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV. Charge=" << tr->charge() << endreq;
+			   << (*tr).pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV. Charge=" << tr->charge() << endmsg;
 	  float eta = tr->eta();
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEle
 				<< " passed threshold, mult=" << mult
 				<< ", mask=" << tmp
 				<< ", mu_count=" << mu_count 
-				<< endreq;
+				<< endmsg;
 	  } // end loop over eta bins for all multiplicities
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEle
 	  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST muon pt is " << tr->pt()/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV "
 			  << " with Charge " << tr->charge()
 			  << " and threshold cut is " << threshold/CLHEP::GeV << " GeV"
-			  << " so hypothesis mask is " << (tmp) << " for muon #" << mu_count << endreq;
+			  << " so hypothesis mask is " << (tmp) << " for muon #" << mu_count << endmsg;
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEle
 	      << ") with hypo_result: " << hypo_results[i]  << ", ";	 
-    msg () << endreq;
+    msg () << endmsg;
   // calculate result, assumption is that different thresholds are inclusive.
   // find matching combination of muons to hypos
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackBuilderMultiHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerEle
 	  msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " REGTEST ranked comparison of muon " 
 		<< i << ", hypoes satisfied are " <<  *(tmp_mu.end()-i-1) 
 		<< ", required are " << (m_Nmult-i) 
-		<< ", pass = " << pass << endreq  ;
+		<< ", pass = " << pass << endmsg  ;
     } // if (pass) ...
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypo.cxx
index 6713c50d9fc..97d02c4ad4c 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypo.cxx
@@ -44,29 +44,29 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypo::hltInitialize(){
   if(m_acceptAll) {
     msg() << MSG::INFO
 	  << "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-	  << endreq;
+	  << endmsg;
   } else {
     if(m_ptcone02_cut < 0.0 && m_ptcone03_cut < 0.0) {
       msg() << MSG::FATAL
-	    << "Configured to apply cuts, but not cut was specified" << endreq;	
+	    << "Configured to apply cuts, but not cut was specified" << endmsg;	
       return HLT::BAD_JOB_SETUP;	 
     if(m_ptcone02_cut > 0.0) {
       if(m_abscut) {
 	msg() << MSG::INFO
-	      << "Requiring sum pT in 0.2 cone < " << m_ptcone02_cut.value() << " MeV" << endreq;
+	      << "Requiring sum pT in 0.2 cone < " << m_ptcone02_cut.value() << " MeV" << endmsg;
       } else {
 	msg() << MSG::INFO
-	      << "Requiring sum pT in 0.2 cone / muon pT < " << m_ptcone02_cut.value() << endreq;
+	      << "Requiring sum pT in 0.2 cone / muon pT < " << m_ptcone02_cut.value() << endmsg;
       }//relative cut
     if(m_ptcone03_cut > 0.0) {
       if(m_abscut) {
 	msg() << MSG::INFO
-	      << "Requiring sum pT in 0.3 cone < " << m_ptcone03_cut.value() << " MeV" << endreq;
+	      << "Requiring sum pT in 0.3 cone < " << m_ptcone03_cut.value() << " MeV" << endmsg;
       } else {
 	  msg() << MSG::INFO
-		<< "Requiring sum pT in 0.3 cone / muon pT < " << m_ptcone03_cut.value() << endreq;
+		<< "Requiring sum pT in 0.3 cone / muon pT < " << m_ptcone03_cut.value() << endmsg;
       }//relative cut
     }//cut on 0.3 cone
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypo::hltFinalize()
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool& pass) {
-  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endreq;
+  if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in execute()" << endmsg;
   pass = false; // fail by default
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElemen
     pass = true;
     if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG
-	    << "Accept property is set: taking all the events" << endreq;	    
+	    << "Accept property is set: taking all the events" << endmsg;	    
     return HLT::OK;
@@ -106,12 +106,12 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElemen
   const bool debug = msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG;
   // Some debug output:
-  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endreq;
+  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "outputTE->ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << endmsg;
   // Get the muon container from the outputTE
   const xAOD::MuonContainer* muonContainer(0);
   if(getFeature(outputTE, muonContainer)!=HLT::OK || muonContainer==0) {
-    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no MuonContainer Feature found" << endreq;
