From 2381480fb1811073f8f1192a07347719f368dda1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tadej Novak <>
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2020 11:16:01 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Data overlay: cleanup zero bias selection scripts

 .../scripts/0biasselection/         |   7 -
 .../0biasselection/   | 109 -------
 .../scripts/0biasselection/lbn_analyze.C      | 194 -------------
 .../scripts/0biasselection/           | 102 -------
 .../scripts/0biasselection/run_lbn_analyze.C  |  14 -
 .../OverlayByteStreamUtils/CMakeLists.txt     |  10 +-
 .../scripts/             | 120 ++++++++
 .../scripts/                  |  39 +--
 .../scripts/                       | 152 ++++++++++
 .../scripts/                |  20 ++
 .../util/LB_analyze.cxx                       | 271 ++++++++++++++++++
 11 files changed, 592 insertions(+), 446 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/
 delete mode 100644 Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/
 delete mode 100644 Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/lbn_analyze.C
 delete mode 100755 Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/
 delete mode 100644 Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/run_lbn_analyze.C
 create mode 100755 Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/scripts/
 rename Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/ => Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/scripts/ (71%)
 mode change 100644 => 100755
 create mode 100755 Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/scripts/
 create mode 100755 Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/scripts/
 create mode 100644 Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/util/LB_analyze.cxx

diff --git a/Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/ b/Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/
deleted file mode 100755
index a85b4571ffe..00000000000
--- a/Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- rm -rf output_stream*
- rm lbn_anal_map_stream*
- rm lbnevents_*
- rm runs_lbn_files.txt
- rm log_lbn_anal*
- rm lbn_anal_map.txt
diff --git a/Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/ b/Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aa40c66b17..00000000000
--- a/Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-import sys
-#get the list of special run,lbn with more than 1 file
-special_run_lbn = {}
-with open("runs_lbn_files.txt") as f:
-    for line in f:
-        #print line
-        if not line.startswith("root"):
-            print "WARNING: line doesn't start with 'root'"
-            print line
-            continue
-        filenm=line.rstrip()
-        print filenm
-        finfo=filenm.split(".")
-        run=finfo[3]
-	lbi=4 #index of the lbn info
-	while "_lb" not in finfo[lbi] and lbi<20:
-            lbi=lbi+1
-        if lbi>=20:
-	    print finfo[lbi], "doesnt contain _lb"
-	    exit(1)
-        lbn=finfo[lbi].replace("_lb","")
-        print run+"_"+lbn
-        if run+"_"+lbn in special_run_lbn:
-            if filenm in special_run_lbn[run+"_"+lbn]:
-                print filenm, "already in map for ",run,lbn
-            else:
-                special_run_lbn[run+"_"+lbn].append(filenm)
-        else:
-            special_run_lbn[run+"_"+lbn]=[filenm]
-    for key in special_run_lbn.keys():
-        #if len(special_run_lbn[key])>1: print special_run_lbn[key]
-        pass
-    print "done with special_run_lbn"
-#do the work
-maxstream = int(sys.argv[1])
-print "maxstream=",maxstream
-for s in range(0,maxstream+1): #50
-    with open("lbn_anal_map_stream"+str(s)+".txt") as f:
-        tot=0
-        nfile=1
-        of=open("output_stream"+str(s)+"/lbn_anal_map_"+str(nfile)+".txt","w")
-        of2=open("output_stream"+str(s)+"/filelist_"+str(nfile)+".txt","w")
-        for line in f:
-            linfo=line.split(" ")
-            #print line
-            #print linfo[16]
-            tot+=int(linfo[16])
-            run=linfo[3].replace(",","").zfill(8)
-            lbn=linfo[5].replace(",","").zfill(4)
-            if tot>100:
-                #replace last bit of line and also write it to the new file
-                extra=tot-100
-                forthisone=int(linfo[16])-extra
-                rline=line.replace(linfo[16]+" wanted",str(forthisone)+" wanted")
-                of.write(rline)
-                if run+"_"+lbn in special_run_lbn:
-                    for f in special_run_lbn[run+"_"+lbn]:
-                        #print of2.tell()
-                        if of2.tell()>0: of2.write(",")
-                        of2.write(f)
-                else:
-                    print run,lbn," not in files map!"
-                #print line, rline
-                #print run, lbn
-                of.close(); of2.close(); nfile+=1
-                of=open("output_stream"+str(s)+"/lbn_anal_map_"+str(nfile)+".txt","w")
-                of2=open("output_stream"+str(s)+"/filelist_"+str(nfile)+".txt","w")
-                tot=extra #the number left over from the last set
-                rline=line.replace(linfo[16]+" wanted",str(extra)+" wanted")
-                of.write(rline)
-                if run+"_"+lbn in special_run_lbn:
-                    for f in special_run_lbn[run+"_"+lbn]:
-                        if of2.tell()>0: of2.write(",")
-                        of2.write(f)
-                else:
-                    print run,lbn," not in files map!"
-            elif tot==100:
-                of.write(line)
-                if run+"_"+lbn in special_run_lbn:
-                    for f in special_run_lbn[run+"_"+lbn]:
-                        if of2.tell()>0: of2.write(",")
-                        of2.write(f)
-                else:
-                    print run,lbn," not in files map!"            
-                of.close(); of2.close(); nfile+=1
-                of=open("output_stream"+str(s)+"/lbn_anal_map_"+str(nfile)+".txt","w")
-                of2=open("output_stream"+str(s)+"/filelist_"+str(nfile)+".txt","w")
-                tot=0
-            else:
-                of.write(line)
-                if run+"_"+lbn in special_run_lbn:
-                    for f in special_run_lbn[run+"_"+lbn]:
-                        #print of2.tell()
-                        if of2.tell()>0: of2.write(",")
-                        of2.write(f)
-                else:
-                    print run,lbn," not in files map!"
