From 47db6efcace4bfc44c4459240346423fdee18f05 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Julie Kirk <> Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2020 15:15:46 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Add new TrigInDetValidation ART test new file: Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigInDetValidation/test/ --- .../ | 134 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 134 insertions(+) create mode 100755 Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigInDetValidation/test/ diff --git a/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigInDetValidation/test/ b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigInDetValidation/test/ new file mode 100755 index 00000000000..e417f55a46a --- /dev/null +++ b/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigInDetValidation/test/ @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python + +# art-description: art job for all_ttbar_pu80_mp_grid +# art-type: grid +# art-include: master/Athena +# art-input: mc15_13TeV.410000.PowhegPythiaEvtGen_P2012_ttbar_hdamp172p5_nonallhad.recon.RDO.e3698_s2608_s2183_r7195 +# art-input-nfiles: 3 +# art-athena-mt: 4 +# art-output: *.txt +# art-output: *.log +# art-output: log.* +# art-output: *.out +# art-output: *.err +# art-output: *.log.tar.gz +# art-output: *.new +# art-output: *.json +# art-output: *.root +# art-output: *.check* +# art-output: HLTEF-plots +# art-output: HLTL2-plots +# art-output: times +# art-output: times-FTF +# art-output: cost-perCall +# art-output: cost-perEvent +# art-output: cost-perCall-chain +# art-output: cost-perEvent-chain +# art-output: *.dat + + +from TrigValTools.TrigValSteering import Test, ExecStep, CheckSteps +from TrigInDetValidation.TrigInDetArtSteps import TrigInDetAna, TrigInDetdictStep, TrigInDetCompStep + + +import sys,getopt + +try: + opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"l",["local"]) +except getopt.GetoptError: + print("Usage: -l(--local)") + + +local=False +for opt,arg in opts: + if opt in ("-l", "--local"): + local=True + + + +chains = [ + 'HLT_mu6_idperf_L1MU6', + 'HLT_mu24_idperf_L1MU20', + 'HLT_e5_etcut_L1EM3', ## need an idperf chain once one is in the menu + 'HLT_tau25_idperf_tracktwo_L1TAU12IM', + 'HLT_j45_ftf_subjesgscIS_boffperf_split_L1J20' +] + +preexec_trig = ';'.join([ + 'doEmptyMenu=True', + 'doMuonSlice=True', + 'doEgammaSlice=True', + 'doTauSlice=True', + 'doBjetSlice=True', + 'selectChains='+str(chains) +]) + + +preexec_reco = ';'.join([ + 'from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec', + 'rec.doForwardDet=False', + 'rec.doEgamma=False', + 'rec.doMuonCombined=False', + 'rec.doJetMissingETTag=False', + 'rec.doTau=False' +]) + +preexec_aod = ';'.join([ + preexec_reco, + 'from ParticleBuilderOptions.AODFlags import AODFlags', + 'AODFlags.ThinGeantTruth.set_Value_and_Lock(False)', + 'AODFlags.ThinNegativeEnergyCaloClusters.set_Value_and_Lock(False)', + 'AODFlags.ThinNegativeEnergyNeutralPFOs.set_Value_and_Lock(False)', + 'AODFlags.ThinInDetForwardTrackParticles.set_Value_and_Lock(False)' +]) + + + +preexec_all = ';'.join([ + 'from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags', + 'TriggerFlags.AODEDMSet.set_Value_and_Lock(\\\"AODFULL\\\")', +]) + +rdo2aod = ExecStep.ExecStep() +rdo2aod.type = 'Reco_tf' +rdo2aod.max_events = 1000 # TODO: 2000 events +#rdo2aod.threads = 1 # TODO: change to 4 +#rdo2aod.concurrent_events = 1 # TODO: change to 4 +rdo2aod.forks = 4 +rdo2aod.perfmon = False +rdo2aod.args = '--outputAODFile=AOD.pool.root --steering="doRDO_TRIG" ' +if local: + rdo2aod.input = 'ttbar_pu80' ## This isn't the same sample as the grid test but for not lets use it. +else: + rdo2aod.input = '' + rdo2aod.args += '--inputRDOFile=$ArtInFile ' + +rdo2aod.args += ' --preExec "RDOtoRDOTrigger:{:s};" "all:{:s};" "RAWtoESD:{:s};" "ESDtoAOD:{:s};"'.format( + preexec_trig, preexec_all, preexec_reco, preexec_aod) + +test = Test.Test() +test.art_type = 'grid' +test.exec_steps = [rdo2aod] +test.check_steps = CheckSteps.default_check_steps(test) + +# Run analysis to produce TrkNtuple +test.exec_steps.append(TrigInDetAna()) + +# Run Tidardict +test.check_steps.append(TrigInDetdictStep()) + +# Now the comparitor steps +comp=TrigInDetCompStep('CompareStep1') +comp.chains = 'HLT_mu24_idperf_InDetTrigTrackingxAODCnv_Muon_FTF' +comp.output_dir = 'HLT-plots-FTF' +test.check_steps.append(comp) + + +comp2=TrigInDetCompStep('CompareStep2') +comp2.chains='HLT_mu24_idperf_InDetTrigTrackingxAODCnv_Muon_FTF HLT_mu24_idperf_InDetTrigTrackingxAODCnv_Muon_IDTrig' +comp2.output_dir = 'HLT-plots-IDTrig' +test.check_steps.append(comp2) + + +import sys +sys.exit( -- GitLab