diff --git a/Reconstruction/Jet/JetRecConfig/python/JetDefinition.py b/Reconstruction/Jet/JetRecConfig/python/JetDefinition.py
index 9142d30d879a3f8f712952fbd6779548a38cb3c1..51d695fa1619661287c81a3139e6b4e542a43582 100644
--- a/Reconstruction/Jet/JetRecConfig/python/JetDefinition.py
+++ b/Reconstruction/Jet/JetRecConfig/python/JetDefinition.py
@@ -329,10 +329,20 @@ class JetInputDef(object):
                   The function must return a tuple : (bool, "reason of failure")
      - prereqs : a list of prerequisites (str) for this input definition.
-    def __init__(self, name, objtype, algoBuilder=None, specs=None, filterfn= _condAlwaysPass, prereqs=[]):
+    def __init__(self, name, objtype, algoBuilder=None, specs=None, containername=None, filterfn= _condAlwaysPass, prereqs=[]):
         self.name = name
         self.basetype = objtype
         self.algoBuilder = algoBuilder
+        # In certain cases (EventShape) we need to configure the concrete
+        # output container name based on the jetdef and specs, so can
+        # pass in a (lambda) function to define this.
+        if containername:
+            self.containername = containername
+        else:
+            # Ordinarily we just return the name
+            self.containername = lambda dummyjetdef,dummyspecs : self.name
         self.specs = specs
         self.filterfn = filterfn 
         self.prereqs = prereqs
diff --git a/Reconstruction/Jet/JetRecConfig/python/JetRecConfig.py b/Reconstruction/Jet/JetRecConfig/python/JetRecConfig.py
index 80ffcc3bda1ff23b7090353e1841288beefe168e..29dc80eced2ed8e188ea207134ee96bae0ebc839 100644
--- a/Reconstruction/Jet/JetRecConfig/python/JetRecConfig.py
+++ b/Reconstruction/Jet/JetRecConfig/python/JetRecConfig.py
@@ -142,11 +142,10 @@ def JetInputCfg(jetOrConstitdef, configFlags, sequenceName='AthAlgSeq'):
         jetdef = jetOrConstitdef
     jetlog.info("Inspecting input file contents")
-    filecontents = configFlags.Input.Collections
+    filecontents = [coll for coll in configFlags.Input.Collections]
     inputdeps = [ inputkey for inputkey in jetdef._prereqOrder if inputkey.startswith('input:')]
     for inputfull in inputdeps:
         inputInstance = jetdef._prereqDic[inputfull]
         isprimary = False # actually not using it yet.
@@ -163,13 +162,17 @@ def JetInputCfg(jetOrConstitdef, configFlags, sequenceName='AthAlgSeq'):
                 if constitalg:
                     components.addEventAlgo(constitalg, primary=isprimary)
         else: # it must be a JetInputDef
-            jetlog.debug("Requesting input {} with function {} and specs {}".format(inputInstance.name, inputInstance.algoBuilder, inputInstance.specs) )
-            # check if it has something to build an Algorithm
-            if inputInstance.algoBuilder:
-                components.addEventAlgo( inputInstance.algoBuilder( jetdef, inputInstance.specs ), primary=isprimary )
+            cname = inputInstance.containername(jetdef,inputInstance.specs)
+            if cname in filecontents:
+                jetlog.debug("Input container {0} for prereq {1} already in input file.".format(cname, inputInstance.name))
-                # for now just hope the input will be present... 
-                pass
+                jetlog.debug("Requesting input {} with function {} and specs {}".format(inputInstance.name, inputInstance.algoBuilder, inputInstance.specs) )
+                # check if it has something to build an Algorithm
+                if inputInstance.algoBuilder:
+                    components.addEventAlgo( inputInstance.algoBuilder( jetdef, inputInstance.specs ), primary=isprimary )
+                else:
+                    # for now just hope the input will be present... 
+                    pass
     return components
diff --git a/Reconstruction/Jet/JetRecConfig/python/StandardJetConstits.py b/Reconstruction/Jet/JetRecConfig/python/StandardJetConstits.py
index ae888b49029499dbeeeabc954b50fef50645ab7e..262c0775592f81e613e8da12bfe14089e7feb72d 100644
--- a/Reconstruction/Jet/JetRecConfig/python/StandardJetConstits.py
+++ b/Reconstruction/Jet/JetRecConfig/python/StandardJetConstits.py
@@ -52,9 +52,11 @@ _stdInputList = [
     # *****************************
     JetInputDef("EventDensity", "EventShape", algoBuilder = inputcfg.buildEventShapeAlg,
+                containername = lambda jetdef, specs : (specs or "")+"Kt4"+jetdef.inputdef.label+"EventShape",
                 prereqs = lambda jetdef : ["input:"+jetdef.inputdef.name] # this will force the input to be build *before* the EventDensity alg.
     JetInputDef("HLT_EventDensity", "EventShape", algoBuilder = inputcfg.buildEventShapeAlg,
+                containername = lambda jetdef, specs : (specs or "")+"Kt4"+jetdef.inputdef.label+"EventShape",
                 prereqs = lambda jetdef : ["input:"+jetdef.inputdef.name], # this will force the input to be build *before* the EventDensity alg.
                 specs = 'HLT_'