+    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no MuonContainer Feature found" << endmsg;
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElemen
       if(debug) {
 	msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Muon with pT cone 0.2 = " << ptcone20
 			<< ", pT cone 0.3 = " << ptcone30
-			<< " so result for this muon is " << (goodmu?"true":"false") << endreq;
+			<< " so result for this muon is " << (goodmu?"true":"false") << endmsg;
     }//absolute cut      
     else { //relative cut
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElemen
       if(debug) {
 	msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Muon with pT cone 0.2 / pt = " << ptcone20/mupt
 			<< ", pT cone 0.3 / pt = " << ptcone30/mupt
-			<< " so result for this muon is " << (goodmu?"true":"false") << endreq;
+			<< " so result for this muon is " << (goodmu?"true":"false") << endmsg;
     }//relative cut
@@ -200,14 +200,14 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElemen
   }//loop over isolation objects
   if(debug) {
-    msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Algo result = " << (result?"true":"false") << endreq;
+    msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Algo result = " << (result?"true":"false") << endmsg;
   pass = result;
   // store TrigPassBits result
   if ( attachFeature(outputTE, xBits.release(),"passbits") != HLT::OK ) {
-    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Could not store TrigPassBits! " << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::ERROR << "Could not store TrigPassBits! " << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo.cxx b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo.cxx
index 4f74b012819..5011cee3f9c 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/src/TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo.cxx
@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::~TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo() {
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::hltInitialize()
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltInitialize : " << name() << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltInitialize : " << name() << endmsg;
   if( m_acceptAll ) {
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Accepting all the events without cut!" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "Accepting all the events without cut!" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::hltInitialize()
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::hltFinalize()
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltFinalize : " << name() << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltFinalize : " << name() << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -90,75 +90,75 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::hltFinalize()
 HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::hltBeginRun()
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltBeginRun : " << name() << endreq;
-  msg() << MSG::INFO << "AcceptAll : " << m_acceptAll << endreq;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "in hltBeginRun : " << name() << endmsg;
+  msg() << MSG::INFO << "AcceptAll : " << m_acceptAll << endmsg;
   if (m_acceptAll) {
     msg() << MSG::INFO
 	  << "Accepting all the events with not cut!"
-	  << endreq;
+	  << endmsg;
   } else {
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << "UseMuon = " << m_UseMuon << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "UseMuon = " << m_UseMuon << endmsg;
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << "TrkAlg = " << m_TrkAlgo << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "TrkAlg = " << m_TrkAlgo << endmsg;
     auto bins1 = m_ptBins1.size() - 1;
     if (bins1 != m_ptThresholds1.size()) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup for #1.... exiting!" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup for #1.... exiting!" << endmsg;
       return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::ABORT_JOB, HLT::Reason::BAD_JOB_SETUP);
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "track multiplicity for #1 is " << m_Multiplicity1 << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "track multiplicity for #1 is " << m_Multiplicity1 << endmsg;
       for (std::vector<float>::size_type i = 0; i < bins1; ++i) {
 	msg() << MSG::INFO
 	      << "bin " << m_ptBins1[i] << " - " <<  m_ptBins1[i + 1]
 	      << " with Pt Threshold of " << (m_ptThresholds1[i]) / CLHEP::GeV
-	      << " GeV" << endreq;