-        print "done ",s
-        of.close(); of2.close()
diff --git a/Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/lbn_analyze.C b/Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/lbn_analyze.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a16bff3c6c..00000000000
--- a/Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/lbn_analyze.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include <map>
-#include "TRandom3.h"
-class lbn_info{
- lbn_info(){nevt=0; intlumi=0; nevtwanted=0;}
- int nevt;
- float intlumi;
- int nevtwanted;
-class run_info{
- run_info(){nevt=0; intlumi=0; nevtwanted=0;}
- int nevt;
- float intlumi;
- std::map<int,lbn_info> lbnmap;
- int nevtwanted;
-FILE *outfile=fopen("lbn_anal_map.txt","w");
-int debug=1;
-std::map< int, int > eventcounts;
-void readeventcounts(int run){
-  eventcounts.clear();
-  char buf[50];
-  sprintf(buf,"lbnevents_%d.txt",run);
-  if (debug) printf("Opening %s, eventcounts size is %lu\n",buf,eventcounts.size());
-  FILE *fp = fopen(buf,"r");
-  if (!fp) printf("Failed to open %s!!!\n",buf);
-  char *line=new char[500];
-  while (fgets(line,480,fp)) {
-     int lbn,ne,nf,runn;
-     float mb;
-     int s=sscanf(&line[0]," ... Run %d, LB %d has %d events, %d RAW files and %f MB",&runn,&lbn,&ne,&nf,&mb);
-     if (s>4){
-       assert(run==runn);
-       if (debug) printf("run %d lbn %d has %d events\n",run,lbn,ne);
-       eventcounts[lbn]=ne;
-     }
-     else {
-       printf("s=%d, bad read?\n",s);
-       assert(false);
-     }
-  }
-  if (debug) printf("Closing %s, eventcounts size is %lu\n",buf,eventcounts.size());
-  fclose(fp); 
-void lbn_analyze(int stream, int nwanted)
-   FILE *fp = fopen("lbn","r");
-   if (!fp) printf("Failed to open lbn input file!!!\n");
-   char *line=new char[500];
-   int run,lbn,L1Acc,beforeps,afterps,valid; //L1p,L2p,L3p
-   int liveL1,livebp,liveap;
-   float instlumi,dt,avevtperbx,live,L1p,HLTp,LARp;
-   //float intlumi,intlumitrig;
-   int grun=0;
-   float gtotaltotallumi=0,gtotaltotallumiprescaled=0;
-   float gtotallumi=0, gtotallumiprescaled=0;
-   TRandom myrand;
-   myrand.SetSeed(0);
-   printf("- myrand seed is %u\n",myrand.GetSeed());
-   myrand.SetSeed(myrand.Integer(10000000)+stream);
-   printf("- myrand seed is now %u\n",myrand.GetSeed());
-   std::map<int,run_info> runmap;
-   while (fgets(line,480,fp)) {
-     if (line[0]!='-') continue;
-//   int s=sscanf(&line[0],"--- LumiCalculator      : %d[%d]: L1Acc: %d, Livetime trigger L1Acc: %d, InstLumi: %f, deltaT: %f, AvEvtsPerBX: %f, BeforePrescale: %d, AfterPrescale: %d, Livetime trigger BeforePrescale: %d Livetime trigger AfterPrescale: %d, Livefrac: %f, L1Presc: %d, L2Presc: %d, L3Presc: %d, Valid: %d", &run,&lbn,&L1Acc,&liveL1,&instlumi,&dt,&avevtperbx,&beforeps,&afterps,&livebp,&liveap,&live,&L1p,&L2p,&L3p,&valid);
-     int s=sscanf(&line[0],"--- LumiCalculator      : %d[%d]: L1Acc: %d, Livetime trigger L1Acc: %d, InstLumi: %f, deltaT: %f, AvEvtsPerBX: %f, BeforePrescale: %d, AfterPrescale: %d, Livetime trigger BeforePrescale: %d Livetime trigger AfterPrescale: %d, Livefrac: %f, L1Presc: %f, HLTPresc: %f, Valid: %d, LAr ready fraction: %f", &run,&lbn,&L1Acc,&liveL1,&instlumi,&dt,&avevtperbx,&beforeps,&afterps,&livebp,&liveap,&live,&L1p,&HLTp,&valid,&LARp);
-     if (s>8){
-       if (debug) printf("Got %d values : run=%d, lbn=%d, L1Acc=%d, instlumi=%f, L1p=%f, dt=%f, live=%f, afterps=%d \n",s,run,lbn,L1Acc,instlumi,L1p,dt,live,afterps);
-       if (run!=grun){
-	 if (grun>0){//change of run
-	   runmap[grun].intlumi=gtotallumi; printf("Setting lumi for run %d to %f\n",grun,gtotallumi);
-	   if (debug) printf("Adding to totaltotal lumis\n");
-	   gtotaltotallumi+=gtotallumi; gtotaltotallumiprescaled+=gtotallumiprescaled;
-	   gtotallumi=0;gtotallumiprescaled=0;//reset the int lumi calculation for this run
-	   //runmap[grun].nevt=0;
-	 }
-	 grun=run;//save the run number
-	 printf("Setting grun to %d\n",run);
-	 //read in event counts from runquery file for run
-	 readeventcounts(run);
-       }//new run
-       if (L1p<0) {
-	 runmap[run].lbnmap[lbn].nevt=0;
-	 if (eventcounts[lbn]!=0) printf("For lbn %d, L1p<0 but eventcounts is %d\n",lbn,eventcounts[lbn]);
-       }
-       else{
-	 int ne = L1Acc;//afterps
-	 if (ne!=eventcounts[lbn]){
-	   if (0==stream) printf("For lbn %d, ne from lumicalc is %d but we will trust runquery value of %d\n",lbn,ne,eventcounts[lbn]);
-	   ne=eventcounts[lbn];
-	 }
-	 if (0==ne){dt=0; printf("For lbn %d, setting lumi to 0 since 0 events were recorded\n",lbn);}
-	 runmap[run].lbnmap[lbn].nevt=ne; 
-	 runmap[run].lbnmap[lbn].intlumi=instlumi*dt*live;
-	 runmap[run].nevt+=ne;
-	 gtotallumiprescaled+= instlumi*dt*live/L1p;
-	 gtotallumi+= instlumi*dt*live;
-       }
-       if (debug) printf("grun=%d, gtotallumi=%f, gtotallumiprescaled=%f\n",grun,gtotallumi,gtotallumiprescaled);
-     }//good line
-   }//loop over lines in file
-   //after last run
-   runmap[grun].intlumi=gtotallumi; printf("Setting lumi for run %d to %f\n",grun,gtotallumi);
-   if (debug) printf("Adding to totaltotal lumis for last run\n");
-   gtotaltotallumi+=gtotallumi; gtotaltotallumiprescaled+=gtotallumiprescaled;
-   fclose(fp);
-   printf("- %lu runs, gtotaltotallumi=%f, gtotaltotallumiprescaled=%f\n",runmap.size(),gtotaltotallumi,gtotaltotallumiprescaled);
-   if (runmap.size()<1) {printf("- runmap size is %lu, quitting!\n",runmap.size()); return;}
-   //return;
-   //check the total lumi...