+	      << " GeV" << endmsg;
     auto bins2 = m_ptBins2.size() - 1;
     if (bins2 != m_ptThresholds2.size()) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup for #2.... exiting!" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup for #2.... exiting!" << endmsg;
       return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::ABORT_JOB, HLT::Reason::BAD_JOB_SETUP);
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "track multiplicity for #2 is " << m_Multiplicity2 << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "track multiplicity for #2 is " << m_Multiplicity2 << endmsg;
       for (std::vector<float>::size_type i = 0; i < bins2; ++i) {
 	msg() << MSG::INFO
 	      << "bin " << m_ptBins2[i] << " - " <<  m_ptBins2[i + 1]
 	      << " with Pt Threshold of " << (m_ptThresholds2[i]) / CLHEP::GeV
-	      << " GeV" << endreq;
+	      << " GeV" << endmsg;
     auto bins3 = m_ptBins3.size() - 1;
     if (bins3 != m_ptThresholds3.size()) {
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup for #3.... exiting!" << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "bad thresholds setup for #3.... exiting!" << endmsg;
       return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::ABORT_JOB, HLT::Reason::BAD_JOB_SETUP);
-      msg() << MSG::INFO << "track multiplicity for #3 is " << m_Multiplicity3 << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::INFO << "track multiplicity for #3 is " << m_Multiplicity3 << endmsg;
       for (std::vector<float>::size_type i = 0; i < bins3; ++i) {
 	msg() << MSG::INFO
 	      << "bin " << m_ptBins3[i] << " - " <<  m_ptBins3[i + 1]
 	      << " with Pt Threshold of " << (m_ptThresholds3[i]) / CLHEP::GeV
-	      << " GeV" << endreq;
+	      << " GeV" << endmsg;
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << "LowMassCut : " << m_LowMassCut << " GeV" << endreq;
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << "HighMassCut : " << m_HighMassCut << " GeV" << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "LowMassCut : " << m_LowMassCut << " GeV" << endmsg;
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "HighMassCut : " << m_HighMassCut << " GeV" << endmsg;
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << "UseMuRoiDrOnly: " << m_UseMuRoiDrOnly << endreq;
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << "UseMuRoiDr: " << m_UseMuRoiDr << endreq;
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << "MuRoiDrMin: " << m_MuRoiDrMin << endreq;
-    msg() << MSG::INFO << "MuRoiDrMax: " << m_MuRoiDrMax << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "UseMuRoiDrOnly: " << m_UseMuRoiDrOnly << endmsg;
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "UseMuRoiDr: " << m_UseMuRoiDr << endmsg;
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "MuRoiDrMin: " << m_MuRoiDrMin << endmsg;
+    msg() << MSG::INFO << "MuRoiDrMax: " << m_MuRoiDrMax << endmsg;
    msg() << MSG::INFO
          << "Initialization completed successfully"
-         << endreq;
+         << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;
@@ -171,13 +171,13 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
   bool debug = msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG;
-  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in hltExecute : " << name() << endreq;
+  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "in hltExecute : " << name() << endmsg;
   if(m_acceptAll) {
     if( debug ) {
       msg() << MSG::DEBUG
 	    << "Accept property is set: taking all the events"
-	    << endreq;
+	    << endmsg;
     return HLT::OK;
@@ -203,22 +203,22 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
   unsigned int tes_in_size = tes_in.size();
-  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "tes_in size=" << tes_in_size << endreq;
+  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "tes_in size=" << tes_in_size << endmsg;
   for(unsigned int i_vec=0; i_vec<tes_in_size; i_vec++) {
     unsigned int n_te = tes_in[i_vec].size();
-    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "i_vec=" << i_vec << " : n TEs=" << n_te << endreq;
+    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "i_vec=" << i_vec << " : n TEs=" << n_te << endmsg;
     for(unsigned i_te=0; i_te<n_te; i_te++) {
       HLT::TriggerElement* te = tes_in[i_vec][i_te];
       if( debug ) {
 	std::string label;
 	TrigConf::HLTTriggerElement::getLabel (te->getId(), label );
-	if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "input TE ID(): " << te->getId() << ", Label=" << label << endreq;