-   double tempr=0;
-   for (std::map<int,run_info>::const_iterator r=runmap.begin(); r!=runmap.end(); ++r){
-     tempr += r->second.intlumi;
-   }
-   if (fabs(tempr-gtotaltotallumi)/tempr>0.001){
-     printf("tempr=%f and gtotaltotallumi=%f\n",tempr,gtotaltotallumi);
-     assert(false);
-   }
-   for (int e=0;e<nwanted;++e){     
-     //pick a random run, proportional to intlumi
-     double rnd = myrand.Uniform(tempr);
-     run=-1;
-     for (std::map<int,run_info>::const_iterator r=runmap.begin(); r!=runmap.end(); ++r){
-       if (rnd<r->second.intlumi) {run=r->first; break;}
-       rnd -= r->second.intlumi;
-     }
-     assert(run>=0);
-     //check the total run lumi...
-     double tempt=0;
-     for (std::map<int,lbn_info>::const_iterator l=runmap[run].lbnmap.begin(); l!=runmap[run].lbnmap.end(); ++l){
-       tempt += l->second.intlumi;
-     }
-     if (fabs(tempt-runmap[run].intlumi)/tempt>0.001){
-       printf("tempt=%f and runmap[%d].intlumi=%f\n",tempt,run,runmap[run].intlumi);
-       assert(false);
-     }
-     //pick a random lbn, proportional to intlumi
-     rnd = myrand.Uniform(tempt);
-     lbn=-1;
-     for (std::map<int,lbn_info>::const_iterator l=runmap[run].lbnmap.begin(); l!=runmap[run].lbnmap.end(); ++l){
-       if (rnd<l->second.intlumi) {lbn=l->first; break;}
-       rnd -= l->second.intlumi;
-     }
-     assert(lbn>=0);
-     runmap[run].nevtwanted++; runmap[run].lbnmap[lbn].nevtwanted++;
-     if (debug) printf("- stream %d, run %d, lbn %d, choose %d of out %d\n",stream,run,lbn,runmap[run].lbnmap[lbn].nevtwanted,runmap[run].lbnmap[lbn].nevt);
-   }//loop over nwanted
-   for (std::map<int,run_info>::const_iterator r=runmap.begin(); r!=runmap.end(); ++r){
-     int totnevt=0; float totintlumi=0;
-     printf("stream %d, run %d, has %d events and %f/ub, %f intlumi of total, and %d wanted\n", stream, 
-        r->first,r->second.nevt,r->second.intlumi,r->second.intlumi/gtotaltotallumi,r->second.nevtwanted);
-     for (std::map<int,lbn_info>::const_iterator l=r->second.lbnmap.begin(); l!=r->second.lbnmap.end(); ++l){
-       fprintf(outfile,"stream %d, run %d, lbn %d, has %d events and %f/ub, %f intlumi of run, and %d wanted", stream, r->first, 
-        l->first,l->second.nevt,l->second.intlumi,l->second.intlumi/r->second.intlumi,l->second.nevtwanted);
-       if (l->second.nevtwanted>l->second.nevt) fprintf(outfile," : WARNING, more than available, will be duplicates!\n"); else fprintf(outfile,"\n");
-       totnevt+=l->second.nevt; totintlumi+=l->second.intlumi;
-     }
-     if (totnevt!=r->second.nevt) printf("  XXX events do not agree !!! \n");
-     if (totintlumi>0.0 && fabs(totintlumi - r->second.intlumi)/totintlumi>.001) printf("  XXX intlumi does not agree !!! %f %f \n",totintlumi,r->second.intlumi);
-   } 
-   printf("--\n\n");
diff --git a/Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/ b/Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/
deleted file mode 100755
index f59b17565f6..00000000000
--- a/Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-#lsetup rucio
-#voms-proxy-init -voms atlas
-#use GRL, from:;O=D
-#wget -nc$dq
-#Can just go here:  ... note use --online lumi tag for HI, unless a better one is available
-#and request --verbose output and use physics trigger HLT_noalg_zb_L1ZB, 
-#then wget "Raw iLimuiCalc.exe output", and "mv output.txt lbn_2015; ln -s lbn_2015 lbn"
-#rm -f lbn # if you want to redo this
-if [ ! -f "lbn" ]; then 
-iLumiCalc.exe -t L1_ZB -V -x $dq --livetrigger=L1_EM12 > lbn
-grep ": Total" lbn ; echo
-#get info on number of events and files per lumi block in each run
-#rm -f lbnevents* # if you want to redo this
-#rm -f runs_lbn_files.txt # if you want to redo this
-#sstream="physics_ZeroBias" #pp or UPC
-sstream="physics_MinBiasOverlay" #HI
-rm -f runs_temp.txt
-for runn in `grep "subchild node value" lbn|cut -f 3 -d : |sed 's/[\x01-\x1F\x7F]//g'|sed 's%\[0m%%g'|sed 's%\[34m%%g'|sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g' `; do
- if [ ! -f lbnevents_${runn}.txt ]; then 
-   echo "Getting Nevent info for run $runn "; 
-   python -r $runn -s $sstream |grep "... Run" > lbnevents_${runn}.txt;# Only works on lxplus now!