+	if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "input TE ID(): " << te->getId() << ", Label=" << label << endmsg;
       bool alreadyThere = false;
       for(unsigned int j_te=0; j_te<vec_allTEs.size(); j_te++) {
 	if( vec_allTEs[j_te] == te ) {
 	  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "at i_vec=" << i_vec << ", i_te=" << i_te <<
-		      ": same TE already there at j_te=" << j_te << ", so, skip this TE." << endreq;
+		      ": same TE already there at j_te=" << j_te << ", so, skip this TE." << endmsg;
 	  alreadyThere = true;
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
   unsigned int n_allTEs = vec_allTEs.size(); 
-  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "size of vec_allTEs=" << n_allTEs << endreq;
+  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "size of vec_allTEs=" << n_allTEs << endmsg;
   for(unsigned i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) {
     HLT::TEVec tes;
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
     if(debug) {
       std::string label;
       TrigConf::HLTTriggerElement::getLabel (outputTE->getId(), label);
-      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "creating outputTE ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << ", Label=" << label << endreq;
+      msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "creating outputTE ID(): " << outputTE->getId() << ", Label=" << label << endmsg;
@@ -254,35 +254,35 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
       HLT::ErrorCode isIDTrkExtrOK = (m_UseMuon) ? getFeatures(vec_allTEs[i_te], MuTrackEL) : getFeatures(vec_allTEs[i_te], IDTrackEL, m_TrkAlgo);
       if( isIDTrkExtrOK != HLT::OK ) {
 	errorWhenGettingELs = true;
-	msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": fails to find EL for: ID(Mu)Track" << endreq;
+	msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": fails to find EL for: ID(Mu)Track" << endmsg;
       if( !m_UseMuon && IDTrackEL.empty() ) {
 	errorWhenGettingELs = true;
-	msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": EL not valid for: IDTrack" << endreq;
+	msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": EL not valid for: IDTrack" << endmsg;
       if( m_UseMuon && MuTrackEL.empty() ) {
 	errorWhenGettingELs = true;
-	msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": EL not valid for: MuTrack" << endreq;
+	msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": EL not valid for: MuTrack" << endmsg;
-      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "IDTrackEL is OK for i_te=" << i_te << " size of IDTrackEL is " << IDTrackEL.size() << endreq;
-      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "MuonTrackEL is OK for i_te=" << i_te << " size of MuonTrackEL is " << MuTrackEL.size() << endreq;
+      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "IDTrackEL is OK for i_te=" << i_te << " size of IDTrackEL is " << IDTrackEL.size() << endmsg;
+      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "MuonTrackEL is OK for i_te=" << i_te << " size of MuonTrackEL is " << MuTrackEL.size() << endmsg;
     if( m_UseMuRoiDr ){
       HLT::ErrorCode isMuRoiExtrOK = getFeatures(vec_allTEs[i_te], MuRoiEL);
       if( isMuRoiExtrOK != HLT::OK ) {
 	errorWhenGettingELs = true;
-	msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": fails to find EL for: MuonRoI" << endreq;
+	msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": fails to find EL for: MuonRoI" << endmsg;
       if( MuRoiEL.empty() ) {
 	errorWhenGettingELs = true;
-	msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": EL not valid for: MuRoI" << endreq;
+	msg() << MSG::WARNING << "i_te=" << i_te << ": EL not valid for: MuRoI" << endmsg;
-      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "MuRoiEL is OK for i_te=" << i_te << " size of MuRoiEL is " << MuRoiEL.size() << endreq;
+      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "MuRoiEL is OK for i_te=" << i_te << " size of MuRoiEL is " << MuRoiEL.size() << endmsg;
     if( !m_UseMuRoiDrOnly ){
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
   if( errorWhenGettingELs ) {
-    msg() << MSG::WARNING << "error when getting ELs. exitting with all TEs deactive..." << endreq;
+    msg() << MSG::WARNING << "error when getting ELs. exitting with all TEs deactive..." << endmsg;
     for(unsigned i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) 
@@ -305,15 +305,15 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
   if( m_UseMuRoiDr && (m_MuRoiDrMax > 0 || m_MuRoiDrMin > 0) ){
     std::vector<float> roi_eta;
     std::vector<float> roi_phi;