- fi 
- if [ ! -f runs_lbn_files.txt ]; then 
-   echo "Getting file info for run $runn "
-   rucio list-file-replicas data16_hip8TeV.00${runn}.${sstream}.${suf}.RAW | grep "CERN-PROD_TZDISK" | cut -d '|' -f 6|sed "s% CERN-PROD_TZDISK: gsi" | sed -r 's/\s+//g' | grep "_lb" > runs_temp_temp.txt
-   cat runs_temp_temp.txt >> runs_temp.txt
-   echo -n "Replicated? : "; rucio list-dataset-replicas data16_hip8TeV.00${runn}.${sstream}.${suf}.RAW|grep CERN-PROD_TZDISK
-   nfound=`grep -c data runs_temp_temp.txt`
-   echo "Found $nfound files on TZDISK"
-   if [ $nfound -eq 0 ]; then #look also on DATADISK if not found on TZDISK
-     echo "Getting file info for run $runn "
-     rucio list-file-replicas data16_hip8TeV.00${runn}.${sstream}.${suf}.RAW | grep "CERN-PROD_DATADISK" | cut -d '|' -f 6|sed "s% CERN-PROD_DATADISK: gsi" | sed -r 's/\s+//g' | grep "_lb" > runs_temp_temp.txt
-     cat runs_temp_temp.txt >> runs_temp.txt
-     echo -n "Replicated? : "; rucio list-dataset-replicas data16_hip8TeV.00${runn}.${sstream}.${suf}.RAW|grep CERN-PROD_DATADISK
-     nfound=`grep -c data runs_temp_temp.txt`
-     echo "Found $nfound files on DATADISK"
-   fi
- fi
-done #loop over all runs
-rm runs_temp_temp.txt
-if [ ! -f runs_lbn_files.txt ]; then mv runs_temp.txt runs_lbn_files.txt ; fi
-#rm -f lbn_anal_map.txt # if you want to redo this
-if [ ! -f lbn_anal_map.txt ]; then root -l -b -q run_lbn_analyze.C > log_lbn_analyze.txt ; fi
-echo -n "Total events in dataset before GRL: "
-cat lbnevents_*.txt |tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 8 |awk '{total = total + $1}END{print total}'
-echo -n "Total events in dataset from log_lbn_analyze.txt: "
-grep "stream 0" log_lbn_analyze.txt|cut -d ' ' -f 6 |awk '{total = total + $1}END{print total}'
-echo -n "Total events in dataset from lbn_anal_map: "
-grep "stream 1," lbn_anal_map.txt |cut -d ' ' -f 8 |awk '{total = total + $1}END{print total}'
-echo -n "Selected events per stream: "
-grep "stream 8," lbn_anal_map.txt |cut -d ' ' -f 17 |awk '{total = total + $1}END{print total}'
-maxstream=19 #0 up to 49 - 19 does 1M events
-#split into all the desired streams
-for s in $(seq 0 $maxstream); do 
-  grep "stream ${s}," lbn_anal_map.txt | grep -v "and 0 wanted" > lbn_anal_map_stream${s}.txt
-  mkdir -p output_stream${s}
-#split into jobs for each stream and make filelist and lbn_anal_map files
-rm -f output_stream*/filelist_*.txt output_stream*/lbn_anal_map_*.txt
-python $maxstream > log_lbn_anal_map_splitter.txt
-rm output_stream*/*501.txt
-grep "doesnt contain" log_lbn_anal_map_splitter.txt
-if [ $? == 0 ]; then exit; fi
-grep -c "not in files map" log_lbn_anal_map_splitter.txt
-#if [ $? == 0 ]; then exit; fi
-echo "$? files not found in map..."
-for s in $(seq 1 $maxstream); do
- echo "renaming stream $s to 0"
- for f in {1..500}; do sed -i -e "s%stream $s,%stream 0,%g" output_stream${s}/lbn_anal_map_${f}.txt; done
-it=2016_hip8TeV_1 #just a name to tag this set of files
-for s in $(seq 0 $maxstream); do cd output_stream${s}; tar cfz stream${s}_${it}.tar.gz *.txt; cd ..; done
-mv -v output_stream*/stream*_${it}.tar.gz ~/public/overlay/lists/
-#to check the events in each map:
-for s in $(seq 0 $maxstream); do
- echo -n "files with 100 events in stream $s :"
- for f in {1..500}; do cat output_stream${s}/lbn_anal_map_$f.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 17 |awk '{total = total + $1}END{print total}'; done |grep -c 100
-#to show number of files in each filelist:
-echo ; echo "files in each filelist (in stream 0)..." ; for f in output_stream0/filelist_*.txt; do echo -n `grep -o $sstream $f | wc -l`; echo " : $f"; done |sort -n
diff --git a/Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/run_lbn_analyze.C b/Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/run_lbn_analyze.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 608315cc64c..00000000000
--- a/Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/run_lbn_analyze.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
- gROOT->ProcessLine(".L lbn_analyze.C+");
- for (int i=0; i<50; ++i){//number of zerobias streams to make
-   //gSystem->Sleep(2000);//to get new random number seed
-   lbn_analyze(i,50000);//number of events per zerobias stream
- }
diff --git a/Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/CMakeLists.txt b/Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/CMakeLists.txt
index 87f20348895..9ddead6f5fd 100644
--- a/Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -11,4 +11,12 @@ atlas_add_component( OverlayByteStreamUtils
                      INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS}
-                     LINK_LIBRARIES LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} AthenaBaseComps AthenaKernel ByteStreamCnvSvcLib GaudiKernel StoreGateLib TrigConfHLTData TrigConfInterfaces TrigSteeringEvent TrigT1Result )
+                     LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} AthenaBaseComps AthenaKernel ByteStreamCnvSvcLib GaudiKernel StoreGateLib TrigConfHLTData TrigConfInterfaces TrigSteeringEvent TrigT1Result )
+# Utility scripts
+atlas_install_runtime( scripts/*.py )
+atlas_install_runtime( scripts/*.sh )
+atlas_add_executable (LB_analyze util/LB_analyze.cxx
+                      INCLUDE_DIRS ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS}
+                      LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} )
diff --git a/Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/scripts/ b/Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..6c451453b65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#!/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+# get the list of special run,lbn with more than 1 file
+special_run_lbn = {}
+with open("runs_lbn_files.txt") as f:
+    for line in f:
+        # print line
+        if not line.startswith("root"):
+            print("WARNING: line doesn't start with 'root'")
+            print(line)
+            continue
+        fileName = line.rstrip()
+        print(fileName)
+        finfo = fileName.split(".")
+        run = finfo[3]
+        lbi = 4  # index of the lbn info
+        while "_lb" not in finfo[lbi] and lbi < 20:
+            lbi += 1
+        if lbi >= 20:
+            print(finfo[lbi] + " doesnt contain _lb")
+            exit(1)
+        lbn = finfo[lbi].replace("_lb", "")
+        print(run+"_"+lbn)
+        if run+"_"+lbn in special_run_lbn:
+            if fileName in special_run_lbn[run+"_"+lbn]:
+                print("%s already in map for %s %s" % (fileName, run, lbn))
+            else:
+                special_run_lbn[run+"_"+lbn].append(fileName)
+        else:
+            special_run_lbn[run+"_"+lbn] = [fileName]
+    for key in special_run_lbn.keys():
+        pass
+    print("done with special_run_lbn")
+# do the work
+maxstream = int(sys.argv[1])
+print("maxstream=%d" % maxstream)
+for s in range(0, maxstream+1):  # 50
+    with open("lbn_anal_map_stream"+str(s)+".txt") as f:
+        tot = 0
+        nfile = 1
+        of = open("output_stream"+str(s) +
+                  "/lbn_anal_map_"+str(nfile)+".txt", "w")
+        of2 = open("output_stream"+str(s)+"/filelist_"+str(nfile)+".txt", "w")
+        for line in f:
+            linfo = line.split(" ")
+            tot += int(linfo[16])
+            run = linfo[3].replace(",", "").zfill(8)
+            lbn = linfo[5].replace(",", "").zfill(4)
+            if tot > 100:
+                # replace last bit of line and also write it to the new file
+                extra = tot-100
+                forthisone = int(linfo[16])-extra
+                rline = line.replace(
+                    linfo[16]+" wanted", str(forthisone)+" wanted")
+                of.write(rline)
+                if run+"_"+lbn in special_run_lbn:
+                    for f in special_run_lbn[run+"_"+lbn]:
+                        if of2.tell() > 0:
+                            of2.write(",")
+                        of2.write(f)
+                else:
+                    print("%s %s not in files map!" % (run, lbn))
+                of.close()
+                of2.close()
+                nfile += 1
+                of = open("output_stream"+str(s) +
+                          "/lbn_anal_map_"+str(nfile)+".txt", "w")
+                of2 = open("output_stream"+str(s) +
+                           "/filelist_"+str(nfile)+".txt", "w")
+                tot = extra  # the number left over from the last set
+                rline = line.replace(linfo[16]+" wanted", str(extra)+" wanted")
+                of.write(rline)
+                if run+"_"+lbn in special_run_lbn:
+                    for f in special_run_lbn[run+"_"+lbn]:
+                        if of2.tell() > 0:
+                            of2.write(",")
+                        of2.write(f)
+                else:
+                    print("%s %s not in files map!" % (run, lbn))
+            elif tot == 100:
+                of.write(line)
+                if run+"_"+lbn in special_run_lbn:
+                    for f in special_run_lbn[run+"_"+lbn]:
+                        if of2.tell() > 0:
+                            of2.write(",")
+                        of2.write(f)
+                else:
+                    print("%s %s not in files map!" % (run, lbn))
+                of.close()
+                of2.close()
+                nfile += 1
+                of = open("output_stream"+str(s) +
+                          "/lbn_anal_map_"+str(nfile)+".txt", "w")
+                of2 = open("output_stream"+str(s) +
+                           "/filelist_"+str(nfile)+".txt", "w")
+                tot = 0
+            else:
+                of.write(line)
+                if run+"_"+lbn in special_run_lbn:
+                    for f in special_run_lbn[run+"_"+lbn]:
+                        if of2.tell() > 0:
+                            of2.write(",")
+                        of2.write(f)
+                else:
+                    print("%s %s not in files map!" % (run, lbn))
+        print("done %d" % s)
+        of.close()
+        of2.close()
diff --git a/Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/ b/Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/scripts/
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 71%
rename from Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/
rename to Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/scripts/
index 7a6c072b853..cf47e1421f2
--- a/Event/EventOverlay/EventOverlayJobTransforms/scripts/0biasselection/
+++ b/Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/scripts/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------
 # Script :
 # Purpose: Utility to retrieve number of events per LB from SFO DB
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
 # Created: Aug 17, 2011
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+from __future__ import print_function
 import sys, getopt
 def GetSFO_LBNEvents( cursor, runno, streamname ):
@@ -26,12 +28,12 @@ def OpenSFOConnection():
     return cx_Oracle.connect("ATLAS_SFO_T0_R/readmesfotz2008@atlr")
 def usage():
-    print ' '
-    print 'Usage: python %s [options]' % sys.argv[0]
-    print '  -r | --run      : run number (REQUIRED)'
-    print '  -s | --stream   : full stream name (REQUIRED)'
-    print '  -h | --help     : print this usage message'
-    print ' '
+    print(' ')
+    print('Usage: %s [options]' % sys.argv[0])
+    print('  -r | --run      : run number (REQUIRED)')
+    print('  -s | --stream   : full stream name (REQUIRED)')
+    print('  -h | --help     : print this usage message')
+    print(' ')
 def main():
@@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ def main():
     except getopt.GetoptError:
         # print help information and exit:
-        print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: unknown options in argument %s' % sys.argv[1:]
+        print('ERROR: unknown options in argument %s' % sys.argv[1:], file=sys.stderr)
     runno   = None
@@ -62,17 +64,17 @@ def main():
     connection = OpenSFOConnection()
     cursor     = connection.cursor()
-    print 'Results for run: %i, stream: "%s"' % (runno, stream)
+    print('Results for run: %i, stream: "%s"' % (runno, stream))
     # min/max LB number for given run/stream
     # --> this command is slow... don't know why
     # minLB, maxLB = GetSFO_LBs( cursor, runno )
     # print 'LB range: %i -- %i' % (minLB, maxLB)
-    # list with 
+    # list with
     lblist = GetSFO_LBNEvents( cursor, runno, stream )
-    print 'First non-zero LB: ',lblist[0][1]
-    print 'Last  non-zero LB: ',lblist[-1][1]
+    print('First non-zero LB: ' + str(lblist[0][1]))
+    print('Last  non-zero LB: ' + str(lblist[-1][1]))
     # access to all LBs
     sumnev    = 0
@@ -80,18 +82,17 @@ def main():
     sumfsize  = 0
     for (nev,lb,nfiles,fsize) in lblist:
         fsize /= 1.e6
-        print ' ... Run %i, LB %i has %i events, %i RAW files and %f MB' % (runno,lb,nev,nfiles,fsize)
+        print(' ... Run %i, LB %i has %i events, %i RAW files and %f MB' % (runno,lb,nev,nfiles,fsize))
         sumnev    += nev
         sumnfiles += nfiles
         sumfsize  += fsize
-    print '--------------------------------------------------'
-    print 'Total #events : ', sumnev
-    print 'Total #files  : ', sumnfiles
-    print 'Total RAW size: ', sumfsize/1000.0, ' GB'
+    print('--------------------------------------------------')
+    print('Total #events : ', sumnev)
+    print('Total #files  : ', sumnfiles)
+    print('Total RAW size: ', sumfsize/1000.0, ' GB')
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/scripts/ b/Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..fea8dac1e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# NOTE: Rucio setup is required
+set -e
+# use GRL, from:;O=D
+# consult:
+# and:
+# TODO: read from args
+#sstream="physics_ZeroBias" #pp or UPC
+sstream="physics_MinBiasOverlay" #HI
+# just a name to tag this set of files
+# TODO: read from args
+wget -nc "$dq"
+# Can just go here:  ... note use --online lumi tag for HI, unless a better one is available
+# and request --verbose output and use physics trigger HLT_noalg_zb_L1ZB, 
+# then wget "Raw iLimuiCalc output", and "mv output.txt lbn_2015; ln -s lbn_2015 lbn"
+# if you want to redo this:
+# rm -f lbn
+if [ ! -f "lbn" ]; then 
+  # iLumiCalc -t L1_ZB -V -x "$dq" --livetrigger=L1_EM12 > lbn
+  iLumiCalc -t L1_ZB --lumitag OflLumi-HI-009 -V -x "$dq" --livetrigger=L1_EM12 | tee lbn
+grep ": Total" lbn ; echo
+# get info on number of events and files per lumi block in each run
+# if you want to redo this:
+# rm -f lbnevents*
+# rm -f runs_lbn_files.txt
+rm -f runs_temp.txt
+runs=$(grep "subchild node value" lbn|cut -f 3 -d : |sed 's/[\x01-\x1F\x7F]//g'|sed 's%\[0m%%g'|sed 's%\[34m%%g'|sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g')
+# loop over all runs
+for runn in $runs; do
+  # Only works on lxplus now!