-    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "looking at dR between muon RoIs" << endreq;
+    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "looking at dR between muon RoIs" << endmsg;
     for(unsigned i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) {
       std::vector<const LVL1::RecMuonRoI*> VecMuRoiCont = MuRoiELVec[i_te];
       unsigned int total_entries_vecroi = VecMuRoiCont.size();
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "total_entries_roi = " << total_entries_vecroi << endreq;
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "total_entries_roi = " << total_entries_vecroi << endmsg;
       for (unsigned int ivroi=0; ivroi<total_entries_vecroi; ivroi++){
     	const LVL1::RecMuonRoI* VecMuRoi1 = VecMuRoiCont[ivroi];
     	if( !VecMuRoi1 ){
-    	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: VecMuRoi1 is empty" << endreq;
+    	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: VecMuRoi1 is empty" << endmsg;
 	roi_eta.push_back( VecMuRoi1->eta() );
@@ -332,24 +332,24 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
 	float max = (m_MuRoiDrMax>0)?(m_MuRoiDrMax):(99999);
 	float min = (m_MuRoiDrMin>0)?(m_MuRoiDrMin):(0);
 	if( dR < max && dR > min ) dr_ok = true;
-	if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "dR check: dR = " << dR << " : requirement=[" << m_MuRoiDrMin << "," << m_MuRoiDrMax << "] pass=" << dr_ok << endreq;
+	if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "dR check: dR = " << dR << " : requirement=[" << m_MuRoiDrMin << "," << m_MuRoiDrMax << "] pass=" << dr_ok << endmsg;
 	if(doMonitor)m_mon_MuRoiDr.push_back( dR );	
     if( !dr_ok ){
-      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failing dR(two RoIs) requirement [" << m_MuRoiDrMin << "," << m_MuRoiDrMax << "]" << endreq;
+      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failing dR(two RoIs) requirement [" << m_MuRoiDrMin << "," << m_MuRoiDrMax << "]" << endmsg;
       for(unsigned i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) 
       return HLT::OK;
-      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "at least one combination of two RoIs has passed dR requirement [" << m_MuRoiDrMin << "," << m_MuRoiDrMax << "]" << endreq;
+      if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "at least one combination of two RoIs has passed dR requirement [" << m_MuRoiDrMin << "," << m_MuRoiDrMax << "]" << endmsg;
   if( (m_Multiplicity1 <= 0 && m_Multiplicity2 <= 0 && m_Multiplicity3 <= 0) || m_UseMuRoiDrOnly ){
-    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no track multiplicity requirement" << endreq;
-    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "event passed" << endreq;
+    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "no track multiplicity requirement" << endmsg;
+    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "event passed" << endmsg;
     return HLT::OK;
@@ -368,29 +368,29 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
     if(!m_UseMuon)VecIDTrkCont = IDTrackELVec[i_te];
     if( m_UseMuon)VecMuTrkCont = MuTrackELVec[i_te];
     unsigned int total_entries_trk = (m_UseMuon) ? VecMuTrkCont.size() : VecIDTrkCont.size();
-    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "total_entries_trk = " << total_entries_trk << endreq;
+    if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "total_entries_trk = " << total_entries_trk << endmsg;
     for (unsigned int ivtrk=0; ivtrk<total_entries_trk; ivtrk++){
       const xAOD::TrackParticleContainer* IDTracks1 = (m_UseMuon) ? NULL : VecIDTrkCont[ivtrk];
       const xAOD::MuonContainer*          MuTracks1 = (m_UseMuon) ? VecMuTrkCont[ivtrk] : NULL;
       if( !m_UseMuon && !IDTracks1 ){
-  	if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: IDTracks1 is empty" << endreq;
+  	if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: IDTracks1 is empty" << endmsg;
       if( m_UseMuon && !MuTracks1 ){
-  	if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: MuTracks1 is empty" << endreq;
+  	if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: MuTracks1 is empty" << endmsg;
       unsigned int total_entries = (m_UseMuon) ? MuTracks1->size() : IDTracks1->size();
-      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "total_entries = " << total_entries << endreq;
+      if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "total_entries = " << total_entries << endmsg;
       for (unsigned int itrk = 0;itrk<total_entries;itrk++){
 	const xAOD::TrackParticle* track1 = (m_UseMuon) ? NULL : IDTracks1->at(itrk);
 	const xAOD::Muon* muon1 = (m_UseMuon) ? MuTracks1->at(itrk) : NULL;
 	if( !m_UseMuon && !track1 ){
-	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: track1 is empty" << endreq;
+	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: track1 is empty" << endmsg;
 	if( m_UseMuon && !muon1 ){
-	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: muon1 is empty" << endreq;
+	  if (debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "failed: muon1 is empty" << endmsg;
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
 		    " eta=" << trk_eta <<
 		    " phi=" << trk_phi <<
 		    " z0=" << trk_z0 <<
-		    " d0=" << trk_d0 << endreq;
+		    " d0=" << trk_d0 << endmsg;
 	bool already = false;
 	for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < ptOv.size() ; i++){
 	  double dr = deltaR(,, trk_eta, trk_phi);
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
 	if( already ){
-	  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "already used" << endreq;
+	  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "already used" << endmsg;
@@ -446,13 +446,13 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
 	  for (std::vector<float>::size_type i = 0; i < m_ptBins1.size()-1; ++i)
 	    if (absEta > m_ptBins1[i] && absEta < m_ptBins1[i + 1])
 	      threshold = m_ptThresholds1[i];
-	  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "threshold1 = " << threshold << endreq;
+	  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "threshold1 = " << threshold << endmsg;
 	  if( trk_pt > threshold ) {
 	    pass_this_track = true;
-	    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "pt cut1 passed" << endreq;
+	    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "pt cut1 passed" << endmsg;
-	    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "pt cut1 failed" << endreq;
+	    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "pt cut1 failed" << endmsg;
@@ -463,13 +463,13 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
 	  for (std::vector<float>::size_type i = 0; i < m_ptBins2.size()-1; ++i)
 	    if (absEta > m_ptBins2[i] && absEta < m_ptBins2[i + 1])
 	      threshold = m_ptThresholds2[i];
-	  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "threshold2 = " << threshold << endreq;
+	  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "threshold2 = " << threshold << endmsg;
 	  if( trk_pt > threshold ) {
 	    pass_this_track = true;
-	    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "pt cut2 passed" << endreq;
+	    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "pt cut2 passed" << endmsg;
-	    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "pt cut2 failed" << endreq;
+	    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "pt cut2 failed" << endmsg;
@@ -479,13 +479,13 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
 	  for (std::vector<float>::size_type i = 0; i < m_ptBins3.size()-1; ++i)
 	    if (absEta > m_ptBins3[i] && absEta < m_ptBins3[i + 1])
 	      threshold = m_ptThresholds3[i];
-	  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "threshold3 = " << threshold << endreq;
+	  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "threshold3 = " << threshold << endmsg;
 	  if( trk_pt > threshold ) {
 	    pass_this_track = true;
-	    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "pt cut3 passed" << endreq;
+	    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "pt cut3 passed" << endmsg;
-	    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "pt cut3 failed" << endreq;
+	    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "pt cut3 failed" << endmsg;
@@ -505,13 +505,13 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo::hltExecute(std::vector<std::vector<HLT:
   if( n_pass_pt2 < m_Multiplicity2 )pass_multiplicity=false;
   if( n_pass_pt3 < m_Multiplicity3 )pass_multiplicity=false;
   if(pass_multiplicity == false){
-    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "event failed -> deactivating all TEs" << endreq;
+    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "event failed -> deactivating all TEs" << endmsg;
     for(unsigned i_te=0; i_te<n_allTEs; i_te++) 
-    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "event passed" << endreq;
+    if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "event passed" << endmsg;
-  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "finish TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo" << endreq;
+  if(debug) msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "finish TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo" << endmsg;
   return HLT::OK;