+  # if [[ ! -f "lbnevents_${runn}.txt" ]]; then 
+  #   echo "Getting Nevent info for run $runn "
+  # -r "$runn" -s "$sstream" | grep "... Run" | tee "lbnevents_${runn}.txt"
+  # fi
+  rm -f runs_temp_temp.txt
+  touch runs_temp_temp.txt
+  if [[ ! -f "runs_lbn_files.txt" ]]; then 
+    echo "Getting file info for run $runn "
+    file=$(rucio list-file-replicas "${pref}.00${runn}.${sstream}.${suf}.RAW" || true)
+    # dataset=$(rucio list-dataset-replicas "${pref}.00${runn}.${sstream}.${suf}.RAW")
+    set +e
+    rsefound=$(echo "$file" | grep -c "CERN-PROD_TZDISK")
+    if [[ ! $rsefound -eq 0 ]]; then
+      echo "$file" | (grep "CERN-PROD_TZDISK" || true) | cut -d '|' -f 6 | sed "s% CERN-PROD_TZDISK: gsi" | sed -r 's/\s+//g' | grep "_lb" > runs_temp_temp.txt
+      cat runs_temp_temp.txt >> runs_temp.txt
+      # echo -n "Replicated? : "; (echo "$dataset" | grep CERN-PROD_TZDISK) || echo "false"
+    fi
+    nfound=$(grep -c data runs_temp_temp.txt)
+    echo "Found $nfound files on TZDISK"
+    set -e
+    if [ "$nfound" -eq 0 ]; then
+      # look also on DATADISK if not found on TZDISK
+      set +e
+      rsefound=$(echo "$file" | grep -c "CERN-PROD_DATADISK")
+      if [[ ! $rsefound -eq 0 ]]; then
+        echo "$file" | grep "CERN-PROD_DATADISK" | cut -d '|' -f 6 | sed "s% CERN-PROD_DATADISK: gsi" | sed -r 's/\s+//g' | grep "_lb" > runs_temp_temp.txt
+        cat runs_temp_temp.txt >> runs_temp.txt
+        # echo -n "Replicated? : "; (echo "$dataset" | grep CERN-PROD_DATADISK) || echo "false"
+      fi
+      nfound=$(grep -c data runs_temp_temp.txt)
+      echo "Found $nfound files on DATADISK"
+      set -e
+    fi
+    if [ "$nfound" -eq 0 ]; then
+      # look also on RAW if not found on DATADISK
+      set +e
+      rsefound=$(echo "$file" | grep -c "CERN-PROD_RAW")
+      if [[ ! $rsefound -eq 0 ]]; then
+        echo "$file" | grep "CERN-PROD_RAW" | cut -d '|' -f 6 | sed "s% CERN-PROD_RAW: %%" | sed -r 's/\s+//g' | grep "_lb" > runs_temp_temp.txt
+        cat runs_temp_temp.txt >> runs_temp.txt
+        # echo -n "Replicated? : "; (echo "$dataset" | grep CERN-PROD_RAW) || echo "false"
+      fi
+      nfound=$(grep -c data runs_temp_temp.txt)
+      echo "Found $nfound files on RAW"
+      set -e
+    fi
+    if [ "$nfound" -eq 0 ]; then
+      echo "No files found!"
+    fi
+  fi
+rm runs_temp_temp.txt
+if [[ ! -f runs_lbn_files.txt ]]; then mv runs_temp.txt runs_lbn_files.txt ; fi
+# if you want to redo this:
+# rm -f lbn_anal_map.txt 
+if [[ ! -f lbn_anal_map.txt ]]; then LB_analyze | tee log_lbn_analyze.txt ; fi
+# Only works on lxplus now!
+# echo -n "Total events in dataset before GRL: "
+# cat lbnevents_*.txt | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 8 | awk '{total = total + $1}END{print total}'
+echo -n "Total events in dataset from log_lbn_analyze.txt: "
+grep "stream 0" log_lbn_analyze.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 6 | awk '{total = total + $1}END{print total}'
+echo -n "Total events in dataset from lbn_anal_map: "
+grep "stream 1," lbn_anal_map.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 8 | awk '{total = total + $1}END{print total}'
+echo -n "Selected events per stream: "
+grep "stream 8," lbn_anal_map.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 17 | awk '{total = total + $1}END{print total}'
+maxstream=19 #0 up to 49 - 19 does 1M events
+#split into all the desired streams
+for s in $(seq 0 $maxstream); do 
+  grep "stream ${s}," lbn_anal_map.txt | grep -v "and 0 wanted" > "lbn_anal_map_stream${s}.txt"
+  mkdir -p "output_stream${s}"
+# split into jobs for each stream and make filelist and lbn_anal_map files
+rm -f output_stream*/filelist_*.txt output_stream*/lbn_anal_map_*.txt $maxstream | tee log_lbn_anal_map_splitter.txt
+rm output_stream*/*501.txt
+if grep "doesnt contain" log_lbn_anal_map_splitter.txt; then exit; fi
+set +e
+count=$(grep -c "not in files map" log_lbn_anal_map_splitter.txt)
+set -e
+echo "$count files not found in map..."
+for s in $(seq 1 $maxstream); do
+ echo "renaming stream $s to 0"
+ for f in {1..500}; do sed -i -e "s%stream $s,%stream 0,%g" "output_stream${s}/lbn_anal_map_${f}.txt"; done
+for s in $(seq 0 $maxstream); do cd "output_stream${s}"; tar cfz "stream${s}_${out_name}.tar.gz" *.txt; cd ..; done
+mkdir -p lists
+mv -v output_stream*/stream*_${out_name}.tar.gz lists/
+#to check the events in each map:
+for s in $(seq 0 $maxstream); do
+ echo -n "files with 100 events in stream $s :"
+ for f in {1..500}; do cat "output_stream${s}/lbn_anal_map_$f.txt" | cut -d ' ' -f 17 | awk '{total = total + $1}END{print total}'; done | grep -c 100
+#to show number of files in each filelist:
+echo ; echo "files in each filelist (in stream 0)..." ; for f in output_stream0/filelist_*.txt; do echo -n $(grep -o "$sstream" "$f" | wc -l); echo " : $f"; done | sort -n
+echo "DONE"
diff --git a/Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/scripts/ b/Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..435a1c453b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+# Only works on lxplus now!
+set -e
+# TODO: read from args
+#sstream="physics_ZeroBias" #pp or UPC
+sstream="physics_MinBiasOverlay" #HI
+runs=$(grep "subchild node value" lbn | cut -f 3 -d : | sed 's/[\x01-\x1F\x7F]//g' | sed 's%\[0m%%g' | sed 's%\[34m%%g' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g')
+# loop over all runs
+for runn in $runs; do
+  if [[ ! -f "lbnevents_${runn}.txt" ]]; then 
+    echo "Getting Nevent info for run $runn "
+ -r "$runn" -s "$sstream" | grep "... Run" | tee "lbnevents_${runn}.txt"
+  fi
diff --git a/Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/util/LB_analyze.cxx b/Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/util/LB_analyze.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c0ef551c92d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Simulation/Overlay/OverlayByteStreamUtils/util/LB_analyze.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+#include <map>
+#include <TRandom3.h>
+struct lbn_info
+  int nevt{};
+  float intlumi{};
+  int nevtwanted{};
+struct run_info
+  int nevt{};
+  float intlumi{};
+  std::map<int, lbn_info> lbnmap;
+  int nevtwanted{};
+int readeventcounts(int run,
+                    std::map<int, int> &eventcounts)
+  eventcounts.clear();
+  char buf[50];
+  sprintf(buf, "lbnevents_%d.txt", run);
+  printf("Opening %s, eventcounts size is %lu\n", buf, eventcounts.size());
+  FILE *fp = fopen(buf, "r");
+  if (!fp) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s!!!\n", buf);
+    return 1;
+  }
+  char *line = new char[500];
+  while (fgets(line, 480, fp)) {
+    int lbn, ne, nf, runn;
+    float mb;
+    int s = sscanf(&line[0], " ... Run %d, LB %d has %d events, %d RAW files and %f MB", &runn, &lbn, &ne, &nf, &mb);
+    if (s > 4) {
+      if (run != runn) {
+        return 20;
+      }
+      printf("run %d lbn %d has %d events\n", run, lbn, ne);
+      eventcounts[lbn] = ne;
+    } else {
+      fprintf(stderr, "s=%d, bad read?\n", s);
+      return 20;
+    }
+  }
+  delete[] line;
+  printf("Closing %s, eventcounts size is %lu\n", buf, eventcounts.size());
+  fclose(fp);
+  return 0;
+int lbn_analyze(int stream,
+                int nwanted,
+                FILE *outfile)
+  FILE *fp = fopen("lbn", "r");
+    if (!fp) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open lbn input file!!!\n");
+    return 1;
+  }
+  char *line = new char[500];
+  int run, lbn, L1Acc, beforeps, afterps, valid;
+  int liveL1, livebp, liveap;
+  float instlumi, dt, avevtperbx, live, L1p, HLTp, LARp;
+  int grun{};
+  float gtotaltotallumi{}, gtotaltotallumiprescaled{};
+  float gtotallumi{}, gtotallumiprescaled{};
+  TRandom myrand;
+  myrand.SetSeed(0);
+  printf("- myrand seed is %u\n", myrand.GetSeed());
+  myrand.SetSeed(myrand.Integer(10000000) + stream);
+  printf("- myrand seed is now %u\n", myrand.GetSeed());
+  std::map<int, run_info> runmap;
+  std::map<int, int> eventcounts;
+  while (fgets(line, 480, fp)) {
+    if (line[0] != '-') {
+      continue;
+    }
+    int s = sscanf(&line[0],
+      "--- LumiCalculator      : %d[%d]: L1Acc: %d, Livetime trigger L1Acc: %d, InstLumi: %f, deltaT: %f, AvEvtsPerBX: %f, BeforePrescale: %d, AfterPrescale: %d, Livetime trigger BeforePrescale: %d Livetime trigger AfterPrescale: %d, Livefrac: %f, L1Presc: %f, HLTPresc: %f, Valid: %d, LAr ready fraction: %f",
+      &run, &lbn, &L1Acc, &liveL1, &instlumi, &dt, &avevtperbx, &beforeps, &afterps, &livebp, &liveap, &live, &L1p, &HLTp, &valid, &LARp);
+    if (s > 8) {
+      printf("Got %d values : run=%d, lbn=%d, L1Acc=%d, instlumi=%f, L1p=%f, dt=%f, live=%f, afterps=%d \n", s, run, lbn, L1Acc, instlumi, L1p, dt, live, afterps);
+      if (run != grun) {
+	      if (grun > 0) { //change of run
+	        runmap[grun].intlumi = gtotallumi;
+          printf("Setting lumi for run %d to %f\n", grun, gtotallumi);
+	        gtotaltotallumi += gtotallumi;
+          gtotaltotallumiprescaled += gtotallumiprescaled;
+          // reset the int lumi calculation for this run
+	        gtotallumi = 0;
+          gtotallumiprescaled = 0;
+	      }
+	      grun = run; //save the run number
+	      printf("Setting grun to %d\n", run);
+	      // read in event counts from runquery file for run
+	      int status = readeventcounts(run, eventcounts);
+        if (status != 0) {
+          return status;
+        }
+      } //new run
+      if (L1p < 0) {
+	      runmap[run].lbnmap[lbn].nevt = 0;
+	      if (eventcounts[lbn] !=0 ) {
+          printf("For lbn %d, L1p<0 but eventcounts is %d\n",lbn,eventcounts[lbn]);
+        }
+      } else {
+        int ne = L1Acc;//afterps
+        if (ne != eventcounts[lbn]) {
+          if (stream == 0) {
+            printf("For lbn %d, ne from lumicalc is %d but we will trust runquery value of %d\n", lbn, ne, eventcounts[lbn]);
+          }
+          ne = eventcounts[lbn];
+        }
+        if (ne == 0) {
+          dt = 0;
+          printf("For lbn %d, setting lumi to 0 since 0 events were recorded\n", lbn);
+        }
+        runmap[run].lbnmap[lbn].nevt = ne;
+        runmap[run].lbnmap[lbn].intlumi = instlumi * dt * live;
+        runmap[run].nevt += ne;
+        gtotallumiprescaled += instlumi * dt * live / L1p;
+        gtotallumi += instlumi * dt * live;
+       }
+       printf("grun=%d, gtotallumi=%f, gtotallumiprescaled=%f\n", grun, gtotallumi, gtotallumiprescaled);
+    } //good line
+  } //loop over lines in file
+  delete[] line;
+  // after last run
+  runmap[grun].intlumi = gtotallumi;
+  printf("Setting lumi for run %d to %f\n", grun, gtotallumi);
+  gtotaltotallumi += gtotallumi;
+  gtotaltotallumiprescaled += gtotallumiprescaled;
+  fclose(fp);
+  printf("- %lu runs, gtotaltotallumi=%f, gtotaltotallumiprescaled=%f\n", runmap.size(), gtotaltotallumi, gtotaltotallumiprescaled);
+  if (runmap.size() < 1) {
+    printf("- runmap size is %lu, quitting!\n", runmap.size());
+    return 0;
+  }
+  //check the total lumi...
+  double tempr{};
+  for (const auto &[r, info] : runmap) {
+    tempr += info.intlumi;
+  }
+  if (fabs(tempr - gtotaltotallumi) / tempr > 0.001) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "tempr=%f and gtotaltotallumi=%f\n", tempr, gtotaltotallumi);
+    return 3;
+  }
+  for (int e = 0; e < nwanted; ++e) {
+    // pick a random run, proportional to intlumi
+    double rnd = myrand.Uniform(tempr);
+    run = -1;
+    for (const auto &[r, info] : runmap) {
+      if (rnd < info.intlumi) {
+        run = r;
+        break;
+      }
+      rnd -= info.intlumi;
+    }
+    if (run < 0) { // error
+      return 4;
+    }
+    // check the total run lumi...
+    double tempt{};
+    for (const auto &[l, info] : runmap[run].lbnmap) {
+      tempt += info.intlumi;
+    }
+    if (fabs(tempt - runmap[run].intlumi) / tempt > 0.001) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "tempt=%f and runmap[%d].intlumi=%f\n", tempt, run, runmap[run].intlumi);
+      return 5;
+    }
+    //p ick a random lbn, proportional to intlumi
+    rnd = myrand.Uniform(tempt);
+    lbn = -1;
+    for (const auto &[l, info] : runmap[run].lbnmap) {
+      if (rnd < info.intlumi) {
+        lbn = l;
+        break;
+      }
+      rnd -= info.intlumi;
+    }
+    if (lbn < 0) { // error
+      return 6;
+    }
+    runmap[run].nevtwanted++;
+    runmap[run].lbnmap[lbn].nevtwanted++;
+    printf("- stream %d, run %d, lbn %d, choose %d of out %d\n", stream, run, lbn, runmap[run].lbnmap[lbn].nevtwanted, runmap[run].lbnmap[lbn].nevt);
+  } //loop over nwanted
+  for (const auto &[r, rinfo] : runmap) {
+    int totnevt{};
+    float totintlumi{};
+    printf("stream %d, run %d, has %d events and %f/ub, %f intlumi of total, and %d wanted\n", stream,
+      r, rinfo.nevt, rinfo.intlumi, rinfo.intlumi / gtotaltotallumi, rinfo.nevtwanted);
+    for (const auto &[l, linfo] : rinfo.lbnmap) {
+      fprintf(outfile, "stream %d, run %d, lbn %d, has %d events and %f/ub, %f intlumi of run, and %d wanted", stream, r,
+      l, linfo.nevt, linfo.intlumi, linfo.intlumi / rinfo.intlumi, linfo.nevtwanted);
+      if (linfo.nevtwanted > linfo.nevt) {
+        fprintf(outfile, " : WARNING, more than available, will be duplicates!\n");
+      } else {
+        fprintf(outfile,"\n");
+      }
+      totnevt += linfo.nevt;
+      totintlumi += linfo.intlumi;
+    }
+    if (totnevt != rinfo.nevt) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "  XXX events do not agree !!! \n");
+    }
+    if (totintlumi > 0.0 && fabs(totintlumi - rinfo.intlumi) / totintlumi > .001) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "  XXX intlumi does not agree !!! %f %f \n", totintlumi, rinfo.intlumi);
+    }
+  }
+  printf("--\n\n");
+  return 0;
+int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
+  int Nstreams{50};   // number of zerobias streams to make
+  int Nwanted{50000}; // number of events per zerobias stream
+  if (argc == 3) {
+    Nstreams = std::atoi(argv[1]);
+    Nwanted = std::atoi(argv[2]);
+  }
+  printf("Nstreams=%d, Nwanted=%d\n\n", Nstreams, Nwanted);
+  FILE *outfile = fopen("lbn_anal_map.txt", "w");
+  for (int i = 0; i < Nstreams; ++i) {
+    int status = lbn_analyze(i, Nwanted, outfile);
+    if (status != 0) {
+      return status;
+    }
+  }
+  fclose(outfile);
+  return 0;